HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 7• he, • eaft -. Deoeznb' 1,10349U VIE MINTON ICRIIMS-11ZOORD rus ,ellatiehettsith.1 1..1 II .11 I...Hill'. 11, I :1111 J 1 1 III 1 1 11 ,1 1 1.11 -14115011.1111.11 1 1 I 1 1 spa:L.111kt a little *bile that their TheMoisons Bank' Twitching of The Nerves Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Capital - - - f2,590,000 Rest 2,e5o,000 READ OPFICE - -MONTREAL.. Wm. Paulson Macpherson, President. James Elliot, General Manager. he-N'otes discounted. Collections Made. Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer- ican Exchange bought and sold, Intereet allowed on deposits. SA.VINGS BANK Interest allowed on sums of p and up, compounded hall yearly. FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en - losers. No mortgage required ea security. IL C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. McTaggart I BANKER.. Mrs Drialiwater, s Water Street, Galt, Ont., state:-' My great trouble has been with my nervee. I was very nervous, hari twitching of the nerves and could not get to -*V at :night. I iteerned cleft* worn out and believing that 1 needed some Medicine began to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood. 1 can truthfully say that this , preparation has proven surprisingly hone. I float •to ma It has strengthened and I steadied my nerves, made me rest and sleep well, and in fact built up dee system generelly." In Da Chase's Nerve Food is foued the ideal tonic for blood and nerves, and through these two mediums every organ in the humeri system is benefited. The languid, depressing feelings disappear when this great restorative is used. and with retressecl energy and vigor disease is ovcto me, the organa of the body perform their verious duties and new flesh and tia, see are added so cents a box, at all deahrs, or Edmaeson, Bates •Its Co., 1 mantle, • A General Banking Business transact- Or. Chase's ed. Notes discounted. Drafts „ •••:-. issued. Interest allowed on de- thh!,.4'...hathee-hrehhe.. h'rehhit"ht-7.h...hrah,'"aehhhhhhahhhh" The News -Record has a large and increasing' circulation which makes t a splendid ailvertising medium.. Xt pays to edvertise in The News -Record. ATEND HE BES'l-XT PAY, /204;1/(1;Jej ./iK/Ce . • ' STRATFORD, ONT. .A large, proves:. ire encl one of the best on -this. coutiment. This. -a strong - state:moot, bet it is a true one, . Imecrt el e S. fl 'he ria on. tau scl000l has -a' large attemlence . be° cattse it is a wide-awake, hesiline, workine, ich 11.1,r• Ret. cut graduateslekVe accepted positions at salaries xenon front f45 a month 'Foo jeI anurem. Write for our new catalogue. . • • W. J, ELLIOTT, STRATFORD. . • . C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOUT • • _ • • Nerve Food • , posits. •Albert street - , '41! Clinton. J. scorr, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block - - Clinton. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. Office -Beaver Block - - - Clinton. RIDOUT & IIALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. 13. R. HIGGINS Marriage Conveyancer, Vire and Life Insurance, f r each. All work neatly arid cheaply done. 13RUCEFIELD, Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for ONT. DR. W. GUNN, R. C. 1'. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls at fron door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. • Office -Ontario street - Clinton. DR. SHAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office -Ontario street - - Clinton. Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases oi • the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and Residence -- Albert street East, Clinton. North of Rattenhury street. • Licenses • ISSUED BY inonnongoonroonn . • Cook's Cotton Boot .Conipound sucaessfidly used Monthly byover mom Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask ' your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root m• pound. Take no other, as all mixtures, pins and imitations are dangerous. Prfoe,No..1., elan boa 0,10 degrees stronger,a per box. No.' 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 11 -cent. stamps. .The Cook Cosnpany WindsOr, Ont. slarlloa. land 2, sold and recominended by all. eespensible Druggists Canada. 'ME GOOD SHEPHERD GATHERS THE LAMBS WITH 1115 ARM AND CARRIES THEM IN 111811080M. • MEANING OF THE EMPTY CRADLE Itouretne Bolds That Witt Be Assured, and Comforted, "'es. by a Eteavenly rather'filaulfested Levinby This Ser. oleo to Whose T'het Mourn the Less of Little Children -4T. Welcomes Baby In Heaven To.night, holoottored a reordiu e to act or Parliament of Cale eda, in the year itsh, be Waite m hefty, et To. tante, aL the )Jel' t eterieuiture, ottaive. Chicago, Dec. 7. -Assurances and suggestions that will help to 'console many mourning emits are given ley Rev. Frank. De Witt Talmage in thie discourse on lIhe text lealah xl, 11, "ele shall gee er the lambs with his arm and carr, them in his hes= and ,shall gentJy lead those that are with young.'/'. What does the "empty cradle" of. %his movaing's theme mean? Does it :Moan that the 'babies who once play- ed ifl our nureerres have grown up into big boys and girls who rush away every morning from the break- fast table to be M time to 'answer the call of the school bell? Does it mean that our ehildren, have become young mere and women and left the old homestead to .go forth into the great -battle of life? Oh, no. This morning, 1 am going to preach upon thialittle• white ceadle Which has been erimtied in order to fill up the lithld white• casket. I an going to tell Why Jesus, as the Good Shepheed, .often eomes into. tho homes and gae. • thers the little lambs intohis areab - and carries them Into the green nese' tures of heaven. -We. know he- has always. cared for them, as my text• asserts, while .they stIfl remaieed with Us upon earth, but not till they reaeli heaven can they realize his per-, -feet hem. ' • Did you ever atop to think that thei . vast majority of the human face die in childhood and that oyer (Meet it die in infitaby before the :fourth year has been reached? Only , the *other • day I preached a funeral sermon in the house of a dear friend, in whioh lay a little white. caeket.• .As .1 was looking into. the face Of 'the little: - boy, whom I hadwelcomed into .the world• d whom 1 h d nlso baptiz- ed, a -tihmihathetie friend said: “Oh, Mr. Talmage, this is awfully' hard. to. bear! . knew what' it meansto have the Divine Gardener come 'and place: - the blossoms out'. of the nursery. I • have had ' seveu ehildree during , , life; pix of thentare dead, Only one boy its alive of them- alte!. As I left that home of 'rnotarniee and stood . upon the -street Waiting- iota:the pall-. bearere to place 'their precious bur- den in the white hearse by conversa- tion I found out. that the. two mettl- e's • Who were then standing newest to my side each had • two ,Inn7SCI'leS. • The one nursery woos ter their Irving children within...the four :reale of the • hem°. The second riureery Was for., 'their dead: ahildree *within the, four •hitlea of the fanolly plot. . • Now, • inee • friends, what is the ' meaning of this wholesale emigration • of our -little 'ones to the • heavenly shore? Are the. life and the death of 'the majority of Children a failure? Is the empty eradle so : empty that It min- hold for us no inspirtng lesson of zeta cheer, or is •Christ to -day •ae.--. - -altering the lamb's. into his. arms and zerraing them in his bosom so that. he 'Can the more safely -lead the bee . -reeved parents alcieg the thorny and dangerous pathakah • of. an arthly journey to the glorious destinatioa prepataid for theta ahead?: 'hhe.. Math: notes of my Bible affirm that this. portion of iny text mole enhen. that. the. Good Shepherd may' baear- ' eying the little iambs in.. hos • bosom to the k. cep. pastures .of• heaven so that the Mother sheep, with , bleat. ,and cry, *ill'foilow" More anxiously •• azid closely. after the Piqua Master. So• to -day 1 .preach .0 -thousands of sarowing ' hearts. ' I want to tail them Why their dead •children Were • bah and- also *why God does not let t he:vast majoi•ity ,of the hu me n race grew old and with bedimmed eye- sight. -see the. twilight, of threescore years end ten. .' • • • The comity cradle eget he the saered hearthstone o'f a ptirilied nentrinion- kit love: It can be •the -hold conyen- enter ark, .the cherubim of which are . ninlio ant of far mora valuable nut- 'terialthanthose which were- once • Molded out of melted ,gold. These. neW eliceubite may be the spiritual • boolien 'of our hedderned children,. 'who are hoverhog Over us 'in perpetual •behediction. It may he thp trysting place Where tired and coireworne rem' 'and •wouien•ineet again (0 talk :•.over the sweet memories. of the peat. • . Some people, do • not believe • thts- hoygbeptieaiiy rt that a cradle, full or ma Is;'a ild..wiiist thri.VCS , fathers and •inothe s apart rather • than a golden link of love • whieh clasps. parental heart to parental - heart, 'Lately • a, very dear fatale • fi fend, who had been a wife for many yea's, but .ent a mother, told one that she really belieeed her hutibnial and herself were more dependent up- on each other and therefae. .loved Smell other the more beetles° they' .40 no ,cloddren, 1 only fattened • at her, "Why," Isaid, "when, you at- tenuit t talk that Way You are like • IL blind Man' feeling his way along the streets witha staff, going step, by step, •who- thinks 'he is , getting along rill right and who is eittempte Mg to prove that the aunlight is use - lees merely because he has never seen a sunrise or a Sunset, having been born blind." ;Every irue father loloWs that the happlegt moment of hie Me Was not the day he held his hride's• hand at the marriage altar, but, the day he could sit by hie wifeki thehelde and hold in his toig --hand ,a lfttle. tiny hand. Th!e tiny hand, Weis melcivardly holding in (ho great fear of letting it fall, list it tweak into pieces, like a rep of tiorcelein. .And while he held tide tine hued in his With happv lOok he would tern gas. and 2 are sold in Clirdon by H. 13. Combe, R.• 1'. Reekie„ 1-10V- ey and:Watts & Co. --druggists. . . • • the Killop Mutual Fire , Insurance'. Cotpans Farnuand. 'Isolated ToWil PrOp'ct; . • ty Only 'Insured. -• • . • ogricERs J. -•-B. McLean, President, • ICippen Pe 0, ; . Thos. Fraser, • Vice-Preeident,• hrucefield P. 0. T.• E.. Rays, Seca Treasurera. Seatorth 1'. 0. ; W. G. 13roadtoot, • Inspector of Losses, Sea,: DR. G. V.MANNING / forth P. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. •• DIRECTORS . ' . W. G. . Broadloot, Seaforth ; Jelin Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- Grieve, Winthrop ; George . pale, Sea. lister on Mein street:. forth ; John • Watt, Ilarlock • Joint /3AYPIELD ----- - - Ont. Bennewies, Branagan ; Jamee'Evans, 13eechwcioci r. James Coueolly, Clinton; • John McLean '<ippon. ' DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Will be at hayfield every Wednesday afternoon. Office- Adjoirting Henry's Photo Gallery, Clinton. DR. G. ERNEST 1-101,114ES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege af Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class honor graduate of Dental Department of TorontoUniversity. Special attention paid to Preservation of children's teeth. , Will be at the River Rotel, hayfield, every Monday frpm ro a. m. to 6 Lp. In. er_____afli DR J: FREEMAN, VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Eine- burgh and Graduate of the Oita- io Veterinary College, ce-Ontario street - - Clinton • Opposite St. Paul's church. Phone 97. DR. BALL VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY IN- SPECTOR. Office -Isaac street - - - Clinton Residence -Albert street - Clinton. to • THOS. BROWN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales ceridected in all parts of the counties of Huron and Perth, Or- ders left at The News -Record, of- fice, Clinton, or addressed a Sea - forth P. 0. will receive prompt pt Satisfaction gearane teed or no charges. Your pat- ronage solicited. • 'Aowwts. Itobert ;Smith, Harlock ;: Robert Mc- Millan, Seaforth ; James Cunitnings, Egniondville.; J. W. Yeo, Holmes-, vine. Parties •desirous to effect insurance or transact • other besiness will be Praniptly attehded to on application to any of -the above officers addressed to their respective poetoffices. 011AN13THIJNIC SYSTEII1 TIME vAltg. Trains will arrive ae and depart front Cliiitien Station as fellows : BUFFALO AND GODERICE DIV. Going East lexPress • 7.38.a. ru e " ' 2,55 p. in. " 1.1• Ihtixed 4.15 P. 10. " West " 10.15 a. m. ` ".** Expreas12.55 p. 10. 4; 14• 7.05 a. in. " 41. " h0,27 p. 151. LONDON, IIURON AND BRUCE DIV. , Going South xerpress 7.47 a. In. " " Mixed 4.15 p. in. 1' North Express 10.15 a. tn. kk mixed 6.55 p. 111. A. 0. PATTISON, F. R. IhODGENS, Agent.- ticket g. M. C. D1CKSONi Distriet Pass. .A.g., Toratito 4, lg. 14 .1. 1 • • ° • lallgs"aktai I oughe. , "1 had a most, stubborn tough e for manyyears. It deprived me ' of Sleepand I gemot Very. thin, I • then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, i andante quickly cured." - - 1. R N M nn, Pall Mills, Te , morWeil leXPERIENCE Sixty years of cures I. and such testimony as the above have taiight us what, • Ayees Cherry Pectoral 1 will do. Trutot MARKS Demotes ObrienioNte Anyone Sending 0, sketch and deserietlen mas attleklt rtahottoln Our opinion free weenier AO Ineenttott to efnbobly patentable. Canaria:ilea, Dant otrintiq conrdentlid. Ileiclbook on Ptiteiets sent free. Oldest away foreeeurmetetteeta Patents taken through mann & 01. Meets *east gaffes, Without theme, in the Scientific Pinterican. A eandsemele illustrated kite/okay. fereeete_eir. demotion of Any sclontitle learns!. Terms. as h ara'1 fear !fleapit. 81. Sold bran lattenflentenk UNN &00.!olgroAdwlYittlerv Yuri( otau,n meee. tee P Ste WholdafilOrt We know' it's the great- . est cough remedy ever , made. And you will say - so, too, after you try it, I There's cure ineverydrog. - Thtie Idlest lie., enough foi noailestlie" •• me; meelytteitteeleet for berottnchitis, nets°, : eltAltei4nri"1r=itVtrenpt; J, 0. ATElt CO., 4011101000k1.0100111.011114Ebbgitligitsilisie • l" the repOrtens cane to thie warden ve.y beet friends weuld not knoie IA lII IN Hill RT VV tb if theh Id . and ealked what he wanted to say In y ou nicet them when el 1 reference to his wife, the recollection walking on one of the golden bottle. Of the relation she sustained to the ,se• o the beau ul gate. Boit . verde t t family, deeply as elle had dishonored thank (Md., a a lit know our loved ones in heaven. Moses and Mae, af- tto,ureumnds he stet? suirgheadveo:neor ter haiing slant a thousand years itt against MY termer w"e• Teaneliguration heaatin; talked upon the Mount of to say jitet the same as they thermore, I will not alloW any oue in my presence to speak disrespect - telly of her, Remember,. gentlemeu, she is the mother of my children." • Now, nay sorrowing friernite if a living child can have such a restrain- ing influence upon the parental heart how much morc should an empty cra- dle purify the love which the twain pledged each other at the Marriage • altar t We have often heard bow old snldiers who had slept, under the same blaaket and fought side by tilde through the civil war cling to each: other all through; life on ac - of their past sulterings. If this be true, is not your martial love purer and sweeter and truer because you have washed, and cleansed it in the .empty cradle, wnich has been Ail- ed to the highest edge with your mu - teal tears? After your little girl died Y01.1 hunted up all her old play- mates and took them to your heart because they loved ITattie or Nellie or Mabel. If that be true, tell me, 0 breken hearted parents, did you not love each other with a deeper,' wider end holier affection after you togeth- er Pursed the little sufferer through that last long painful sickness? Do - you not now love each other more after you together have aeranged the little white flowers . upon the • little white casket? Do you not to -day love each other •the more because when those sad anniversaries of your baby's death come you never men- tion her nano but give to each tithe eh e holy kiss, whtle- your. eyes • and cheeks are wet witb falling tears? Yes, your little dead child's life had a distinct mission, She lived long enough to niako the 'twain (me flesh. 'From her casket to -day she reaches out one arrri and puts it about her ' father's neck.. She reaches out the other .arm and pits it about the um-. ther'e neck, Aod now herdeaq lips part tie shegives' you thle hely ben- - ediction. "Papa,- Mamma, -be true to each other • and loye• each. other for your dead • baby's sake," . An ern tracile•is a potent' mag- net for a true, consecrated, spiritual, Parental life.' It makes a great -deal of difference h9LV an average father and*Mother feel. toward hcaven, whe- thir :or. no they have O littIe one in the spirit land. "Where .your trees- • eke is, there is your heat also" can interpi•eted 'in more ways •than • Y h ' boh wh h stated out 'to earn his own living. De has become the•Oweer of a lithe shoes -a -ire in ono of the outlying dis- tricts of Sante:large city. When you •hisit tied young brlde, 'hoes • Ito .take. You the first:hay to see any 'Of the 'great *stores he the downtown • ..districts?, Dote he want. you ' ; Soon Eta you ayelve to visit the noted • :art • galleries or the!*libreries Or •the. famous auditorium, where the might,' Met ortitors of- the world have :hook- ' en and. the moet. beattifill voices of 'Europe-0ml Anterice•havo sung? Oh, - no. h The first "Waco the boyetakes You to is his 'own littlestore, •••his•face beams:with prkle ./a; he says: "Mother, hose look • di those shear windows!. Are. they not splendid? Those- windows cost h MO-, but ' they , are :Worth it. Then, inothera I' -intend as soon as. the bneiness in- creases etioughhto warrant' It to build an addition on the back of the store. Then perhaps I may he able to hire . this .corncr ,store and knock out the intervening walle. Then I :shall run a lino 'of ifurnialiing goods as • well as a shoestere. Don't you think this is • 'fine • situation? And-, luother, •made nil this neyeelf practically out •of nothingh•out of the $50. you gave me when I ;left homehe Why • does phut° boy go on like that? ,leasy' :0117 otrgh to andeestand. . Ills treasure is in that store.' • . There .heat al- so. . ' . . What - true in reference to the• •business is true in re creme to ' the' home.. You may travel': all. around the Wald. You may ostand in a Leurhe or a Luxembourg. You may wader 'through a "WiedeOtectie- •ele "ora- Vatican. You artity, • even travel for a time ainoag the 'Meta: beauties of halo or: Ceylon; bee when the evening :home comes •your thoughts -will leap over contineets toad swim ,ever isens.• Thee° will 'trav- el past palaces' and - cathedrals and London . Tmeers filled With Crown jewels until at last they• elder sem° humble • hoMe and motile and laugh. • 'and cry -ba.some 'cozy. fireside. Why? Because. Ykur loved miee are ie that • home; And where your treasure is . there is your heat also. his loving: eyes' upon the staling fere of hie his haw's mother. ; After the dad; "Omuta of 0 eativity • have for sane time hotercd twee a home and at last pasted to let a tit - tie humeri sunbeam drop into the era - die, the words 'filustainti" mid "wife'' ought 1,4 have for at hetet two hoe arum heath re deeper, Wider/ 1)01101' Maiming. These words Ought to hoe the eared Mad of a lady Were pretation as ono -of thein had a few yeas ago for the werden of the Pitasburg jail. Ilia wife 'liberated . floe two beakers, who were to be .Oteeuted tor xnurder, and ran away with. them, and remained leith thein until they were shot, Wheu talked to their friends when upon. - earth. We shall buow Jesus id heave en by the- scats lopen his resurreeted body winch he re•mved upon the cross in his earthly body. I believe our re. deemed friends ate to be Just the saute in Mattel, in one Settee, as they were when upon earth. I believe they are Just the same, except that In the heavenly land they have no Fein, 110 Sicknese, no 510, 110 parting, to denth, no teat5, • An empty cradle eignifiee that 'Clod has his favorites, If I might reverent- ly use that term Ola that I had More tithe in which to develop this inspiring and tremendous thought! By his favorites I Mean this: .04e4 has selected our redeemed childreit out of aft of the 'human rotee as the ones he wishes to sale from safer- ing, as the ones who by his tattler love are to win all the joys of hear - en without of tl t f tl 4141v OPA. Express on the interool. i °nisi Rolls Down 0 NW, Ptiortieoilthe Engine When ho mites West Cab anti ricked Up Unhurt in or tialifee, Tripe up Train -'rider. the Oldest Engineer on the Bowl, Kill- ed at Post -Fireman rroin • Haelfax, N.S.,- Dec, B. The wriest train wreek hi the history of the , tercolonial, the • Canadian Govern- ment ralway, happened at o'clock Saul:El:4 afternoon at Delmont sta- tion, 70 utiles' trout Halifax, when the Canadian Pacilla express foe • Montreal rolled down an' enibunkmee t killing Six people, injuring n. score of others, and coMpletely wrecking the locomotive, the postal,. express and baggage „ears and several patisenger tOttelleti. _ - bodies have thus far hem re- , . covered front the wreck, one of any el e 1" which, beside that of the enghwer, soutane. ha boon identifk'd. - you were a man in a very simple Way. elepposing The dend aro: aged 41S, et' Perhaps I can •illusteate this, idea . • of great weeltla As , Cambridgepoo t, Mess., who.. mid been you go hp and down the world your visiting reltotives in New Olesgow. heat aches for the little bootblacks William Kennedy, aged 23, of and newsboys whom.you meet in the etreet and who seeminglyBleek Itock, Nfld. have no eoSamuel 'leader, aged 55, •of Moue- 0!- the iI etfe.You were once a waif street, ton, N. 33.. and yotl know what their temptations and struggles are.- Malcolm McLean, aged 27, Aetibere • You endow a great institution, where Philip . 4, these boys can have educational ad- dToole, aged h5, of Now- foundlan. • • • • . • vantages and the comforts of a, home., Willitun. Hall, aged 24, of New - You cannot sena all the boys there, foundland. , • hitss Minnie Croaks, Aged 28, of Halifax.. She had bean on a visit to her mother, in this city, who is ill, and was . on her • way to Waverley, Mass.. where she was employed. in the McLean. Asylum. • Among' the Injured are: William Kennedy • of •Black •Rock, N.V., who will dee; R. B Brown, -express noes- senger; W, IC. Edwards, brakenian latecl.' When Christ thinks' of all the because you have not ntoney enough, but you cert Fend some. 'f -lo you g� tin and down the 'large 'eft lea, seleut- ing• here and there the beightestboys you min finh. • 'flue' are your farmed bootblacks: You 'select .the bI ightest• the most • protaising and the meet manly, Wel!,-in the same' way I think God hahie fehoritee, and they . are child) en .who are dead anti -trans- temptations he hail to . Meet on earth" J. Cruhpbell„ brakeman; 10...-J.- Noe- reselves. to. 'clime ninny of the ba- h, • ton, t Xpi ess. agent, ',rank Devoe., ee, and all the eorroWs . he endured; dens; 1 presa agent of -New Castich. N.,Ile ..0.. . and he takes away ehiefly those ; Cottham, ...adierihege. car conducter, all of whom •ne Said,' "Of such are the 1 seriously; Sharattel Taylor,' •conemercial • . Eingdoth Of Ideavetth'..-So •'aeriet -traveler, Seekville, NE...a cute . and. coines Mto the iveride end he" . aeleuts' , bre iped, . not seriously. hurt ; Jas' me Cavanaugh, passenger; 'injuries en- - rem' Haire. yoto not •noticecl that the knaw•n: J. .11. Ilippell, .. postel :clerk handsinnest and- ehe best boys . and .. bh 8-t. Johe,, and A. 5. Belea of St. girls are, as a rule,: the first' -to he ,..J°11.11. • , • •' . called a,way? . Well,...Christ comes in - -' rih'en41.6 31."Ihr C.LAPPbell w" -s hurl- . and takes. our best and pures,t • hee .ed through the ad nd o tv of - the tette lefts thorn up, into his Aries and says, . • • hod wcs.' inched up. m an adjoining - "Abe (his lands -has ago feail and field practically tonintra • ' ..- • : ' beautiful a emit -to be subje tea to * It Was not until last evetting..that .Cthhellatiffteotoilikgsf•9.rof.iitthiviraiweesioeniche'.!..01.T.4:kuuiS eletaile of the difieSter • .11701e •khheived., dear lime. ones 04 of .pun sight. Ah, Ah., . a •tieavy .erioiv and, bail. sterile having* deothealieed. the • wire I i nese • • ehhe my dear friends, etre e you heot' glad • treie Was,. ha • el -large Of thnelttelor that your deed babies : are i• among ' hl Hi igen told Irmittikeer rl'hiderl'' ' ..41 11<i. PrOd's favorites? • ' Ate •you . not ..• glad. left • Ilitlifax• at 5e45 'far Montreal,. Writ they do not lathe' to 'suffer • as •. cortneetieg at- hicAdene June -Goo :wale hou hue e -to suffer' end; iveep ' az you the Melee .•*Ceirt ral, eiied. , for Jiang/el , . g • , • • 'Its • y. o,u ,stionble, sin as • pei•hahs you were destined. for points. In the. Cheite • . Now, the. same law.: of reasene God waits to matte heaven '. . piece; a practitality; • no condition, but a veritable' actioality. HOW '.-is • the Divine rather to this? . By . taking. tie to heavae ourselveet 011, not . God will -not do this, because our Work Is not eat 'done. But God can make es' feel that heaven is a • home by coming into, our homes and taking' our best and dearest teeasures there. 'Whet' does • he take? Otte money? Sometirries, generally something dearer. and more precious, than that. .9:ad as •a lovine..thither. takes the deareet posseseicin we have. He takes a child out of the ninaery, takes that for which a mother would give the diamond Tinge MT her 'Angers, the silk tiresome Mit -of her wardrobethe house over her' head '; for which she would . give any thi n g and everything if she could only get back her child, God •in -love tares that little Odic'. out of the parental: Eta. a a oe it , 153 the gt eat heles 4/1 old met te ate, • mand the sons and daughters of their defiant subjects, to be sent to the royal eoUrt . as a guarantee that those su jec s wouldtuea er have theinselveS. Clod, when ho comes' into oar trurseries and' takes the little ones home with Him to aeaven, pritetically says to the ber- eft parents: "leather alid Mother, live purer and nobler and More con- secrated lives. Live as Jesus •Would will come to the heavenly land Where You shall be able forever and ever to dwell with your little once." Does not this suggeodion giee to you an added force to the bewailed worths, "And he Hindi gently 'lead those that - are with yelIng?'' • An empty cradle signifiee that heave an is to be a plare filled with child- ren, 'this heading is elltirelY diatinet from that which we have diectiesed-4 namely, that, our children who die Immediately go Mae glair. It is tinct, because many people, oven P1orrie good peel -easing 'Christiarte, Seem to have a vary hazy and bewil- dred idea of heaven. They think heaven fa to be a hind of , .teriement Itemee district or they ettppest it tO be it place Where everybody goes through a kind of Metamorphosis qad booms so c,han4ed, in Woke it.t.tel :the -best, and 'brightest of' our child- The aroteurript hio thing? in't 1 i.? Somehow, that a-wful .0, tough, th..t hard struggle for air, oan .never he for- gotten. 13e a little -fore. liandkAl and .prevent it. Koep Vapo-Cresolt no in the house, and when die childrtn take cold let thein hrvit the in the rapr doting the evening. It goes right to the throat, just where the croup ),es. All' irritation Subsides, tho cough quiets. dawn aryl serious trouble is prevented. lt never fails to cure whooping coughal, • me.^ -es $• 1.1 11V ernget.st. rverywhere. .e. Vit-pl-Cr on, 00 411111. in • the Ventirlser end Lamp, which sb •nl 4 /..st a ife.h;f.c, ar ire of illg;11gilere o1:1eaaatg Ir -euro' request. WM* Cle.$01,1441: 1.0.„ kce Felton let„ New York U.S.A. • ,rree refatoes herr Troops.. ... ' Coos Town, Dec. 7. -In consequence of the dearness of living iri South Africa, which' obliges soldiers aci I spend ,pra.ctically all their pay con 1 food,' the War Office has decided • to Imake a free issue of fhb. bf pota- • toes per day to each mart. 'Phese at present can only be purchaeed at ex-. travagant prices, • Col. Lamb Hills Himself. : London .Dec. S. -While the Cunard • Line steamer Etruria Was ascending • the Mersey Saturday morning, Cal. Laub, a member of •the •Engtielo rifle . team returning from. the internation- ' al cemeetition in Canada, committed eiticale. He shot the'. top of head entirely n.way with his rifie. - . . •• amainea can to Rawl. Cellege. Toronto, Dec. 8. - W.. Mortimer Cl. re, LCC., chairman: of the Board • • • of Mauagement of Knox Collegeere- -ceived a. cablegram en Saturday af- ternoon from Reee ,john laelman of ...tEdinburgei , Scotland, • who was offer- ed the appointment to the chair of apologetics at Knox. Mr. '<Oman de- elines the appointment. " , • , . • Shot Dimealf Dead. . N.W.T., Dec: 13.e -A 'farmer ' e • ehthe name of Alexander I. McCrae, , * • -wile Reed about three miles from the . • ' . tsitititic•ito(ie 6.1a.itisetderdhaisy 111-infoernbiyloobny-imsigiontg- • ing hithhelf. .a.c1 .be re deranged in his. °Mind for some years, and had ' been for a long time a patient at the • Broaden asylum. • .• • , • . :Manor to Succeed Mint°, : . • i . • • Ottawa, Per. 8. -It is stated • here froth a eaurcer that• prevents ceotra- I 11 et 101i . that,- when,. Ifori. • Joseph, • Chem teila in returns „frono, his • tour of . Strati Africa., Lord Milner. will be Male • Governorehleneear, to- aucceeh :, Lore !into', a -he eas yet nearlY a' ' , yea-. to reign.. - • . .. . • nto• and 11 • have shined? Are yoti not thaeliful ed States. • The accideat oecurred al t, that.Voui' little children in hetieen .1 o'clock and was caured hv th , ii.' : pee be numb°. ed 0 among God e . ot becoming -loos and. tallow; :it' 81 0 tally leenored ones? , . • . frent, of the engine, which we s Thusmy text • to -day ,has. it, most. thrown .• 'front the retie. . 'rho belie practical' and inspiringly helpful. Zees- hiewed •aheed for • .50 feat- and then sage for all men and ,wemenwho have turned aet er' and rolled down the One eared. little '• graves •ld their family.. bankment. . .- •, . plots. I 'want you OR .to eee your The -engine was ,completely .evrecked facestowerd the heavenly land, 'where tinliethe ear's neat the mail ea1. weee your .beloved children are waiting for teleecoi eh by those in, the i•cer.• Tri - you.: 1... wantyou truly • to feel • that. • der -was killed at his post.Vee -Jesus, the Good Shepherd, hes • hie- passengers were killed and : one r Pa . ed the little lambs into his :arms and .• badly ,injured•thet, he died later, The is carrying. them -in his bosom.' Re- colnniht ca. ran under Ore beggar:. ..raember, the parting will not be long. 'ear -and the top was ctit 'riff the fell Believe ' me,•if you have faith in length down to the WindoWe - • • Jesus Christ the -reunion-will aerelh * Tricia. Was' the •'oldest. .eneineeg . on cane. And eo I wiil Ocoee this ser . . - : the road. Ile bad been injured seta • • • . •• • •• Mon with the .sweet cernsolath n a • eeal tithes in wrecks: . - • ' • • '• little Philadelphia • girl once gee e to . ." The wrecked train Was a. Canaclihn her aged eratahnother, ales: evilharoo Pacific- in. c.haege ot .an Tnteecoionial Raper, the widow of the noted, .haph crew, • The Canadian Pacific Ilona tor of the Broad Street Presbyterian ' terminate at St, John, N.B., and the. •Chtnehe• 0.roe day, sitting:at the feet . letercelonial takes charge there aid of her gal tidmath ear . this' 'little- girl . haute ' the. train daily to Hal ;fa x anti lookeh up and seed; • uraetima.mala., back; At St. John •a °anticline Po. - do you thirh granddeddy? Welt, neiaor chic ellailroad crew •takes. hhaeg•e . • rniad., I knowhe migees you. *We again and runs thetereie thiehigh to ••• Will not be separated eon grand- 'mei:area , .• . • • . 'Inee perhaps you will go pext; rer." • . i haps I. Eut• it will not be Meg. • .And • .. • , • I: then, • grandmannete Won h, • eledda' reeved parents; your, eeparettea frpni. ewas hr a Cetheion .ort O. ti, D. on , be glad to • see us 'better • No,, he- - ' . ' • , ' D..1111SAnNuNLD:e1.1..tT...' .• . . you Only plaee 1`0110 faith. in florist ' Winnipeg,. Dec. S. -D. • Mann of and live for, him.' 11 Wile note ee long.*. :Mackeruie & Menn, v ceepteereene of.. i ' . ' ...I . • perhaps I'. But when. we are ail toe Perhaps yeti will ,be the next ' to' gor 'hi a railway collision :on' the Canttha . the ,Cana.clian * Noethern, was injurect .goontelsteii-ein.h•tiltiena).yyettio.tvgi4etne-utyonint•itlittthlee ttlehiilainyN.eeteere at -Le Naeheaga hoe_ -..h His injuriee arc not seelt. . e: ST. •JOSE,PH. • • r lea Mrs. S' ' Wildfong :of Pigeon • - 01.14314...ineu eueets -of • Mr: t .,1j tie I AS 1 clvcc tib• 0(.,11, - tract :of putting: in. the ruain sewer , fag the . Ballet/eel 'block ited.has now got, a Metre ;force of 11.1011 at work ott'; it. • • • .1' . 1,WQ Of he• M. children. • '• are at present hery Sivk 'rind thele:r•the 11:.)11)e fOr the "WitIttr. • ," *. Mr.' Frank It:homy, mho. has -Spent • • • .Vranic leoks -as if the fresh breezes of - Einar t.aul Magic of Zeti -CM e. of Dr'. litichttean. • • • ' .• . 1- --• • • cl!nl horsee• hzre last Week, Abu Fest. reasOn- Sailing', 61 :Ole lakes, • lakeze agreed Wi ih, him. • . • ch • .., • . •yotor (Ones Will not be long, If • • • parting will not be long. •Salivate,' . eta, ib Will *not be long, . • ,- . Wrecked by a Cow. . • • 1 Winnipeg, Dec. easheiound. 1 • Paeent-Dich7;7Ilalit'eleadr. you call that ,ed eerly Satheday• Caron•Station, Canadiau Pacific cep:less was wrack - boy a hard name just now?. Boy. , near Mooseja.w. The foremen, • herpes No, Pee thathi his real .nameh, he's. Araistrong, Was instantly killed 'and Russian.-lialpenny • .." Engineer McLeod badly injured. he • , ••• • Jain Ian into a ,cow and the engine ' and three ears were, ditched, 'blocking • • 40th Anniversary F:oriovOr'For4r. year!' dray so .Syrup of Red Spruce Gum AS A SPECIFIC FOR ..• COUGHS, COLDS, Etc.' • Mu been tested and. has beedine the Validly Cough- Specific of thousands .• throughout •Canada and the united • Nate:3. lt tiever was more popular nor more largely used than' it . • r6 -day... . • • • • • .the track far ten hours. • • ELVTISEN TEAR& • Harry Bremner, Who ;Wight Ease Been, • He danced tWice with a wall flower. • -a. T 1 etu d • ate (led "HOw good Of hint!" said the fiancee, ray s Syrup MERIT ALWAYS' TELLS. Congh neniedies come and go. New ' m•ep ;mucus are tried and abandon. cd, but• the otd reliable remains. The pirsent is a trying season for both old and young, and colds, easily clught rake are apt to remain for the • eituthr unless promptly cured. No .. A Dianeeees itenectione. better remedy eau be found than Toronto Junctiort, Dec, 8.- Harry Bremner, found guilty of shooting A. C. Mutart, and sheeting at J. 'Shaw, He danced on with a,belle. "How mean of him!" she cried "..ligiUMItrattenft. ,,,h .l.,1 I •estPolice IVIagistrate Ellis to fifteen • . loseesseemeemenaisecessessareassea. , was yerday morning sentenced '- by i''' I I sent at the court, and 'gave ve evi- - .'ofliflid3"1"3461/411114141"14111"11kentecsa- "DUCVt. H.A.PPIC THOUGHT!" charge; both sentenceg to run tomer-Th.;"I ' ch4111.Bing years in the penitentiary on each rently. Mutart was able be pre- • donee on the charge of shooting at John Shaw, The Crown, represent- ed by IT, E. Dewitt% K,C., preduced, • - through, James Scott and his sister, he 44 appy Thoh ugt" ivho keeps a restattrant en Yonge H Or . Range. .. e One. Iltindred and 'ray Thougand Canadian Women , have decided for street, evidence to shoW- that 'ikon:t- rier was in the habit of borrowing their • .reVolVer, The one, however, 'found . upon the prisoner Was pot' • Scat's, Bremnerborrowed it to protect to, largo sem ot money he . carried and ustially returned it .qext day. Mr. Godfrey pleaded hard" for leniency on account of the prisoner's youth, but the magistrate did: not, eonelder it a case of leniency, •lie belieVed that on each, occasion he shot to hill, and it Was hely the prisoner's ilnperfect aim that Pre- vented a, double and prOliably ot trip- be°ot:Ixrdeift.rd elli4let• Itlife?1:retfictwttlishieja 'Where her Iitishand Was taken to down cells, Confederate Nurse Oka& Vlorenee, Dec, 6,.-15,fra. Ellen Orbe - 80)1, Widow of Jam Harris, formerly 'United Statbs Consul at Venice, aid djstinguished Coefederate Morrie, died here 'yeeterday. She Wes 80 years of age. Pato Who Needed. TM Lordship -Will your father be at the (look'? She -Why, yes, dear; some one must Day the duties on you, Common Ranges were not pod enough -Why should they be for you ? Don't be imposed on b37 • "lust as good" talk,, The construction of The ',nappy irhought f$ is patented, its design registered, ft is totally / different it:every respect to any other, There is none like it. ' There can be noire 80 good, If you only knew the titne, the trouble, the labor it would :MVO, you, how littlMA e fuel `t uses, you x\I would be one Mu le dayilb woxit oat. Na.:e.The STOVZ co.,ztedzooln, 014 HARL AND etRos* CLINTON. bt ., ri".01001011010404010410k"1"00004011010.4010