HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 22 TUB €1,4IMION 101170341=4,081) Zotoember litht 1002 1 . 1 11 1111 11 • 111,100, 11,1 _I 1.117SINESS FOB. SA1(13. December Session 0 Huron County Council. Ti-arsua„. THEMAI" KE TE, AL/4401.4,40Eil. 1 alio county council Met in Goderich ca Ttesday of last week. Warden Patterson presided and in opening the session totiebed uPon the various ques- ta); s that WOUld tome betore the coma i'. (11 Wednesday Mr, A. W. Campbell, Cood Roads loalittissitner, adurcsaeii tl.e43.)t.n.it at some length on the calestion of a county siste,in. Ms re- 3/AarkZi We1V practical mai instractive and at the conclusion of his address he seas given a hearty t:eite .of thankt,, r.,Y ason and R.. S. Box ot Marys, representing ..the Collegiate ha etitute a that town, iwnitcdunpon the council in reference to the ationdance ht that instillitk n of pupils. frOm the county of Huron. COUNTY gNOINEBR'S REPORT. I lust:with submit to 37ou this, t5 natort of the busaness 1. have transaet- ed si,..ee the date of my last report. met the ro4t1 oat bridge) commis- : loners of the counties of Latub..011 and Mit:dfisex at Lon,ton on the t7th of Settnember for the purpose of mak.. ing arraagemeats about erecting the Aux Sauble 1.ridge that is to he over tietr at the Lotualary of the three ilt er,st,.d counties, 'I here we were in. tormed that he township of Bosan• (pet had not yet secured the right of m ay or a road to connect with the proposed britlbe On the el'est side .of the rite:. 'therefore we could not and did not take any action in the mat- ter. • I re„,ret to state that the lineaTcline Bridge Company have fail& tolexee. cute the contracts of the two bridges. for this county. I have written to them to send me a correct statement, of the matter so that I could report the same to •your council. I also asktd them to have a . repre-• sentatiie to meet you on Thursday to expl,in th: cause of the delay_ so you might 'mow what action to take in the matter.. The abutments for the Staid y bridge were completed. early lett tall and the approaches were n ade.. It It s been stand ng rtady fin the superstructure since. ith rega• d to the abutinents for the Lr.dge at Lower Winbliare. We have eltite all that we could safely do with-. out removirg the old bridge. •Mokt, liktly tbe old bridge carry • the traffic for the present- Winter. We are alto alsing the old Stanley bridge at present. . We Ita,:e done about the usual ',a- mount of repairs to th: bridges and apprcaches dur:ng the last season an 1 th y are in a very good state of. pair at the present time. f...-:orne county bridges that are •iow, twenty, feet between abutmente !night be shortened when rebuilt and be long n tugh to suit the S:reatn. 1- am 01 the opinion that it would he weil.•for• your council to have the Beruniller. b. icl„e e'm ilt during the . year . 1903,, The business transacted. by the coital-. tii is embodied in the following . re- ports : REPORT OF COUNTY .PROPERTY COMAIITTEE, We have examined the Court fronSe and fat nd everything all right, with the exception of the treasurer's office, uhich has not been repaired as ?worn - ;landed last ses.sion.. • • Would a'so reconearetel the .placlue of a long distance teletitone in M. Macdonald's office fix general use in We Vi•ited the gaol and foetid .the gaollm's report correct. Only eight in- mates arta there at present.' We mould also recommend. that the gaoler's reran be printed in the min- utes. We also examined the registry office rind found everything in. fair ceandi- t ion. • REPORT OP HOUSE OF • • REFUGE COMMITTEE. Your committee has met once . alike last. June session and found, as usual, the house clean and well kept and everithing satisfactory under the cit., cumstances surrounding it.. We find that at the present. time- the house is full to its utmost ,capacity, there being .8a iemates. . • - We would recommend that the rules - regarding the admission of hitnates• th the . Rouse of Refuge be made More specific as at the present. time Welled some inmates (one especially) wit) should have gone to the -hospital in, stuad of where he now lies. In exam-ining the roof of the build- ing we find at the. windows. in several - "laces that the gutters are leaking %cry badly, the ,water gong through the ceilings. We theiefore gave . structfins-. to the inspector. and .• F.ench to the twee:sexy repairs. eompleted as soon as. possible.. , - During. tf.e haying seas...II We , hati 10 purchase a. mowing machine . 101 th i use of the fartn which .has given good satisfaction • and at our late meeting we instructed.. the inspector and keeper to purchaee a washiugtna thiee for the use of the House, , We also find that there is •quite large 'amount of • coal on hand yet and. ue recominend that there be nohe purchased until" needed . later in the season, believing coal will decrease o tewbat in price,. We also find in At-so:mining the in- spector s re, ort, rega ding the • aver-. ege exptime of inmates, per . day for year that it is under 12 tents, NIL 11.e.r5. Last year it .Was a fraction ovcr 12. The total cost for the Inaill- tena. ce of the House was Somewhat I. ss than formerly. We also eNtonimd the watchers • and acconets and fottul everything correct GAOLER'S REPORT, . Herewith I. submit to you my rePoti of the numbt.r of prisoners confined in g_ol at j.reseet. : ael 0' Al are, Goderich toWnshiP, insane • l'obert Grier, Goderith, ineatie. • Thome:: Shannon, Spriitglield„ !Aso* o t. Wallace, Tucke•stuitit, vagrancy. .1 I l'arker, Par, h vagrattcy.. Francis Myers, Montreal, vagrancy. • J oslitta Crat Meal trod , vagrancy. Mutiroe, Cle.eleaol, drunk ana disorderly l...XRUIT/C111 COM- MirtEIVS 11.001a. Non cointni.tee btg leate to report as iollouS itt refererue to letter from Clerk 1.v...e as to comraetle.r. 7,5 corda 01 01 rinootl for gaol ng purchased irom A. J. GM; .1torpe at $4,34 - pet ctrd, yo:.r coanntittee api -rove th tame. We reel:illation" th it. to tons ot ital be procured for Ileac use . - court hoese and. e)01 ;,. alSo recont. mend that 2 pelts hundcuffs' be honght for reerrity eonstablis. We !MA .it , should he a ditty of either reeve . or etic pt. .seo that In.ndends are left in their hands rvitere constables Ponca c from the county. Regaraitig • requett Molesworth politic library We retominind that the Matti' ha let over to the ;faun:tax iSe- Stoll %hen •tbese Matters. are :dealt with. • • Letter and account limn Allan Mc- Leod a Luck.ow Astiing til2 lor dala• eged to Ittrse breaking throagh-• tits . Niue Ml e river bridhe, on. boundary of Ashli.rd o.ial West A .awanottle town- . ,..,,,as,, we 11.0e Made careful inquiry ao • reeolinnend. that ,fito be paid Ior i loss of t se of horse„ -without aatnita ti g 1 4bility. 41x reftretae to. retittest from '47 cit- ire..s of. Vol dwich, asking . • that this ilate be er.oted t....t.o. a poace ci.lage, we re:online. cl that A cann, lian:e r. WI: V 0 petition. that tit's coun.il Pass a bylaw coitfirming tbe .Sante and that the first eleetio n be held -on Dec. 29, with Williant Watters as returning of - II. er. , . • -,Aapli athat of nuron County Poul- try 'Association for grant of ,,1.5o ' for exhibito,n, we recommend that . $25 . le taicl. In reftsence to grant of 1;600 made to .334 regitn-i lit for annual kilt; be . not 1 aid, owing to cl'anges in timers •, so. that. oilicirs were drilled, iustead of ' 1 ri • ates. . We recommend- that no. ae- tion be taken as to. paytug amount.. As to el +in of Robert Leach for korse inured at Alenchester bridge on •-1une 1.,th, vs .ing $50; .also 4;5 claim- ed 1 y Q. E. Howson,. V,. S. .0f • Au - Ilion, for prof,asiolal'.a:rvices-,, we recoil:Met d. th tt this matter be laid 'weer to Janutay session. as the neces- sary .itifortna,t'On is riot to lamd. In 1 efereni e to .i isit of Dr. Mathes- on and Mr. Box cotieern'itg. Collegiate matters at St. Marys. re the payment -of fees for Heron county pupils at• .tending there, we - recommend no ac- tion • 'at - this assion as these. school Matters vi id • come up • for consideta- lion at the Jammu sess'.on, . . .. pi, SHAW'S REPORT ',Dif Wig ' • • HOUSE OF REFUGE. I. lie ew.t:i submit ply reiort as phy- sician of the 1-10use of Refuge for. the. past ele.ven months, The, severe winter was accountalle for a good deal of th: sic'. ne,s, many cases of la grippe resulting. 'Iliere were nine deaths, the muses being : Calizer• two, apopl xx ' ease tWo, gangrene .00e, 'the aver 'pi 1 Iwo, •expcsure two, •orgeltio head 1 m- ega wee 75 years, . • Many- inmates are sait for the pur-, nese of operation or being, fitted up with It•atses and. appliances and as soon as cared skip olit. As tttanY• as ( aix came ender ens ela.ss the past year. !those eases should la,. excluded. We have nOt the accounnocation• nor appliances fcr Ruch work. . ; • Tx o of the: depths due to exposure. would. have • been avoided if we had. Letter-acconanodatiott for the hisane, as so. n• as tellui.t.el here,. It s..ettis iniVOssible -, to get theta rentoved to any asyluni. I ,made a thorough . in- vestigation! about these Cases and did n..t deem. it a.cessery ' to hold' in - „quests. There is one . case at. present' in the House of a young man with a non-united fracture, of . nine weeke! atanding when alatiiitted. that. Will .•re- . quire a 'major ,operation to connect.. 'Ibis Case -is one suitable for: a hos i i ai and should not he sent 'here at all. There, , were feW. accidents. during tne ye.4. - Ihe chief one..was , a fractured ann. - There 'was. 'clue birth in April. The mother and- ion are still in the • House. I made 56 visits during the' :tirteibrigoadit.,• ,.,,1 All - elf:. whieli. 'I respectfully' • .. .. . .. . . . • Acaording to ta. report just issued ' by the Ontario' Bateau of IncluStries; the ' value of farm lands, buildings, fipple- mente and Jive, stock in that pronince last year reached the total of .koof ,- 323,20, - comPared with 5974,814,933 for the previous year. This is the first thne the billion ,mark has be.en. reached. The county • of Middlesex lea& . with. 559,367,564 . and . Huron -carnes seco..d With 4‘48,670i314. The gross gross vat e ' a ...che,se • minufa:ctured rea bed 511,269;073 Of Which. lito,,814,--' $30 , was. paid to the milk producers ' compared with $13,023,o25. and 511,682 470. respectively itt 1900, The am - bunt 'of chattle mortgages against ' farmers, in Ontario . was :lia;854,759 last year,. coinpared .with 53,170,543 .in I90, and 55,826, 582 in 1896. Mr, and Mrs,' W; H. Green friteetd 'celebrating the twenty-fifth anniver- sary (if their wedding • on December .13-. it Mrs. Green is . an active Mem- • ber of the Ladies' Aid and intends to give Oa ladies and her frileads a tea Cri illig anniversary day: Instead , of silverware pri.sents mist:Ornery . , on such :Occasions Mrs. Green Will re- ceive a, .silver collection to be ' devot-• ed to ilie Building Fund Of the neW church. Mr. and Mr. Green ' have bt.en liba'al and cheerful contribeteirs to the buildieg fued and this intsele • fish arrangement far: the twenty-fifth abniversary of the wedding is addi- tional ea idence of ,their interest. • in the work. • • . Death, viaited,the home of Mr,. Sas. Collins on Tuesday week, taking away Mrs. Collins at the age of 46. Deceas-'• ed had been a great sufferer through a lingering disease. *She Waves one kb,. John, and tWo daighters, Mrs, Irwin of Harriston and Mrs: McBride of this . . Depict AlleCortnick of the Grand tette. teat hotel, Hamilton, formerly. of. Wingliaan, has isetted a writ for .S2oo against the Grand Trutik. Railway for •the loss of his, Irish spaniel through .he alleged ,carelessness of a railWa.y officiol The dog made' its eseape front the 'tomtit° Unit* Station, ' • . • . 1 • .LITCKNOIV. ' • . .• The Whole community was' greatlY. Shocked 611 Saturday week to leant oi ,he suddeu death of Mr. W4Iliairt lacQuini.,n 01 the Lith eonctterOtt of W'est WaWanosli., The dece etl, 'WhO was one of the first pioneers of the township, was in his usual health at Ll* time and was assisting to split a lilo.k of wood. had only • struck a few blows with the axe when he was stithleuly stricken with heart fail- ure -ad died in a..few minutes, Mr. MeQue,lite. Was ,in his 7ard year mid was well known and greatly rehpeeted 'it de :talon where he had tontine- tmay resided for over 40 years. '41o.ttuttiverstry services of the Iateke noW Aktbodist cherCh were held on •Stinday• last Want the Rev. Dr. Car- man, Gentaal Superintendeat of the Metl rid se Clair* preached both marli- ng and eveniag. Dr. Carman is one of the ablest preachers 10 Canada. Ott aloaday evciPng Dr. Carman &livered a lecture in the clitirth, Special inns- iCal program by the. ehureit choir was tendered at all the aervices. 11,1r. at.d Mrs. George Greer, Sr., 18„e returned home front a two tiontlue visit with friends in the %Vest. Janies 'Voting, cattle lower 'of this village, has purchased a due Mo.: acre farm from Mr. Fletcher in /fur. 011 tOWlmilip. • While at worI4 one day lagt week own rakes were needy gateordey.... ' ,ENOX-aD.A.I.E-At the residence of .11dr, Rat. Twitelttli had the nrisfor• the blade 3 'mother, in Ilullett, on tune to cut his head so seierely as Liverpool Witeet Weller Awl Clattatgo Dee. loth, by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, to recptire medical treatment. ralwer•-.41te ttaiteet woiectione. Ro..a, daughter of 111rs. C. Dale, Mr. Joe. Hudson ant wife moved to Saturday Beeulng. Dee. 0, . * town yesterday feoni Ilillsgreen. We unLelhvaen= wheet futures elosea y.al Itisher SUlItIo1111EVRil-lialaIrK1)(•-•-luxIit Eateter, on Dee. welcome them to Heiman and hope to -day than on Friday, and cora rehires 3rd1 by the Rev. Dr. Hanntin, Mr. they will Ilse long to tnoy retired Summer of Iowa to Alias Wall of At chime° toalay, May wheat closed latst Ufa. below Peltier; gay torn unchenged, and . Mr. A. MeMorrin has been spending May tette lee blither. vgi•D,ITi3OtcS111-11.70R.1"-At Oa residence of a few days in town with bis sister, , exADLezp, wo104.,/, Ivt.h..R•KET-i, 1 the hiaae,e parents, stoolen, on Airs. White. IIe is in his usual health l'iw days .for southern Missouri and and .tririts and intends leaving in a Important wheat tentres toelay : (Mar parts of Pule t3aan's territory. Dee, gay, Jule. ' Alia Limy M., daughter of Mr, Mr, Jos. S. Yellow of Osborne to iDi.eric..a 1311 dja :ivy. the Rev. Dr. Hannon, ' hollowing are the eloping quotation* at 1 (Nrcailrk . ..... ..... - 80% . 70% 77% Mr. Jaires Petty arrived home front Toledo , . :..,,.... .. .. ... .. 77(121 77sriti "xi_ Eng.. On 'I tiestray night after sPen- * Duluth, . 1V.o.. ' i 'Nor ' 71, 7434 .... BIRTHS. ol ug about iive months with his tele: Tottearro sr, totwItEatott ahasictirr. • IIR.OWN-In Witigham, on Dee. aot, titres in. Yorkshire. 11e 100k3 well af- Grain.... Airs. H. Brown of a daughter. • er his trip. His friends gave hint a Wheat, red, bush... . , .. $0 00 to $0 70 C.A.MM-In Usbo. ne, en Nov, 2,3rd, to hearty hand shake on hiS- return. Dlr. and Mrs. A.lbert Canna, * son. Wheat, white, bush.:•••.,.. 0 69 0 70 Mr. Richard Wright is ia receipt of '.!,y,,,Irerc: gaPoodssef,,ebeusnah..... 0 67 0 68 . the necessary certificate from the 0 tette 0 65 GonrUnittit entitling, hint to sided Peas, b DEATHS. Beans, bush. ..... ,.....11 80 1 50 , • tuall, 4.1..........0 070 10" leo ac 'es of land in New Ontario as Rye, bush. 0 st, .... HARLAND-in Detroit, -Mich., on 0 43 0 48 Nov. 30 h end Dee. 6th, respect- , * reward for services rendered at the 013:trele.ye,ebseu.sh. time of the Fenian raid, ..,.., 0 34 0 3434 irely, Basil, aged. 7 years,. and Buckweeat, • Lapin The house occupitsi by Mr. Dick. and 7 Marr, aged 6 months, sons of Mr. 0 5 atecho.- • . °wiled by Mr. James Pe!ty took fire ' alalke, -choice No. 2...,, $0 75 to $7 20 George liarlaial, fortuterly of Clin-• c n• Monday afternoon. lbe fire start- Aleike, good, 'No. 2.,6 V.,i 050 Bed clever..• ... . . . .. ..., 0 25 - 0 75 1 20 1 so . AledRolh.;4GOR-In Brueefield, on Dee. 5, -ed. in the flouring of one of the tip - maxi. s tear...oats and was well under Timothy seea way when discovered. The .fire bell may Rea Straw -- Nay,- per Mu s to .$15 50 . • years 9 monthslana 16 days • Mrs. Pe.er 'McGregor, aged 51 rr ng and the engine was got out •but C.A1V11'111-of Ii -In Listowt.1 on Nov. the flames were subdued without -it Clover, per ton , .... 0 00 0 00 , 4 .... I e, ,, ', ,, Straw, loose, per ton.. „ a 0 00 ,_, ' 27tn, J cntk vatzipben, in his 90tu aka. ' .. Straw, sheaf..., . . .. 4.;.11 00 . ,... year. ' . 1 • Pratte and Vege.tableti-.. - . . .. . EXETER. I05 to $21 2005 COLGAN-.In Woodhain •on Dec, 1st, A. 1, , I . .. Apples, winter, bbl.....,T1. . Potatoes, per bag ' 0 90 1 00 .''l here passed- away at the .rts'sleatee 0 25 ' 0 80 'Oell)obnasg,e'pep,rerindisohs- • 0 75 • ,. , ASTITON.-Te. Turnberry, on Nov. 28, ,. of her clattghter; Mrs, Win. Hamden, Cauliflower, per. doz.., 0 50 . 1'00 PIO a Shaw, relict of the late Win. •• 7.'urnipe, • per bag 025 ' ,0 85 Thos. Ashto n, aged 24 rears. 3s ibella Gill, wife oi. Mr,' Neil i-• h tw, formerly. of Cl!ntdn. Deceased Ilatri, Px•oiluee- ,,, came to Exeter about three weeks ago • Butter, lb. roili..... $0 18 to $0 22 .1VcIoniaii.Icii,,OiN,INisTy_,IciagBeNrci\i,77,11;re,iatirsn.-NODV. 2.29ntldt, front Manitoba where the had bera en. Diegek,einewv-learldp,noilto:. . $005085to $01 4000 , spending some years with melabers of • 11/4getry•-- TT, 1 n 1Vlattall, wife of James Col- n . rig it n, on Dee. , her f ainily, intending spon liug the. Spring ids'ucks per pitir:„0 60 1 60' Winter with her daughter, when short- Ducks per i.tatte • 0 -75 1 ga Has, aged 46 years. . . ly after her • arrival she was taken ill Turk4s,..per lb • • 0 1034 0 12 . . and for the past week was in au un- Geese, per 11) • 0 07% . 0 08%1 • • TI•IE ST. Por 1903, 0C3,A14ENDAR conscious state. Her disease baled • . Tolt021TO LIVE STOOK, . a'l• that .tiredical • akin could do ' and . Tho run of live stock was 'abt large In, six theets, toms inches, of beautiful to internal growth tn .tha spine, The rt-n.eMars •*?aclg .g, $t5. 10 *5.10; •InediUm ex' late Airs. , Shaw WO beloved by.' ell. Expoh who. knew. I:er and has many frimide • eegis at $4.25 to $4.50; tight export Wile,. Beils-clauce heavy export • buns .' distribution rderiamwoitlettgest iboyne , receipt of 25- cents -coin. or 'stamps.. Address F.. A. Miller, General Passen- and will. be mailed on the .age of 7t years. • Death .beiug due ellix"rt Caale-Cholee lots • of heavy ' Bryson, is now ready for in MIMS of pastel mho regret to learn of her decease Butchers' Catue-Chefee pleked lots of .g_ et Agent, Chicago. . , • . • , sa 7 per cwt. , A argaret,- dmighttr of Edward mid Mary Colgan; aged 4 months.• :he passed away on Sunday last at awl Particular line, 1*. c iciased was born in Larrington, butchers' cattle, equal In quality to best • --- Devensh re EnglInd She came to 1075- to 1150 lbs. each, are exporters, ) I .- • werth s4.75; choler 'picked •lots of buten. :' • ,C1LINTON • • this Country When' she was twenty-one era heifers and steers, 980 to 1055 Ilia and. was shortly,. afterwards married etie'h, mad et $4.25 to $4.59 per • cwt.; • . of her life was mainly spent in 'Clip- coternon butchers' cows at. $8 co.$125 •pet MARBLE. , : suc, two, sons and one daughter' ton. • f•• he is ,survived by •a fatnily of met , and • rough Inferior, $2,50 W *2.80; 'I be remainder +. loads ift medium butchers, *150 to $3.80; in "Enanaelal4rtearte$2autd° rige5hers, Mixed -Load ("1. ' . AND • , to her late husband. , loads of god butehers sold at $3•75 to $41 •, Mani' oha, ene scm in British Colima- mixed butchers gad exporters sold at $3.85 GR. APIIITE WORKS Lia the other daiighters being Mrs.', to $4.40. ' • . - fehl'illey oP. Clintoa and Mrs. W, Bait,- Feeders-Feedere, 1000 to 1100 lbs. each, . • are worth ;3.75 to $4.25, and light feeders, • (len of P,xtt6r• • . . . • SOO to 000 lbs. each, $8.50 te S3.75 Pax What Might hare proved a very ';ser- cwt. • , Th best elass of'. work . • ious blaze was averted at the Alottione Stoekers•-st procterable bas been . Bear on Monday alteration of law. oe good quality, are worth $a to $3.25 pet oekers,' 1500 to '700 ibia. nicht, , ni2neatittitytf;:ecittleili;dashteye for . week. Nthi'`e Jaekie, yonngeSt son ol . senwetl,e; oeff,eigebotioresreenede. etpenornsu4alittey ;o;, tph4 utc• WON'T Molsons Bonk, wag' playing' 1 ' --lell . arouni. 111 •sow et $40 to $55 tacit. i Cows-410ch cows Alla sPringeri • • your bereavement. call on yon a Week after . Mr, N. P. Hurdent,'Jnanager of 'Liao e*.I, .” -'- -; stip reoals. He called his another who WE WONT mitke the week, to suit the house hp diseovered smoke in the • - pelves -calves •aold at $3 to $10 each. 01 - - the price. . , upon ' outing • a closet -door 'foetal eer4Pthl- "11 trent $3.50 •to cwt. a I mbs--sprin g lambs are wortt W_ .. , , .that there.vvas a blaze and with great ers. - . make ' the . price to suit and Soon had. the blaze under control.• • er i Sheep-Priees 53 to $3.25 per ewt., fel E WILL give you t'llti choice of the :presence of mind. she ren for water e-25 to $3.,75„ and $4 for ewes and weth• • the v. °tee. 11 ' g. or M>121c trine as nearly • been t.lariciigiWOB1e11. :;:ire%4TAnonlalbt'c:t.:?: . 1 -., :,•,:-.. in design and matreial WE WILL It was evident that lire had es and buelts ot 42 to $2.50.. ' • production Of the work everything in the closet was a <barred •• ta a We are t be ONLY Prue - :tress. If it had Occitriad later when .... off ears, sold at $0 per evrt„ Ugh . hard to 'determine what, serioys re- ' us head: slow. East Buffalo, ee. t7 I gags, $8 per cwt. I eawr ut1PP.A.141 CATTLE 111./kuirnlir. Dee 6 -Cattle-Reeelptk „ our line.. Do not be ' ' deal men in Clint•on in the fatuity were all in deep sleep it. is • • $5.75: sews; $4.50 to $5 per eieta. and sill ts wohld le Ire followed. The only •Yeals-ffecelPts, 200 head,; •steade; tops, order. vii t hout•first call- • • talked into placing your known caese for the fire was the evi- $8,25 to $8:75;• common to good, 35,50 to $8. ." int/ ot1.03. • • '' • . . • . (lice of a hole where mice could go : • ............-........:„. , . to $6; staesp$4.50 to sr.i. - • ( $0.20 to $6.30.: mostly $6.25: roughs, $5.10 . Next to Commercial. 'Hotel Mc to 20e lower; heavy, $6.40 to *6.55; ap. Dahl _ HOOVER, pop have had access:to matches. Hogs-Beeelpts, 16.200 head; fairly active; ...I •111114 in al d. out and it OS believed they ' mixed, 80,30 to $6.40; Yorkers and Piet . oi ••92,..v......"0.4•—•••••••!•••00.4"es„...••••••••••••••••••• I , „ 1 1 4 1 Easy1 1 1 i 0 1 .•: Choosin 1 1 I ._ I: 1 _.....___ .....•••••••.L•mm••••••••••4111..........mr.........0:.,..I.N.m••••••-:. . . r 1 1 11• 1 : It is easy to chose Superiority is.evid.ent :. ... : i Selectiugi From Our Stock. Is a Pleasure 1 as every article is of the very highest quality . 1 1 and latest design. 1 : t 1 . WE OFFER, you a stock of Xmas. pros- 1 1 ,• i exits to select 'froth the equal of which has ' I I never before been shown in Clinton. ' _. 1 iWE. CARRY a complete line of the fol- ° lowirig artiales. t II Watches -• Ebony Goods '. . Clocks Manicure Setts 1 i JeNvelry (in cases and separate) , I Fanoy China English Oak Goods' Out Class Purses ; •I 1 •Silverware Spectacles and ; 1 ., Cutlery • Eyeglasses • • 1 1We will save any article you care to select now for Xmas 1 1 ALL ARTICLES ENGRAVED FREE. 1 1 Marriage Licenses Seettred Here P. B Crews, Jeweler, attc1 1 f • i "Mang. joints In the fingers, toes, arm, and other parts of the body, *re Join* that are inflamed and orwollen by rheumatism WO cad condition at the blood. which affects the muscles oleo. •Sufferers dread to move, especially alter sitting or lying long, and their condition la coromonly worse in wet weather. ..I staferen dreadfully from rheureatbani, but have been completely cured by Hood's Oarsaperma, for widen I ara deeply grate. iTub" Miss Femme Burrs, Prescott, Out. "1 bad in etteek of the grip which lett Me weak and heipleas and suffering front ?lieu- Matleat. I boom taking Hood's SarsePa- .rilla and this mentelne taw entirely cored VC li bairn no begiatimila ;Myhre it Payed O MY Ufa"' M. I EfeDIMAhri, Trenton, Ont. ci' IS' • pa la Removes the elms° of rheumatisoamo outward application can. Take it. o• e S... ••• 1 zuntoTa. Miss Gibson, who has been en- gaged as mill'ner with D. S. Faust, leturned to her haniu near Blyth last week Miss Lizzie Rats of Parkhill, who has been visiting with ber uncle, Rev. W. J. Yager, for the past two weeks, 1.11 (m Saturday for her Intane. N1 hen it comes to raising roots opr eastern friends are " rot in it." Cal- vin Dowson of the Goshen Line, Stan- ley,. recently pulled three of his iarg- eSt turnips -one a which weighed 31 111s. end the throe together 91 lbs. Mr, Harry Little, veterinary dent- ist, left town last week. Herman Ben- der, Jr., purchased Mr. Tittle's tools and will carry on the veterinary dent- istry, 'The undersigned oilers his hardware busiaess for sale in the vil-age of Nov. r2th. It. ROUATT, Bayileid. PI,A.NIC FOR $ALE ClIFAP.:,frr 40. • .A. quantity of hardwood plank for sale cheap. Suitable fox• barn or stable floors, culverts, etc. R. ae J, RANSPcOuRalltoaa. Nov. 4111. HORSE, BUGGY, CUTTER AND MA1tNESf.4 FOR SALE, The undersigned igloo for sale 1 driving mare, 1 buggy, x cutter and set harness. E. HEMP, Clinton, October 28t11. FOR ALI, FORMS OF KIDNEY DISBAS. I, the undersigned druggist, am ful- , ly prepared to give the following I guarantee with every soc bottle of • Dr, Pettingill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, 1 tite only remedy in the world that positively cures all troubles arising • from weak ex diseased kidneys : " Money cheerfully retarned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved. alter use of otle bottle. Three to six 1 ottles effect astonishing and perman•• • eat cures, If not relievedand cured, 3011 waste no money," • R. P. REICIE, druggist, Clinton, Ontario. 40-7. Minton Market Report,A TUCKERSMITli FARM FO- $...LE. New Wheat..,.......... 0 70 to f, 70 Barley.. . .. . Oats, Pelts Bye • .. ' .. Potatoes per bushel • Huttorolls and crock . Rot ter -in tub.., • • . Eggs per dos Hay Wool • • - Live Bogs per cwt...., Floiw per ewt,...;. Bran per 'ton • • Shorts Per kin 0 BS to 0 37 The undersigned offers for sale that 0 29 to 080 eRhooaiede, Tti5icokerasenireith,one mileiaromonthas e east oronf 00 (34) tLoo Clinton: New frame house with sum - bask barn, - o 25 to0 30 drive shed, hen house,flrstaspsig 0 14 to 0 15 two wells, Windmill, and small or- . 00,1103 .tboo 00 eblamekrde::ndTheof iBoaty. hd rrtiyr ear e rreu: so fa f raotssa, „ „„ the finest of grass land. This is a 8 °°15 '100 0° whl wSPilleintibieso d fladoaeasy tems. rin, ewell situated, and 0 26 14 50 tt roo 62 146° June 9th. ARTHUR CODCH Clinton '• 14 00 to 14 00 • • • Di The • Hagar Shoes .. is the best shoe in America •for men OT Women. • • PflCBS ranob from $3.00 to $5.00 You Can procure them from FRED. T. JACKSON. SHINOI4A • S . is the best ShOe Polish .H . Beware of imitations • 11 which are named to I N sound like Shinola. • N O ' - 0 L Shinoia is the only L A The Original. A SHINOLA Patronize the New Shoe 'Store and get New Shoes. Fred. T. Jackson I 4 hind 'before the recent. advance enables us to sell at wholesale < ( prices. . • Inas Fruits —Now in Stock— •••• , 5 • New California seeded Raisins (1 lb, packages), New Sul- tana 'Raisins, New Table Rais- ins, l'ileyv California Primes, < New TeCiale MS, New APuonds, New Evaporated Ap- ricots,' New Peels, • Lemon, Orange and Citron. . 1 • New Valencia Raisins finest sel- ected aod 4 crowo layers; New • Selected 'Raisias, Argulmbau, Finest Filiatea. aud Yostizzas Currants. • : • • • Having it large stock 'of auger on , , .1> • < A A 11 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 O 00 a For an up-to-date HAIR 'CUT AND — CLEAN' SHAVE try the leading barber. NEXT DOOR To IRWIN'S GROCERY. George D.Roberton. • > 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40. • • • • • • • HOW TO SECURE I • • • Book your orders at our store. • • • Orders are all filled in rotation as taken and in small quantities until coal is more plentiful. We are doing all in our.power I to supply the demands made by our many • customers, having alreadydelivered since • the strike 3 ear loads in small lots and hope they will have patience for a little while • • until we can get a larger supply. • • HARD bOAL • • —We eau supply Wood and the • —grades of Soft Coal • -- ..1—promptly— • • 1 • rt • • • HARLANoBRo . • • . o : • • • • • 0 0 O - 31 • ' • • • • • • 2," • N. • • • • • • OHEAP. HARDWARE - siroFte, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....."...s..........04. ••••••••••#••••.•••••••••••••••,400.00,40.00•00„44,00,i • s