HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-27, Page 7November 27th, 1902
TheMolsons Bank The Torture of
• Incorporated by
Aet of Parliament,
Capital — - $2,500,900
Rest 2,zeo,000
Wm.Iliolson Macpherson, President.
&Ones Elliot, General Manner.
Notes discounted. Collections made.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchange bought' and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits, •
Interest allowed on sums of and
Money adv,anced to farmers on their
own notes with one or more en-
dorsers. No mortgage required as
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discouhted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street -
6 Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Etc.
Office -Beaver Block - - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency:
Money to loan.
Itching Piles
Mr. John Harvey, Mayor of Arnprior,
Ont., gaunt -04041y persons who have
experienced the torture of itching piles
can form any idea of what 1 fluff:erect from
this horrikde disease. I was advised to try
Dr, Claasys Ointment, and can positively
say that 'thus completely cured me. I
tried very many so.callod cures for piles,
and can truthfully say that there is no
remedy on the face of the. earth Ifies Dr.
Chase's Ointment for this purpose. I
would not be without h for any amount of
money, and can heartily recommend it to
all sufferers, as it is the best thing I ever
ITm here eseveral imitatione of Dr.
Chase's Ointment, but so far it Is the
only preparation extant which isa poeitive
I and pertain cure for piles of every form,
I You can rely on it absolutely, and it is
only a waste of time and money to try
substitutes. 6o cents a box, at all dealers,
or Edmaeson, 13ates cfc Co, Toronto,
Conveyancer, Fire and 'Life Insurance,
Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for
$1 each; All work neatly and
cheaply done.
13RUCEFIELD, - - - - oNT,
R. C. P, and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at iron door of residence'
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church.
Office -Ontario street - • - Clinton.
0,ffiee-Ontario street - - Clinton.
A • , Opposite St. Paul's church.
Dr Chase's
The News -Record has re large and
inere,ashig eirculaition which makee.
t a selendid advertising mealtime It
pays to edvertise in The News-Record..-ereeter•,_1_•"--teeeel
. •
67.?.6.1d e
whe Dbue Deocribes the Simillartice toad
Coetwaste Between, the" Preseet Bee
Celebration sen That of the rilgtem
Nethers of the Seventeenth Century -
A Viytct Sketch to 'react of 'elle Thank-
ftd Vote Hitet.k,
Enterce „securable le Act of Parliament of Clin-
atm. in the year lea by Widleut et
Etna°. ,at, tiie Deiet of aertettaure. memo..
Chicago, Nov. 23. -The similarities
and the contrasts of the approaching
anniversary withthat celebrated by
the pilgrim -fathers of the seventeenth
century are vividly ketched in this
sermon by Rev. Frank De Witt Tal-
mage on the text Psalm 0,, 4, "Be
thankful unto him."
Thanksgiving day. of 1620 ie the
theme to -day. Plynseeith rock is Mee
pulpit, The mighty treesof the
American forests are the massive pil-
lars of the sanctuary. The waves of
• the fathomless deep, with their White
fingersof foam playing upon the
many keys of projecting rock, shall.
lea.d in the singing. The bold, With
hillsides overlooking the harbor of
• Plymouth shall be the auditorium.
And we shall gatherwithin these four
walls as worshippers the steep faced,
iron muscled and godly voyagers of
the little sailing ship Meyflower,
• whose saerffices made the pilgrims'
first Thanksgiving day a possibility.
•Surely, if Governor Bradford and
• Elder Brewster and Captain Miles
Standish. a'nd Edward :Winslow • and
Isaac. Allerton and John Alden and
that little band of twoscore and ten
menand women end children had
anything L. to be thankful for 281
years ago we now living ought, . to
• welcome the Thanksgiving day of
11)02 with open arms. After the ex-
ample ofour noble ancestors, Whose •
flames have made the Plymouth col-
ony irrimortal,• we should • never cease
' to thank God •for the goodnesses and:
the mercies he has showeredupon us
. andthis land during the past twelve
• Tho first 'Thatersgiving day was.
, really a. harvest borne • festival. On
that • memorable morning. the new
- 'governor -for John Carver, the first
• governor, had lately died. -personally
eed his people •'and guests , into the
,liouSO, ol worship, where tt religious.
• service was held. There the perinea
were sung. There the prayers were
offered. There Eider 'William Brews-
- • STRATFORD, ONT.. • .
Recent graduates have accepted good
positions at $45, $45; $eo and $6o per
3nonth, and a few.days ago an appli-
cation recei‘ed offering . one of our
graduates . of last term a salary. .of
eSoo per annum. This. is the kind of
evidence you are Looking for as to the
best school to attend. Catalogue free.:
...Enter this .montiz if possible. •
• Licenses
. •
ISSUED BY •• ter thanked God that he who ,had their undevelpeed chtichen, • on, ac- . wishbone and •let metake hold
_1 _
Lt 1 rve t
Dons, noVer yields. gr e. s . . t. net rnaloritof that
The first harvest which the white community, remainFel •behind. Andso
men gathered on Maesachnsetts •land tluee American pilgrims, on Ply -
was very small., The New England mouth's first Thanksgiving day Were
pilgrims knew they did. not have, as living in the hope that John Robin -
Joseph, had In Egypt, their Store- son and the absent members of his
houses full enough to defy spiritual flock would soon be by their
seven years of watit. They knew side. They did not then know . that
that Olives help came soon they. death would first claim their Le:loved
would have to face Starvation, pastor and that his bones would be
"Many a time," wrote the *either of buried in the little churchyard which
"The Pilgrim Fathers of New Leg- his meaclaing has made world fain-
• . ,
land," "'they went to bed to rest oua and which is to -day the Mecca of
without knowing Whence' the next many 0, pilgrim. They did not realize
day's food. was to come, ,ILIow they that most of the* earthly friends
were to live until the next, berveet would never meet beside .the waters
came routed it was an impassibility ore° new world. But they did
to say." Yet those godly men on know, and they rejoiced in the know-
Plymouth's firrit Thaasgiving day ledge, that, whether at the foot of
were a
given to them enough food up to the great white throne of God, they
present thne and a lane where they would meet again. And if they did
could ultimately earn a competency not Meet again until they were re
if;Mt a superabundance. They thavk- united in that 'better land, then they
ed bite for the past; they trusted (lod would there meet to Part no nore. •
for ti 0 future. ely friends, cannot we reit:dee, in the
My friend, there ought to he a lee, hope that we are some day going to
son for you in the inigrias fathers' Meet our redeemed loved ones? Can
eratittide to God for the supplying we no' rejoice that when ,we meet
ble to'thank•Godunit he loot Plymouth rock! or at the foot of the '
of their necessar.y temporal wants, ,thelfl w, a Pa 11 e
you. may not have a 14. ea„e ee, giving day Without this blessed be -
count nor enough money, to keep yoli fleie4iNvytolluladndb‘evoutlefi bues ,raobubteedartinogfleitsss
in ease if you ceesed to work; but, •
eluefest joy. The young pea; le limy
like the pilgrim Where of old, on
look forward gladly `to the autumnal
this Thanksgiving day of 1902 yoti
queen o.1 American festivals Lis a
can thank God that you have a
holiday from school, a day for a
home in. which to lit a no Matter how
football wrath, a day when they 'cube
htunble that home may le; You can eat a big turkey dinner, but most of
thank 0 od that you have enough
elothes to keep yeti "'in an". A US will think of Thanksgiving diluter, ,
as a day for vacant, chairs -a day
enough good, plain: wholesome food . e
wnen we would be willing to give all
to eat. Shoulki your table be simply
' we owned if we coul'd only bring bae1.
spreed you can thank God with the some who have forever gone from
same humble, ballet:lad Christian
• our side.
epi, it: with which Elder'. William But with the comfort of the bless- .
cr. AofloPolyugehentahhe. )LiileeandY faiarpelye rzaz. gospel how our sotrows can be
..13threTkl : turned to joy! Mother, father, bro-
and ths. coffee and • tea supply. and thee, sister,* husband; wife •and child,
nearly ell other . supplies rot.. meeths.
iled, shall We never., never meet you
had fa
and ea and his fantity for agate?
"Yee, yes!" answer the pile
weeks. at a time were coinpelled• to • glint fathers..
',Ty *the 'sacred book
live upott fish alone. yet: Williamwhich we read. the .inorning of the
-Brewster used to gather his children
bright autumnal day when we cele -
about' his table and . utter e, devout • bretal Plyntotith's• first 'Thanizsgiving
grime, With nothing ,but clams and 'day ave can prove it, By the • hope
'oysters for breakfast, dinner and tea ' With which we parted .from our 'dear
nionth in and Month out; Williatn from.Helland's
,ones as we set sail'
Brewster used ' to. thenk • God "that shoreS We . would - tell thee, troubled
.• r.. -
'they were .permitted . to enjoy the
abundance of the sea and the trea..s- :
hearts: of 1902, we shalt ell,..yea, all, ,
• a - ,
meet again." ..•
ei•op hid in the -sand." a ' • - ' - • . - Thee 'next Thanksgiving day after
The .pilgeira fathers rejoiced be- ' you have helped .everyitody all round
caeee. they had. rano red their child- nd after you have thanked God for
ren from the sinful temptatiOnS of a . all yotir Marty ,blessings, _end 'after
foreign lend.. They thenaela es were • yowhaVe alsa worehiptel in Goilee
. mat and avomen of sterliug and en- senetuary, in, spirit as your pastor,
impea.ehaele integrity,. elm were and as a privileged guest, I want to
• fest as willing to lay down their lives comaintoe your dining room. And; •
as ma,z•tyrs, for ...Jesus Chaste in Ley- though You may give different parts :
den; in 1620;• as were their three lel- ot the turkey to the •different mein --
low townsmen, Henry Darloavs, tiers of yo r •famile, I went you • to
Greenwood and J ohnped y, ' who, .in' Save one part for, me. I weent yon to
• 153,3, laid dean, their It en ip Eng-, saye for me the "wishbon" and as
. land; but, though the 'pligitin fathaiii• I in' spirit come ,aneeink you thee
might bo ready to die for, • Christ, . went you to take hold of one :sidecof
I 1' It SC110014.
Text et. the Leeson, eudte. sil, efei
10 -21 --memory Verses, 10 -et -Goad.
en. Text, Ps. S-.ContattonturY
lirepartni by the Rev. P. M. Si:vomits.
fCepYright, 1003, by Itmeripan Press associationa
1, 2...And the Lore said unto Glaeon, The
people that ere with thee are too many
for me to sive the Midlanttes into their
hands lest Isritel vaunt themselves egalest
me, raying, Mine own hand bath saved
Gideon, the son of Joash the Ablex.
rite, was true of those whole God
raise() up to deliver Israel from her
oppressors. .Tlie story is found le
chapter vi 1.1-16, where we learn his
own estimate of lienself and see hie
• strength in these words -from the Lord:
"Go In this thy might, Have not I
sent thee? Surely I will be with
thee:" .Then In chapter vi, 34, we read
In the revised version margin that the
Spirit clothed. Himself witleGideon, so ,
that whatever was done was by the
Spirit through Gideott. The Lord Melte
raust be eealted, and no flesh way glo-
ry in 1:14 presence (lea. 11, 11, 17; elil,
8; lviii, 11; I Cor. i, 20, al; Jer. ix,
• 23;24). '
3. 'Whosoever Is fearful ana Orme tet
hira return.
By this proclamation the Lord would
test and sift Gideen's army of e2,000
• men, and It must eave been greatly to
Gideon's amazement when 22,000 cow-
ards returned home, Can It Ife possi-
• ble ,that among the professed follow-
ers. of Christ today two-thirds or more
- are cowards, afraid to coufess Him
before tho. world, afraid to. ackuowl-
edge their Mee Whale Iiis premises,
afraid to follow Him fully, afraid of
the cost of being whole hetteted disci-
ples, Weld.of the eale•te .go forth. in
His name t� •some distant hind with'
the glad tidings- of His salvation? It
131 greatly to be feared tbateit is even
so. •
• ••• . • • fed the. flying birds and hail clothed count probaley ok the influence of• of ,the other, . Then • as I pull and
J• B Runiball* Clinton.
. 14 B. 'with fur the wild beasts of the for- their-foyeign eurrouedings, were not break the Wishbone. and ehould"I • ifet
:always of tche' sante mim 1, Their sons the larger' side- • T.' Want you to et.
,. • ests had fed and clothed arid pro-
• • ,tected them. 'Then the rest of the. and daughter§ spite:tithes • deiftea• inal'e this wieht' '"elay the many
• . . .
daY was spent as a home day, as . a.• , awaY, frinn • tna • PrincipeS . 'ef 1,1111e. • bleseings , which Cod has Lehowered
Cook's Cotteal Root Compouna
troublee the pilgrim' fathers had . •Iathers. They eot ortly fell into* the . triton you during the. last • tWelee
btit the ..married the s s n • 1 t 1 • ' '
ans. a d de. 101- . tte..e to linii, May -the etarant cliaire
youe ea. , m wet -•
'•• day. of feasting and frotie and pee,
• Yruir druggist forCook's cotton ecte.Gom- and
ters of Ythe foreignees„. a tete, (misted . in you- (lining room tedh you . ilea
sad. Take noitheraas all pit cuir pli.11; al t Many; nallny . ifiessings s urrott mil ng '
bo N , de ne r, pe b xe u
• as fe lances to ti 0 ,fotei n wars, let•efot•e may Y911 here *lad
Is successfully used inonthiy by over Yes. 'even among all their Sorrows sinful Intbite of this European city, ' months soften • h t 4i
10000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
rIPVIrir ag'ZIVA 711 c; 1g them On. that • first 'Thanksgiving day. . in'the foreign bevies cad went .ferth'. -emir earthIy• tune is to iv very.
. orkmailed on receipt of pricte and twoaceut And it is to catalogue some oftheir
and rtew as in order sat e Vn eotv •t lie to 30-e Yerr Vaster us
Os -short:)
.ettsurg. 'The Cook ConapooLWindaorirt. anciene blessine, as wen as Some ot
lay- es. and 2 sold and moo =elided all flesh end blood 1, oin 'the sinfai con- . yan.bave novel. dem, Aa -1 111
. .
the inultitudinous. hlessings o ou . • . • • ) • •
I 1) Ss' Gan da
responsib e niggle In A .. • tact •of the. lure a cum i ed • I hilts-
. . . . i ,tines;” as Well; e.e for reli p,i o us lib-: itrille"y7yllortut!,1be Ytie.s4Pfli:.tilhfitil lirtee I:art. t et.lk
: . , y . Et .i. e ,.. o 3 pli
• '1' own tinie, that preach this seranon. •
xos. • i and '2 -2i.e. sold in Clinton . by - The Pilgt•im‘-ilathere rejoieed in .re -
Fay, Oat Alm fillgriM fathei.s tarned to yeme home, yciur .Wife, your chhd-
ligious liberty, They. rejoieed that
. H. 73. Combe, R. P. keekie, E.' Aoti- . ..christ their backs upon the lurid of their .ren and 10 the great World at "twee
ey and Watts. St .Co.--edruggisig.' • • • • they ceuld not only worship
in theirown way and according to adoption and. the hotnee .of. 'their as we"e the pilgrim fathers tii •;the.
• • . . , . owe be
their . lifbut ce
e, t :aleo beuse as '
. l.1etwt..nour two h11.1ds
Taking °r• •iL. t,61'• t 1 cill?;.;ci. s ' principles a ) which they. .estie ee :*
The Kitiop Mutual Fite:• fitees13.
.ists they. ie. neleet i'And rimy the Sweet and holy faith of
Special attention given to diseases oi
• the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
• Office and Residence- •
Albert street East, Clinton.
North of Rattenbury street: . • '-"1"4"""prinl
. • their-. own: • pastors . and elders ;and
• InsurancC.ouipany deaceM5 and have their ewe eind, of
looking !taxingly and earneltly 'into l'ilyrriouth'fi
s rt s , Thee); spewing day
depthe of their pare eyes, can we rest and abide • with you' forever.".
-e ..
t, be thanetai that both we and iteaer God bless us this eritirning aa we
churth government. it WaS in order .
• Penn and Isolated Town proper- to win this religio• usqlherty that the
• ty Only Insured.• • ' • ittle band of pilgr.iins first endured
a'. /3., Mae an r s ei , pp .
ities where h Lunen affeetions .are held
sacred end whe pui•itY in not 0.a
ese the •tear. stained end blood red-
dened roek •of • Plymouth for •a
, Serooby, England. • it was to win -e-o-f-Yeld---b- • Et fe.V eetalins
. he per etu .toi . „dait and pit. • • -•
e Man who win•Surceed
p: actically.'numopoll'ed, ••
• e' Peidit•Ki
0. ; •Thos. i`raser, Vice-Presideut,
• Brucefield P. 0.; T. E: Hays, See.-
TreasUrer, Seilforth P. O. ; W. G.
Broadfoot, Inspector. of Losses, Sea -
forth e'. 0. ••
W., G. • Broadfoot, Seaforth ; . John
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea -
0"114 formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main street.
BA.YFIELD - - - - - Ont.
• Will be at Deerfield every Wednesday
• Office-
" Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work.
D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
• lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
L. D. 8 .-Pirst class honor graduate
• of Dental Department of 'Toronto
• University.
Special attention paid to preservation
• of children's teeth.
• Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield,
every Monday from ye a. m. to 6
p. m.
A member of the Veterinary' Medical
Associatioes of London and Edin-
• burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary' College.
"Office -Ontario street - - Clinton
Opposite St. Paul's ebeireh.
Office -Isaac Street - ClintOlt
Residence -Albert street e Clintone
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Or-
• tiers left at The' News -Record, of-
fice, Clinton, ot addressed to Sea.
forth P. O. will receive proinpt
' attention. Satisfaction geared -
teed or no c.barges. Youe pat-
tottage aOlieited,
b I(
• exPealaNce,
. ...,
TtlAblIg` MMUS
' Desticitell„
Antoine Seeding ei sketett told deseriptionnlef
ttniolcht Ascertain oar opinion tree whether an
Invention 10 PrObiblyPeAntable. Commentere
teed strictlyeenedentiat.,11andbook Ott Patent
sent MO, won agency for oecuttneantentee
P4114514 tenon unman mune * co. receirt
Vow *lotto. without charge, in the
' Sdelltifit Jitiltritail.
A laindsomety iiittstroitod *Wily. torgeot do
Oinuttion Of dn't scientific liOttrnAl Tettail. 113 t.
Mkt frier monthskel. SO 4 oral nettolettlett.
Eli Ittahrionrt.'wd".11„0.1.214
forth; John •VVett, HarlOck • John
Dennewies; -Bradliagan ; Jeepes•'..EYeets,
Beechwocid ; Connolly,: Clinton;
John McLean, Kippen. • •
Robert Smith, Harlock ; Robert Mc-
1V1Illan, 'Seaforth ; James Curnmings,
Egmondville ; J. W. Yee, Holmes-
ville. ' • •
Parties desirous to effe•et • ineurance
or transact other business will be
rein tly attended to on application
to any. of the above officers •addressed
to their respective pestoffiees.
this kind of religious liberty that in
609 -the bee rated fr the• Eng -
Heti' shores and: be.cione ie Ani -
this 'relig ms liberty that the little
bead .01 pilgeints in 1610 broke. away
Anisterd.e,re-. 'and,' under their
pastor the fanenis John. Rob/risen,
went to Leyden, lute it was in . in der 'di:agreeing., a .family n she be- dent La Rorlin, • where he reMained
• 1-.
imniortel 102 passengers of the•May- . steed of a sun? •• ••• need by• Ulstriesek as the medium, of,
• floWer finally crossed the • seas and plare prOxleeS vele° apeh the • sehdoilleial communications to his
-*emigrated td.-. a new and unknowl • phyeica1. lives of our erl I en. • Shale' jeurnel. Ile is repeatedly mentioned
W •Religieus 'liberty Meanie inor tee it also • lila e 'a prieele valne In the "Item).nincenes.", of Dr. Lesely,
. than life and..,coinfort and money td, upon'their spiriteal welnee? Row Afterteird Mr. .Laviim wag transfer -
strong, consecrated •Diert. it ineenS .mrch we value thein few or, tig..rean te red to • Vienna, where he ultimately
their •eombiubd total:11041 and alIi, 'Wm " until We are • 1)1'041[4 (ace to fare. Severed his: connection with The Tel-
eicistdrice. It n eons se nuich the.
y g 9 ..
sterciam: It Was. in order .to win
!. • .1' 3
• e .0 e, eae se)eiee a - v no, coriespondee•
t• of
• Will am La •
consecrated t 1.1 1
heathen teidle? CLa •not thank on on 111 s a ma, 0
lireathin,g the • leo ally depraved at-* reris,
God that our children ty e nob to. •succeqd the fametta Me' Blowite at
is a relative- of the. proprietrir
mosphare .01 . some lees . fortanate of The, Daily ,Telegraph -.I •eee
land whose 'doe Otters are 'FO'd like ing :the Italiazieed forth, af, Levy •-•.•
• chattels, rievt:r even '•Serin nuptial . and IS the son of a Manchester man.
day, end where a wife' is tettded ae Ha was The TLIegraph's correspon-
c-omes the Mo' her or a, clan hter 'j_. for seteerai" ears and was frequently
to win this. relit/ewe liberty that the. .
with the soee t-tal of pat Veg. from cgt•aph, and,' all Or a. considerable in-
4-7, And the Lord said unto Gideon The
People- are yet too many. '13ring 'thent
down unto the water, and 1 will"try them
.for thee there,
From this test -only 300 Of the re-
maining 10,000 come forth asi, qualified
In the Sight of the Lord. What a silt-
Ing!.It lathe Lord's own searching of
hearts, and He finds but , 300 out of
32,000 whom rie ban use. It Is not a
tenth and scarcely a hundredth. part
that the Lord gets as His . own. • -The
lira test took out the Nutt'', tbe• pea,
Die Who were afraid. . But who are
these 0,700who • are asked to. return
home? They are. not Lifreld. What. is
.their trouble? They bowed down upon
their knees to driek, while the' 300
. .
'lapped of the. water as a. clog•lappete,
just a little.self .Indulgence, little of
their own pleasure rather that) zeal in
His service, • What a vert little till:lee'
And yet it was their test. .it decided!'
Whether they shouldgoor Stay. He le
week; testing nil in the .little, ordinaty•
things :Of our ditilY life, and we 'aril
hot ape to think' of it.
• 8,• 10. And 'he divided the 300 men, iuto •
three'conmanies, and be put a trumpet. in
every man's hand, with empty .pitehers
and lamne within the pitchers, • •,
• As to the rest it is wiettentn. verse T
• that he let thein gd, "every man
• unto his place. The feaitail went to
their place of safety mid the, self. in-
' :to their ease.. But: the 300,•
With food,. timiepets- and torched,' are
ready for •Serviee. .As go agebest
the, enemy .,day 'by day we must 'be
.• .etrotig, one testimony must be clear
and our light °brightly. shining, for the
• trumpet setegests testimony and the
lamp -qi• torch (Margin) a light. It is
necessary thia .tee leader be a menet'
;greet. &Runge, • calm, confident, . Peale'
. lass. In addition to ell that the Lord.
lied sitid to Glileen.and had shown him
'• He:further encourages him by bruising
him to heat. some things that their ea.
• • eniles are say"' • among themSelves
(veyses. 0-1e). • It Is not safe or wise
Spot. .
Did you ever tava that
little twitting spot in your
throat ?• Reit as if .you
could almost touch it with
your finger, didn't it? Now
hard you tried to reach it,
but couldn't It's easy with Yap°,
Cresolene,for you breathe it.. There'S
nothing in the world equal to ft for
stopping these tickling coughs; and
so pleasant, too. Vor asthma,
croup, bronchitis, catarrh, and
whooping -cough, it's the great
remedy. .1.
,r,ipa./Wslier10 IS aid by dregetso •tycryttle re.
A %armee. :41 lw mat, 10,11 diqgtl,vvaporin.rage
Lena vetieh eel last a 'ffeelme, hod a bottle et
Ceeel. es, complete, ei.est ex ra teepees, el Crew-.
tie 25 e,ats teei 50 cents muse: fled . 0.11111 contain -
ea: tteeere. lets fe•e reel .
C11,ESQL/CriZ th. r ,1. A,
1 I .1 I I '1111.11,!
with the world and °Yemenite by It,
.we are, like Israel by the. Midianites,
oppressed and enslaved; but wben by
conannent life and a cleat', ringing
lestiniony to the blood of the Lamb'
(torch and trumpet) we ,itoner God We
are then -like GItleon's 300. Bement -
bee It is the Lord end Gideon, the
Lord ,being, always pre-eminent,
• though• one-third of that • themorai 'them. I used to consider myeelf• 0„. Lomeli, he became- the :representative
• pilgrim band died the iirne month afe poor • Man 'Want hilly 1111. a few of •The Times, .
• -
tee.. they ha,1. landed itinei the Amen- yoais ago •.. I' • tie,,•er .tio •now after,
• . tI It t o • •
,• eau Shot es andi
'Mug t a n e
the fo4lofter care it e: had been . • 17
time were helpiese on accoutit of sick, vitally; my nea'her in the east and "
ne s except 'seven Men mud Women, was rettn niter with my wife and little .SJx' Election 1.'0i/turns That Were WO Mi88,
GERNDTRUNK I ing of the Alayflower back :to tng- Mg* Very ti!eci fi om nee) ork, X lay •
. yet when the One came for the .saile 'daughter to Pittsberg • home. Be- .• . • co Seturday..
Trains will arrive • at and depart
front' clinton Station as follows. :
Going East Express 7.33 a, in.
• 4l11 41 2656 I),
11 11 Mixed 4.15 p. in.
•‘'• West "• io.1$ a. in.
" • " Express 12.55 Pi Mb
11 • .11 11 •7.05 01„
41. 01 11 10.27 p.
. to listen to what others. say • of you
' unless you have .tis. clear guidance to
do so as Gldeou . •
' 17. Ana he said unto. them, Look`on me
and do likewise, and, behold. When come
to the outside of the camp, ft shall he
that as do so shall ye do.
Se elso:said Ablinelecbr bit chapter ix,
• 43, "What ye have seen me do make
haste and do as 1 have done." Our
.l'olbOw Is thoLord �f
I Ilosts, the Son oi God, the Great Head
•: of the Church, the King ot' Israel, the
- King of Kluge end Loyd:of Lords, and
. It is written. of alit..1 "He shall • not
- fall. nor be discouraged" (Ise.. All; 4),
• We are to. fellow WM: to wilik:as He
walked, to run with pa fence looking
• 1. • Id • I, Toronto, Nov. 24, -Six more dee
.land not on of the StU VOrs would down in heeler; to s Meanwhile •
riturn tia 4h 1, old home, • even.. my ...little baby clatikli et' I (igen to tionprotests fell Saturday, three on
t I t
• .h th
the eoMpaify were .ready to let any'• • tterOs the abdie She bald Out kier ' TheSe. are the Liberal 'seats .safte.
.though governor • john Carver emit smile at a stern fa', LI • matt reading eat. sz e o. e y •
lilaet Welling ton --tion J, M • (MI
• one go who would. They thanked hands foe him to • ta: e her. Atter . •
. God for .religious liberty, even though' • awhile his fat e. lighted up with . ete • 80n. • • •
the ..dead sleepetet, tiponallurial anewerieg sini:e: lie .teolz the Laby • ITP•iteir-joha •IL il.arber•
outnumbered the living. They' thank- onhis lap • and -payed with het, houNorth Wentworth -R. Thomp
ea Cod tor religious libei•ty . even atter hour. As we neared the Smoky • 8011 -
though, .to protect ite•thee had , to City thie stem Wed marl ca,ee to
.go to chez•ch armed. While the Main nue and said; !•'Ye agn an,
. 1 io riot
tong:egati01 prayed vihthe1r eyes knoWwhoyou. arebuthere s.m
•shut, their mantel's on guard had to card, tam one of the wealthiest men •
. pray with'. their keen; vigilant Ow in Mile/ant:ea. I have. . everything
'wide open . . • that money can bey, but I have a
The pilgrim fathers' oh America's Inane Without arty ihildren. . Young
• e th k God that oil
• 1 1, Mixed ' • 4,r5 p. 10,,. cause their harvests were an gather- have a family. And if you . are wet.
b man, yoe an an
. 41 leeeee • Express •etters tie ne ed itt. Never did Men • 0.ncl •women. ing.to , give me this baby and It me •
" " Mixed • ' 6.5$ p. in. fend children week haeder than those, ' adopt he* ' X " will 'give you •a. ratified.
A. (..); PATTISON, P. It.:.' HODGENS, , sturdy diseiples of Christ clueing the .elteque for 50,000;and she shall •. be
' . Agent, Town Ticket Ag. fleet ten neon sojourn in . my drreghter. and inherit•all that I
ths Of their
belie." 01 tourse.1 refused the '.offer,
• America., They were •striet in tho
M. C. DICKSON, ..• • rigid • ObServarice of ' the Lerder day I told that men there was not .
District Pass.,Ag„; Toronto .as a eay• Of rest, TroMfir A r. Webster woe 1 ' ;
g t money ib. all ' the treacen y of • .
,.__•. telle us thet as ,a result of their the 'United . States to buy my Ile 0
. „ .
.. teachings in the latter. Part, of their and blood, and, . thOugh 'you may
le• i fleet eenturY in Atnerlea a "Calatain . laugh when I talk about 'my S50,000
, Kimble of Boston, Who kiseitel hie baby, yet .i ant not putting any high -
Wife on hie dooretep an Sunday oil ! ervaltiation . upon the physieal liven
Iris retiarn trron a three year' ab- of any pne of iny children than ovate?
Going SOitth Express /,47 m, first banksgiving day rejoiced a-
. - "Mywifehadedeep-seatedeough
• for three years. I purchased two
- bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
- large size, and it cured her corn-
- pletely."
3. H. Burge) Macon, Col.
• ,Probably you know of
cough medicines that re-
lieve littie coughs, att _
; toughs, exeept deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
I deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayers Cherry =
• Peatoral; •
• 14,44 elseirige.,enotigh tot An ordinery
1 5400 rialr,td,'1,8111d16!fib!ggliirtrITIZegi
Or titles trace toes bta hint&
O. AY'S lerveU, Mac
eence, waif lined for 'lewd and un- halter sitting before ine to -day .would
smelly behavior,' " and that a NM- tipon his. If we parents thus place
0, orpy ca t On
"ifor wetting a piece of an old hat to children, shall we not also place just
put into' his shoe e to prated his foot as high the ,sithetual valuation? Like
on the Lord's day." Flat, thotigh the the pilgrim fathers of old, shall we
frithers Were. strict observers not rejeice tbiA coming Thanksgiving
of the Lord's day net a day of reit, day heeause our children are not mile
they just as rigidlY believed that the living In Christian homes, but also
(+thee six days ot the week should be in Christian neighborhoods and under
daVs of hard and exhausting work. the shadow et the spires of Christian
hi "di vsr ft ed 40 hillin s i 1 • 1 ti f •
et 0 so or as It n u h si u t o ou
Churches? Shall we not rejoice be.
Thee preeticiilly worked nU the time cogs° 011 axwat 01 being Lnrn in a
seeept Sueday.. and as a result of cihristun Lula they may the mere
that first summer's work we find easily learn to love Christ/. Shell
that these twenty-one men not only .W.0 net rejoice that on aecount ot
built seven houses and four public their $i 'ritual advantage:4 eftee tboir
. euildings. ineletlitig the fort, lint theY life'e work Is done they will associate
0:1$0 rewired nat.+ of that rough New with as in thegreat larva:at home',
Englend 31011, They soteed twenty. ' Whore an eternai Thanksgiving day
one tierce with e:wit, 14IX acrea With owl et, spent in tilt, grout, motni
wheat, rye and barley and surround., j aryl by the still %Vetere of heaven?
ed their hontes With garden plotS. The pilgritn fathers rejoiced in the
II1,1 after the pilgrim fethere had hetet that they should. soon be re-
done all Me work -what wart the re- united svIth OW loved own who
*ult, oi their ingathered harvest'? Eri- . were left behind in Leyden,. The \thole
OUgh to kiep future famine front their community of pilgrims which in 1610
doore? Enough to let them sit down settled in LeYden did not eross the
13,M1 thereafter coley a season of ease Atlantic in 1620, as many people
and rest', Oh, not The New Etonian& euppeee, Ne, °Illy a moan rart-
song oven nnor the pritybilait 444.41.- 420 men, women arid children rime
••Thesa are the Mules. •
Cllengarry-W. J, McLeod. •
North Itateeloo-Dr, Leekner, •
• Froatonae-Mr. Gallagher, ' •
In Eat Wellington and North Wat-
erloo, costs were allowed, The others
wore dismissed, without coses.
There was the same formality sin
dismissing the protests as ayes relig-
louely observed in the previous
In each the eourt asked' the same
formal. questions"Who appears or
the petitioners? Who for the re-
spondent? Have you anyevideeee to.
offer?" • .
TO all these , Mr, )3ristol, for the
Conscreetivee, and Mr. Gant, for
the Liberals, had like anewers,
The argument in the Emit. Middle-
sex case againrit Ur; Routiedge, Lib -
Oral, may be heard a week front next
Saturday, 'and the protest against
Mr. Pense, Liberal, tried at King -
strati on Dee, 9.
. , t
• unto Jesus, to eee .no man 'save Jesus
• only and to let His Mind be in us, hunt,
.• hie, self emptied; seeking only the gloe
iy of Ged xvi; 24e I John' ii, 6;
•• Hob, ell,' 1, 2; Merit ix, 3; Phil, Ifs
18-21. And the three companies blew the
esone meet -are) tiVeIn.
GeorgeA. Derungton's Parents at Strath.
• tenet, out., otaim It. •
Anti Arbor, Mich., Nov. 24. -The
inquest over the body of • George A, .!
Darlington, the young music teach-
er who attenipted weirdo. Miss
Bertha Sheldon, :Friday, and after-
wards took. his" own life, was • waived,
Rev. E. S. Riede of the Methodist .
Church conducted tha funeral. et Mier -
tin '.$1 undertelzing establishment Sat-
urday Morning. There was a num-
•1101 of 'floral °Melees front the church
and Y.M.C.A. The body was ship-
ped to the home of the yoling Man's
parents in StratheOna, '• Ont., they
ea.ving wired directions to that, ef-
.fect. in the note left by the suicide
ls. made the request that his. body
00 given to the doctors of the Med-,
Ica) Department of the• university,.
Miss Sheldon is getting along ' very. .
nicely, but the dectors will not
mwciany • olle to talk, with her abotit.
the affair. . ' •
• • ,
Nen. A. G. Weir and aft!. ,Coninewood
• Schrether.itteturn to Ottawa After_
. • Inspecting Tour -Freight Cates..
Ottawti,.,Nev„ -24.7-11on, A. • Ot '
• 11 ir end:, Mr. Collingwpod 'Schreiber
vett rats! Saturday hug from, • a
f 1. speetioe to the, works • On
t %hand and • .Galepe •
Canals.. The .T11n1 .ter of Railways e '
• ,seia thet, atiwo• points onthe long et
leel on the Port Colborne end • of
• tee • \tell -nut . Canal the existing •
1 i el es with pe is are, being replaced '
,..) y I Vielgest'utit will .swing across the
he n et+ from or e • bank to the other, •
s .1 lag a Clear width •. of 100
• • feet. 1 liu 11.1 1 ridges only" gave a
harmer eel.) fat on each eide of the
. t•ier t the points refetred to. For- •
t"et• •iinerovemente of this kind will .
inatigureted r.s peon as the bridges •
new•tte itand are .completed,
• •• Treat valley Canal. •
• flonkey wjth
a Cough.
• Just a little tickling cough
may not suggest any trouble
but it is often the fore -runner
. of very .serious luog disease.
, Gray's Syrup of RedSpruce Corn "
soothes and heals the irri-
tated, membrane and We. -
• cough passes away. Gray's •.
Syrup of Red Spruce Gum -
is a carefully .compounded
• preparation and.iS a. specific
remedy for all throatand lueg
affections. 25 cents a bottle.
• One bottle will demon-
strate its virtee,
•firay s Syrup
. • of •
:.Red-Sjwuce.hnn •
6#4sigeliiisits4 .„.1. 111; . . 11771 •
• • "As to the 'hemt. Canal,":
• seried the elinieteee 'the eeasohue
• leen a. very unfavorable one, and the
t out reef ors' have- been laboring unticr
'11 i •, . .) t'e t the -week in •eoute "
• • •
.•. trunmeti tine' brake the pitchers and heft' rust g hr's I )10 1 C eci I must, say
' the lamps in 'their left hands, and the• et., 1.1•at the tvork on the hy-
trumpets in their right. minas to blow ''itretille ,ift lazes at I,ekeflekd and
'withal, and they .cried, The sword offthe
.Lord and of Gideen.
The result was that the Lord set
eyery, man's sword against his fellow
Vircitighoef all the host of the 'enemy,:
and the Lord wrought a great victory
for Israel. As the. redeented Of the
Lord We are hi the World, but not of
It. We are not te be In any way con-
fornled to it, for the win& world lieth
In the Wieked one (Sohn xvil, 14, 16;
• Rem. xii, 1, 2; 1 Sohn .v, 10, R. V.)1 but
we are be overeomers by the blood
'Of pe iamb andthe word Of our testi-
MOny and by • faith in our Captain,
manifesting His life in these Mortel
bodies to the glory Of God the Father
(Rev. ell, liu 1 John v, 4; it Cor. IV.
11; Phil. 11, 11). When in fellowship
elefield is particularly fine. • 'I'ho
Cc lops Canal is preeticalle eamplet-
ete end has 1,0 11 e;dertaidly • carried
. 'cut. ' The north Omen° . has ' been
• 8 rongthened, and is a .rn rvellobs lea-
f rovenieetta
.tt Fredg.bi
' lt Raton,
Air. 'Illabes attention was dro.tett to
.00 .contentplated ineretele ' of freight
eates by the reilway' companiee, and
Ito • was . asked what he thought of
the t repos. 1. "I am not le a posi-
tion te sly anything at Preseet,"
was alr. /flair's reply. "it the rail-
ways 1050 their rates above the Max-
imum the matter will eonie before
the Railway Committee of the Privy
Council, and 1 shall then have to
deal with it judicially."
The flint( of Itangeo-e. ThouOlt"
Buying a Rang:645*.toe
There are three essential things to consider when buying A
Romeo -Quality. Consumption of Fuel, and the Price. The price
lithe least important. A good Range will last many year1# anti •
when it saves in fuel it pays for its self, While a cheap Range is
constantly adding to its pride in extra consumption of fttel. 'the
$* HaPPY thOUght " Ra,nige
is the lightest fuel conatttner itt the world, and the most perfect
Range constructed. ' ItIn a perfect cooking apparatutt.
Iirrtfe the Manufadarces for an Illustrated &Wow.
THE 'WM. DUCH. STOVE co..-z'llgootow
1 C2