HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-18, Page 2,
CHRISTMAS. i Glory to Ooci on ltigh, on earth be
The aeco.npenteing article en Christ- And tote towards men of love-sal-
mas toeether weh Tyro Probe end Nation and r.1 as •
latt,ht ou the Hy are reiiredutt • ,•
lzenn this week's issue of Vie Tyro, .
th: offieial organ of the C. C. I. : TYRO PROBS.
Yes, the grand olct festival is again 1
upon us. Again we sce the annual... Ontario has. •lizen subjected for
relaxation of the wrinkles in -the faces some time to high pressare with a -
'of theolder ones in anticipation . of teedency to extretne drynass ; Ow
t e wain hand -Ain e . of- friends, rfi• barometer fell, however, on the 4th
nee:hers of the family, • ef joyoes ettintsalidedtiirt ect.neselidcepngee.11" greatlY .
happy re -unions, of return' of ahstn.
-aesocietions• Again the srnins peen- For the . le nefit of cur advertiserr
1.ar to the waren hearted time begin and patr. ue we predict fire weather
. to bloom on the faces of the youngtr and good sienthing for the next two
as imagination points forward to the weeks •, this will be confined to Clin-
change of gifts whose value is so ton and vicinity, (we are obliged to
merrymaking and the pleaeaut e.>",
male this
much heighten d by (ha tactompanug fa t thlt. there is not nough good
yi ' statetnent in view of the
interest and love. Areitt the ears af
e ,,
w:ather to go around.) With thia CX
of tiny tmp
ruets, the rub -a -dub' af di. egret:ale,. sloppy, or nasty. -There
gaily t.esk. d drums, the ratt'e end w 11 be no severe frost before Jan.
jingle ef diminative,carriages, ad the . 24th; .Neheh the . lease of the curling •
titled. r of Lilliputian mesketry . end 1 in t . will expii': e. .' Lieht • flurries of
it is good that we hav.e in the year .at, 3.07 te.ine.bietesevxinaltoend -0°1111 Dec.pee, 22eltsht .
calumet. in this old work -a -day world snow ntay
one day of such untversal joy.... It et. 4.25 p. nt. and •the old •in,bon's. 'last
. .
the wee tots cetelt t coining sound ception the eather will be wet, raw,
&this not only zest to life but leingt tetar.er en . Dec, • 2Ist at 3 in
ef days. • . The. e tiny- )e. ab ;creed .through . a
It mit'•es the old man yonng, again, . good telescoPe..er a cheap. fit'd glass.
It makes his pulees ily,, •. ; ehristinas this year . will hegta and
To catch the gleam of a merry. heart, •
' end cei the 25th. • ..- •
Th• light of a merry -eye.
. . . .. unWuel t1v9i0113.not .ha' e another New Year .
by the gleam and tke light as at the - These predictions Alas e ben proper,
And at no ti.ne are we sarrounded
anniversary of the birth which meant IY„. I robbed by our official probber
so much in the way wid ..euare therefere subject to change,
man. .of blessedness to lhout notice. . *
*1 . , .
itis no easy matter to trace the • • • ---re-- .
origin of what is now the great Chris- ! • ' ..
ten festival. Many think. that% the ' -• C.AUGHT ON THE FLY.
birth -day f our Saviour
have been in December as that is the ast .Thursday evening two.. -large
o • could • not -
rtdasbn in Judea, when neither ,..loat's of youeg • people. drove out to
LonciesborO, etch re 'they were enteee
s .eep nor shepeerd would -be onti• at • 'tabled rieht metrily. by Idt. and Mrs..
night on the plain of Bethlehem. lt ttinutte of thet village. ' The,. moon's
seems more probable. that the festival esiteery light, the sparelittg snow and
was. miginally not t. hriatlea at all the merry, jingle. of. the :bells, . with the
but a heathen celebration. conneeted ..aeeomeamment of laughter alai. song,
like so many others, with our fore- ,, etanained. to. make .the- drive -most en-.
fettle s' wership ol the 'sun, Some • ioyabie. 'elm eytning was 'spent in
have e.en fan-ied a eozneetion between
• word ,•ainiteetr.ents ira.rions kinds, 'and
thold e name Yule• and the
adieu to their .kind hosts the Merry
'•uheel," i c the fiery wheel. It was 'passed all. too quieltly: After . bicldirg
meet that, .afier watching 'the sup .
sink lower and lower in the heavens 1 crowd departed at en "early". hoer. ,
as the day ehorttned anti the irst of: The foetball., team loses tltree iday..•
es ow.nes ,to the'deltarture of the.Mode
December, aid feeling the cold. grow- cotes, On •the
ing increasingly intense, . the .dwellers., ' forivard line J. • Toticl'
in the far and frozen tiortle fearing the. ew:i41. be. the' absent' one next spring.
His Services will he missed by the
total withdrawal of the benign Wit- rearm* ng • forwaids. We .also lose R,
*nee of the god ..df Warmth, light and leittg, who for sonic time has played
Weed ottd,as semi as they were certain- . centre -hall. His will be a lord -place
of the eating of hiee- kindly power, ,ex
pre s their gratitude.. and hope 'in -an to • fill. .C. Sewers, goal keener, Will
outburst of Joyous festivity.... •.1 I also he numbered amongethe Missing.
1111- ; It will be (Weak totind a roan of
TEE 01.0111VOT iq'Zinr13ZOORT)
Mr. James Hagan,. Sr., has Purehas-
ed twenty live ocres of land in the big
swamp, 3ust east of• Mr. P. Lamont's
lot. The land in the swamp; is being
rapidly taken up.
Messrs. John anti Conrad Fuss left
o Wednesday for .Adrian Mich to,
.att eel the funeral of their. sister, Car- ;
<dine. The deceastd was et. former res-
ident of this 'townsh4p.
At a meeting a. the directors of the
Ft> Ali elen Farmers' Institute it
wes decided tO. hold a supplementary
meeting at Ship:a in Ste; ben. lhare
10.11, therefore, be.-meetitigs held at
Exeter and Brueefield in •January and.
at Daylield, Ifens111, ?.uriell, Dash-
wood, hipl.a. (mei ElvinvIlle• lee/ere-
While playing at the Statioe
Stoneman, on of W. Stoneman, fel
off the platform, striking the ground
with suck foece as to render hint in-
. capable of walking homer He is re-
co erine, however.
. Anether respected pioneer. -passed a-
t ay a few days ago in •the person of
Mrs. John G. Reid in her 73rd year.
She war -of Scotch descent. Her hus-
lend died five ys.ae7s ago. Her remairs•
cire interred in I3a.ird's .cemetery.
Gco. Joynt was here lately and re-'
turned to Lucknow, He is assisting
h's. brother John, who is doing a very
extensive brsiness,
. Miss Stephens, nho • is now cne of
-the, tenehers in our Public 'school, has
n 'tesigued cn account of -ill _ health, .
as has ben repotted, She• merely en-
gag.t1 to ecimpletti Miss Sterhnson's •
came abeut the roiling of the great (harks, ability. . •
straw-colered burning wheel down the I 'r -i. I. R. M. organized a' hockey
Iii 1 into the Sertane, the burning di. club • on Wedaesday, flee.. loth. The:
the Yule 1(1, lb.: Belte'n 'Meal s Bre) fol owing officers were eteettd'•••• .
festival, •and Others in Which fire was
used in tenneat:on with stin_worship. President, -V. P. Spalding
Presidint, 1/t, Agnew ..„
But Christianity came and 'the chureli.
• Secretary,.C. Porter , •
' wishing to turn the people's minds'
and' affectionsfrom their frotheir old heathen 13yewer. .
• •C • • • 1C SI 1 d
associations to the true God and; the Execittive,• H.• Hoiden, C. Sh. epherd,
e .
Saviour of man, brought into relation. G
as to time the ehurch andthe heathen •I our fritieds • limit: Toronto ITniver•-
festivale, thus •transferring. the 'bettor, ..s..t3e miss Lough. and. Messrs, Archi-
frmn the natural suii. le the Sun of bad, Hamilton and Laird, are expect -
Righteousness'. . •
' led to seend their vacation town.
When we remember all that' the won-. . We -are leased .to learn. that Miss
draus• birth -at Bethlehein -means. for McEwen and Aliss"E: Manning of
man -kind it seems fitting that • there. Mold intend- tg; resume work at -.the
• Mr,'Eberha„ t of.- Bayfield eSencleyed.
in -the village withir, and.thIrs. II.
'leaden. •
Dr, .W. Y. gaycleti of Goderielt Sun-.
ilatad at hoine. •_ • •
Mr. Hector Hawkins isliome after a
year'e absence at. thee Soo and Fort
Mr. '''Ctawfard lias etetted
lb learn the art cif photography with'
Mr. Tint's. Broilty of Coact -Rh. petal
.specesis to Yon, Billy.
Mr... Bert, CuSninghant 'of •coderich
,Sunclayed with his parents, • e
Arr. 11',11.. Syttionds of Saltford Stin-
dayed in the, village.
Dlr. :do. h Duitbar is home again
after putting ' in. the season on the
I al, es on the -Mid ' Quet n•. • •
Mr. Sam. Gazdiner and sister Nina
of Banniiller were in the heigkliothood
n Sunday:
Mr. ilios. Richardsen, Sr.,, and his
nen .Allen left last.. week for Scoti
Muskoka, .wher he and • his on Will.
Mr. G. . A. Gieeti s hottie for. •the
r re iett. rest( d in the bugi nese .
Wilt er With his Weil •Ile' was fire-.
•ttian on the . dredge )11n R. Arnold
at 0, dui elt • this' season... • .
. Mise. -.1.L.z.le•Poseer Shelincirdten
srent a few • tias.s'wi.li her sister,. Mrs.
IT. Hawkins, •
Ale.sra.' . Jehn. Laird. and Bert: Alt-'
derson' tools .a trip to Gielerieir one
n•glit last week. to hear Crossley and.
Iluifter,.. so they say.. ' •
Christ; 'church Si .S. have a
Christmes Tree for the' .chilcIren•
MATHESON-CROOKS-At the resi- About 6 o'clock on Saturday morn-
„ d nce of the tilde's parents. Bras- ieg the livery stable of George New-
ei Is c n Dee. roll by Rev. John ton was discovered to be on hre. So
Ross, 13. Mr. Roderick 11. ta.pidly did the fire seread that was
Mahe:on of now to Miss Hat- .oniy pciesille to •sa.ve buggits..Two.
rie,t yo ugerst daulliter hersee one CCM, all the harn.es, f
TOULINSON.-XYLE--At the manse, strange part of the alien' is that 11Ir.
Ktpeen, on Pee. loth, by Rev. Al. Newton passed the stable .about it teen
C. McLennan, Mr. Frederick Geo. minutes befote on his -way 1.0 ,puC a
Totulinsen .of Stanley to M:se lire on in the cider mill and saw no
vina Kyle of Hey. • Signs of any tire lit the stable. After
01.T0-PIVF,--At the inauSee Blyth, comnie.ed his wore in them 11, •
on Pee, loth, by the Rev. A. Mc- which occupied 15 or 20 minutes, he
1 can, r. hoiart. Young of Nal- looked outside and saw the lire aud
. lett to Deis Bessie, daughter of men.gathered at tha scene. There was
• Mr, David pire of Morris. $400 insurenee. on 'stable and ecnitentee
CAmi•Bee, L -CLINE -On, ' Dee. 40, 'lite e..ddest rate of the qit.;aster is tha
at the reSi fence o: the bride's Par- cr•anatii n of the two horses end cow.
ents, by leev. D. Perrie of Wing- flow the fire originated is a mystery,
hatn, ass i ted by Re'. R. Nett...int aS none a hatever had teen testd an
. of Caen So nd, %Mr. .Colin A. the premises.
• pj ll of Win ham t It • • • N I
Mr. and Airs. George Croc s. and other contents were burned. The
Lau e 111,b Dea.h came very sitcldettly 'to the
lie eldest datignler of Mr. James
hoine. of Mrs. A. Nicholson of•hlortis
A. C.: ns ( 11 Alma ay wek. re. c to eon , •
f Owen Smut! formerly 1 • k Ni 1 1
110I6,1VfI16•.Sca-L°N1RON-At the resichn-e of and atotit an hoar later Mr. Nichol -
went to b.ei shortly eter nine o'elock -1-71=rnmv..rs'avs,
the leiee's ot.,:o'her, on Dec, *ZURICH.
3rd, son retired. Shortly after he noticed -
December lf3th, 1902
Distress by day and night#,- 1 Clinton Market Report,
New Wheat
Itching Skin
That'll the complaint of thoee who 0 70 to f., 70
are so unfortunate u to be afflicted 0 05 to 0 87
with Eczema or Salt Rheum -and edt,* °Iit's ) . .. , . • 0 29 to 0 130
ward applications do not Curet
Thiline:F_V:ath'e that Imre and thla nat. 'Butter voila end crock °O 2154 to
°O 8(15)
The Source of the trouble '
PPlit,e7ttoes per bushel
Butter in tub ..... . . ..... 00 6 513 t�.Qoo tif54
0 40 to, e 44
idnigsa,pbpuernari.ng, itichin skin disease will
Eggs per doz
• C 15 tO 0 13
"I was taken with, SA itching • ea my 1187.•• 800 to 0 Off ;
concluded it was salt rheum and bonght a Live Hogs per cwt .. °0 1450 to ° 0° 4103
arras which proved very disagreeable. X %Vool etep
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, In two dais • '' ' '
.0 octs per ton ......:, .i1b420°°015ttc7i,n1248 (1%(1)
war notbongegloanagtarerogrel t'Ilwlealst bettereured. aanda-iv! Bran pPeeri. tetttsn't
never had any akin disease since.” MU. oh
IDA R. NVA.99, Cove Point, Md. , - 1
.ffood's S, arsaParilla ,..... ..--------.
rids the blood of all impurities 'and
. The
• cures all eruptions.
- Hagar
by Rev. R. S. At'', Howerd,
Di Holmee f Win ham to • il
that his Wife was breathing eteaugely.
I 1 11 4 f r Messrs. J. A. and R.: A. Williams
Wi ein .o g o
la ng to arouse her te ce e
.11'R,IlaGilIs?-111VatrEilox(Lini R°1-11Ailtertl'e ' rec. spirit had taken its flight. Besides bier '
help end 'a light was secured,. but her
' • 'tory, Winghelin on Bee. 3rd, 11Y luts1 and three sons. Mourn int sudden .
.. Rev. W.Iltion Lowe, Willtent e H. . demise.. The. land y formerly resided
Wright of Jamestown to MisS.Ros- in nowiek, but about 1L -year ago mov-
. ena Whee'el3rioafT 'Ina:art:berry.' .. ,
. Bcaltnin. litne• kiln. Deceased was 51
led to Morris and toOk charge of the
years .of' age.' - •
JONES -In Stephen, cet -Dee. 4th,' to A quiet home wedding took place at
- -Mr :and hils.Tleis. W.•Boyes, a the les:knee Of Mr. and Mes. Jas. A.
1.1 na in Owen :Sound on Thursday of
.. -_...11l. "ru,galittiedrittresi.Ve. sley J ones, a son. Miss Nett* Was married to Mr. Colin
on Dee. 4th, to last week.,..when the'r eldest daughter, ,
FO3R0I0,0F7R-111I.n Winghant„ on Dee.•8th, A. Campbal of. this town. • The eet-e-
- . the wife ci Iedwayel leorler of • a 'moray was performtd by Rev. D. Per,
dettehttr. •• " rie, r ast or of the W. st„liain Presbyter,
MASON--ln Grey, oit Dee'...4th,•-to Mr. .ian .church, assisted by Rev. R. Me,
Old Mrs. W. L. hiaSote. a ii011, . AL iee, in the presence of only •the
DEATECS. • mar. re•latives 'of the contracting part -
7 • . • . . . ieS. The lnide was the recipnett of
. .
IlleAC011I-At 'Merton, sTI0,,honacionne.'atcootei.nDisr:.,:e.AlinionpcIllseolli.nce'a.
tnee>retsoetuglthlari.n . and
on Dee. -I2th, ••
Ti Of Go ierith township; 1 Friday• evening,.
Aged .58 years.
TASaER-In ileliett, On Doc. zeta, I .
, Lanctlot Tasker, .aged 28 years and . •
6 months. - •
. .
' B.AWTIsIDelMER-- On .• the •London ,
, R. ad, on Dee. 140, Absalom Beni- M'ARBLE
tinheitrer, . to:wady of Brussels,
. • aged 67 years. • . • .
*Si hitechurelt, on
Dec. „sit, Charles Hamilton
derson, aged '30 years. , -
NICHDASONe-In 1t1orris, on Dee.. 8th,
..eree • Fureld..1,. wife of 'Arenibald
• Nichoeson, eg..d 51 years.
MCGRIMOR-Tn Exeter, en Dee: 9th,
. Denten McGregor,. aged 83 years,. 6
etionths' • • • • • •
• ADAi'S- In Fettle rth, on Dec. 4t11,
William Adams, aged 17 years and
Kinlose on Dee. .5t3, Geo,
Reiss, aged 82. yeats .and 4 months:
ARCHER -71n uhkeow,• on Dec. tette
, Helen V. Archer, a ied 2 yeare, Ir
-left on Montlity of last week: for Que,•
lee to attend their mother's funeral, Shps.
,lio died there on Sundap
Y. . .
. • i .. , ,
Battler were Married on Wednesday oi
last week at °the home of the bride's'
1 Prints on the Babylon Line. ,
A, farewell party was given to Miss
Handford tm Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Preet-
er. Miss Handford left forher home
at, Fe'xeter next day. . .
The Many friends of Father Valen-
not improving in haalth, hut seems to
tine Will learn. with regret that he is Prices -range from'
be .gradually growing weaker. He is
still 'in London.. .
OUR CLUBBING 141ST, . $3.00. tO $5.00 ..
. .
' Following is our •clubbing list, the .
• You Can procure
rates being .good to old as well'. as
The• News -Record . and Daily Globe them from
new subscribers
. ..
• '' •4
The Newt -Record and Daily lVfail$and25
. .
gnipire . . . • . '4 25 . •FRED. T. JACKSON.
The - News-Reord and gvening Mail
pirecord and EYening o 3 25
I haNe
• 'The best.elass of work
procurable' bas , been
. mantifiu•tured here for
•• :many you's past,
WE wotry .call on you.a week. 'after
yor bereavement
WE wow umake the work to, Suit
• .theepricie . • •
WE .WILL, • make • the price to Boit
"y•counicibe Choice of the
WE 'WILL givethe
. ' production • of the work
• •
'" For 1903, •
iheetS, foet5 itiChei, of beautiful
' . in design and matretal
We are the ONLY prac-
tical men in Clinton in
our -line. Do nab be
t 'Liked into placing your.
order eel !bout firrit call-
ing on Us,
.hloneay et ening next, . • •-
A Merry; Christmas' cti d a Happy
Nene Year to all seeders of The News-
sho :Id be a relaxatiott.,and. rejoielilg I 'Collegiate after Christrnai. The Tyro Record. •
. Iles rejoicing may take various forms
Jut one ocin seems slit: ,a ly aPProPr- '
f ei. I sy.leonics • them back to the families
iete, namely, the glad ecathion . Of.; - Mr. W. 'MeXibbott, an ex -student lei
. .
friends ; ler uotlung s.o. much as the qt.,: . Institute, whois well lnown by
corning of the -Christ semtolises pease., .• elan-', is at prei.ent the owner of one
harmony, unity, love. Let tie .cherish, of lite lar est drit - stores. in Wing -
too, the .eustomthat makes.. the. child, Item. Coi.giatuletione; Walt( n. • .
. . .
ren hointerwlers tor the • time • •ivi th. • .- Wall.ice 'Irwin, . Pert, • • Jackson' • and.
control over even the purse striiig. s ,; i Andrew Couttice, all-• Old • . Collegiate
the visits • of Santa Claus brier; • hap- , Lo s; are attending ' the.. Chicago Den -
pine. s that does not end with tha 40' -tal -College.. . They Will. -spend their
and help to brighten the -yonliglife. ' Christmas. va,eatioes at home. .• . • .. .
and moulcl. the character.. ..._ 'Whether ! •'. A. ' Holmes came up from Toronto
me obser:e the day with .special . re- to S9e9.1 .the bolidat s.- de
unr .the par -
1 g:ous se:vices or not -let ua'jby• teed -enthl• roof.. He is ettenlingethe Call;
. .
. rteo re, not forgetting to do .•all '. We eee. of Pharmacy, rind .phiyed- With 'the
1 an. to bring. happiness to _the . hearts, creek teato . •whielt that • institution
of lithos. Cnly let us noC, mar. the pieced in .theeIntercollege Leigtte of
o:c tt ness c f Vac • occasion by. exCeSs. Association Focithall, .
• Wild debauchery is very far j rotil bee:, Mr.. F. Hovey,B. A.„ * of. Trintty.
ing in keeping Vat 11 the modere..a.e.so- . ueleeriity, is spending the' eatition.
eiations of the.day, is dishonoring to. • weeks at •hcenee: We regret:Ai> learn.
Him tihoee name the day.. beare• and Abet lie has -not be• n enjoying 'the bestuho Inew not sin, and is titire to -lea& of health. •......
to a reaction that . will 'turn those' ,• . Missis' L.. and I: Jacksonentertaiii-.
awociations to bitterness. And, while . ed some of their .f.ricit Is a few .eyen-
we joy let us eli:rish the hope (aelco:pe ., ings.•-ago. . . . ..-' . . .. •
1 t .vviii.lt the persistence or the chris,..,; Kirk .Honsitn 'had:an eevettIng .for
I :an name of the. day over . itsol I some. of .his companO.'er. -.The .prodeed-•
lisathen - names gives ground: (het the • irgs. are • tints described by our epic
e. hristisn fe Meal wi 1 ,yet he univer- •
P001. : • • ' . • . . .
, al, for 1 • ' • . .
' 1 'Firet they 'had the ping-pong, .
•I .Their they had a swing-swong, ..' .
INext they round ths cakes' throme, ,
I 'Last' they rise and•.jog along ;• :.
I, Each e :eat an hotir long, '
•i.ike circles widening. rotted
Upon a ch•ar, I lue river,
Orb aft er oth, the wendrotts 'sound
is echoed on forever .: "
.X4XTH... ' • - •
( ..
-,n Mbntlay ale:soon of - laet week : '.1%fr. Joseell Fii•Iter;• who apeet....•
the G. T. R.'statitatWae discoVertel.t., past few .tatenthe working in the lent-.
be on lire ard the fire alarm •quiekly, ber mills. at Bantoekburn,. arrived in
tallel the firetnen etel a large .crond of. 'the :tillage on F.riday .and will spend
citizens to the scene of tit:, •fiee; The the winter. with ItIr: John .Cuming at
fire was diSeoVertti 1.g> be in the up- lltrilttt.. . • -: • • . • • , . -
$ aire over . the ladies'', wititieg room. Mr: tied Mrs. John Drittninond .noW.
ii a•as soon ;nit under control, huf • have, the proud honor Of , g, Lat.
being • 'r • -
ilot 111.1.11 the it tole let Itli g WaW1100J.- p randpart. tits, . .3 he a ife of their gra,: d-
o • with water ou the .1111/4idthe The• or•• s:ott, Mr. George.Sheppard'of Atlantic',
i in of the fire is un' totem ' • .' - j Iowa,. -,gave birth to a son on.1/e,C.
WiiPani Adams, ton • of Mr. Willient °Si' ' • e
. .
;elates, afttr a very short illness ditd • .'Ike' f Al. wit g officers 'for tlfe ens*:
• -.o '
a his fathers rts:d.eice mi Thurseay ing year were ekettd .by I,. 0. L. N.
y63.: Wc.rshipful. 'Maker, Bro. W. II, .
last. Ills death was quite tittexpected
; s 1 is jure s u„s „(.t thought to he -Aleglroy)• Deputy blaster, Bro, A.. Mc-.
1. riots. lie %as eged 17 years, • 4 ' NoalY ; -littIllaiii....11roadoltu Alt:Gill
I. (antis s..0ir 32 days. , • . . Reeerdizig .Seezetary, Bro; W. F.• Hun-
• . . ter ; FinanCial Secretary, Bice • Joint .
. . • • Ma i»s ; Tree:severe Bro. 'John Wilford ; • '
• I Director of Ceremonies, Bre. James '
• • • • i , „
111E FINEST HOLIDAY Nt'AIBER, `.'" st'll• i ' 1-,cturert Bro. 'Jcieeph min..:
hr a Co trmitte.mea, liras. licher& .
1 fie of the 111 51 tviddy taii‘ons old MI4.'011110 kW, itObei( Vit, .1. E. 'rant.
most achnited of the lliglizh painters 411Z Al 8111!)111 T‘,1‘1"I'i Wild"' (1i68".
of the ' ttin.tet nth century was lite 5:111,'14"rie. 101 t Xo• . 123, K flights
1 t.• Lord Lei them, elm wits for mane of the .1%fiteenbees,- 111.8 elected the fol.
lowtng ce; ters fi r" the ensuing yt.at. ,
t a rs pet 81(1 nt of ' the Royal Aced-
lonnuatider, Sir Xt. A. N. llradwin ;
e ny. His Mete: es, 1 cietel upcit -alas-
: eat subjects, etert•iettlarly Greek leg- 1:e decoct Cionitinfekne. Sir .. Kt. Di
S al..tie ; Record 'old Finance Keeper,
trd and story, are e•pecialle• pop tar.
he hiliday tem! er of the Irteet"re el ' l'Ir Kt' 'T"svl he Stc't11"8-.; • 1.1'014i".'•
17.'-' lit l'
. '... Wit ows I hysti
; ien, Sir
1 tiff 1, Exprts for Dee.•tetit tit:
..> cut :ts chief '0 tture a bettetifel. re+ tee ' K.,te 11'..,'' 1111," l Sergeant" SR', gt...1)..
0.'t Ma uy ; milfalt at -arms, Sir tet.
(t10111:1;:1"el'08:47c)al'ir ()p'et('1111:es.n_i,lii`e'r(1‘111.1,111.1-1 k halls Barrett ; 'Pint' Master of Olt
Guards, Sir Xt, Neil Taylor ; Second
rf 11. si aides. . It. 1 as thz advantage to.
of tot heir g so e.enitrotily 11101111 as.117.0ftss...stIr °.4toliwitielt,I.arslri Siicrt.r"(J.(diat AC't'e
: ome ci• his oth .r piettiress.atil it iS a i
.....an,f , locum ; _Watt, Sir Kt. Alex, ' fling -
I entitle' exam pie of the itir ty
(harm of his at. 1 it!. beautiful repro- [wail; .
Iltlow *.••
!net 11 in color forms the mo t slrik- •
ill be found th.t new ollite:$
In ket„ee oi the firl..t pare of the. ' Of the' Myth_ Methodist cht. rc It En.
h .1 day supPlement of Deteitiber teili. i v orth League : President, Mr. E. C.
Ate Wu trated $uppicmcnt of Ow t_ \'' it °"1 ; • tht 'tic I n'sien., ek(i's 1.()t"
d ,te uffi hot e twelve 't 4 ( f the •tie Bel '0 7 ; 2, d Vice Pt•esidttit,'Ifliss
ordinary e4,ht pages and will contain
a tariety of pirttr t$ - mut otl,er •
1 h'istinas (cif nres. Among other . 11 -
it etratiotts will be a.pitture fit colors
of " lite ce. neen's Gateway -the -En-
i (1a/tee of Indigo Rivet," with a VieW
of the w.ittr f en of Buffalo. Christ -
, seprodttetioes;'• in - colors, •of pastel.
draWinge by Bryeon, is now,
ready lot •.. .. .
. distributic n* and wit-I.:11c. mailed on,•A s_j,
. receii. f • of 2 . ct•nts-Zoin or 'stamps . ,e,f e.'.11104.'• ri
' -.Address F. A. Miller; Gcreiral Passen,4 ..• .. . . . • '•
• • Next to Comtnereia. go
ger •Agettt, Chien°, '
. '
a.lutel C 11; ,5111 'Vice PreAlect,
Miss Mr de (If ley ; 4111 Vi -e Prod -
dent, Miss Allie boure ; ,Feaelary,
Mr. 11. Wet hurter; Ttereittrer, Miss
Farah tiott'ty ; Cort•cmoildittg Secret-
ary, Mr. haat ()Abut ; Organist, Mise
Pearl. Gidley ; As.istant Organist, Miss
iitteresting number, it Bcrtlia eweembe ; Superintendent of
11188 Sstorks, ctc., will inake "01,1unior I,eague, Mita .411clie Tams*.
- •
04 3
It is easy to chose When
superiority is eiriden.t.
Selecting From Our Stock Is a Pleasure
as every article is of the very highest qu.ahty
and latest design.
WE OFFER you a stook of Xmas pres-
ents to select from the equal of which has
never before been shown in Clinton.
WE CARRY' accomplke line of the , fol-
lowing artiOlgs.
7 Clock§
Fancy Ch.ina
Cut Cfass
fEbony Goods
I Manicure etts
(in cases and separate)
English' Oak Goods
Spectacles and
We will save 'any article.
you care to select now for; Xmas
P. B. Crews,
\Jeweler and Optician.
Marriage Licenses $ecured Here
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women.
The News,Reeord andTorcintio Daily
World Titci X;ReCord and T'ciatito•.E3ver-
hag News • . 7 • 2 50
The News -Record and Daily Free Press
• • 3 25
The News -Record •aid Daily :Witness •
. -300
Tite News-Reccird..ahd Hamilton Deely
Speetator • . • • 300
The Newa-Record .0,11d I,011(109 Y1'ee
Tille'reNssowi-Record and EVenieg Free
. • 2 75
The ews-
Iieetel end .Torouto• Daily •
The .News:Recorti and Daily Adverts-
Ilie.News-Reccird and Hamilton Twice
.a Wcek • Spectator', balance- of '1902;
. ' . • . I 75
The 'News-Record:•.and Tot -Onto •Week-.
ly Sun • ' • . • . z.75
The News -Record and Partneri!. Advo-
cate • . . .1 75
The 'News -Record 'Weekly. Free
• -Press.. ' • : 7-5:
The News -Record and .Weekly- Mail
and Empire .and two pictures, "The•
Doetor" and '-`Contentment, balm*
. 'of 1902 free ' • • ..
• 1 75
111Q News -Record and Family Herald
and Weekly Sear and two pictures,
"Alone" and " Purity" 175
The News -Record and Word and Works -
and Hicks' 1903 Almanac 70
The News -Record and Weekly Globe
, and pictures 01 the Governors of the
Province of Ontario since 1791, bal.-
ance of 1902 free •. 65
Ellen& Itillis
is the best Shoe I?olish
Beware of imitations li •
which are nanaed to. I
sound like Shinola. N
Shinola is the only L
The Original.. A
. .
.Patronige the New Shoe Store
-and get New. Shoes.
Our Show Room is again
well filled with a choice.
. collection of Cutters'and
. Sleighs.
Our experience of the •
past proves to US that
our work a appreciated, •
. our sales during the past
season being the largest
• in years.
Call and inspect our
• work before purchasing
• elsewhere.
Repairing promptly attended to.
, .
Fred. T. Jacicsoni.
Inas Fru
. -
r 5 ••••
• • s.`,..!
—Now in Stc.ck—
New • California, seedettRaisins
(.e' lb. packages), 11 Sa•
tana,•Raisins, New Tat't Reds-
ias, .New California Pats:
> New Table Figs,. NewitelIed
<7 .
New Valencia Raisins,- Raisins, A
Finest illet's. and V&A&
eeted aod 4 crowei layerteint
< >
Haying a large stock of ugin,
e hand befiere the recent ad*
c > penriacbelse.s, *tato sell at whole (>'
• ;
RUINBAP: and MeMATH `( W. T. O'Ne,g
Huron ainton. 4-?
• •
• . 13ook your orders at our -store,' .
• X X
ID •
• Orders are all filled in rotation as taken
and in small quantities until coal is more
plentiful. We are doing all in our power
to supply the demands made by our many
customers, having already delivered since
the strike 3 ear loads in small lots and hope
they will have patience for a little while
until we can get a larger,supply,
----We can suppl; Wood and the best-
-.grades of Soft Coal —
• --promptly—
• ---- • •
:••••••••0•00••••6•••••••••0ii 400000.14•0•600010•60