HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 87--"-.11tritt
our. xmas Distiav
Our special display for the holidays is now ready. We think it will be
worth your while coming to see. The useful for holiday giving has first and
only place here and you will find many a helpful hint and suggestion if you
come and see this store in its holiday dress, Everything is arranged for easy
selling. Stocks of goods suitable for holiday gifts are displayed to best advan-
tage and you can shop in comfort here. You will be heartily welcome when-
ever and as often as you wish to come. We want you to see this great display
whether you wish to buy or not. Come and see the special Electric
display on Saturday night and every night next week.
UE 01.1.INTON r.Intitt-atiatORI)
...0000.00"1"04 Holiday Linens
_ New lines in that will de -
Nifty -
What little holiday gift
is more pleasing or more
acceptable to the average
boy or young man than
a new tie? Where can
you find as good a stock •
and newer patterns than ,
are here? Our furnishing
department is showing :
the finest range of novel-
ties ever brought• into
town and a tie selected
from this stock cannot
fail to please. People who
want the best choice are
going to buy early. . •
Men's and Boys' New Holi-
day Neckwear. a big as.' '
sortment, all the popular
shapes, new patterns. Al n .
qualities, each...25c &a V
Men's Gloves
Many kinds anclmany pri. •
ces, all popular and fash-
ionable makes. Often
selected for Xmas Gifts. '
Latest style and good an
volues here....75e to 1.UU •
light the eye of every lover of
fine linens. Made and bleach-
ed by the world's best makers.
From Ireland and Scotland
where the world's •best linens
are made they have come,
New patterns bought specially
for this Xraas trade.
Fancy Tray Cloths., oblong, or
•oval shape fringed with
drawn work' or hem -stitched
Damask, new patterns, and
A 1 values, at
25c, 35c, 500,75c & 1 .00
Sideboard Scarfs, in plain •lin. ,
nen anddarnasks,drawn work
designs, fringed edge or hem-
stitched 25c, 50e, 75c & 1 .00
Fancy Swiss Applique Shams,
fine assortment of patterns, I 0
each. 50a to 1.
l• Pure Linen Table Napkins, fine
•bleached damasks, good
weight and quality hand-
• some new designs, at •p erg nn
dos • 611, to U. U U
Fine quality bleached damask
' Table Cloths, handsome new
deccignst heavy weight, an
staple sizes in stock, outside
• • sizes procured in a few days 6'00
notice $2.50 to s
. _
Cloths and Napkins to Match
We have a big range of •newNap-
kins and Cloths in rnatched seta, thab
make: a very acceptable Holiday Gift.
Cushion Tops
It is hardly possible to
have too many Cushions
around the house these
days. That is why one
of our. handsome art
° Cushion Tops cannot fail
to make an acceptable
holiday gift. Easily the
best values and best as-
sortment in town can be
found here.
American Lithographed
• Oushion Tops, designs
in new subjects, good
• quality, make handsome 7 g
cushions...370, SOo, I U
• Japanese Silk Cushion
• lops, Oriental designs,
in tinsel and silk em-
broidery on plain white
or colored silk grounds! At
• each 50; 75e and w
Handsome Cushion Tops
complete with backs.. in
damasks and velvet, all
colore, handsome pat- tik I
terns; each ,...60c and Q I
Mercerized Cushion Cords
. in all colors and combin-
ations, regular sizesand Or
' the new ceble cord -10e, . L
Combination 'Cushion forn3s
softfluffy,will retain their 7
. shape...0. ..50e, 60c, g1U
, .•
Royal Lit:left
Ieat patterns ' in• fancy
. Sateens, • suitable . for
enshions;fancy. work•and 0 g
comforters. 15c, •20e & sL U
Art Bilkalene full Yard
• .wide,new•Atnerican fiat- -
• terns,.bright silky finish,
1 . used for drapes, comfort- 0 g
ers & fa,ney work. :20:e,
. .
. •
Eery wanted shade.' in
Main Sateensand Roman •
Satin and many differ -
We will have on exhibition for the
Holiday Beeson, a set of ,Linen Table
Damask, exactly the saine as thatie-
way, for the tree of the Duke and
Duchees Of York, on their trip across
the Continent. It is made hythe same
- maker and design & quality are exact -
lythe sameas used by the royal party.
h is a handsome "Lotus 15th'" design, :
- and extra quality of heavy pure Irish
. table linen. • We have the complete
set, Napkins and Cloth*. and will be
glad to show them any time you call.
Gift Umbrellas
Handsome .Gift
firm, strong frarnes,guar-
anteed tops and elegant •
handles with gold or sib •
ver •mountings, each 5.00
* 23,50 to. •
vided :by the Canaclian . Pncific
• •1 .
. •
• Xmas
Handkerchiefs •
_ none of its popularity as an
The 1-landkerchief is losing
- Xmas gift Dainty and pret-
Gloves•• 4 V, always in goodtaste, al-
A lady never has too
many Kid Gloves. • An
extra pair.never goeaas-
tray and they •can be -
selected as a holiday gift
with perfect safety. You
run no risk if you buy
kid gloves here. • Every
pair that goes over our -
counters is guaranteed.
For the Holiday Season.
we will place each pair
kid gloves soldin.a pret-
. ,
ty fancy box. •. • •
Ladies' #rench•Kid Gloves, • -
blacks and all 'the. lead- • • =
ing colore, two dotne fas- ••
en ei•s, soft pliable Skins,
a perfect glove in every •
way and extra special I 00
value at our price I.UU -
Lndies fine French Kid -
Gloves.made from choice .
Skins; thin, soft end pli-
able,perfect fit ting,blacks •,•
and all eolore, an extra
good giotte to wear, I 0g
special per pair I 'Li/ •4
Extra Fine French Kid •
Gloves made from choice =
selected skins one large
Tel or Crtilised Medal-
lion fasteners, one of the •2
handsomest gloves we
have ever shown, tans,
browns and greys, pail I .UU ;
Belts and Neckwear
Many pretty gifts can
be selected from our stock
of Ladies' Neckwear and
Belts. SODA of the latest
novelties of the season
have just been opened up
and we show a wide var-
iety of newand up-to-date
styles- 25c, 50c, 75c
ways acceptable to the recipi,
ent, it holds its own as a little
token of remembrance. Easily
sent by mail. • Itis.an ideal
little gift.for an absent friend.
Our showing iaeoinprehensive
and has been gathered from
Ireland, Scotland and Japan,
'the world's..great centres for
linen, muslin and . silk hand::
kerchiefs. .Many lines we
have 'imported ourselves di-
rect from the mkers. • There
are thousands here to choose
from and you will getino bet-
ter values anywhere. . Just a
.few price hints. .
Fancy picture Handkerchiefs, .
• pearly odd and • cornice! de-. •
signs to please the little folks I fl
2 for fic and 8 for • g I U
Good • quality hem-stite a
• • Handkerchiefs, full size, also •
fancy etnbroidered Hanclker-
' '
with• or without lace edge,
extra special value at, each..
Fancy Ornbrolderted Handker-
chiefs, . many different de:-
• signs, good qualitiee at
• 110c and
.Fine. quality Swien ernbroider14
ed Handkerchiefs, dosens of .
• new and handsome patterns,
also very tine quality, pure
linen hemstitched Handlcer-
L:ififPein:ItrgywetnilAICI Vitt*
the makers, enth..2u0 and
Extra fine quality embroidered :
muslin and linen • 14andker-
eh lets,dal n ty delicate designs,
hend or machine embroderi-
ed on !he finest of linens or
inuslins, many neve patterns
35, 50, 75 & I .00
:but not many of any one de-
: ' linen Handkerchiefs, .
, if= lit "I'n?ttlIte7s1";381. (Ill'eg
, a
For The
• What makes:a better,
Xmas . than some-
_ thing for the home.?
7: "Things for the Home "
-:are Much in •evidence
-. here. • Soinething select-
- edfrom thestook we are
7; showing. will make a
=• most acceptable and sen• -
sible Holiday Gift.
. .
Chenille and Tapesfry nn
. • Table Covers.. 78c, to.U.1.111;
—Chenille Curtains, per a an
. pair: ,..!3.150 to
per 00
pair •$2.50 to
Tapestry . ent tainti
Door Mats, Axminster,
• Sheepskin, or Sinvrnit
• Si to 1,25.
• Large Smyrna or Axmin-
ster and Wilton Rugs
- new patterns and col' 8 6 0
chiefs in goodquality mitsho •
a 1 5
100,15e, 20e& .25
Pure eilk Initialed Hendker-
411444.44tionieri chiefs, hem stitched, good
quality, nearly alt Initials
• 25e, & g 6 0
• . •.,„. : ****4*******•e***.********4********
odgens 1
rosi, Clinton,n,
If there is no Carpet
•Sweeper in your home it
would be hard to find it
'more sensible or accept-
able gift for the house-
wife. There is only one
good carpet sweeper and
that is Tissells.' We
show these. in two of
their best makes in light
and dark woods, •high
polished finish, Nickle or
Japan mountings. Prices 3
fixed by the maker
• $2.50 and $3.50
I. I. II , I • I ,
Novae 1 lth, 1902
1. :1. I 1 I.. .
,1144140.40114•00441144144.11.4141.4111.5410.54140111.111.411.4.411145.•44.404444••••••••••••• 11044411.1144.41*4110+14,11.40.••
Early Christruas Hints • .-
Just two weeks to Christmas and the time will seem to fly on wings. Make your selections
now and avoid the ruskthat always comes the lastfew days, We have hundreds and hundreds of
splendid things for gifts. Never before in the history of this store was there such a complete, line of
everything useful, each year people buy more of the sensible things for gifts and it is these sensible
things that we are going to tell you about. Since last Christmas we have more than doubled the
size of our store, making It one of the largest in the county. You will find it a very comfortable
place to do your Xmas buying for we hAve wide aisles, abundant light and everything has been pro-.
vided to make shopping pleasant as well as profitable. A very pretty box will be given you FREE if
you purchase a Handkerchief, Belt, Tie or Gloves at 50c or over.
Table Linens at 60c, 70c and 90c
'70 and 72 Inch wide Table Linens, elegant satin finished goods in
very choice designs,all are warranted pure linen,and our,prices
• are less then actualvalue, prices •60c, 70e and
$2,50 Table Cloths for 1.50 •
2i yards long Table Oloths Of Nil bleached linen, elegant satin fin-
ished cloths that are warranted ell linen, On account of some
of them being slightly damaged we bought this $2.50 cloth Ur I• hp
sell at % • OtR.
Table Napkins at $1; 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 3.50
Last week we cieared out f,ow a manufacturer% egeet, several
hundred Table Napkins at less than regular value, every nap.
• kin is made of a line quality linen,_and comes in tine range of 0 Kfi
" new patterns, prices per dozen...0g, $1.25, $1.50,' $2. to Q.UU
• Elegant Towels at 60c, 75c and 85c each
At the above prices j we have au elegant assortment of Fancy
•0 Towels all are made uf pure linen,sotne are bernatitched,othe.rs flt 5
4U • have fringed ends, prices each 60c, 75e and
• Sideboard Scarfs, Five O'clock Tea Cloths, Etc,
• We are showing a very fine range of these goods, both with hem'
stitched and fringed ends they come in good solectton ot de- •on
signs,and all are great values at, each • 3150, 50e to 1.4U
Tray Cloths at 2 for 25c
150 TrayCloths 17x24, made of tine linen, all having fringed ends, , 25
special at. ..• .•2f01 1
Tray Cloths at 25c ... •
200 Tray Olethe, made of fine white linen, some with fringed ends, 2 r
others hemstitched, A 1 values at each .. 0
Tray ClOths at 35c and 40c
Dozens of pretty Tray Cloths to choose from at 350 and 40e
Towels at 35c per pair• .
120 pairs of pare linen Towels, t-ize 20x40, extra heavy quality, all
• having colored borders, these towels are regular 45c, we bought 0 K
. them to sell at per pair .•'Wu
Towels at 50c instead of 75c
Ruffs, Caperines, Muffs
Ladies'Ituffs of Opposuin, Ohio Sable, Canadian•Sehle, etc., at $13
53.75, 6.00, 8.00 and
Caperines of Etectric Seal, Astrachan Seal and Stone Martin com-
• bination, Ohio Sable and Heal, etc., ranging in prices from
53.75, 5.75, 6.75, 9.00 to 16.75
• 10.
Fur Gauntlets00
Fur Muffs of Sable, Astrachan, grev Persian Ln.mb ate., all line
qualities for the prices..$2.5043.50, 54.50,55 to
Fur Gauntlets of Electric Seal, Persian Lamb, Russian Lamb, etc. 50
•• $3 5,50, 54.50 and .
Children's Furs
White Bearskin ?duffs, Collarettes, Tame, etc., per set .,.• 54.
Grey Persian .Lamb Collgrettes at. ...................•54.50 and *6
Children's Imitation Fur Gauntlets at per pair ... . . 50e and 430c
White Wool BOAS, extra large size, at each ...... . 25c, 350 and 50c
Fur Coats
Made of black Astrachan skins, all of Al quality, first class linings.
we feel sure our 'prices are $5 underany store in town for like OA°
qualities, prices
525, 527, 530, 535 and 411`
100 pairs of all linen Towels, 25x41, all are hemstitched and wall ' •
made to sell at 75e per pair, we bought them 25c lees than reg- 50
ular price, and While they last we'll :len them at per pair
• Xmas Gifts for Little Folks ••••
• .• Of course there is no danger that the little folks .wili
be forgotten in the busy- ChristraaS buying but . perhaps
. you can hardly tell what .to buy that will be suitable,
Here is a list of suitable presents : . •
• Ede, down Coats in red and creani;lined thorOughent, prices $2.25 On
.52.50 • • •
Robes for baby's Sleigh -or cart, in two Styles ( the Papciose•Rohe is 42
• . •• the neviest,) prices , •$2.50 and ;I
Tams, Hoods: Caps and Gauntlets of white plush,at each 85c and 1.00
• Wocd Baas, eXera liirge :size assorted lengths at eaeli 25e, 35c and 50c
Bootees and Mittens in white,.pink and blue ateach..,....:115c to • 25c
• People who -choose holiday giftsitlong practical lines will find a strong
suggestion in the complete lines of Kid Gloves we show for ladies. • Kid.
gloves are always acceptable for an Xmas present and a, lady never has
too many gloves. Our $1. and S1.25 kid gloves we fully guarantee and
should they break the second time they are tried on bring theni back and
we will gladly -give you another pair. •• , '
. •••• •• At' $1.00
We can give you a splendid glove in colors of tan, mode, grey,
• . white and black,. all sizes m stock. '
I • - •• At $1.25 •
Our gloves at $1.25 wine in black, dressed and undressed, all are
• made of selected skins and are the best gloves for the money• .
we have ever seen, they are full guaranteed, all sizes from 52 te
. • •• . . . • . .1
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• •
Big ciothitig• Sal.e. Oldest Clothing House•in Hurjon. •
•Prespective change,in Business of the
Smash down go prices . Particulars next week. Sale now in full swing
Slaughter without regard to going values as goods must be sold to effect change.
.• • ' .8AYPIELD.
Mr. John Whiddont Who is attending
the Collegiate at Clinton, come home
on 'llursuay last to cast his vote 'for
the referendum, .
' Tr. Sohn Sturgeon, whci has been at
London tut past few weeks, returned
home on. Monday, .
• Mr. H. F. Edwards returned home
ori Saturday after spending it leW
weeks with ' friends'. in Lebogis
nephew, Mr. .1•olin• Mitchell of •Lobtl,
rt.teined with him. ' •
Mr. E. Eberhardt, principal of the
Public school, and Miss Wright, as-
sistant teacher, spent Sunday at their
respective 'homes at Soaforth and Bg-
niondville. •
Mr. James Macdonald, who has been
spending a few weeks with kis son-in-
law, Mr. John Tcirrairec of Clinton,
xeturned on Friday last.
The . young people of . this village
held it dance in the town hall on Fri-
day evening last, A large. number of
young people from the surrounding
country and towns were present and
quite an enjoyable evening was spent.
Miss Mado Whiddon, who is attend-
ing the 4Joriegiate at Clinton) sPern
Saturday and Sunday at horrie.
Death has again visited our village
and • taken away Mr. George Green-
slade, Sr., who, was in his 53rd year.
He passed away on. Saturday morning
last after it short illness. He came
to our village last spring from Kippen
to reside and -has been an industrious
widow and several children survive.
The funeral took place on Monday af-
ternoon to the Bayfield cemetery, the
'remains being first taken to the Meth-
odist church where the service was
held', Rev. Mr. Velland officiating
The pallbearers- were 5 Messrs. John
Vihiddon, Thom 'tephetts, Williatu
Elliott, John re onus Cam-
eron and Robot. llicitt4
• The McKinney Bros' Minstrels will •
give an entertainment • in the town
hall -on the evening of the riith. They
are goad. Plan at Fair's book Store, /%4101011VVVVeinaArs/VvvVV4A4emewsikAetAwouVtaVVVVVVVVVVVV~I
Watch for the street parade.
• Mr, S. C. Rathwell came down from
1 Gorrie on Thursday to record his vote
arid returned home the same clay.
Rev.' Mr,. Andrews also came up from
• Parkhill for the scone purpose and
likewise paid short visits to some of
his friends here• ,
Mr, Joseph Poster had a very suc-
cesaful wood bee on Tuesday afternoon
• and the boys worked hard. Joe treat-
ed them to it grand supper at night
and afterwards to an evening's enter-
tainment at ;which, of course, the fair
ones were well represented, Music and
ga.ines were the order of the evening.
Misses 14aude Robinson and Annie
Foster and Master Norman Purdy at=
tended tne anniversary services at
Bruefield on Sunday last.
. The undersigned has for sale x
• horse, a set of s rigid ligrness, prac-
tically new, and a rubber -tired. buggy.
Will be sold stparately or in one lot
as desired.
Dec, loth.
A good Durham bull, ,just two years
bid, with it splendid pedigree, possess-
ing as he does two of the best strains
of Durha,ins in the country, the Match-
less and the Brampton Hero, his dam
being a grand -daughter of the noted
bull Abbotsford, the first prize bull at
j ilia World's rair.
.11 1,, TYNDA1414 BROSA Clinton P4 04.1
. I
House Furnishings
Perhaps you want to tone bp your home before
Christmas with Li • New Carpet, Axminster Rugs, Art
Squares, Lace Curtains, Silk Table Covers, Golden
Draperies, etc, If so we are fully prepared to supply the
demand, and to quote special prices till after the holidays.
Vnion Carpets, yard wide, gocid colors, worth 80e, for 25c.
Heavy, two ply UniOn Oarpet, yard wide, in a variety of patterns, at 115e,
46c and 60c.
A special line of tapestry carpet, in good patterns and colors, regular 05c,
for 50c.
Wool Carpet, yard wide, in it variety apatterns at 05c, 75c and 05e,
Art Squares, woven in one piece, in different sizes up to 4 yards wide hv
4i yards long, with border all around, Will tlt an ordinary ized rootti
without any matching or sewing and Will cost no more than any oth-
er carpet. N?lre have them in throe qualities, Ask to see them.
Lace ()militia, in all qualities,ft om 26c to $2.50, .
Ai t Muslins and Curtain Scrims, Sc, 80, 10e and .15e.
We altow a loge stork of swell Overcoats for young men in the new
Raglanette style which is now set popular, from $0 to 00,
Men's Black and Navy Beaver Overcoats, in ell sizes, frotn'35.50 tO $10.
Men's Beery rtieze Misters, high storm colitis, heavy Warm ab