HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-27, Page 6°6 ,7•11td11181!1:"14•1**144"31 Wl!!**11.11111iii1111 4€1..01SE Ei SEIMINOS. 60i)ERICII CORRESPONDENT I I I I 1-1-1-1-14++++++4-1-1-1-1+2,1( I I ! ! I I 14 cf bush on Mr. Leithwaite's farm. el.rating their diamond weddhig next grest cf Iler cousin, airs, pan Mae- Sentenced in Toronto, yield of the principal grains was con - THE MINTON 14Ews-fnEoonz) - TYLOVS.A.NDS OF WOMEN Altn GODEPtICH. MANY DIE OWING TO FALSE Jordon. Coverhill of.s, London is ce:t- [RUHR I[ f R f If. BEST IN 2'd YEARS. KEPT IN SUFFERING AND TREATMENT.. 1 November 27th, 1902 •ing ticket agent for Burke at the RM 0 N Nowsub„. awnetos ao loeasaiseeak Paine's Celery R. R. depot, wh le Mr. Burke is acting for Sifr. Stratton, station of .15.ipieulture Show* "forked nrospoy. master, during his illness. ity-Tield„ or Prinelpol Grains. • Italian Counterfeiter Tried and Dr. Holmes has purchaSed five acres Zr. an a Mrs. W. Smith intend eel- Mrs, 11. 1t. Lelond, who wos flte Toronto, Nov. 17. - The average Compound. say, llas returned to her home. siderably above the aver:too for tho was aone Vanco tver for surgical tree:tint:at, left Sarnia and came a few years later ulars or Swat Conviction -season tho OntaiSo DePartritent of Agr1- past 20 years according to The No. Mr. Doloott, who came through Irmo Footentber. They were married at After an Moos ot several months, o„ r_ for his home on Saturday. to Co 'tenth when Mr. Smith carried kipNEVER. FAILS TO BANISH DIS- Harry, only :On 01 Mr. and Mrs. To . La risoner Make* a statement-rartte. • ember Crop Bulletin, just issued by A rrobibition lecture was given in on a. lorge tonnary and tcok exten- AS ) ,p -ESTABLISH LAS- Macicenvithe materral e, pasSed into eternal life at Knox church on Tuesday evoung loot, sive shores in the first salt wells TING 1.1.ca"4.11.1' mansion. All Rayittood and tii• Wire committed tuoe, nu wheat at-eraed 26.8 g For vorapiteity in stuort case-otow- it bushels to tho 'telt' as eemPured with by Rev. George Mackenzie of Snot- bac. He is well known as a great ' for him that possibly could be done, Remark of amyl Raison ond G those who assisted in the musical Part: of the program were Aliss K• their marriage may fool Ott- a trust that the f alb anniocracry el worthless niedicinea anti we are in- ' ford, thinking that the healthful , dined. to believe that Milton thought country air would restore her loved was, meted out in the Pollee Court eve a Glue :Haig" the Years 1881 to 1:901 ; ford. Revs. Anderson, Robinson o.ntl . thinker ou Bible truths, astronomy Thousands of wornen are hePt in his mother having' . left ber home Daniel were also present. ' Among alio the formation of the (mom we to false treonnent anti the use of on the farm of her father at Bur - Toronto, Nov. 22.-Solft justice 15.5; oats, 42.6, corupored with 84.8; wheat, 20, compaiad with . sickness for months and years owing i ere and so. ent many weeks with him to the Detective* iit the Stuart oase. The fire alarm at Stoan's corner has they now possess. Well have to get of this class of almost dying women toy to health and strength. Feaxing Salvatore Clementi, ..the Italian rye, 18.5, countered with 16.2; buck- wheat, 20.5, compared with 3.9.8 ; been wrect ed by some unruly persows. the diamonds ready. Mrs. ,i, 'alien to said : ." The angelic guards the worst, 1VIrs. Macleenzie brought Yesterday to doseth Gentile, alias a . tim home a few weeks ago to .die 1 counterfeiter. Gentile wos convicted peas, beans and corn clid pot ceroe p to the otterage. Hay yielded Brown and Mr. James Thompson. • nopyment of the good health w11; 1. . for shipment to Port Arthur, prestido toil' hove . to look for better than day for the weak, run-down :tad' suf- bright, euergetie young. man. who „a mot for ten y.earo. Detective WIlliam Dov with 1.40. All kinds of fruit were as compared Mr. Robert Elliott has a greot many sato, when we mentioned the subject Sm"'" a Scended, mute and sad." . The common sense, treatment of to with those he loved. Harry was a and sent to the Kingston Penitenti- plentiful. 1.87 tons to the acre, baire's of apples at the dock ready to .her, Don't give me paste." We Captain Murray McGregor is as ac - peet p.aste hi pie form. frenre her. • ass Detective Flynn, the "Cnited. States been as totrooag. is told of the e P an • province show the. yields to have The returns of various crops made by correspondents throughout the ably. . . • paste diamonds for her, but we'll ex- feting Women is Paine's Celery Com- chose the life of a mechanic younds This marvellous medicine is spent his first years of manhood at rrest ond the seioure of th 1 t • - t' lo He has been putting Rev. Robert Mel -lardy, the evangel- . spot en of in every part of the civiliz- the • organ factory tete and a little a . • ol. n orld und men mut worm: n of all while at the furniture %dory. . . his ill • , bottle:card in good shape. The ist, left on Totesday to hold 'services classes find a new life from its use. A was a. couple or more years in. lorott- - oiyon, who is qualifi'iaS .a c neted in the United 1 - ' • ' ' , ' Fall wl eata-74 592 acres 20 038, - mind spending his tune over it.. Mr. and Mrs. •Colin McCallum 0' of the great Compound comes frank he was obliged to give up work. Ile Stsd ,. glorious. sample' of the curing powers to, when •fallito into delicate :health, ..... ,sseribed Gentile's plant bib by bit, yield so 1001 was 15,948,O00.. 609 bushels, or 26.8 per acre. •'1 he captain likes thiogs nice ona does not - at Bloomfield.ec_ouit$ as a. . coinage expert, . Mrs. Lee teTegraphea her htisband, Pontiae and Mrs: M. C. McGillivra:y AI innipeg, Man. • Mrs, 1.1. Harbour was a diligent young man, a, moldier . f e plant," be said, "was very. " August forecast was 259, and the Mr. W. I,ce from Californix that of Detroit were the guests last week wo.„ as follows I . . ,. of Knox church and belongea to the . . 4 similar to the one he had in New Spring wheat --808,115 acres, 6,- tbe'r (Nog' t:or, Mrs, Show of San of Mr. and OtIrs. Joseph Horton. " A month ago I was very siek and Oddiellows and Woodmen cif the World 048,024 bushels or 20.0 per acre. Fratei co, rallied wonderfully upon Mb); Mo'y Bain has returned from her mother's arrival. spend big ihe summer at 'Duck Isl tout tions in which I rekd of others being c.n lItcrsday, was .condueted. 'by his fence. Mr. Robinette tv August estimate 1:9.8, yield for 1901- o ev ence was offered • for the do- .aasafaoasa cured. I eoncluded to try Paine's Cel- brother Odcifellows: The floral nth - We were olown a. crazy wort( stution, ohich her father is man- .• happeried to see one of your publics.- lodges. The funeral, whith took place ° • N A- 1111".4, hut this was promplIttle; 1°:efulse-: a oltich had the finest artistic work ager. Miss Bain also spent a few cry Compo ncl myself and I now 'tins were grand and numerous. d.tushels, or $3.1 per acre. August Barley - 661,622 acres, 21,890,602 M Hackett, f 1 piliow of ' pink and white from the dock. 671 070 • ;2o - Apply Thls Test To Your Nerves Study' these SyMptornit. ars far your guidance. You may not bans them ail, but if you havettny of them your Dor- vous system is not up to the mark, and tas little extra expenditure of nerve NM MaY bring tho dreadful downfall. Intolerance: of motion, smite luta liglit: twitching of the muscles of the face and eyelids; fatiguing sleep, oudden starting0 and jerkings of the limbs) dizzioess owr Oulu% of light before the eyes; Irritability and restlessness in every part of the body : headache, indigestion, feelings of weariness and depression., and loss of interest in the affalta of life, So long as the daily expenditure Of nerve to.= is greater than tho daily Meanie, physical bankruptcy certain to result isooner or later. Nerve force must be increased, and this can best be ammo plished by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, because it contaltm in concentrated form the very elements of nature which go directly to form nervous energy, 50 loots a box, all dealers, or Edmonson, Bates' es Co.. Toronto. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food done in :ilk embroidery that we ever days this month the guest of her sis- thank,. God for the wonders it accoln- morig the emblems we noticed a istineate 32.2, yield of 190/, 16,s MARBLE ANDGRANITE en Gentile made a statement Raw. It was done by Mrs.ters Iniarton. plithed for me. I was suffer ng front bcat.t. tt p o • The Crown woot on then with the One of the patches had a pretty little Mr. Maloney' of the imgine I:Yorks heart diseaoo, kidney trbuble and gen- roses carnations • and nuinberless frag- gtante,hf making Canadian money. . • parasol of silk laid 'upon it with left. for Chicago on Monday: ' eral Calcoe:s rind some days • Was rant roses, with ev .eoce in this case . was. the Oats -2,500,708 acres, 106,481,439 - handle and fringe wort ed quite coin- The following pleasing matrimonial, rot able to stand without experieno la chenille, the tribute of his lovieg "s 14 " Brother" tit petal), same tea In the other timate, 42;2 yield ot 19141, 78,3E4,o' bushels, or 42.6 per acre; August es-, plete. • Miss A:hcroft who was the guest of ' Maude Knight, the randOlaugliter of- - alliance refers to the marriage of Miss ing great. pain. Since usiog the Com- sisters ; the three lints of white car-, . _ • . ound mu ab'e to et about the natious, the tribute ot the Oddfelo con?" k 1. - 490, acres, 8,509,332 bu- You found no moulds for Canadi- her aunt, Mrs. Hactett, the past few Mr. and Mrs. Dave teal to Asa J, r g . Davis. • .- shels, or 1a.5 •per acre.. August esti- we es, left on Tuesday for •• her home Townsend. Ile bride was born in house and work and can now eat 6.4- tom s ; a lovely wreti" h of white eltry- an, as ed to lobine to of , Mrs. Ashcroft. at Vilart n. She is the daughter of Brantford, her father being the late . Mr. Isaac Knight, baker, of Goderich, . •sailtheintous and maiden hair fern 1 ,..er #, front the Woodinen of the World ; • m•L-1r 0, • was no evidence that. tho • C coins. 't7:'inthetet.worakr oet dc:olihttitt.:,. o anaillan . mato 19.5, yield of • 1901, 2,545,208 Peas-532,G03acres, .7,664,679 bush- . . thug put before me." Mr and Mrs. J. P.• Brown and Mrs. of Goderith township, who with hie e an as ed. for record' testi- ' Thre bushels. GopEptictf. wreath oof white roses, .chrysanthio' gi . • au t the e stell of Hotel Bedford, later her mother married Mr. Clarke mums and ferns, tribute front the fir tratealteld that there was •evis. Mr. DeLong of Port Albert is on the and ater of Brantford, A few. 'years . ' Gill f Wheat- if d M ud r toyed to Mount ' brigade ;' an exquistte cross glop' 1VIessrs, Becket and . . • Staunton of and white roses and chrys.atath s, , na i tile centra f which was. a lorge " counterfeait.ing kilt t.: he United Statias, . calla. lily,ssurrounded by. purple pan- , sies and . white daisies, the tribute. etgn going,. Gentile was -given tho.lim-: . a I . On the leaser charge of making for- Mri and Mrs: Gidley of London ;,.. lovely anefior of pink and white roses, la of three years. in the- penitentiary. Pansies and ferns, from the furniture . stenteneed to ten years., the two terms 'whites awl ;name pink claysanthe- factory ; a ha.ndsome casket boquet of i "r. making Canadian coins he was mon% from Mrs. • Bingham ; a beauti- • 7 . 0 run ititymonde Sent For Trial. concurrently. . tions anti. ferno, Mom Walter Beckon- Magistrate Denison committed An- , Totofito ; a cosicet .boquet. of white' chrysanthemums, carnations • and ferns beth, for triol on the charge of from Harry • Greenwood.; a beautiful knowingly having William Stuart's crescent wreath of .white ehrysantlie- counterfeiting plant in, their posses- munis:'front Mrs. Dinglisono a heautii Moto The ease will be heard at the fill basket of • piok.:aitil-ohite corm.' December .Sessions. The bail of Mrs. nette, Ki Co intends to mate an • atts tions, roses, ferns onclOsweet. elyssutn; Raymond Was renewed.. T. C. Rohl- tribote of Mr, , and Mrs, It. W. Mac- ' plicaticp to Judge hforgan. this, af- kenzie.; , O. lovely . wreath' of 'white chrysautheinums . a oni • Dr. • and Mrs; . ternoou for boil for Anson • Ilaymoinl. to the magistrate what. transpired at Of ohite Carnation's from. a Taronto • • Hunter'; a••latge, lovely casket •boqu.et • Detective, James ' ,Forresi- described the•Itiotnotal Hoilso'.on , the night of 'friend, ina 'lovely sprays of. white . cornations from Dr. • and. Mrs. Gallat . Stuart's arrest. The officers had been shown to a retina aid by Raymond and from Miss Campaigne. lacy. Jas. mot_ :to have been that of Stuart. • They Aoderson2olliciated at 'honk and latd cemetery, • The friends.% from a. found nothing that woOld woke ova. diatance who atterided the :funerol denc.e . against their prisoner, but . toter .a 'remark .mattlet by Ethel lta.y- were : Mr. R. ' W. hloolconzie of Bur- : moncl•ted them to Suppose that. they ford ; ?,Tr. N. -,Rush • of, Norwich ; and were 'not in Stuart's' room at all. A Mrs.' Mackenzie's .brothers, W..11. and' Frank • Rush,- and. Willie, • son of Mr, •-search, was instititted, which resulted in the findin.g. of. the plant. ' Corrobo- W. H. Rush ; • .Mr. T. Stewart • of ... rative eVidence :wits offered by De- Belgtove ; Mr. T.: C. ' Edwards . of . tective Dunetai and.'Polleeman.. Guth- . :and .Miss Blanche Sonierville of Oriel. 'the 14,01 r..41....,. turned but' .. Brown s sister, Mrs. vt e an a e en land, North Dakota; drove to ,near- Cleraers, Mich. : •Kalaturtitoo, Mich., Wellond have . bought out the large e 0 • n C tl served h f dine 1 st week to visit Mr...Gentles told family. Mrs. Gill left on Thurs- day lost fcr hex home .in Wheatland after. a very enjoyable visit . with her brothers in Detroit. and parotti here. The temperance contest' will be 'held cn /hunts:lay. evening. •Among' the list cf contestants for the medol • we notice the names of Samuel Bean, Thin& Lewitt, Nellie Jamieson; Laura • Dryelges and Edna Stratton.. The -fel-. lowing ladies will also take port in the irograin : Miss .Laurs, .Brydges, vic la- jt : and. soloists, the Misses Eta Acheson, Eva Ausebroole, Miss Gotten and Miss Harlana • with chor- uses by children Of the Public school. Mr. 'Goode is still to the front. with novelties. Ott .SaturdaY .he was preo: ented by some of the elevator 'staff with two lizards ta .legal light. told es they were. catfisha • One •is One foot in 1. ngth. They . are really Very pretty' ard ate truly fish -like, but fish. hee. no logo and •doolti. They are far more. like alligators,: but per.: haps the elevator people do not. went to puff the old town up too '-nitteh. and molestly them lizards. • Dunham's drug store is nityy Vacant.. We have bon. told that the Bank of Montreal will build othn. the. -coiner, so that will then lessen the spaet for stores upon the 'sqiiore and ..as there are always a couple. of stores vacant an the sqrate the batik will fill some of the void. On Wednesday albeit the storm sig. nal was up, we walked down the path- way .leading from the liglithou'se •to . the harbor and out to the end :of the. pier. The. Minnie -M. was taking on so -re adsgof wheat for *Thessalini and pears and eggs, we presume, • for. Sault Ste. Marie; lhe dredge was busy working away itt the .rocks or toulders. The sun was setting... os early as 5 m. and a purple mist .. enveloped the horizon -through the ;large flame colored orb of.- day •' Was , slowly sinking. Ntimbera of Men went- • conying diozne stringo.. Of perch while others remained fiShing. Two' •diseito• les of. Christ were .therc, too, With hook and line,. Rev. Mr, altieKay 'and Captain Coto • S. 'A. " A number or I cople Watched -the sunset from the no tit -pier while Mo. -R. ..Campliell rglithoose keeper, •was the -lamp at that point. The sun's rays disappeared first', then. the orb- slowly. dio inishid in size' and finally :setae:. The waves were leaden te. tokening te storm . which. catne not. • Nov. to o-41% elopement. and marriage of Asa J. To.vinsend, natio'nally Min- ors as a spraiterOand general athlete, has just come to light. Townsend's lonne is in this city, but lie spends' very little time here. Last winter he inet Miss Maude Knight, a young wornan of • eighteen years, at Mount Clemens where Townsend was recup- erating ; tier .home originally was in 13rontiord, Oot.. -Miss Knight went to the • home of a Wend to September and- • TownsOnd followed. On October 8th the • marriage took' -place. S place. The young woman is well knownociod of high social standing and ' the • only reaoon -for .the elopement was the 'ten- der years of the bride and- strict se- clusion ao which ler parents kept hero Both ft:Ili-Les are entirely • reconciled. . We felt delighted ofi reachiug home on • Monday avenaig to find a polite .note front one of. the members of the Young People's Guild of St: George's chin -eh to .attendao At Herne that ey-: ening. What tnade the At•Hoote snore enjoyable 'popsibty -than .ever was' the promenade feature. We did :not wartt to tuakeMessrs.• Harry Cuff and St.': Clair' Tweedie vin, but really we felt. that the At Home Was •intended as a reception after their • return from the: fields of the. Northweot. • They 'aro members of St. George's choir- -as weli as of the Young •People's • Guild: The S. S: rocmowas decorated with. numberleto • small flago -pictur- esquely arranged 'upon the walls • and with. mole handsome sacred pictures. Rev. Mark Turnbull gave' a 'short "od- • dreso...Mr. Tfgert gave a congratulat- • ory addr,esi alio to those assembled. •Quite a. Monter of musicians took part in the, evening"s entertainment. Frank Doty; 'Fred, Doty and Miss Tye gat e ofelto totes gramophone selec- tions, Charles . Doty' ; -Miss Hooken sang tit a very pleasing ,manner " The Itear Homeland' .; 1Vfiss Banter played some nice .piano selection's; as :did al- so Miss Holt, Miss Tye and Mr. Qua: •The Blackstone orchestra Only num- bered, Mice musicians, but the music was wonderfully. welt executed. by Dues Victoria onit Master • Reggie, Mrs. Blocks -time presiding at- time Each pronienade was o.ccompanied by 'cite of. the' • above. While refresh- ments being oassed around. the -Misses Li,lie Barker and' Ethel -Cray .kiodiy. game piano aelectiono.. 'God Save the hing .:$41pilEd• '1:p the first &atonal& 'concert given' .by the Y. P., G. of -St. Loss of- flos When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, • take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a—mllk diet and want something a httle more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. • Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, i great-. strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable food, and a natural tonic. • Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample, Be sure that thlt pickles In the form of a label IT !re= feotva.b" SCOTT & BOWNE, engtonm, Toronto, Ontario. 504 and $i I ail dritislato, furniture and undertaking. business of Messrs.' Rhynas and Cornell These young. men have given the .public their utmost confidence to their• desire • to win esteem by. their faitIthil attention to their busitess• in all its 'details. The :new firm conies highly • rec- ommended by tha Welland Press. Mr. Rhynas at an early date. intends tak- ing a trip to the Pacific Coast. . • We have heard frcon what . we feel casured is a reliable •soutee, no -less a person told us than one of : the prize *Miters, that the directors of the G.. N. W. tvid give ito. prioes this ytar.. That would be o• disgrace to the riding' of West Huron. • If funds .are so • low as that subscriptiOn shoul4. be taken up to pay the min money and then let the. G. N... W. die honorably if. it •cannot possitly exist any longer,' bilt the affair' calla :for investigation. .Mr, Noble Smith' was able 'to go. to the. a.tore lost meek alter a feW days' 'illness frOdueed by. inrammation, Revivals- still • go 'on at Victoria street 'church. • . ' • • Two. stags and •a doe wete the prow- ess of Mr. Frank' Pretty, late of Dew- soo, arid Captain Donley, •plicit hi.' the • Bruce Peninsula. We were told: that they weet up there oh a bear hunt, but the tare fact may be 'that there are only clecro.in th.sit•-gteat wild. pen- ' • , . We congratulate Miss lVfarrile • Porter, datighter of Mr. and Mrs,- John Por- ter. of the dairy farm, on her hirthda.O honors ad- a large. party' was given in her lotoor and many •beatitiful preso ents. 'Mr.. • George .Sowerby's violin'. deligbtful Ain, for those *Ira delight in the light fantastic step. Many. returns of the same Mamie:Mr. Lamprey also osoisted an the rrinSical prOX: am. • . George's.. 6 • • .The :Daeghters of the 'Empire will have a: progrissive • euchre 'party • 0I1 Friday eveohg.• Prizes will be given to the May. winners. • • Eight dollars s.' ton 'was paid. here last week • for coal. . . Last Sunday being the . World's Un- ion Temperance Sunday, all the S. S. children of Koox and the two Metho- dist • Churches, with their 'teachers, gatlicted together at North street' church. Inspector 'ram Tom marshalled • them in. They kept the' best of Order. throughbat the addresses given by the different speakers.. Mr. 'Walter ttrid- ham . was the master of ceremontes. He made o congratulatory .address coo nooneing ' the tenor of the meeting.. •Mr. • Million led •in prayer. Mr. Geo. 31. Elliott then canie forward with Itis blackboard lesson, illustrated • by. •a drawing Of an anitnal .which ; some he said 'called the devil fish and some the cuttle• fish, but he coaled it a squid. He of obtuse likened. it t the bar roota, the only room' in the hotel which he walled destrOyed. gi. liat followed the illustration by giv- ing the history Of a min* in London who otter being a drunkora joined the tempetance body, then for •seven. years was a nioflef husband and father, a- massed • money, lived in a fine home ana "fell .a viotim agoin to strung drink mid lost all he had. Mr. Tom .spoke in an encouraging woo of Mr. Elliott s illustration and re- • toted the story • of a young man wim . had given up. the use of liquor mid after years when taken suddenly ill in 44 nein was given liquor as a cure and then fell it victim and. finally lost Itis life through jumphig out of a win'ow and faling 'upon stories.Rov. Mr.. Anderson emphosized the readitig of -Surto Pritlhatn ond said Isaiah kuew whereof be slick° when lie wrote, . ° the priest and the prophet have erred throtioli strong drink,' ilir.•Itarrisen of Victoritt street woisol.61 a. turnip from his' own garden and it tutted 00 beim at 25 Pottitds. Organist CO unfurls the flag ()ISL. Gc age every Sunda}, a. in, at his res - id lice, Before Mrs. McColl took 'doom the bridal arch tinder which her sister be., came Ale wife of Mr. Christilaw of Mind River, a photographer was sent Ica to tate yhoto of the drawing 'room with tie little timid of honor, her doughter Mildred, Mending before it with a basica of floaters in her hand. Ito picture is a vary pretty one, the little ntaid, the portraitn 011 the wall and the bridal omit. At the telperotiee hall, Auburn, on Nov. nth Mayor Cameron of Odder - kb addrese the WeSt Ifutott Farmers' Ingtituto at the evening ges- tsirn on Catuttlit, Mt, Sauteit Wilson lute eotrittienced his OM rehiclenCe Olt Trafalgar etreets, Malt Breakfast Food. THE . . MOST -.NUTRITIOUS.- 'AND DELIcrotrs OF ALL CEREAL • -FOODS. • • The science of our progressive . age hss evolved an ideal -food combinhig the loalth-giving properties of . pure Malt with the virtues of the chrricea Canadian wheat. it is a food that is relight& anel used today by all daises of our Canostian People, Malt lircak-. test Food his becoine an almost 'uni- te -mat favorite.. The orrice puts it Within reach of every family, It is as cheap as ordinary °anneal' and gives happier results in health and 'strength building. Deing partiallyt . digested, Malt Breakfast Food .does not tax -di.; g Eton like °anneal. and • other 'com- mon grain foods: It Contains all the el wants: of true nutrition and is :a- dapted for . the support of life trom day to day. It builds hp flesh, bone end musele.; it give's actitrity •. • and Cltarn Ss • tO .the brain. Ask. your •gtocer for it. ... els, or 144 per acre. August esti- anate 21.3, crop of 1901, 10,089,178. • Buckwheat -98,824 acres, 911,683 bushels, or 20,5 per acre. Crop of 1901, 1,757,071 bushels, •Deans -58,964 acres, 670,638 bu- shels, or 12.4 per acre. August esti- mate 11.7, average crop or 21 years, 672,406. opriEracil. • . • • - We are glad to learn thot Mr. Ar- thur • Tule has obtained a.. lucrative positien on the G.- T. R. at Sarnia. Mrs, 'A. 1'. Baldwin, of Port Cald- well,who sitent some weeks here the guest of his Iriend, Mr. E. VanEvery, is nont g Olinda at Toronto, 'His holidays will end on •Dec. ist, ter %shah date ho will resume' his duties on the C. P. R.. • • . Mr.. and Mrs; R. Ransford of Clio - ton .were ib town last week. . • .S.r. fiporlSig,' late of Toronto, has accepted a Position •iti Battle Creek, kith. Ars. Sperling atid 'Hazel were the gneots hest week. of Mrs. Forrest, The .1tooie of Mrs. McColl was the steno of touch Pleasurable enjoyment on Wednesday' morning when her yo: ngest sister, Miss Clara Vatotone, Blind Ritter, became the bride of Mr. IL II. Club Claw of the same place. The bride 1001.ed exceedingly pleasing in her travelling gown of pretty .dark grten hopsack, with cream silk waist, trimmed with pearl passementerie. Little Miss Hildred McColl, niece of the bride, locared lovely in a costume of cream silk beautifully trimmed %%We silk chantilly laeo, white stockittita and .white slippers, carrying has' et of white caritatims, myrtle tied holly, with the nog laid lightly upon the flowers, Rev, Mr. Dunlop of I. lb too rerformed the wedding cere- it onto assisted by key. Mr, IVIeGee; T!te. triaal party stood antler a flOral eh hinted of holly, myrtle and ittowdrot it, interspersed with White atul pilot earnatiotti, Miss Tena Mc- Coll playing 1Vietulelssolin's wedding • march as the bridal party entered the drawhg footto The dinter tvas beaut- ifully served, the bride's cake being placed iti the cetitte of the beautifully decorated table. The guests were from thingliam, Listowel, Loyal and town. he preoents %taro very beautiful, featly of thou being valtuthic. The happy coo* left Mt Hie early •alter. nom train atnid the Welt wiahei of many Mende who gathered at the sta tion. The bride's hat was of dark ,greett hopsack, to match het travel- ling the ohly decoration being green birds , o staringto the. funcrsa to the insignia • George W. Sinclair,. 'an expert en - of their order While the SVoodinen of geaVerfront Neer York, said the thWorld ttended as ptivate eiti- printing presses ard plates could . be e a rMis; lite day was fine and: the fun- hoed for nothine.- eloe than the mak- eral .vcry large. Much , sympathy is ing of counterfeit notes.- The photo - extended to Ma. and Mrs. T. Mackenzie- graohic plates, he said, wera.notthe •lie On the loss of their onlyson, also uS110.1 negatives, but were pooitiyes. to Mrs. • Harry Edwards and Miss .Tho ordinary negatives would -print s bill the wrong way about. George Mabel : Mitekenzie, sisteas. Of deceased. kirkpatriere of the Assiotant-liodeiv•: • Mr. Cameron of the engine works has accepted a•position which he held er-General's °Mee swore that the some 'years ago at Albany, N. Y., noteo found Wore forgeries; . • that . of I:apt:tin of or dredge at that. -••• 1.1'Why. was not Ethel ilaymoral' s place, • . s . • • orate/re put .1b7 • wits asked of . ., Mr, Jones and family of LOyal will .rootrit 'Attoracy Curry at an early date remove to town. - "She has 30110 aWaY. She is in W. Burrows and. Soh are rushing .Buffalo." , ol' things. Lost week they shipped to ' London lour -ears of wheat and the •- precediag preceding. week one carload t St o . •Thomas. . The • Wo .dinen of flio • World intend at a not . very great period to unveil a monument erected over the grave of their late Brother 1Vitmoay, who died „recently at alekland aim]: .was a son . of Mr. and Mm.. Murray of Victoria ." street. ••• ' •• • , • • Mr. Robert Clark left oa Thursday -afternoon on receipt of a telegram .antiouncaig 'the death' a his broth- er, • Mr. Samuel Clark, a prosPerous - 'merchant '• of St. Paul Who had been ill- for inonths' previous .to his ,death on Tuesday.. Mr. Clark remainedfor the funeral- • • . • • • • •• Talk. about referendums 1 A little gtnl atout three and a 'mil years of age was whirling around on the side - Wolk on. Saturday to ntake .herself drunk,. she soid..olthen she began to feel dizzy • she sat down upon a door 'step cud aid, "Oh, it's nice," then up and at -it again. A cheap, but de- cidedly ptactical.. plairs Mr. Dooley should come . up • to- the Huron Tract and. find something *sufficiently. inspir- ing :to treat: Mr. klinttisay to, • Roonly houies will likely be' tenant - 1 ss season'. One: lady said :that .she must look up a. smaller. -house and emit:her family will do the satne, but it will cost them the price of a good bit al fuel to ••move and much an - A FAMILY NECESSITY; . . . " .0wing10 artificial modern life, altruist •everybotly sutlers more or less from constipatioo, torpid. liver and sluggish kidneys and as Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills arethe most prompt andthorough' cure for this derangement they have. • eotne. to be considered a faintly neceesity. Hosts of families would' notthink of. .being without theni. One pill a dose, 25C' a • boX.-. • Potatoes -144,734 acres, 18,942,- 250 bushels, or 89 per acre, against as crop of 18,116,687. bushels in 1901, average year.• • • • Mangel Wurtzels-76,558 acres, 89,- 440,924. . bushels; or 511, per acre. trop of -1901, 29,683;324. . • Carrots -8,625 acres, 8,2274161 bu- thels, or 874 per acre; a small in- crease over 1.901. • Turnips -186,725 acres; 71,740,204 oushels, or 525' per acre. There were 68,287,467 btishels 1901, Corn for husking, in the earo-371,- 959 acres, 20,51.2,194 bushels, or 55 per 'acre, against 77 M 1901, which yielded 24,888,105 bushels. , Corn for silo aid fodder, green - 209,859 . acres, ;2,611,334 -tans, or 12.4 per acre. In 1901, at 11.9, the crop was 2,359,511 tons. • . • 'Hay and dover-2,646,202 Acres, 4,955,488 tons, or .1.87 'per acre. The average of the 21'. years was 1.48 tons per acre: •' ' ' 'Apples -48,185,125 < bushels, • or 6.86 bushels per tree of bearing age. This is 7,000,000 in. excess of the August estimate. . • Tobacco -3,070;717 Pounds,' a trifle 'less than 1901, 8,11,8,580. . • The crop 'Of red' clover seed is 283,- .840- bushels, and of alsike 182,882 bushels. • In 1901, the Crops were 262,282 and 112,010,. respectively, but the are o . in 1902 shows an ino crease 01 about So per oentola eackt . Pleven. persons and 10000. deer killedIs' the mord of tho o hunting season irt•the Adirondacks for 1902. , • - HANGED PROFESSING INNOCENCE. Henry Bose Dealt With in. Nihon, B.C.; I • I by Itadeliffe. \ Nelson, B. C., Nov. 22. •-• Henry Otiose, who murdered John Cole, near Nakusp, B.C., in June; was hanged here yesterday morning at 8 o'clock by Official Executioner Radcliffe. Rose, who Was convictedon circum-• stantial evidence., strongly asserted his innocence of the crime, and hie statement to this effect shortly be- fore suffering tho death penalty was read .to the assembly by rather Ale - holt of the Roman Catholic Church, who attended Rose to the scaffold. In it Rose bade good-bye to .all his friends, and forgave all who had any- noyancething to do with placing hint in his .. . present -position. The execution wont - off Without a hitch. . . REJECTED BECAUSE OF BAD • • COLOR:. Hundreds ri radtaites, of butter are re;ected each week' by oxpert barer boyets in Canada, simply* because the color is bad. The shade demanded by home consumers and for export is the one' golden tint 'which. can only be • produced by Walls, Richardson & Co's• Improted Bitter Color. Other . colors s .1c1 by some dealers are poor intita- Hors and . must corititate to give trouble iiodcause loss of money to all olto use them. • Tho goverometit creameries Gila school's and the most experienced creamery men and (1444034 - melt ih Canada floe Wells•Richardsou & Co s ,Improved Butter 'Color at all' 10448 88 for tho production of prize Lutter. No mud, no itimitrities, every .drop pure ard clear, All druggists ond dealers. 4 To bleeelifeE§ litkIlk Capital. MontrOol, Nov, 22o -A apoeial meeting of tho Dank of Montreal 5hareholes has been called for Jain. next,' When' three propositioos wn be attboilbtect by the directors for. opproYal 'Pilo one of public interest is a. bylaw, authortting tto inereaso of the Capital stook of the bank by Such ittuount as May be detennitiod, possibly, by 611,000,000, which would maim the capital $15,000,000. hfottkey Brond Soap makes 66-pinir like aold, tin like silver, crockery like marbte, sad windows like trot4 PEACE AT PANAMA. • Rear -Admiral cagey sailed at Once— Treaty In Signed. Panama., Not'. g2.-0onstil-Genera1 Guilgoielanded frinn the Wfaconstn at 4 o'clock :yesterday afternoon, bring - Mg the limas that a treaty of peace had been signed the same afternoon by the revolutionary General, Rorer- ra, and tho Government Coramissiono erg. Rear -AM -drat Casey sailed at once.. • .• Clot R nattlat Defeat. Ports, Nov. 22. -'Phe Goiernment sustained o partial defottl in the Chamber of Deputies last night on a Socialist PropoSal to grant amnesty for misdemeanors cotrimitted in con- riectioti with strikes, for which Pro- posers doznandod urgent considera- tion. M. Trituilot, the %Holster of Commerce, in tho ruttne of tho Glov-- roMment, opposed. The House voted urgency for the Measure by 811 to 244, and referred it to a commlittoo. SCORES 00 USERS. 'While Dr. Chase'Oihtmont is best known on acount of its wonderful Control OVer eeltiria, salt rheuit and piles, it is found to he in almost daily demand in natty homes as a cure for dillbiatioil chafing, pimples, sunburns, Scalds, burns and each and , every form of itching, irritated or in- flamed akin. It la invaluable in every home and as a soothing attd 'Mall application khOWSno ectai4 Ir PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS -RECORD; • • ONUMENTS. •••• - Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other Meet ailments are uttiekly relieved by Vapo-C reso- lone tablets, ten centspor box. All druggists Rattenbury Street Works Direct importers. k Man- , :hip and Material guaraoteed. J.. G. SEALE and CO. PROPRIETORS. R. 11fier' Wood's rhoophodino, The Great English Rentals, Sold and recommended to all druggists ln Canada. Only reli- able medieine dial:levered. SLx packages guaranteed to cure forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Meatal Worry, Excessive use of TO- baccio, opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package Si, six, 15. one will gages viz Wit cure. Pamphlets free to any Mamas. Tho Wood Company, Windier, Oat. , • Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Clin- ton by B. Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hovey and 'Watts & Co. -druggists TOR OVER SIXTY YEARS: Mrs. Winslow's Soothing' Syrup has been used by millions of inothers for their children while teething. If diss turbed of night and broken of your test by a sick child sudffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for child - reit teething. It wt11 relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it.' it cures Diarrhootoregu- %tea the Stomach and • Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces :Inflammation and gives tone ancl en - ren teething is pleasant to the Mete and is the presctiption of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents' a bottle.. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the World. Be sure ergy to the: whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - :Lod ask for 'Virg. Winglow's Sooth- ing Syrup." RLD011111 GENITAL 8TE111118111P LINE TOLEDO-SAULT ST. MARIE DIV. 1810)1. FREIGHT & P ASSENGER. Weather permitting steam- ers will depart per sehedule shown below. . . it • so" The stEttiRe; run on irregular schedUle for 'the balance of. the season. , • STR. '` KING EDWARD" withdrawn from the. Toledo -Sault Ste, The steamer Kiog Edward has been Marie. route porrrit;. *and /Ohba- information address Wm. Lee, Goderich, or W. B. ROSEVEAR, • . General Traffic Manager, • Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.' corfu to lie a Diorite Cirla, , Londoo, Nov. '24. -Despite Opposi- tion at Athens, where the press was strongly opposed to the ocheme, the' Municipal Council of Corfu has ritti-• fied the centraet which the "Mayor of Corfu made with e. ottnclienlb of Eno ropecut capitalists to allow. tho es- teblishment at .Corfn of e. .gambling casino on an elaborate scale. Ritellener arid the ?la& ' Aden, Arabia, 'Woo, 24. -Lord Kit- chener has arrived here on his way to India, and hos conferred" with thO cominatulant, Gen. OfteiGand; con- cerning the campaign, against the Mullah. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative Brom° 'Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the moitey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is cm each box. 250. ST. JAMES • WAFERS 51.0401,WiAltaalff. oar ITHINIRpirCutiO4:81:76.0105}1: AdA16144/#4 dota4ORDAIN AMERICA NorgrealAigos sta., 0 Mai in Omuta t $1.00 toottits torso.** t No remedy covers so large waft— of usefulness as ST. JAMAS WAVER& They are indicated whenever there fs a weak condition, as they tone up the different wins and bring strength to the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, anwniia, and chlorosis, are quiEkly relieved by ST. JAMES WAFURS ; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and fatigue. Sr. JAMES 'WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest wit)* to get healtlyandstrength, the kind that lasts, develops and 4 breeds the energy which acconi- plishes much. "St. settee Wafers furnish * oiost powerful evidence of the 'runty in d pewee of medi- cament by combination of jtOli. elm% pearmaceutic prepare. tiOner have used them with good aticeethl *heti my yokels needed otteneth.to Dv. Chitties *Rho DiverpOOir Attr• &Janos Welters art not heard remedy: te Menne:trent steady:ie. Comte:Meting' them 18 their Imlimett we mail me/opens/a soots requeet. _When: deatero are tat getting ate Witfert, they are mailed upert re. ceipt of Dike et the Comedian branch: St. hem Vlatits CO., 1718 St. Makable dt., *pettish