HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-27, Page 1fs'
^leeeteeeeeatteeeeeeveleakbeeteWtabeeetelleeeteelseeeeeetteelleeleeeelitteelfeREFERENDUM SERMONS', A LA.TER ROSE'.
0 -
$ Revs.Manning and Gifford made To intimate to tie that the rose
strong appeals to their congregations •grovet in Miss Mounteastlees' garden
$last nday evening on behalf of the was not " The Last Rose of Sum-
Sureferendem awl will continue the sub- mer," Mr. Ed, Carter laid ce well
ieet next Sunday as well. In the ev- developed blossom upon our table on
a eniug Rev, Dr, Gifford will reply to .Saturdey. evening, and Itiuted that h?
r the " Ten Reisons" advanced : by the . would have enother for us next Sat -
, ueday,, .
1 Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph arid Dominion Express
$ Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns, '
.sa/ea-mwer•irargwv‘iiola~lia-iveaoga-givewebovarieriever. isaAliv.s.e....t.
I The
for Christmas
Gifts. . . .
please a lot of people
more than anything else
you could buy. Feed the
mind which should dotu
Mate the body.
We offer as mental
pabulum, as well as a
feast for the eye. some
handsome editions of
the classics, the latest
popular novels, too.
Both the Referenduni supporters and A quiet wedding took' place on High
the Antis Imee secured advertising street . yesterday when Bites 1.411iiin
space he this week's issue of The Ferguson,. daughter of Mr. Janes Fere
sNews-Recoeee The former give the guson, became ti e bride of Mr. Wm.
form of tlineallot on Page 0, while Carter of Stapleton. The ceremony,
the article on page 2 entitled. "Not a which was witnessed, by aelly a few iii -
Pr Itibitory Measure.' is what the timate friends was perforated by Rev.
Antis bought seam' for, . Dr. Stewart, 'The happy couple took
the afternoon train for Lontion where
...st.....1 .1• eytt .
theylotI)viiiil spend a portion of the lion -
The last Gazette contained the of-
ficial announcement of the appoint- PIPE AND TOBACCO.,, . .
meet of Dr, Shaw as .stirgeon of the •
fiuroti Regiment and Dr. Bunter as The employee of the ease room at
medical officer supernumery. Capt.ii, the b. uf r. 1 rewsieinitect their late fore-
. • Shaw has always been. one •<:, ie , • iarn Mennel, on Fri -
most efficient and popular officers • of day evening last wi th au aderess, •
• .
. the reel:lent so .that- his promotion is a . handsome Pipe ., and • a geodlY
supply of tobacco. Mr.. Mennell *got
along nell with the men in his . de-
He has gone to . London to accept
the position of 'foreman of the machine-
• and ease rooms in the iiew organ fac-
te.ry and is now assisting in plaeing
the meet:hies in position, Ile hes sold
the house he occupied to Mrs-, Anuie
East for eeoo, while Mr. Beet Keinp
ilicaalebeught. the. .clivelling he has had -
Mr. Stewart. Seymour succeeds Mr.
Men:tell as foremen of the case thorn.
Me is a good mechanic . and Popular
with his lame enicloyes. '
. . ..
. • .
The Ritlgetpwii Dominion in its lag
,iestie had the folltevinge It Rev. B.
Clement, a former Pastor, oceupied
the pulpit. of • the Methodist •church on
Sunday, . preaching to large cone&
gationse In the evening the reverend
gentletnandelivered an interesting and .
timely discourse on the legal aspects
of .the liquor act to be voted upon on
Dec.- .-4th. During his stey in town..
Rev, Mr. Clement found 'time to call
on many old friends, ine.luding The..
Dotiiinion, • Mr. Clement's .charge . at
'leingsviile is a eery large and, , in ' a .
manner, a peculiar . one. For instanee
seeeety two . ectinnomicants, . of his
congregation bear Ilia . name or •Wigle, •
tepresentiieg. - thirty efeht: 'families. :A
. 1 out forty others rejoice- in the name •
'of • Scratch. Then eoere are over. •.a"
'score of the IlaMe. of Fox, - closeleefoi-
lowed by a great member of Mallets.
Rev; .11Ir. Clement is as vigorous as .
.c)er and he 'says he. is always pleased'
• to visit Ridgetown of which' be eihinke
so 'much that in all these years - he
has refused to sell his .property , here.
In his opinioI1 leidgetawn. is am: of the.
Most charming le:eke-nee:0e towns . . in
Shakespeare, Scott, Burns, Tennyson, Ra1p13 Connor, Speer,
Morgan. They are all represented here.
Also Toy Books for children of every age.
for Christmas
terned, gracefully designed and
shaped Chinaware.
making for you the beautifully pat.
Art and A.rtisans have united in
We know you will find here 0
many things to your liking.
Call whether you are in the
buying mood or not.
Ready about Dec. lst. Profusely illustrated in two colors.
Six coloied plates. Order yours today. Price 50c.
W. Cooper & Co., CLINTON.-
Iestablished under the Canadian Bank Act Of 189O .:
First in Canada to issue its eapitatstock. ata :premium
I Bank
&commence business with a Reserved Fund.
I41k. Every man, woman and
child should have 'a Savings
i Bank account with us.
That if you continue to
spend all you make, you'll
be poor all your life? '
ICLINTON • AFerit - ' - •
BRANCH L. R Snyder, Mgr' ' . ECUR1TY
••••••••t•••;•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ONIONi. '
444444.444444++++44+144+++++4444+:+444444++44. '
If You
Pay More .
Than we charge for repairing you pay too much, if. you
pay less you don't get your work done right, We do our
watch, clock and jewelery repairing as well as it can he
done and our prices are very low—cleaning, $i ; main-
springs, $1, and all other work equally low. When was
your watch cleaned last 1 Better have it .examined now ;
you may save yourself considerable expense later on.
P. B. Crews, . •
BiddlecoMbe's Old Stand.
Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer,
Refractionist and Dispensary Optician. •
received with, pleasure,
The News -Record congratulates Mr.
Harey Darrow of hayfield, who on
Wednesday , of last• week joined •the
the ranks of the benediets: Hie bride
was Mrs. Eliia,beth Pollock. They.
are. well , known and much respected
residents 'ofhayfield and numerous
friends join, with ThaNews-Record in
'wishing en'; much happiness.-
LIS CRCH. ' . .
•The monthly meeting of. the \V: r;
M. 5. we.s 'held last eltuesda.y evening
with Mrs. R. • Irwin presiding. 'elle
eceotional topic " The Marriage
Feast,." Was tame .by Miss Ilettie
Leslie and wee:exceedingly interest-
ing. The Missionary topic, "Coluui-
was ably. dealt with by ' Mrs.
W:•O'Neil.• The...meeting was well at-
tended cted• :tore are becoming inter-
ested, The society will hold its ap-
midi 'meeting ,in 3 apuary. '
• 'The Meeting of the C. E. S. was
held Dee 11fronday evening.' kirks Apes-
. ton Woe the catechism and Mr. 4:olin-
• MeEetentlealt with the topic., :".The
-.1,ord:e-Supper," in. a very interesting
. manner,' after which the soCiety ,was
faveired with a well reederete duet by
Misses. Doetzer ' and •ArenetrOxig.. '
Hexing, removed froM West to East
Huron Mr. 0. W. Holman' has resign-
ed his position of sec. -treasurer of the.
West Huron Teachers' Association,
position he has held for the past fit -
tem years. Thus West Berthn has lost
another of the stalwarts of ,thee pro-
fession and one by one either by
death or removal the ranks of the MEI
veterans of the county are being thin -
:led out and, if we are correctly in-
formedethere ere onlY two of Mr. Hol -
mates eolleaeoes of twenty years ago
still in the 1 tofeseion in this c,ounty.
These .are • Mr. H. 1 Strang; B. A.,
of Goderich and Mr. George Baird of
. The' entertainment given by the
Ladies' Guild of St. paul'e church -on
Moiday evening' was quite- in keeping
Stanley. It is a pity ;that the email
with tee reputation •theee. ladiee • have
.salariesare responsible vete' largely acquired in preseng • an. acceptable
' iecriery and . musical
flee their • lack' .ef • pertimeiermy 'in • •the prog.-ani. The
poition. consisted of musie by . the
•prohssion as • there are •very few •con
radies .St. ,Panes •clioie, piano solo.
teut to 'reMain at 'a" besiness • Where
:the Salaries ,cpntinue to range keel by miss -.Tome, song. be 'Mr: Dowding.
$270 to . eeoo.. in rtieele districts ' We and a gong by *Mies •McCoreie. ;While
it might' be Meidions to pertieularize
e not learned who elohnesee•
where all diet so well yet' the 'songs by
-seceesser will 'he; but it is safe to •
'Miss MeCorvie atd Mr: 'Dowding were,
predict that the. teachers °Meet Bine
• 1 d I '
unusually g,-oc an t icy mill1 ie mard
on m ill -Miss the familiar figure of
pi. asure again.. • e rec i ohs
their. genial secretary- at their future Th
is now prin- by, Mr. Gee.- Stewart and Miss . May.
meeting. .Mr. • Holman•
.'were \well reC6:vi d • and Mr.
• '-ci; el Egmeedville • Public Schoel . Rance.
Seewart's leepecl Semeli was a revelio.'
4..ane •has re-engaged for next year.
flow ' the audience. • It - was not
,. at'. aeealary of $soo. We are certain*
known thee there was so much 'Scotch
...his. 'Maly: friends iti •Huron )Vill loin
;. The viewe ,Shown• by Mr.
in. Wishieg,. him erosperity in • his new '"'
, Brewer vide, pitheos ofeltiaskoka.•
ery and -views' of. vessels; .fnosely, keel.
ee_ •
C. C., X. LITERARY SOCIF,TY. • ' the naval photos ...di Wickeam, which
X • • e were kindly. lent , for .the occasion by
The -.third Meeting. of the e.% C. L I. Mr,, powsling; Mr: W. .a,•,Phillips ex -
S. took place' on Thursday last. It -Wailed, the boat pictures • and seemed
was Opened by an instrumental duet th he v.htll pleased that. , that part c1
by the .Misses • Jackson.. .••- • the progreen kit to his lot. • Mr.trew-
Peesident O, Mustard meek an add- . er was .as usual ,jecliciotis in his eeiec-
.rees on "Business" in, which ee said : . tion and some • of the views given to
Ae cetr . last Meeting We deeided to 'hind:variety to ehe 'show • were very
print . the school 'paper. • The TYre is - beautifiil and well illustrated, • espe-
the' (Akita :organ of the C. C. I. L.S. daily the illitetrated •song .- "Angels
anti its articles . are for the direct in- ever bright ane fair" which was well
etraction. ol the: .members . We trust rendered by Miss Edna' Copp and the
'the aim is not only to advertise our "Death of leelsori" Which Mr Brewer
'schobl but to eiere. the students caeca- recited. The -proceeds, ti silver zollec-
tion in reporting and in each knoWled- • tion at the door, amounted to 51P,80.
go as would be useful in our ,echoel .'• .
'work. The three essential qualities THE NEW SUPERINTENDENT., . •
for 'success in life are tact, push,'
and principle,: 'What are the requisites ' Afineeting of the officers• and teach.:
of success. . Work, work, . work. we ers of Wesley S. S. was held on ,Tees-
haee aix ,able staff and we Want arti- ilex evening for the parpo.se. of .teking
tees from each one 61 thestudents, action upon the matter of Mr. W. N.
Whatever is interesting in the life you elanning'sresignation...Mr. Manning's
lead., write an aecount of it atid give removal to Landon made et eateessary
,it to the Tyro and by doing. your part to, 'resign .his position as eimprintepe-
•care• Make each issue better than. ent.. Though, regretting vete,. :Midi SU
the last, . • • - • • . .removal iroin tewn.aed from hie work
We care selling our stock
of Tweeds at 25 per
cent. discountoff our usual
. ein ilikeschooe, the committee • could
The, businces • ' of the ' Exeta-. hot dootherwise than accept his res-
tive ' collimated was discuesed. In re- taaetae. They weld not, however,
gard to the piano Mr, MeLeati said.
that they had perchased it 'mad ',paid Iet the opportunity pass without ex-
. Pis 'lrcssbg. tirr4rtab13ei)iieand they had a. balance of so to eee,tielea:aeeeiaeigef Itisea%lray - this week. The . school board
would ' edvance the fun atnouut or and .kindly eficets for the 'evelfare f
balance before Easter. In regard to the school and !. all. concrned therein
constitution and by-laws Mr. Howeon in the years that are past, also their
advised their consideration to be bit good wishes for his mid his familyes
prosperity and happiness in the future.
to A, special meeting which was done.
Mr. Scat was appointed critic. The
eitterteittment was continued by a solo
by Mr. N. March, accompanied by
Mists- L. Jackson. Then followed
A. • resolution expreesing these ten -ti-
n y .
et'', seconded by Mr, NV, R. Lough, and
*carried ananimotisly. The pastor
reaeing 'by Mr. Howson entitled "The nominated 4 persons es candidates to
Football Match i'. Seafurth," - which for the 'position of superinteudent to
the vacancy, namely,
me ts was moved I> Mr A T CO013-
111 1,44,0:tif:w2celitt 4tiele htiaesxt.e4;tunfi?..)reiotwteans fIll A. Cooper, G. A. IVIaleAe' attrklee.
4. Manning, Mr. Cooper was elected
ati instrumental by Miss Sean Scott.
The ,prieeipal part of the program 9415 at the call, of Olecliair made
The 20th Century Brand stands
for what is best in Clothing for
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inferior or "poorly made suits or
OVOITOEttS. Each garment is cut
separately by a prp.ctical cutter.
Skilled tailors make them up and they aro as carefully
pressed and finished as any ordered suit you can buy.
Only high•grade, up.to-clitte materials and first-class trimmings are used,
20th Century Brand Clothing is equal to eustOixt Made.
was the flrate, • "Resolved that weie-
• eh shoe have the right to vote."
The affirmative Was talcen b Misses
• E. Cludley, 3.. Carbrig "Al * Gullil ; of the echeol. Mr. G. A., ROrke also
the negative by MasstS. G. Manning, toidered los resignace on as associate
T. il 11 d T D I
sttitablo remarks, t iug
the teach-
crs and officers for the hemor they had
co:eared nee Ithe and asking .for
their heerty co-operation in the work
euperintendent, wishing to give his
was given in fevor of the allirmatiVeentire sate:dim% to the teachiug of his
. The second edition of the Tyro Wee Bible class, He was urged to recon -
titan read by the editor' K. Ilowsoie e'd 1 's r te, 1 '
Mid as Mr, Scott couldnot see :illy- clihitig to do so it was °eve:tett,
thing, to critioise Mr. McLean Inc.& a
reinciel 8, They ititend to giVe
eoncert to raise 'motley to paiy lor the
ers had been held and it•Was decided
piano. A consultation of t ie teeth-
donttion Towtrsttv.
to hold 0, eoneett iit the town itall on Iffie joint Middleton, returned
Tuesday °vetting next. Admission to frorn Manitoba. last week.
• students rsct others Op. Reservedlte 1 xtgllsh1
# seats S5c, The entertainment will be dieton's comet intends giving a eau
S.41064010404416104404101014"Ali" Hiliknbillittfro Well Worth going to hear,—Cottii .tata somewhere about Christmas.
filliollAtololoob'4.1‘41•4-444•464 _
e es e. sueele=sietalbea...es
. Whole Number 1243
Butter 15e to 10e
Eggs 10e to 17e
Prime }loge $5.05. ,
Wheat 70e
Cate .28e to 30e.
If Clinton is a little slow in holding
out inducements for additional indus-
tries it is not so with. other towns.
Por instaneeMalkerton almost Mewl;
ously passed by 'laws granting assist-
ance to a biscuit factoey, a bobbin
factory and a hosiery factory and in
Seaforth on Monday only ten ratepay-
ers voted against a loan for a woollen ,
facto' y.
Editor William Irwiu of the Durham
Chrouicle htid the following in his is-
sue ef lest week " Wtn, Irwin
was married Teesday eight to Miss
Shaw, formerly Cif Clinton. Be not
deceived, we ain't none of this crowd,
mid because we don't know the gal we
ban% just say whether we're sorry or
not. Rev, Smith tied the nuptial
k not .
• On Tuesday a. in.. fifteen etalwert
attacked Rev. Father McMenamin's
woodpile and at high noon they had' it
all split and nicely piled away. This
with the supply of emir, which his ree-
enee, with his usual ' forethought,
teinglit, and obtained in June last, wili
tide him overt he Winter, Theirlabor
ended; the et:die:nes repaired tothe
dieing 'keine where a hounteoies dineer
awaited there "wed to ivhich they did
ampie justice. Help one' another. is
the inOtto•of the good people pf St.•
Joseph and they live upto it; •.
NOT vsTANTpri. :
The following advertisement has.
been running in the Torento,Globe few
the past week : •-•
" (god. °peeing for young Catholic
doctoree•Elds 01, Clinton, Ont." •
Rev. Father McMenamin drew at-
tention to the matter liefore Service
lost Sunday Morning and :expressed.
his surprise at the appearance of the
advertisemene. Ile said .that it was
totally tincalleel, for, that he had per-
fect confidence in our resident phy-
sicians find WAS sure ' his palest'.
Mem:6 had sinithir ,views. HP did not
know.the object of the advekisemeet
and could not but regard it as prat:-
ticel joke. '
11fnud Porter hes been engaged
by the trusteee of S. S. No. 10, Buffett,
for 1003 to succeed Mies Agues Chalky
who, we enderetareit lotends taking a
Poorse,at the Normal College, Hamil-
ton. Mise Porter is one al the bright-
eet, students that has attended our
educational institutions.
Tuesday -0. 0. concert in town
etall. Miss Marlette. LaVell, enter.
Wrier and eloctitionist, Mise Teresa
Flannigan, soprano. Highly . reeolo-
:needed, Plan at Fair's ,
Wednesday- .Gun Club compettlion
for the Sovereign Bank trophy.
Tbursday- Voting on the Referen-
Oo 'Saturday enoiming 'lase Mr:
John TWiss of Se/tenth Was .killed by
nti electric wire attached te, an inerin
descent lamp.. It is el:Limed. that the
wire was. not properly insulated and
an incotese was held . ie.reportea
that the fatnily Will enter an ectieft
.gainst the electrielight coMpany..
Mr. Twias lived .for ,several years in
• Geederich township and Was wel
known in tbitedisetiee. His wife and
nine children euryive hirn. • ,•
He was an Cranfeecean and a mem
eer ofehe Canadian •Order of Fewest- '
.01S, the funeral takirig peace limier the
auspices of the latter on; Motulay. The
-Canadien Foresters, froin Clinton' Who '
attended were: A. J. Grigg, " J. •
Smith; Dedd,i•A. Wilke!), 3 . 'Hayes,
McelitY and. Gook. ,.In all
•there. were about four seore P'oresters
the eottege. • . , • .
.A meeting in the interests of the Le -
Per missions was held in Willis church
lest night, Rev, Dr. Stew -art presided
and there wris a fair atteraiance. A
local branch of the Society wile organ.
ized • withe tbe following as officers .
president, Miss SteVenson ; eeteretery,
Mrs. .3.. W. Irwiu treasurer, Mrs.
Hornier ; Mrs, Brewer and Mrs. Cour
tire are also members cif the executive..
• An able address was given by Mrs.
Watt of Guelph, who is in no way con-
nected with the missions of Indiaeitiler
than I het her interest in the welfare of
toh0 Leifer missions has led her to
ePeak for the cause and in the inter
Cate of those who are actively connect-
ed with. them in •India. The Lepel
tnieition, she said, WAS in no Way in
• opposition. eo the, either, inissions; but
was very closelyAconneetefl, in fact
the extra, Week was taken up by the
• regular tniseionaries with their other
duties, The Leper inissimi, Wale
said, was started by e Mr, Bailey
who saw that. these Unfortunates,
could not be handled in connection
with the other work, and by diligent
work succeeded in forming them into
separate homes, although under the
• control and supervision of the ririt.
lar mission schools. She said that it
WItS by Coristitetprayee the object of
his letters Wits acconiplished. It verte
cradled in prayer and built tin prayer.
Great interest was taken in the work
'of eating for these poor unfortunates
. by the.people of Great 1 ita n, in a
couttnittee, Was rot ined which was
cOmposed of some of the leading busi
nese Men a. ig
land end &Mimed. The head of the
Committee was Lady. •Dufferiti and
their aid and influence made It possib
le for Mr, Bailey to carry out his plane.
Between .siety eetenty homes had
been ereetedlor the lepers and nearly
WOO people were now under care, She
said that it was wonderful the way
those poor outeasts grasped the mean.
ing of the Christian teaching and in
all the homes and schools therteT'vere
perhaps three in one hundred Willi
were not, professed Christians.
Mr. Cooper, who • was on TuesrlaY
night elected superintendent of Wes-
ley S. S.; hite been identified with the
'school 'for Years :mil Wilt 1111 the 'posi-
tion with tact, abiliey and seal,
. ..
• , Mr, ,Ighn.ThoiripSon, Jr,, 'has •re-
turned from apple ' peeking after .hav-
ing spent oeer two elioaelis• •• down
soetir at businesSe • ' •
. •
' Among" those• who returned. from
.141aaitOba last week we tweieecl Mr.
George Ratiovell: George intends to
•go • back to Toronto and accept his
'oed 'position. there in. a large whole-.
sa‘Olewisitt;r1.6' typhoid fever the •Co. liege
in Ottawa was eosed dowe, therefore
Mies Lizzie elicit:110ton returned home,
Jareott .of
ettending . Clinton. .1)ebdel :scheol, is
hired as teacher in the 9th school for
theyear. 19,o3 at a: .ea.lary $32.5. •
: Mr . Fred, Etemerion of eon...7 late
a severe attack of. appendicitis• . • '
Mr, Arthur Cooper, or con 9. ie al-
so cone:cid :to his bed, the cild troub-
le, thee/eolith:I, attacking. lien 'again:.
We hone ,.for his speedy recovery,
••• 'Rev.. Mr. Yelland will :preach . a
'tenipmanee sermon next Sinaley .afeer-
noon in Celes. church. • ' • • .
Mr. :Peorge Steep .of, the 9th • con,
has' recently purchaser' a square %grand'
pioeio ;Irma • Col. Hoare of Clinton: •
Sneqk thieves. visited Mrs.' John
Thompson's Milk hpuse on Thursday
night feet and stole' forty pound's of
butter wnich she had .put pp for win-
ter use by the, family. It was not so
, thud: the . Value of the golden 'heed
better., as the fact that it will thus
late in the season be: diffieult to put
up anether etipply, tinuOys Mrs.
Thompson. Two: years • ago her. milk
houme was ,Skri.ilarly. raided, bettereanil
.syrup being ea. en on that occasion;
it is feared an operetion will. yet have,
.Heyter visited friends . on
ttuWaryad.tsye Hayter
1.0,t ft. e, oecTeedr, ri si is
r vvei
Mr. Jaents IVIose's, , •
9t11 e�it..
Miss A.
sick 1*. last week,. , .• , , •
ieentity of the thieves: .
to say, still • continues quite ill and
There is a: strong suepicioe as to the
to be performed. e
. Mr, Fred, Emnierson was On the
businesS worth ie,orcling at the last
ft:neer as well, The clerk informs
Goclerich. .• • • .
iting .lier eister, 'Mrs; • James Mose,
visit 1VIMulay merning.•
before returning home to Hexplirkey.
Robert. Cantelon pain the eth . a- flyiug.
IVIonday next and on the ietli .of Dee
The News -Record that there was no
114r. Albert Thoinpsoil, 'we are sorry
Miss Sephis. and Miee Alice
Miss. 011ie Bates has -retinned to
Mr: Ad, Centel:oft Siteclayeci. oft the
Mr,' Ad, McCartney Senelay.ed, , at
Mesere: GeOrge McCartney • end
The township -council will meet on
of the township et
Peel in Wellington comity was the
guest of his consiii, Mr. Guy Hick,
this it ecle returnieg 'home olt Wattles -
(ley. Mt, Utly is seriouely thinking
cr selling hie farm in Peel where the
conditions are :lot cluniging to .his
liking and ahile here looked over it
timelier of places which; are for sale.
Mr. A. Seeley :vent a half day at
Mr W Crook' e fixing up a traction
engine- mid made a, good job of et.,
A ratting of 14. 0, No. 189
wilt be l'eld on December 8th, As
there will be the election of officers
and Other bUsiliess' to tratisaet it full
attend ince is requesttd.
Rev. W. Lowe of Winglutin will
prea le eh the Anglican churches at
ltoblicsville and bum-
intebill on. St nclay next. Rev. It, A.
Wright is to coeduct the services in
St. Paul's (lurch, Wiughem, on that
Pot the news of Goderith township
read The News -Record.;
A -'vefty happy event =erred on
Wednesday evening of last week when
Mr.II. Darrow, proprietor of the Come
merciel hotel, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Pollock of this village was united in
holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev.
J. McNeal in the presence of a large
number of frieuds and rels.tives. Dr,
Smith played the wedding march itt
good seyle as the happy couple too1.
their places. A bank of chrysanthe-
mutes anf ferns formed the background
for tee bridal party. The .bride was
very beautifully attired in a handsome
grey going away gown with silk waist
to Match. After the cerentoey all re-
tired to the dining room to partake
of the good things that usually
low such an event. The house was
beautifully decorated with powers for
the occasion, Mrs. Darrow was the
recipient of many bea.utiful presents.
The happy couple left next morning
for Sagieaw,Mich., and Niagara. Falls
to spend their honeymoon. Mr. and.
Mrs. Darrow's many friends' extend
hearty congratulations.
Mr, II, F. Edwards is visiting fri-
eilds in .14olict at present.
• Mrs, Parsons, who has been visiting
her son Robert at Hillsgreen for the
past three weds, returned home on
Sunday last. '• .
Mrs. Hudie, who -returned a short ,
while ago r fter 'en mei ended trip
tleough France anti Italy, belt on
Saturday last far Loedon, where she
will remain for a month after which
she will go to Florida for winter.
111r, Alexander BroWn, who has been
on the Government steamer hayfield'
for the' pa.st summer, returned home
011 Prida.y last.
Mrs. Mr.) Atkinson, who has spent
the satirtner here, returned to her
home in Detroit for the 'wipter. •. •
Miss Nellie Haines Of Holyrood,Whe
hes been visitirg her sister, Mrs. el.
Drehteann for the past three weeks, .
returned to her home last Saturday.
'Miss Lenna Erwin gave a. party to
inunber el her friends on Friday
evening last. .
• The prohibition meeting 'held in St.
A.nclrew's chuich Thersday evening
last was well attended.. The. speakers
were :Messrs: J. Wallie, D. McKenzie, •
M. Ross and J. Delgaty. Mr. John
Fteser occupied the chair. - The reci-
tetions given. hy Miss Pete Stanbury •
were well received. A collection was
taken up at the cease of the meeting
to defray, ee:penses. It is to be hoped
the meting will lia,ve good in -
&once in the caese ol temperance.
Miss Nellie 'Card, Who' has been at
hoine for the past. enontle returned to •
Toronto on Tuesday,
• Miss Carter and Dr: Atkins:eel's eatn- '
ily; who have epent the summer here,
returned lie their home in Detroit, on
Tuesday, -
. VABN.A..
. The. Glioet Appears.—The' Other • ev-
tieing • as Mr.- Thos. Word. end family
w.re quietly seated at their evening
eniployenents a, loud rap soundee . on •
the door. Mrs, Werd'' opened the door
eftd saw standing . on the platform •
a figure all dreseed in. black beekonieg
to her With awhite deathlike hand. - . •
.Slie was naturally much 'startled and. '
•eoule itot 11l What she had .seen for
same triintrtes: As ioon as kr. Ward
nclerstoacl what etas the matter. he • •
,Mieediatily nent ott es fee- ready for.
eettle but although the garden • 'and
gr ends were thoroughly • searched
nothing ,eoide be _found., As tlic house
is Only a short distance from, the
therch yard Mr.. Ghost must have
elf pia cl quietly away to his . ;former
itat nte, .
Rev..Mr. Hobbs. of Wingliain adde • ,, :•
eessed a large audience in the Metho-
dist church. on Tuesday eVeningon the . -
teinfierientre question: Mr. Hobbs has
the etiestion of the day • with all the '
opposing arguments well studied and •
'everyone says it was the best lecture .
of -the kind ever given in Varna.
Every voter should see his ..way clear
to vote for. tenmertence after hearing
the ' Rev, gentleman.
The Varna glee club met this week
at Mr. George Shore's.. They have ,
added several new nice -there lately. •
Reeve McNaughton will. next week .
eisit the great ,Live Stock Exhibiteon .
in Chicago. He is one of our Most •
progressive , farmers and being much '
interestedein live stock Will no doubt .
get some ,pointers at, this big show, •
• - .
• . .
Oit Wednesday of this week a large '
number of relatives and friends as- '
sembled at the home tef Mr. and Mrs.
Josegi Hudson of the Pete Line, it
being the marriageof their. youngest
domgliter, 1tuis Eva Alice, to Mr:
Benjamin Wilson Carlisle of Bay, The'
bridewas attired itt a, handsome dress
pf cream albatross, trimmed with ap7
partite ttinetning .and crease silk rib-
bon. The flower girl wee Miss Anna
Hudson of Marlette, Mich., who was
dressed ' „in cream cashmere eriftimed
with lace and ribbons and carrying a
boquet of white chrysanthentums. The ,
flowers df thebride were •white •ear -
nations, The groones present to the
flower is
was • a. gold bracelet: Mise
Eva es one of Ilillsgreen's • most
charming young ladies rod most
highly respected by all, while the
groom is oho of Hay's most prosper-
ous young farmers. Mr. 'mid Mrs.
Carlisle wilt take up their abode on
the Lang farm lately mirehased by
Mr. Carlisle, Youreorrespoetlent oins
with elicit many friends in wishing.
them a safe journey throttglrelift.
Mr. ITarry • 13agler moved out to ,
Brecefield this week.
Laura Horace returnea to her •
home- at Dryedale .oii Smalley, .
Mr. Webster Turner, who has been
ilI for some teinet is, we are glad to,
se.y, improving nicely.
Mr. John Coehrafte still coetimies
very ill.
Mr. George Pringle is 1101114 again
after threshing with Mr. William
.aed Mrs. William Douglas of
Marlette, Mich., are visiting frieleis
Mr. Wm. Reichert had the misfore
time to get kicked with a horse last
v"ttemperattee meeting was held In.
the Presbyterian church on Thnradeg
" • •