HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-18, Page 5•
Deoerale.F 18th, 194
4 Road, Tuckersinith, one mile east of !
• clipice 15o acre farm on the Huron
chard. The Bayfield river runs across
two wells, windmill, and snia.11 or -
back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats,
mer kitchen, first class bank barn,. . "''"-- •,, worse on Satur4lay" night than she had week Loni attending the annual Meet- coMPlained of weakness of his heart,
drive shed, hen house, pig pen, silo,
Clinton. New, frame house with sum- I „
Nov. 12th.
Nov. 4th.
business., for sale in' the village of -
sale 'cheap. Suitable for barn or
stable floors, eulverts, etc..
The undersigned offers for sale that
The endersigned -offers his hardware
A quantity of hardwood plank 'for
, -,......-,-
R. RQUATT, Bayfield.
P . Clinton. •
... ,, 0, d
during the past two years daring .,. ended 1111 their hope a seeing <en,, 0,,iIz, of t_heittn,, ii._.1 itiliewesrailea.vte(:•upasyai;l:
which time I served you faithfully'. ;nth.. alive. He Jeft home five years "aw "I' 4 WI
I am again a candidate and teapect- ago and never re -visited it. Nis . - ,
re (rite you in the eoutity. council
fully solicit your vote
The und ' dd ff 1 1 - -
Ladies and Gentlemen, -I have rep. 'the above melancholy
Yours respectiully, enta are in great grief, knowing what ...) 1" ) 1 * ' 10101ity i11 the person of Xr. Williana
ersign o ers or sa e •
D. CANTELON, Clinton.
•• 0
. EM`FIONS 7.:
•, and influence, :.brother Norman was by his side
.., n
• , • three neldvs at the ItoSpital. Ills par-
.. •
• illness.
„ this af tet noon."
..-: he suffered after the arm was maim -
day night.
Ste. Marie, Mich., -on Sunday after- it very commodious.
l Mrs. slohn Robertson was very much the 1Vonan s institute, returned last Strength unttl very. recently when he .
been during the peril of some weps' ing of the Women's Institute of On- nothing so serious, however, being
tated.. +Tile- ...remains. . ,
the veteran carb--.-•\in., Itinsewwsifereactel. In
man with his body leaves for home •
.-, : I ! lill MI 11. I I ! II t+++++++4 14+++++++++++[014+401. 044 en, was preaching anniversary sermons
yce fig son Alien cn Sunday, which ' - ' •
". Packed. to the doors" tvas what grand and that hundreds of ladies vis- and after having •dtnner sat down t
Ce.ptan Norman McAuley received . Mr. John Ferris has enlarged his
Xenneth died this morning: Nor.:
, _ • Yr.++. ..,..-•..--,../...,10.,ATV,..a
telegram from .Sault dwell'ng 155. Sou:it street which snakes
, . • •
arrived on Mon-
. was the next quay to which we re -
THE CLIKTDDI /41.10WS-11.14004D.
tail°. She said the poultry show was extracted; On Sunday lie arose as usual
compliment," and the gents went on.
humorously said, " lon had better go
i IV I " Olt ' Saturday Matt
We said •1° Nothing." " But what '
men were admiring the illuminated
will wc have to pay to get out ?"
display add 1101ding the .door 'open we
store on Saturday mglit some
•ou'll I ' • . Alf' t r ' but a
Mrs. Colin Campbell president of he hail -been the picture •of he* th and
When. coining out of IL:dgens 13ros'
gentlemen and get electrified."
Pntle" sv‘pletclidy wculig).Pillt 1;i1:14e4heawpiirlemeferedeyt and .
' relptori: tc1,7la.atruf
; worth trying;
Sabbath, The pastor,,. Rev. V. .T. Oat- The vounty ot guron spoke eruphat-
Rev. W. It. Vance of Betvie foreibly
L[. [ 1 1 [ [ ...,,,
Dreseuted the claim of the Missionary
away on Sunday .ast. Throughout. life
read. but not for long. The fatal No.. 1 .
Seeiety on the A.shfield Circuit last
hang near sleeping children afflicted
at Purple Grove.
spell came and lie dropped to the
a cloth saturated in turpentine ana
Johnston who was sudcltalv called
highly-. respected resident of our coin- No, 1, Stanley, and No. 3, Goderich No, r
4 uriter in an exchange claims that
• DRYSD.6,,LE. ,
o 'For Against Majority Stephen
A gating 4,22o. Every municipality gave
d ively. The vote was unanimous in
! township, Ihe 'West and 344st eartled exal'et([,err2tii
i a, majority except McKillop where the
' vole tteb ::otoo dwn2shlvga.oinusi t)t. roInvoettetes wdievricsirtem._ ii.
A„, ,
lolly on tbe 4th inst,, in favor of a. No. r .
. Ilowick the temperance' sentiment is
ing majoritius•of 457 and 479, respect-
bolithilig the bar, the majority aggro
especially strong, those tolmships giv-
corded. in ,favor ofltho Liquor Act of
tue me:reticent over the vote al • 1898,
1902 and ro9 against. * In Grey and
but the South riding falls 335 short,
Goderich. Town •
• 6
No. 5
, 2
4 ,,
SOUT3I7 IIUR051%124 253
East_ Wawanosh.
West Wawanosh.
5386. z6 42
153 6r 92
' 59
' 1316u5llett.
For .A.gainst 'Majority
240 196 44
Ig 13 .3
84 14
,4° /47 53
87 5
497. 32196.
38 • 21
16 74
9 44
67 82
splendid farm, well situated,. and • h --1 - hi . r ' •
he finest of grass land. This is a
Dart of lot ir eon. 3, Hallett.
parcel of land consisting .of 30 acres, we heard Same one remark on. the 'ted it. •
street 011 Sunday -afternoon 'Whi'eh re- 1.,/ u...._ , ,, , „
ferr d to• Crossley and nunter's rciviv-
Nsetng, wa.s calkd nit but life was .
floor: The doctor, who chanced to' be 2 •
66 37
61 45
e7 }lay
16 Gocleriall,tp 1337572
2o2 3o2 93
17,1' zee
will be sold on easy terms.
ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton . 1 e ot, W ic i is we miles from Clin- •
on easy terms, For further partica-
tot, is seeded .dowri. It will be sold al s.1.04ce ui-the opera house., '.,,
Mr-,, William Blake of Colborne. a at. .
nd ing
t lained At sulver on 'Friday even -
at the Lome of :qr. W. Sowerhy
414-011 association gun cien were
_ Year' and was one of the .piomees of
extinct. The cleeeascd was in his 66th
• •
• 5
• 4
te g?
61 i 38 23
15 1PulgternLiith 315
12 2o3
102 2x3
1O6 96
z32 7r
44 308
June 9th.
• • ______ lars „apply to •
JAMES ST. jOIIN, family will remove in january to the
residence on Wate,loo street lately' •
OCeupied by Mrs. Briegeh • • Ali it tio pests Sat, clown to one of
the linok oyster suppers on the rifle
iis new, purdhise, Forbes' Farm.
the settlenient..- He leaves behind him •
a widow, two sons and four daughters 6
Bayfield - 62
FARM FOR SALE. Holinesville '1), 0,,, Talk about times being prosperous ‘ ,.
' dub :2.0ro, • Mr.. • David Bell caterer, to mourn the loss of a loving husband 7 33 24 _....,9 Stanley 312
The undersigned offers for, sale. lot Dec. i6th.
, •
. . gene up 5 cents per gallon and moo of , ,
, Were Inc congratulatory to the host
, •°"ter super, at which many Speeches .
cemetery,. whither they were followed. IYIajority for 107.
390 283 107 • HensalI 102
• . .
Total vote on list '
• 46 266 •
37 65
and . a kuul and affections.te fa.ther. 14 48
• • • .
1' • C • ch n1 I s r that I oil 1, •
, , His remains were interred in Bayfield
' 2360 996 1364
43, con. 13, Hullett, containing 90
":- th 11 f '1 I t - ••• I
un around vs, and our American / l• . . ' by 4 large, concourse of friends. The No, 1
' ' . ' affo . ded, all were in‘.iccd into his ,i
, 4or .‘iie savoury animunitic n his tame
• 60 27 .
Total 'vote polled in 1898 539z
I acres,' 8o acres cleared, balance good • • • • , - sd
4t$ Total vote polled on referendum 3356
33 5585
hardwood bush. 6 acres in fall wheat 28 . 14
40 73 -Votes less in. favor than half- '•
and r2 acres fresh seeded down. Frcane 23
to.1.4 in,1898 •
house and bank barn. One mile from
Total vote polled ia May, ,
school. Will be sold on reasonable
the village of Auburn, % mile from
bearing orchard and ' plenty of water.
containing 97 acres. There are? +,.,,.. 2110 i 5
frame youseis and bergs on the place, aktea to the num )er in genera/ nse.
An arch was formed of Ahern at some
t a extra electric belits beim,.
1'. • - , . , ' IS . W ilson of the
'bee of Cprlow -and Lamilirey of -the
Bayfic-t1 Ro...d• ATe•-' St, Thomas, Dec, 15,-Elenry A. Majority for 168,
Branton, proprietor of the Balmoral
Hotel d b ' , bartender . . 286
- . r68
• May last . • • 1902 4941
Less. votes polled than In . .
WILI,IAM YOUNGBLUT, 'Will be sold on terms to suit the'pur distance from ilia centre ,of the store ercm. Road, Several ladies aild'gett-
rested,' They are charged with bal-
, .
at tho Western Hotel, have been ar- .
October 27th.
Auburn P. 0.
Dec, 16th. , . • •
chaser. '
W. W. FARRAN or • • .
C, C. RANCE', Clinton,
. •
. . ed by the • electric 11ghts. An alcove •
the store lent its brilliancy to the
• sect 0, being. very tastefully • surioune-
depth and completely entelopcd in over
encl a large pier glass at the end . of
idea sarontded .the store, of some on
, traction to the feast:
•tat, the 1211 on drive adding its:
emen of toun enjoyc:d tile .gun club
s .'we were coming along the soatire • raut out for the arrest of William H. ., .. 4' 47 . , 35.
morning last week a legal light Walah, but he is out of the city. The •
ook . one of our hotel men, acensed,are out on bail. of $1,000 .
" 'said the L, L., '.' What...* ef-, each, aft* will come up for trial next
• lot•box stuffing. There is also a war- .. . - 3
Majority for 75;. •
No, x .
2 • 799 ' .- .r7 '12(2):
.. 254 •179
69 38 31
75 • Turnberry 331
• Howick.
- Orussels • • 111
'McKillioP •
Grey 510' 103 407 •
For Against Majority -
583 -1o4 479 • •
55 , ' 11585
27 28. .
"0 . 40 . .
% mile east of Varna. 90 acres clear -
offer to sell for $5,000 my splendid ioo
acre farin situated on the Front Road,
As I wish.to retire from farming I
King street for, Sale. lhere is hard
and Soft water, a good stable, eto.
The undersigtted.offers his' cottage on --. `. • P ' duti - HOUSE FOR ''S.A.I.1°,. •
.• , , ,
• - v,hite bunting fantastically arranged • c! WL
a.nd kid gloves in all Colors• in the.oth;'
5,[ein to •ta.lte the lead' in one. window..
and decorated with Myrtle and holly.
L• di -S° ba dkereiriefs in 111 d *sz ns , ,
••• li " Oh. I t t know," said the II. M., • •
. •
since," and we went on -thinking. that San Francisco, 'Dec; 15.. -The' Pa-
feet ha ,t , referendum ,liad on you ?" Thursday. •
Ix a •e Long a • good business
1 , 1 . ,.-
. e obi° anded...,-,
, .
,1 . ' No. 1. • 93 3 . • 90 ,
. Goderich '65Towns:. 49 ,
' ' '• 6. 6 . 62
. .
Mullett 230
358 115 . 243
209 211 2
Good frame house with cellar, barn
and shed. Good bearing orchard', good
• •JANIES'll,UNFORD,. Clinton, at °.1,1agarSville_, came •up One. day last Mr. aiql Mrs. jamas Postlewaite -B&W It done, -" • -, , • , . .
• Mr. jolin Stratton; station master
• caused th•e good business. • - - - .
' 226 • .... 25 201
• vote of 1898.
. 49 282
ed, To acres hard and soft wood bush
Apise.y at the house., . , . • ' er, • • the extremely cold weather ins.y have -eine cable was successfully : landed .
• Yesterday morning. forty thousand
• • •
2,386 773 1,615 ...
94 136.- • •
to get a fine farm cheap. Possession ,
water, hard and soft. A rare cliance
week. to vidit' his• father, who has been gave' an oyster supper a.4,. their tesi-
very ill.. . *. cience 1.0-• their. 'iilkIrlY friends 11r hotior• •. ... ,, ,
• .
3O 1
119 • 9 - 110 ' Vote received : .- 2,386
Vote required according to the ' ..
given early, in, the •fall. • •
99 : 13 86
• • In 1898 the vote cast in the general •
., •• ,• • 2169
June loth.
• HENRY MAKINS, Varna P. 0.
The. undersigned Offers for sale • a
• • Wade) left on Tne,fla* to visit relt.;- is • an niFle of Mr, Postlewaite. Mt, FOR ALI. FORMS'. OF KIDNEY. .6
ti.‘ 'es in Loidoit and returned on Sat- „13e11...is agreat poultry fancier and is
Mrs. Willie Craigte •fnee Miss:Essie of h1r. •Walter Bell of. Nelson, who
• DISEASE. . • : • :
4 2 . 42 • . -18 24
. election was : , ' 1
i% storey. cottage with five bedrooms, urds.y • with her:husband, thio cattle well.known in, Ihonilton tut 1111 eXten, ' -. 4 - • 43 22 . '21
. r... ••••,. , .......• ...,, ......
East. Huron „
West •Hur on
large dining room, Parlot'l eta, Situ- through from Detroit to meet her, the .slive - fruit grower and shipper. II.8 ,_ • --1.--.,---• • • ..„ , . ,;.*, •
South, Huron • ... 5,391 • .
HIJLLETT FARM FOR SALE. ated on Witham street, convenienv to ea dillac. lii.v.ing hem laid up . for the., felt "that . a Visit to ItIodeyich weld& I,. the Undersigned dragills't ...Inn lid- .. '3(53 • • 62 , 241
Blytli.. . • : , 4,928
of the lot. There is a good two-stor- of Durhains in the country, the Match- turning to Goderich: ' . , ' ' ibilitur entlenien- Ai .re stito• were • !' ' ' ,• 5. • 20 , ; . 79 • 59 ' . . . • 4,336..,„ ..
the Collegiate Institute. For further reeruit, his: health, which it; has lone; . ly preptitd . to: give the following . • .
7 582
particulars 'apply to James •Scott, .. The rink Was gay on Saturday night he stixs. • •- 4,.. • ; . .. ° • • . . gnitk.antee- witA ekery 500 bottle of .4. .. - . ••
- ,7 , • ..33. 4,•14 • " • . .
The undersigned'offers for sale Lot barrister.. , - • ..- with bright.faces and good..ace. Ihe
sisting of 15o acres, zit) acres cleared
42, Con. 13, Township of' Hullett, con -
Clinton, June ' 23rd:. • .
• ' MRS. LAIRD. rio'..tirne • in getting the rink. ready., ',Aids
proprietor, Mr, Dave Thompson,. lost' Dsce.: 8th to.. talk Of the- choosing of the
A nuinNer' of •the veteran.% , Met on• •
the only. rerne4. ie thvyvorld that . 2... .. ' 39 ' • '0 • 31. • • ,• ••The - vote, ' therefore, necessary to
Dr.• Pettingill'a Kidney•Wor4t...Isa,blets, :Vs. . 4er •
y cures • all lecuiblesialleing . . •, ... ,,,„ . • ,i carry the Liciaor • Act was .7,228. It ,
• ; 14,655
We wish lam a successfpl season.... .' an: awrtl. ,
(riven train in' Ney Ontario -ast .1
•Mr. J.... .1; 'Wright Wki.s, ..
.. h i)rcoiniti.NIVeelak ar diseased kidneystA '..... ' ".'•,, .A. •: .,. , • i?. ' - exceeded this nitinber. considerably,' the, •
86 ' • '
and in a good state of cultivation, 10
c • . . ;.aajori IT for i i..
• Vote cast in, its favor. being
acres stump land and , balance good Mr. W. Craig, and fain ily, late ,,•,' of •
the • chair -ks .1.1l were luit- present' ,‘ lvi "., z.f u
_ • , . . .
xonday cz,.•••itg .,,imn Ma:or • 11 d .1 41 " • •
hardwood bush, never culled, ,•The. lot
. • 'FOR SALE. " • , Craigs hotely have •• Temovecl Irmo ,the tileetilig' .ailfoli riled...ant 11 the fol- sufferer is not. relieved and improved • ° 's• ,... '.• A811fiela • . ' • Vest Huron
. . • 2,836 • . •
is well watered and fenced and is N. . • .• their late' residence to'. the .residence . 10whir-g. .
af ter use of one .. bottle. Three ko, sbtp• - `No. ? ' ., 74 .: 21 53 . . East Huron
buildings and a good' bearing orchard.. being a grand -daughter oi 'the noted in Jailing health far .some um:malls, as itarehig•:.th,h. gervre,s, . .. . • : • . ..'
. .7 -`, . . 6r. , .1p : 51.-
,. . • ,
burn and 9 miles' from. Clinton. A old, with .a ,splendid pedigree,..possess-- . Mrs. Arthur, Cittzon Alas • gone to
occupied by.Engineer Dingman.
able. to state Viet .1.71a. 'learned in' 'cut cures; If not refieveil anct etAd,
... . . 3 " , 100• 8 92 2,360 • •
• •
mile from a church, 2 miles from Au- A good 15thharri b011, just two years lately Beck and Mr. McGillicuddy. would be 'Lottles effect Astonishing" and fererlin-•• ', 2 . '.• • 94 ' 29- . . 65 • South: Huron •
Public school is located nn the corner ing- as he. does „two of the best strain§ Bran -102n ,for '6.' few days before: . re or(qv.0 last' Week:. qoutelite difTerent yeti waSte no.lnoney.,) ,•-. .
' 59 ' 25 •••34 . .• .
ey brick house, 2 bank barns and out- less and the .Brampton Herb, -
his.dam ' Ingpector James Reid, who has been relitly to lc kate: lands fot persOns re- , • . s: . • ' L.. P. RpgKIEWurugg-i,s,t, . 6 - ... 6ci 17' ... 43 .
. •• •
laat. -"' • "' • '. . ' - • .. ClantOn,;•Ontatio..
For further particulars apply to I • bull Abbotsfotd, the first•prize bull at a last , resort went to .Toronto One nth.
August 8th.
EPH. BALL, Auburn P. 0. . t4- • • . • ..
' TyNniu, BROS:; Clinton p: o.
e World's Fair • • - • " i • day••,:last week to consult some •Sper-
. --taiea'S 10111 18 hi! opeq.tiou ',at .. . .. 49.7 • •
, • . ...T. • . • .468 . . 189 :' • 279 • .•: IN -THE .NEWS-IrEcORD.
. . • . . t
• • •
ialiq in that city. uPon his Case., ... , , . . ,
. . . . •
• • • . •
4044",„0j4,* -414* ' • ***40.4 4tVittab„,46.,I44#40:4., *.t!4*.+**4.4.*******.**************.e...k.***********#,...fe. #114.*************.V.6.0.41040.****#.****.+###.444
. • •,, . . • •
44r:44.:gfieirittliV+4=14;442.^:"X4Itr=4:1S4.T414:WO:444**444.44#77.7 444-41"04444-0'44-74.0-#4:fTh,iiiir. *AO eitOsiki, 40.4.0 4414.!:..4"4".4447.447474-4i444. . .. , ir.firiritolgatt.14.11.4...attaksAa. +A. ******* , •
. . . . . . . . N . . .
. , .
j I 1 11 L
4 '
PLANK FOR SALE COUNTY COUNCIL• 44441 1! I 1 ! 1 :+1-14+++.1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )1 1 :÷14++++4
1 [ [ 1 1 I I 1 -------------1111 I 1111 .1111 11 I I 1 11 I 1
Referendum Returns,
1 I I
1 I
neighbors, only pay a few cents, fanuly have. tlie deepest sympathy of
the .entire -community- in this thei
Part, of lots 38. arid 33, on thd west Eadgens Bros. arc away alnlad for • g , ' •
nue uan e music. 'pie oreitestra
orelie‘tra qAttl. them. with smile very
was -hour 01 bereavement. 2 . 42
side of Maitland eon. Gotlerich town- Chri tina,s Tide. The store was bril-
ship, one rifle north' of liolmesville, liantfy • illuminatexl • on Saturday
. • (c)11).enalPno.nsed. of organ, violin and mouth'
the musicians being• Messrs.. Tried to Stag Ilallotfloes. • - 4 113
4 1.
• L:.;*
4 ""r
Jackson Bros
giving up business
• ,
• • id, id Milli, • I. 4111,11111. .14 1 II., II I I
. , : . • . .
Jackson Bros. ii
are selling rega,rd.- 4
less of any profit, it
.H'IR,C)1V1 ,TA.0 "
All you can right now.... Don't put off. You will oxily,have very..pliort ti.ine now befits/ie. we
quit the retail 'business. .
Boys' Extra Heavy ° • • Ladies. Men's Tweed Pants
Worsted Stockings, the best in the world, large size 60e,. •
smaller size, 50c, until Xmas. Eve. You can buy therdat 315c,
all sizes. You will say when you see them they are extra good
and very cheap.
. 4
51.39 ie all we want for a blanket lined water:•proof smock
that is so popular with men who use a smock. The regular price •
1e2.75, until Xmas, Eve1.39. We have lots of them, but a
lot of people will buy them when they see them, better get one
. • [
Xmas Neck -Ties .
If you want to see the largest stock of thenewest. thing
Men's and Boys Neck Ties you will have to come right into the
store and see the display.the window will not give you & good Jai a
but our three glass counterwill, all before your eye, a prices; .
23c, 34c and 45e. Surprise your 'friends With Xmas
If you will buy your cellars from us yon will save money: VVo
have all the new popular styles.
Dont blaite us a' erwards if you
don't get a dressieng 'If tweed from
us We waryou to. be • ick. We.
not much for double fold gotds
• are run dq in.. to ends n.ovv:. 26c is
worth 750. ••
Ordered Clothing
You can save a Ipt of money just now in this
department and our reputation for selling the very
finest class of 'goods is Well known.
We have without a doubt the best cutter in
this part of the country. Those who have had
their clothing cut and fitted by our Mr. Barge are
more than pleased, so will you be,
61.10 is all we want for a pair of 2.60 Pants. We have 42
pairs, and they wont last long when you find ont how good they •
are for. the Money. 10 cents more than a pair of Overalls, all oar
own tnake, just until Xmas. Eve. '
Men's Raglan.ette
$12.00 ones until Xmas. Eve, 6.40, 10.00 one a until
• Xtnas. Eve, 8,90; This is not Very much for the latest and most
optoirpsu.lar overcoat, youi,:e interested in the nobby styles see
Nearly' sold out, but we have enough tolast Until Xmas, Eve,
Yesowe have alt kiuds,but ask to see a special mochaglove that our
selling out price is only 75c., Ifyou appreciate a good glove and
it is for a friend you will try this grove.
Fur Coats
534.00 rut' Coatsselling-out „ $25,00
$30.00 " 0 $22.00
526.00 " " " . "520.00
you wW only get a few days longer to tiny at those prices and
youwiI1 make a big mistake if you put off buying a for coat. We
have also somr3 at $1.2.00.
. • .
4 CI'
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...................................................................4,•••••••••••••••••••4444......*****44.. 4,
Established 1854
Retiring .2 1902
Jackson Bros., Clinton.
3 6
of Sale
444-4,4444#44-##44444444444.444140444-41***444.444441***40044444444.444444 4014.4444-4444444.44#4444444.041.4.4444444**3444444444444-4444-40000**4044144%W#44.***************toe..414*.*
• •
. • ,