HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 3"IL
Deoember 1.1t1:,1902
7 Author of
rerCy S "wThelliFnaet,i
Secret .
‘‘Tbe Unseen
I•-•-•0-11-• • •-•-•-0-40-4-4-4-•--•-•-•-•-4--•-•-• -
kin 1 of smuggling for- me this time(
In h! Hidden Cave. Madame Ertninie•
ell be safu enough, and that queen •
of he smugglers, or whatever she is,
can take care of her. Refuse mei by
the hosts atove, that girl shall re-
pent her temerity! This very day
will I see Black Bart, and then!"
He compressed his lips tight, ' and
his face assented tt look, grim deter-
mined that showed 'his resolution
was unalterable. • :
And nu•anwhile, Erminie, with her
face bowtd in her hands, was weep-
ing the bitterest tears she had ever
shed in her life.
Admiral Harry Havenful sat alone
in the parlor of the While Squall, the
heels of his boots elevated on the
knohs of the an I -irons, his chair
tipped hack to that sublime angle
whieh women admire, but nun Iptly
in lerstand, A long meerschaum.
with an amber mouth -piece. pro-
truding from his lips, while whiffs of
blue N'apory smoke curlod from the
corner of his mouth; his hands stuck -
in his trousers pockets, and his 'eyes
fixed admiringly on the pink and yet, -
mow ship -of -war on the mantel. Ad-
mired navvy Itavenfue was enjoyine
Iifti hugele on a small scale, when ti.
dispirited knock, such as moneedess
debtors give, was heard at he outer
"Tumble up, below .therel tumble
ahoy -y -y!" roared the admiral,
taking the pipe from his mouth to
summon the servants.
In compliance with his zeyphrelike
request, one of the darkeys "tumbled
tip" acco.d ngly, and on opening tlfe
door,. 31r. 0. C. Toosypegs stalked
I n, ancl with the head of his cane in
his mouth entered the paribr and
presented himself to the jolly little
"Wye do. Orlando? give us your
flipper," said the admiral, .protrud-
ing one !Mee heed without rising, or
even taming his head, merely cast-
ing a glance over his shoulder, and
smoking on as placidly as before..
"Ian very well - that is, I ain't
very well at all, Admiral Haventul,
I'm very ninth obliged to you," said
Mr. Tcostepees, gz•akping lIiY high
hem; and wriegling it faintly.- a. se -
cowl 01. two. "Me health ain't so
good as it might be,. and l• don't ex-
pect it ever will he aga41. bat I'm
resign -a to that end evers thing e.see.
that may happen. It's nasty to• be
al ways cemplainieg, you know, Ad-
ni rat lIavenf u I." • .. •
••Thet'S SO," growled the admiral; .
• in a t0110 So deeply bass; that it was
quite startling.
.•Therefore Admiral • Bate nful •
though I ain't so well as I might
be, i'm very well indeed. Pin very :
mui ohlieed to you.. It must be •
nice todie and have no more bother
-don't •yo u- think so, • Admiral
elate?" _said Ilr. Toosypegs, While a
groan so deep that the admiral took
his pipe from his mouth and stared
at him.
"So's yours, for time nuttier. BM
Mr. Tociaeypegs blushed to the very
roots of his hair, aud shifted his
feet tmettsilY Over the floor, as
though it taunt them.
"Orlando," said the adthiral-hnIti,
ing his pipe between his !Maw' and
thumb, and teettrdieg signinettetly,
these emotione e!Orlax,de,' I see
breakers ahead!"
"•Ailtniral Bavenful,". said Air.
Toosypegs, in a tone of mingled un-
easiness, and anguish,- "I dare say
you do; but, my gracioust don't keep
looking at a fellow au! I couldn't
help:it. you know; ane X•knew it's att
niy own fault,- to be miserable for
life. I don't blame anybody at et!,.
'end I rathee- like being miserable for
life than othet•wise.. I know you
tow, • well; but rather you
Wouldn't keep looking at me so. I'm
very mach obliged to you." '
"Orlando," -.suleennlY began t he •
admiral, without:removing his eyes
from the 'other's face, "you're steer-
ing .outof your course altogether..
Come to anchote Now, then, whet's
to pay?" •
The' unexpected energy with which •
the last question was -asked had Sueh
on effect .on the eerves.of Mr. 0, U.
'Pomypegs. that he gave a maid xi
jump, Suggestive Of sitting dawn on
an upturned pin-cus.hkei; and grasp-
ed his stick in -wild alarm.
"Now, Orbanda,". repeated the ed;
Tar CLINTON NEwa.Bscoltr)
distraeted tene, "if it ain't too deni-
ed bad! Ugh 1'
And with a violent shudder and a
sea -green visage, the unhappy :0:111
DWI Silt d!)11:11, with one had on his
Mouth and the other on his d 'nem.
With a iiolent snort of unspeak-
able contempt, the admiral lle.n.f
himself back in his chair, and turned
up his Roman nese to the high•:st
possible angle of scorn.
"fi:xeuse 111e, Admiral Havenful,"
said Mr. Toosypegs, at length, in a
faieting voice, "I feel better. %taw. It
was -so-so sudden, and took me so
este:erected, that -that it rat h
stencil lee; but l'm quite well now.
I'm very mutt •obliged to you. Ugh!
The very mention of -you know what'
follows sea -sickness -turns my very
skie to geose-fiesh. We won't speak
of auy umre, if it's all the Kama
to you. Admiral Havtnful. 1 pro- .
mieed to tell you the catise of ruy
misery -didn't I? Yes? Well, We-
lt s Aliss Minnie." .
"Little I•nawtlaiiet hea-I meo.n go
"I went and _fell in love with. her,
Atbeire.1 .thrianful," said Mr, Toosy-
pegs, looking around, blushing. '
"Steed from under!" growled. the
bewildered admiral.
• "Admiral TTn,veaftil„ it's my intone
. tion to stand from mulct as much
115 eoesible. I'm very much obliged
to vie" said Air. Toosypegs,- polite-
ly. "I dare say you're surprised to
hear it; but I really couldn't •help
it. I assure you 'she •was so-so stun.;
eine, so as -1 don't. know • what to
eall it; but it's enough to turn • a
fellow craky, .1.a..rannyl • 3. know
she don't care a pia for nie. I know
sits don't and nobody. can tell the,
state it throws me into. I thought
I felt dreadfully about 'Miss Pet's
bleak- eyes„ and I did, too; but • *it
ain't circumstaace to the state
Miss Minnie's blue .ones pitches me •
into. Admiral Havenful, don't -
expect you've ever 'been in love, but
it.8 the leaSt awful state to. be hi
ever was. It makes you. feel Worse•
-than teitCrtg• down leto a, wasp's tat*
really does: la fact, I don't
-knew. anything, except, Pet heps sea -
"I want her to take charge of a
young girl that you must carry off.
y unties stand?"
'Forcible %Mellon, isaltin' and
hatterin'. Come, 'square, you're go -
in' it strong."
"Speak lower, tor Heaven's- sake 1
Will you undertake to do this f for
-if you make it worth while? Pork
ever the vomited:, and l'm there'
"Money you Shall have; but do you
think this woman will undertake to'
look after the girl?"
"See here, square; don't say 'thie
woolen.' , Call her the cap'n's ledy.
Oh, she'S got nothing to do with it:
she's got to mind the ealett. Who's
the gal?"
"Sb-sh! not so loud. man! Do yon
know the cottage on the Barrens, be-
tween Pismal 'follow and Math
91•1,17fe a book. Why, square, it's
the name?" •
"Never mind the naxne, She's the
„girl. Do you know her?"
"Hain't the honor; but one of our
crew knows her; I'll brit* him along
demeTythieg go off like anew
"You must be careful not to men-
: tIon nante--not even to her; be-
cause it Would be a dreadful thing
for lite if this were found out,"
"Don't be SearY, stpatre, I'll be as
close as a clam' at high water. When
i "Leave all them particulars to me,
' nmsingly.
si pi it re. Whim's the needful to
'iVhen I return. 'You know me.
Now, Dart, remember, to -night if
you can; ia three or four weeks at
the furthest, I will return."
The judge meta. aud left the
room. moutie4d his horse, and rode
off. Black Bart hitched up his
pantaloons, and then fell back in 0
chair, entteping his fingers, flourish-
ing his heels, and indulging in 'such
tremendous roar 3 of laughter that
the landlord rushed in, in deadly
alarm, to See what awful calamity
hndTilliengteiti..4•11:t be quiet nue,,,, said
tee host, soothingly. "You're scar-
ing the people in the shop oat of
their wits: What's the matter with
e'en. any way?"
"Notting!" replied Black Bart, go-
ing oil into another roar.
. must say 'nothing' seems
to he rather funny, • said the puzzled
landlord. "Was the. judge pumpieg
you about the tintugglei•s?"
"0 Lord don't!" shouted the sail-
or, with such et perfect yell of laugh-
ter, und twisting himself into Recite
frightful contortions of inward de-
light, that the startled host sprang
hack and grasped the: handle. of tte
door, with a terrified Maitre toward
his strange guest.
' "I'm off now," said Bart, at
do you want us to captivate the lit- 'length, as soon. as he m recovered
tle dearie?" front his last pare ysin; and wiping
"To -night -any time -the sooner the tears ' from. 'hi eyes, he started
"Will you be On hand yearself, eatte.eaet.F,lora. Tinni e pace down the
the bet tort"
• "No! To avoid the faintest shoe drinking
ITe reached a low, smoky, obscure,'
dee,. near,the end of the
. •
squere?'' •
flow of suspicion I will start for
Baltimore immediately, and there re-
main till elj the huh -bun •her disap-
pearaace causes has passed away.
You will keep her secnrelY in Your
hidden cave all the time; and when
the extetement has died Out I will
cozne and relieve you of your
"Ypu're a brick, square -you are,
next dodgethen?"
Orlando, the question
n:s, that'' equal to it in uiv. by T.,ord Harry!. What will be your
miral, „with. a wave •of hie pss
ipe- ; pleiteen ness,"- "THat's asemay be; Most probable.
, .
what's to pay?"' . . completelY unexpected was this.. 'T. shall take her with me to Eng-
• deelaration, that the admietil so far lend. • That's to: be thought •of yet,
"Achnirel . HaVentul," 'sold • 1dr. forgot himself Its -to h • 1 1' 1 • '
-look appealin,- °were er; .finda way, never
Toosypegs, in terror, there to.e.t le at his pipe and growl out, "lleaye feer."
anything to 1113'; I dont owe a eteit °Imola • ' • "Squave they ought to 'lect you
to the world,. s elp 1110 Bob 1 den ,., • ...1 ha effect of this b.:x=1-111nd On Mi.. to the bna-tet en I -et tome,-
owe a single shlanied. brass farthing
to a. child unborn!" *state of mind, was perfectly eleetrie celllie, and fight, -and roar at 'tag-
Tocatypegs In his present.. disordered worthI
y, ''m going. to set up myself:
'said the adintral, with -a fyin.,4.. • springing . to his. -feet,' 1
-1° . Wrists like a brick; and got • all the'
.tiouteueltueosfu..inttinse .disgust at his . h, seized his hat and cane, -lapped his other qualificatterts,- too numerqui to
didn't mean that.. 1 . bandanna to his mouth,. and,. With tl
want te know what's up where the • initk• Of internee- anguish • no. P111 can .111°Anilticl°1331.1a.' ck Bart clapped half a plug .
wind sets; what you keep crtusine, elf describe,' made: et rash. :•' fcir ..the of tointee0 ill the ether cheek, and
and on thet cottage for all tlie time. ' .dtior, lied from' the house and vatunh-:. itiduIged in a quiet chuckle.
Now, ehen, hold hard!" . • . _., . td lor the remaer
ind•.ot• that day ..: "Wtill,.. that 'e all, .1 believe,". said
• "It'e. any intention to held haru, ft om. mOrtal eye. . ' the :Judge; rfailig'. • "Yon think you.
.Aamiral •Havenful," replied Mr, . .
Toosypegs, .blushing like a beet root,• • : • will. knoW this girl when you See
her?" - • . ''' -• . . .. . '
"I30t I'd rather not, mention what • . • CHAP'PER' XXX. • • ' • •• • -
takes :me .titere, if it.'"s all •the same . Three hones. after hiS interview and "1 wou'e-'tother one ,will -trust,
to 'you. It's a eect'et., loeked deep en reieetien ley Th inline Judge I IINV ly, me, .Square: 1'11, go oil and ,see hine
veal 'it to anyleuly till .1'm a metan- out an boae. and seines,.
,,otvn. .Th(S'obsequiotie itteellord eantia•
to greet the .
la -Jude:: 'erow•
ystrell•rpizod. that • eettY." . . •, ,
"If she could be inveig‘lett.froxii the.
the unfathomable receeses of this. alighted at. - the bin-.deor stud him and etiaavill teke a;
.heee bosom; and I never niten to re- 4'
best • time -and way'''. seed elle %judge,
cuse me,' Adatiral Illeert nettle ll. fel- grand .saignor iff tbis• rnstie toWn, .. . . .
low can t a s ays les 1 a n •h s teat , . .4 . . .
corlise in the sktee• 00 11 ex- • ft • 1 Itt et. • tad b th
town, at last, and passing through
dirty, dingy apartment, where the
the bar room he entered another low,
rested, was our sornetiine. frieud,
first individual on whom. his eyes
asked that gentle-
.R°44Veeill G,
man, eagerly, "what did Judge
less want of you ia such haste?
•."Ohl ha! 'bit! hal hal ha! rear-
ed Bleck Bart, "if it isn't about the
hest Oa I've over heard tell on. Why,
you'd never gusss if you were to try
from this to doomsday. Judge Law-,
less, the saint, the angel, the parson,
has fell in love,' and w.ants the girl
.carried offl -Ok! I'll splitmy .
'111refeozzel Garnet did •not join In
Blaok Iltert's Merriment.. He opened
-his eyes to their widest -extent; and
• Indulged in a long, low whistle, ex-
- Pressive of any amount of asteinish7
the girl?' he asked, • at
.1en"gTthilat w1 onderfel beauty at 'Old
Barrens . Cottage -,nothing shorter;
••Everything iierraeged, and the square
. will come down: like a princee-Or if
he doesn't, well. make .him, I.dotet
know her; en 'you're to some •with
-me, a,nd together' we'll carry oil the
•girl the fli•st chance. . The judge has
'• :gone to: Baltiluore to 'keen out. • of
htiere'e "way, •ap.d. wen't. be back for
' three •or four weeks. 1 A:in't 'bean-
.. ,tiftil? The. old .judge lovele Ha!
•,11•AiLfikhea.!;i'ghtning therefiashed 'et. pro-
ject of -revenge aceiese the mind •of.
Rozzel Carnet. None •of the Mug -
glen; knew either .Erminie or Pet
Lawless -why not eto•ry MI Pet in-
stead of the other, and thus gratify
his own passions, elisappoint the •
judge, end have revenge. The blood
flashed liert•ely and hotly to his fare
as he thought of it; and he rose and
walked to the • whitlow to hide his
•emotion from the keen eyes of his
fellow smuggler -for Garent had joiu..
ed them in their roving li fe aft er
leaving the judge's.
"Well, old fello-w,. what flo you say
to It?" asked Black 13art,
."I'm your man!" exclaimed Car-
net, turning. from the wieclow, all
hie customary out composure re -
Stored. "We will start
and keep watch until night; as the
judge . says, the sooner the better.
Come .nlong!"
Bad .Petronilla's .lucky star set
had her good angel deserted her? had -
Satan come to the assistance of his
earthly Inyrieldoes? had the Fates
willed it, Oa her pony "Sterlight"
_should on thet eventful .dey cast
shoe, Mine himself, and so. he 'eat
to ride?
Pet rambled restlessly tthout the
house, one 'minute terrifying rooks,
and bate, • and. sWallows from their
homes In the .eaves and chimneys,. by
banging away at some now polka on
the piano; the next, -seizing the bele •
lows for a Poet:nee, and going waltz-
ing around' the room; the next, etish-.
ing like a mad thing as ehe wits, tip -
stairs. •and then slidieg down the
banisters. • •
"Far," said Pet„ -"exercise is good-.
for the health; and tie Aunt •Deb•
won't let me ride the clothes -horse,
I'm going to try this."
And try it •she did, till she tore the
.dresS nearly off her back; and thee,
getting tired of this, she determined .
to go over to Old, Barrens 'cottage,.
arid sue Iteminie.'
The day .was beautiful; • so Pet de-
termined to welk.. Throwlee a light .
.nitisttn cape .ovet• her shoulders, 'aed
pulling a bread straw flat dowleovt,r
her .0y014, 'ate dat•le-ayed " heieassH
beau ty; and .belle," set out, • • .singing
. ,
. 'sae went, ... • • • •
• Somehow,. since 'the return of -110, _
.Pee 'had visited' •.ehe .eottage muvh
Item' freiniieitly then tiettal, and in all '
probability would •• not have gone
now, •only she lspew he had gone
'• Pet savv that he. shunned and ttNtoid- •
Chemist and Druggist. .
11 1,1 I .1.1 171. .
Unless the soap you
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are not getting the best
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••• • •
.-4 Cameras.
AT Ss.
Persons in. neighboring tate=
. who are thinking of perches
ing a ,camera will receive alt
Eastman catalogue by drop-
ping us a card-. Other cameras
.besides the Eastman can be'
supplied. Films, developing
powders and other light supe
plies can be sent by Mail. •
Our cheap Exposure Meter
at eee gives the correct expos'
ure under all canditions • and
pays fottitself M. a short time
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posure in negatives.
expected back' until the next day. H
itidestown that morning and was ntt
ed" her; and no inetter how eatty and
aatural he hail been a moment . be-
fore, • tlte Mallet, she enteittl be
• .
• To. be continued.
. .
• • • Some Slane. • '
• . ."Afraid You're going to have !mom-.
nia? What are the sYmptomal.o
. .
"Twins."-Broeklyn Life.
• Lingua Arboris. '
. The v.esdem.of tli.e Maple tree • .
. -le always kept on tap, • ..
• . For when you ask a question he
Will enswer,.'etreibtim. stip." !
oHave TIcm.
NOW Raisins
Peels, Spices. -
Shelled Almonds.
Ginger Chips
Dates and Figs',
you "en ea, wee .1 feel. so misetetblef as much, and .coesiderable• more,' re- 4 .
thank you, of late, that it's. a' cone erect t hen he. .would• have slump to.• 4,,45041'441i44•1:44404441444.40.4404044eeeevaiovvvweresyveseiry weevvy'w " v v . • e ry 'ulese
41,1k AA\ .4f.dkAaa&A‘41•416—A4&‘41&‘40, • ns et
• 'for your •
.solation to cry," said- la. Topsy- the ins. of Pngland, had thirt• gen-. et,
pegs,' wiping: his'eyes, . .. -.• • • -, .... - tleetatt econeeecended to .vesit •the I 0.- . -.- ," ' - ' • ' . ..
. gilt sigrahoard _announced it to be. ': • • . . .• . .,.. •
-.'Now, °Head(); you just hOld. cn• .- - -t • ! se, a e . a pg ,
11, •nlir.nite-:,will •iitx?" .'said 'the ..ad.••
atii•al, •facing briskly. at•otincl, .'.- with.. . "Mites' wine,. ii../ brandy.- water, t ..••
Inueli '0.0 same .air as an ena-eling site/ s'gar., sir? 'apything: You ,teant,, • .„e,.' ; ...
dtnlist who - deletenines to. have your . sir?' . ineitimeted mine host, • all in a ay . ; •
"now; loolltere; let'S*. do "thin:0 ship- . • " "No-, my .gged.. Man, .1 want noth-, * ' •
tooth out whether. you. will. or not:. , . Pe . .
ship°. linS atn. 01;61IY-Vi 411Y111111g..:..ing;!: said the, judge, with a. pomp- ' 4 '
• - . :, .ous wave -.of .• his :jeweled • hand; " 1 4, .
1,0 10. with it?" •• • -
• ' Adinirat- 'Haven/el', I'm huppy , co -have come. on int: .ortant business tide
. , • • • .
.say. site has not, 1.felt psetty.'hadly .afternoon.'..- ls tbere a somewhat dis-•..:
. • • i t • 1 '1 • i - - il '. e
ti Christmas Cake:. •
• . • .• • • '
lutf sto vn [Toe " a th • fiat
. about - What Pet. there, one time: . s P.a. (c• (• 'tru 119 I:e ; It pa .bi, :called
but I have get nicely over that. It . .• "Bart, sir? a•ea,. sir, Here .1Ive
wasn't n.,er so d tieserous 'a.; 1 ex- ...._ ,•
minuees.. go ; eirebreathlessly eut
pected. it would-be: but th'seethiS is.
The Way 1 feel soutetimes, •Admital . Ix the landlord, - .. • • .. <6>
`e's.'h!"..ittid. the judge'aslowly, Pass- •i:
na.ytaftil,' Is awful to contemplate: .I ing his • halide over his moustache.; .
cei.et sleep 'nor eat, and I don't eake "can you' tied. hlin; for me? I wish i
nii 'pleasure even in My. neiv: pante-. to see hint, 1..imee reasen to believe i
loons with the -blue stripe &awe the 4.•e,,,,, gi:ae' nie. some infeirmatien
side:. le often lay ..airaece nights, (1'e ..e.oneeremg • ihosc, emeggier, we., . 01.,
ing, teewe and I Wish I lied neVei. late, have elevated • the gohd. people, •
hey boin ! I 'do wIsh• it,"' said Mr. a,:ouna here so ameee.! - • .
Tepsypegs, with • a sudden. 'how]. • • •"Yes, . eir; hunt. him •up, eve min-, •
"Wheee's the good 01 11 if a felicity's . altee; site". Atid oft hustled .the host
going to be made misei•able title.... of 'fee' Jude:item-1. llotiee in smith of
we*, I want . to krloWl" • ' ' • *. • Malik Beet, - . ' • ... •
• 011011110 'Poosyliegs,"•said.the ad- J edge Lawless : arose ' With ' • • knit
inh,al, . risirg. sternly,. " jest look brews and began pacing. excitedly. up
-6 .. anel.down the roem,' When alone. Ile
•here, Will you? I'm' not going .. t
stiend this sort of talk *nu' know,- ' knew this Black Bart. well, ,knew. all ,
this -dying in the 'face -of Provid: • ehout the smugglers, too, as his -
ence"-h 7re the admiral •raieed his well -Stocked *cellar . could testify. 4)
glazed licit, and looked i•everontly at Judge Iiawleas Mund them very .use -
a blue -bottle LIY on the. ceiling• -."be- ..ful izx various ways,,.a.nd -having a re-..
cause it'e. noteproper .nor shire -Aerie, • =nimbly .elastic conscietice of . his
nohote you ern fie: it New, (Mande, own, was trobble 'with *no scruples •
I've bwn a father to yott before yon • at; his wine-bitt •.%ev. e well supplied.
I've advised you time and againe- about cheating:the revenue, leo long
- wag: tha Size of.. a - tar -bucket -I've Ilut this .was abduetion-Something •
tented you em endseinetked you When More dangertme, shething that re-,
yoft wasn't big es a wellegeown mat•- quired ell. his wounded •sell -love, and
-linesPike, and I've Often .given ; yOu : disappointed passion., and intense
'a. good licking when you were older, ftmetification to• give hint Courage
for. -your short -comings; I've talked for, -, But, his plans were formed. For
•to you; Orlando Toasypegs, foe your money he knew Black •Ilett and his
.goeid.tiil,eill was blue -I've made my- cotneades would do anything, and
self as hoarse as a boutswatn. splaeh-. Money Judge Lawless had in..plenty:
ing. showers of good. adviceltatt pee ; Half up tone: passed.... The judge
.aati 'now. Wile,t'S My reiennf Yell &low to cast malty an impatient •
Say :3031 eon't see no uso le bailee- glanee toWard the door, When abold, :
born. Orlando, it grieves .me- it • vigorous knock was heard. •Knocks •
titakea me feel as bad. as • If I hail ,are vet•y expresfilve; to these who
drank a pail of bilge -Water; but there understand them they speak as plain-
est no help.for it! 'I give Yon up to ly as words; and this one was given'
ruin- I've • lost all: faith in human with a loud,, surly independence, that.
mortals -I wash my .hands:•oryou al- said,' just', as plainly as Bps.. could
• Speak: "I am as good It man as you
togethera" : • • •
. Here the: admiral loOked around for -are, Judge Lawless, and 1 don't -care
eotne ".water. to literally fulfill his a curse for you or all the reventwol-
threat, but., seeing none, he Wiped eficere •from here to Land's End." • •
his hands on the tableclo.th, and ,ree ' judge Lawless utiderstood lt,. and',
. sutned - his sent with thc. air a throwing.' himself into it chair, he
Spartan father inay be supposed -to 'called out blandly: . .
bave worn -when condemning his oWn • ."Come Mee . .
• . . The deer opened, and a short,
sea to death. • ' -
So deeply effected was Mr. Toosy- thicktset Weather -beater!, grim-looke
pep by tide pathetic exhortatien, ing, old softedog made his appear -
that be sobbed away -like a hyena in ance, end giving his head a slight
. his flaring bandatina, with a greet jerk to one side, by way of acknote-
noise and much .wipleg tif wes and 'edging the judge's preseecee walked
nose, which shelved he was not lost.' straight up to the are:Theca, and de.
. liberately spit a discharge of tobae»
to all scnse of helium feeling.
"Yes, Orlando," :Reid the adtniral, OP -Juice right into the eyes Of an ate.
mournfully, "I repeat it, I'M deter- Offending cat, by way of commencinft
.ntineci to wash nry hands of you, The leminess. . Theo turning his bolt to
. basin aitt't here; but it'S no matter. the mantel, he put tiff hands. behind
Your father Wes a Mee Man, tted I'm .him, creased tis feet, sited stooll ready
sorry his Son ever emne to this." to commence operations.
"Admiral Ittevenful," sett! Mr. . "Well, square, what's in the wind
"reesYPegs, . hiccoughilig violently, now?" demanded. the row -comer, at
"PM ashamcd of myself. 1 oughtn't length, seeing the judge did not seen!
to have said it; and I won't do so inclined to speak.
no trlOre at anY Prim I know — 1 1 "imrt,z, sod the judge, in a 10w,
knoW 1 oughtn't mind being wretch- • cautious tone, ". 1 haVe it job SM.
ed, but. sontehow I do, and I can't roll."
help it. If you'll only forgive tne,I'll "All right -I'm here! what's it,
tell you What'a tho Matter and pro- tiquarel Anything in the *1(1 line?"
miee to try and do better for the ”No; this is something finite Mitch*
eta, now long do you reinnin here
thee to come,"
, "Well, have alteadl" Said the We time?"
i '•Cititt ettY, fOr tertain, boas, The '
'somewhat mollified mariner.
"Admiral Iravenful 1" exclaimed ' sehooner's off a repairin' and we're
Mr. ToosyPcgs, springing to haz trying Ott 1and dodge t111 She's ready
feet with such startling energy that, egainz no telliog though, yet When
., 'the Old Sailor jumped up, too, and that tette' be."
"Is that ;roman, Who accompanieis
brandished his pipe, expecting a, vio-
lent, personal assault and battery- you. Fiero likewise."
"will you be good enough not to , "Capin's wife? Well, yes, square, I
ex. reckon khe Ie. What do you want of
say that? 01r, my gracious I"
Vainied Mr. Toosypeon, in ft, wiidly- berr \
"What now?" getinted the admiral,
who foresaw something was comieg; --
"heave to!"
•• Admiral ITavenful, would you bel
so good as not to say that? You.
metal web, I know, but you'can't•int-
agine the unpleasant sensations it
causes -ugh!" said Mr. Toosypegs,.
with a wry face and a shudder. "You
never were sea -sick, were you, Ad-
miral Havenful? If you were you •
cion,t rereuire to be told the pang -
that hearing that inflicts upOn- me.
'1 herefore, please don't say it again, -
for it gives me the most peculiat•
sensations that -ever was." . .
The admiral grunted, and began .
smoking away like an ill -repaired
chimney. Mr. Toosypegs sat uneas-
ily on the edge of his chair, and con-
tinued to make a light and rather
unsatisfactory repast of the head of
his cane.
Thus a mournful silence was con-
tinued for some fifteen or twenty .min-
utee, and then the admiral took- his
pipe from his mouth, wiped it on the
cliff of his sleeve, and without look-
ing at Mr. Toosypegs, drew a long
placid breath, and held- it ont to-.
ward hitn with a la.conie:
e'rhenkee, Admiral ITavenful,"said
Afr. Toosypegs, mournfully, "I nee.,
er do." •
"Marc fool you, then," said the
admiral, °Tetley, putting it ln his
own mouth'again.
"Admiral lIttvenful," said Abe
Toosypt•gs, in a large tone of voice, ,
"I'm aware that I ain't so 'wise as
some of my friends could wish ine.;'
but, at the same time, let me as-
sure you that I don't cetteder it a
proof of wiedom to emolce at all,
Smokers mean real well, I know, but
it's unpleasant to others, besides
setting the in'ards in- a dingy state,
blacking the teeth, adulterating the.
breath, and often producing spon-
taneous combustion. tehich means,
Admiral Havenful," said Mr: Tooey-
pegs, elevating his eane to melte the
explanation, "getting worked up to It
high degree of steam, and going off
quite .unexpected and promiscuous,
some day, with a bang, and leaving.
nothing behind to tell the melanchoe
by tale but a pinch of ashes, and
"0, bothert" cut in the admiral.
impatiently. "Belay your jawing,:
tackle, young man, and let sonao-
body else have sealoom. What port
do you hail from last?"
•'Admiral Ilavenful," said Mr:
Toosypegs, in no Way offended at
+this cavalier mode of treating his
digression on the evils of smoking,
"if you mean by that where I was
all morning, I've Just eome from Dis-
mal Hollow, Aunt PrIsciller Wasn't
in -well, she wasn't in very good
spirits -and so I got out of the back
door and come away. I Was- going'
to old 13arrtins Cottage, only. I saw
.Tudge Lawless' horse before the door
and so 1 came here."
•'Always welcome, OrlaudO,
svaye veeleome." said the adnlital
briskly. "Nit hold a taineltel What
the dickens brings that .stiff howl-
oprit of a. btother-itvlatir of Mine 80
,ofteli to the cottage? Orlando'?"
"I don't Icemen, I'M sure, Adiedral
Havertful," said Mr. ToosetPega:
"It's real aingular, too; beettuab he
Inever used to go there at all, and
cow hio horao la tho dopr Avorp,
day.," •
1DA\Y Gil-
Anoth.er holid.ay season is h.ere, bring-
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