HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-20, Page 4k
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MIZETMT. ZrOZOIXTT TowNsmr. nntrcErtELP. 'WEST TUOKERSMITHr deeella dawdle elleellbeeteellaelteelladeerehe Ikegle.•
November 20tlit 1902
The News -Record
is published every Thursday at
The NeWS-Recorel Printing House
.a,Legs.r nu= - e.1.4,1NTON•
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To insure publication in current issue
copy for advertisements should be
sent in early.
Contract rates -The following table
shows our rates for specified per-
iods and space :
1 yr. 6 mo. 3 mo. ITIO.
s Columnlieo 00 $40 00 $25 00 f8 50
,s4 Column- 40 oo 25 oo IS oo 6 cm
4 Column25 oo 25 tazi 8 00 2 50
% Column18 oo 10 oo 5 50 2 00
I 'Inch 600 350 2 00 1 25
Editor and Proprietor
Funeral -Mother sturdy pioueer. Ir. John Flynie of the 3r4 con., elr. Alex. Mustard has his sawini
name:well has departed this lile in accompanied by Mr. P. Lavin of Rib,. again in operation, lie haviug got ti
11 Mr. Veilliam fitanbuey, Jr. return -
the person ot e ohn ell' is, sr., whose bert, dros 4 down. to DUG illivray inaeine re; aired which brolai slim
le ed home- on Friday . week, irom a .'
O montlile visit with Ids sister, Mrs. ! M
llama paesed through here to hall'S I, townsbip on Saturday to spend a day aays ago.
cemetery on Tueeday of last Week. With fiends there. On their way to Zr, maceetaec of eawleao
gleat lumber of rigs was Solite- rand fro. they stopped, for a chat with Was thee guest of his sister, Mr
whet of aneevidence of the morel in ; me, Frane Breea,eahey of Remail,
Baird of the village, last week.,
honest, hard-aorking member .of the
which the deceased was held as an i
days last week with eer father, Mr.
Mrs. Sara Love spent a couple of
. with a. wry painful eccident on Tue
Mr. Alex. Thomson of Stanley me
community. lie hail been at death's 1 Wileon of Brussels. day. Ile was engaged grinding a
um, =tweed for. •
door for some titne so the linal waa Our patlimaster or . councilmen straw cutter knife on an einery wheel
e should take a drive along ,the 2n4 or ,' when in some way his mit got caught
The children of John Naegel ewe erd eoncessien and see if they can't in the gearing., crushing the littl
'George e'oungblutes sou were caristen- • enforce the law to stop pigs from run- finger and badly injnring the fourth.
ed by Revs. Qouplaeul and Slealli 're- ; ning at large and rooting up the The little tenger had to be amputated,
spectiee,y, at their homes on Tues- ,. haa,way, but the Dr. thinks they can save the
1 '
eery nit. •
teacher eugaged for the junior cle- t
miss Slater of Seaforth is the new , guest of her grandlearente this' week. and will lay Mr, Thomson oft work
i eliss Lizzie Riley of MeEillop is the ofotrheseo.nioeutetimIet. was a pairdul injury
i Air. Chrfe; Cooper is a diligent
pat:tem:at of oer school. Reve Mr. Sewers was in Toront
I youeg man. Last suin;mer he worked
able entertainment on Friday evening of McKillop and when he came home
No. 9, Hallett, held a very eajoy- . six. months with Mr, tiding the funeral of lii
111°s' Diks°4 lbarsotthwer-ikn-laatwte.
which was, as usual, appreciated by a Mr, Thos., Livingseone was waiting ' Mrs, Gordon has removed h-om aur
large. Audience. tor him atul engaged hint for two village to Kippen where she has pure
The temperance people held a probe. months. chasm" a residence,
bitien meeting on Tuesday night of Mrs. .A. Scott of. Alma returned Mr. Knox has retrieved to the• resi-
Reffit. Hunter of St. Joseph Island. en s Underwear, Sox Etc
w Ile brought down with him seven head . #
s. of stockers.
s -
t number of the London Road people A
Mr, Thos. O'Brien entettained a. •
t Nearly Half ice
olbeelerleaeleaenelleeeneeleanealleeileellealleeen4aaeledeleene alleaneala. .
$ Pr' . ,
' #
0 Saturday morning Nov. 22nd we p1a'ce ori #
0 sale some of the best bargain for men that have 0 A
0 r)
you can buy good seasonable underwear at half
&kepi. nearly so.
The following prices are for Saturday only. Better
cora° early and secure Arst choice.
on Saturday evening last.
Miss Nettie Macdonald returned to
her home in Detroit last we after
an .catended. visit with her sister,Mrs.
Whitfield Crieh.
Miss Winnifred Langwitla who has
been the guest ot her cousin, Anse le.
Waldron, returned to her Ionic in
Sarnia ore Saturday last.• .
Miss Qiunsey, Miss and Mr. Pepper
of Mitchell were guests during the
Past week at the home of Ur. Roger
o Pepper.
this weee, . . 1 home after spending a couple of weeks deuce formerly occupied by Mrs. Goe-
Maitlaad Lodge is steadily. inereas- with friends in Brussels, don,
ing its inembership and purposes cele- Miss A. Tyernie.n and Miss J. Mc- • he public library board held a
beating •its aunivereary a out tiie Laughlin spent Saturday sad Sunday neeetiug on Tuesday evening in the I.
middle of December. ' with friends in Seaforth. . 0. 0. F. hall.. They intend adding a
pulpit last Sunday morning. Rev.
Rev. Coupland occupied Knox church The eaore,stees' -supper held at Con. large number . of volumes which will
stance last Thursday eveuing was a. giye
increased reading matter for, the
Small had to preach anniversary ser- ' grand success; They will have a nice winter menthe.
vices at Donnybrook. balance left after paying expenses Mrs. Gemlie Baird has fitted up the
Mr. R. Mackenzie and wife of Dun- ankh will be presentedto the Meth- apartments above her store for a
gannou were in the village on Sem- odist building cormnittee to help to develling and has now got" coenicataia
day. , . pay for, their new shed. • . • ly settled. Mr. Alex. Ross .aia the
• j
Edgar Lawson, Herb. Knox and D. Mr. BrIVI
uce eeld is on the sick • list work and made an excellent. ob.
. Patterson are home agaen. at present, but he is improving, we • Mr. William Scott is hustling along
at th t is 1-1 I
That Mr. R. I,. Borden, the leader
of the Conservative party, means
just what he says is established by this
statement of his made in a recent
speech, in which he explained his at-
titude on the Chinese question :
" That, practically speaking, is the
stand I took in British Columbia and
it is the stand I ani prepared to take
anywhere ;and I recall at the moment
that the Minister of J ustice the other
day was good enough to say that in
advancing such a statement 1 was say !
ing what I did not believe. I evouid •
thank my friend, the Minister of Jus -
tree, not to apply Liberal methods to
Conservatives. There seems to be a a
great doubt amongst the Liberals as
he ri e club shoot takes p ace nex a g a to say.
4 grain nis s. e las a com-
• Saturday to close the contest. Mr.. Luke' Lawson spent Sunday ipetent man at thewarehouse all the
Court Dufferin No, • 46, C. O. F., time and every convenience is furnish -
Auburn with his brother Joe.
to what their own leaders do mean. le .
mean exactly what I said to the peop-
le of Braish Columbia and. I made the
statement to the people there lifter
considering the subject fairly and
carefully, and I said to the people of •
.British Columbia that so- far, as the
Conservative policy was concerned. l •
was not . going to tell them I would
test the voice of the ConservatiVes of
British Coluinbia but it was a subject
upon which the rest of Canada should
consult the wishes of British Colima.
bia, and when the wishes of the
people there were once definitely stet,
ed the Conservative government would
,be prepared to car eee that out by
every means in its power -carry . -catt .0
the wadies, not of the Conservatives
of British Columbia or of the Lib-.
erals, but the wishes of the whole.
people." .
ed for the farmers, . ,
held- a • special meeting Thursday or- . The Ilullett' council met in Lonelesa
ening as an organizer is wieli them.. ',UM following items -appearad in
boro on Saturday east' with the mem-
Mr. John Sturdy returned h°m° bers all present. Bylaw was passed lais.At :week's issue of the Fordwich Rec-
from parry Sound with- his sen George fixing places for holding nomination ''' “ .
last .Week. . D. M. A. V. Atenstrong, .formerly
. and election. - The D. Re offieers will ,
Mr. C. Willard went to Manitoba. . .of Brucefield, hes taken.' possession, of
be as follows :,. For electoral ,divisioa
with a carload of apples for. Mr, . 4, • the drug store and professional prac-
No. r, John 'Fowler, -at -temperance , .ce .
Askveith last week. • 1 here of Dr. A, .1Vf, Spence, Dr.
hall, Kinburn ; N. a, james :Watt,. '
. Mrs. Will.= Lyon of Londesboro Armstrong conies. here. highly . recone-
• echoolhouse No. 6, lIarlock ;, N. e
was- visiting in, the village lait Mon-- o -'• mended, both for his skill in medicine
Pat, Quigley, at sceoolhouse No, 2 ;
NO. • 4, Re : Adams, Foresters' hill, e'end su.rgeeY
day.. - • . and' for his social quail-
- Miss G. Armstrong has retinue(' e d
esboro1 ', fica.tions. No. doubt he will prove him -
home from visiting on the 6th of Wa- al N • scheolhouse No. 5 ;. No. 6, ea:. self •deserving , of .the wide practice
wanesh. . - Braithwaite, at temperance hall • Lona which he aseeenes in entering, upon
...Mr. • and leers. • J, 'Knciie returnedthe. held of his Predecessor. 1he doc-
1 b r ; No e, ColinFe • ie'ecl, . •
home 'from the West•,last Saturday schoolhouse aeo: 19. The followin „ tor is a brother of V. • S. Armstemig
g a" of •Gorrie '
night.: ..- . . . counts • were examined and passed ,:. , t . • •
•• Mr. and Mrs. Thies, Nichols= ..at-' B1 th C r rat', , f . .1 aro f 1' • . Mr Phill Randall of Erne field h
tended . the •• funeral ol Mrs. Richard
. ion. mart eoeM - rent, 57:50.; Flallett. ntoved to out village and. occupiesdth
Stoneham, . a. .sister ' of, the former, resideace of. 34r. Spinks. Mr. Ran el
earl Gederiele township, boundary line
Which took place at • Clinton Mit isa. painter by trade- and just theistic
iinprovement, 027.87 ; 1V1, Mains-, rep.
Tuesday. ' ' .. Quigley's bridge,' 545.75 ; Ben. Chureh- peintins, ethe,..1125146 .01 the Beekor eho
. and ... Ed. . ill, for 'gravel, gravelling and haul- Messrs, George .Laevlor store tor. air. A. Orr, - • •• .
Mole 'intend : going to The Soo for the ing gravel, 5155.64 e John Shobbrook, . • • . •
. . . ,
wilViItrc.r.and Mrs, , Temple Clark of Dun- Wheatley, , hauling 18 Fords , of gravel, . . • .— SIIIIIMEXCHILL. e
; • spreading . gravel, • -• 5e.87 ; William . • .
eanpon Sunclayed in Auburn. . •C
*739.25; John Barr, rep.. cuivert,notm- • . .. .
1Vlossr,S. S.. Nicholson • and James. dary H. and g.w..woliosii., $xo •, John. Mrs, .7. Hardy has been laid u
Webster went' to Lucknow last' Mon- Barr; one sheep .killed by clogs, 36466 •,. for some time with a severe attack' 0
lay to• purchase some cattle. : " James Cummings, 23 cords gravel, the= a i , , e esm ;
but we hope she may heee
Miss Bella McGill oe, Blyth was the . .$5.as e• William Rune, heeling gravel, a speedy. recovery. •• • • . •
guest Of Mrs. H. Govier this week. and working a lot in the pit, $4.5.7 ; • edeeses. $.•Hineeiley and Dr, Lower
Thnee are looking. up With elre Gee • w, ' w Paeterson, rep. briclgee .57 ;. arif eSeaforth. visaed . the latter's -. 'liont
Toms. • Re has •purthased a 'span, •0- f
John lehiglend, for- tile and draining; cat 'Stinday. • • , ' •
white ponies 'from .1yer, 'William 'Vies- •e .
e5.15 ; A: Glazier; epreacling• 'clew life..e IL Beacoin, • Jr.,. joined ' th
; .
n of Beyth. • • • • • . . . 'etee. on deiiietien road, cella 15, SU,' COMpaIlY of . his siSters, Pearl,. an
: 1Vri. • J. Clark clAlle ..hoine. from 'St. 25.
Couneil adjourned anti). Monday,- ,Helen, and his: brother,. Chester; . O
Augustine last Saturday, • . ' Dec. i5th,••where it -is expected thatall tha -journey t� • Marquettee' Mich,
• edr: John Young of London Passed .the ;town:ship accounts , for 1.902 Will where.. their fathee lives.. Our bes
hrotigh the village. one day, last, be eettled. The Board of 1.1caIth ,inet wishes. go. With them, '. • • • . •
week.. •
. • . • in the. afternoon. and 'received 'the. an- We are glad to report that Mr:. joint
Mr., McMullen of . Lucknow was tee. read reaert of the health ffiHill, who, has ,andergone an operation
th ocee; Dre.
nest of .Mr.A. Robinson last week. ! 'irfcCallinn,:. • from *hi& it .appear a . in der, Genii's hoseital in, Clinton, i
Mr. . .Robert .1Feigneon of. !Lucknow.
. . that there haere. been. a 'few scattered . • .
c cung ,as well as can be -expected. di
• MelLiLLOP TOWNS33,11).
The people here were pained to hear
of the lamentable accident which betel
Mr. Philip Murray. Botlk he and Mrs.
Murray were well and favorably
known around Leadbury.
Rev, Mr. McNab of Walton has been
around distributing prohibition liter-
Mr. Thos. Irvine aucl Mr. Herbert
Irvine, who were visiting at home
have returned to Stratford.
The salaries of the schoOl tethers
have in many instances been advenced
• Mrs. McGregor, for many years a
resident of MeKillop, but who had
lived in Seaforth for some three, died
last week. We extend our sympathy
to the bereaved relatives.
Taxes are higher than -usual and as
a result the members dof the commit
come in for some hard raps.
The young chap witn a guii looking
for game which never doth appear is
largely in evidence these times.
Mr, and Mrs. Rackevell, who were
married recently, leave gone to live in
the vicinity cif Palmerston,
• Mr. Alfred Irvine, who has been ae
• way the greater part of the summer,
is home on a visit.
Id y f h 11 M
mon church._ has been holding meet-
ings at Winthrop.
h'l • the1 ' 0 '
enjoying balmy days it is • said the
'Manitobans aee having zero. weather.
e • •
O .1-Iere's • a snap shot some snap col-
lector e won't publish : It was at a
mass meeting on the eve of a great
political contest ia Scotland and. like
: all good Scotch gatherings proceed-
. ings were opened -by .prayer. But
p there appears tcr have been a differ-
ence of opinion among those present
e as to the things prayed for, The gude
ineenister•' prayed, "Oh LOrd, grant
y that on the morrow our great Leeber-
e al. peaty will a' hand. thegither.........U.
"Menem,'" : yelled some .sinnex in the •
back part of the hall,"Not," the good
man continued, "in the Sense yon
a miscreant would have it, but that dur
,• -great Leeberal party will a' •• hand
t thegeeher in accord and • Concord,"
Again the sinner.: • " We •dinnii• dare
whet kind o'coed it is sae lang an it
is a gude strong cord." •••
5--------------,---... .
It really is too bad that Canadian
ministers are unable to tell " the
truth, • the whole truth and nothing !
but the truth,". when they make a0.
nounceinents to the people to whom ,
they are responsible. Only a*few day: ,
ago Sir William Mulock. claimed a
surplus •of $5,000 in his department, ,
vet his annual report shows . the fol-
lowing result on the business for 1902
Expenditure . 54,000,392
Revenue • 3,910,415
was the guest of his brother Jainee cases of .searlet. fever, thlmeitasnleosnesnodf hope he may; soon be able to gain 'a
last Taesday. • • . • feu,' cas,..s of typhoid,
Mr, Jonathan CouPland is taking footing en the homestead eaain. • •
severe type. There have also been seVe •
1VIiss Mabel Shepherd visited friends.
the hernees business with Mr. eral cases of .dipletheria none df than. in town on. Sunday.
Nicholson.. • , proviag fatal. OthervAse • the ton- 1
• .1elhElTeNte. "OF TI-eIEou'l-N.IDTRIONC9'17
Mrs. . hontbron, who • fornerlee was ship .is 'free herrn. epidemics and i;"; . ' ' , e
Miss-. Bertha Youngbleit of liensall; good sanitary condition The number , .. • " . •
s visiting friends here at preeent, oe deaths. from all causes rePorted to . LONDESBORO. ' •
. . the division registrar during the year mi.. •
Thos. 'Riley . Of Stratford aPent
, .
' •' *•• . is. twenty two, being about one fourth
Sunday in town.
ear. Bert Lepper of. London is visit-
, BLYTH. • less than lase year; .e. '
• - •• ing his arenclfather, Mr. •Geo. Johne
Mrs. Chaniberlain of Toronto is pay,. ,
' ston.
ing a visit emonget friends here: . .: °
- IVIr.: and Mrs. Joha Stephenson spent
. - . • '
On Thursday last a munber of. hotel- : * GODERICH TOWNSHIP...
, • •
Sunclay in Brussels. . •
eepers from adjoining towns and ,
: . Messrs. Peter Cantelon, R. H. El- ' . Mrs. 9. Melville of Toronto Was
illages held a private meeting here M
o discuss matters pertaining to the ., liott, Art, 'Curry anca Chase Pierce' here attending the fuaeralof the late
all delivered hogs for shiPment on Mrs. • J. efeleille. •
efereadinn campaign. ...
On Sunday evening after tli2 service . Mohday, .1Vir. • Hanley also sold three. Mr. Will. Lee. is hoint from his hunt
S ameetingwas called in the Metho-
fat cows and Mr. John Iludie oite. Mg expedition Lead reports lots of 'deer
. '
est, church to discuss the referendum. The many friends in the township hi the bush, but none in sight: Will.
tevs. McLean, Holmes Mal others of Mr: Sohn Beacom are` very sorry steak havethsfo„l.
to be satisfied with beef -
poke for a short time on Ile subject. io hear of the. uniatisfeetory state t
• '
Oh Triesdey the remains of the late of his• health. We know: if auything 11re Foresters arepreparing for
their annual dieter which. is •to take
ies Wilson of East Waeva.noeli paesed could be done by his friends to restore
The Postmaseer General, in Ids at- •
tempt to deceive, left the Yukon ,ser-
vice out of consideration , and 'juggled ea
his accounts to suit his own personal t
ends. he public must be tired of r
such misrepresentation. It serves .
good purpose and the spects.cle of a ee
minister pf the crown deliberately fan d
saying the public records is neither
edifying nor useful. •‘;
place on •the 12th • of December......
hroteah. this burgh to the Dnimi cern- hie health again it !.would be done 'by
11ze Meeting in the interests of pro-
tery ' for:interment.
Mr. Niles „Morgan, left on. Saturday day.
the in.any. who , ask about him. every
• . . .
hibition here. on Tuesday evening drew
After three weeks' deliberation .. Sir
Wilfrid Laurier mustered sufficient
courage to appoint Mr. Rayinond Pre- H
tontaine to the portfolio of Marine
and Fisheries and transfer Hon. Jas. §
Sutherland to the Department of Pub-. „t
lic Works. Now that a decision has
been reached, not a single Liberal e
paper in Montreal can be found to en- a
dorse it. Mr. Pretontaine's record as e
• The Council • of the , Oprporatjon of
the County . of Buren.. will meet . • in
. the Corineli Chamber, in- the Town .01
Goderich, on Taesday, • the end day of.
Decembee neat, at 3 .o.'elobla p,.ene '
• . • • eV. AXE,. Clerk:
ever been offered in this store. it is not often 0
48 pair only men's arm wool drawers, in natural colorseleo stripe,
sizes 32, 34, 38. • These are our regular 50n and 00e Underwear, 76
but for one day the pi ice will be -2 pair fur....,
0 dozen ;mile men's heavy web) sox in dark grey only, plain and
rpithichetelivpisll. breelepuelirer pair.,.
. 15e aud 180 pair,for Saturday runty the 1 n
** ..• • ••• • *A • 0 A • 4 0 • *******
We were fortunate in seeuripg lb' dozen more ineries heavy
• wool sox which we place on sale et 2 pair for Mc. They are
$• for
tra heavy an wool, and while they last the price will be 2 pair 35
. one of the hest 2.5c sox to be found anywhere, are made of ex.
GO pair men's suspenders in a dozen different styles, mediurn and
$ 200 men's colored handkerchiefs, in good eize, regular price 130
each, Saturday, 0 for
11 :
heavy weight, our regular price is 25e, 30e and 35e, foe Satur-
* ** *. ••••••••• •••••• ***** 4 * 02%,
•day Bargain Day...,
10 dozen boyes collars sizes 12e, 13,13e. in turn point shape only,
regula.r price is 15e eachefor Saturday .... . .... ... ,..,,. - ... . .. .07
1J. W. Newcombe
Solo agent in Clinton for Hyne Parker & Co's. famous English
Underwear, Barker Br.ttid American Cellars, and Alexandria
$ • .
Kid Gloves for men.
when well put together. We have jirst the kind orfootwear you •
need . Our Minenee ettick was never in better shape than now
: , We have all kinde or teasonable- goods ai reasonable prices,.
boright direct from the manufacturer. ,
. Big stock of all kind et of Rubhers; we do not handle. 'severed qualitee '
Eyery pair we sell is guaranteed hy, the' inanufactui•er. . • .
Yoti• make nri mistake when you buy your rubbers Pecan .
'Special for h aday aryl Saturclay,•lelov. 7 and 8 only, 40 pairs •Ladiee
1! • Deengela Buttoeed • Boots size's ee, 3, 4 and Only, ,
Worth $1:50 and $1.75, not Razor toes but good goods to clear .
- ' at 99c, they are a.bargain. • • :
..2.8 Pairs Misses Buttotted and Laced Boots, sizes 11, 12, 13, • 1, and. 2, • • ',
All we ask for your choice for above dates 90c,•see them.
See our Girl; Lid Lace;i1 and But.toned Boots sizes 8, 9 and 10, 30 pair
of each line` to go at only 75e, worth ,
_ will pay you to see our stuck and get .ou• prices, 116
. e.: 1 • • - . • .• . .• • •
. •
THE OLD RELIA.BLIEe •• • • • . • •
Dated at Godericle this ieth
day of November, 1902.
BCaustkteratin°dliEelgrst.et:ken as Cash' SON.
As I wish to retire from -farming . '
oiler to sell for $5,00re My splendid ma
. acre farm 'situated on the Front Road,
2,e mile east of Varna. 90 acres clear- I
• O... .40 O.. 40 4444 .44..004
• •
ed, 20 acres heed and soft wood bush,
.Good Iraine. Meuse with cellar, been
and shed. Goodhearing orchard, good
water, and soft. A rare chaeice
to' get a fine earth cheap. • Poseessicin
. given early in the fall..
• 'HENRY MAKINS, Varna P. 0:
. lune loth,. .•
a large crowd.: ' . .,
o. take a -position in the .American . A vei:y... Pleasant' and profitable even-
Mre.. J. D. Melville passed. over to
Mr: Robert Somers has -secured a
.. • • ing was spent at the home of Mr. and
mrs, William Mulhoiland of HedwiTest- • ter an illness • of. about a. year. •. She
louse, Brussels. .. •
'the great majority. on •Priclay -last af
ituation in ' a bakery at Stratford . ville an Friday of last week'
was a Consistent member of the Pres-
nd left fcir that placee on *Monday: . between- forty and fifty of the congre-
church were we hyterian church . and. always active in
E.' Livingetone's' handle fe.etory and gate= of St, John'e
forwarding its • interests and those of
awmill has closed down for 4 cpup- eaccl . lar,ipecial invitation to their
t le . community: The funeral 'took
a of eyeeke for. the pierpciee of (Were home for . tea. .The house was beautt-
place on Monday ..to Maitland Bank
aiding the maeilillerY•80 as to oe • • oilier decorated for the occasion with. '
eowers and national - flags. 'The • first
.beinelnear Seaforth, the services
onducted by Rev. Me. Ramil
Fart of the eveitg was spent in mus- 'ton.
The pallbearers were : Arthur
ace sifigiug, social chat and games, ,Iatelicsoie, •Oeorge Thorriploli, Robert
etc. ' ' About eo eeclieck he company'
repaired. to thediningroom where a aettt George. -and. Isaac Barr and
most 'beautiful diSplay. - awaited them •
Wiam Ball.
The tables' were something lovely to • • • • . • . - .
.'ehold, beingladen with all the dela • • . . .
:mei e .of the season and lovely lloW- , '. •• CONSTANCE . . .. -
rs' i11 vases, all prepared by the good . .•
hostess and her datighter. . The Misses chMildr,r'e:uda itorros,:dvii,saittigedmitwirnana0
Itichtirdsonaeang grace and when the ,
mayor of that city was such as to
make his name e byword when the
wort elements in civie goverhinent
were mentioned. Mr. PretoMaine was
driven from the mayor's chair at the
point of the sword of public denuncia-
tion. His principles could not eta
longer tolerated and the Montileal
nitness, a strong Liberal organ,
warns the country that those same
doubtful principles that prevailed in
Montreal will be carried tato thi
pertinent of Marine and Fisheries
The Montreal Ilerald, lion. Sydney
Fisher's organ, adds to the Wetness'
testimony in its editorial column,
" it is clear that in Montreal,: where,
he hae lived under the linieliget o;
publicity there must be grave misgiv,
ings coacerning the wisdom .of • life
selection." If those who tnow Me.
Prefontaine are iftrable to trust him.
how can Sir Wilfrid expect ehose who
know not his protege to pin their
faith on hem ? The long delay. in ap-
pointing the new Minister prove)
that even Sir Wilfrid only eeteel whorl
the pressure in Mr. !Prefoutairiels lay
or became unbearable. It Mame; too.
that party exigencies a and, not tin
country's welfare prompted the ena
pointinent. That is quite in keepuir
with the Laurier government's record.
'" • slipped away -rs.ther quietly Monday receet y. Jere must be ea ie very Auld thankoffering meeting on Friday
. , ready • for a big winters'. work. •
'Mr. Robert ,Ilcatraid is, •making• pre-
atati•one these 'days' for. inoving mac
ow of his farltIS. in East Wawa -nosh.
Smile of our citizens' attended • the
%metal' of tlie' late Mrs.. Melville of
Lendesboro 'on 'Monday. . • •
.On Thursday eveneng Mr. T. W..
-Scott returned from his Infich enjoyed
• two weeks' trip in the Parry Solute
Mr,.John- Moore. was •visieing Pore
St City the past week. , • •
A. mass meeting Mao be held -in Si,
• Andreweecinirch oti Friday evehing
next when Rev; 0. Ma,ckCome of Strat.
• ford will address tlie enectina on firtp.•
hitition. •
' Business -is very quiet these dayee
owing to. so artieh wet Weather .• aiel
he roads. not being in. • it very good
Th0 foliowieg appeared in last
week's - iesne of ..the Glealicao (Man.)
Giliette •
" ate pleased • to record this
telt the marriage of . our esteetned
, inton,
aieristant on this paper, Mr, Reuben ••• .eare; A. trietah of the 'hayfield line
west. . Mr, West's -moyements lately is' enjoying the company of her moth-
. !iitt aroused the suspicions. of his at Air8, stepheitsthi.,01,,,varua., ,
inner man had been • fully . satisfied Mrs. Robert Armstrong, on Friday.
Mr, Gould liropoeed a toast to . the Miss 'Janet Catnpliell and • A/figs Ale
whieh was • very heartily e drunk,
heelth . of Mr. ' and Mrs. Millholland. ice Stanley visited the latter's . cous-
in, Mrs- • J. .13roadfoot, on Thursday.
A vote of thanks was teudered to the There was a big crowd at. the C. 0.
dainily for their kindness, after
Save the aiesclay night of last week. The weatli-•
Weeich • Ie. annual oyster anima held on Wed -
lag c..f.inide „ciattupsianfigyingweGreodscirry „to er was „fine and the hill .was packed
lind . that their pagtor, • Rev, Wright, to overflowing. -
evening was eritertaining.
The program for tlie
lia.d been ,:calleil away 'that .atternooti
Mr. and Mrs. John Parish of Morris
hy telegram adyieing. him of the death
ef a friend, A. message was read townsilta -visited the . former's father
from him- telling them to enjoy them- crn ' Friday. Mrs, Parish intends to
reina.in here for a week.
:aloes., for although hot present his
.thoughte • were with 'ahem, • Miss Anne Rapson spent Sunday in
fridids and he has been subjected' ,
I 1 a . to am r. °wart o
naming firo of duestmnings ant t' Illal:e were in our midet one Sunday The W. F. M. Society held, their an-
ings for some time, but after all he
S. lel:SLIMS.
deep attraction fee' those two Yollug eight la,st. Rev. J. S. Handel -son of
• , morning on the train for Winnipeg.
At the same time the 'C. P. R. trans- men oft tlie hayfield Line: elensall was the speaker of the even-
. -eontitiental exOress Was bringing 0, Mr. jiihnson of Goilerich Senclaired ing and gave a fine address. The of.:
Rev Dr Daniel chairman of tin, v
oung lady from the east towards the at Mr. George Copper's 4/f the 9th tering amoubted to 546.40.
Goclerich District, will peeech w
sionary " sermons on this circuit on • a
Sunday next -Auburn at 0.30, West.
field at $.30 and Donnybrook e.t ti
Mr. and Mrs. 3, W, Medd of Aulurrn
spent Sunday at Mr. Edward Plow-
The deer hunters have returned. from ,
estern itietrorOlie and a Short time con. • , . e, . Mr. C. A. Tebbutt was a. guest of
fter the 'arrival or that traia at Wine , Misse•Olive Bates . of the •72.11 ton. Mr. John Joyht over Sunday.
Meg the young couple. repaired :Jo speot Sunday s,t. -her home in- Gorier. Misse$ 11, and Z. WeDwood and
le Voting Methodist' ;church where the felt, . . ,!,Ilys A. Clark of St: }talent visited
ordiati knot was tied by the Rey. F. . ' miss. Joephine Foster friends in Goeerich on Saturday.
sof Varna.
, Wooton, A short honeymoon. is spent a few days .recently . with her A number of young people from
steeds to them hearty wishes for a
eing spent in VI/priding'. The !Gazette
Mg at Mr M. Wood's last Friday ev-
Miss Ellie Rathwell. Ooderich spent a very pleasant even-
:VIessra. Willie. and lIerb. McGregor ening. ,
ong.life of unalloyed happiness. le
'I • are hoine front the West! *Ali lookiti
room has proved himself an excellent e a. a . g A Meeting of the 'West Huron Venn -
i i West agreed with the Oatare ,
•arktuaft in his chosen profession arid -s -• ' e ers Ibstitute will be held on Tuesdie
to heyee•
Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Steseare . of' elle Mr. Elliott will speak on " The Bea-
n% istitoriemlawrillwite aall tacl4e5seceircieheoret
hayfield Line gave an oyster supper ene arog,o ev, Dame oe Dungannon
, last Fridey night to a. large number will also. speak .on it live subjeet. lev-
Male ready to extend their emigrate
of their relatives and also it IOW ac- ening' program at 8 o'clotk, In ad -
lotions. - We understand that . the
quaiittaitree. Dancing and verioue ditioli to the delegation arid 'Women's
ride, Miss VlOrpaoplitulnatrsoiitif otifichtlyotwhi;
games were itidulged an and all re- Institute. the ReV., S. ed. 'Whaley and
tnttn., wihsieltglisiltr: conies. She was the t hi lig, • erybocly weleorne.
P° rt having spent a. Very plea:emit ev- Mr. C, A. Tebbutt will speak, • Ev-
ecipient of very Marty handsome pm.
Ms before leaving for this. country, Me. C. Hoare of the mu:de ' eine. We are sorry to kw - thateeletnes,
mong others it SilVer teanot from the Porium, Clinton; tits placed a piano sun ot Mr. 3. Smitheof the teeth Ob.
origrega tion Of the Enise0Pal Church iet Mr, George Budic's home also an was injured by being struck by a reek.
it whieh, she was a prOinitient worker organ at Mr, • Jas. Mose's o'i the 7th We trust he will soon be himself
- con, pent
ft both thdir And Sunday school,
Mus7-o' a and are well supplied with ,
venn on as they brought home w
the taw would allOw,
The anniversary eerviees on Sunday a
were a grand success, the eliurch being te
crowded at all three services. Miss R, „
rattersoo sang three solos svhich Were I,
well received. On Monday eight the 0
church was filled tb see the still and Er
moving pietures. A trip through e
Scotleoul Was given. Ths proceeds , of
the anniversary amounted to $61. e,
Mr, Will Crozier and sister' of Ash-
field visited at Mr. John Chamtley's
on Stinday,
zstlt, conunencing at 1.3o p, n71',
e prt.diet for hint it successful career,
1111 !114t
' ••
• The undersigned oilers for sale Lot
42, Con. 13, Township of Hallett, eon-
sisting of 150 acres, 110 acres cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, 10
acres stump land ad balance good
hardwood bush, never culled. The lot
is well watered and fenced and is Ye
mile from a church, 2 miles from Au-
burn and 9 miles from Clintoh. A
Public school is located on the corner
of the lot. There is a good two-stor-
ey brick house, 2 bank barns and out-
buildings and a good bearing orchard.
For further particulars apply to
EPH, BALL, Auburn P. O.
August 8th. '
43, con. 13, Rullett, c°3/taining 90 .' D. M. MoBEATH - a BLYTH 1
The undersigned offers for sale lot
acres, So acres eleared, balance good s t
hardwood bush. 6 acres in fall wheat rieetOria 13I0olt.
and ia acres fresh seeded down. Frame
muse laid bank barn, om leak from e••••••••••• N•41 4!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
the village of Auburn, "4 mile from .
school. •Will be sold cm reaSionable
ternis. •
AuburnF. 0,
October 127th.
See our Carpet and Lace Curtain . department for
; goods at a right price. ., - .., , . . • .• 1
; Just.to hand a big job' of wide width Flannelette', cut '
in any length to suit the purchaser.
i .
. We are showing an inimenee range Of Fur. Goats •for '
men. They are unequalled in quality and price.
If you intend purchasing a coat it will pay you to
: , drive miles to see the ithoye mentioned as you Can
. save from 20 to 25 per cent. . • ,
iTry our Currants and Raisins for your Xmas Cake.
I .. . ,
I They are the best in the market. and vve sell them cheap. ; •.
The undersigned Offers for sale that
choiee 250 acre farm on the Huron
Roadt Tuckersmith, one rune east of
Clintoe, New frame house with sum-
mer kitchen, first class bank barir,
drive shed, hen house,. pig pea, sil�,.
two wells, windaiill, and small or-
chard. The Dayfield river runs across
back end of lot. ,,, Thirty acres of flats,
the finest of grass land. This is a,
splendid farm, well situated, and
Will be sold on easy terms.
ARTHUR COITC11, Clititon
sum) sth.
The undersigned offers for sale a
tY, storey cottage with five bedrooms,
large dining room, parlor, eta. Situ-
ated on William street, ecmcnient to
the Collegiate institute. For further
portienlars apply to jatue$ Scott,
MRS. 14Antn.
Clinton) :rune 23r4,
. Furniture ,
Some reasons why you should buy
from the Clinton Furniture Co.
Because their attielt is laege and Well itilsorted
The designs are the neeyeet and most up-to.date •
The construction and finish Are the best
Materials that wear out the buyer& expectations
And pries thab are coy 013 our customers
Alec) all kinds of repairing, upholstering and
Picture framing at moderate ptieee.
Undertaking in all its branches
Manager and Funeral Director.
E. N. Rowe, A. J. Ho11owa3r .
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence on Princess
St., directly back of Presbyterian church,