HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-18, Page 1'CLINTONTITE Jas. Steetene I - NV siil C 23rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DecgmBeR 18;1902. — .4*.Ap..40„..4,-.46.11y4s4.40,Asisieiwilieft. DIED ON SUNDAY, .1111.••••=•111.••••••11. pax ' Absalom liawtinheimer died at the ' . 'Iwo of Refuge on Sunday, aged 67 . Cl anta aus - : Tears. He was a rdesident ox Irtssel ' the refuge sitive last September. His • reinaens were not interred in the Pot- ter's Field, but were takes' to 13rus- sela on Monday by his brother, Exclusive Xmas Gifts of the very latest styles and designs in Fancy Sta- tionary always prove very acceptable and are always treasured for their beauty and usefulness. Our Paperteries are very choice. See the special val- nes at 25e and 50e for dainty boxes tilled with select sta- tionary. or many years an had only ast READY FOR XMAS. —Reads the News— •Newcombe's window dressers are ex - and is delighted with celliug even themselves and have fetch - the announcements concerning our Stock of Holiday Presents, and no wonder, be - •cause our stock is well assorted and compels. ets the eveate*t gath- ering of desirable rnerch- anclise•we have ever of- fered our holiday patrons. All the articles for the writing desk or table. Gold Peps, Fountain Pens, Paper Cutters . . . ; . and the finest and most correct styles in Note Paper & Envelopes. Be sure to visit our—TOY DEPARTMENT—on second floor ' and the—CHINA DEPARTMFNT—in annex. mg displays which attract the atten- tion ed every passerby. " Have you Sein Newcombe s windows ?" has a significance ' wed,* is locally apprec- iated. Indoors there is equal aetrac- tideness, there being a prosperous, well-managed and pleasant -to -shop - place air over the whole establish- ipent. The Messrs. Newcombe are wide-awake business men such as, can and do succeed, THE MAIDENS' BALL. TO OUR ADVERTISERS A ball will be held M the totem hall on Christmas Ni let under the aus- pices of the " Bachelors and Medd- ins." It is unneceesary. to say that it ern! be a Pleasant affair eta' we learn that the henorary secretary, Miss Kelly, has received e general ac- ceptance of the iavitations eent out. THF, BILL CAME BACK: In January 1901 'Miss Kelly, bocik- keeper •at Jackson Bros., and .her 04." nitant, MISS IVIcEwan, .Wrote their names uuon a Molsone I3ank bill •whiejt was paid out duteng tire day in the course of business. The bill was then new and crisp, but v..ben it turned up again. the other day, after nearly 'ewe eireeletion, it was worn and dilapidated, It would be interesting to lemma into how many hands it fm.nd its way while ceeits travels. • . • HE " BROKE" -THE 134,trics. AND CORRESPONDENTS- : Owing to 'Christmas falling on Thursday *The Newe.R.ecord will go to press a day earlier than usual next weeks Our ads ertisers and correspohdents will plcroe tote this and send copy in early,. .at least a day sooner then they have been. in the habit of doing. This will apply to the week, following as well, THE MODEL SCHOOL EXAM -Sae_ • LOCAL MARKET. Dutter 16e. to 1.7c. Eggs xee to rec. Wheat 68e. Live Hogs $5.543. S. S. ENTERTAINMENT. The annual entertainmenn in con- nection with the Baptist Sunday •schs,o1 will 1.e held in the church on Tuesday evening next, An interesting program is netug prepared, eitsuring a pleasant evening l'or those who at- tend. " RESTAURANT TRANSFER. The przetical teething portion of the Model school exams. began on Last week Sir. Harry Bartliff of ue.sda..y and eads today, lnseector Brussels bought the restaurant and Robb is being. assisted by Mr, J, H. bakery of Mr. J tunes McClay and en - Cameron, principal of the Brussels toted into possession. He is expo= school, ienced and energetic. We bid ban On Monday next the county board welconte to our tOWIt and euccess. His of educa,tien meets in Clinton, The fethsr, eliarles battl,11 of Brits - Members are lnspectore Robb and ' sets and faintly will take up their PIMPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tom, Mr, Cameron of Brussele and resilience in Clinton. Mr. E. B. Morgan, 'government in -• Mr, Field of Goderish, Me, George Rev. Dr, j. R. Dattisby, pester of spector of export cattle died at his Dated of Stanley is secretary. 'EXPRESSED SATISFACTION. Whole Number 1246 v.kriruczn. Miia Lillie Miller of Clinton Wee welting friends in. the village the Past week, Mr. 4. Erwin attended the fusteral of his undo, Mr. John Beacom of 11 - (tenon, on Monday. Ur. John Erwin, who has been sails ing on •the leases the past season, re. turned nolo on Monday. The 1. 0. F. purpose holding their annual ball in the town hall on Fri- day, the 9th of January, ' Mr. Dan. Spencer returned home on. Monday from Manitoba, where be has been during the past season. Mr. William Johnston, who left last spring for the Northwest Territories, arrived home last week. Mrs. Heady and Miss Tarrant, the last ofthe summer visitors, left on Tuesday tor Detroit. Miss "Wright toiek the topic in the Epworth League meeting Suuday evs eiliag lest in the Me.hodist church. her subjeet was Christian Fellowship, Rev. Ma McNeil Of St. Andrew's church exehenged pulpits with Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clinton, on Sunday • $t. Andrew's church, Chatham, well residence in Montreal last week of „.e. ise„GILEE TEANL , known in London, while making his heart disease, aged 65 -years. Years 'see! "se meeting expressed satisfaction with The town council at Tuesday night's 1 . . thought ehould not be read from the were • cotnpletely cleaned out of cash W. Tier, T. Jackson, J. Atkinson, J. ter votsd the sten of tweety five dot- stist. Brucefieldlast, week front Bayfield the few weeica he had been receiving an ty. It is said that, upon on,e occasion visited' the Drucefield brethern on ter, Cemetery Supeeintendent CriCh Mr, W. King is able to be around usual aneouncements from the pulpit ago ,he bought cattle extensiv.ely and The following OcicIfellows' from town the seivices of Street Foreman Car- oe Siinday stated that for the past st,s well 1,11.0W0 411.1'0010a this coun- • a rain. • Friday eteniug last : L. P. Snyder, sad. Inseecter Wheatley and to the lat. 11•Vhile battling a Mad of furniture to nouncements of events which he some thirty years ago the local banks the course of the evenitig they .exemp- -treasurer's statement was presentsd, driver's meditat ons. were slightly ells - pulpit." The newspapers are the prop-- by a. very large pun hese of cattle C, Ste . enson, J.. Wieetnan. During Mrs as a further fecognitioue er charnels through which to make made by bile end eelivered in Clin- lined the second degree, bringing out showing the expseditures for the year T•h6 turbed by the et *tents of tile sleigh have been heretofore read from the of such • an occurrence. Mr. Morgan see ecauser• es, ets precepts as only 'a to be Is22,908.29. TWO ARTISTS, being upset intd the ditch, but, not Pureit," said he. " I do not believe was a es -other -in-law of Govereor r,odle taedgr'e,eclosctedainth:saeibprettetnett stall . dissoerag d, he loaded again, remem- bering ehat aceidents will ecnnetimes, happen. mention of the announcements which loft. This is the only case on record sr 1 s s : Xi °RIO/leer FICERS. Dixon House which rinleeted credit gene Mr. D. •lisciellaugetton visited. in making the pulpit a free adeertis- French of the House of Refuge. clown to a well served supper at *the printing. offices of their le itimate - upon the caterer. While the electrical display in Hod- Guelt h last .week. patronage, and I don t mten fut- 'rile' officers of the A.. O. •W worth going to s 11111Ch Cada IS week. Bros store is very fine, well. Mr. Eddie Reid returned home last , ing bureau and thua depriving the r ure to do it." ro..soe h' 'HURON OLD Dole§, suppER. due the htletnanlY clerks John Mr. Richard McDool had somewhat C I ' f 'th f a curiostey for •December weat er lodge were elected OnTuesday night PRESENTATION. eta are as folMws : Past Master, D. Stevenson Upon learning on very short notice Master, E, Welsh • that Mi:Jas.Duttford was 'leaving town -Foreman; R. Fitzsimons his bretheett of the A. 0. F. itivited Overseer, I. Dodd • him to their hall on: Friday evening Recorder, R. J. CIA for' a farewell game of carpet ball, Isiea.ncier, Vowrer Some twenty five breihern were press Receiver, T. HollaWay ent, At to o'clock the meeting was Inside Watch, T. Trick called to. order and net behalf of mem- Outsiee Watch, G. A Rorke • bees of th,e court a nice briar pipe Trustees, 'r. Holloway, J. W. Irs • Y. with case and eome of the .necessary • win •ard I.' Dodd • W. Coo r & Co. - CLINTON. • to fill it was nreseeten by Mr. F. W. Represent aisle to Grand Lodge, pe • • . • • Watts with an iinpromptu address. • . Dodcl ..„Bir. Dun or was ta. en comp eey y erne e, : evens° Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express # Money Orders, also for Butterick Petterns. sneenweleenaselnanneWeeeetteueseeeneeneelbsela,•liseeeentaseeneeseseeenseareerenemeesea, • ••••••••••.•••••••••••444*********•••••••••••• ••••••44 entng wa spen . farmers the neieltbdrheod- of lager- • • I THE TRAINS ARE 'LATE. ' . inpda• relysoodeutpdpcoksihdavieo libeeenr:tecelipttos surprise but made a suitable reply. Messrs. 'Roberto!' and Hovey. gaye sel- • A. NOTE OF WARNING. It is hardly necessary to warn the r. Derry a song. Mr. Alcelacherty ' -made. a . o 1 h e cautious in ' dealing with straegers game. Was csontin.uted• and an enjoyable ey' ' • . . travell ing th rotigh the-- country. Some ections on the. violin' and gutter and eh rt speech after which t • fanners in th s viemity to •be very Ireland • Prance- • —Slates ited • . The irregular runeing Cif ethe'G. T. -for* Money- paid • cm .gperas; ip . . Remittances . . Safest Methode—Dest Rates The Sovereign Bank South Aft? OF CANADA •••••• 110•111111001. 444 L. P. Snyder, MANAGER CLINTON BRANCA. trains during the. past. few • days . reality they -were notes. have •re- .• TO not due entirely .to the cold -wether, liable merchants, -agents and' deal although it has had some effect, but he liveastack who ere well known 6 it is also attributable in many in- townspepple and farmers and, who are England stances to the inferior •quality of the witting to pay as goad a price for 'coal that the railways have been core-, produce and stock could be ob- . Scotland pelled td use. The railway carman:Ma • tain.d by fair dealing at any place:. use two qualities of, coal, what is In doingbusiness with our own bust- knoWn as three-quarter Coal .whieh is ness men no. intentional injustice will Germany ' a .coar pa.rtially screened and the run- be clone. . • of -mine coals Recently, however, the • Australla * quantity of three-quarter coal whiph CHRISTMAS CATTLE. . they have been able' to secure has fain •Mr. C. H. Reid shipped: ality one * companies to use more run -of -mine d i tl "It t r such as has • been experiea eat recently •4••••4••••••••••441144144'n4•4444•44••••••••••••• this has been particularly felt and Clint. best bunches ever eliipeecl from n The i attic were Louhtmom, many of the delays which hav:e. occur- witti numbsr fob:owe : • • len off very. ma.terially, compelling the head of Cheistmas cattle to Toronto Includedn o were coal, which has not the same steam- on Monday lan t • t v heifers idb Mr W prodpeing qualities. In cold wea he Grant which were pronounced one of 1 j d •it t this. It i st ted tl t Grant Stattley 27 3 on a recent trip of: the Grand Trunk,. • Y it I L. i 4+1+.44+11 1! ++++++++++ ne• nit ons a . Stanbury, Stattley . • 3 l You byMore • . . . • . • " it* International lemlited the engines had to Le. changiel lout: times between J. Dale Teteheismith • - • Montreal and Toroeto. • . Cr, C,Ia.rk, Stanley . .2 As•to the supply. of soft coal Which A, ,Douglas, Stanley - the Iailway companies axe receiving C. •Rernan, Stan:ey . ' the Gra.nd Trunk does not appear to R. Elliott, Stanley. x have been particulatly fortunate late- B. Xeys, Stanley . ly `, in fact the railway has, suffered R. • Stephenson, Stanley 2 jtiSt as Private• d eters have in times W. Carbert, Ilullett 3 . st nd has d to resort this week J• Than we citrate for repaieng youay too much. If yott • pay less you don't get your 'work done right. Vire do out watch, clock and jewelery repairing as well •as it can be , done and our prices are very low --cleaning, $i; main* springs, $1, and all other work. equally low. When was your watch cleaned last? Better bave it examined now; you may SELVA yourself considerable expense later On. • P. B. .Crews, :•• Biddlecoinhe!a Old .Stand. eet eeeveler and Expert Wash Repairer, eSfraCtionist and Dispensary Optician. . • • 4-114444444444444444F4-14+ • ea a o g • . J to Yeo teoaerien 4 4,000 . • The ' Huron Old Theis of Toronto held an enjoyable oyster supper on Monday. eight. President Edward Flocidy occupied the chair; and rendes • iscent speeches were ;made by a num- ber of prominent members of the as-, sociation, " iechid.ng Dr. Duncan, M. Parkion, Prof. . 's Church, 'rhos. • Soule and T. W. Gibbon. Miss Mara C. Hough, George Eggert, C. S. Mac- donald. aed Prof. Church contributed -to • the Inimical portion of the even - in entertaintnent. The aseocia- tion's annual At Home will be held in February next. • CHRISTMAS DISPLAY. Hodittes Brase stare is in gala' at- tire in keeping veith lie joYous •Christ- mceanst seaec n. Three hundred incatides- li hts illuieinate this progressive• firm big establishmine and show their totnplete stoek to advantage. •The• tiame Hodgens is synonymous with sedan dealing, which, combined . with up-tosdate goods at fair prices and an .attentive staff of der* „ac- eounts for fire large voliime of busi- ness they transact. The store will be •open each evening. next week' and that - the .eleetrieal displa.y Will be witness- ed by large Members goes Without saying. THE NEW JUDGES. ' • ' • • On Monday Create Attorney Lewis rer„formed the ceremony of swearing:- -iJunior Judge Doyle as Senior Judge and Mr. P. Holt, X, C., as • Junioe•Judge. • • • 3 d 1 • Trish glemily, but sva.s born in .Gren- ak, this poi It: is overatilirty ears s nee he began peaptising law in. • Huron and on the 3rd 'of next moiith ,04o it will be twenty years since he was 9,780. •appointcd to tbe • bench. , He has 3,950 •worth:ly Wort the promotion which has es3oo come to him.•. • 2,220 The • NeWs-Record ,likele• extends 1,239 is eminently • qualified for the hbnor, e,340 which hat been conferred upon him. 1,200 For years he has •been acknowledged eeeso to be one of, the leaders of the bar in oeze this •cornty. He"is a broad-minded 3,8to matt of hielt legal attainfnents for 1,320 coneratulations Judge wha to c tfiscatin el route R... Gibeings Hullett 2 2,650 . Wholn we look for, a successful career • upon' the bench. Crooke and Pei cy ouct, or e neat- ly dressed windows and artistic tor- as fast week a flock of young chickens . pearauce of the whole establishment. were hatched out, but did not long . Thee have spared no pains and the re- survive.: salt must be ;gratifying to themselves The annual electien of officers for as it is to all beholders. . Pad, field L. • 0, L. teeie piece on Sat Hi;4.3s.vy HOGS, urday evening last when the following were chaste ; Statiley delivered at the town scales ehaleaeo eseee.E. C. jennints • weighed 30 pounds and the 'other two . Treasurer, 3. Tippett "Master, A. Erwin • On Saturday last Mr. Penfound of Deputy, —Johnstone ' three enormous hogs. The largest ReeaSecretary D. Galbrait Is A ver" e. of • o outlets makes • These hos t the lat gest eUVer delivered D of R. Elliott . - Me W. Elliott, who has been the . 'in Clinton wi.h the exception of one effieje'at Mater for the expiring Wine solcl by Mr. Charles 'Spooner ;.severa.1 ago which is :laid to have tilsPea would not cons nt to re-election,muca ' "brethern • ' t tl di - e ears • ' Tian! INVITATIONS ARE OTIT. the beam 'at 1200 pOunds. le appointnient of his •• His successor is one of the same kind encel)p•ileikeiwiSe popular •with otsr towns. The in sitatiOns, which are. a 'model .Dont fordet the --English chnrch .* of 'artistic neatness, are out , for tbe christieas Tiee on Dec. 3oth. It M ennual 1 all cif the Western Commercial • always &pod. • • •• 'fravellers' Association. The Muction Mr a. V. Elliott of the village is • will be held in the Tecumseh House, • contentp?ating"a trip sup north. • ' Lon thinisee to be as success u1 ax its predecessors. A,meng those In town The following estatement by Trees - •who have received invitations are Miss urer 11 hiddon shows the, -state of the: • Xell nd Mr d Mrs. E. IVE. Me- municipality's finances up to Deem -- & n on Friday' Dee. 26th, ' • and s 'Ha e vou n -wed your sebscriptioti o• The News-Reeord. • . • • y .a . au Lean ' • • . • • WII,LIS CHURCH.Receipts,. Balancehand 5567-36 ' ' Itetv. Mr. McNeil of Bayfield e • • • 583 89 • • d • Taxes for • On exchange with. It e V. De, Stewatt on Taxes Mr .x.90e • . 85o oo ar, °cc ate e „o Sundayd ," d the pulpit a • . • 76 Willfs church. both morning and ey- leicenses • 74 67 eniug, • preachirg , with much aceep- ; t. e time on both occasion's. , ' 14r o2 Rents At the• C. E: meeting on Monday sneht the teinc, " Oqt. Fellowehip," :Comity fate for 1901 • 88 65. dealt Stith it in an entereating men- Rood and Bei 'gcs was ta en by 1/liss 'Jean Carling, who Sa arms an. Supplies Toi%.tc. mon xp,end4ures. 14:55635 652947 scierciaiTihne ti•ioec:lieetayr RrItotpiroese, s has Mg a ' cho 1 Tr as: ret ' . 790 00 • • 'Mime II neoes • a . xs Balance on hand 703 32 : NEW YEAR'S CON ERI'. • • There is probably no person better • - e . • • 52 145 62 known at =Areal or literary eeteie . : - ' ' .' '' ' „ ,_ •.. *entente • m =toe or •las teaen. . - teemed 'chi en, -Sens Clara Mount- ., -STANLEY TOINNEHIP., ; part . more egeneronsIne than our ese . . . castle, to whom it .15, now. proposed to g'.ve a b g 1 encht conceit in .the tonn Miss Deily Parsons and litrs. C.. hall on New Year 'a Night. This *ire Johnson visited the former s brother, be as e mark of • appresie.tn n al 111r. J antes Parsons of the Parr Line,. saying thee • a crowded house will on Sunday last. • . , Bliss BARI' Ratliwell is spending ' a her east -ser,Scee and we feel safe• ir CCL her en 1.11 it occasion. The ' 'eta few days with friends in Godeekh . y J. Allan, Totters/14th. : '4 . 5,365 these apPoiniments, The News- . ; ertainmene will be e: good one, being toanship. ' . . ' in chitge ,of a. citizens' committee WOODMEN'S SUPPER. • ' ' J,. Medatightos, Tuckerstoith I. x.,2ste ' But while: ' entirely sa.tiefied with . . Mr. . W. J ..• •Stinspn delivered his: • 'fifth annual teepee Of 'Clintoe • Redard does 'not regard with approval wee' woi nate no pain to teat ends lambs on Saturday th Mr. Alex. .. .• ' cr ening when some forty members. ' and On Friday - night last • Mr, John Own field of lallor %there they must of • of Miss. M, hecess ty often sit in iidgment• ti ch putchesed the . at the -Mason House on Tuesday, evs .. . Mr. Ben. Sr:rower has guests gathesed around • the festive Beacom died at Ildettoe ie 10 d1 caies - in •sithi h they 'were at Lie ' who will siYi ker. il'ustiated lectire e n ' ' IT.' leilt of Toronto,: famous trettleig c'o t Archie from Mr. board, The spread reflected credit un- . township, During :the, peat- few Months stag en a• d a - a 1 • - s ccians . t is pre- • " 'linnets to, Aetna". Other exellent •W. Higginea This is a very .fine colt . Captain Combe preside . The toast - (1 ' "made • enentian of the fa:ct that •hie • c . county. f rate,le to' transfer them. to. Some other onMencement will .be • Made. The s talent will he engaged ot whie h , • dile Spencer ought to make a faat horse. a d ueder the caecrul 'traiineg of 'Mr. Mr, Robert Penhale • &livered' his . en the host and hostees. . •The • News Record has. =Ord than °lice Some time since heevisited Clinton-. CHRISTMAS MEATS. „ ' . • • . es. apl tielects will 1e ;placed on Pale •trice of admiseien will be xse and ' p•iVer . to , . a buyer in. Seaforth on list • did not . go so far Afield as it 'health. was ie ae unsatisfactory state. • . .. ' eficial he decided to take .up his resi- Our :local butchers, with the excep- ' . . ,. . . ; • • Monday to eaneet - hist brother ' Will. . . at Fairea bookstore on Friday of 'this • flairsday.• . ••• • ' . •IiIr. Alf; Austin went to Clintoie on sometimes does, but was alt:the more • .. enjoyeble on that account • . - • and • as the change seemed ;to be . ben. : ' , ' ' • ' ' : ' ' week.. . . patriotic mannee. . ha affairs he returned to Ilderton a- 'aetend toebusitiess, are 'making prep- froth Bistro who has engaged With The King waa respoteled to in ation of • Mr, Ceetch, who 14 too. ill to - AN • A.DDRESS. . . ' • • ' ' ' dello here, a d itwind of the Canna in. proposing the toast . Mr. H. B. tleer, 'Consul Commander bout a fortni ht '0 T d n n. order o .111) e . ago. n ups alya• o . . i arations for Miele Christmas •display • last•week the auction vale of his rm of n't*Ats• The followit g It t will At Wesley% S. Ss on Sunday last the . ' Mr. Thee.' Stir son, tor the Winter. . . Messrs. • Rol:ert :Snowden and Sam of Out • Order related an anecdote show somewhat of what they have in tee:tiler m des of ewe ice. was ' departee • .• lea e were at Goclerich, On Monday ' — • stock and implements took place and front ' to admit of a spacial. and ,, which illustrated the help-onesanothei a car was loaded 'With • his household stock, : .. with hoes. • :. . • • • • , effects .to be sent to Clinton. Dui 'he , . John Senuton. •' . . - • tendent, Mr. W. nr, Manning, ticiw of pleaSing feature, The former superiti- • ehe refit-6'dt= in N'o, I polling div- ' Tbe eote was unenimoes in favor of _benefits of the society. ' • ' . e t r tr •ctiv • eh during which• state seem I d t the rim re r c Y C. ig- study of e lesson' was called ta' the . . . ' or Against Camp ,Woodinen of the• World was held DEATH OF JOHN' BgAcoila. • the elan of placing judges over their Ong of Abe kind offers received issthat Csreenger of intop. . • . , . ' • • n a e °spa e spee Ii dwelt in a feeling manner upon the on Inday, In the 'meantime :the cat 2eso lbs. ;. heifer, • fedlinvye• Mr. J. B. Hoover 'resPonded id a suddenly grew worse arid, as we have a extra fine liefferS, f cl b C D' • • , n o g ape ney, G.oderish toe nShiP, .GeSeeolerhgtt. e4.1. 1,014021., tea' prasent and after tf ten b the su ierintcndent Mr. • tke. ,sion, The- vote stood ; - . . school that stn. adclrese was to be T. Coo r h nnounced to the ° - - - departed . brethera. Since the ea. t pnot e 1 on . I Middleton Coderich • townsh•e2cto , pe W • ' 62 . • 9, s sup had el ft 1 dert lid was ut • • We are selling our stock Our Counter Was resPonded to by HrnrY and Jolla tea.com, Jr., John T. triiettigti n, Goclerich township ; (Sooner in pres.nting the address spoke te******************** - a cemetery in Londoft township and Xnox Herlock, 650 ; 3 pigs, fed nY held by the ethool their•regret at „. • , prcsSimi-of the esteem.is whiqb he is • • 1:44 284 ' per two members 'of the 'camp,. togetn- loaded on Saturday. heifer, fed by' C. II, Wallis, Clinton ; 3 • • er with a. gentMniate 'who was' their On. Monda.y the funeral tom. pi to 4 months' Hereford ealf, fed by Geo. - presented to Mr. Manning as an ex- • 4 50 5 - -I. guest on that °oilman, have joined d d k II 1 1 • 312 46 toti ; Mr. and IVIrs, Robert Thompson, D. Res nelds, lambs fed by ly engoesseel and neatly framed. Mr. . • , the great ,majority. • • . ' was very largely attend'ed. Among R. Wal er4 Bayfield Road, dressed losing hint and hie family frotn'their 1 iDr, • Agnew. Sister •Soeieties, propoeed by Cap- those who went down from this dii,. weight.ls pigs fed bit Fraple Cock- Cueningltame then read tent McTaggart, was respon e to by. trict were : Mrs. A. Wa.I er, C,lin. er ne, ett, god ; 2 midis, fes nr• tile address, which lied been handsome - of Tweeds at 25 per cent. discount off our usual Isa „ prices. • • A. J HOLLOWAY. _ . Mr. Ostrom ° 'Toronto, who in the . Thortipson, George and Robert Han- 40' turkeys, geese and ducks, fed by glowing teems of the excellent con- . course of nis remaa•lcs seed he bad ley and Ar- and Mrs. R. H. Elliott, Mrs. Thos• Fear, Hitilett,' and also a. (Mom in which he rotted the school b. • upon taking office, wh'ch he attributed 4 phri* ' 'to Mr, Matuting:s eeceellent manage - ed the trehool for their 1 -cin feeling ' travelled over the most of Canada and Goilench township ; David Beacom of large number of fowl prepared by Hullett and Alf. Erwin of Deerfield. Mrs. Diehl of Stanley, Mrs. Crich of thought that the county of Huron on eee. Tuckersinith and others, might well be called The Garden ol Mr, John Ileadont -was born Ithe Dominion, Mr, L. P. Snyder also Dayfield Line, Godetich township, on R. Fitzsimons 8s Sol. replied, He dwelt opoe the increasing March 1 r, 1846, and all his life until 1 heifer, fed by J. Manning, weight wealth of our people and the marvel: three years ago he lived in that town- 12oo lbs, ; 2 heifers, fed .by W. Bar - bus growth of our fihancial institu- ship. In 188o he was elected to ;the rett, 2250 ; x heiferk ka by Y. men, tons. Fort--------gthere , was on municipa1. council or which be remain- veen, noo; r heifer, frd by S.., Lowery, its ; 1 veal, ftd by Robt. or 2eo ; 2 begs, fed by It, Lockwood • e hogs, fed by R. Graham ; 2 hogs,' fed by W. Meath ; 3 lambs, kd by It. Fitz - animus' 8s Soft ; also a large .number of geeee from Messrs, Hastings, Tay- lor, Nesbitt and Young ; turkeys fee= Ittew•rs, Cornish, Atcheson, Pearson, Scott aftd others, lenosit in out bans ^et oo 000 wh ch ed me rib r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t• • • 'S ' a -C "CLVIY tweutY Yearst has been InCreaSed to $4o,o0o,000."At most if not all that titne as de t • pu y Sudbury, for instance, which only be- reeve. Those were the dayseof stir- . • gan to exist a feW yeare ago, there ring, hard-rotieht contests. He was ssen-Ingessegonwo"Ilisirw"." '11641461"6'164114b tire noW three bahks and $1 000,o00 oft also connected with the volunteer 20th Century deposit. Five years •ago 'two clerks force and was lieutenant of thePor wete employed, whereas there are now ter's Hill company. He was likeveriee 'twenty. In thnclusiott Mr, Snyder a member of LS 0, L. No, 306 and said there was no need for our am. for years and at the time of his death Overcoats bitious young men togo to the United Was treasurer of the County Orange States. Thi Thiele Sam s now coining to Lodge of South Huron. are equal in every way to custom made. No tailor in the I land will makeyou a better looking or better fitting gar- ment Material and linings are just as good as he could use. Prices are 38 to $5 less than he could charge. HODCII3NS BROS. asteeesessiebeeesenals•die441.4seeieneensalignene4late 0 r, Heifer, fed by T. Macdonald of God - es. Nine years ago Mr. Ileacent married erich township, weight noo lbs. ; The toilet of The Ladies was propos- Mise Lily Vattick, daughter of Squirt litikrs, fed by V, Ford, Goderich ed by Mt. Ji. Howard and tat Patrick of Ilderton, Mal esf this union tounship, e250 ; r hog, fed by G. sponded to by Mr:. A. Taylor, four children Were born. Of Omen Teeter, rItillett, •225 e 3 hogs, kd hy thto survive,. the. second daughter Ford & SleNeil, average 030 ; r ealf, During the course of the evening sengs were given by T. Jackson, G. passing away just ,year previous to weighing 300 ; 3 latobs, fed by Bert. ' E,Ilolteeand R.Downs and in response the day Af her father's funeral. Murphy, average no ; 20 turkey:1,1.)re- s ntimersetts and repeated requests He was an An ieen ardent pared by Hart Hicks, Goderich town-- lovsly 111. Captain Connie Sang that popular fay. Conservative an big' 1 serted and shiP I /5 tUrkent, her T. Diggitt Col- Mt, V. Wilds has sold six acres of generous inan possesse, 110 enema borne ; together With a number of les bush to n titan in St. Joseph for °rite, " The Teimenny Nail," At II.30 the gathering lioke up ies but ver many friends. Recollect. tittlecere tied iseeek•fed by W. II. Ball, $300 tis -- mot, Illi. Man•nteg in replvincr thank - towards hints •If and Mrs. Manning 4 , an,1 expresscd the hope that the school '• 4 would support the new superintendeet 4, The in the evork as well tied ebly as they 1i bad done in the past. 4s , s the thole ltd the school ift singing , Time On Mr. Matetivg resenting his Seat " God be with you till we meet i., T ' again" and " Blest be the tie that 4, ....... —.. . binds." 4, 0114.11iEt . t• Renew Mr. Sohn Davidson spent Friday last In clinton, Mr. W, Kerr returned home to Min- .1, • n ton oft Friday Met. Subscription Mrs, trlee Joheston was the guest 4 of MI'S, itAthWal. MO4daY. • th Mr; James Boyce returned horne . . from tondoti to Tuesclity last where daughter Elizaleth, Who has been ser- 4 The • • Nevvs.-*Record he wise a+ elide g few (Mere veifh his after Singing Auld Laug Spit att6 tents of t its frank and k tally matt Ifullett:, and Mies MeLood• of GOderich Align llIatnie Reid 'Welted friends on GOd Save the ging, will net boOn cede frote °Ur Memory, towushMt „ _ the Goeheit.Litte hot Sunday. 4,44.444444444440.4414111 I? „ •••