HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-06, Page 88 Ili . 1Thls Great f Mantie Sale Our great sale of new mautles will cdntinue all this week,. Never did we have such mantle $ selling as last Saturday, but.a hundred or more mantles are not to be sold in a day and there are still many here for people who want to save some money on this mantle buying. We cleared out a maker's surplus stock at practically our own prices and are selling new jackets for fess money than the maker sold thea same garments for the first of the season. Not one in the lot but was made for this season's trade. Ii Millinery: business is so good that our customers would .think it could do • without advertising. All, we want to do today is to tell you of some later• nov elties in shapes and trimmings that make their first appearance here this week.: Come in.and see them: If you are interested -5n what is newest for early win- ter weal you will be. well :repaid '. . # Wrapperettes at Inc Extra good wrapperettes at a popular price, qualities that will give satisfactory. wear, colors that- are fast,' pat- . Dew. are that ew. ' •Most of then we could easily terns y ask 0 15c for and still give good value No store in town with as good an assortment to choose from. .• ' 300 yards Eigliali andAme i an wriapperettea asserted d . I fancy stripes and scroll designs; . all new . this season1 Ah good quality, and fast eolore,epecial at per yarn . t L2 Off, V' . = IsT Vi%'S RECQRP ,Iovettb*r etb,19O2 Butter Wrappers Good Quality. of Parchment Size 8 inches by 11 inches Very much improves the appearance ofoyour butter and assuredly gives it. a greater saleable value,. at a very small:cost to you. Will you try it ? Agents Parker's . Dye Works. The if, D. Fair Co; Often the Cheapest, .Always the Best. pie1 5 only Ladies' Military Coats, 30 and 30 inches long sam garments, no two alike, made from gond quality heav- ers• and friezes, lined throughout, made to sell at $0 to250 $8, choice of lot Mantles for a $5 bill that the maker sold for more money salify in the season. Nobby and comfortable garments, well made from good materials that will give satisfac- tory wear, three quarter length, semi-fitting,velvet col. lam on some, Made from beavers and friezes, blacks,, greys, fawns, everyone new this season, worth regular 5 50 • $8, about 20 to sell Saturday, each . Many garments at this price, made from goodquality of inches or three quarter lengths, coat or high collars, every garment hued' and made for this seasons trade. if bought in the regular way $10would be the price of • the cheapest mantle in the lot, commencing Saturday Q you can take your choice' of them for • U.50 7 only, Ladies' Meters, very stylish garments. They are . made from good beavers and friezes. waists are lined, These ulsters could not be sold for less than $15 to $18 each if Nought in the regular way.• If you want one of these very comfortable garment for • little money. this should be your chance, for Saturday they go on sale 775• . at, each 1 heaver andcovert c oths, blacks, greys, fawns, all 27 I0 only Ladies Short Cloth Jackets, these are medium., weight garments, suitable for wearing with, separate skirts or for early'. spring and fall. They are made from good brocades' and smooth • finish materials, are lined with good mercerized sateens,, cut in new coat styles, have. pearl of cloth buttons. If bought in the regular way Gould not be sold for less than $0 to. $8, on A 7g Saturday you can take your choice for A few extra good. garments that ak a have not enough Of to lump atone price. will he put on sale at. prices that will be from •$3 to $5; less than real value. 'These coats are nearly ail tawne,.some are satin lined, ., -and are . the'. . cheapest lot of mantles thathave ever been in the store. We do .not want these .mantles. to .interfere withour regular stock. They must he :sold and sold.; quickly -and' have been marked at. prices that should see the most of thein find new owners before the week is over. The Milliner S 1 annel at 25c Grey Fl •� Flannel at a quarter that is every thread fine, pure $• • wool. Every store sells a flannel at this price, but a very j About o «HERE THEY ARE people 011 WHERE • W THEY.ARE 60‘910G ' e Know Alessrr. Karn and Christie of Exeter were in Clinton on .Friday,. Miss Bertha. Newcombe of Blyth is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. S. Ketnp. Mr. John Macdonell of Hensel' was, in town on Sunday. Mr. Knox of Winghain was in town yesterday. Miss Priscilla Cook spent Sunday at her hdzne_ fu Goderich township, Mr. S.' A. Moffat' of London was in town' yesterday. Miss Edith Mulholland of Holinesville was tf#e• guest of Miss Maude An- drews Monday and .Tuesday, .Mrs. D..13. Kennedy was the guest f Mrs. Bd. Watson of Blyth last week.. • Mr. and Mrs, John Cochrane of Hills - green were guests of Mr. and Mrs, • D. S. Kennedy the past week, Mr. James Woods and Miss Martha Woods of Westfield' were in town on Tuesdat .. Mrs. J. E. Murray of. Granton was .the guest of her bristlier, Dr.Thoinp- • son, on Tuesday. . Mrs. J. Morrish left .a few days ago to spend the winter with relatives. in the' county. of York. ' Mr. L. M. Stewiet'of Montreal, gen. eral manager' of the Sovereign Bank, was in town on Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. •Holman' of Eg-' mondville• were ih •:Clinton on Sat- urday.: '• • Airs. Willison Everett is spending :a month with . her daughter, Mrs. '— •Wildfong of Toronto.. • Mr. Thos.Peckitt•, who is learning the jewelerybusiness in. Toronto, came hams ;Friday' . and returned to the city again on Monday. • Miss Pearl. Wright of Summerhill was : in Clinton on Saturday and. spent Sunday. with her sister, Mrs. James Jewell of Bemiriller. • • Mr. Goldie Pike has returned , frond Chicago, having been called •hoine by the serious illness of his.inother, • Mrs. S. Pike. • Mr- W. Potts of . Port •Feria renewed old acquaintances in .Clinton during the past .week. He is an express ag! ant and received' his first training in the Local office. • Mr. Josh .Cook left 'on Monday for Toronto to enter his. €ormet position as . apple packer. Heis an expert at this kind of work and draws good,: •••••••••••$0M**►***** *4 ►•04.0* *M*NM******4.4!.04 I • few will give one as good as this. $ Save Your Carpets By putting an oilcloth square under your stove, . It will save its;cost twice over during a season. x.11 sizes and new patterns now in stock, • s 20th Century • Trousers These trousers are 83 a pair. The difference between. them and $ and made to order: from as good' material is from $1 to 81.50. Ev- ery, other way they are .just the same as made to order at 84 or $4.25, Men's fancy worsted pants,: neat, nobby stripes, well - made, made every pair has the Union label sewn inpocket,equal tomadeto order at 4.0 er pair .. $3. Fur Jackets at $35. The Astrachan Jacket, we are selling this $ winter for $85 is the hest for the money we have ever sold. Itis perfect in every way, far, wnrknie shipp and lining are first claret. If marked 85 -higher ft could not be called dear. Made by one of the hest furriers in. Canada, we guarantee it to give you setts. factory Wear. flodgens Bros, CLINTON. 111,00141010, ,16,A~P 0 civ Mr. George Riiddell, one of the pion- eers of Hullett, whose Homestead is cast of Londesboro, spent a couple of days in 'town this week. Mr: Ruddell has many friends in.'Clin- ton, all of whom remarked how well he looked.'. Rev. John Davidson,, Presbyterian minister at •Varna, wasin town' on ' Tuesday.• The • anniversary' services in connection with. his church are to be on the x6th and zeth and Mr. Davidson's visit was in cones- ' tion . therewith; An edifying •time is. expected - Captain Den.. Boie of •Chicago was in • town yesterday and inseta number of old friends. He had been called to: Blyth by the death' of his bro= ther, Captain John Boie,'whose fun- eral took place on Saturday last. There are four Boie brothers,three of whom are captains of vessels plying on the great lakes. . I • MARRIAGES,. TAYLOR-FLTSK t At the residence of the bride's parents on-Nov.5th,. by Rev, Dr. Stewart, Annie, third daughter of Mr. William Pinker, to George Taylor. • DUNGANNON.. 0. Horne , and H. Stewart are each of them nursing .a sore finger, caused by felon. We are pleasedto know they are getting better. • Airs. Nevins and her daughter, Mrs. C. Elliott, after a, few days' visit to friends. at Strathroy and Goderich have returned l'o'ne andreport having enjoyed the visit. Miss Jane Rutherford left here oil Monday tan a visit to friends in Brits. sets. Mrs. Wm. McNally and son, Scott, are visiting the loaner's parents,Mrs. Scott, Port Albert. •13..1. Crawford and D. BBickle, two of Dtingannon's leading sportsmen, being accompanied by E. J. Cantelon of Clinton, left hare on. Wednesday of last week for the Hunters' . Paradise in Mttskoka. We wish them a pleasant and successful time and safe Velurn. A. D. McPherson of the Forest City, Inspector Agricultural Loan Company of London paid an official visit here. CHANGE OF ADS. Century Clothing-Hedgelis Iros x The First 'Bank -Sovereign Bank 1 Hosiery and Unclerwear-Newconibc's 8 Clothing --Jackson Bros, 8 Mantle"Sale--Ilodgens Bros, 8 ''Butter Wrappers• -W, D. Fair Co, 8 Coal 'mid Wood--ifarland Bros. 5 Wanted -Stone & Wellington 2 Potatoes Wanted --1'. Maitland 3 Footwear -•W. Taylor & Son 4 Harness -A, McKown 4 Bargain Day --el. W. Newcombe 5 Plank For Sale -R, & 3, R.ansford 5 Teacher Wanted -G. Ileiddcli 5 Girl Wanted -Mason house .5 Bigger Businessµ -McKinnon & Co. 5 Plow Points --•D. McNaughton tl ,, ,luxe~ -•-,r. 'Wheatley Hosiery and Underwearpw of Desi Makes �t `� a, �,�• 1/ uying Hosiery and Underwear from us is much like buying from a Apr"r, 'ifli� --N.3 wholesale house, so far as prices are concerned, We buy with, a syndicate of five stores direct from the manufacturers and save the middle profit for our customers, In this way, too, we often come upon special lots that other stores know nothing about and these we are generally able to secure at extreme price concessions. people who prefer the finer grades may choose from a good assortment here, but we mention a few lots very favorably bought that we offer at very low prices,' These are all good qualities that will give excellent service, We have Underwear for Men, Women and Children, • •Ladies' Vests at 25c. 200 Ladies' Vests, made in natural enlor, heavy quality' for winter wear, open front, all are nicely •made and finished.. You will find this vest as good as most stores sell for 80e or 35c, • Oer price hi .. . • . Vests at 35c The vest we are selling at 85c is the hest one on the market for the tnoney,it is extra heayy quality and is well made and finished, it would be considered good value at 50e in some stores, we cleared out several hundred of them .under price and while they last the price will be • Ladies' Vests at 50c and 65c, • At these prices we are sure our values are not equalled in town. They are made from a, very fine yarn, 75 per cent wool, in a cream or natural color, all are warranted unshrinkable, all edges are overstitched and will not fray out, all are full length germenta that will .fit and wear well. You wilt find our. 50' .n5 pl•ices l0c to 150 less than others ask for seine qualities !UV & .0 Vests .at 75c, 85c, $1 and' $.1.25. At 'these prices we can give you exceptionally good .values. They; .; • are made of fine yarns that will not shrink in the' welsh, every • garment at each price will fit, wearwell end give solid com- 1 25. fort duing, the cold weather, prices' 75e, 8,15• c, $1 and .. • • Children's and Infants' Vests • • • Hosiery—Good. Makes Only Boys' heavy wool Hose, in ribbed only, 818084 9, 9*, special• xt..., .25 Boys' Hose at 25c, worth. 40c The boys' heavy ribbed wool Hose we are selling at 21ISc is by far • the hest stocking in Ceriada for the money, t hey are made of an English yarn of fine quality and come in all .alzes from 0 to 10. This hose is sold in one of the large city stores at 400 per pair, our price is .35 Ladies' Cashmere Hose at 25c For,cbifdren we can give you every.good kind; vests in all wool, all gn cotton or union, at prices from - 150 to ■. A line of childreu's underwear that is in greet demand is called . ': Plush Lined, they come in all sizes, pieces are.. ... ...35c to cru We can :give you drawers to match the vests ate -very price • • Men's Underwear We have•imported direct from the makers in London, Eng', a magnificent range of mens natural .wool Underwear. It is' made of the finest Australian yarns and each garinent,is finish- '' ed with the new patent spliced selvedges. They come in smell men's, medium and; large sizes and prices •range from, each $1.25 to.2.:/� .0 • • Men's Underwear "Made in Canada;" of fine Scotch:wool, in .plain- and rib, fancy' stripes:and natural colors, all sizes .from 32 top5 • 42 and, each ... , . , ... • 75c 90c to 1.L Our popular price Underwear this season is the half ,dollar make. We can give pet the choice of from 10 to. 12 different' kinds; in- ' eluding all wool, onion, fleece weol, etc, and all sizes from 32 , to 44, your choice of any make.at .q0 Vgila DIONET BACK IF' YOU WANT .1T r 19c seamless 200 pairs ladies'black cashmere Hose In ribbed and plain, feet, heavy heal and toe, the plain ones are 'nada of all wool. X25 They are Al value, et per pair: . Cashmere Hose at 40c and 50c At.40c and 50c we can glue you a fine range of cashmere Hose. • They are made of extra tine yartr and will give good wear. Children's Hose: In children's Hose we keep almost every good make, If you buy ynu['cliildren's 'stockings here you will. be well pleased hoot with 'the wearing quell ties' and prices which are from...19c to •l4. 0 G' ' Slack Solana Underskirts: at • $1 �, ,,J. .'1• •� is ..,,,J4 We believe: the'hest Underskirts at $1.le � e, rv) C`,.., {, - ewer soldin town are the cines the.• (-1, . are now showing at this price, they ,, • aA .are' made of an elegant quality 'of •. 2. satana cloth, .all having wide frills at bottom; several etyles 00 to choose from; all at each 7rYirl• it Wrappers. at $1.50 Ladies' Wrappers made of good quality.. . wrapperetcer alt hard finished goods ; that will. not get rough by svear, 'come in envy and black; with white stripes and Hgures; all have flounce• • at the bottom of skis t, ..very' special 1• .50" value at each 1 V Flannelette Gowns Ladies' Gowns made of real good quality of flannelette, . in perk, .blue and A. white, all nicely trimmed and. finish -100 0 ' ed, veryspecial value nt.. 85c and A frill .assortment of 'boys' Underwear, in fleece .lined, wool endO • union, atfrotn, each .; .25c to .50, • ':CORSETS THAT WILL' FIT • WEAR.WELL ' That's the 'kind we sell,. . - . Our corset sales this season so'farhave been the largest on record. Women. Who want 'good corsets e and corsets thatwill•giv.e solid comfort have found g out that at this stbre .they are sure of getting. the CLINTON best. • • Prices 50c, ,75c $1 and $1,25. 4 ►N+1 MNH•••••••• •. 0 lr �triritrm r'nrt�rnrrnr►r�r��rr�rnrm�t►m�t��`: mitr nntrrinrrimirnrltrItrtrfnr>ritrtrrirorrtmnirlmtriMtrolrrr: ar a e ale. oF .....1.410 444111. OW.^ �- i n nr� . fir. �tn �. urn. 1 'I� V1is'. hrc r te• ▪ •- •••••••••••••••••••••f ••••••••••4141.0••••4•••••••= r ••••••••••N•••••••••• TheLowest .Prices NNameded •M•••••••N•�•••N -,�4 - Jackson Bros.• ' Jackson : Bros, i In Many Seasons. DxclusiveHxcluslve ' . This' Great Sale is.held ' every November. ,and is always / . -- Mas t quickly rewarded with awonderful amount of business. .• Men's Outfitters 4 People coxae from miles around to attend this great ' sale, •••••••••••••••••••••••• a ....- V************************ ▪ ••••�•i••for the values are unquestionably the most attractive. ••••••••••••••••NN•...= r• ,t..-`7". Underwear-- Top Shirts-- • 'Hosiery and; Sox- :- Clothing at t 25 dozen of all wool fleece Shirts .Our leader is a Navy Blue Elastic 25 dozen ofen's alwool sox a • i` •= IS= and: Drawers, all sizes and the •Ribbed Shirt, said all over itt90c *menial purchasinglast week t�,7 Beat vultte8 In Cshads, at and,$1, while we only ask enables us to make this offer. These sox are worth easily 20e W9 deli a nice gdnuins llarir l+rieze de- ee- eee eO� epi tn25chnt this week week we Raglanette overcoat in dark j .will •sell 'Neto at 2 pair for 15c.. grey strictly up date and worth ,"',,. 0000Fa-000000000000000p { or 10. - iQoO00000000000000000 $ AN*. We. have a lot of Men's American 5 v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c a 0•. Om0440 w. Flannelette Drawers wor.tit Elie 'We sal! for factory men a Shirt _... each, in -fancy colors, to be known as the Mechanic's SS ph OUR y cleared out tit. ial No, 125, which is easily' . • .p• ,. 0000000000 • • .•.+ n worth 7Fic or 90c,hut as we want , 5 V -s. fr-. ! �5 V every mechanic to have one the Our men's all wool black cashmere t price will he only stainless and fiat dyed sax is a • +•0.00000000000000000 worldbeati'r at Puntcomprises alot ofdifferntpat- 5aterns . all wool. and worth a 15ddain,yustreceivedthisweek, ofle 2j50 tarerttdealmorebutasa leader wdainty Elastic Unshrfn kahle p.. o 0 0 0 0• o 0 0 0 0 o v.(dpOp' hence this price. ,�, 'Vont Underwear. This is one 800 00000vo00 • o00 •00 -+ of the const popular g:tirments Our stock of 11'ancy tylesColoried Shirts +►- ever'8hown fu town worth eAs, in ell the latest stylar and color. See nor n►en e.all wool ribbed epee- pQQo 0 0 0 0 . • Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll► fly $1 but our price pis only ansa is the largear and best ever nil at AT ,..▪ -5� shown in this district,ottr prtcea�s �� are always the fowestat ..,-- 60cr'760, i$1 8t $1.25 ovo:>0000o0o0v00v , "" We have just received a ease of.0400 00 0 o 0 O 00 o O 0 o O 0 < e . Boy's stocking in real worsted elast• We sell. et make to your measure a' Boys' 1 leeee'Lined Underwear tic ribbed double knees special heavy American Mole Fant, alt all saves, at ' See our White Shirts . November price seams are donhle sewn and for -•. 25c, 366' c, 45o & SOc at 50c, 750 end $ 250' s , ton h •tveay i re Unexcelled, tr guaranteed. rel .�, 5� $� 50 a pa r, the ire all Our special effort this year to give our customers better values has been crowned with success, 0000000<)0000000000<>0 ackson Bros., Clinton.] 11Furnishers. �y Tailors and Fu 'she�r�, � ...3 J11�►�11�IJ�I��JIi�Cuil11�111��Ii�11�it�iJit�ii►l�l�i�l�i�i 1�t��t�l��il�tl�►i�i���►#1i��4���►��+�+�i►��r������►��uf►'��