HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-13, Page 7Xovember i8t1, ispo
TheMolsons Bank What are Piles 1
Incorporated by
Aet u Parliament, 1853.
Capital - - $2,5oo,000
leest - - 2,150,oreo
Molson Macpherson, President.
..enitzes Elliot, Genera Manager.
leThtes descountea, Collections Made.
Drafts issued. Sterliug and Amer-
ican Exchange bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Iuterest allowed on sums of $1 and
Money advanced to farmers on their
own notes with one or rnore eu-
dorsers. No mortgage required is
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton,
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street - Clinton,
Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - - Clinton,
Piles. or hemorrhoids, s tbdy are some.
tittles celled, are Saudi tenure: wbich form
in and about the orce of the rectum.
They are Caused by an enlarged and
iiniamedfcondition of the veins, which are
very ouraeroes in this part of.the body.
M a rule every form of piles becomes at
times acutely inflamed, aud extremely
painful. The itching and burning usually
mereases at nightand the misery which,
many people endure is beyond description,
I Thereis no gueaswerk about Dr. Chase's
Ointment, as a cure for piles, It has
of tlme, and
gradually won its way into favor with the
medical profession, as well att with the
public In general. It boa a wonderful
soothing and heeling effect, and wherever
, appliedtto burning, itching, infiarned skin
' it affords almost instant relief, cooling the
Ares of disease and healing the raw ulcer -
CMS skin.
Ask your friends and neighbors about
I Dr. Chase's Ointment: It is. eecognized
by re surprisingly large uumber of people
as the only actual cure for piles. It will
not fail you. Sixty cents a box at all
dealers, or by Mail post-paid onreceipt of
price, by Edna:Once), Bates cle Co., Toronto.
Notary, Public, Etc.
Office -Beaver Block - Clinton:
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance , Agency.
Money to loan.
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurauce,
Mortgages'Deeds, Etc., drawn for
lir each. All work neatly and
cheaply done.
C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at iron door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church.•
Office -Ontario street - Clinton.
Office -Ontario street - Clinton.
A Opposite St. Paul's church..
Special attention given to diseases a
the Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat.
Office and Residence -
Albert street East, Clinton. -
North of Rattenbury street.
Dr. Chase's
VIE CLINTO$ Nwg.arioolti)
11.1.0111101 .1 • - 11•111.111100014010INNIPIIII.8110.11 •
.0041110110401.10010011111k .
perusettereptiresundamoftheweakeyesWere17sainingtlltooninuiagiss,ok,imlependent vestoentch01juilteovuleox
its diVine QjIn contains more cutioner, who eaine nearer and near-
. . sublizeity, Purer morality, more lin- er to the aperture above, As my guide
AN HISTORIC GilnEK, LATIN AND portent, histery and finer strainsof with the lantern approached the hole.
oloquence thcan be collected from Then in imagitiation as iny guide
all other books, no matter in What span I seetn.ed to hear the execution -
language they may have been writ- in call out in e, horst, creel voice:
ten." "Paul, PAul, come upi Caesar says
ENEMIES ADMIT .HIS ROYALTY, 11 this Bible does not appeal to thou art to die. COMe Up; come
thA ' , hnw is it that sctence and apt" Then the little old Jew an -
Text et the /motels, .ludtr. it, ":-1.0.
Messier,' Versies48, Ma -Golden Text,
Pio evil, 1O-Connuentary Prepserea
y 'r
revelation, by the statements of the sWered in a weak though fam eoite, bthe Re. 1), M. Stearns. I necessary for a cure. Yoa just put
"And now A am randy to be offered." (Copyright, 1002, by American Pres* Associations .
now that thou h of wrong ver ri li
odere Coale ertselene in the vaporizer, light
The Three Languages IT tet to Proclaim Bible, are daily becoming more and
The cielon was One of tbe conquest . 7. And the people served the Lord all
W,,,,t I fi in Themselves pe weleereeme men* do you not k , g g o 1ght. The vision was the da
Jesus Christ Q0 *he COMO 01 CniVikry Mora IntnneniZed? AS intelligent
Ytsha°1 lo°u8thiluvaedarorrahlut the lamp beneath, and place near the
the scientists have for centuries been that of one of Soteees hirelings at,he days of the 1
1 crib. While haby sleeps he breathes,.
So it is also written in n teea
.TOsh. Xxiv, . in bhng vapor.
I Cold l,
squabbling, these differences are gra- triumphing, over God' messengere.-
. • or me Metals -Intellect. cougueet andee
hy three tally passing aWaY And that sel- Scene tee Secon4.-eit Is midnoon. nl, and It Heeras.to he given as a reason inflamed membranes heal, and all
, ence and revelation ore coming into I am standing. upon the top of the for this that they bad seen all the great trouble ceases, it's a perfect speci6c
pardoning; urote Signified he T,t
Terignem. . i closer and more enentorrious relittions great Coliseum,. Betore me are •
works * the Lord that He did. for Is- for whooping -cough and croup. 8
Stinnett 2v:cording to ..3/4 at ofylrliament of Cnn- In ree,eed fie many_ things: whereon crowded together 100,000 nien and - 9. a
oda. in tie:Jeer:ex:A 1,1 i 1 ..itt.fri.itly. of IQ- --o
The Baby
Then probably it's a cold.
Babies catch cold so easily
and recover Ser slowly, Not
slowly, however, whey you
use Vapo-Cresolene, Th011
a. single night is all that is
Chtist irt the inallus of •gocernultate °logical discoveries, said: "In every Peror, surrounded by his chief untie
Chicago, Nov. 0.-IheesuprenuteY of Sone, writing on the latest" archee- above height. Yonder sits the em- tory in the land, This book tells of -1
tells or yle- 11/447:);Ri'Qt7;,',igt"ii'it':.titfeTeatrallfit".11
Fr7.1......c..,,,,„,c,,,,,,ijoisrra Stint Ofc?reSO:
yap.).rres)le.0 il Wild by girosslots everywhere:
women, a great mass of humanity, reel, But now we come to a different
a :maws,. then fornierlY disagreed? it is only
1 mote. az t 0 neer o en ....tut
Within n, few Weelte that Professor rising tier above tier, and height story, Tbe book Of Tosbua
where we can test the Bible tory officers and. by the members of once. Their sin was diSobedience in
aim judgmeot, repentance and deliver- 1:;ogicsi:::''7:1114:5sig:itisins i'IrTle in +gr. lZrilit
camerae co.. itio Fulton Se, ew York, U.S.A.
lettining anti religion is itsserted by . ehee
Rev, netters, ne lint Tttlinage in thie •
sermon on ItVe text Luke x,xiii, 38,
"Ana a superscription also was writ- 1
tin over him* in letters of Greek and
Loon and Hebrew c.,, This is the King
oi the Jews." • ,
Copital puniehment has been in
stern by contemporaneous nuenu. the famous . ena a. ` tere is he
place reserved for the vestal : irgins.
mutts, the authenticity of Which is
dbubted by no one, wo find it eon- • Here are 1h rooms of Abe peasants
and the middle classes- All the sight -
firmed and explained, even. .in the '
D0 Yon .not linnw .. 'Seers are dashed and • excited. The
roses. in the young girls' cheeks lentsb, .
minutest pointis,"
as intelligent men and women, thai,
roily recent • discoveries of the arch- eencennutsoh oandtfileePeter:sd tnhfatril%tithe icIntteronxki:
geologists prove that the leaves . of
cated lords. Ae the entertainment
the Bible, seine of them written '3,-.
goes on the bodies of the slain be -
000 nears ago, are absolutely in tte-
gin to accumidate.. ,Atteneante now
cord with scientific facts which • are
rush in and drag the bleeding corpses
continually being revealed?
out of the .arenne Then the blood
That the Bible and MOriern Serene soaked sand is sprinkled with mot-
tific ' statements ore being more and
i»ore harmonized by recent investigae
papullnicg. etxne:uileoults.annylcoht .7..se .oe;orte(•cntilsiescit, 1
as te• comition ceiminal, hanging 1111011„ •years ago in the city of Philedelphin,
tan . incident . which . happened some
1 tions and discoveriee is illustrated by
the cross end dying by.the most ine . while 11 was preaching. there. If • yell
tense and agonizing tom of Suffer- ever had any. dealings with medical
ing, mintal and physical. • I stecients, .you know . that Gigot is
nut though • a 0119 °)nlet is dying e proportionately more infidelity
upon the cross as a cometiontertmirial. •P'among ,them as a class .than tonnage
there. is one vivid, distinction e hieh ; •. any: other body . of yoling men. Most
singles his death out frofn. oolong nil of this infidelity, T believe, is caused
the cruciexions. That eeePtion. 'iv by the .eville influences of the cliseeete
the style of the superseription nailed • ing room, One day, when a Medical
above- the cress. It waP. eUstuntarY picofensor, while • lecturing 'upOn nito
enticing. the Jews • to. place above the betty quoted the .ivelleknown laissage
h dia of the dying 11 AVI'ittOli Sta.tea in Job "I ane escaped with, the,elcin
Oin ment roe among' an Atteione, both invite
teed and 'nolo:rte. But of all modest
- of capital pemehmerit, 'Wheihee by •
Tbe News -Record. has G.T large and'
increa.sing circulation, which mekee
t a splendid advertising medlar:rue It
pays to etiverti'se in • The New,s-Record,
Recent graduates have accepted good
positions at this, 45, $.50 Alla $60 per
month, and a few clans ago an appli-
cation received offertng ,one of our
graduates of last term a salary of
it3oo per annum, This is the kind of
evidence you are looking for as to the
best school to attend. Catalogue free,
Enter this month if possible.
the hanginains noose; or by &capita-
, tlon, or stow strarqulation, or by
bueninee at the stator,. the most hor-
rible way for telly criminal -to die is
by the crucilixion mode-thiet form on '
ea. . *
fee which 'they were being- executed.
ment descriptive' of the crimes for •
areund the elossroom. The, college, .ing on. Some 'of 'tile • •Chinsteans are
of my teeth," a titter of derision ran the Christians. The. twilight is come
Bet instead of &cloning:that Jesus professor raised .his hand for *reliance, bound And fantened to Poles and COV -
Christ': was dying an ignoininioue tine -said? "Tut, tut, tut, gentlemen; bred with' pitch and• set afire to make
,death for the. sin of murders or 01 there loom need for laughing. I am .
. human torches .with which ' to light
blasphemy, .or of insurrection against not a minister, nor a son of 4 inin181,• the dusk: While these flaming •tor.le-
th,hrene oi Caesar, the board over . ter, nor ann-I a Professing Cbeistian, • es -leap .and- splutter and play in. the
e •
the head of Christ had Witten upon but .t here and now want .to state' centee of the' arena are huddled -to-
it in three •clefferent. leeguages 'this • that the more 1 study that Bible the • •
gether scores of men and women who
e • 1 • Mi
ous powders to allay the odor. Now
an awning is drawn over the assemb-
ly to protect the nobility from the
rays of the. fiery eastein sun. Now
the air; is redolent with aromatic per-
fumes. • This is a natiOnal holiday.
Caeecer is ceiebrating the victories of
the Roman. armies. Now the arena
Is flooded with water. The ships
float In. There is a naval battle.
New the gladiators cut and slash
and -Wrestle • and die.
.. After awhile even this sport • be-
comes tame. For what tire' they
Waiting? They are saving the best
until the last. They are now going
to let loose theewild beasts upon the
Making a league with the beathen rath-
er than manifesting the true God, the
God of Israel to them. The great sin
of those who bear the name of Christ
today is that instead of being separated
unto Him and honoring Him they are
in league with the world lying in the
wicked one (I John v, 19; Rom, xi!,
8-10. There arose another generation aft-
er thorn which knew not the Lord nor yet
the works which He had done Inc Israel.
Joshua and all that generation "tee-
ing , passed away from this present
scene, their semesters must have
known of the Lord, who brought their
fathers into the promised land, but
they had no heart for Ulm. They did
not like His ways, Ills righteouseese,
His dominion over them, Line their
descendants long afterward, they acted
as if their hearts said, "Speak unto no
spina His words and misused Ms
prophets until the wrath of the Lord
arose against Ills people till there was
no remedy" (II Chron, xxxvi, 10).,, Very
long He bore with them, but finally Re
sent them into captivity for seventy
years. After lie restored them from
Babylon and they again became a peo-
ple, tbounh not air before,. sent to
them His own Son, but they rejected
Him and crticified arid uow 010
are scattered among all .nations until
He shall come again In His glory, and.
then they will receive Him and he a
righteous nation from that time forth.
They will blossom and bud and fill the
face of the earth with fruit (Matt.
xxill, 88, 39; Ism xxv, 8; xxvil, (i; lx,
21). Ilow wonderful is the purpose of
smooth things; prophesy deceits;- cause God and how- mire of fulfillment (Isa.
the Holy Om of Israel to cease from- xlin 24; Pe. xxxIll: lb. How much uf
-before us" (Ism xxx,. 10, 11). ,They are heaven •upou earth every .child of God
represented today by a vastiuultitude might .haver• 11 only willing to walk
ofe•inchbuetr.cshgwoea wmiaun ynootf etnhdeumr e eshouurne di e . 11 exuxxn a lb, 1 y13 -w1 di t. )h WHiemeint(erDeuthtiorrie, ii2t1w; bPena
doctrine (II Tine iv, 3), yet profess Joy- we cease front our own vrorire. ---
atty. to Christ. .They profess that they • •
. know God, yet In -Works they deny .
Him.. • -
11-13. They forsook the Lord and served • . • nnev eased ltn Ills gel,-
Baal annahtaroth. . .• • • Deleon:el& Nov, '.7.-Williani Hall:
The Lind God who brought them out • an old resident of Buckhorn, was ace
ot.the land of Egypt, who led thm ecidentally shot at Gold -Lake •Wednes-
thienegh. the fled sea 'on 'dry land, who day, His on was lifting his • gun,
pile striking ..sen'I. his i tilo tenCe: s • le ote t e.,ppeals to y ntelli
gence as are about to die. While the -merciless ;overthrew the best of the Egyptians, out of the canoe. wheo the hammer ..
king. of the. Jews," Even in thie den an. inspired hook.- I ain • as firmly.
' 'h eaeght on the thwert, the char e ene
midtitudes . look :. on, the doomed
gradation, hounlia,tion anti . death.' 'convinced. that the Bible is inspired *Christians all kneel, 'except ' one' old' • their . e'neinies, n o' fed 'them . With
toring the abdome H cliedgtia
manna'all th.rough the Wilderness jour- eeeten ,..,,e . 0. 0. ren•
et od Keens to have so ordered .events . as was the . centurion convinced of the. pa,teiarch ;with long, :vhite 'beard, .
. that the- very Men n ho • nendemned , divinitei al .christ, when _ateehe foot who stands in - then. midst to lead in ney, Who divided Inidan before tbern -"""1''''tFr,•
. . . hint to • death should . have aekno:v1- I. of Jim cross he cried out in awe, PrAYere Now the 'iron -notes are and . gave -them the good land with
LiCen8es edged. hiseroyalty , and thugprieelnim- I 'Ti ulye this mart Was • the see. .of ,swung back. . With one mighty. leap • S'
vineyards and olive yaids and homes •
ed 16 oil • geneeotions of an times:the. • God.' This veeY 'Passage Alit (mot- - 4.huge eien lands upon the sancta. At ' .for which they labored who nat God
-7 . . • GODERICH.
. -
..t, ,.h Christ eves ' ed die 1 ff kn Arl e k 1 - '
.„ . 'great; purpose . for iv .. p p,y a 0 c,dg wit. h cot Id inst. the . firuning toreheS blind . his did all this. for them -and ga-ve them • •
. • ISSUED BY • n as a• babe • 'n Bethlehem of. .1ne , met have . been aequired ny the inin. _ eyes and compel • him to blink. Then life and breath and•all things. Hinothey InioS ' Stratighan has neen f•or •
• •, dem for 'which he' lived 'as a boY in who . wrote. it .14.1 any ether way than • he lbee's amend upon tho 200,000 hu-• foisoole and fellinto the idoletry of the- out le. of weeks% at .the ole home on
Office formerly occupied by ,Dr: Pale .
lister on Main street.
Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday
Adjbining Henry's Photo Gallery,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work.
D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
io. .
L. D. S. -First class honor graduate,
of Dental Department of Toronto
Special 'attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth.
Will be at the River -Hotel, Bayfield,
every Monday from io a. m. t? 6
A member of the Veterinary Medina'
Associations of London and Edin-
io Veterinary College.
()Pace -Ontario street - - Clinton
burgh and Graduate of the Outer -
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Phone 97. '
Office -Isaac street - - Clinton
Residence -Albert street - Clintoikt
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Verdi, Or:
ders bit at The News -Record, of -
lice, Clinton, or addrested to Sea -
forth P. O. will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaran-
teed or no charges. Your pat-
ronage solicited.
_ -
TAM* Manna
Anyone it outing token* and description Wiry
titticidr aseortoin our opinion free *Tether tut
invention is oroonhIrrintentabie. COMIMUOICIK
thins strictly- eonsdential,,Handsook on Patents
sent free. 0100211 iteettey ror sechaligt ipateste.
Patents taken through Munn & co. recoil/1
*Petted take, without amuse, 101210
sciatinc :footman.
lierideretteleilliiedreted *cold?. Leraset ole
.eiiintion of nor seiontinoktlynah nirers, es 6
rutNN Go 84111readwaY, New TUX
`41s3ttnolltita $1. 801.1 17S11.. deitlettk
/0414 1$9111. r gloll'peklarciep0,9;
'ellington .
• Nazareth, ene for which he died. Wen by revelation. Poe centuries seleot- nom eyes watching him. • Then the -people round ithent them, who knew nostreet.
tlra a , on the cross for the .salvatiori of Mee: • iste ridiculed job's. entitle abotzt the
• •WM' • • B f '4 » r son •returned on:
God. Thus they worship demons and Wednesday fiom. a pleasant visit with
ine• describe how the three . skin of the ,teetto But a .few youts•
• • ' ••• • ' • - gunges--the Greek, the I,atin. a eo, a inieroecope -was invented with
000k'B Cotton -Boot Coapouna
Is successfully used Monthly by over
1Q,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
_your druggist Mr Cook'o Cotton Root Com.
fr. Take no °User, as all Mixtures, pills and
ittions ane -dangerous. Price, No. 1, flptr
box' NO. 2,10 degrees stronger, as per box. No.
tor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two aceut
stain:pa. • The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
Pronsios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended DY
respoueible Dniggiste in Cauedla '
Nos. x and 2 are sold in Clinton by
H. B.' Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Ron-
ey and Watts &-enar,irrtists -.
the Hebrew -which were united in the . such -powerful' lenS thut, inuch • to • the
. SUpOrScription. UDon... the • crosS are ,surprise of the scientists, • it was
star mg brute suddenly sees the
trembling C'hristians in ,the centre of ,
the arena. He squats. His plows
net Geld (I Con x, 20; Deut xxxii, 17), her sister, thlits). Nleitsrrisonof oNonrwiehe.
Nevem ni 5 1 vas a most rein
begin to work convulsively, He for if is the devil whe turned Adron
ye -7 stud EVe from God and even askee the cities
sanity of found that Job was right.- Over the Ile retakes elle leap. There's a, wo-
' Son of 'Gird . to worship him, wine Is but • about 5 p. in the Falb which ,
almost • sultry hi the morntlig,
eraWls'nearer and nearer to Ix* '
symbolic Of . the uuiver
Cbrist's reiga. • •• • •
. • cteroth there. is a thin skin, the lane man's scream. Then with savage 10-. 'beak Of all
. tens' turning away Own: . ilireatenet1 about e.p. in. came on and
.. , .
Goole :veer the . language et .learn - ieesieleei pert of ..an Inch. •In thickness: tocitY :the AfrIcan monster drags .oft ' God and Ws • truth and Hes, worship completely • dampened . the 'artier of the .
• hoe. In that lealm our •Dieine .save. . Nolooy xya4 •poer awe. ea. see . ehie the body and begins to Miltrh the. and Nynex is w: orking.so hard'in our (ley youthful. protegee of, 'Guy' Fawkes....,
• . . .
skim . being ruler .• of . the heart, HO • saly i in• inepit'a ti011 . thousands •of•'Again. the. sport grows 6,11.14. . The . pits to turrepeople ftWey front. Goa; have inarred akeirepleasure, The•towit .
ioer is 1,,q.0:7 -lord of• the ifitotect, be- • s „ie with thi, vet .361) b9210S, • • • : • • In Many thetelogieal •geminaries and pill-. Perhaps the scarcity ol•eumpkins may
• ._ • e • • . • Was •stilt. • • -•
is to be' the dozniunting power An Mir - years before the, inicrosc ope. Was in- people ate begi ning to desperse; the 14, 15.: Whithersoever .they went out the •
great universities anti Institutions of totted." Thus 'everywhere• we, • find human tOrehes' are going out; darke 'tend of • the Lard was against them for . Mr. Bissett Thom is having the el- •
lcai mfng .as well its 'in 'our Christian . thot seleoce and eeveiaeion one bee 'flees is blotting out eirerythingwith evii, as the Lord had seld, * ,I!., and they e eerie light 1 tit into his residence.
Endeavor societies „,,ha burnble meet,. coming more and /more harmontzed. 'folded aims X turn to go clown -the 'were greatly nietressed. e -• .. • . Ille. I lunit paid; Goderie t a -visit with
. e • Inez- aucl 1. as so hirpressect weeh , ets -
trig houses en. the backiverodin -ne *•1; ExcrYwkire We see that Jesus in the • step's1 saying to • ithiself as I geo "Is The teatIroony one.of their.rplers his esteemed family during. the sum-.
• • ; . to be the cOmpanion of the scientist,. Greek superscription Is appealing to it not awftil ;that all these Christi- about a thotzsann year aftei this was.
• e 1
. • • like Holey •Drutiantond, who goes the brain or tri the intellectual part e azis shoold have been slnin foe , "Tile hand of pun Geed.% upon all them enervating, tendencies- the- I "idea
The Killop Mutual. Fire forth, into the great tenmle of nature-. • Of Man as well ai to his feelings, or • no to become a resideet for tzte least fine
thing;•that this' 'bleed shotild for good that seek Himobut His power
• to find "A Natural Law In the Spire to the sentiments of .hiseitear,t; . haye been uselessly sptit?" • But as And lein 'wrath is against all .them that' Yenii,
Insurance .Company.. Wail World," kee well as the ecopPatn The etipersceiption on the cross was. solilogitieedelhus a young ghq touches female Him". (Ez: viii, .22), In Le -v. Dre Melatrg; who, it will be •rememe
• • •
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
. tn Only Insured, .
• B. MeLeari,.Presidetit, kipper!, P.
0. ; .Thos. Fraser, Viceeleresident,
Itrucefield. P. o:; T. E. Hays Sec,
Ireasurer, Seeforth P. O. ;W.)G.
13ronelfoote Ink:totter of Loss* Sea-
fortn T. (:). • . ,
W. G. • Broadfeot, Secifoeth ; 'John,
Grieve, Winthrop;.George Dale, Sea -
forth; John Watt, Barlock ; John
Bennewitsi.Braelhagan ; Sautes Evans,
Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton;
John McLean, Kinney. • •
• • 'AGENTS.
Robert Smith, Harlock ; Robert Mc-
Millan,: Senforth n, James Cummings;
Egzuondvitle; J. W. Yeo. Holmes -
promptly attended to Ott application
Parties desirous ter effeet insurance
or transact other business will be
to any of the abene' officers a.ddreseed
to their respective postriffices.
_ .
1111100Y SYSTEM
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clioton Station as follows :
Coin East Express ' 7.38 a. m.
ton oe David Livingstone, whose written also in Latin. '1'his termites InY• arm. I turn and look at her.
tiered, (tech ca,ted the Oddienows' hall
here and ,tt ended. the s a I .geli
.xxvi• tied Dee xxlin God eerie an fir b 1 it
"You- do not know mei". No I winning as to . what He fiy that <eider in -their new halle Is the
greatent ambit ion :toes ' to tell I hee. ; that Christ : will one day be theesue i'6-4lie• bus 9'. su'u(lt ' feecn• •She .• snYs*: un ant ' , .
. •anawer; '`I have never, eon ,you bee
' i o if they foreo6k Him, but 101 e.c.tiontr of bault bin. Mane.
zenoront black 1httn• liVilm‘..0111Ortg the king' of theintelleet and the rider
eh , African swamps or upon . • the e of the heart. Rome means ceinquiist. lore Well she store, "I know all:Pile they •sintied still and belfeeed Ami exchange hes' the following t
banks of the • Kongoe he Is lo be the in that .tne void 01. four lettets we • youi saw you 'when you read any not lot Ilia woohroue work's: Ihen be . ." 'Any pinion Who wishes • to save
inipietetion of. Hugh Miller's geologn; have the tramp ef ' the inirailidi le- •epitaph this morning in the , cote,- ,lieged not in God ane Misted net ein •• cceie or nod Might to.' pet, two came- '
. and • Leaac .Newton'e. scientific instru- 'oyerothe ,Gaule :or of the. Atignstem COmbs. ley' father and mother •weee His siltation (Pg. 'nenniii, ,32,. 22). , TIee es oe motel of :saltpetin into. min -
eel crowbar and Agassit's laboratory. ' peens of a. .1 Julius Caesar tehiniphing•
the .iiitgdorn of ' a net. dean. • poem, let ino, show You
eaten in this maseacre„but :their.. are: • whole Mine 'teaches that since sin en, Aetna: of .etrOng heine, which 'should
the fucl,..` Thee
time of youth who accepte him Its frig the niightee Hannibal ;• over t h • 'girl speakeestrildeniy a steepen eight
The Colise9. ,:t ..t.* . eased the carnet -mint' is enmity against. limn le pitit 1.(1' Over
the nitre h cops up cotritustion (if you •
e Ine.n Ls and Wit !lain ' Meech& 'e• • tele- • . host.p eunexjng•
. roar young girl dnieg.'in 'the sprinne . the gleainitig spears Of a Scipiindriee . ateln wicked; eVery,linaginatkii oi. his' salt 1 tevelltS; tC)0 reeld burning and .
s ode, as, well as the' hope 01 ' the . Cleopnera to the, Empire. .or we see:. • Gode the heart is ileceititil end desPer-
time is deserted," Bon. as the 'youog ;
simple story of theeentHvity, to ehe premo 'ruler of. the world as wen as
.14 , 2.55 p. til.
Mixed 445 p. m.
" West , " ' ones a. tn.
" Express , 12.5,5 p.
II 7.05 a. tin
01 II 10.27 le•
Goictig South Express 7,47 a. tn.
" MiXed 4.15 p, tn.
" North Express 10.15 a. 3:21.
" 9 Mixed • 6.55 p.
Agent. Town Ticket Ag.
District Pass. Ag., Toroilto
"I hid a terrible cold and could -
hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and it gave me im- -
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Well, 111.
How will_your cough
be tonight ? Worse, prob.
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a cough, then broil.
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
for chronic eases aid to noon oft hand,
eold; , lust not for bronchitis, homes.
Peek bat'd colds, eta; 51, ntost economical.
throe shalt nin., Melnik for th ordinsi
J. C. Arra 00., Itrite11,1100.
nut • in. enteagh) So. that you • .cen uearly
heart is •only etil• boutinually (Rom, , o
.ticcause• Christ has' a Mission, to the . rame •Of• Titus crashieg in the gategs 'that they. lilt' therriselves ibovee the •
begineto enlarge. • Then- grow so high • . • ' • '• I .) • .•.• •. We • thank. the nen'i proprietoeS of
. o
The .superscripticre•ninst be in GreeR 'seas; or we hear the Minh ,batterin 16.- Nevertheless the.• pod •:raised ' The Planar," • Sault • Ste. Merle .
clonds; they. grow eo..Wide 'that e they indoes oreileh delivered them .o t of • the•
;horned, the cultured, the relined. The '• o e a i cap a . -ng t re • herin of those:that spoiled thern:I• for the Iirsteissue 'of it under the rimy.
tranagetteet.: . of -Clare S. ' The
"the evidence of things not seen." Alps and hurling blur bank acr ss the appears. Tne. walls of the Golteetun
VIII 7' Jet xvil 9. Gen vl- • ',1°6 the sia“-
Green. language has. always-. beert. the
symnol of olture and refineinent. It
is the lonnuttae of the poet and sculp-
tor „and arcentect and musician. ands
pintos/A for tine statesman: it, is the
1i ngtmage ut Intellectuality, because in
the time of ..•1 Het. it Was 'exclusively
the longue of .the Litetati,• • as the
Fon h latignage during the.. nine-
teenth oaten:* • was the ceurt l•ange
men or alto neurone.. So intne Greek
imperecripticn written oVer the cross
inseennoi • ' ist seems to say.
"'rhe gospel or the Lord Jesus Christ
'sheet 'successfully appeal to the intele
lotted man as, wen an to the ignor-
I , to the calm, • cOld, catefully
,w. rick fitter. mind as 'well. as
o the Impulifive love 'of the little
. .cli .
• nut though the superscription nVer
the cogs had the gen:emote, "Thief' is
the King of :the dews," written in
ih Green Moto lir there are: thous-
ands and tens of 1;:ousands of, infidel
• scoffers who continually ' sneer • at
Christ'a. IlainC and at the word: of
God. 'They. pretend to think that
the religion (if the Lord Jesus never
neer:ant to the brain, Tbey tiesert that
the gospel is only a relic of the- sue
postitious and barbaric ages fit 011-,
1ypv shallow, effeminate men, sent-.
imerital Women and slat. children.
They assent that the Wend of Life
Is onto fit for the one .purpose of be-
ing rolled no • into • small, 'harmless
hellets to be fed to invalids to 'cairn
thole nee: es when they are very sick
or lionelessly dying. • Theie scoffing
Matteis seems 'able to Study every sci..
en and law, calmly and deliberatee
ly told intelligently, and yet. are not
able in intelligently • investigate. the
reggion Of the t.ord Jesus Christ.
11 the 33ible doh not satisfy the in-
ct . how can you accoont for .t.he ly gruesome, .As the light disap- crOwn him a King of heaven and of
feet that it has conanntruled the .itd- peered the darknese rtielled In and earth, even as the superscription ovee
nitration of the greatest thinkers et seemed to press my eyeballe like live the cross deelated in three different
lh --
. ages? 10 this book, Which an- • Mg coals of tire into my threhhinr languages that Christ WWI the Eing
claims Cheist, does not bear the in- • brain. Then in intagioation of the Jot's.
ee•lar e th n ' two bottle heves
.toeilay; oA. accouet 'of her...great .na... ,- a _. g r a - - P . .
Then•this • huge.,.Colleetim.. beerier 'tie Ne.L'e hove lust referred to the wonder- •
•vy." and gumeroes mercitritile fleets,. Is fill u,p. 'Angels and agibangels• and .ful Binfulnees of inan and.hinteleellion.. Sienor nisenebet •6f the new firm name
called tbe, "mistress of the seas," so all the . recteezne4 Of heaven fill -. the . against .Ged,. but the .131ble Is tult •Ci*. re: alitiodealvoaliadtheodifTrkstr elicixrnot.t..h.yitairns0.°Vi. • , ..
ROM% on account. of her V'eat 41'"1".. • galleries, Men .and women of. all na- • the mote. wonderftel love of. God who his «litoriat•cnrcer heee also en daily ,-
ies and navies,- could chain to
er or the scan as weIl •as the "niist-
be rule eionalities-white ond blacg ouid yet.. ' loeed us even w.lien :We .were dead. in nal Os. The last twenty he devoted, •
low and browneenrovid• Anise the spats. • .sins, who' ceinmendeth Ills • loeee to- to editing , papers . and other publica- -
once sepposed to lead to Rome and By the Hebrew superscription bane .sinners Christ died tor ris (Eph. ii, 4, A; • tions in • Manitoba :end British Colum-
tess of the wortd.". All. road tvere . which fin the arena ".. • ' • • • :Ward us in .that while we Were yet
pardon. and ealnation for all slivers, , . limn. th 8). That egod.is Love"' is the Ida, We Wish' the itcw. editor suecess .
moot at . the foot .of Caethar's • thiPne; • .ed to the cross I proclabin a. univosal .
'render allegiance to. the throne .• of Jeses Christ ono . said,' "As Moses. - ••
great • foundation truth of. Scripture, reirtirleilaiorre• the...fermer editor and pen.
Mt. E. Diggings, -will eitjOy . a .
so all temporal power flall'some day
grace. " . , - and Wine such, Ile' e not Willing that Well earned rest.„ from the *toils of ,
. . lifted up the serpent in wilder,' . ' ., , he • „, , , . „„ •,., no:Seaver life. .• • --------
One night.'some years ago, after a ness even so mnst the Son •of Man be 'an.Y 840thu Pelisil•(1 4 0"0 ty, 0, "; LA .Wiiiit! .11,1 town.Rev. Robert lkfellartly •
ay spent among. the ruined Palaces lifted up." So toetlay.1 lift high the. ' Pet. lilt 2). Malty a time He knelled ..
,ef Rome, I hcid two yisions which lIebreve suPerscription of the' croes. • His anger mak from this people, an& v*(a) ISn' itgi 1. U guest 0 f Mr, and Mrs. Robert
• . . •
• tit
bi•ought before my imagination inevi- I crY M4110110 Avoeds of ReVelatione, being full .of conipassion..Ile forgave- Mr. Rollert Collieson has removedr
vid contrast the. beginning and the. "The Spirit. and the Bride say tome0•. t
Jeer iniquity aud clestroyed, them not 'to ' the o sidence on Colboree street
consurzonotien of Christ's ..kingdoin. and let him that Is athirst, come and (i, .4, It(viii, 38). Ile sought. and found• , formerly .owned by, nirs..R. Be. Smith.
Tn one I .saw the heipiesseess of the take of the water of life freeler.".$111- Aelant and Eve witen• In their sin they • . -.gr. cool Mrs. natham report a Ac-
ton; in the other I saw. th imagina, scriPtiOrn Will you conic- and worship'. o'er since been seeking and saving. the) enn. tlun11411,
'lighten visit to their:sous'. 'Mr. Lash- .
few Christians io that great city (lure •ner, to -deer, through the atonement turned away. from Him, and He has
of all.. • . . . ', e'old,. cont4..acie suffering from a severe .
the crucihx- ' as prochillntd In the IlebreW super- ,
itni!nttiteheP' time 01 rff°t111:ewi'leilli!lerinitune When • -the Christ of the•inteilect, the Christ ::t°13t.' . . . • . . • • ' . .
all peoples shall acelaim Christ Lord of noineng universal domain, And al- 17-19. They. ceased not froin their awn • '• ' ' . •
ted while etravelling, .
tioMes nee from their etubborn way. • ' ' . .
. - so the 'Christ. who died that We ntight e•-•
. .
der another dungeon. ..• It is called Masa, anft. other throat
. Scene the IiIrst.-.1 was standing in all haVe a part in his future Aileen With many. shillings anti repentings eouram,
a dark Roman. dungeon excavated un- the ' e' nt from bad te •wortie. "They. n i!tne n ts sia rott 2110°7
Paune dungeon. There. is a little e klv relieved by Vaeo•Crestn ,
hole in the roof about two feet
&Mate. Through this little aperture that the dying Christians -erten to in-
. the prisoner used to 130' lbwered 'nY terpret them. The •watcher by -the '
ropes. Riveted into the stone wall bedside heard her mother ,Whieper :.
eette ain iron ring, to. „which .the help-. ouringt Brine' •The daughter. said BUCK'S HAPPY THOUGliT"
Wall of that dungeon, • Oven on that , stivilici, bdyriinogr Ivom,.(amn,,,!"Manostihveelr,e,dwhtahet. - ..„....Th"........,.....„.e fling of, Ranges- .
• •
less victim could be chained. The °
. .0....e..... doe
hot summer day, were damp . and .I dying woman, 'Tiring! Brine' Then . .
ploce myself as nemely as possible in thee, what shall it bring?" "Why." ostod nuitched and Fifty Thousand. Canadian *omen.
old. As I stood there I wanted to 1 the daughter 'asked again, "Butn inee•
Wanted to be ' alone. As ttie guide Lord of all." May we one and all, • ha.ve decided for .'
Paul'e position., I bade my gnide I .cried the 'dying woman, "bring forth _
Thane me, and take teWay the light. I the intyal diadem' and crotvn hint ,
• '
Evert the echoes of thodeparting foote The " Happy- Thougiat
left the • lonelinces became aPPailing• by the .blood of Jesus "Vhrist, which '
:vas shed for sine crown Christ King
Would that we might one and all
be able to. interieret the three super-:
scriptions over •tb.e emirs. in the: way
Mocked the messengers of God. and lette tablets, ten cents perhox.. Ali aMif.cgitita.-
Seeps Owned to . make. those prison of the heart, Ring of the head and
tvalls the more awfully and hopeless. King of the two hemispheres, May we lk
. a ge •
Common Ranges were not good enough-.-wity should they be tot yOUP
' Don't be imposed on by
"lust as good" talk. The
construction of The " Etappy
Thought ?) is patented, its
design registered, it is totally
different inevery respect to any
other. There is tione like it,
There can be none so good. If
you only knew the time, the
trouble, the labor it would save
you, how little fuel it uses, you
would not be one single day, without one.
4%.46 Th BUCK STOVE CO Pjailte.Jd
y e • 31*A...trOilttli
vestigat•lon of the mind, hove was it thottght 1 Could see crouching by the
that Mir William itorte,s, the greatest iron ring riveted into the wall a lite Torquay and Cork are the warm -
linguistic human being , who ever lee. the old Jew. His shriveled litotes est places in the 'United Kingdom.
ed, once said in reference to that Di- were 'drawtt up by rheumatism, title Their mean temperature is 52
"I have carefully and regularly result of his prison confinements. HIS degrees.
To Our Subscribers Who Are In
Arrears This Is An Intimation
That 41.,n, Early Settlement Is Ite-,
quested. The Label Tells the Story.