HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-27, Page 22 THE ()LINTON NEWS -MOOR)) November 27th, 1,902 WINGUAlle•••• NOT A rIt0IIIBITORY MEA.E. X.11.1111.14GES, Summary of the Liquor Act Upon Which The AdVahte Soya : Some 01 our The pu4lic, or at least those who DA.RROW-aPOLLOCIC-Itt Bayfield, 011. AU Stuffed. rip the Voting -Takes Place Next .Thursday. Would like to have remedied. During tion, •are ate ing why the nieesure Mrs. James Pollock to Mr. Harry -from .catarrh, eepecially in, the morning.. ing the head end throat, by the Rev. Millyard, Mr. W111. • merenonts have a. grievance Oat they ileac given the matter inuelt otten- N'ov. retit, by Rev. Joint McNeil, That'll the condition ot mem, Stlfferert1 . Ole • evenings. and on Sundays the ' which is to be voted oil on Dee. 4th. Darrow, both of Bayfield. ° • Great diffienity is experienced M deer- . . fronts of stoma tete .doorways are Is not officially referred to es Praia ISAAC -SWEET -At The tparsottage, , tirronged with 1-Aiys who seem to de- bition, but is cared " The Liquor . . 'the foUowig is a brief summary a • the °Mario Liquor ,Aet whirl; is to be %feted upon on Thursday of next , week : The act is compoSed, of two parte- ! Referendum and Prohibition. You are not required to vote on the tattestion of Referendum. That has beea ;fettled • by the Legislature itself. The vote is to be one for or against Prohibi- tion. • . The Prehibitimi pert of the act may , be reviewe4 under three elivisiousr. , Prehibition, permission and penalties. : Vrohib:tion-1 be act totally proltibol its the sale or tarter of intoxicants y•ithin the trovinee itli Ontario for ; beverage purposes. The retail trade lo I inoxicants for drinking purposes. in I all its forms is explicitly prohibited, Permission -The manufacture of lig- tors may Le contnied under eertan restrictions. An inter -provincial or ioternationel wholesale trade may Le carried on. For such trade there n ay 1e spedal legislation, Every S de r turehese .by• exporter or im- porter must be recorded. Liquors manufactured or imported may be E.Ohl within the province to licensed drug- gists enly. The oreigtist must take out a spec- ial .icense. lolly registered druggists can obtain a license. Ten citizens on petti. n for cause prevent a druggist from obt iining a license.' A license when granted is only for .one year. The licensed druggist may sell for the purpose eertitied to be (i) inediettl, (2) saaramental, (3) for use in the arts. The conditions !or salt are explicitly stated. A record of all sales must be kept awt is open to any person for in- at:action. The record, is public proper- . ty. Penalties -The penalty for retailing intoxicants for Levet age purposes is 1.r the first offense Sem. Second ire- trisonment without the option of e lite. For all causes such as failure to keep a. careful record of sales the penalties range Irina .$,eo to $5oo. The responsibil ty for the enforce-, tnent QC the act falls upon the Attor- ney Generars•Depattnient in the'prov- ince. All ollieers and inspectors shall be directly respeustble to the govern- ment without, any intervening boards of commissioner. Voting -Thursday, Dec. 4. Question on ballot -Are you in fav' ox ef the bringing into force of the Liquor Act of 402 ? Number of votes in the effirmative Laces: ary to being law into force, 232,.7e3, providing that number is a majority of total •vettes polled, re hen effective -May 1, 1904, if nee- esissa.ry vote is polled by prohibition - i4 •. Those entitled to votee-Lists to .te used are those of the lastproVincial el- ection, an exception being tria.de of persons who since that time may have. eeesed to be residents of the prov- ince. • To Carry the Referendum in Huron 7,328 Votes Must De Cast in its Favor. The following is the total vote cast in 1898 in the different municipalities of Huron county Huron East -Grey 86o, 'Morris 7ir, Hullett 46e, Howick 941, McKillop 565, Turnberry 494, •Brussels 258, Wroxeter 103, total 4,336. Horon Fo th-Seaforth 519, Goder- ich tp pat t)• 288, Tuckers uith 684, Exeter 421, Usborne 632, Stephett 1,- 079, He. all 203, Bayfield 141, Stan -o ley. 601E' Hay 823, totot 5,391. . •Huron West -Clinton 545,.' Ashfield, 830, Colborne 512, Goderich 860, God- erielt Ip. (part) 331, • Hullett (patt) 224, Blyth 19O, Wink= 460, Wawa - nosh East' 449, Wawanosh West 527, total 4,928, '1 he prohibitior i.,t s of this eounty will. thus have to poll 73e8 votes in favor of the referendum they desire to ke.ep up their oid of the cause. • Only One Member of the Ontario Government Says He Will 'Vote for the Referendum. Premier Ross -Yes. • • -• • Hon. E. J. Davis -Nothing • ,to say.* Hon. John Drydea-As. his conseta elect: directs. . Hon.. Richard Harcourt -Refused. to say. . • Hon. J. R. Stratton -Declined to be interviewed. Hon. F. R. Latchford -Could not he seen. . . Hon. J. M. Gibsen-Could • not • be seen. - • The Toronto World on thursday in- terViewed the members of the Ross" govern nent in .connection with their, pos:tien on the . referendum. The question put to eatii. one was ". Will you, following •the lead' Of the .Pretro ter, .state }tether you' will or will not. support the Liquot Act ?" • In every case the answer was ,prac- tically the same. They .were .as dumb as the prooerbial oyster ' and refused point blank to give any infor- mation as. to the attitude they would take. • Hon. E. J. Davis, CcArineis.siotiet 01 Crown Intelsa thought for a moment and then informed the Worldithat he. was always very pleased to give •any information be could, but in this case. he had nothing whatever to say one • way or the other: light in beeping up dirt, beepattetine Mt or 1902",The explanation is very wete Isaae to Miss Ada Sweet, 'laugh- indows, cte. Last night thy tosimple. It is eeiled the " Liquor Act ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sweet .iniptilre the tate, well end bearing, down Mr. Crowder's sign and threw it el 1902" simPlY heennse it is in 110 of Exeter. No wonder catarrh causes headiehe s e ^ into the street. few caught in the sense a firohibitory tueasure. Tpollutethe breath, derangethe Min mhough WALLALE-CAIRNS-In Ilibbert, on act 'and fined may be the next event there noty be Pomo confuab sion out Nov. 4211, by Rev. Mr. cronstoitch and affects the appetite.n, To cure catarrh, treatment mud be et) inay lias.0 to tecOrd• Days should Alm n:atter on to the fact that Mr. James Wallace of Comber to conetitutienal-alteratAve end Onto, be taught to respect the property and ,Itere is a " Liroor. Act." now in !Circe Miss Alice Cairns of Itibbert, rigAhirt.s joof hontlicerusio. "I wee ill for four months with catarrh .n the pro• ince. 01 Ontario under NIOLLAltD-WALPER-M the resi- Eincarcline form• \Aria; a limited uamber .of lieenaes are deuce of the bride's motheriStelde, and raised blood, 1 had become tine in the bead and throtit. Had s bad cough eriy a resident of Wingliton, died fo, • g, anted each year too the sale of en township, on Nov. tall, by costumed when my husband bought a bottle enesday of last week. The reMains wines, spirits and beers, still we can- Rev. $, A. Carriere, Mr. George of Hood's Sarsaperilla and persuaded me were broughtcause of his death was cancer. Ile Aet which wi'l be voted on next i,abeth Scalper, both of Steplten to try it, 1 &Oise all to take it. It has here for interment. ot coureive of a better title for the Perey Mollard to Miss t,i`anny El - Was sixty cured and built ma up." Mas. Boort /tu- four years of age. 1. Tit ,,1,.,, 1,,. tlie one that has been township. DOLPH, West Liecomb, N, 13, Airs. Manuel IS absent from town used, namely the " Liquor Act,,x9o2." NIeNAIR-RA1VISAY-In. (,rey on \7°- Ifood's ifarsaparilla ana one night le t wth eek her house 'ere is so little. of a really. prolttbits teinter 12t11, by Rev. A. MeNab, was bro'•en into, ratisacked generally ory nature in it that it would be a Mr. James D, McNair to Miss Ceres catarrh -it soothes -and strength - and dishes broken. Word has been misno'rer entirely to apply the term Mary J. Ramsay, all of Grey • enti the mucous membrane and builds sent to Mts.. Manuel. proldbiticm to it. A few of our reed- township, up the whole system. • Peter, the youngest son. of Postenas- er$ who have, or will have, an °ppm- ROWE-CUFF-On Nov. t9th, by - • Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Ag- rieultere, replied to the _question by, askink another. "What - is theballot for ?" he nrifuired: "Is it not for the purpose of giving a man the inky, ilege.of privately. Jexpressing his Opin- ion and of voting honestly and to the Leet dictate of his constienee ? Well then, that is what I intend to do -tie vote •on'the question as -my conscience prompts me." Further than this Mr. Dryden had nothing to say and was rather incl ned to think that the queetion!Was out. of place, although it was pointed out to him that .answer - it g MrestiOns Was one of the disadvantages of being a pub- lic , • - Hon. Richard Harcourt, Minister of. Education, was just as norecommital. • He would not say hoW he would vote on the Liquor. Act; . Hon, "'J. R. • Stratton, Provincial Seereterv and as such head 'of the' License impartment, obviously antici- pated :the question and front his priv- I ate office sent out word that he would not pee a World reporter. P. ,Rt •Latchtord, Coirunisston- er of Public 'Worts, 'is out. of town ard accordingly could not be seen. • --glont J. M. Gibson, Attorney -Gen- eral, could not be got at to ask a- bout his tositien. . ter Fisher, was telten seriously a tinay of reading mid fully digesting Rev. A. Maetiay, at his rest - few days ago. lie rapidly grew worse the lomplete Act as passed by the dente, Ms. James II. Rowe of end the family phYsician pronounced last- seasion of the Legislature for .. Greenock,. to, Miss Charlotte cliff the came to be apeendicitis. An op- submission to •the people and we wish ofKinloss. eration was performed o Welt proved. to 'point out that- it .still Per- WOLFE-ROSE-In Logan,. on the 6th successhil and our youug friend is mits the distillers. to • distil and. the of No-eiribert by .Reef. Wiee now, we :are informed, on -a fair way flowers to „brew itt. .Ontario and each torecovery, Of them to Ship to any point outside . We learn thet• Rev. R. Hobbs of the the provirce it • permits . any dealer Methodist church has. received it • call in Montreado Quebec, or in fact any Leon the Methodist congregation at place 'outside the province,' to slop Strathroy ani that he will remove I rders for liquor direct to. any • cute there after the June conference of the - tomer arty part of ()titan° ;it coming year, The Members. here will permits their travellers to , run A- be, very sorry to lose Rev. R. Hobbs roeiul soliciting orders in Ontario ; it as, without -douht, he has been one perMits li mor to be kept in any of the most zealouspastor e the • Ovatehouse in the proviuee Of One Wingham congregationhas ever' had Ontario.; it permits doctors to carry During the four years ot his stay here two .quarts for theirepatients it per, the large commodious ehureh ott. Min. . mits veterinary surgeons to carry liq- uid street has been. built ,and 15 one of .itor for their patients ;,It permits the . finest • ix Western .Ontario, And mail •erders to:be tilieti by any clealor large mini:here have been Odeted to so tong es he is not •siteate in .the the ntenthership. , province ..-of Ontasio ;' it - permits- 1111- .. pert oders :from any foreign country • for private ',constemptiole It gives BT • :the right to - search a. man's private • • DELGRAVE. • house.. It compels wives to give evo 1121-s. ohoeanan loos gone to ..aon., idtnee against their Iniebands and • • • • • • • • Toronto Live Stock Markets •., TORONTO. .• [ere cotliplained that there were too Totontot Nov. 21st. -The quality oi ninny light,' hell -finished cattle, offered the offerings at the Toronto cattle •for which there was little or no call. market today was not all that could Heavy.,steers and ..heifers are in deo be desired and there was a dragging. Mond end firth at • unchanged priCea: tendency among the lower grades. All There is: a feeling of weakness among the good stun sold readily at satis- the inferior grade.; and they are slow factory .prices and thent was a eall cif sale. • • • for more of the Lind. The. tone was. 'Feeder's and Stockers-Theourarket is'. steady and there was Ai° changes tit quiet, . with prices Unchanged. 'Heavy prices for ordinary lines. Milkerssteers are wanted and there is a par - mere easior and iambs were liriner. tieulerly. goad. demand for, 'shod. keep -don to' attend the Wedding. ol ,her •ehildren. to give eVidence against their comfit, o •. . ., • , . . • , pare•its. It would close. up -• the lietin- Mae. Hashiat -and • --bee daughter sed and inspected hotels,. in place of Itioude. have moved to Winghatu. Mr. which would seeing. hp every conceiv.„ HaSlern will still • attend t� his' • store able . .it ind - of illicit- trallie condected het 0. - . • . •• • by disreputable autVirrespo.nsible- pax - Mrs. rennet and Mrs t • Crotier, sise tics -• and -it • woad, •create 'an •attriy. of• teas: of Pea. J. .1. Heatie ' are visit-. •sPosoand perjurers. •• f . . • ing at the manse this weelf. . a . - Nei wonder. it . is not...referred to I. olte Methodist congregatic n• • has. olIciary'OeSprobilitiop; It is About. . pureheeed..a. fine new organ for their as far f ont .prohibition as anything ceure(e .frout Mr. • • lidera of Clinton 'hat- coold be . -imagined It would ancl It . was need •for 'the first time on: simply . transfer Abe selling of litetorg. Sunday. last. - • • • . -.. , • •. . . from 'the lieensed and well . regulated • . ' Mr. • ..1). Sproat had • the misfortune 1 laces to unlicensed •iial • disreputable to • cut -his foot lest. • week- with.' dn •axe. _ resit:also: In fact,' as far. 'as 'we :ean Rev...Mr, •Davidson Of. Varna ad- seta. it is ei•reply the old Scott -Act 'dressed the .1.adies'...•FOreiga Mission.: over again and • we do. not think. that ory leociety. last ••Thuraclay. eVenina in .the :people' of this country- -went . any• :the Presbyterian •chureli. .. • . ., : - more " Scott A et."-• They • liad o bite 'She membersOof. the C. -0, F. gave ler dose' of it °nee' and they .have• not an °Oster supper in their hall' °nitro • forgotten . it. ....The people • chi ..not want the Lieuof..Aet ••of • 19z' and they will .vote ' "• No" a on ...Thursday .next,. •, Qtot atien s for 'other claw§ • :were -feeders. - unchanged. -Tha rim was nat large Mitch Cows -The receipts were bare - end everything • was practically...cleans ly. tip .to the average' in .quality ,and id up by noon. The total receipts high tricee .were not. paid; The rent wire ;6 carp includitig 962. ,eattle, 1,- of the Market was front. $40 to .F5o 814 sheep and lambs, 2o calves and • and $52 was .pald for a moderately 1,122 hogs. ' good cow. •- , . Export Cattle -The lost steamer Inc .Sheep and 'Lambs -The riin .was this season iron Montreal- sails • air fairly largeand the ,dettrancl good. Monday atiel shippers are preparing to -Everything was , sold '.comPatatively, tend forward their cattle. Most of early in the' dt!..i.• Sheepweresteady the buyers are well supplied and they k nd lambs w?re 5e higher,• at $3,50 to eo not require any large quantity. $3.ta er cwt. A few goodnwes atid Business was rather quiet, but a good wethers sold. at $4 per twt. • ton: prevaikd and there was no weak-. Calves -Market• is steady, with ness. Prices. ler shipping' cattle prites • uncholiged at $3, to • fkio each. were tteady. • There is a steady ca'l for good veals, Butcher's Cattle -There .was a scare,. Hogs -Steady. •and maitanged at itv of the high grades and the market $6.12% .per eWt. foe seletts and $5.87'4 for gilt-edged stock was strong. Buy- for lights and. fats, • . • ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP. ' • • EXETER. . Rev. A. Miller writes as. follows Thos. Sokovden, an employee. of " I sin sure that Wise of your -read -:a Mr. Pant Peottes,•treborne, met with ers ho know tbe Rev. 3. Itok, late a painfia occident .0110 flight Iasi • Ashlield and now of ILL er Dennityi w?ek. Ile Was moving a. barrel in•the Preton will Le very sorry to cellar and in 1.0111e 'manner got otie of le on -of the serious loss lie has .just . h $ hands caught between the sharp sustai .ed through fire. I herewith edge of the barrel and the cellar enclose the letter I lotve just received Wail, stnaOting one of his Angers bad - !tom Mr. Rose which speak% for itself. y uhieli necessitated seve 1 Stitches If any of your kind readers should be •o close the wound. teoved to show Christian sympathy itt Mrs. Reeltic of Clinton mid her the eircuinstancee I am sure it would *daughter of St, Thomas spept a few be gratefully recd' ed if it should take days • hero this -week the guests of eo e taftet 1e forte or teem as Ve Mrs, Clots. Knight. e ce from the letter enclosed, it it The now -loge took piece in the St, took a veria 1 anon itself.- As thert Matt eve's church,. Brandon, oh Nov. is no time to t o 10 ten patties •1 T5111, of Mr, I.dward B. 1% hite -eld- ta: it the liberty, I feat sere est son 'of Mr, Will. .1, White, 'tans- y ill Fe 1arinitted, of suggesting that tett of Exeter, to Mies Alberta- E. M . Cowell in Luel-now be le erly of Brarolon. ade the treasurer of any terigible The cfeath is ammenced of Mrs. c t -s. brother Who is it) need tames Windsor, oite of the oldest and *,:ay evening. last. After the Supper a short program was rendered consist- ing of an address: by Mr.00opeland, organi. er ; ieStratmettal . duet, Mrs. D. Geddes and Mr. David ; song; Mrs. J. H. Geddes ; Song, Mr.. Dan. Ged- des. • After the prograni the hall was Cleared and dancing was indulged in f -or an hour. ' ard who is himself rote who would oast highly respected residents of the is eddy reseond to a tall of this kind, 'township of McGillivray. Two of her ' 1 1 If to add that • the 'aughters. Mrs. johe El iott and hIrs. 1 (RI whom Mr. Rose is lab. t.leorge Snell of Exeter, attended the prop a ant rit g,t.l.ouplk very lt,nd, are hot ih , *funeral last week. She is survived by circumstances to rettder much help on Lir h •sband and nine children -all alt occatioelike this:" . A luny gala wedding was solemhiz- ed ott November 19th whom Miss Ada • Swat was united- in marriage to Via, mETng. Will. beat. The ,ee.rcittoity Was per- formed at the Main street' parsonage Miss Margaret E. Walper, second by Rev, R. Millyard. The bride was di:tighter of Mt. Mel Wolper Of Der- suitably. attired in a grey costume lin, a former well known resideht and was attended by her sister, Mita of Exeter w ------------ Derlin last Ella, Asti the groom WaS iltbieted by week to ileritteit 1, , , ST. JOSEPH. • Mr. N. M. Cantin returned front Mcintieal• last week. ' It is said that the hotel here will , change likrels shortly. . Mr. C. Becigneul is away on a pleasure trip to the province of Que- bec. . H. Bouriette has opened a lioarffing house in the new Ilisoonnette block. ' Mr. George Camplie.41 has disposed of ids general store to L. G. Routh- ier, oho takes possession at once. . . The cement walk in fret of the big block is completed. • • - Mr, Lebeau is busy making a half gand, Air, George Wolfe. to Miss Louise Rose. MeDERelOrr-IIOSKIN - At St. Bridget's • church, Logan, on Nov. ieth, by the Rev. Father Ronan; Mr, John McDermott to Mary, daughter of . Mr. Will iam. Hoskin, all of Mitchell. IIUDSON-SIFILLIC•ft-At the Brown- • • son Line, Hay, on Wednesday, Nov, 'tilt, Mr. James- Hudsoe of nley to Miss 11'Oct NIellick of Il ay township.. IRWIN-SHAW-Ou Nov, ttith, at the ,Methodist 'parsonege, Iturhani, by the Rev. Wray Smith, Mr. Wm. Irwin of • Hamilton to Miss Eva Shaw of Dui hem. BIRTEM. WILLIA1VIS--Tn Clinton, on Nov. 22, to Mr.' mid Mrs. Frank 'Williams, a son, LANE -In . MeKillop, on Nov. Istia the wife of Mr. John Lane of a son. SELLERS -In Morris, on Nov 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Joscpg •Sellers, a d erghter. TOOLE-In • Brussels,' on • Nov. t6th, . to Dr. 'and Mrs. Toole, a. son. . FASFOIX-Ati Dashwood„ 00 Tues- day; Nov, 18th, to 'Mr, end Mrs, 1 ltilip* Fat, -sold, a daughter. ItlEANS• DIRECT :TAXA.TION. ' • - From, 'a. linenciaA .point of.view a- lor•e the •Ligeor Act . -would be -runionS, to the Country, . The moment .6: pro - Li itory' passed i hat :immense amount .of revenue Whitlo is now der - ed ftom 'the liquor interests... would Le intmediately cet oft, :There IS no• .saurce from -which this can be. raised .except • .Direet T11xatmn, The 'With- drawal. and •displaCeincet .of so lunch capital, •vL hich -is the effect •of •prolle: Jaimewill have a 'depressing Meilen .‘e -en. ail -farina of biteineet • Yonnkomen. 'Will. be forced to alien ,Iands to.. seek fields for for their energy denied .therre at Hew. y alriect-- taxes • and a •i`elry' cOuntry -will efiectually frighten trionteration. from mite shores. .The financial outleok .is- as ,•glooitry as the moral. ' prospect.. The ..-Liquor •Act- uMans opeetnarto loss - 'and increased dianketineas. ''•Vote NO" on Thurea day. Advt.. • -- • • • •• • • s • • . .. • REV. -IRL.' It. SIIICKS' • mile traek• and has several. teams • and . . . . teo3 ALMANAC. number of men' busy ploughing - , • :s) 'seras into etc. • We need a traclobeelly,. ro say thatthisplendid wink of indeed'. actl ot. is finer and 'better indeed'. Pread. would be more plentia e ful next fait if the fieldwerethan ever ,is. stating it mildly, 'rit wheat. , seeded in. , demand for it iS far. beyond all prey- . • . • ' • • ious years. To Noy -that. such resolts, ..• . , reaching through thirty years,• are • • .. a . • . not based upon. sound sense and use- ' • • t • r • fulness is on Meta Au, the intelligence VL--NFLUFLI'SLONDU • • of the Millions. Prof. Hicks; through • • ' . • . " .4 4. , • his great almanac •and famous .lateily. -end scientifie journal, Word 'and Works, is doing a work for. the .whole people Lot appreached by any Reprisks Now in Contemplation --- °they man .or .publication. A fair test by Great Britain, . , will prove this to any reasonable per- . son; 'Added 10 •the most luminous. rom-se .nu astronotny nor 1903, fore-' Casts 'of,. storms and weother ,ere• giv- en; vs never before, fot every day itt. the year, all charmingly . illustrated with nearly two hunclrecl engraving's. The •ptice of .single Abbe:nee, including. and an Understanding Arranged by ,pcstage and 'irtailtugo is .30e. Word *Welt the enited states Win Not and Worts • with the. Almanac. is $.1.06. Intetvene—Unwarrazited Treat- ' 'Write to • Word • and Works Publishing • • : • meat. of • irltleb.. subjects.' Co., 2201 Locust street; • St.. Louis, Moo .and pri-ose to yourself their great and *heir oroperty. . treble, IN CONJUNClION WITH GEEMANY An'Aim •inane e $ ' a 0 AV gen v en • 'London; Nov.' 24'.-Geeitt Britain is 'Oontemplating 'Set loos ' repas'aiS ageterot Vene.uela. '''ll`he Associated Press is oleo °frugally informed that• ‘Oreat Britain is . acting •with . many, in. all mattees relating to ilia ' . atato a ides io. coe.ue '.Whethee, the. contemplated 'action will take the form of a joint .navar de- monstration, accoMpanied by or f01-• towina the • seyerauce. of 'diplomatic, relations, is Matter nOW being dis- cussed in Bertha atid Lonffint. There.. le reaeon to belie% e that the British .0,oveeninent has been either officially or otherwise intormed ithat the Unit- ed States will not intbrvene any dentonstlation having the ob.ect of r t t' h • yrights British citliena or their intmests In Vehruelo. 'Pke reports that Ger- mariy and 'Great Britain lute° been urging Minister. Bowen, at Cara; as, to n the combination aie • is- . ol'oclitecl here, q is pointed out that both Bes De 1 Leneen he,Ve Lt. Vler- ()Ugh understanding with ltathington legarding the inain features of the policy Involt ed, it is main- tained, in no Way eneroaehes on the Meneoe doctrine. The Vene•ttelan protest against ttd action of the Britti h sloop of wet, rantouto entering' the Orirtoeo /dy- er in spite of the blockade has now. ben rotelved by tile British roreitra Ofllce, A Feeign Office official: said to a representatiN e of , 'the Aesociated Press` "We regard this latest MffillgatiOn as merely (in endeavor to cover up real iF Sues and bl'hd the. eyes of oth-, er nations to our frequent demvnds Mr an explanation of and rePete ration for the treatment of 13rItish eultlects or. their property. We have received absolutely no Satisfaction. The Venezuelans appear absolutely e Hogs per ow. .. • . . 0 40 to 0 40 • • • • THE . ST. 'CATHARINES NELL," Iti en titzneil:s‘ Gairrodteith .NCilitigYarbe!' Ii'alls is I situated .the historical ...".St. Cathar- znit Wet ," •almet :which is . woven • many• 0. romantic • Indian legend and olene .curati$e • properties ,are known far and *Me throteghott North Amer- ica. the waters of this famous Well are saline awl its prototype in Europe is the cele -rated Kiva. naeli Spring in Pritssii, The waters of this spring are a great speeific for such dieeases as. rhettinatisee, gout, 'neuralgia,' liver trutibl,s, s -in cliseasee. e11Se of llttOus prostration,- or as a tonic pure and simple. .• `, The Wellattd," the principal build - mg in wittch these waters are used, 'is' situated near the outskirts of St. Cath raies and 'most comfortable ac - toe mod tion ein Le had theta at rea onable rates. • For 'further particulars -mid alt i1t. forisaticti appy to the' local tici•et agents or .1, 1). Mello 'aid, District Paesellger Agent, Toronto, ClilltOn Market Report, New tf/Y 010 10 OW Wheitt • 010 t� 010 Cruise 46644 015 tO 0 15 narteY 104 44444 4 r 0 85 to 0 37 Oats 020to0 80 14 6443444Y* 005 to 0135 ItY0444 464446,444614W4W446, 0 40 to e 46 DEATHS. . • • .Wingitant; •oxi. Nov, 15, John George, • youngest child • of .Mr. and Mts. A. Pa Simmons, • aged 1 year and 11 months. ' MA...KENZIE-tn.' Goiter:eh, on Tues- - day, Nov..itale• 'leery Greenwood, • son of Mr. •and Mrs, Thos. Mac - 11)0 ie, • a.gect 26 years, months and 27ot-eye. • ROHFRIItTSCITo-In. Fullerton, on the. ,18th of November, ,Catherine a 'Misch, rel -et of. the late Valeit-• • tine Roldrietteh,.aged .76. years. 'WILSON-oIn Eait 'Weavanosh, on NO- . vember tall, Miss Rachael ' aged 57 years. and 6' inontho, • .. WETTLAUF.ER-In Blyth, on' Nov. 19t11, Miss Sy,billa Wettlaufer,ag-• ed 19- years. ' . • . ARMSTRONG -Te London, on Nov roth, Robert Armstrong, • formerly of 13ressels, aged 67 years. . SIPPLE-In Detroit, .on November 16, .• . 'Clare Sipple; daughter • of Mr, and • Mrs, Philip Sipple of Zurich. • GIBSON-In Vakorite,- on Nov, 18th, Sophia.Kernick, wife of Mr; Andiew.Gibson, aged 35 years • and, .t day. • • • , • • .• • • . , • . • • . '• lionitry Feed TrougInt. • a Clean out the troughs One hoOr ter feeding; says 1 he,' Southern., Pool- • toy Jouinal.• if fowls 'aee fedri_ho; just what :they evill • eat tie elate. 'there Will • be no need for eleaunia 'Ks troughs, as the fowls eto' it 'thou salves. , • • . • FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers for sale lot 43, can. 13, loullett, containing 90 acres, So 'acres cleared, balance good hardwood bush. 6 acres in fell wheat and IO acres fresh seeded down. Frame house and bank barn. one enile front the village of Auburn, Y2 mile from school. Will be sold on reasonable terms, Potatoes per bushel..N 025 to 080 Butter rolls nod crock 0 14 to 0 16 Butter In tub 0 IS to 014 Egga per C 15 to 0 16 fifty 8 00 to 900 ... . . . . 0 15 to 0 10 STOPS THE COUGH AND • • , • WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Broino Qiiinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No eure,.. no pay.. Price 25 cents. • 11' PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN ' THE NEWS -RECORD. CLINTON ARBLE Alsm GRANITE. WORKS The best eines flif work Procurableilea been • • , manufactuted here for manyyears past. WE.worr erill'on you a week after your bereavement: WE water make the work to suit • the prtee. • WE .W11.1. make the price to Suit the Work. .• WE wiLL give you the Choice of the production ef the work in design and matreitil We are the ONLY prac- tical men le Clinton in our line. Do not, be • talked into piecing your order without tirat on tie. • HOOVER,.PROP t t Commercial Hotel . • TITCEERSMITH.PARIVL FOR SALE, .444.644.4.1•1 . CARD OP TI1AN1CS, , We take this means of tenderieg our thasks to he Gore District Mutual Vire Ineuratice Co, 01 Galt tor the very prompt and satistactOry manner In Which they paid our fire loss width occurred es October 80t, tecO2. GODERICH ORGAN CO, A. Saunders, Manager, Goderieh, November rzth, t902. TO Charles Z.$haw Getteral .haw, Goderielt. Orders by mall promptly attended to WILLIAM YOUNGBLVT, Auburn P. 0, October 27th, STANLEY FARM FOR SALE. • eless. We see nothing for It but Flour per ewt......, ..... 16 to 2 10 the most serious measures.". ; Bran tier t.on.........•.. 14 00 tet 14 00 Post his hrether • Shorto per ton V 4 • 1$ 00 to 13 00 .4.14 As I wish to retire frotn farming I oiler to sell for $5,000 my splendid too I I I 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • - For an up4o-dater HAIR (XT - AND - .EAN SHAVE acre farm situated on the Front Road, ,e tittle east of Varna. 90 acres clear- ed, to acres hard aud sott wood bush. Good frame house with cellar, barn and shed. Good bearing' orchard, good water, hard and soft. A rare chance to get a fine farm cheap. Posseseion given early in the fall. HENRY MAKINS, Varna P. 0. June ioth. The undersigned offers for sale that choice 1,5o etre tam on the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, bue mile east of Clintoh. New frame house with sum- mer 'kitthen first class bank ,Oirn, drive Shed, 'lieu house pig pen, silo, two Wells, windmill: and small &- cheat. vhd iiityfield river runs across back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats, the fliteet of grass land. This le a splendid farm, well situated,' and will be sold on easy terms. .ARTHUR COUCH, Clihton *Tune 91h. try the leading barber. ; N5XT DOOR TO IRWIN'S Oreeggla George D. Roberton 441,04,4 0000 HULLETT FARM poR sALE. The undersigned offers for sale I,ot 42, Con. 13, Township of Hullett, con- sisting of 150 acres, sto acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, to acres stump land aid balance good hardworod bush, ' never celled. The lot 'is v‘fell watered and fended and is mile from a church, 2 mils from -Au- burn and 9 miles -front Clinton. A Public school is located on the corner of the lot, There is. a good two-stor- ey brick house.; 2 bank barns and out- buildings and a good bearing orchard. For further particulars apply to EPH, BALL, Atiburn P. 0. August 81.h. • •FLOOSE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers' for sale: a IX storey cottage with five bedrooms, large dining room, parlor, ete: Situ- ated on William street, tolivenient to the Collegiate Institute. For further particulars apply to James Scott, barrister. MRS. LAIRD' 'Clintin, June .23td. AIEETING OF THE 11'CRON COUNTY. COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation Of the County of Huroo will meet in the"Council• Chamber; in the Team or Goderich, CII Tuesday, the 2nf1 day of .December heat, at 3 o'clock p. nt IV. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goclerich this .15th day of November,. 1902„ . °rand Cement FOR SALE am agent in this dis- trict for the Owen Sound. Portland Cement Com- pany and am prepared to supply either large or small quantities. Contrac- tors apd others who in- tend Buildingwalks, walls or silos of cement will do well to communicate with me. The Saroppon brand of dement manufactured by the Owen Sound Port- • land Cement Company is the best cement op the market. Thos. os A Walker. . mh.t. .. • CLINTON Plow Points efraetsvelbseetaessteeseteekotata.........evaseottat. As I have still left a large atock of plough repairs 'on hand•and as the seas sou is getting late I will sell them all . off at below cost while they last. All Low Points 251) each. All Wing Points 30e each, • All Sok Strip 25e each. GangPoints from 25e, to .50c per pair. 'This is a rare chance to secure re- pairs -for fall pr next spring's use. 1 " . D. MeNAUGIITON, • . ,.... _- ...........__ ._ ....... . ..... ___-_:-..., . Varna, • . - . cKow -x,- HIGH 'CLASS HAI/NESS SHOF' Good quality barness, both light. and heavy, at moderate. prices. I sell best Saskatchewan Robes, . . . also Rugs, Blankets,' Trunks,•Val- . , • . . •• . nes., Etc, • • Now Is The Time to have your Cutters and Sleighs . otre?- • hauled and repaint- . ed and the place to' ... have them done right•ii at . RUMBALL and' MoMATH Se., Clinton, e • • • • GKOW11. • AGENTS ww.sirgn. - Either on full or part %time • -• • Are you satisfied Witit.yeer iticome? : Is •your time fully occupted ?. If riot, write us. We can= give you employ- . ment by the month on'good terms or contract- to pay 'yon well for such ; leminess as you secure for tia at Odd , thins.' We. employ. both male and . • female representativet. The next three • in.onths is the very best tiine tO sell our goods. alo deposit is required. Outfit isubsolutely tree. We have the . ldrgeSt nurseries in Canada -over 80o acres-oit large range of valuable neW specialities and all out stock is guars anteed as represented. If you want •to - represent the largest, most popular andbest knowit nursery write os. It will be worth your while. • . : STONE & WELLINGTON, Canada's Greatest Nurseries ' • . Toronto; Ont. sees *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a • , . .. • so It TOVES . ° OAL - 003141.. I TOVES . . OAL 00D i e e i HAPPY' TliOTIGET RANGES: . • . The People's Favorite: * '4 HEATERS that will burn • . • it Soft Coal, Hard Coal or Wood: • • : AIR TIGHT HATES 8• • s for Wood only, $3.50 to $4.50 each: • Washed Hock • It ing Valley Chestnut Coal • it Soltable for Rouges and Small Cord Burners : • • : Select Lump Mingt,lewood IViassilon • . Suitable for Oates on any kind of Oloking SlOVOS 444 Semi Anthracite, a small quautiiv only • Suitable for Self Peedere and rurnacee I : 8 0 • OnDZItti left at our store for httice loads of wood from the holt we are 2 ; 6 filling at promptly as pottage. If for any reaSon when wood is cle- ; 0 8 it away. Satisfection or your money hack. o • * : ORDERS for half cords rind cords en be delivered from our yard. A few . tords Wood Chunks -Jost the thine, for fuennees or largo wood to a Wattle. We have our orders in for Heed Goal and will have it tut • 41 60011 de we tan. • • ,••••441d1.011. Y..*** i I HARLAND BROS 1 • . I 2 * i CHEAP - HARDWARE' - STORE. I •••••••4000000.90•40.0*.lpoellot 4,•044.0•0•004,400ioisitoeiii• • t • 4 s livered it is not. sat istaetory advise us et. OUP atom and we will take • -1 i a I 1 1