HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-22, Page 5•1 H, A. MciNTYRE, L. D. S„ D. D, S naNTlaT Office hours -9 to 12 1 to 6 BLYTH-Tuesdays and Wednesdays Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 130. Dr. W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CORONER COUNTY OF HURON. Office -Queen Street Residence -Dingley Street. BLYTH, • • ONTARIO J. H. R. ELLIOTT, NOTARY PUDLiC & CONVEYANCER Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer's Liability, Plate Glass, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, ('Phone 104) ONTARIO. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,N OTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, MONEY 'IO LOAN, Office- Queen Street BLYTH, ONT GUN LIFE ASSURANCECO. OF CANADL, PROSPEROUS & PROGRESSIVE It leads the field amm,g Canadian Cornpanies, II, R. LONG, District Manager, 0 uderieli THOMAS GUMMY, AUCTIONEER, CODERICH, - ONTARIO harm Stook Sake a epeelalty, Order lett at the:Dlyth Standard Office will be promptly sl expense. tmy my to, Telephone me lutes Dr. J. C. Ross, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office hours -10.30 to 12 2 to 4 7 to 8.30 Except Wednesday evening. Phone No. --Office 51; Residence 69 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN White Citi Drug Store 01 W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH EKE !MEW MCNVMBNTAL WCRT{ has the largest and moat complete stock, the most beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD. IAN GRANITES. We make a specialty of Family Mon• uments and invite your inspection, inscriptions neatly, carefully and promptly dont. Electric tonfa for carving and letter- ing. Call and see us before placing your order. Robt. A. Spotton, WINGHAM. • • ONTARIf Tho tndusbrial Mortgage and Savings Co, SARNIA, ONTARIO Money advanced on first mortgages on lands, Parties desiring money on farm mortgages will please apply to the under- signed. J. H. R, ELLIOTT, Agent, BLYTH, • ONTARIO. C. E. TOLL, L.D.S. D.D.S DENTIST Hours 8.30-12 1.30-6 Wednesdays at Monkton. 'hones 124,-4212 James Taylor • License A tioneer for the County of Huron. s attended to in all parte of the co Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay . .dere left et The Standard promptly attended to. Betgrave Post Office, PHONES: Brussels, 15.13. North Huron, 15-623 The Standard Club bing List: Standard and Daily Globe $6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire6.75 Standard and London Advertiser 6.75 Standard and Free Pree 6.75 Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6.75 Standard and Family Herald 3.00 Standard and Farmer's Sun 3,50 Standard and Can. Countryman 3.40 Standard and Farmer's Advocate 3.00 Standard and Weekly Witness 3.85 Standard and World Wide Standard and Presbyterian Standard and Poultry Journal PAGE 5 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -May 22, 1930 ii `^r`3,t t <earif.0c5.=ti i/ -Zi i'f 'Mar` Bring New Rooms to Your Home with Gyproc A WORK -ROOM for you a -a play -room for the youngsters in the basement. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These are now possible in your home at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burn and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied, structurally strong, it pro- vides fire -safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below. Consult him today and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for in- teresting free book "Build- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris • Ontario IT PAYS TO USE MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCTS r eve,* • r every t Purpose-- Surface -and It pays particularly on Barns and Outbuildings Darns, silos, fences-•- urfaces subjected to attack of sun, rain, snow, frost. Valuable property that will age prematurely with- out the protective covering of a durable, wear and weather resisting paint. It costs so very little to give your buildings this protection with Martin-Scnour Red School House Paint. Isere is a Martin-Senour product specially made for this purpose. Made of the finest English Rai Oxide, mixed in scientific proportion and finely ground by the most modern machinery. A red paint that will stay red, standing off the effects of the weather for many years. A paint that will keep your outbuildings always new, free from expensive repair cost. Where protection and fine appearance are concerned it certainly pays to use Martin- / 0. Senour Red School House Paint, MUNRO BROS., BLYTH, ONT. xsa For Sale by BLYTH PLANING MILLS, Blyth, Ont. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF GOODS FOR olYc�ar� c2ift: CONSISTING OF UP-TO-DATE Footwear, Men's Furnishings, Garters, Arm Bands, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Braces. A FINE DISPLAY OF Towels, Handkerchiefs Ladies' Scarfs. Ga A.MACHAN, Phone 88 BLYTH, ONT. Standard Book & Stationery Store, dimaimmirmeneuril BENMILLER NURSERIES 3,90 We have a larger stock than ever of Bed. 4,50 Gable P11 alts from we - hi hnt,makeals }d a selec- 2,90 tion. Standard and Youth's Companion 4.50 To make sure of getting the varieties you Standard and Northern Messenger 2.5C, your orders early, and if necessary we will Standard and Can. Pictoral 3.95 hold the stock for you till planting time. Standard and Rural Canada 2.70 The Wonderful New Cabbage "Golden Standard and Farm & Dairy 3.00 Aare i1 Je�out now will br ready for use Standard and Saturday Night 5.50 -1 11Y. BROS. Standard and McLean a Magazine 4,75 RR. 4, Goderich, Ont, 77710 Rya Stannard, Phone Carlow , 235. want, it is advisable to select or send in NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of the McNichol Drain and the Phelan Drain. Plans, estimates, pro- files may be seen at the clerk's residence. The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, May 26. 1930, at 2 p, m, and a good -faith bond will be requir ed if you get the conttact. A. MacEWEN, Clerk FOR SALE -10 acres of land on which is situate a good brick dwelling and stable The property will be sold at sacrifice on immediate sale. Apply at The Standard Real Estate Agency, The Standard Real Estate Agency The following very desirable properties have been listed with us at very low pric- es. We also have number of farms and v a village lots which we are offering for Bale Get in touch with us when you are in the market to buy either village or farm pro- perty:- 1i storey brick dwelling on the corner of King and Wilson Streets. Three - eights of an acre of land. This property is in excellent state of repair and can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. li storey frame dwelling on Morrie St. Three-fifths of an acre of land. This is a desirable property for anyone requiring a comfortable home at small price. 11 storey frame dwelling on Dineley St. In good state of repair and moat de- sirably located. This property can be purchased on excellent terms. 1i storey frame on Dineley St. (known se the Graham property). This can be purchased at a very low price to close up the estate. 1i storey brick, modern equipped dwel- ling on Dineley Street. Desirably situat- ed and can be purchased at little more than half the present coat of construction A real snap for anyone desiring an up-to- date home, 1;) storey frame dwelling on Morris St. Half acre of land with small stable. This property can be purchased with only a small payment down. 2 storey brick dwelting on Dineley St. Modern in every particular. quarter of an acre of ground on which there le a good stable and garage. 1 storey frame dwelling on Queen St. North. Quarter acre of land with stable. Get our price on this property. 1 storey frame, asbpalt clad dwelling on Morris St, In splendid repair. A. good buy for small money. li storey brick dwelling on Morrie St, In splendid . repair. Three -eights on an acre of land on which is situate a good stable and garage. The property known as the old fire hall on the east side of Queen Street, This building is now used as a garage. It can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. Ten acres of land. Good brick stable. A most desirable property for anyone desir- ing a small acreage of land. A very desirable 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. One quarter acre of land, Property in excellent condition. Most desirable Location. This property can be purchased for little more than half the coat of construction today. 1,tA storey frame with cement kitchen. stable on premises, i} acres of land, A good buy. 10 acres of land on which is situate a good comfortable frame cottage, barn, driving shed and the land Ina first-class state of cultivation. The Standard Real Estate Agency BLYTH, ONTARIO FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire boar. also a num- ber of Bucking pigs, Apply Alf. Haggitt. lot 13, con. 9, Morris, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, being North s Lot 40, con.3, East Wawanosh, On the prem isea is situate a good 11 storey frame dwelling; barn 60x60 and 40x60 with stone stabling. Hen house 20x30, driving Med 30x30, all in good repair. One and a half acres good bearing orchard. The farm is in splendid state of cultivation, well fenced. drained end watered. For particulars apply to Walter McGill, R. R No. 5, Goderich. COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision will be held for the Village of Blyth in Memorial Hall on Monday, May 26th. at 8 p. m., to hear and deal with complaints against the As. sessment Roll for the year 1930. Also take notice that complaints against ass sament roll must be in writing, duly signed. and be in the hands of the clerk not later than the 14th day of May 1930. JAS. D. MOODY, Clerk Blyth, May 6, 1930 FOR SERVICE The pure bred Gramandyke Yorkshire boar "Parkdale Emporer No. 140922." This animal gas bred by A. Dynes, Ot- tawa, and was sired by "Valley Farm Rill er 4" the prize winning boar at Ce„trat Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, in 1929. Edward Haggitt, Blyth, Ont. DOPB IN EGYPT Salt Million Egyptians Use Narcotic Drugs, Saye Report. Thera a.re to -day halt a million ptlana alavea of the drug habit where twenty yeare ago they were al' moat in Ignorance that such a thing existed. This is the substance of the report of the Central Narcotics Bu- reau of Egypt to the League of Na- tions Opium Commission, and le one Of the moat sensational documents so far Med with that body, according be 3. V. McAree in the Tweak, Matt and Empire. It has been prepared by' T. W. Russell, an Englishman wtto is director of the bureau and also head of the Cairo elty pollee, and has the approval of the Mustapha EL -Natio, Prime Minister. When it to said that leas than a generation ago the Egyp- tians were almost in ignorance of the drug evil, it should be explained that the ignorance concerned the modern drugs such as heroin and co- caine which are now being used by 600,000 people. The East has always had its drugs which have taken the place of alcoholic liquors, Visions of a voluptuous paradise populated chiefly by houris have also afforded the Orientals an escape from realities and an anodyne for them. But the old drugs were mild in comparison, Chief among them was hashish, which is a habit-forming drug, but nothing like so terrible in its effects Wherein, The hashish evil, accord - 'lag to Mr. Russell, Is a local one and can be handled by the Egyptian au- thorities themselves. It may take n good while to root it out, but tt Is no such problem as that of the synthetic drugs manufactured in Europe. To rid Egypt of these narcotics the co-operation of Europe Is necessary, and the need is urgent. One has only to reflect that one person out of every 28 in Egypt is a. drug addict and that 20 '.ars ago heroin was unknown ren.ittt�3brNw erfully the hanit has eatabllshed It- nol1. Egypt has done what she can to protect herself, hut Egypt has not the means and is never likely to have thorn to stem the tide of smuggling. It will have to be checked on the European side, Another sinister fact Is that drug uaere create other drug users. Nothing to commoner than for a drunkard either 1n his cups or when sober, to issue the most solemn warnings to others not to follow his example, hut drug users just an com- monly tell those tuba wilt listen to them of the delights to bo found in the nee of narcotic,. Moreover to be- come a persistent user of aleoholin beverages cuntITSconelderable force of character anti persistence. Once gained the habit can be broken br any person of average will power, In Pact, reformed drunkards are a good deal commoner 1n 000 civilization than CIunkatdie Ilut the dope habit Is easily acquired. There is no initial distaste or nausea to be overcome. Once formed it lasts for life. In recent months the drug smug- gling business or Egypt in supposed to be in fewer hands, but this doe% not mean that there is less of 1t. Ou the contrary, so much money has been made and the prospects of mak- ing more are so alluring that there ban come into existence a powerful smuggling ring with ample funds at its disposal to bribe officials who will accept bribes and perhaps deal suit- ably with occasional informers. It to against this unholy combine that the League of Nations is asked to act. LONG EARTH WORMS. Australian Naturalist Captures Soen+e Ten Feet In Length. Gigantic earthworms, ten or eleven feet long, able to lay three-inch eggs like huge olives, and In the habit of making loud gurgling solace when- ever a human being walks on the ground nearby, have been captured by Charles Barrett, Australian nat- urallet, in the extreme southeastern tip of that ooutinent. These gigantic worms, one of which would make bait enough for a whole season's fishing, usually live In heavy day soil, Mr. Barrett reports, into which they burrow deeply in the bot season. In the eprittg and fail they come nearer to the surface. Stalked with sufriclent care they can be dug out and captured but If vibration of the ground alarms them the creatures contract their bodies quickly- into the deeper parts of the burrows. That is what makes their gurgling noise. The average length of captured worms, Mr. Harrettt re- ports, 1s about four feet, but one nine -foot epoch -nen was measured and an it -foot ane is credibly reported. These Australian giants belong to the same animal group ae the ordinary American eartltworme, although one relatively little studied by nat- e ralteto, Aviation Creates New Words. Two new words, "enplane" and "deplane," are to be included In the forthcoming edition of tho Amoricau New Standard Dictionary. The rat- ing of the two words is impeccable, it is added, according to the editor of the dictionary, who says that their use in alr transport is synonymous to that of "entrain" and "detrain' in railway. setwtccs,