HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-20, Page 7TheMolsons Bank' RICH BLOOD
Strong Nerves
Xecorporated by
Act 01 Parliament, 1855 -
Capital e - • - $2,500,000
Rest s - • - 2,e5o,000
e Wm. Molson Maepherson, President.
ditines Elliot, General Manager.
s Notes discounted. Collectione made.
Drafts issued. Sterling a•nd Amer-
. lean Exchange bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
AtOko. Interest allowed on sums of 14 and
Money advanced to farmers on their
own notes with one or more en-
dbrseeti. No mortgage required as
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
O. D. MeTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. . Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street
Money to loan.
Office—Elliott Block - - Clinton. ereiVerese
Whet/ the blood gets thin end watery,
as it usually does at this time of year, the
nerves are first to suffer; they are starved
end exhausted. Headache, dizzy spells,
Indigestion. weak action of the heart,
languid1 depressing feelings, weakness
and functional derangements of the Wily
organs are the result.
You can feel Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
doing you good day by day, as it strikes at
the -root of trouble and creates new, rich
blood. You can prove that it builds up
new tissues and adds flesh if you weigh
/ourself each week while usiugit.
Mr. j. McFaul, carpenter, 3 t5 Manning
A.venee, Tomato, states :—"I have used
lir. Chase's Nerve Food for acuteindlges-
Con, nervoysness and inability to sleep,
end now, after a thorough test, I ant
pleased to say that my nervous system
has been built up, and I rest and eleep
well. I can speak very highly of this
preparation, knowing it to peasess curative
properties which I have failed to find in
other remedies." so cents a box, at all
dealers, or Edmanson. Bates it Co.,
Vr. Chase's
Nerve Food
The News -Record has a large and
increasing circuletion Nelda make&
t a splendid advertising medium. It
pays to edvertise in The, News -Record.
Notary, Public, Etc.
Olffice—Ileaver Block - Cliuton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to loan.
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance,
ges Deeds, Etc., deawn tor
$t each. All work neatly and
cheaply done. ISSUED BY .
Recent gre.cleates have accepted good
vositioes at $45, f45, $5o. and $60 per
• month, and a few days ago
n. an appli-
catioreceiv.ed offering •one of our
graduates of last term a salary of
.800 per annum. This is the kind of
evidence you are looking for as to the
best school to attend. Catalogue free.
Enter this -month if. possible. . e-
• •
I 1 1111 1 1
A Mtwara' Taralole Demonstrating tha
Desire er the Savior That AU *len
Should Do Saved Seoul Their sins end
the eiereuenees Thereof -rill the'
ISOlultuiting 1411 of the King" of Ulnas.
Fettered According to of Parliament of e90-
eite.10 UW yeerD.
10c!.14Y WI Ilkul Bail of 10"
40. at
Oiet 441itonture. th.1.40Va.
'Chicago, Nov. 16. -- The duty of
.ChrisLian layinka to preeent the gos-
pel, invitation to peopie who have
ttot . yet accepted it is enjoIned in this
acclaim by Rev. Frank lie Witt Tale
mage on the text Luke eilv, 28, "Co.
out . into, the highways and hedgee
and compel them to come in.'' • ,
Christ was eompariug the kingdom
a baton to a reat banquet which
•Goe had mewed for his iavited
guests, who, woulit not come. The
Earl of Leicester made great prepar-
ations to receive Elizabeth, the eerie,
gin Queen'. ot England," when . she
eU tbe castle bane of old Kotiil-
woi Not Dilly was his banquet
halL hrilliunt with many lights, , but
• no sooner did the. royal guest step
upon the drawbridge which led into
the. castle titan n raft, made as a
• floating island, came into view. lepe
on this floating - Island sat
a beautiful Wonme. he was
earrounded by her . water 'nymphs.
She . came, • as :queen of the
litite, to bend the knee itt homage, to
the visitiug queen.- At night while
the banquet. went 'on the heavens
wee aflame with lite illuminations of
firewerks. "Such," Wrotethe clerk ,
'of Queen Elizabeth's council chime
bcr, .wa.ti the hiae 01 burnbng darts,
the ,gleani of stars comment, the. •
strvaans.and hail of fiery eparkseight.e.
nings of Wildfire and ifiget shot of
thunderbolts, with- continuance
rot' and vehemeney, that the• heavens
.thiettleretl, •the waters surged and the
ene•th: shook,. and for my part,. heedY'
as- I aut, it made me vengeebly
afraid,'' But though the queen. love
• et.. Made great and wonderful prepar-
ations to receive his royal .guest in
the gorgeous- .eatiquet. hall pf old
Kenilworth, he made ao Suth•prepar- •
teens as God bed inade, in the par- .
able to receive •Ilis • heavenly guests.,
who Would not. coine.• •. •
L ••
But; as the:divinely invited •gueste
icenses evouldenot dome, then •Gotl pratetical-
ly said: . "I will have my banquet
'hall' filled neteviiiistandiege •If •the
guests for whom .the banquet was pre -
'pared will. pot, comb .to me, then .1,
will send out . for Move who will' op -
predate it. 1 will compdteem « to
• some. in." So 'tie Lord in the par-
ahla stile to his • servanes, as ChitSt
now says to vs church ineinhere, etete•
out into the '• bighwaye 'and hedges
and ..cenniel • thent. to come in;'' The
:ptirpose, of this eitscourse, IS to show
how, asindividual. chilech 'members, .
1. • I ` • • •••
ONT. '
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at iron door of residence
on b street, opposite .
Presbyterian church; - /
Office—Ontario street - - Clinton:
J. B. Rumball Clinton
_ . 1 .
• ______ . .
. .
, .
rOooles Cotton .Root Compound.
10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cow-
ls successfully used monthly by over
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtnres, pills and
imitations are darigerous. Price, No. 1, $1 pw
box' No. 2,10 degrees stronger;Sleper box. No.
•1 or mailed on receipt of price and two s.cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
il2W-lios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended Wall
DR. SHAW, responsible entgelets in Caned*. •
• • •
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON'. Nos. and 2. are sold in Clinton liy
H. B. Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hoy-
Mee—Ontario street - - Clinton. ey and Watts'& Co.-dreggiSts. .
k , • .
- Opposite St. Paul's church. ••
• The Killop Mutual. Fire
Insurance Coin piny,
Special attention given to diseases
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office and Residence—
Albert street East, Clinton,
North of Rattenbury. street.
• " Term and. Isolated Town peoper-
- •• ty Only Iesueed..•• •••
J. B. McLean,- Pregideni; Xippen P.
O. ; Thos. Fraser, ViceePresident,
Brucefield Oe; T. E. Hays Sec. -
Treasurer., ,Seaforth 0.• ; 'W. G.
Broadfoot, Iffspedtor of •Losses, Sea'
forth 1'. O. •
W. G. .Iiroadfoot , Seaforth e John
Office forinerly • occupied by Dr. Pal- Grieve, ,Wi•nthrop ;.e.°George Dale, . Sea -
lister on Main street.; forth ; John WaCt;•• Herlock ; John
BAYFIELD sOnt. -Beneeveies Bradltagan James Evans,
. •., . Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton;
• Sohn McLean eXippeli,, •• . . • •
'Will be at Bayfield eery Wednesday
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,
• •
Robert Stnith,: Harlock ; Robert Mc-
Sea.forth ; jaines CuMmings,
Egtuondville ; J. W. Yeo, Holtites-
Ville. '
Parties desirous to effect insurance
• 'Or transact other business will be
promptly attended 1.0 on application
toanyof the abovi officers addressed
• we can become mei en Y (AMR ante, s
and present' the gospel .mvitation • to•
sinful inew and wwiwo. whom 3AN zbect
• d
show how, p;otirer conMeMteif
, work , among.. led) v &di tills, We ., ean
• change •-on . empty church • into a
crowded sanctuary and by depleting
• in .our Rely Walk s''of Tt is . te •
financiers in the world. XXer
teacher, who was a very intlinate
friend of nay mother, told of •the in-
cident. Being converted, the young
girl not only •gave bee heart tO
Christ, but she at once wanted those
who were dearest to her to do the
Same. So, a few days beforte her
public profession la the church, she
came to ber father and said. "Papa,
L ani going to Join the chereh not
Sunday, and I want you to come
and see me." "No, daughter," on.
ewered the father, "I am ready to
do anything for you, but 1 can't go
to church. Vote' =ether, you know,
Attends to that part of the family
Intim. Besides, Ifelea I bare a eery
important meeting next Suncl•ty with
.me of our New York boards, and I
cennot go eto eiturele". "Father,"
eersisted the young girl, "you say
you love me. I believe you do. If
I was to be married next. eltindey,
you would be there, would you not? untiereetinutting the power of the
Well, father, 1 am going to a more edelseee, it le high time for Rome
important ceremony than any 000 to tilllader a philippic against
the indifference of ,the selflth chart h '
give my troth .to Jesus Christ. lee . members who. flise to earthly marriage. L ant going to
is to be more to me than ever an
ways ought loyally to do. spiritually
support the pnlpit, as the pew i
the eliurch members to
a -
earthly husband can be, end I went '' .presented by
The gospel invitation should 'be
you to be there." The tears began
to rain down the great financier's
their friends and to the strangers
cheeks as he answered, "Yes. lIelen,
,v1tation and Celt serviee the father
1 will go." As a result of that in- tIvhbee.se,ea?teitnhaetoti.intayy hoot fsoitnnender,sbencegre •
Chrikt presented
tette,. the church at alt.. Therefore,
gave his heart to Cod. Ife is to -day
itfolthheeynt"on"thtehsTeet, • in the *Mee,
awaieing in heaven the tiovaeazit foifoltillis.
Christian daughter, •
In the railroad trains and:even in the
fulness led hint to the - foot of the
cross. Ole, thut you• and T. as goe. kitehen, thy will. never be invited at
sail!: "7 he longer : I live the more
all. PiTt•.: Beecher 'owe powet fully
pel evangelists might be willing
home...4;00,n by putting our arm lit epnrneonedhee7e witoin:ovenoi
Go begin our evangelistic work. at.
innittnhoissea sinelinnli:tIcTr "
dear and one man is the congregation,
loving efubra.ce about • our
where there is uo cpiestion as to who • .
friends whose affections mean so Much].
to us and say:, "Brother, sister, is meaut when the ,preacher says,
cannot be truly. hnppy unless you are Lriou artethet man!! ' 1 believe Mr.. •
happy with. me in Christ. Will •you
come with tne to- meet iny .saviour? leacher wn:'s .rielle when be nu!tle tliae •
Will you come now?• even in a larger stave The -longer I .'
st ttement• but 1 belies • h• V %.,,,itt
. leut. the gospel invitation ought ••ec;
lit 0 the mor e conficeens e• 1. }lave hi.
be given to the strangers wive are those sermons •that ac Preached •
Within te Christian's metes as well as, where one man Is a, ministee and one
hocked up by a praying, consecrated
hand of eat ut.t.t, chard). Woreere. Yet
you can find to -day church atm
church in. o .land tinte iis nothing.
more or less than a siteughter houee
for ntimstertal usefulness. 'flair pas.
tors will win greet spiritual tineceee- I
befo. e they come to them, end
. tiwee pastors will win great Opit•ite
tial successes after, they leave them,
but while they are in those seeritual-
ly dead churthes trielntstots will
et table about blinded and heiPless,
as did- the mighty Sault -ten, bound
with fettere of •brass, with his two '
eyes out, grinding about in the pri-
son house of Go a.. Thoee evangelise
tie rainfstws are iipiiitually helpless
in s"ch thur.hes because the peePle,
the couunon church members, will bet
traite as a ne, king force and pereon-
ally present the gospel ol Jesus
Christi to the streugers wile tern°
emong them. Itistead of deriding and.
• in Becl
it t:te, .val.d.rldet,, light .-the
lamp and place it near, the
head of the bed. Then all the .
time the baby sleeps it `Will
7-- •
Text ot the Lemon, Is. :evil*, 1-15.
Memory Vertu), 7—Getiten Text, Tea.
xxvill, T. -Commentary Prepared lir c) breathe -al the healing, sooth-
the Peer. D. N. Stearns., . ing vapor. The hard, tight • cough .
!Copyright, 10'4 by American Prete Moodation.] lOOSells ; tbe, covr, r gradually goes down, o
1. woe to the crown of. pride. te the . the breathing becomes natural) and.
drunkards of pliraim, whose' glorious pnetury.nia is aVoieed. Every part of
beauty is a fading Bower.
Ing hill whiele commanded tbe whele the threat a
touched by the medieine. . Yoe Ilia
nd bronchial tubes iire
Samaria stood upon a beautiful swell,
•coldS . and •couglis of .eliikken
country round—the hill terraced to hard
tee toP. the Ifurroundlug country splen. nothing eeetele Vap•Cresolene, as
w.e er,44 outfit, FoiIaz the Vspower and
recognizing that God dld, ell this foe term, rSIII:Ilt•“;"'l 5,9 ""Z., ki,l,"Tateddruttc°Cit
3 3
them and gave pens all thet they had; ICTel.-=',.et'CZ ;• Fulton 't.4.9'lleei.Y7rk, le.S.A.
:they became proud end self sufficient
They were like the Babel builders, wilo. l." -r"---.-;---:"--.---':- r''--;•--;-..'"---''.--‘."
Said: "Let us build us a city. Let us- .
make us a name lest we be scattered terneil into a Series of painful suffer-.
dabearcelaidb'edr -(Ginenn. ot. 41); 21T, 1LeNyv beet: tahlesyo '
ings—a 'stone to brealc them, 4 .net to
snare them, a trap to take them (chap- ..
knew . God, limy glorified 1.11m. not as ter vtli, 14, 15).; All the prophet etin do
God, neither were thankful, but be- Is to keep -at them with the Lord's• of- . ..
revs 11 perchance some will turn to •
Came vale in their imaginations, and
their foolish heart WAS liarlieued.." • • Him. In verees $, 12 16 we have
. ,
Mg and it sure and . leeattte, ret and refresh- .
24. The crown of 'pride, the drunkards . glory
of .iihritlm, ishallbee troddel urgernfeet. re fouridation, but to all
tudtt:4 gvtit.,:.ut wh h o the His offers they .Would not. glve heed .
valley !shall be a fading (Verse 12). Cempare Isa, xxx, .10,1 Matt..
fic'.0wIleer.Oonloietitator. says that as a first thatthe great hindrance on man's part ••
ex11, 3; xxiii, 37; John v, 40, and net°
ripe fig, a dainty 'morsel, tniglet be Is simply that be willnot come to God,.... •
swallowed evithout cheering, so should'. men flee:env-emit, to elo,..A, will not accept .
The tempest of hail and the deStroy-,
%)bletillie pass • from setlit. the •fading
flower .01 his glorious beauty be goue. • the
Ing sit80..rna„Taitiree inheani Ili osnheadu againsweelpe versesaway
the refuge of lies, and the watem shall •
. kind and full Salyation. in Christ but .
Tbay love their evil wan •
I-Ils love. There is nothing between .
his •own will; his stubborn.' tineellet
greatest drunkard or shiner of any
antuerathaealr. .
. doings will not stiffer..thein to
overever the hiding place, and, your to their GO (pes. v, 4, margin)„yet •
covenant with ileatb shall be disan-
nulled, and .yont .agreement with hell. say, "nhn.that cometh to Me I rilll 111
He *loves and 'pleads and continues to •
shall not stand." Compare verse 15,
The welling or. chapter 11,, 11, 17, stanch) , . . • - ••
no wise cast put (John vi. 87).
. • . ..
011 the •kingdem comes, .. ..* - se- - • ,e,ese ....,.....eeteeeeeee •__. e_e_ '
and. will stand .
"The lofty looks of mail shall be butts- • .
.bled, and the haughtiness of men shell e. • •
did and fruitful; symbol or 0.svesstve A Weereeleves , Is sold by thirgisnOcror,Ywilero.
worldly luxuriance tied -pleasure. Not .11amr."which Atli het a r...,,titee and a llOs itolc of
to the loved °nee w o iitv a rig 'man is a congregation,' berause suen
_by the tics of blend .to live there. 11. •a gospel service be held .every- •
le nonsense for us to Suppose that ef- where. . If 'Oen use the' mechanic's
ter eve have gathered lathers and bench for a puiPit; it .can have th&.
mothers and wives and 'hosbands and
Icetuttre's cart for a inovi4g • taber-
ecohtittadirefnrie.n'ad!led haittvi etrYhel'egiVesIdleear P0t l iltoactil% fiitinner who winild otherwise •
cen *carry the Dread of I.ife
• boat we have O right to haul in the never be willing • to receive that
plank and .cat Mr the hawsers and
set sail for deeirnug
heaven'. . student,•but need h0 ahnPler earn'
our • the' minister in 'mu h ' 'ease does not
have to be ,an ordained theological
breed over the pulpit desk. Besides .
.obligations are so ferreachinge •to est consecrated layman .pleading for •
ward his fellow men that ..the light - Christ. with the sinner who Is stand-.
owfa.atblev a.gloasipaelbytintrilipeoz _toin.aviehleerrivolaa404..
lf all church rnerebers' werii' toe be-
ing by hie side. it the' villagieetore.
tO Jericho •was just as much a bro.-. tomi'earneet•. (tee consecrated. evahe
• eller to the geed Samaritan' as if . gel•iets, it would not take. very long
he had been buen in the....same.pradle. , for this whole.. sinful wodd to seethe
eungeto sleep by: the same lullaby ;sunrise buret of the. millennial .dawn... -
and rep,recl ,In the same homestead. • eeeurely 'weteld riot be too much 'to .
. at is obsoletely • necessaryin . expect that One Seeh. evangelist as
eerder to corky out e the command Of Mr. Beecher described should at least ,
•• my text fpr the . average Church theme win olio -AQUI. a year • foe' Phrist,• yet
her to give • the ,,os, el invitation to Dr,. .lit-o•eey Ptinshoni the ..
his friends and 'to. etrangere • when great English dlethedist, once matte •
they ere . gathered inside the church. the start 0k RtAttniultit: ' , "If eyery •
wit, US • . as WelItis .whert they are disc:10e dity were to ..call one pee,.
. tereil WithOist, anikelte is; also neces- San' to . eaeh "Yeer and that one.
tor: the chuech members. to • ex- were to telleone other, •how setiftlY
: tend. thtseinvitattoa Ioe a specified the world ...would be tiOnverted., for ,•
time and place. A general invitation. are to-elay..' 'of •-true. belieVers
tp come to .eapper is, • its a yule, •-in tlib world, But if there. were. only •
Worse ;than no invitation. at • all. . • 1.00 -see how -flueekly . the. work woo Id
'When a. person Mime to me and gueli- •growt • lecie than twenty -fl ie Years
UIkiy saye, "Oh,. Mr. Talmage, 'do 'toe wo Id Would, be converted,. for •
swish you Would canto laid • v,isit .00; this tcould double the .nernaber of
..come. any time .you stay • ;as ciples ,each year:" Alter soch .an.ira- ,
longns you please!". 1 am s.uro of one pressive 'statement, any brie say .
'fitct—that .person• wants to ho• polite, that. the.: gospel invitation :which eon
"tut he' does not Want 'me 'to -Come. •begiven. daily by • the 'church znerfie.
Ileedid. note bet a, dithe.. But when a . hors 17.•oulti -amount to but little' in. .
friend tomes 'to pae and•says, "Mr, . the salvation of a -sinful eereirld?
Talmage, will you and- your wife take • To show' the imeortance
supper with us text '1'hursday ,night; 'thin laymanes woi•k: cannot do, bet -
we are veer folltS,' but • We will :give ter :Closing :this • serinea than
yeti the beet we have?"... generally." quote • two • inastrattcns •- from.
aceept, . Why?. BetraesesI think •• that the •paisSooal eiperienu•e of -IL e. Way
man .wants me to come.' :He. • set• • a • TrumbillI, the well-known editor; of .
• .'tittreitend a 'place .where he Wished to The': Sunday'. 'School.. -..q'itneS,di
• entertain me; So when • •the min•ister • Trumbelt $, early • life , wee - speet. in.
• ot the told' .Jesus-, Christ:,preaches a Stoningtone Cana.. Thete ',great re-
aerenon and 'glees : go 0(10.1 vivelesiVeret ilie town, end many. Of .
tion and says to the .sinners, • "Cottle • the companions of his Yotith. joined'
to ,Christ",ulid tlwri dismisses his au-. the clinteh, amonge, whom _wits ect
.dience with a, .benedietion and . goes youni. ntiro. who was. pita' of ,his
as a . rple, that. SOrinari has. letenuite• ft tends :For. Many.. yeat.s
• alinotintect te,.. net • very little, . in Re. • these two..aS..• boys • and youlig men
ev ang Dut when the lived'neae . each othei,. but his •Chris-
- •thinister ' • I.Orci . JOsta1 Christ tienf, lend never, spoke' to: hitt about
can go -.to his: ("hire( h..Morobers and . • religeen, '•• . After awile. they
say: • ',IR -alum, we. Mast gather fit • cd, Trrirnbull became an • engi- •
the.Sinners. • who. 'are living .ar Mind rieterin• Hartfo,.ti; his' (bit fileind
' • te is elyurele . Must' go 100 . tient to YLIX0,. iitit dining • Ins' Wet •
the: highways and 'the hedgeteand : year, at• college he • sent; it, letter
compel theta to 'Mine Wa.will Os' his old chitin pleading with • him to
• ble.lit as .e0on as • the benediction hes .become • Christian. That 'letter .W.its.
• been pronouneed have •an 'after ineete. he, wens • Of sainng• II. 'Clay Trein-
. leg, As. enembere of thie chtu•ch We it• l'Aritrhseet•ogii;t1n..ohfis:ietn,ghlerte trheeonni;...
.wdl disteibute . Oureelves through 4104
thealsles " and buttoehole .overY Pntn.there gave his heed to • God..
.woniait and • child,: •so• that no e •onee :11ei 'intreediately . said to himself,
, setol le:Ave the builtleig 'without.havi• • "If the perSomil"Work layinati
, 0 • • •
"" Weed' sr.00i rti invitheien for this ;diet. ran., die so niuch• in the sal etion . of •
ife:Fting,'' there he.. no . dietipe• an immortal soal,.. will:never melee
. " r6stilts. • theolistabe•my.. friend •made with Me,
hy?•. Beetwee the chuiesh.. trienthees • by. pieltpening for. so long .e. iitersonal
. . .
theinseiV,ea• are meting -their • leientlfe invitation; to•anethare, the pdtp0
' and the • • strange* s toe . meet Janis ' Ort which. he Wale converted, •
iet in 0 hied place at it apet,1-. Mr.. Trifinbell 'went to .one . of . his
1.11114. (ioncl-ttl in tations in re- .felIow •worilemen. awl told .him. he had
as to an 4,41`141.1y • 1)0100,• Ms' 1111.0, are also to e.e
been ton'.0' tcci He • • Urged.. his • friend
ference to the gosiel ban 't vet as wel).:
cent. Christ. . This,. • .friefel
' ak otitoh41:171 ;I:lie:it II (4layf t. i• teeht:ifiertiniA nfa9111. .0•teuhele. •
1•7ttliiIrteliraioborelw11..ileinotlitvf-tm_t) meto.etyso41.. "corariturn•nt e. 1:Yt_ lel :till'
churches Jar more upon the Peers .eeee longebeee protessOil Tollotver.
than 1 clo ui en • {lie 'pulpits. God. of.Chriete end • you .hitve never sus-
the place:a of evil resprt we can ulti- •
niately reaken -1L141 heaven.
' When some One esked Mr. • Moody: •
HoW 'shall we reach the masses for
' Chrise? Ilene shall we glee the gospel
invite:then 'tn'thotte 'Sinners aro
Out, irt•the ilighWayS., and the hedges,V.
• he bluntly aoswered •his•tfuestionees
"Go after them." But•how are we -
to go after -Ahem?. First, as "Christ'•e
.disciples, tee shoulh begin our- person-••
al work- 'among. indiViduals by. eiree•
• • senteng the gospel. of ;Toes to thos�.
e wee ,a,r6 -closet et) us. • We shoeld •
I •
present Christ first to. . our fathers
, and Mothers, to .oer .etiebends and
wives, and brothers and Sisters and
ehildien, to out dear- 'deeds. arid .to
• .all .who Are bound to 'es by 'theiles
of .blood and love. We' should .do,
just the sameits Andre*, the, broth-
er of Philip • did When' he • was • 000-
:.. yerto.• • NO. eoonee hp ete the,
face of "Christ ,thau precticelly
said to himself:. "Why, 1 must ire-
Medlately go wnd hunt, Up* mer, dear ,
• brother • Philip. eltow happy 1.• tan.
- litiVe bcen side . by.
• side hi all Our, 'joys and sorrows. flout
the 'time we were' born. He 'Muse
share , in • my • new 'hope," It is
Up011 this action of Andrew, who at
' elem. Welt and 'carried •the -goepel,
to thier respective ppstoffices. ,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. . • . . , .
GRIINII. TRUNK • • •.. great "13rotheehood Of -Andressi and •
vitalion to his brother' that the
D. D. S.—Graduate of the Royal Col, • • .
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontat•- '•
L. D. S.—First class honor -g-rtiduatt
of Dental Departinent of Toronto
Special attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield,
every Monday from to a. m. to 6
p. m.
A member of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Eclin-•
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary College.
'Office—Ontario street - - Clinton
Opposite St: Paul's church.
• :Phone 97.
Office—Isaac street - - - Chintoli
Residence—Albert street - Clinton.
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Om.
ders left at The News -Record, ofs
fice Clinton, ot addressed to Sea-
fori.h P. O. will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction peewit
teed or no charges. Your pat-
rottage solicited.
anyerrisiendes a sketch and deeotiption meg
cfulokly aseertain Mir opinion free Whether IM
invention IS probably patentable,. COInintitliea.
eons strictly etinildentlid. IlandboOk on Patents
'tent free. Oldest mrenoy for seeming patents'.
Patetiti taken teron h mann a contacted
statiatnottoei without° afte, n tbD
Sdt. titifit Jltutricau.
Alndifisoifleit Illustrated weekly. toixOdt ale
collate& of an? Mennen Journal. Ironic .$11 ti -
oar! toll:quit, $1. Bold hY itO
N Go 461groagway, Newlin(
bis itslihtittO %dee it • •
Philip" NI'S. been established.
" tigib*Y;
',•••• ••••• •
• Bet, .thottgli the •• eternal "salvntiori'
• of our uneepentent loved ones ought.
irimu/r/ifitu, . • to be. a .perpettial • cause cif anxiety
for u$ thty in. and day out,• yet. there
. Trains wile- 'grieve at .and depart
frona Clinton Station e as follows : are' • 'thousands 0..nci 1)1111(110E1S ef
• • thousentis of (lunch members 'who
n e
Going East 'Ex ress 7 38. a.'In to re eat• the lime of a livin Christ
BUFFALO AND GODERICII DIV.' • r think it obligatory for them
4 4 g
41 • .;
• • • • • P
2.55 p..m. to those. who ought te be as dear to
41 , Mi d ••1 • in 'I • t le id
xe 4. 5 p• • i lent n..9 a Jonathan wasto a av ,
11: We,st " • sp,15 a. tn. s t() a Pythias or the mem.
Express . 12.55 p. / re of a murdered king of Denmark
. •
it it it 7.05 a. in. was to o,n avenging Son. These
if 4,1 4 10.27 p. church membere are ready to invite
LONDON', AND BRUCE DIV. those friends to their homes, hut
GOing South Express 7,47 a, ne. they are 'mit willibe to personally In.
44 • mixed e 4.is p. vite t. hem to sit. at the wheel a
• I ' • • II
" North .Express •• a. 121. tie/lase-the table of the blessed cone-
." ,I Mixed. ' 6.55 p: m, Menke). • . , They are ready to. fink
A. 0.- PATTISON, F. R. HODGENS, ie teh their friends upon pol i tics or
• Agent. Town Ticket Ag, humilities, bet they are. 001. ready • to
• . • • M, • C. DICICS011, • • • dieitties with them the greatelit of all
. : unestiOns, "What shall it peon a
• District PasS. Ag.,' Toronto (4,1.1 ii -he should gain. the whole
.. • • • . - • '—..--e- ii.orld and loite his Own fintil?'!' They
. • ere ropily to sou»d the praises • of
'-'3"...yel°^1awc°65.cmiallyg, ' " "' • '". "Is' there friends te their other friends;
s• i ,7 - hitt they' ,are not , ready to Sound
air'. forth to their • earthly friebds the
- ' • praline of • their ITetwenly leather.
-, ••• They ere always ready to Introduce
1...0., . • ,...,.,•,. 4c.r.,...... .,, ..... (.,•..... ii 0110\ earthly friend to another, htit.
7. "TWO years ago my halt 'Was ri they ales riot anxiona to /link° their
filling out badly. 1 purchased •a • - • earthly companions aecittainted with
1 that Divine Conmanion who is ever
. bottle Of Ayer's 1 -lair Vigor, and •
.• ,, willing th • be our helper and guide
- Soon my hair stopped coming out
1 . s i along the troubled journey of life.
; Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, Ill: - The.se churl menthers are- not
kiipws, I do not believe • that • Our • pected this; although wa. have . been.
ministerS . pet. feet men, but most in close association 'in hOtise . and
•of them • are earntst. nfen,• 'intortrie ' nice for years. May Cod fOrgive me
• men. They weute• • do imythieg • or my lack of faithfulnesi.""•• •, Aye,
their Power to bring soots' • luny Ood igrgu
rive s all, •ntine.
to Chriet. But the. t.retible IS when ;eters end laymen °alike, ii( We have
the average minister • Of the gospel shown the Steed negligence as • thee°
401111111netil•relallb ebare•Oet
tightntel3ftititi.)e't tati;ee Clay Teurnbull's life, May Cod teeth
two young men hO tette into' IL
with Chi -let, nineetenthe, eye, ninety-- "Us, rine and all, tho pewee, of pereon.-
• nlnerhundredthe of all the elturch al testimony kir Christ.. And may•
• • Members will got up and put en, their we one and .all be willing to • make
hats and go home.They will not the reSo tiOn I/. I.,. Moody made a.
• orily by. their ectione refuse to per- Short, time alter his converefOn—"T
•sonallytictend an invitation to'Abe •here and. now • premise • that no daY
he }sewed down, and the Lord Moue . , • '
shall be exalted In that day." • There. • 1 .'
fore "Cease ye.from man" (22). Those ••1 40th Anniversary
whom God chooses for Himself inust ' • :
find theirall in Hint.
_ i For over Forty Years
5, S. In that day shall the Lord or Hosts • , .. .
for a diadem . 7 .
oil iftioaruatyeru7ongetielluaellode His people. Gray s
What lie Will be to them they will ; • Syrup •
also be to Him in that day, because of '1 . f •
His beatity which will batmen them. • '
'He speaks .01 their righteousness and 1
their glery Which the nations shale see ' d S r e- Gum.
and says,' "Theu pelt also be a crown • '
otglore in the'lland of the Lord and•sz . • AS A SPECIFIC FOR •
p uc
royal diadem in the hand of thy -God coucHs, c9Los„ Ere.
(Isaelx11, 2, 3), This is Spoken of thIse. ; Has been tested and has beemne the
'tree people Of God; the remnant of !amp. Cough Specific of ,thecin_sanyedq
reel who wel truly trust in Jehovele eigeelerg• %eeeeetweereeere 4pelee.
He Hieinelf will be to them a true di- nor more :largely used than It is
'llatiOOS. Itis Wtitteu;•`"rile Lord shall MERIT, ALWAYS TELLS.
be unto thee an everlasting light and
thy God thy glory"? (este lx, 19). .1
glory lie the Midst" (Zech. 11, $).•
7' SeBut 'they else' have erred through
vine, ,eternel glory* in the eyes of, all '"'`163'• . •
Cough Remedies Conte- and go. New, • -
,prepirstionsare tried and abandon. =
eft, but the old reliable remains. • •
• The present is -a trying seaSon for - •
• both old und youngyand colds eitelly
IlOW nre apt to remain the 4
,:tSh'tettely'aanyd;, IrethreOtilfrhieasttraOnnag
the prophet eaPrheet°1111ta.V°91 weittrielmweled4y8cPatTbnelPfloluYnrtrheadn.
•• These 'appointed to. be watehMen: to .1 ‘:n ? ,
erred through strong OrInk. • . e •
.• y s Syrup
deliver His.people, are tlind,:ignorent, , • • ,
boving to altiniber, 1 talking lif their. SOW? BY ' DnuaGisrs
• :
•• sleep, looking to their. own gain, fray.
• 11.04‘ ••• lel ..
Ing, We. will. fill • trsolves: with strong . • ' ••
. . . ,.
tIrIti14. and• to • .fev Shall be as this • • . •• ' •• • ..- • . • . ' .... • • • • • •
day and meet • tare abundant' (ISa. - — •--: --- • — ---::-.--- • .
' lvi, 10-123 • ' tests were, forbidden
. .. .
.te'drInI • .rong drink (Lev. es, • •• .
. • .11TILVreD AT LEDUC, MAX., • •
8, 8; -• • r. - Ali believers are charies xtuetrie'Sh'econr•Itobert Heddell,
PrieSt are, "Be not •. .•NeighborIng Faixuer.
.:.:wherein is eXCR.5.9; '• Edmonten, N.. )V. .T., Nov., •16.— • •
but lie . Snleir aalet• e • Hobert - 'tanner residing
• Song L.2, it is es•rite neat. 1.,edice, • was shot .and fatally ,
tee,. "Thy• love is bettee than wine." • weuatled laY neighber named Char-
• . The. vine has its roots in the.eartie but les A. • Buckle. Heddell died • Thurs-•
tbe True Vine is Ile wird came 'down. day of. his in'urte
• become -Violently. insane. • • • • •
. I s, and Buckle . hies. . el.. .
frnin- heaven' ' ' . • - ' The murderer 'had shown •Sypi.Ptoni ' - •••
. oetrine? Thefn'that are weaned from tbe . ilrearngi had 'been ' taken
-find' whore shell. Ile make. to -tenders
0, 10. Whmxi Shall Its. teach knowledge,
eine ...Of insanity for • Seine .time,:froui,and.hi•sitiill. .
• „milk and drawn from the breasts? • - • ' 'He Managed to conceal a reVolVer, :
- .Viese wine laving, worldly .wise, self •however. and • when Ueddell •entered - .
. ' (II i t God -d • 1 i ' • his '
su c en ,esp s ng peopl•e sneer . •residence shot him in the temple, .
Tile yarrderer. slop pulled .his revple .
. at. tee teaching Of the prophee mid ask .
....iier aS another, neighbur •entered, hut' ' ,
if ' Ire thinks. they. are eitildreee el det
' 'it missed tire ',Me paities.-are..Eng- .
' *mined from -the -breastl. I Doca'. he
farniers, r u o . k I e residing 'alone '
think they wilteedure his Useless eepe ' ithil
i 'Miens and tincensiug defter? They do. °II heirs farm' : • . •• •• • .• ••
1 be•let alone. end to have the. Lloly One . ." . .. - Olee *lei;ele De:ie.-. e . •• •
og s, Nov .—Thomas " Bane , •
better sone a .farmer,
living three miles .
itxx 11). The carnal mind Is no
1 ' '' .
1 nanny will not• endure. sound .doetrine
today, hnd the •thnp,. lute eetne..When .. .eAV,eltift. 0!..1-tth is evaill.hsto.h:oe, eltnet.n. :iltitoemdt. isatisite ' •
• . eveningeeceemehete Intoxicated. •• His '
not want his preacht 13.t t • ' • •
ng. ey wa o • • . •
Ior Orttel cease .froni before them (Isa. Ir • uoi' ILE
• -.eicle•11..hursday.. ,by- shooting hinte • :.
. . ape
theological •semitutries consider 'those,. •
le .10 s leN e le NI 10 (-110 0 °, -.under-the•. influence of, liquor, • was
• - • • • mealy ,to ne a Sunday school
Perhaps your mother • tetteher clic! some years ago. She was
tf C•ti.4 I 'he daughter of one of file wealthiest
txPetiteNom had thin hair, but that is
; no reason why you must t
I go through life with Wit-
- starved hair. If you want ;
long, thick hill., feed it
with Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and' heavy.
V• 3'.,r * •
' ;Ma ISkilt. Alt draniits.
If your drugglist cannot oupply you,
e ;lend as mits dolIbt and iTO will expresa
you le bottle. Be sate atutkive he 011115
-- of youtiettateateit re 8 011100 .A.dd
1.. •
' nien arid ,women who ate sitting by. hereafter shall pass • imlesS I have
• 'theft Nide, hilt they will absolutely Personally Presefittql• my 8aviour 'to
refuse to 'go lute' the after Mee ti no i at least one inunortal lied. So help
n,nd talk with sinners who are teviree tne Jestis in iny vote! . Ament"
to find Christ. Thle charge whictii "( .
nut' e against the church membera. 1 •, • .
.'.•rne,ice nob only "againet the laymen, Se'n.n/.• 4h"P elva'
but also against the church offices*. ' The Live Stock World says; "Scab -
1 Make it egainst, the elders and the by ghetto have boon gratifyingly
deacons and the trustees. I Make it• seared at the big live •stoelt market;
In the strength Of the oVerWhelinitig the; year. Vigorous 1.185 of the dite
fact thmt you dereliet chttreh 'Mem- in the range country is the attrthnt-
hers ettnnot find a grettt evangelistie ed cause,.• sheep t re treated once 6r
preacher who is iteeemplfillng any twice beret •O .16'ng scnt to market,
great goat' for Christ Who iii ' not • f,lie result 'being much aglitter stook."
e G3
Our Subscribers Who Are in'
Arrears This Is An Intimation
That An ariy Sett:ten/Lent Is Re*.
qu.ested. The Label Tells the'Story.
(II T ne. :iv; .3), and many teachers hi.
Wife, hnowhig he was violent. wlit n
,1 • tF r I t God t
•lit ohleerned and igneteint In their eff•• • 'afraidte let dihreiti the heuste, ' and t
ti letter just to hand from • he went, to the barn; where he •woe • •
• Sotith Africa'. the writer snye 'that a Jonnd yesterday morning with re- •
tulnister remarked to him that the trou
-• !..Volver.still inhis hand and bullet •. •
ble was too tuueh theology and toolitin, his 1)18.111. Ile had been dead some •
tle ChriStitthltY, . • . • • , • " • e When diseoVered. A feW WeeAs
. h• e Made an assignment for. the
il'13 This tho rest wherewith ye m4 I
cause the weary to rest, and this is tho t...IrOtit 01 1118 e rod ors.,,Antl has been
- . • .
refreshing, yet they would not. hear, chinleng hard Came, :
As they .statinner M. their drunken-. ; ••e • . . •
• nese so -1 -le will speak to 'bele by, 1, , • ' . ,
. .
' • '
those whodn their estimation are stem- : ies PAYS TO ADVERTISE •1N •
merers. The word 01 uon, to non a. . .
• . . . . .• .
. VIE•
series. Of. ttivial commends( will be
:T4et King ,ot Ikanges— pucrvo HAI'PY .7110t.IGHT 4.
p 1011 •NIN ba• I • 10.1 1.44••••••
p .
THz day lias geese past
when a wise woman
will put up with an' inferioi •
cooking 4paratu.s. She has
heard of
The .
Happy, -
Thoughi" •
Range, The Cotrunatett Oven
and her neighbors tell her what it will do.
If by thane& you do not know the merits a he "Happf
Vhought tt you owe it to yourself to investigate, See the Range,
look into the firebox and flues, weigh the *overs, note the patented
datunern, the ventilated, illutninated oven, the corrugated oven p1at6s,
And all the different features that make this Itange to different and
so atiperior.
"Stott don't know true household comfort If you don't kainv
The " Mappy Thought 0) ,Range.
'Pitt fins Slatutfacturirs foo Illustrated Catalogue.
The WH. DUCH. s'rovt ft
_.0 Wu4
4t, by •
. • . •.