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Editor and Proprietor
"A Kingston despatch says
One (nine per day is to be the
capacity of the Canadian. Engine and
Locomotive Works in this city before
two years are past. To do this they
will re,uire woo men. At prtsent 400
men turn out cne engine per week,'.
" It is gratifying to know of tbe
rrosperity of the undertaking. It re
calls the fact, le:miner, that • until
at before the last general •electisn
the- Kingston Works were unable to
get a single government contract,
while Mr. Blair purchased hundreds of.
thousands or dollars worth of locoino,
tives in the 'United States.. The Con-
servatives who then owned the works
bad in :conaceptence to'•.sell out.
at a non -anal figure to a Liberal syn-
dieate, and at once Mr, Blair gave
them a large order at a bin price. Not
only this, but the government advanc-
ed the new Liberal owners some $68s.
cm on their contract,. thus, practically
fernishing their working capital. It
is possibly by transactions of this
nature that some of the Ministers or
the I,aurier government bave been all -
le to actionidate fortunes in a few
year- ir bile at the. same time living
beyond their legitiniate incomes:" --
Moncton Thnes..
-Failing to secure a working major-
ity in the Ontario Legislature .by bal-
lot -box stuffing, the destruction of
ballots, perairy, bribery . and the per.
petration of almost every .0ther known -
election scheme of drubtfel origin,
Hon. G. W.: Rosa appealed to his,
friends of the Central .prison for- ass'
sistance. „But the most expert thievea,
failed to :oust M. Donald Sutherlatid
from his seat fl,'South Oxford. Now.
it trinspires- that Mr.' Sutherland was
is ed to sell himself body and soul
to the Liberal party. . His reward was
to Le of the spot cash order. Mr.
Sutherland refused to he bought.. How
abort mew who seek to buy parlia-
mtntarians ? In St. Lottia the courts
have sent a number of such citizens to
prison to serve terms covering. many
years. 'this is a splendid remedy foi
Ontario to employ. Unfortunately the,:
men who are interestedin the crimee
there are responsible for the punish
nent of criminal's. And of course the.
rascals will escape for a time. • It is for
the people to. constitute themselireih
the lave inthis ease and an op-
portunity • will offer shortly in- tie
bye -elections. • ' • •
The census of Canada is stills Jiro-
grsosing, at a tost of 4)0 per ciao
and shortly It is expected that 'Mr.
B.ue will be able to antnitince the nem -
tor of sheep killed in Canada in two.
ln order that this may be :dime' cor-
rectly Hon.. Sydney Fisher has sup-
plied the Census he. artment with a
numLer of "adding machines." LT•to
der the old . systemit was doubtful il:
the census -would be ' completed' ' by
1911 but with machinery better things
are hoped for. Already its. advantag.
es are evidenced- ley the impeniPling
bulletins in regardato dead sheep, and
ev.is more startliog revetations are
anticipated. The machinery is • similar'
. to that adopted by ban si Or other' in.
stitutions . where colionns of times
hal e to be added cofickly and accur
a' eiy. I p to the time the ,inachate:
entered his department Mr. Blue seems
to have 1.e ti nable ,to 'acme eithel
sretrl c.r aceura, y. The, inventor ol
the device deserves the fie.arty. thanks
f the Canailiau taxpayer and thost
-who io a moment of weaknesshavi
accepted early census returns. in good
faith. The " machine" has wrought
wonders for the Liberal party and
may still be relied on to accomplish
e en more extraordinary results.
GEMS or Ltnnn.AL co.N•Msurrev
rrew, this is what 1 hove to $s•Y'
wili reg,rd to protection in the
troed kid cif its ootration and ap
plication in the world. I hove giveti
more particularly and iii detail the
results in the tniited States, hut the
fact that that policy has been adopt-
. d and is continued in Germany, Rus-
sia and France .is evidence, I think,
that it must Le producing practical re-
sults in the same line, or it Should
le rentidisted in those ootnitriesd'-a
Mr. John Charlton, Liberal M. P. for
o th Norfolk, in hie budget oddress,
March 2oth, 1902.
-1 contest egret tvith my lion
fr'end '11 the horn he expreeses that
after the I /fusion conference Ole gov..
e tonerit will raise the tariff, On the
contrary X, as a free trader, will not
Le able to support any goverimieut
which raises this tariff any higher, as
against the iftteretts of the peat pro-
du- ing masses of Canisle. 1. am not
efraid for the position of the Mann.
istettfrers of Canada. 1 thtk / heard
one of the speakers sea* this afternoon
that tortoni frietorie,s itt Caitacta that
it d very high protection. Were yet
idle, and Le thought that was a reas-
ti ithy the govanittent; for the per.
pc se of havingthese industrica here;
Mould raise the duties and give still
further rroteetioit, i think the best
teatioti that could le given why these
faetories shotild not be In Canada, eit
any rate to the ext ot to whieli they
are developed, its the feet that they
*he not eble to live under the high
Protection that they have today." -
Mr. W. Edwards, Liberal M. P, for
Russel', in his budget speech, Ittarch
'A he v. Iowa prsettte4 by, Retr... Coup -
land antlooxplained by Rey. smolt on
pr011i 4t1041 OU Tuesday of last week
were a stew departure and a good aud-
ience greeted these reverend gentlemen
in them ellort. Rev. Coupland dearly
outlined the act and mum was inter-
A seeond public noting inthe itt.
terests of. prohibition will be held here
•on Friday eteeirg rf this week at
width at least two able and talented
locterers will deliver atld'resses. The
temperance hall is the place or meet -
Committees aae ective end cam-
Paiffning Progressing. Maillaucl Lodge
too.: in three new members lad Mon --
day el. ening and is helping on the
grtat and good movement.
. C. O. F. Organizer Coupland is here
• handing itt the applications strong to
Court Marin winch now aims at 100
as its membership. This court held a
sneetieg last Tuesday and will . hold.
two htecials this wee for for anitiating
purposes, etc... .
A meeting of the Farmer's Institute
will be held here on Thursday of this
Miss Alice, Clark and father arrived
home from the Wot this week..
Mr; 130, J. Neville and sister Lena,
also a couple of other Goderich ladies,
visited here on Sunday.
Miss •F, Armstrong of Colborne
Sundayed in the village.
Miss Armstrong of Parry Sound is
the gue,st of her aunt,. Mrs. Searles,
, Messrs, A. Cottpland and .T, Brunson
Sunda.yed at Lonclesboro, , • . o • eglander the parental roof.
• Dr. and Mrs. Turnbull of Goderieh. Miss Kern Sterling has returoed
Sundayed at Dr. Frank Turnbull:a, • keen God'erich,
Mrs, R. Roberton is improving, ' Mr. T. A, Maecionald is putting up
Messrs. Ed. Mole and George Lawlor a windmill, having purchased- it from
w re in Clinton on Saturday-.-. Mr. Gorge Levis, of Clintoo, . •
Mr. Georee Beadle. is laid up. ith Messrs. Mactlougal and Soole.
Lona at- present. •• • •Seafort1i. returued to their home last
Mr, gd. Mole his changed his mind weeks • • •
alowt. going to the Soo. and has ac- • Miss Nellie Macdonald, our topelar
eepted a position in. Seaforth instead. dreasiraten, Is thinking of going to
• Nicholson -4n Auburn on November Manitoba, shortly. She will be much
22nd, to Mr.- and: Mrs.. John Nichol- missed in this vicinity.
son, a, dasigittetO • ' Mr. W. S, Macdonald hasreturned
front the Soo.
ztim aurroz.T maws xtr,conr)
nt 11.0111.1,
Mr. Will. :Dell returned from his vis- Mr. and. Mrs. Tyner of Sununerhill
It to Manitoba this week. apent Surday at the home of Mrs.
Mr. Prank Ilawden of .Clinton Sun. John Reid, Sr.
cloyed in town. Misses; Emma. and Lilly Peek visited
On Friday the remains of the late Matives near Exeter recently.
Misa nettlaufer were taken from her Miss Mary Dowson visited at the
father 4 residence to the Methodist home of Mr. .1. Reid on Sunday last,
church for the burial service. The Mr. and Mrs. William Render and
edifice was crowded with symeatitio. family Of Goderich township visited
ing Wools. Front thence to the at the residence of Mr, Joseph Rich -
ion cemetery the funeral proceeded. • ardson on Monday.
I he Young I eople's Association of We understand there is to he an
the English church had a soeial,mus- " At Home" in the basement of St.
icat 0,nd literary entertainmi
ent n the Andrew's church, Bayfield, under the
temperance hall on Wednesday cooing auspices of the Ladies' Aid, on Fri -
skids was Muth enjoyed by those day eight. A good time is expected.
present. Mr. Do Dewar returned home last
.1 he e -one workers are bus. ,,eclacsday front a visit to friends in
these days disteibetiog • 'their painpli Itensall.
lets in the interests of the commis ref- Mr. Ches. Johnstone lost a valuable
erendunt vote. horse last week with inflammation.
Several carloads of logs have arriv- A good many of the farmers in this
ed at this station • the Past Week for vicinity are glad to see a little dry
E. Livingstone. weather again. One farmer who Jives
en ItIonda,y E Livingstone's saw- down near the lake says h'a land Was
mill and handle factory started up a- , so wet that he 144 to have one of his
gain after bang closed down for re- i boys draw the water off with barrels
pairs for a coliple of weeks, and throw it over the talcs: bank be -
On Tuesday Mrs. S. Greedy and fain- fore he could plow it.
ily moved to St. Marys to join los- Mr, W. H. Woods delivered about
band and father. They intend making twenty five hogs to J. Andrews on
their home in that town, ,Monday,
Mr. George Denstedt moved his fano Mr. Ran. Fields has his new bar
ily So: tVroxeter on Tuesday where he almost completed. 'When finished i
has none into the tin businees, _. will be ene. of the best barns ins th
We understand Mr. George Denstedt costar'. • s
sold his brick residence. on King street milkelielisga
Messrs. Will.wh but aned be
to Mr. Isaac Barr of Hullett.
gin, Assa., the past three months
, ar$ Us guests of their uncle, Mr
/ PORTER'S ZEILTa. . -Chas, . johnstoll. , •
Mr. -.W. j,„ Stinson wears a pleas
Miss Marion Sterling, after spending ant smile now, his wife having ores
a couple •of ' months with 'friends m ented hint on Monday with a baby
the prairie province, has returned girl.
home. . .
• We are in a position to announe
this week that our respected reeve
Mr. John McNaughton, will be a can
didate for the position in the county
council to Le vacated by Mr. . John
Torranee,• Mr. McNaughton has. been
%Nen years in out mmaicipal council
two years as ramie, and has clone 'ex
selltnt, service for the municipality
That he has eoesented to, accept o
uominiitian • for the county • council i
due to the solicitatimi. of friends al
over the division who Would not take
no ,for an answer, • • •
.• Mr. D., Peck has placed a beautifti
Bell organ at Mr. George johnstoo's
Mr. and Mrs.' W. Clark were: guest
,at Mr., L. CIark's one day recently.
. Miss Peed. Taylor spent a few. day
:nast Werk at the home. of 111r.Joseplt
Foster, Varna. • . ' • . .
Aliss Martha Richardson was th
guest of Iher friend, • Mies* Stella Roth
well, - on Stincle.y last. . •
• Master Clarence Pollock of' Baylield
is spending. a few clays With Goshei
Lire ft -tads. ' , .
Miss, Minnie Webster spent Senda.y
-:a.a.Mr, Jas. Reids, ' ' .
Mr: George. and Miss Georgina
JOhnson .spent Sunday with Godertch
friencls. . • •
. . • •
• :BRUCEFIELD., • ' . .
:There appears :almost to be an apo
dernie Of accidents in this vicinity
lately, • The latest victims are . Mr.
Peter -Cameron ' who,. had his finger
mom he' . visit with, her daughter: •
badly lacerated ' by .eonang in coOtact
Mr. : W. G. Clark has rented Mr:
with eome part k f they gearing oh A.
Richard Pollard's fano and will get
straw, cutter which, he was operating.
if ossession . in the spring. Mr. ,Pollard
Also Mr. 7,7 oc. •Grayo 0, T. le.• agent,
i'as taken. up lioul. , in Mena/Ai" ; and ,While apliting .'Some .arood Mie evening
ille family 'nell Stove out there•
. • . . last Weeks. ali)ped and dislocated his
knee. Beth of these parties ate 'doing
. • as well as can be' expected. • . ' •
• THE •REFERENDUM VOTE , D. Macdonald, M. P., bf Wiughtien
.; gat e ah address on ' the • referendum in
To all Whom • it may. concerti:T. and the Peesbytetian church on Wednesdan
they are. many : ' • • '' ' . evelibig of last week'. :The large ait-
Thot the tikitior traffic is responsible silence for, an ham and a half listened
for' a very lerge proportion of the to one Of the best addresses . ever de-
rriMe and misery Which exists in • Our livered in Iltrueefield and if the•eleetor-
:wintry . isoan endotibted fact, as tee- ate will . take the advice given by Dr..
Cified. by en'tgistiates, judges,. jail' and Macdonald. the referendum will cerro.:
as.,1.-tn Cah.ci. Is and many . others. with a sweeping majority: •' ,... , • •
that it shoe ld be •nrohilfited, by • law • The • Mull versaxy s seryices itt esinneee
is a most reasonable and wise.:•clecis- tion with the Presbyterian- church will
Fon; end liamands our • most . seridus wid ,Iiii held on 'the first Sabbath of
' (insiders -Anse. . The Act. which we, are Deeeinber: Dr. • Murray of Kincardine
to vote on ro selou is uot. all that Will preach and lecture' Mr the follow-
niiiny desi e, yet it is acknowledged. ing Monday evening.. . . .
to he the "strongest piece Of legialaa Rev.. E; H. •• Sewers preached' ' at
.tion -on the question -.-ever entered Witt Wrens last Sabbath, Mr. Musgrave
iron the statute books of Canada offiaititing• for Mr. Sewers. .
. arid it goes..so• far is the juriedietion Mr.. idol Ratteubury of Winghoin
"of the province will allow, IC strikes spent Sabbath' with friends in the nil -
doing away with.. open. treatino,
at :the most • vital part of ahe .systein lagl: ..t.vm...... .-c.,3,(..,t .of . the Glasgow n• abolishIng the •bar, consequently:, '
niak-. . Dr, Rogori,
It. is nous, was, itt:Stratfordthis week. •
.cry explicit and eorigirehensive, who, purchased:De. Arin7
Mg it illegal.. for any persen itt the stiong.t :olliee And. practice, has now
pro ihee of . Ontario by himself, his lila...mother residin With h,
. g . . TI
eltrk, servont or agent, to expose for people ' of Brueefield :are glad to .wal-
sale, directly •or indirectly', or open chime the newcotners to their. midst,
any pretenceo, or upon any advice,, to
eeli �r bar r, or in considerstoon. of WESTFIELD.. - , - •
intty :or ti ligs or to give to any per- • 4.... FL McClinton ts; on his rottodsi E.,'
the Purelid e or transfer of any pro- . .. . . . . •
S011, .anyoiatoxicatitig liquor; without ga n collecting taxes. - •
havoig first obtained a druggist's W. 'Belfry, of Hespeler •iS visiting
litense,• wholesale or retail, ' and any With, friends in, this Scotian, ' .
oceson offending against any Of. -the Mr. John POwler has recovered.from
era Sisiolis of • the • Act ist liabk for ' the his recent illness • aufficientIy to be •
'first offetice,to a fine not lets than $2oo ,arotind,again., . , . • .
and keine , to comPareit to the Scott ' Mr. • J. N.. Cainnbell and- daughter
Act is., uniret. Concerning whit , is Emma are .. viiititig, with tor sister.)
oeing said aboht 1. roaibition proving Mrs. (Rev.) Medd, at Hensel!. ' .:•
a fel:ire wherever trinLit is simplyo ta. ..lite- trretecs cf the, scheal haVe .. -sti•
• rue. We, have overwhelming testimony new bill placed in , the belfry to . re -
to the conteaiy. • Mali,oso Oftto .re- place ti.e One which • has'. been:• eearly
erred to, has been enriched by. it. rite wfoirgItithieeapna.styrocarirneorirtelvefodeoe.t •or.
:To bring the Act into Mieratioa will ' •
oiste of qualified v,oters.about
require 212,732- votes. There are on the thia neighborhood, but who for :the.
550,000 .past few' years hase.7eswideleiL Mwichitici
names and it is most ,certain that
more Shan oue halt (arr,000) are in 1
igea_lait' isveas's 'splieenred,i,ngHe has' bought .a
' tes-or of Sprohibition, hence . there farm near Sealerth to which place 'lie
should he no difficolty ire securing the 'hill remove °his °acts itt the spring.
requisite number, just about: 3a per : • ., cozBensE 1,0wysiixr,
est. •• of the wit olio rileods of tern-
ierance l• eRriends of huinanity t Let
Mr.1VIelSotiogli of Carlow has .his new .
is bear in mind : t -That, aur vote is ;
house nearly finished. - .
a trest from. God, His eye is upon - • Mr. Samuel Westlake had his acme
. .
ts. 2—That we, are . our . brother's
per running full blast the past week, -
keeper. Let uk help to put the temp- • . Miss Lizzie Jolinstott of Kingsbridge
tation out of his way. aa-Thet 0 We was 1 he guest of Miss Minnie Fowler i
t as at home We shall be counted as ,..-„ anvbath, .,
aoainst the measure. 4-'rhat we are. .
—We are Sorry' to say that Miss Nana
not. voting on the hitt itself, but lint cy Fisher is Slant, up with oppeitclicitis,
the question of bri"ff•ng int° °Perate* We hope to soon 'see het around•again.
the Act whith has already been pass Mt'. Nathan Solute wound up las
ed. a'-dhat should the vote, fell short
aPPle Packlhg on Saturday of •1a.st
there are those -may be some of our Ivaco for this season,
Loved ones --who will certainly go
Mr. ard Mrs. johti Johnston of
:own to a druhkard's•grave who might frinburn were the gtteets of their oh -
6 -That there is no
have 'been advection'. wtefeideon:eofitereechttIyii cle, Zan, Wtor Hamilton, on Sabbath.
Zion ectigregation has erected a new
a few' days the opportuiiity will have shed which makes it much more colas
gone forever, 7-Renietirber the words testable for the horses: •
ot Christ "Every plant which rny . . :
Hest ally Father bath not planted
4AStantears sun Titre venni
shall be rooted up" and I sin certain
The Obeerver says : Rev. Josiaa
Greene of Clinton occupied the pulpit
Mx Sunday nearnitig and evening. is
disootirses were very earnest and
practical. Ile is one of the old Meth-
odist pioneers Who have borne the
hard work and privation incident to
establishiog a elutrch in a new coun-
• Teddy Clattsen leeves Homan short-
ly to assist his father in the business
at ltiooseja.w. Tea is a, good, steady
boy mid an exeellent wortanan.
Mr. Peter Triggerson of this place
has beet the record as an onion rais-
er. This year he sowed five eights of
,n .acre with tlie very hest of Dutch
set seed. Ile aold to E. Rennie "rib-
sso pounds of sets and 80o pounds of
picklers for $574.2S, lie estimates his
expenses for seed and labor as fris,
Muclt leates a profit of 459.27.
At a meeting of the school board
Miss Murraywas re-enga.ged to teach
for the coming year end Miss Flor-
ence Reynold s application for the
roost -h. now occupied by Miss Stevens
of Clioton was also accepted, Miss
Stevens is retiring froin teaching ow-
ing to throat trouble.
e The regidents of Zurich were shoek-
ed when it became known on Sunday
last that 1Vliss Clara, Sipple, daughter
- of Ithr. and Mrs, Philip Sipple, had
, died very suddenly. Clara, had beet),
Harper hospital, Dettait, for nears
ly solicit weeks suffering from infiatn-
- matory rheuniatisni, but she was re-
- rotted to be improving satisfactorily
emit the news reached here that the
end came unexpectedly on Sunday
e morning-. Her age was 23 years, Her
remains were brought from Detroit on
- Monday evening, The funeral • took
place to the Lutheran cemetery on
Wtehrisclay afternoon,
A good time was spent at the hosts-
ihre be held on the feam. of II?nry.
- KoehlJr, rorth of the village, on Fri-
. day evenhtig of last week, when a
f tounber of young people assembled
and event the evening husking, the
1 golden ear g and in other amusements.
Mr. David Spencer of St. Joseph
disposed of 34 acres of his farm to
I Dr. Riatthier for 53,450; 6
. . •
s •
Mrs. Robert Clark Airs: Dan. Suth-
erland and daughter, Mrs. J. E. Ife:
e Gregkor and SPAS visited the latter's
••• sister, Mrs, Isa McGavin of Leadhury,
On ,T1tursday.
:Mr. and hIrs, W. Stehley of Hot/nes-
t vine visited, their daughter, Miss Alice:
Stanley, on Thursday,
Mrs. Lottie Sanderson and Mrs.
Janice .Cook arrived home here from
' Yorvtan, N. • W. T., where they spent
the eummer with relatives.
- • Miss Maggio Illaedoitald Spent la.st
week With Mrs, John Mille of Har -
lock. , • -
• Next Sunday, Rev. , 11, . Robinson
• of Ocrieriek. will preach missionary
sermona in the afternoon.
Mr, Charles. Newton spent Sunday'
Iroximirr TOilifiTS331P. - LEADBURY. •
- •
..."Mr•-: Hugh Dunlop perehased a:three- The lasliee . .
.of St. George's church
year phi colt' from Mr.. Fred. Roger- . intend. holding an eihibition of their.'
son' for the handsoine. sem of agar miseionary 'work in Walton „en Dee.
Mr: Dunkin kuovis where to go for lith ond will. 'have a eicely. prepared
good horses and •Ddr.' Rogerson knows ore:gram ' of i eadings, . anee'clies and
when he gets a good price. ainging. as well:. Lunch Will he served
' Mrs. Hart .of Gorden Farm called on, • at the close of the entertainment. .
her 'niece Mrs., Sheils •of Constance, . Miss Ferguson of Walton was the
ou Thursday. •
giiest ot Mis, Jolot Scealett last
Mr: • John Cooper sold a thorough- . „est,. .
bred 'White Rock to Mr. WjIliam Rien. • vrr, and mes, a; G. Grieve visited
Mr. Rinn knows . when he sees good _
the former's sister, Mrs. Conononi itt
it)Mwri'. 'Harvey Montgomery visited his . Mr. Albert • Scarlett and Master
• ' siewry 'on' Saturday: and Smear. • '
brother John of IVIcaillesp last Week: Thia were visiting Sominerhill Mende
plaining •of having stti missing iron;
A insthberaof our nciftbors arescom-
. .. S. amt tri er day;s. andwen d.Swil n dial ays'. re • • :
turned Iron,
tlitir premises: • : • .
Mr. John H. Petty of Hensel' paid Manitoba after ' a pleasant five:
a vislt, cn Wedneaday. to 1VIt. Henry
Coos er e grass ' faku where he had a•
nunibin • of Cattle pasturing.. He was.
vi ell rleAsed• with the condition they
were in -034 the treatMent they re-
. % •
. Mr. •• j. Scarlett • and his brother • of
afeK 1116p visited .friends 'here Suuday,
• 1:r. , and Mrs. Geo. Tyner visited
friends in Stanley:on Sunday. ' .
Iltia Annie Wright•of Colborne vis'
iti. friends here last • w.eela • . ",- •
is.• . E. Butt, who, has been fot
ecere • Weeks •attendiog het son . Alfred
in itaind'sor, . returned home 'last week.
All. his alniost recovered, • from . hisi
setere accident, We are very glad to
. .
Mee. pelvis and family of Gederielh
have I eens. elan :ing some time with
her sister, Mts. C. Beacoita . • .
s alto •C... Beeecon 'Ilea' purchased the
farm on• the • 16th con. owned owned by Mr,
11.114' er and .has , commenced turning
the sod, His ireighliors are kind en..
t help him in ti -me of need as
louglii g -.weather - is. likely • to - a be
'short. e paid .in the ..neighboshocid
of r3o o for •the 'place, , , • . ' :
' Mr. 13, Mitchell of . Colborne visited
at Mr.• I. 13rownlee'a on. Sun'clity„
Sunday 'school in St: Peter's church
closed last Stinday for the• 'Whiter • af-
' " S . ' •
tar continunior seven mohths. .
• We are glad to report ' that Mrs. JO
Hardy is improving ,slightly frann het
recent• illnesv. ' • , ' .
itis expected. that Rev., kr. Low of '
Winghato will preach in . St: Peter's
' horch next, Sunday, ' • . •
r. A public eainimation will be held'
in c lir school .. on Dec. rya when .a
outaber of • o .r• neiahboritigo teachers
ire expected to attend. At a meetiog
of the ratepayers . bilt Friday night. it
was decided to • give an entertaintnev --
(bit Sallle . evening .and an a.dinis-
skin fee c '1 rre to be charged, the
'sehool chi' elren admitted free. 'A good
erograin will be rendered bi.hoine ilf,
ist ell, yas foreign talent and a good
time 'is expected, : Further • particulars/
vvi'l le. given later,
. .
Mrs. W. As Cole and children 'o'
'Clinton speftt Sunday as the guests ol
her father, Mr. W. Mulholland, ,
Miss Mattie LaVis of Clintoti
Visit -
d her Uncle, Mr. W. Jenrette.
Mr. Arinetrong of Winglicon called
ni Mr, W. Stanley on Tuesday.
Mrs. Mulholland was in Goderich 011
We are glad to learn that Mr, krohn
Cantelon is improving. . •
Rev. I. 33, Wallwia of Seetoeth
ifreached missionary sermong nem ds
,Suriday. Rev, J. Hussar supplied fof
, Co Monday etrating there was: a
platform meetiug in the interests of
temperance and MisalOnS. Mr. Mita -
ell and Mr. G. Elliott of Goderich
gave two excellent teturtrahee ad-
dresses, MuSic Was furnished by the
The Sabbath school inteid havitig it
hristmas tree on Christraas eve. A
sit lendid program will be given, ne-
m( mho' the date,
Mr, and Mrs. E. Aches,* of Grater -
felt visited riends itt our village on
Misis Itato Gocletich tidied Miss
McCartney la. t week,
Mr, Robert It hite, who has been in
the West for the lad few monthe at
the hmre of his brother, Dirt Josiah
White, has returned, -
'the people of Turner' church ate
%uttering the question of a tea -meet.
g out the middle of Deeember.
aiits Lillie Nott, who has been vis-
iting near Homan) is home agent.
, o'Tolhoeckfirst
i ..pleicy Sattirday afternoon at hid villa .
.nesseenonen Panics 4ilway Very Sud- '
great gtin maker 'and wealthiest Man
for several . days.. Early ' In the
in restorirfg him to cOneciotisness,
ZaiuouS Ckertuaii in:venter or Weapons, 0
• nianerinansa died suddenly from two-
' morning he antlered the first. strolte
. dendasatmoloyed 25.000 Men.:
Berlin, N.ov. 24, -Herr KruPP, the
cal reports, his „physicians succeeded
of apoplexy. , According to the •ineiti-
,.ity, Ahother • stroke followed at
.but he soon. relapeed' into' insensibila
hoon, and the gut:maker , died at 8
at Hugel. Ilerr Krtipp 'had been ill
• . - •-.o.--
,. .
:questien the Public osked •
onlearning- the news was "Did Here
Krupp commit saicider There seems
tone no teatirriony to support this
suggestion, the physicians inattend-
ance resolutely asserting that . the
. case was simply one of apoplexy. His
rien s think thatan uncompliment-
ary article recently pyblished in a
'German newspaper, tvhich caused the
' gunmaker great mental distrese, Was a .
primarily •the.eattse, of his death. ...-4
the liquor traffic is suck a .plant, Ins promises to Wait nritehesi a Return
Have faith in God. Work With a will, %IWO° 1' ears 110nee.
EXPO& VittOrY, y Borne, Nov, 24. -The <Popo yester-
1fnt ti, day, gave a farewell audieno to
Noto rath,• Archbishop Bruchesi of Montreal in
the robtiff'S private apartniente. He
afterwards went to the throne roma,
where Mgr. ntotehesi presented to
him all the Oithadians itoW in Rome,
Ttusday, Dec, eth, at Lot 3, con. numbering 00, %eluding several
31 lItillett, fano stock and imoletneit- 1rotestatits frotn the m OVitiCee of
ts.-Mrs. David Jackson, proprietress; Ontario and Quebec, The Pope said
rhos. Brottoir attetioneer, he tvias delighted to see the Caned -
Saturday Nov. 29th, at Dirk's ito- fans, and gave his ben‘dietion to
tel yaand rilts: ,rtidoa
Seafolirtit,13yositosoidcks.telr‘s o
eleaving, Archbishop nroeheai
ProPtiatOr ; Thos trowel said: "I hope to fie° 'Your Holiness;
tuetiotteer. en my 110,tt visit. to POMO. three
To pustule who eontettiplate having ;VOL 1•S hence." The Pope replied:, ‘4I
sales: Tel graph or telephone to Inc w1.1 wait for you."
at thy expense.- T1 Brown, Sea -forth.
BROWN'S SALE xtvorsrztt,
Novembe' 7th, 1902
1 1 1 1
1 ......,......,,,..i...t,.i.....i.,,....,...,....,..w........,....,
0 Re. is a list of men's and boy's furnishings at a •
4 saving e2o per ceq or more. Everything youbuy here 0"
$ we
is new. No danger whatever in getting any shop worn ;
goods. Here is our guarantee, if goods are not satisfactory
will cheerfully refund your money.
Another lot of roen'a One Scotch wool and union drawer's .
that are worth 50e and 00c pair. We place them on 7 C
sale at 2 pair for
160 Men's Shirts and Drawers in ell the different qualities
and are wool, fleece wool anci -Cotton, and union. W.
, in town at i35c and 00e each, but our price is. .... . . ... r sU U
have/been told thnt some of this undweis
erar sellingl
The balance of our heavy blanket lined Waterproof Jack -
n W
ironefti.men's heavy wool, sox the regular Price 0 C
of which is 250 to go at 2 pair for. ;.. .. .. P . M. ••• • • .. 11.1 1•1
ate that sell in every store ieals:nary, will be elear-
edm0 I g
On SaturdaywewbieacrkilblagridvehTtotau, thh: evheoryieneeowfeeotuerhampeesn:sto$02, 150-
1 ,...•••• r , . • ,' 4.11 11. U
4t4rror rrterfrores r ........... • . r .tv_, 4. 0
It is our aim to keep everything that is new and up-toand hoye. We are now showing a beautiful range of Xmas NeekWenr, 1
, Umbrellas, fancy wool and cashmere hosiery, in fact everything
to' be found in a first elaSs men's store, .
.date for men
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••••••••••• 0
lj. W. Newcombe 1
Sole Agent in Clinton for Hyne Parker & Oohs. famous English
Uliderwear, Barker 13rarid American Collars, and .Alexandria
Kid Gloves for Men,
Kant Krack
and Granby Rubbers
at Wm. Taylor & Son's
Weare sole agents .in Clinton for the above
and we are selling a lot of them. ' So far this islhe
best lubber Season -in our history,' having already
had to get in our Second supply.
• Our stock is again wellassorted in all the Newest
.Styles and we sell them at the same price as you are
.asked for ioferior Rubbers. Tra• Isair and you. will say
with Ug that theynte the best in tbe'matket. ••
We bave a big stock of all I Special value in ladies'and
kinds of Felt goods,also Soaks I gens' Fine Boots for Friday and
and Rubbers, Long Recite and Saturday. •
the Williams Patent Leggin& 1
'Cash and One Prints • ' •
Butter and Eggs' taken as Dash
rnrcuoiviats, 14s ei Tv, oi miLLINER„
. .
$5,000:000, • .* • . ••• • • . 10, . !Q T.
Frederick 'Alfred' Krupp Succeeded ., .
' .1
• •
' • .
his father, 'Alfred Krupp, assheads'of • ' , •
• ,
• making cannon and other munitions • See our Carpet and: Lace ,Curtain:dep. artna'. oft ..kor
. .
• •.
Ethsesefna:naileyr.manadot.hqwahrenaet einnigie,tigstety tt.
-goods at a right pride. .• • • •
Of war in one of the most warlike • •
• ,
?aliens of the earth, Alfred Krupp,
and. like. him, nis sons were lovers of '
In beginning the manufacture of
implements of. war, the elder Krupp
said the 1 underlying idea was to
bring •peace by creating guns so de-
structive' to hume.n life that war
Would become too horrible even to .
contemplate. This idea lived 'in
Frederick Alfred, his 'son.
Herr Krupp was the largest em-
ployer of labor in the world. Tvren-
ty-five thousand men worked for
Thirty-four 0 overnments' have pur-
chased guns from the Krupp • fan- f
tory. Twenty-ilve pieces of • X i
artillerthousandy made in the plant now • D1 INA
frown from ramparts in every port . M. : MQBEATH EILYTHi
of war; contributing more tpeace.,
• • Pretoria 131oelc, * •
: ' . • ) -
t . Just to hand a big job of wide"width Flannelette, ea t
1 ,. in any length to suit the purchaser, •
men. , They are unequalled in qualil.,y and price.. , 1
We are showing an immense range of Fur Coats for
If you intend purchasing it emit' it will pay you to .
:•save from 20 to 25 per cent. I .
drive miles to see the above mentioned as you can
Try our Currants And Raisitis for your ' Xmas Cake: I
iThey are the best in the market and we Sell them Cheap. 1
than to war. • . ,
T.ho: plata an at 'exists: to -day repro-,
sents the labor of three 'generations
of •Krupps.: • ' Frederick Krupp, the
flret, was born in 1787. To his son
Alfred,- born in 181.2;,' he left the se-
erets 120 had discovered of smelting.
The fortune woe 'increased by. Al..
fred; and when he died July 14,
1881, he the greatest factory of
sdkind to his • son Frederick Al -
Among radienls and democrats Herr
Krupp was 'known as the man who
would not accept a title, . 'Among
philanthropists he ovaa known as the
frierid : of wholesome conditions of
life for the nutmeg and as the friend
of do -operation, In . commercial cir-
cles he was known its the greatest
.employer of labor in the world.
The town of Essen, in which. the
Krupp employes live, is one of the
model towns of the world, and it was
planned arid built under the direct
supervision Of Herr. Krupp and hie
was repeatedly the object. of
attack on the par1. of the socialists.
Only last Monday the Voi*WaertS, the
emelalist organ in Berlin, was seized
by Krupp, and the guntriaker began
ernitinal prosecution for alleged libel.
ous statements appearing itt the pep.
Or. Merebets Of ' the Reichstag, ins
eluding Herr Rebel; who were susa
pected of haring Written the offend-
ing artiele, had their desks forced
arid searched by the pollee.
Some reasons why you should bny
from the Clinton. Plarniture
Because their Stock is large and *ell esborted
The designe are the newestAnd most Up-to-date
The construction and finish are the best
Materials that Wear out the buyers' expectations
And prices that are easy on our enstOlnere
Ald0 all kinds of repairing, upholstering and
Picture framing at moderates prices.
Undertaking in all its branches
Manager and Funeral Director.
N. Rowe, A. J. Holloway
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence on Princess
Stet directly back of Presbyterian church,