HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-20, Page 5Noveraber;20tb., 1902 1 ) TB 0141111011 NNW:A-RECORD I II 1111 1111 6 21 1 t*******.*********************************.************************04.**********************'*•.****,...************.st*****.****1.#11.$*****.**********.***.*********# 4-#4r4****104‘410#'-#.#41.444,4t#W4r*..4i04441#444447,4444#411####.1444340-*****#44444441.4tit#44i4+44.44.4010#444.44+44.414 • • 4141 41 .41• 41 41 41 t -44 RETIRING FROM BUSINESS MN * 411 4, '$. 4' • * 4 4,* 4, '* 4 4, 4. 4 4 4, 4 *4 4, to * 4 • 111, 4k" *4 4,4 4,4 4, 1 48 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 8 48 44 4 1 4 01 4a 4tr 4110 • ab 4 4 4* • • pb • 10' 4 * 4 lb .6 4 4 lb 4 4. 4 b 4', 4', 4. a' b 4', 4, 4', 4 eos* ,v4g. •t3 484 084 4o 40. • Ot. 48 a• 48 4o • 4 48 0o 4o 4 428 A 4 IL 40 4 0 4 408 428 4o 4 40 4 404 48 4 484 48 4 48 08 QS. • Y19, 48 4 0o 4 St. .k 4 40 8 4 4 9 S" 484 404 48 it 40 b 40 * t• 404 Ifr 404 0 40 4 40 4 40 4 484 484 408 40 40 4 408 419, 4, 4 084 901. 4 4 • 4 4 * 4, 1, 4 , 4, • 4, 0 t 4,..3610 4041 4 4, 41 rp 41 41 41 41 4 41 4 4 44. 4 48 4* 4 4* 4141 44 *4 t 404 (11 • ANNOUNOEMENT EXTRAORDINARY CESON Biwa. - in CLOTHIERS. AND / FURNISHERS " C111111t0 Stock to the amount of nearly $16,000 of the finest and most up-to-date ready-made clothing, hats, caps, and everything in Men's Furnishings. Goods to be sold at the most ridiculous prices t and at less than the goods were made for. It 401 . • . • WHY WE RETIRE . . . . . * 6 In the meantime we are going to hold one of the biggest sales of the kind' ever attempted in this t • • • Nearly 2 years ago we commenced in Clinton a Wholesale Manufacture of Boys' Ready -Made Clothing. This new business has grown so rapidrfrduring this term that we find it requires •all our TIME, part Of the country in order to reduee our stock to the amount we have.promised. • , ATTENTION and CAPITAL. We have decided to give up the retail business with this end in view. I NO ONE when they fully realize what this sale means in saving a lot of money on clothing will .., , We have made arrangements to dispose of our big. business at the end of.the year, or . sooner if we ' miss this wonderful chance,* Our stock is heavy.just now owing to unusually mild 'weather and. CM - can reduce our stock to nearly i of the aboVe amount. (Our Successor will be announced later on.) i sequently you have one •of the largest and finest class of goods to select from in this part of the eountr.Y. e oni and will continue until j- of the amount of our stock is sold when it will be disposed of to our successor at a rate on the $. Do not miss this big chance. It will pay you if you live at a distance to come to Clinton. Come in, look around and see for yourself. • 4 • . • • • • * • • , , The price list below will give you some idea of, the reduction on OM regular staple lines whieh is marked at our lowest cash prices, but we will have a lot, of broken sizes and odds and ends in Coats -Pants-- 0U erwear-Gloves-Etc.-th-at will go at half price. We will say soniethiho• about Furs and Eur COatS next week.. . . • . • 1. 41. 4. ***************4444444* 40 04,44 444 44** 04444+4** *4* .44 . +44444 4..4444 44. e,, 44 '44.4440 44+,44 • 44************4444444* • **4t0.....+04...+44444440. 4.4444 44444444*******4 44 4444•44444444•440 , • ••• *0•••••••••••••••••• 44.4444 ;;4041.4.-00:.04,0 _ Reaciptitade Clothing •4444444444444444*** 14 00 Regular 1200 " 10.00 z it It Boys' and Childrett's Long Pants Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges I . Men's, 'Youths, Boys' La Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges - • - Men's and Youth's Suits ,.. ret. '4 7:50 Men's, Youths' a.nd'Boys' 5.00 All U rtclerclothing *** Men's, Youths', Boys' Light, Medium and Heavy :6' a. • Cotton, Union, Wool and • Fleece Lined All Mens,-You-ths' 440.4•••••••••• • • I. $. 4.00 $ " 6.70 „ 3.50 5.1,0 441. „ 4.80 3.0t) • , 3.70 ,,2.50 sale price $8.90 Regular 4.50.Long Pants, retiring sale pride $2.90 RUgular Suits retirinc, sale price p6r garment $1.65 113 4.50 " " ". 3.20 6.00 Boys' and Children's 4.60 6.50 5.00 Boys' and Children's 5.50 3 piece and ,Vestee Suits 4.50 4. • 4.00 . t 3.50 3.00 - 2.50 2.00 '4 ti it CC • . C C • ******************** Men's, Boys' and Overcoats Childretes--Ragtannettes, and Reefers ulster, Fly Fronts, . . •••••••••••••••••• Double Breasted •• RegularMen's and Youths, retiring sale price $8.40 $14.00 12.00 10.00 " " . ". 6.90 5.90 4.90 3.60 3.30 2.80 2.45 1.95 1.45 CC it it it It 44 8.50 7.50 ' Men's Youths', Boys' 7.00 6.00 5.50 44 it 5.00 4.50 4.00 Youths', Boys', Children's 3,50 3.00 •it 44 CC' 4' 3.90 2.95 2.45 •••••••••••••••••••• Blanket Lined, Rubber Litted,.Water Proof ' • For World ng Men, Farmers and Teamsteers Smocks •••:•••••••••••••••• Regular ‚4 It $ 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 1.00 Smocks, retiring sale price „ 44 44 4' . 44 t $2.80 2.50 1.59 99c 75c " 1.50 ;4. • 2.10 • 1.65 95e o••••••••••••••••••• s • . Scotch, English, Canadian Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds In Suit Ends, Overcoat Ends Pant Ends or by the yard. Trousering Overcoating ***********444444440 Made to your order if you wish it now, but a .special price for making and trimming your suit if you wait until January to have itInade. . ' Our prices in this department will be very low. We can not gi,ves you a list of prices here but when 'you consider the quality of °pods we are noted for selling and our great anx- iety to selloutour stock by January 1st you will be tempted to buy more than one suit or an extra pair of trousers.. •••••••••••••••••••• Odd Coats Sack. Style , '''' Tweeds and Worsteds Odd Vests • - - - A11 our own make ••••••••4••••••••••• All Our $8.00 & $7.00 Men's Odd Coats, rot. sale price $4.90 • 6.00 & 5.00 " " . - 3.90 2.10 1.35 90c 500 4.00 & 3.00 Boys' 2.50 & 2.00 „ 2.00 Men's and Boys' Vests, 1,00 44 $) .......4••••••••••••• . ,fiats S. Caps All Soft and Stiff Hats All Light and Heavy Caps •••••••••••••••••••• All 1:°5g Fine Stiff and Soft Hats, retiring sale price $1,60 2.00 " 1.50 1.00 Fall and Winter Caps 75c 500 40c 35c • 25c 4.. 44 4i II it it • 1.20 99c 68e 49e 36e • 0.00 • • 44 2 • 3.00.50 2.00 41' L00 A,4, 4. " • " • 90c 4,, i4 69G. 4, " 1,75 • , Our Special 1.50 Fleece Lined. Our Regular 1.00 Union Suits " <, 75c • ••••••••••••••••••••1 4y14' • 49c 4 .p. 38c i; `P. 25c * .1, 4 '1'' Laundried Unlanndried 4 * I . Top Shirts &'Cardigan Jackets Flannel 15c • Cotton' Caftibric & Print Heavy Kttit 4 11 Our Regular 412:7°g Men's Shirts, retiring sale price $1.35 ft 1.25 • Men's and Youths' 1.50 44 1.00 IVIen's, Youths', Boys' " 90c 75c " 50c " •••••••••••••••••••4! . , - Gloves and anLined d •Unlined ••••••••••• Our, Regular **444* 1.75 149'W & 1.50 1.23 1.00 750 500 25c •••••••••••••••••••• 9708:e :44;' * 39c 1:1 t 414. 41. 1 4 11. Kid, Mocha, Swede, Calf 14 44 Buckskin, Wool, Leather' 'Ss A ' • 4. 4,, Youths', retiring sale price $1,50 " • 1.15 98c z., ' .441 78c 48c ,t 38c 4 4. 18c 4,41, , 4,t '40,, 40,) 4', 4 4 4 4. 4," 44 4,41 4,, * 4 41 4 * 44 4' 44 it tt 44 Fine all wool, Cashmere, Men's Sox Union Coarse all wool Arctic -•••••••••••••••••••• , All 65c 50o Men's Sox, xetiring sale price 40c, & 35c 41 it 28c 44 25e I 8e 15e 41 39c 27c 11 4 * '1.8c 1,1, 10c tl 41- 4 * 444' 40-4 •••••••••••••••••••40.41******6.4•••44441.446.64,6444064.66.46+6644444444M6.406444.#144++++00•44.4440,..444,,•••••••••••••44....44646.6444.444,444440.....44.444444.44 , 4 '1i * • ' * t b ' * • P ' * • ' 6 Established 1854 ,•••••••••••••••••••••• Retiring z 1902 <0,444...444...m44.44 I Z. Jicks . t ,''' • i . rosio. Clinton, 1 of Sale Conditions NO GOODS ON APPROVAL t EVERYTHING SPOT CASH . NO 6001)S EXCliANGED ' 4 * 4 * * W . *) +444444+4,"0444.4044###############40444.044.444.404444.44440.444444 4#48110.#0 444 ......6.44#44#44.41##.40, •