HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 5Deoemb4r1 ita„.3.902 111E otagzox X Ews.nsposo 15 . • • , •• . • , . •••,........ • • _ .• .../...• i.,111, 1 .11i....0,01.1 . .. . .., ...... .,,,.... , *40•4:4-4--########.**4.**444********************•*********.*..44+.**********************sitett*4.*#*****tr?..#14.49t####*******44***“••#*********** . 1. • t 1 • • • 1 • * 6 • • 6 I. 44 4-4 44 41. 4., 4', *A 44 II 4s. 4,' 1 +1' ' * 4 * 4, 4- 4, 4 A',.. • 4* 4. 41 f .* ,* .* 1, t 4 * 4 * 4 • 4 4 * * & 40'* l '• !'• 4 1 4 * 404 *; l'1' *;. IX 11 t 1 ''• • 1, • '• r• !I:41. !I 40* 44* ii 40* 444. :;'.4: a 41 h 404 4,0. 44'. 44 * 44 +011. 44p lb: 404 404 31 40 4 4 1. 41, •4 140; t 1. 404 40 • 40 • 4441 40 • 40c. !...? .c. --'= .-.' 40 v :7g 4z P rt. 13 4.4 111: 444, 4, .P. J 4 1 4 4 4- * 4' * 4 * * 4 A. • •46.. 4,4 I! 4 , 4 , . 4 4 4 4 0100.imais 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<.' Buying from 44,04400.Q 444, 41.1. *1. • Just Now II 4.4 40* • 440.00.<? 4444 000000000 4 4 * 4 * P .141 ***40..............04•4404444444444444444044.440+44.4.44.*********************44+...44444444444444444444441444 44444444444444444444.4444444444444444444 4 4 4 4 * • 't 4 • * • * 4 j 40,1, 41 : 4* b, 4 4 b 4 I, 4 b. 4 4 4 g. 4 b. 4 , p 4 b 4 I. • *, 4 * * 4 *. 4 b. • • 4 4. • ros. Means Saving a Lot• of Money We are going out of business in a few weeks. Our stock must 'positively be reduced to nearly one half which compels us to make a sacrifice on our entire stock of nearly $16,000, the largest and finest Clothing and Furnishing Stock in this part of the country. 1VIen's, Youths', Boys' and Children's I Men's, Youths' and Boys' Underclothing, Suits, Overcoats, Reefers, Odd Coats, Odd i Top Shirts, Gloves, Mitts, Sox, Ties, Collars, Vests, Odd Pants can be bought froth us Hats and Caps are being sold by us at prices right now for less than we paid for the goods. less than you over .bought then for before. - 1/1 December • Is a month that all merchants count as the biggest selling month and the best month for profits. No need to cut the prices, people want the goods, but with us it is certainly different. We would be like others if we were not giving up business as soon as .we can get out. BUT WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR PROFITS AND DO NOT WANT ANY We will be satisfied if we can get the stock down by the ist of January and retire. Jackson rose have been talking to you through this paper for 17 years next January and we hope by that time we will have ceased talking to you but before we do we want to give you some- thing that will make you remember us for years to come. - You certainly ought to know •us by this time and thatwe have the- reputation for selling good, goods and now that we make you one of the .greatest offers ever made - selling without any profit just when you need the goods will be many dollars saved for you. Could you wish for anything better? Get all your money together and come to us for we are selling only for spot cash, we can't afford to book anything, not for 24 hours. ' US For. Xmas .INIIII11••••00•••••IIM•01,160•0111 • . To the Ladies 7 7 • W e talked to you two weeks ago about Dress Goods, something out of our line. We told you we bought some months ago from the Old Country a. lot of goods for boys' 'suits and knickers for our wholesale manu- facturing departmA:pt. We made a lot of them up but found they were a little light in weight for this. They are more intended for Ladies' Tweed Dresses.. We decided to sell the balande of them off to the ladies during our sale. We have over 600 yards.. They are -worth 60c to 75c a yard double fold. You cau buy all you want at 26c a yard. When you see them you will buy some. Those who have seen and bought thein say' they are just the thing. . 'It won't last long even if we have a lot of it on hand. resents a a A lot of things we sell are greatly appreciated for an Xmas present, such as Gloves, Mitts, a Silk Handkerchief, Ties. Smoking and House Coats, Bath Robes, Etc., Etc. 3018 Fur Coats. Our prices ought to be low enough to suit anybody when we throw off all our profits for the sake ofgetting rid °four goods. Those who have bought from us are more than sat- isfied, so will you be. We had only 53 when we started and now have only 31 lett. You will have to buy quick to get one. We have all kinds. 3 ij 1 1 Silk Mufflers, This is the number of a suit worth $10. It's the new Coronation Cloth. We bought lots of these because they are good and 'we marked the price' down to $7.50 as a big leader. Now all $7.50 suits are selling at $4.80. Come in and see this suit, you will know it by the number and you will likely buy when you see it. $4.80 is net much for a suit and it is a good one, too. • 1 . • 4 4 * . .4 • 4 * 4 t . 4441 4* .0 A,* • * 4,t 4 * •41 4,41,.. 4 'w" 4,1' • 44". 4 * 4+41 4 *". 4 "' l• 4441 .4 * 441* IP, * 4 * 4 '* 4 * 4 * 4A4 40* 4441 '44". 40 4441 4a* tt t1P 40* :t. 40* 441 411' 4 4 * , • 4,• 4,* 4,* . ** • • - 4,1' 44, *,* . •*. 4". i:t. • . 4, 4‘4 '11 1 4 4 •••• •••••••••••••••••• *44 •• 4444.4 ••••• ••• .44 4444 4.44 44 44 4444.4 4+44.4 44.44 44 •••••• 444. .• 44 4.4 • • • 4. • 4.4 4* 44 4. 444 4. 4. 4. 4. • 4 • 4.44 • 44, • 44 44* 44 4. • 44••••••••••••••••••• Condi:H.6ns Established 1854 Retiring 1902 Jackson Bros, Clinton. of Sale EVERYTHING sPOT CASH *4 fl • 4' 4-* 44 4 1 4 t 4044 444 b. 40 40 444'. p, 4 4 444 4 'Csi‘ 4. b. 4 4 4 0. NO GOODs ON APPROVAL 4 '4 04.444 H*441444.4.44 A NO GOODS ExClIANGED 4.444344441-Wft_4040-444. .***4414#40......"".#441# '4[0.434444403#41.4014.44.000441.**4444444.41444444#3.44#0.44,41.44444443/44444#44444+4.41.#44444444.0444•41.*4044#.4..44######## 4444444 .,4!,#4.kt41,.#41,4•14+41,644.44•141k 41 1 • 14