HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-11, Page 10 T1 CLINTON. r 23rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. isf"*‘"."'" 111111,46,11,116,11110,441e.rilegfeelbeithelleibelbWiAlayelibrib,gbell/lbrillelbeibeilw eic 1 1 1 1 Santa Claus Is Coming and we are prepared for him. All through our largestore holiday goods areon display. Ourseock is well assorted nod dom- prises the greateet gath- ering of seaso,oable goods we have every Gamed our holiday patrons. -- Books — — Fancy, Goods We have all the latest books in various styles of binding, oleo a very complete line of standard works. Special line of Poets with padded leather bindings and gilt edges, Price $1.25 per vol. Dainty presentation editions suitable for the Xmas trade. • • Photo Frames, Tie Boxes, Olove and Handkerchief Boxes, Albums, Candle Holders, Dressing Cases, Etc., Etc. • Our aasortroent of leather goods is very complete—Ladies' Satchels, Purses, Card eases, Portrolles, • • • • Etc. Toy Department We have perhaps the best Toy • Department west of the cities and it ie no* in readiness for Christmas . buyers. Dolls and Toys of all kinds ' are here by the thousands. . Rocking Horses, Dolls' Boggles, Children's Sleighs, sleds, ete. • 0 • •Magazines And papers of all kinds can.he ordered from us at the lowest club prices. We duplicate any. offer made. W. Cooper 61. CO., CLINTON. Agents for 0. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express M oney Ord erg, also for Butterick Patterns. . '1116,160411,111104111.A16044016.46,41/60•16,160.110,111froft04.11beller'qbell., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 441•••••• . Ireland ae • ranee ret4, I United , States 1 South Africa• OF CANADA e. :.• ' Australia • I * L. P. Snyder, MANAGER CLINTON BRANCH. „ I 41`• • $ Remittances England Seotlattd eet""- Safest idettiodir ;West gates . Germany The Sovereign Bank _._ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer, Refractionist and Dispensary Optician. ' If You Pay More ' Than we charge for repairitig you pay too much, If you pay less you don't get your work done right. We do our watch, clock and jswelery repairing as well as it can be done and our prices are very low—cleaning, $1; mine springs, $1, and all other work eeually low. When was your watch cleaned last ? Better have it examined now ;. you may save yourself considerable expense later on. • P. B. Crews, . BiddlecoMbe's Old Stand. +4+114.14,14414444444.444+44 Proir—uw—vmarkatratiatri----1:_mh:,, ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••4#44.•••••••.••••••• ****4.111.. vve are selling our stock of Tweeds at 25 per cent. discount of our usual prices. - • A. J HOLLOWAY. ''•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••444.414444.••••••••••• 20th Century . Overcoats are equal in every way to custom made. No tailor hi the land will make you a better looktng or better fitting gar - went. Material and linings arejust as good as he could use. Prices are $3 to $6 Jess than. he could charge, • HODGENS BROS. isedWereeiteekeeneweettereeep.Weikeeeefeeeteee KICXED BY A emir. • rkor,Inc row,. A. NARROW USCA.PE. While helpieg to subdue a fractious Alm Walton Dodsworth of the 16th In piaairg with, fire cat Tuesila.y ev- colt pa Tharsday laSt Mr. Williain eon. of Oodalcb, township has a pul- eniug a young lad ' who is visiting at ehin. Ihe ilea:ries were so severe that of AI tit and lap n to lay W.1 er receittd a bad kicks on. the let which was liat.h d on the 3rd day Ala e on the 51.11 threw a blaeing Stic4 into the wood- ohn Jut gon s unthinkingly a surgeon had to be ealled in to sew of August. '''''lle also bas a duck which box. It ignited the contents and be - up the wounds and for a time it was waS kaleked out .`"4 the 7114 of ldaY fore the flames could be sitbdued they feared that serious results might 'en- and began to lay the first week in had burned the wainscotting, ete, sue. Fortunetely,however, such has October and has sinee eeposited thirty not been the case and Mr. Walker was large eggs. E MXAMS• able to resume his Maks aIVIODpz gain Op InriPS CH• URCH. •The consecration meeting of the C. onday. SCII0014 . E. of Wipe church was held on Sun - The Model school terin closed last GOING AWAY, week and the esams: are now on and seceYndeledetuntor. viethestritlalbeleaitlexWtags. Mr, Mr. James Dunford, who has been a w 11 e; ntimie n..xt eveek,,. .01 the twen. K. Lonstoa took the eatechisiu and and for the past five has carried on a ar.e .eeccure s six ttadellegl in trIlitiaillareE°11111 Booe," he slictwee that the Bible is resident of Clinton for several years V . el an iuterestieg address on " The deitytha business, ren.a tiler are ir°9°t settekin_g .sitti°ationse cue of the oldest and, most interesting it to Mr, Lock ree, who is now C has disposed of a of books. At the business incettng held at the -.preseet tune. Salariebsutarenot trifle higher then last year, e in. possession, Mr. Dunford is en,r- near! on Monday evening 'Mee J. Wilson y WO tnough yet, the teachers getie and accommodating and so built up a good business. his many eus- third" ' •for the next month and Mr. John Me - woe appointed to tune the Bible stedy . tomers were well pleased 'with his A PROGRESSIVE couxcir.,LoR; gwa4 the cattchiSiu.' Ilk..apt service and regret that he iS 1 retiring. 1 -la leaves aaXt week for 01 the present nietrihers Di the eoraa l'II eq°PER'S I'°C'IT °P.FicERs Listovel where he has accepted a pos- ty council tlwra is liOt one more des- . Monday night' Clinton Comp W. ition in Broadfooted furniture store. trying of re-electi•on than Mr. D. COn an- O. W. elected officers for the ensuing In his removal Clinton loses a good telt n.. He is progressive, always alive citizen and Lietowel gains one, to the ' interests of his . constituents •.and in favor of a. reform. in the as- term a P. C.'s ii Cantws o.:der, H. B. Ker •SOVEREIGN RANK CHANGES, seseinent system, • In a besihesi way, :;"erektt7j.,auud.ex.ir,oltov.eAr A. DeWl1S Cantelon is a valuable man A. Lieutenent, R. Smith ff ir f the Sovereign', B *Those who ' were familiar with the too, 1Vft, to Nov; 2 diViSi011A. so that he should Banker, J. A. Ford . 14110W111 for scone time• that Mr. L. P, ' be re-elected. Escort, E. Ker Snyder, who opened the • Clinton MISS CO1VIBE RESIGNS. Watchman, H. Wilson . trench of that institution four mouths •• : '. ago...and who has been discharging the - . At last dhursclay aieliteary, 4Cooper t's meeting of , . '. agesn, ' Board of Managers J E 1 J duties of manager. up to the present the Public schoolboard MissConthe; A. FordJIreland , o. time was a member of the Itecal office one of the assistant teachers,- teederect - staff' and that he would keinain in. • her resignation, owiug to ill health. : A. O. F. OFFICER, • • Clinton only until arrangements had Miss Combe is a successful -teacher and , N9n 1;16137aYA.Ilitil.itle., elected officer*. When the general manager, Mr. D. M.' been/tie:de for tion the board expre • a permanent manager. in reluctantly aeceptirg her resign?, • Fs,d. its apprecia: ‘. O" or the wetting: term as follows : Court Prosperity Stewart, visited Clinton. a few weeks tion. of her ierviees and sympathy for ' • ' ' - .g ago it was decidtd that Captain Torr her in her illness. In Miss OChief Ranger 'Neil, •• 'who has been engaged' to succeed Mies Past Chief,. ClJ. E. Holey Rancebeplaced in chare of this Cha. Hal branch as soon as he was in a p.osi- e • • . Combo- at. a salary ot 53oo, the board Sub Chief, A. Collyer tien t� assume his new duties, and secures the services of an estimable Seceetery, F. W: Watts his appointment was formally confirm- yung lady and a ceettie to the teach- treasurer, Chas. Overbuy ' ..' ed at a:meeting. of the directors . on ing profession, Senior Woodward, Frank Herman Nov. 27th. Havana disposed of his prie In consequence of entwine to Loaeon Junior Woodward, Jae; 1VIcela.cheity vate aanking interests in Blyelt to his Mr. Wilbur Manning tattered his res • • 'ee Senior Beadle, Fred. Hayvverd partner) - Mr. James -Melleurchie, Cep- ' Ignetien as trustee _tin' St. James, Junior Beadle, ltrank Evans teat Renee, is' now free to 'accept .' his ward, It' Was accepted. • • Treseets, Jatnee MeOlacherty, 'Fred. • new position and wirl enter 'the service Principal LOugli reported Peelcitt, Jas. Dunford . thOt for Auditors; John Derry, J. McClach- nexe as Manager of . the Clinton of the Sovereign Bank on Tueeday. the in( nth of November tea boys were erty; A. Collyer • ' enrolled and 176 girls. lie intimated ' heanch. . ilso, that the Model term "tiling at an, OFFICERS OF SHEFFIEIO LODGE. Captain Rance is so Well old be had feel:Med charge of his own • • • • lcuown to the residents of Clinton and clivition and had arranged 'the rooms At the last Meeting of Sheffield the county of Huron generally, 'espee-• for the next quarter. : Lodge, Sons of England, the , fallow- ially in financial and military circles, . . • . — . •• ing officers were elected for the •nekt that is seems unnecessary. to refer to . SI.TCCESSPUL SERVICES: ' , terra : ., . . : • , , hate at 'all in A 'biographical way, but • • The anliverS,Irti services held iti• con; ....Past President, Prank ro,siell: , .. at London' on the rith of • June,1864, we may say- briefly that he was born , • ,• .. , . • . • .1veraiiciperne.,steidTe;It',.1.3.acalchsnotiA, nection with the enteric; • street. church.. Meter : • and., with his permits removed to Qin- daet Sunday were sueeeesful even . be- thiplaiii, Henry. Jeyner • e to a couple; of year later. At the v ond expectatie n. An offering of 15o '• Secretary, P.. W.. Watts • . ' . had . heat asked. fpr. ard the amount . Treaeurerp 'W.' 1.1: Webb career as a 'battle. •clerk eby entering Ow t.ah 'age of 18, he cOnonenced his.•business service'. of . Ferran and Tisdale ' awl • were , large •both e. m. and 'evening. and e im . to 52oo, The' congrega.tions Ceceneittee ' John.' Sereton, H. -Ro„tleciete,' John' Weeme .Walter• were . well Pleased 'with the diseourses •. . was for twelve years :their right hand Jackson', S. Hrickenden ' tri....,ii. •In. 1894 the Captain. branched of Rea. 'W. afeDoree h of Stratfierd. •.Iener Guara, Vir: T.' Slorean • • ' . out on his own •acecient in the seine.- The ' thoir rendered e,xCellent service Outer G el • JohnCoo-• n • was assisted 1Y M'. Will. Har- • 1.P • line by forming. a Partnership • with . eeee ,e, ,, .. Auditorsjohn • Seriiton, . F.. PoWell Mr: James Meletureige;taittl ranee then ""''' ". bee e se . 1, ...Sw ay . gladly : .. Physician, Dr. Shaw .; ' .• •.1- a rv'ee are -.-••"w s' vaele of.. . . '. . under A he' name of Mehlurchie 84 Rance, - a • .• • . . • .. . • . has conducted a snc'eessful 'business at • In ,on there. was . an open TI -1 REFERENDUM, . - • o . e the afterno . Blyth, which 'parenershie. has .no* sessiotn •of• the Sunday- school, " the •. . 0 1 t : ,, ., w eg • o a - difikeity ' le: securing 1. een dissolved to. anew hine to 'enter . eactlidestipzeinteed:mt, • Mr, • 3. Taylor., '. correct teepees for the county in time • the rank of chartered bank, managers.' Presiding. Addr eses were given by , . . -. , - , . ' the seperintendent and Revs,' MeDon- for tnis issue we nave acieerea tneir. . 'Tliceull not Onxions for :publie poei- • . ,. . publiceticxx. .until next. week. The ' ogh and fford. •The . follcaring 'aleo timis : eptain -Ranee 'hae for the,, pest (a . vote throuihoetr. the province we give, assisted in the .aepropriette 'program .. seven years '.'ellscharged satisfactorily - the dutieOf seeretae-treesuier of Meta reed. - teed Charlie Thonteeon, on 'another . page.. ': It will . be seen s - c Bert and Ina . Hill . and Misses Jeannie that • though it secured .a majority PI benBlyth Peblic school y"board, . having tee • Shipley •and 'Sybil Cciertiee 1 xecita- 71,650, : the referendum -.failed to carry' .re•noroinated. froth. y.car eas year . Without tells i Misses Carrie ipley, .41ve the lead ehich Premier. Rees placed eateseat of the board. /ft ie82 he joie- . • opposition"' by the -unanimous • O iltsie, Rena' uShnd Della Pinch. . upon it, as lie intended it should. The . . . .. • lett summary:of the vote is as Ril- ed the militia end vet therefore • he . MX' RORKE p:Epugs: ..• .. , 1.=.78 .• . . entitled to • a brevet mejarity .next . . • • ., • year. -After faithful service in selcote . .., gF Dec. , The ' 'Neee• a in its lAst.e' of Dec , .o .... 83;524 For tea act • . ..,- ;ee. ;5.5,114 a remark' citgainst the . act .., . . . diuOte positions : hit ten -years he was 5th refersein the following manner .to , patty, No. '•6,..33rd Hitroa Regimelit, P. e t . . . . . . . aPPointed Captain • of the •Exeter cote- .tain • o ea ie. t : • • • .• . .. .. Total 'Vote .. • : e - • . 238,de8 made by 1:11VS01 bli a cer- •. • • • : eeee—•. -.. — • • . . • . Mejority .„. ., ce ....... . . .... ...71,65o Which conamission he stile holds, Ho ' 'a In the course .of . en. eeldress the . . has atm beenfor• several years; cape 'other • day ' Mr.,- GeorgeA. Rorke . of puBTAc SCHOOL pRomopowp„ tain of the Blyth •rille association. tu town stated that 'there riever was e , 096 Captain Renee Inat•rieia,Miss'Eva, - More prosperous time in ehe-Dom . iee The fellewingpupils in ' division • 4 the only' daughter of his former ern-. .iciti' Of Canadathat exists today. - have been promoted to the third book:, ployes, Ur. W. W. Ferran, and the This is „ e• self-evic1 ent • trint t, lint intate friends of the Captain and - arel , glad to ave this ac enikmowlec en. . Mennel . I Mary Holmea Katie Gunn,Lorne into/tate Morence Illnlop, . Carrie Mrs. Rance, as • well as Clintottiens ire/II:Mr. '11.cieke beeattse: he is 0110 of . Steep, Annie Coebrane;• Xathleen East,. generally, . will welcome . their return ' .th ,se Who believed there eould be no Wilbur Ford, Stella. •Perdue, Willie to permanent residence. in Clinton. . 'Prosperity under the present „govere- ,. Judd, Harry Olecnie • Stella Copp, The Sovereign -Beak has adopted dile Mena' '• We do not .appreliend 'that Ile Murray • Jee: son/ Effie Pickett, James 'ehe caerntneht credit :for it,htit rule of having as .bremeh managers on- •gi‘eiss.,n g ly local ' men whew local •standieg bed instead 0 • gee e , le vi o • if tin e R bi • ' " o neon. .. . Classes • have beee.• re -arranged in we- know ,sotne peop ane experience places them in a posi- had Leen -eat e blamed the le,l' ' d wouldls several of the other rooms, but We tide , hot only to know where good go. ermeent there-, ean scarcely call it et promotion as business tnae be secitrecl, but enaeles. lor,'! . , . . the pupils have riot covered • all: the themto give the• bad a Wide berth., The renierk referred ta was nuide at. • work.The pupils. were exatnined on Tbe wisdom of thie policy must be .• a time and in•a place who and where • the work covered, not .on all the work its •heve• been only since • September at apparent •to all. The 'general manager , the ' political aspect ' of the question tem•worle. Tn, fs.irness to teachers ane and •board of ditectors 'feel. that the , could not he considered, We are glad . i gr - interests orthe bank are likely to be ' to lenown that even the othe ade. In most cases the pup - New Era at- : ' better •guarded. by one who is familiar 'tributes to us • better Mdgment PhPils it is not advisable to publish than the n—W. R. Lough, Principal. with the ground . he is working on. to give the present government credames. it • Therefore the: Sovereign Bank is to be for the .gOod :times that exist. With 1301V14ERSe suppp.m. • - • . . . . congratulated Upon securilig the ser- all , fair mit:dui- men we say " Honor vices of' amen: of suchexcellent repo- to Wholehonor is clue," and we hon. ' The annual 'simper of the bowling . , legion and of seek marked business a- or the goeet nment for aceepting that club was"lielcl at the Hotel Clarendon laity as Captain Ranee, While In his which through long yeaes of opposition on Friday evening of last week when -- new position the Captain will be in 4.he party • oeposed. We venture to seine thirty five members and ,guests ditect, Opposition to kis former chief, say that even the member for West sat down to a spread which reflected Mr. . P. risdalf, the most cordtal Huron, if he is more thankfill for one . credit neon the house feeling exists between them and ' Mr. thing than another, ie extectlingly lar, John R.ansford presided fled Tisdall has extended Ids hearty eon- glad that e free tradc,11 the past idol wiltn justiee had been done to the' in- gratttlatione to Captain Reece on his of hie heart; has never been adopted. ner man and ir the covers had been preferment,. We say that times are good; not ee. remoc ea" he took up thetoast list. We cahnot but remark eist here on cause of the government, but in spite It was commetetably short, there be - the splendid progress made by the of the government. That the late ins only two toasts, The Xing and Sovereign Beak hi whose. service Cap- Conservatice government laid the c lean and Dowling. The .former was tain Ranee is soon to enter. The gov- foul:cloth V so wieelY and well that tTeknowledged in the usual patriotic ernment statement for October 31st the old Ile la, though forever assail- Wanner and te the latter. Messrs. shows the bane to have a paid up ecl, steeds secure against all assiulte: Jackson and Forrester made suitable caPitai of Sttc173,478, a reseree fund Ilk' °re tunes ' good ? Ist, and ever replies, e of $240„000 and total assets of $3,. rst, Beeause a kind I roviclenee lies, etie W. G. Heide manager of the 855,203, while we are informed the Leen ffraci°11° .to u° l /11(11•13ecattee the Merchants' Base-, Mitchell, end Mr.' November statement will show paidpolicy of the late Conservative govern- Lack Xenftedy of town replied to Our ever se60,0,0,. Bete:use g neral geed times li ve beett in nt li s not been thrust ase e stet, up -capital to be over ex,eoomoo, the Guests. lefr. Hind is an enthusiastic reserve fund (surplus) , bowler and has skipped many an ex - and that the total resonrees of ' the eel:erect: Cu in rountriee etliete "&e eitirg game, He meets kindred spire batik. exceeds four million dollars, an stuthy smiles id Sir Wilfrid are 1101 known ; 4th, because there does -not its on the Clinton green and at the Average monthly growth since the elulds social re-unious. lint of May last (when the bank first eli8t u bitle-rnin Opposition. Ce nservative party has and ever must opened its doors for 'bitailitess) of over l''h° To Um toast •of The Ladies Captain heti it, million dollars. No account is place: country before party ; thus they MeTaggart made reply. He is a too large or too small for the bank setve the nation not only White in cha--...eeeihg eller dinner troaker and is itivarieely called elicit' to respond to goteral manager are favorably con - to hatulle, and that the directora and power, hut bit: owIltit1L in oppoeitiofl. eVe t,litet we were eo either The Ladiee or The Militia. siclered by the general ;Milk is hula in°421 those o id not look for A manlier of stews. Were given hi cated by the fact that the deposits of 110°° tithes turter the Laurier whittle K6a atYe' 4tie l',. 1 Mess"' T• `Tac"", W. ietration. hi that we had lot of 10'81 t'''4 the Itank have been 'stemming at the zeigier. eHolmes, Doweling Etnd rate of eeeopoeo a month and are rood celnlhellY, for who, let int ask, now two inithon dollars. %MI expect any . geod titular free The Mitt of the evening, though, We regret the rettioVal of Mr. Sity- trade,commercial 11111011, unrestriet. was the presentation to the president ter, who in the short time he hes ad reciprocity, annexation or any of of the club, Mr. John Ransfor ,c1 of a been' a. reeiclent of Clinton hag won tha fads that served a party while it beautiful cut gless decanter, Mr. W. the respect of our eiepeene, ne opposition, but which lotted them too Sackson made the presentation in a possesses tact, attavity and energy ex hot to handle whot plaeed le power, teat and witty speech inwhielt lie ex - so emitteut a degeet as to abunclaialy 1421(1 14112(11 10,101. today are go ridiculous tolled the many good qualities of the qualify rre for the important position that plarlabA progressive colleague recite nt. ler.Ratsford was complete - which he holds. But We are pleased Sir Wilfrid ever 'had, whatever may' IY taken by surprise, but withal was to lehow that one from amongst our- be etid of hitt not to his ereellt, re. *leaf to the occasion and returned sett eq., we might say, has been *hotel' Sig" ilin Plate as Itfittister of reline thanks itt a characteristic speech. No es his sutteSsor Mel we heartily ex- Workstaller than lend hie aid or &Witt about it, the elub is much in - teed our good wishes to Cepteitt give hie Rafittioft to that which all (Tatted to its euergetic and intlefatig- Renee on his appointment and to the 111'111'111g 'nen °re ciunliell'ed to admit able preseleet for the ffourithing to our toeon- would be most relocate me dition fit Whielt it is et the prent se 'wettest of the batik, lie will hereafter try,e. 0E04 A. RoRim represente which it ie at the ereeettt thee, t 'Viola 'Number 1245 • STUDYING LAW, •e, flatsoxAr, Front the Winttii•eg l're Pres- we •Ieern that Kr. A. Moore has passed, • with lionors, his first intermediate ex- • amovet.on to the Law Saelety of Man- itoba. Mr, Moore has been teaching school in the West for several gears, Ile is a son pa' Mrs. E. Moore and a brattier of Messrs. J. Wie 1. A. and W. IVIeore 4. town. • TWO DEATHS IN ONE WEEK. friencls • Oadrge Harland, formerly of Clinton, but now a. citi en Of Detroit, will re - gra to learn of the death of his two sells, Basil, aged seven, end Marr, two years younger, wMch .took place within one week. The melee of death • was diphtheria, with which Mrs, Her - hied is 'aleo confined to the hospital. Basil and Mara wbo accompanied • ;emit parents on a visit, to Clinton last summer, were bright, healthy and happy, boys. • • • -DgATH OF MRS. A.I.LOWAY. • Mrs. T. Alloway died et her .horne in Centrelia on Wednesday last, aged 82 years.. For half a eentury She had been a resident of thae district where she was destryedly held in the highast resee.t. elhe is survived by her five• sons and two daughters, the issue of ter first marriage, viz : • A. Hooper of Centon; H. Hooper 'of 'Sensate A. Iloorer of Exeter, Mrs, . Grigg of Grimsby, Mrs, Boswell of Centralia, and two sons in. Michigan. • The tuner - al . took place on Stieday, theinter. talent taking. place in the Exeter cem- etery. The services were condueted by • Rev, B. L. eliaton. The deceased was a lite -long and consistent meniber . of the Methodist Church: • , PARAGRAPHS. ..numbei. ot young people. from town, •will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ouimeete et' Londesboro on Thersday night of this week. . The Doherty. gunrtette will sing- at a .Foresters'. entertainment in ',oxides, boro on Friday, night. •• • Our Wide-awake • business men have secured :additional .advertising .space • in The News -Record• this .week, • they having found by 'experience that, it pays' to do se.. ' •. • In an:ad; on page 8 Mr.. T. Jackson, Sr, annouuces e, prospective. change •in business.: . Rev. Dr. GiOord's engagement - • at Exeter for next Sabbath has been eancelled kir the 'present and die will he • in his own pulpit both morning at.d evening, l'ERSOlCAL.•• Mtrii4cek .iF;v•..R:. Sietelgseits.,.was in Torontd. ..Misses May Identaily and Mary ••Mitch, 11spent a 1 y"e Mr. Frank • SwallOw tettilned frorn Manitoba on -Tiresda,y night. Mr. ancl•Mes. ,J ohn Goyett are.. t- ing relatites 121 Mariposa, Victoria county:. Messrs. Rattenettry and Rance attend- ed the'funeral of the late Mrs. Peter eletereger of Brucetield oft Monday. Mr. • and Mrs. A. Hooper and Master 0 in attended the... funeral. of Mr. Heoeera -neither: in Centralia. on Sunday. • ., Dr.../Mackali and Mr, Frank McCaugh-. of • r. X SeafOrtlis • came to Clinton (Al ''. Thursday. , last to exercise their .e.mp . • ' . • DRAPT •HORSE •SaCIETyi• • - • The animel meeting.' of the Do.Min-.• ion Draft Horse Society was -held at the Itattenbuty House yesterday. Tha different reports, showed' the • society. to . in a ' prosperous Condition. Twelve neW:rneurbers were added dur- ing the year and theta is a baianee on hand of $65O. :It' was decided to make an off& to the Industrial, Westerti and' 'Winnipeg pairs tit give half the.. a-: mount of 'prieee, money . for a Class 311 'eeth of those Fairs, and also to sus- pend for a year the raising ,of the standard to five crosses. 'The •seelety expressed- its sympathy for. Mr: •Pe.ter iVicar,gor, an old and esteemed mem- ber, hi the loss of 'his wife which took , place last week. The election of cello: ers resulted as follows President, D. Meattosh, Bencefielde vIce, S. Hensalle seeretary, • James. Mitchell„ Goderielea treasurer, 'peter McGregor, 'Brueefield ; delegate ' to Western Itair,..A. hues, Stanley' e del- egate • to Canadian Horse Brecdcr.' Associate -a, Thos. Meelillau, •IIiilletta • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FAILED. • • Another instance .of where the via - '..A1 ed Christian &knee met with a . Most disnial failure is reported in the case of FrederickHorn, who was for a year or so a resident •of Clinton,but left hare last fall for Loielon.• He died in that city Iasi. Saturday.' ' Mr. . ore lied not been in• good health •f1,r almost a. month past,but it was not until a week"or tee days ago that a, physician wa.s celled na. Prior to that tinie members of the ,C hrieticier Science gherce were: . cenieg on hint regitiatly.• Their efforts . at healing, however, were all in •Vain, for steadily and rapidly . Homes couditiaa became more serious. • , , The deceased, alto was between 45 and ,f o years of ago, was a Christiati Selo': tist, haveig identjaea himself with the sect itbout two years . sigo. When he first- bit unwell his omit - plaint Was in the nature of e slight •cold,but he did nothing for it. As the days passed Horn became worse time despite the desires of his. wife—who, by the way, is also a Scientist— lie preferred to do without the serviece of a medical Mate Meanwhile a leader in the local Scientiet Church was call- ing on, bite regularly tied in the course of two weeks he was unable to bemooed, spending the time sitting by the stove wrapped in btahkets. IVitea one Stieetist found himself un - abet to do attything he brou t one or two others to the house. Tile story Was tee same. ' Tett days since Mr, Horn contested to hate a phyeiciah and when a doc- tor ati feed he foetid him itt a very low state, sufferfitg front bronchitis and o-dema of. the Inge. There wag little lore li •Id out by the doctor from the first and his death Was daily expeetece Prid. .11orn Was one of the beat known hoese trainers itt IATeetere 01P. Olio and it was in that eapacity lie Wee ettteioyei when itt Clinton'. Mr. D. Centel= was in Toronto this week: Mrs, R. P. Reekie has returned from eltomas. Rev. W. rileleonogh of Stratford WI'.$ pest at the Ontario street parsonage from Saturday to Monday. Mr. Thos. Kemp bas accepted a eittt- etton in the new organ factory at • London and moved Ins family there this week. Mr. Ernest Twitchell wettt to Toren - to on Saturday last, having accept* ed a stttdi�t at ecuIre.ti!ty. iin a photographer's Mr. and Mrs. Pe. 111.cLattghlan return- ed home .ou Thursday last from a fortnight's visit with friend:I in Tore onto, Hamilton and elsewhere. MO Den, Ross, L. L. D., of Moose- • jaw, Asa., formerly of Clinton, was in town this weelc. On Thursday he will Le married to a Miss Clark of Winghatn. Mr. W. T. Dockrill, travelling passen- ger agent of the C. P. R., was in town' last night. When in this part • of the province he invariably 'comes to Clinton to call upon his friend, Mr. W. Jackson. Mrs, Hardy of the London Road has returned from a • five weeks' visit to her father at Mari- posa., Victoria county. The old gentleman—he is eighty seven years • of age—is troubled with heart dis- ease and at times was 114 ,a critical condition, but before • Mrs. Hardy left he had considerably improved, BRUOEFeELD. Mr's- Peter McGregor died -in Melee- • field on Dee.. 5th efter an illness of nearly two years, during which time ghe was a great sufferer, but through it all she was 'sustained by the only power that can' sustain- anyone in the great trials -of this life. The funeral service was eld in her late home • on • . Monday • last • and, despite the severe• storm, a very large etuneber of. friends and neighbors were .piesent to PaY their last tribute 'of respect. The ser - Vice was conducted' by Rev. Mr. Saw - ere and the interitient took place. • in Baird's cernetety. Mrs. 1VIeGregor was a daughter of the late John Ratten- bitty; and was born in this village fele ly. hell a ,century •ago, ,being in the semi year. of eer ageat the titne of, her (teeth. • •, • • •. , While quite young she, was • married • to Mr.. Peter 'McGregor, wile with ait .only daughter, Mrs. B. R. Rigging,' enottert over their great •loss. She was a coneistent member .ot the -Presbyter- ian Church •• and much interested in lei, siollec • having filled . the office of treasurer of the Brucelielel W. P. • M. le. • for •twenty years, She Will be.. much missed in her .hoine, the Church and. .co eniunity1 " bleived • are the deah which die the . Lord from • hentelarth ; yea 'eaith the Spirit, that they Ina.y „rest from their. labtWet and , their works do. follow thetn.) •• •. Mr. Andrew Beattie of Westminster is visiting friends in Brucefield. The• .enniveisary• services of .the sParebsbaerind:,iwelot iurc41; • were held 'jast Murray of n-incardine conducted • the: services on Sabbath,. preaelting two excel"eet .sermons, and on Monday he. lectured 'one" My itripeessions of Stoat, land..." • 'the eongregations Were large: at . en. the • services and the offerings 'wire al •o large. • Mr. Sewers tooleDe. Murray'e work in Kincardine. ' The 13rucefield. Aexiliary of the. W. • F. Pa, S. will luild 'its annual thank - offering eneetine on Monday evening, • • Dec. letlewhen it is -expected • . that Rev. .Murdock Mackewie of ,Honan, China *111 0,*111 be..present to eddress the at ' • Our •geeial station agent, Me. Gray,. • we are pleased to sae as able to be ,around again: • ••• . • .. There is 'a strong feeling in, and a- . bout St. Joseph in favor of Mr; Con- • tine's • acceptance of the.nornination•• or the reeve hip Of 'Hay. •It is con- teLded by hie friends that he merits ehe •honor • Mid that it is dite him 'for - his services ,making St. Joseph so well lqiown:to the go.ternment. But it . is. also tonanded• that 'Only those who • •linee had municipal experience, each as I'. Lathont: or IV. Cansitt, should: be selected, and•that itis not• fair to . (hope gentlemee to be passed over for oee weo is wholly inexperienced in teetticeeal affairs. 'This is .the prevail- ing °pita. n elietevee the matter ie Spoken of outside the Satiate Line and - the City in embrye which Mr.' Contine has done so much to promOte. = That g utlentans ideas are great, perhaps t 0 much so to intrust the:modest af- fairs of the township Jet° his keep- ing, et any rate N\ hile we have tried • aud experienced men aeallable. Wtth. this chit 111. view Mr. P.. Late'ont is be- ' ing solicited •t� a.galn Offer himself foe the recv(Ship, ;but tome say his 'reePir- ate ne are • for the county council, Mille Mr. Consitt is almowledged by ,alt to be Well grealified for either pee - tame • Mr. Consitt's ability ane en- :t.rrgoyng, ttiai willle:ep.,11.im, in 'the' front and inehie ow* municipality he is a very HAY TOWNSHIP. • PASIIION II/NTS FOR. W/NTER. • Velvet,• velveteen mid corduroy cos- tumeS are among the season's smart- est -modes. An excellent choice for street at- tire is a fabric glowing a shaggy, hairy texture, sea as zibeline or camel's hair. The •slopitig or drop -shoulder effect ie PC211 ill many of the newest bodie- ee ; and the Duchess closing is a clise tieeti• e Attalla of the newest skirt waists. At last a changa has come in skirts, Welt for the street are hotictably shorier ; teem is a marked tendency to gice up the furbelows and ruffles d adopt the severer tailor-made models. elte hip yo e is a feature of tl Inajority of the new skirts. 'eke boa is a picturesque etyle and ere e collats of every shaee amd depth are 1 ro lea t amclIg the season'e fa. hions. Anumg the 1. hovations 121 tnaterials are the metallic tints and effects in I ea -y, roue• h cloths, el•lei'ities, vigoge ees, holnetpuittc Me., and "Corottation • clothe" a heavy winter goode euitable for skating, golf, etc. —Preen the Delitieator for Jamie%