HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-06, Page 5OM
November eth, 1909 %TM 01,1.14TAII NEWS.RACKIRD
It 1 ii..1 , Jost,. intiamirsi . alwaiommossmirait L
- -
TE.A.exiER '%17.A.NTL.D.
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women.
Prices ram from
$3.00 to $5.00
You Can procure
them from
is the best Shoe Polish 5
Beware of imitations II
which are named to I
sound like Shinola. N
Shinola is the only L
The Original. A
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes.
Fred. T. Jackson
• coli ---77
Recent graduates have accepted good
positions at $45, $45, $5o and 16o per
month, and a few days ago an appli-
cation received offering one of our
graduates of last term a salary of
e800 per annum. This is the kind of
evidence yott•are looking for as to the
best school to attend. Catalogue free.
Enter this incinth if possible.
The undersigned offers for sale x
driving mare, s buggy, x -cutter and I
set harness.
I. KP.
Clinton, October 28th.
Teacher holdieg snd class ceetifitate
wanted for S. S. IsTo. 4 Ilullett. Dut-
ies to commence ,,Tan. 3rd, 1903. Ap-
plications, stating salary, received by
the undersigned up to Nov. 22nd.
GEO. RUDDELL,. Seco-Tree.S,
The undersigned offers for sale lot
43, con. 13, Hullett, containing so
acres,. 8c, acres cleared, balance good
hardwood bush. 6 acres in fell wheat
and is. acres fresh seeded dowo. Frame
house and bank barns One mile from
the village of Auburn, s;niiie from
school. 11111 be sold on reasonable
wir,r,maz YOUNGIILDT,
Auburn P. 0,
October nth,
The undersigned offers for sale a
14 storey cottage with five bedrooms,
large dining room, patriot, etc. Situ-
ated on William street, convenient to
the Collegiate Institute. For further
particulars apply to James Scott,
Clinton, June 23rd,
$9,000 will buy a choice farm of
about 120 acres, situated a half mile
from Clinton. Good brick house, 20x
28 and 20x20 ; barns 40x4o and 40x60,
with stotie stables underneath, silo,
windmi 11, etc, Will be sold, on easy
terms. For farther particulars apply
. Clinton I'. O.
Apri 2ISt.
- • OR. TO. RENT,•
• • •
The underaigned offers for sale parts
lots 7i and 72 on the 6th eon. of God -
crick township, consisting of 96 acres;
46acres cleared, balance hardwood
bash, pert of. it is ..culled,
8 acres of• Orchard -and. 'small
'fruits. . Frame house and bank barn.
2 wells. '6 miles :from 'Clinton .and 3
miles from Bayfield. For further par-
ticulars apply on the 'premises. or to
• Bayfield.
September i9th. „
• ,
. .
• .
As I wish to retire from farming I
offer to sell for .$5„000 ray splendid soca
acre farm .situated on the Front Road,
mile east of Varna. 90 acres clear-.
ed, Jo acres hard. and soft wood bush.
Good • triune house with cellae, bassi'
and shed. • Good bearing, orchard, good
water, hard and soft. A. rarechance,
to get a fine farm cheap. PosSession
given early in the fall. '
IIENR.Y MAKINS, Varna P. .o.
June loth, ' , •
. • „ . . .
The undersigned offers for sale Lot
42; Con. 13, Township..of Hallett, con-
sisting of 150 pores, sio,acres cleared
and in a good state of 'cultivation, so
acres stump' land end balance good
hardwood bush; never. culled: The lot
is well watered and fenced arid is 1/4
quilt froin a church, 2 miles from Au-
burn and 5 miles from Cliirtitni. A
Public school is located on the corner
of the lot, There is a good
ey brick house, .2- bank barns and out-
buildings and a goOd• bearing orchard.
For farther particulars apply to'
All kinds of
• grain wanted and
the highest prices paid
in CASH for any,
Call at the Elevator and
EPH. BALL, Auburn P. 0.
August 8th. ' . • ••'
South of 'lot 15 and the north
of lot 14 on the 8th con. of the town-
ship of Stanley are •offered for pale:
The farm contains no acres, all elem.,-
ed,, in a good state of etiltivatioa and
well watered. There are two barns
and . stabling • told „ a frame dwelling
house.' Two good bearing orchards.
• mile from school and 2 miles from
church and postoffiee; For further
particulars apply to •
June 2nd. •
see us before selling. •
B. Urquhart., ISSTIED )3Y•
B. Rumball, Clinton
. ..•• • • .
Now For Bigger Business
We have never had Birch a good fail trade as we are having this year
and we are all the more pleased because every day we are winning new
friends who have not been accustomed to such excellentgoods for the
money We are itakingthis month, nor have they had such satisfaction in
buying at they experience here. Hitt while business SO far has been un-
usually brisk We feel that still greater, possibilities ate before us, that
this store'a usefulness an be greatly expended, that more people may
prolit by our unequalled buying and selling facilities, On Thursday morn-
ing we commence by selling:
Ladies' Undressed Eid GloVes, in browin and tans, in all
tsizes,,regular price 75c, tor.... b ,, 00000 ...”.„..50c
Ladieze White Undiessed Glovea, Worth $1, for. "........76e
Ladies' Rain Coats In the latest etyles, in colors of black,
navy, fawn and grey. at, ., $3, $4,60, $0 and $8
Ladies' Black Satanic Underskirts, in ell the latest designs,
very special at...." ... .. e $1, $1.60 and $2
White Hooey Comb Quilts, large size. great value tit $1
White Mat :miles Quilts. latge sizes, in new patterns, at
6. • k 11 W• •• • • . 1.
41.•••••$1150; $211.nd$2•60
New Printa Ib tietv patterns, worth 804 far - . , 5c
Wide Pia n tielettes, in light anti darktripes, very Special at50
We are Belling agents for the celebrated Red Rose Tea whieh Is con-
sidered the best lea on the market at. the peke. In black or MIXed 2te,
80c, 40c, and Mc.
On Oct. 291.11, by Rev. E. V. Jen-
nings, Miss Mary //epee to Mr,.
Frederick Geminhardt, both of
Oct. 2itt, by Rev.. 1. M. Webb of
Brusse1s,111r. Alfrcid Dutton 1.0 Miss
Nov. 4th. 0. Elizabeth Aleock, both of
PIKE-FARRAND-In Morris, on Oe-
1 A. sieentity of hardwood plank for
1 sale cheap. Suitable for barn or
• stable floors, culverts, etc.
• Clinton.
Nov. 4th.
I will be in the Clerk's office in the
town hall each evening from 7 •to 9
o'cloek for the convenience of citizens .
who inay wish, to pay their taxes.
On al taxes remaining unpaid after I
Dee. 14th five per cent. interest will •
be added.
JOS, WHE.A.TLEY, •Collector.
Clinton, Nov. 4th. •
As I have still left a large stock ,of
plough repairs on hand and as the sea-'
son is , getting late I will sell -them all
off at below -cost while they last.
All Low Popits 25e each..
All Wing Points 30c each.
All Sole Strips 25.0 eaelo
Gang Points. from 25e to 500 per pair,.
This is a .rare chance to secure re-
pairs . for fall ennead spring's use,-
• Varna:
The undeesigeed offers for sale that.
choice • 150 acre farm on the Huron,
•Road, Tuckersinith, One mile east of
• Clinton. New frame house with sera -
mer • kitchen, first class bank barn,
drive • shed, .hen house 'pig pen silo
two wells, windmill, and small Or-.
• chard. The Bayfield river ruins across
.back end of lot.. Thirty acres of flats,
the finest of grass land. This is a
splendid -farm, well situated, .and
will be sold on easy tcr1ns.
Juoe 9th..
Male teacher holding a and class
professional certificate wanted for
principal of the Bayfield Public school.
The certificate ia 1.0 lie•eot older than
• live years. Duties to coin -mance •Jan.
'3rd, 1903. Applications stating sal-
ary, etc, received up to 7 p. inon
'Nov. Toth. •
W. T/P1SET, Secretary.
• . . 13O5 5, Bayfield.
Oct. soda; '3t •• ' • '
: .
, • . •
The undersigned has for sale • four
thorObred Leicester Ram Lambs and.
also r thorobsed Shearling. Terms
reasonable. ' •
• . • Clinton, P. 0.
. •
get.- 18th. 3* .•
. .
:a901‘4S TO RENT.,
:The rooms in the Elliott block until
lately • occupied by Miss .
'dressmaker, and also the room facing.
Huron street are offered for rental.• .
Apply -to Mr. Newcotnbe or '
. • J.. .0. ELLIOTT..
Ciinton, Oct, t8th. .
• Copy of a lease of north half of lot
No. .5i, •Bayfield con., Goderich town-
ship, drawn in law& of •M. A.
• Cantelen and sighed by John 0. El-
liott, bearing date of • Feb. '1898,
haying been las? or mislaid any „infer-,
ination leading to its recovery -4111 be
liberally rewercied. • •
• Oct': 2oth, ••
The best class of work
procurable • hats been
niannfitetured here for
- many years past. •
WE vvoNor call on you a week after
your bereavement,
wE wow make the work to suit
the price.
WE •WILL make the price to suit
the work.
WE WILL give you the choice of the
prod-uotion of the work
in design and matreial
We are the ONLY prac-
tical men in Clinton in
our line, Do not be
• talked into placing youi'
order without first call-
• ing on us.
Next to Commercial. Hotel
Clilltollakit Report,
New Wheat 0 08 to 70
Ohl Wimat ......." .... . 0 0 to 0 70
C,1i0Se Wheat."... . ... . 0 75 to 0 /5.
Barley..." ...,... • .. 0 35 to 0 35
Oats".. ..... . 0 27 to 0 28
Peas.“4114(1.1, 1-••••1.411•••••• 0 00- to 0 05
Eye .... ". ... ",.. 040 to e 45
Potatoes per bushel 0 25 to 0 30
Hotter rolls and crock,., 0 14 to 015
13utter in 0 la to 0 14
Bggs ..... 0 15 to 0 16
8 00 tO 000
..... 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per ewt 0 40 to 40
Planta per eft ..11,6 All • .44•111 2 15 to 2 15
Draft per ton 14 00 to 14\00
Shone. per 18
tober 29th, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I,
E. Farrand, Mr. Sylvanus Pike
. to Miss Marietta. M. Ferrara.
dence of - the bride's parents, Mor-
ris, on October 22nd, by Rev. J.J.
• Hastie, Belgrave, Thos. Walker of
• Brussels to Miss Christina A.Hal-
liday of Morris.
rick's church, Dublin, on the 291.1i
Oct., by Rev. Father Fogarty, Mr.
. Joseph...Dillon of Logan to Mary, •
daughter of the late James Coo-
- logue, Hibbert,
THOMPSON-TODD--At the residence.
of the bride's parents, • October
ieth, by Rev. Si: DI. 'Whaley, Mr:.
Herbert 'H. Thompson of .Sault
Ste. Marie, Ont:, to Miss Lizzie
J., second delight& of Mr. Thos.
. Todd of St. Helens.
DAVIS--TIODGINS-At the residence
• of the bride's pareets, Mr. 'and:
Mrs. Richard Hodgins,' 13iddulph,
on Oct. 29th, Miss Bernice to Mr,
- Will. J. Davis of Saintabury.
GILMOUR-In West Superior, Wisson
Oct, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, a. A.
• Gihnour, a, Son. • • • • -
LEASE -In Logan, on the 261.11 Oct.,
Mrs. August Lease of. a daughter.
ItIcHENRY-In Mitchell, on the 28th
• Oct., Mrs, Fred. MeIteury -of • a
daughter. .
.1tIcrADZEAN-In Brussels, on Oct..
28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Fadzea a daughter, - . • ,
DAVIS-411 Exeter, on. Oct: 23rd, to -
Mr. and Mrs. Dauiel Davis a dau-
• ghter.
Lucknow, on Octa 2211(1,- the
wife of ;1-:" I3,• Gay of -a daughter.
ItleINTYRE-At her residence •in Heft -
salt, on -Oct, 3oth, Sarah Walker,
• relict of the late Thomas McIntyre
of Stanley, aged 77 years.- . . •
Centralia, on Da. :2111d,
Robert foiSer, aged 85 years, ta
Months and 22 clays,
NicARTHUR-LI:* .1Iensal I, .ou Oct.26t1*,
•Rebccea Ball, • wife of. Jobb
, , Mc-
• • , it oar, aged 46 scars.
MITCHELL-ln Exeter, on 'Oct. 28t.11,.
Ruby Estella, • infant 'daughter of
Mr. a.ncl Mrs. IViu.s.Mitcliell, aged
MILLER -In MeGillvray, on' Oet. SS;
. Sirs Jellies 13. Miller, in the• 67th
. .
.yeas . his, age.
MORROW•sAlu Oct. sotto at the .resis
deuce 'el his eiiin brother, .:Teroii-
•*..;to, 'Joseph Morrow, inerehantiPal-,
larton„ in Ilia 701.11. year. •
STEWART--Ip Brussels, on Oct. 27111,•
.Cralene, , beloved -wife • of:. James
Stesyert, aged 24 year's, so inopths
and 12 days.
Ellna, on Oct: 23, ,Tcininta,
'Shiers, .belovcd wife Of Qeo Hart,
it(gl;cili 2 .8.. years; . 611 fo.ntir.214 12
TIOGG--in tendon 'bac:mita:I, on Oct.
• 38t1i, Francis J. A. nogg .eir Wing,
• hain, aged 48 years-. •
BONTITION-Sin Oct.'. 2:50,Addie Ger-.
• trucle,' aged 54 yeasss wife. of Mr.
• .T , 13onthroe, Toronto, and. formers
• 26 days. . •
The Ladies' Aid was re -organized
last. week with the following as offic-
ers :
President, Mrs. W. McIntosh
Vice, Miss A. Stanley '
Secretary, NIrs. J. Hinchley .
Treasurer, Mrs. George Stephenson
Chaplain, Mrs. A. B. Snell
The new church sheds were raised on
Wednesday afternoon and a lunch
served to the willing workers in the
basement of the church.
Mr. Frank. Scholes of Algoma is re-
newing old acquaintances in our vil-
Mr. end Mrs. Robert Armstrong at-
tended the silver wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay of Goderich
township oir lizursclay last.
miss Mary Rands of Hamilton is at
present visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Rands.
Mrs. John NIc0artney and lier dau-
ghter, Miss- Tillie of -Hohnesville,
itedoiwialyer. niece.,Mrs. Jos. Freeman, on
Mr. John CooPer, is :again packing
apples. .1 -le is a sturdy young men.
' Mr. Fronk Schoales of the Soo is
ceiling on his old friends around here.
The Soo must agree withhim for he
1�‘N>11'rs. 11%aelteer7GclialTerrtYhed. a raffia en
Friday night and everything went olI
all right.'
Miss Annie Bradshaw and her niece,
Miss Aggie of Brussel were the
guests of Miss Lou Peaok last
of .his house by giving it a coat
of paint.e.. Freeman is improving the
' . .
One of our young sports while dries
his best girl to- Clinton. had the leis:,
fortune to break his buggy. We hope
uext time he will not have the same
Mr. William Morrison of Garden
Paolo is still adding to: hie flock •of
"sheep. • We, expect he ie ''going to ram a'
ranch next.
• • • , WESTVIELD.
Mr. Wililain .Bamford- purposes soon
moving to the farm Which he,purchas-
ed from. Messrs. Phalen and Cum-
, mingss There are about 160 acres- -in
I the place. Mr. Wesley Ferro*, Jes
tends moving :onto the- farm which
will be 'vacated by Mn. Bamford. : •
. •.
Mr. Charles. Crich „arrived. home • on
Mencley Irina . Alberta, where he has..
been for the past snouth. • • •
•• Rev: :*-11Sr, .Manning for
Rev: Ms, Greene on -Sunday next,
John Bllitt •treated his .ftiany
friends. to's: pleasant .evening on
day last laSt in his bachelor quarters..
Mr . ..Tathes 'Custrieing, the .gehia.1 taX.
collector, iS again on his,rounds. 2 -His
duties this year- are pleasanter • as the
tat is low agalar„ so •
s „..
Mr. JosephtipShall. of EIPPen 11112s. -
purchased from Mr. George. Joynt the ,
residence on the London •Road former- ,
ly owned • by Mr. R. Patterson; Jr,
Mr. Upshall. intends moving to Hensall
in the near •future. • • • • -. •
We learn 'that Mr. Jos. Cue-% eo...-
tett:Plates leaving 'town in the near
futute' to take a position' in a new
Manufacturing establishment in, Onto at at a fine 'Salary.
...The Observer says : • Tuescley
Man named Murray arriVedoin town
with a .note from the 'chief Of police,
Lend* to Chief Bullard, requesting
him to arrest and hold a yotitig man
named Van Dyke -who has beeu around
town -considerably for the past few
Weeks ancl who is supposed to be pro,
prietor • of • one of the hotels in Bay -
The chief acted promptly; secur-
ed his inan and departed •with him on
the• evening train for Loudon, The
:charge it ,appears is fraud. The young
Map during his stay here spent phanty
of 'money and was quiten Sport though
nothiug serious hasever beee chatted
against. hith. 'Ha was one of the boys
in the fullest and broadest sense: .He
is a smart, bright Young fellow, well
tapable of Making a success in. West
. .
. . •
A good story is told of the quick
witted Irish lawyer,/3aron O'Grady,
who on one occasion .was trying a ease
in a weary court, onteide of the
walls of which a fair was in progress.
Amid the miscellaneous herds of ani-
mals were -a considerable number of
asses, and one of these commenced 1.0
bray loudly. At once the chief baron
stopped the -advocate, who at that
moment happeeed to be pleading..
• "Wait a moment, 1VIr. / cannot
'hear two at once." The court roared
and the advocate fhislied. Presently,
•when the judge came te' sitin up, ail -
other ass struek in, and the brey re-
sounded through the court, hp julep -
ed Mr, Bushe at ono with his hcoad to
Itis ear. " Would your Lordshipspeak
a little more loudly 7 There is suck
an echo in the court that 1 eannot
hear distinctly."
Dinieg room girl waiited. Apply
the Mason House,
Clinton, Novs 41.11.
. .
.00 to 18 00, THU NOWS-Itli:CORA.;
11.1r. J.,.• N. Campbell; the returning;
ellicer: for :West ,Huroe for the referert
dem . election; - is a- respected 'resident
• of our villap.. -
.• Anniversary services *ill be •lield in
the Donnybrook Idethocliit chusch, on•
Sunday, .Nov,.. x6th.. kev. Small .• of
Atibure will preach at ro.3o and 2...3o
mid Rev. S. Whalley of Si. Het--
ees et:. 7...o'clock, Poth these' gentle-
men are Presbyterians.. .
• .Mr. arid Mrs, 'Prank Campbell, who
. have been living at -Mr. J. N. Camp-
bell's, will take .up their abode short-
ly on: lot 3i, con. 5, which. Illr..Carnp-
bought a couple of years age, ..,
• " . • . •
.Mr,.- Jas. Oliver • is repairing his' res-
idence, and getting it ready jor. brick.
Mr. 'rhos: G. Hawkins left Monday
for the Soo and David M'axrtin and
Hugh Ganle.yhave -gone to •the Itiints; •
er. wood's. -•.
, Miss.jeee Dunbar is now on' a fair •
• Way to recovery from the • accident .in'
which she was -hurt sik weeks • ago,
The threshing is nearly at-ara, end in
...ilia part. , •• •,. -
• 'A lseautifu'l buck deer -was seen. in
the village on Saturday afternoon by
II. Hawkins, Who was working
at „his :root crop. • kr. Hawkins• fol.
10Weil . it for soine distance up the :
lake'shore, but could not ,get 'a chance
to ase his rifle on it.. , • '
The heayyrain of late 'has notate the •
Clay ground too sOft to, plough, •in this ;
part vvhiclo Snakes things bad :foe the
farmer to get his fall' ploughing done.
Miss Mary Ctinniegliarn is home
gain r .from . a lengthy visit in West
Wewanoslo, ' • •
Rural Dean Rodgins •Seafort 'oi
ficiated hese last Sunday, afternoon,•
Revs ; M. M Goldberg going to Bea,4 -
Mr. James Joynt has. beenre-en-
gaged as teacher for Zion school, Ash -
'field, for 19o3.
• Mr. Henry Woods of East Saginaw,
el is renewing atquaintances as
• Convention of Epworth Leaguers.
The Epworth Leagues of the Goder-
• kk _district met in convention in the
Vielsifiasstreet Alethodist church, God-
ericli, on Thursday aftereoon, Oct. 30.
Devotional exercises were .conducted
hy the. Rev. W. -R.obinson, pastor of
the :church, who also extended a inose
hearty 'welcame to all the deiegateS.
After the opening exercises Dlr. A. E.
Alibi, the president of the district,
took the chair.
Tile first ahress was. delivered • by
Miss Bessie Pickard of Holniesville„
her subject " Where are we ?"
Miss Pielsard gave a beautiful address.
in sviiith size plated great stress upon
the necessity. of living neer to Christ
and ot exercising great -wisdom and
judgment in our work, and that we
put forth every effort to _improve the
spiritual interests of our work. .
Miss I,. Acheson of Goderich gave a
• beautiful paper on " Showing forth
Christ in our liv.es," Among other.
good things she said :
k, Why should we shoW. forth Christ
in our lives.? • 13.c:cause Christ and the gospel." lhe persecuted - Christians .
apostlts tanglit us so to do. - The went forth preaChing everywhere ; we
scriptures -teach uss.this thought, and should preach wherever we go, -Wizen
the leading' writers, .as Drmemond, the early Church was scattered abroad
Meyers and others, - emphasize this.Sby .oerseention, not the twelve apost-
thought. Men aud women, look to us I les did_ this merely, but every individ-
to see Christ in our lives. The world I nal Christian became a gaining, evang-
has the ability to look behind:the face* el., We -say a great deal' about Com-
, and see the Christian. Christ recoorea• ing," getting the people to come to
us to let our light shine, we are to be church and tO Christ. Christ's meth -
'like Christ: Diecouragement affects us ciand,is aifster.,thtehemehalitirdehb,Vnbgttstilitiehessi
because of the distance. between finite This
imperfoctien and .inflaiie perfection,yet and .also of the individeal Christian.,
'we are to strive, we are to rise, No and in this great werk we have the
life is so beantiful .as. the lite in which promise of i lenacroiwtita .
Christ lives, Inove$ and has His be- .you alway
ing; Are , we . luminous Christians ? • . •
Ate we producing Christ in out lives ? -
Deily courrnenion with- Christ -a set This Was followed by in addrese
the Rev. R. Ilobb.s of •Winghain, Ills .
thee each day in which we ahall :subject being " A' manly lean.," This
in t.114 SVelltt$ of his preserice-Should• address was charateteristic of the man
be ens practice:"
: 1*110 del iyered it and. was greatly • en-
14ey..R. Hobbs of -Wingliam ad- joyed by all..•• - ' .•
dre.szied tl.e convention on " 'rhe boy, - •
• . .
At e.30 Friday:snoraing a most help -
the • cigar, • the -cigarette." • Among •
'many good things 'he said -the' tobacco (Pi srayer service was conducted by ..
Rev. 111'...7 Wilson. The meeting was .
habit is the switch that -switches boys
largely attended, • but these
off the •traek. Nicotine, or the oil of ..not • -very
who attended were greatly inspired.
tobacco,' is. acknowledged to lie one Of
the moat virulent' poisons' known. , ,f; • .
Medleal men and chemists state that tei is:miter 1.session 'opened • at :9.15.. •
A sp endic as dress . on ' 'Temperances . •
Pressie acid 'alone stands ahead of it.
• Tolo'. or three dropS • will kill • a at. lie: Present ,aspect," was delivered by
Ir. George' Millie' iof Loodesbero, -al.- -
There ,is enoitglt Sashimi:in. one cigar, if
concentrated4 to kill a mat. -
,atomos,.. ter which the folloaong resolution wag .
ruins more than limier i it is . also the .
'" by
by a :stendiug vote I Moved .
v M. W• Howell, seconded by
forerenner of the . liesOr it' - • J Vit.; A •I. r bi-
. creates the. appetite.- the liquor habit , ,
• is the Him; vile and. blocidthirsty, and :ed,. Thai We urge that each league .use
its•mtmost.endeaVor to at once, .seenre .
the tobacco hatbit is the bear, and.. I the largest .asnotint. of . aroney possible •
Ain' after • them both.- aed I donSt • care for -helping the West Huron Prohibi-
Which iirst for to -kill ,the •orie 'Wan Alliance in the 'referendum scam-
, to leave the 'other half dead, ' 300,000s- paten and Ora . tile.- same be 'forwarded ..
000 of . the. huniais family are 'deck:red to Dir.
ocesompeo are .es„ en 1 a
to, be addicted. to the(..e_haldiiiitniailanicily:$-0i!n- .and that- each „lessisate endeavor to
Va./latter, treasurer of -. the fund; •
Mote' the 'greatest interest' possible. and
support missions or not, but whether
we can retain our Christian experience
and not be missionary. The hope of V
the Church is in our young people,but
they 'Must be interested first in Christ
Iiirnself. The Master's four commands -
are : look, pray, give, go. Two lines
-information .and then consecration.
Lift up your eyes and look on the
fields, and lift up your eyes and look
Get information. Our eyes are too
much like Mammon, one of the fallen
angels in Paradise .Lost. • His eyes
were always down, being inore inter-
ested in the golden streets than the
glory around.. Look on some good
missionary literature.; read -get in-
formation. Read the lives of our mis-
sionary heroes, it will drive out mel-
ancholy, inspire definite consecration.
Jesus said " pray ye," give ye '
" go ye." Pray about iniSsions. It is
from among those who pray that Jes-
us selects Ids workers. If we fail in
our leagne work it is alcmg the devo-
tional line. We. must return to this.
Freely ye have received, freely give.
:this means preminently "give the
Iii. cci3nialitpar‘istilet .tiC9) itlial: filacuaan'ciall'haersepecist: .1,,,,eierckLests ttille‘obte,!.t; P°s-sible Plans•.fc'r . a. • .
not money enough in the. world to bey ' • . . .
. , .' • •
a, boy: 'Ilea ..habit produees physical ,. The Round Table- Confereece on Nti,S-
clegeneraey. It also degenerates the Mons was conducted in a most helpful '
mind. Boys et'school 'aild college:who ' Manner by the Reit.- P. E. Malett. • -
follow the habit cannot 'compete with. •
Dr. 'Daniel discussed 'the. subject
'those who do not, and for- so' years
not a tobacco user in - Ilaryerd. 1.rel-' " Child Conversion" in r.kinanner that :'. '
versity has -stood , at, the head of' his roused the memberS .preSent to. put.. • .••
. i-illasasnd ..:1;%.pliitill tIliilawlunlavieurte7•Iwciel 'it'll:ill' ''s-t1;11.1ilit°1..:' fi.iiit,11. spee;ial cii.ert:.to reaeh .tlr.e. child-.•. .• .•
tobacco user is not a5, susceptible • .to sloe :ftoor000s. ' ie o • * ' ' s t_•
. •
.4e. f011owing business coianiitteb.' 0(1.1Qt. 'the
' . .
• .
• • e. o ic es ere appo 1 .
spiritual truth as one•who .is init.' . .. .
, - .
was appointed to nominatathe Officers •
. ,
Pickard, Miss Rudd,- Mr. SI. A. Rblir Pres.; Nlisi AX: Washington, • Clinton . '
Hon. Pres.,' Rev:. Dr., Daniel . - '
ist Vice, Mr. A. E. Allin, Goderich
'kir the coming year ; Miss Bessie
ti,v,2 jgaos...,ioiis,va. 21,i332s....011,.. 11,1 .p.A,,,,. ..0,114 .2nd Vice, Miss L. Acheson, Goderieh..
. 1 le . . s.. 8., es,s.10.11 w•....a,.s a.ti,..i.i,isp,ira... 5341.dr:ill ‘VII;iiiceecee,: ,NmIiistiss 13M,a11:ieelkaiairaclil,c'Hy,oNlnilleesyriles
service' Was ContIncipd liy, the • Rev. • ' Miss Clara Million; Go'clerich '
tion eveningto an 't..v.ho ,aittes anted-. , A, song. SPea ,1?..0,•'. JS Hussar, IlolmvsvIDS „. '' • •
1.1.is Daniel 'and. led lay' the excellent
-choir. of the eliereli, • • - • • • Treas. Miss A.:. E.. Blair, Auburn. •••
C.otifer'ciice..Representative, -
-' Rev 1. B. Wallwin, Staforth
;. , : . • • •- • • • ' Members of the Etectitive
.1.11e Rev. 'F. 'E, Mitlott;.B. A.', 13. • ' Miss Mary:Pentland, 'Dungannon '
Ds, of Hensall, gave a most • luspi ring Miss- 1,.. Stephens, Clinton .
address on: " Forward Movement for Rey. 11...A. Miller, Varna . •
illiSsions.!' In .•.part he amid : • The 'Sir. Geo: Milne, Loncleaboro . •. ...
. ,
motto of theclurch, '`Titeworld for : Rev. NI. J. Wilsons:B. 'A., Nile* . , '-.•
Christ, and Christ .for the ' world.' • It ' '. 'Jas..' Hussar, :13. a., Ph, B.,
isit t. a .question whether we •ought to .. . .2, - • - - • - • . •. Secretary. .
. . . . . • • . • . ..• . .• • .
. Another dead body, •believ?d ;to. lie.( . The oimin . body of :the, 'marching
- • ' _see.... -
the remains of Constantine, tate of the 'I :Doulleibors .in the West-has:reached
Jour. men for whose Murder .1441201d has . 13hiscarth, Man. • ... . .
been cancletaned to hang at Dawson, 1. • • • '' - . . '. . -: , -
has been seen in the Yukon river, bat.; : The Hamilton Board of Health ie
Was not recovered. • .. . :considering a bylaw 1.o. compel the re -
.The netaleation of County. Treasurer porting. of cases of. tuberculosis. .
Shaniblean of Kent •is now Placed at . • .
512,000. Slia.mbleau is said to have- '11141 .third trial of Gerald Sifton for:
lett . the coturtry and County Clerk the muster of his father has• opened
Fleming has been appointed Treasurer. at Loudon before 'Mr. Susi:lee Brittee.
. . .
Sound .this vicinity at present. • •
Miss Monica Ramage left. lest Week •
to learn tfortune to get her..leg broken last o Need fOr. Excuseg
he dressmaking N in Lucknow.
Miss Ethel Robinson lia.d the. 0its-
'110,11116,16A11.Aiwib.,i1/41Y1116/414.;11b.• '
, •
• • •
• :
'.Asmanr,r, TOWNSHIP.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
Was administered last Sunday. niorn,
0 taot na, large oongregation by Rev,
Mr. William: Hunter has moved on
Itis farm on the 021.11 con.
Mr. Ralph Ritchie, who has been nes
der the doctors care for several
months, still coittinues very low,
We are sorry to relate the death of
the infant baby of Mr. mid Mrs. • R.
Ritchie. The remains were interred in
Zion cemetery last Wednesday,
The farmers of this. locality are
taking advantage of the fine weather
to take out their roots.'
Rev, Mr. Hussar will preach mis-
sionary Sermons on the Ashfield
cuit next Sunday at 131alce to.3o, Zion
2.3o eatti Hope 6.30.
Xel-CILLOP Towinual
Mr. Samuel Stitt, who took honey
to Manitoba,
relnaitied to help with
the threshing in that province...
Messrs. Hatioltotz and Gardiner have
• been around buying stock steers. They
are energetic young men..
Messrs. Thos, and Herbert Irvine,
who have beta w0rkitf it Stratford,
are home on a Viait.
Complaints are being made that a
greatmany of the turnips are hollow,
The suppositioll is that they grew
• too fast.
A gentleman who has been travelling
through North Perth ciii business in-
• forms us that he is trite sure that
Mr. Monteith will be re-elected by up-
' wards of loci majority.
Wise Irvine and Mies Gevlin are in
Seaforth lean -dug dressmaking.
The last few days have resembled
Indian summer and nearly everybody
wislhisig that there may be a month
of just such weather.
Miss Nora Holland and Miss Carlin
are candidates ft a Watch compet:tion
carried on by a local paperl,
. In offering you these bargains. Saturday Nov:8 will
be the 2nd bargain day of the month. Read this list
: Carefully. Prices are for Saturday only.
a Boys' and men's fancy 1 weed caps, hook down shape,beau-
; UN satin linings, red, green and brown mixtures, our 88
1 ' \• hest 60e caps to go -Saturday at
$100 pairs Men's, heavy wool sox, in dark grey color, ribbedr• •
Mad plain tops, regular price 15c to 20e a pair,fOr Satur. 0 rz
day 2 pair for. .. ... ..... ... . .. . . yo.0•1•••••••11 11411U
$• 0 only teamsters waterproof 'jackets, extra heavy plaid .
:• •
lining, sizes 313 to 429 the best $3 jacket in town, Satur- 2 48 . ()ay's price ...... . . ..... ..
Men's Overalls made good quality cottonade in dark colors
only, stripes and check patterns, all siset, very special 44
for Satueday stt per pair.... .... .. .. . ...... . ..... .... .
• Men's tweed petits in datk eolore only, a good assorttnent
•of patterns, warranted not, to rip,our best $1.2Z pant, 0 Q
• 1.0 ClenrSattoday at .... .,..•,..... ... ...... . ...... • • • •IIIPU
A Big Bargain in Metes Hats.
: We want the men to get better acquainted with
$ °iclexali.tdartnda
oi!, WekeepHnis choice of our whole dock of men's soft and , 1
is new p -to -d ate. ere s a
genuine bargain for Saturday. Your
• .
.•' •
• , •
and hard hats in the very latest shapes that
are worth `.1.1p as high as $3 each, for Satur-
da7 014**4 4 44 41**11401140....$1490
J. W. Newcombe.1
' -gam.