HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-17, Page 8PAGE 8—THE BLYTH STANDARD—May 17, 1930 Blyth School Report REPORT OF ROOM (II;BLYTH ,PUB. LIC SCHOOL FOR MAR. & APR. `„' Sr. IV Edwin—Bender Winona Hesk 63 SO Kathleen Logan 79 Dorothy Hollyman..., 77 Wes Taman ............. 74 Eddie Taylor....,,.. , 7.1 Garth Dobbyn........ ........ ........ 70 Nelson Naylor 68 Frank Elliott... 6 Roberta Craig 60 Clayton Petts,...........,. 58 Barrie McElroy 58 Borden Cook 57 Steve Rouse .... 55 Gordon Elliott 48 Jr, IV Evelyn Wightman Isabell Coming 79 Donald Richards 75 Irene Brunsdon 5 7t Sr. I1I lien Lyon S' - Ernest Robinson..,.. ...... ...... 77 Lena Munro.. ....... ...,...„ ......... 66 Irene Taylor 6 Rets Bowes ......................... 6 Annie Craig 57 Duncan Munro 5J tl'allace Bowes..,.... 44 Leslie Garnlss .... 42 Jack Bowes . to • ...a..r..■.....r.�RfB�...Ir.r�R�.no.ri�ttan�art�u���n��sl a.luuuuI,s��lulauIaluiI.P r a 0 i • That will be seen through Spring and Summer. Again we have received a shipment of new silks in the latest colour- ings and patterns that you can secure, in both printed and plain material. Come in and see these beautiful silks Aubuni. Fo. the benefit of those attendin : the reunion of S, S. No, 9 Hallett. and inter ested in the cemete y, the annual memo - ial services will be held on Ole grounds on Sunday afternoon, July 27, commencing at 5. The annual meetin; of the plot holde s will be held on the grounds on Wednesday evening, June 11, at'7 o clock. The spec- ial business will be the election of a new trustee in the stead of Mr. C. A. Howson, whose failing sight has prompted him to tender his resignation, much to the regret of not only the other trustees, but all those interested in the welfare of the cem- etery. The Board of Trustees of Ball's carne ery desire to announce that a bee wilt be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, M y 21st, for the purpose of improving the north-west portion of the grounds. This is the only section that has not been im proved, and although small in area, is eo rough and uneven that it will require a lut of labor tt r ut it in as good condition as the rest of the cemetery. Therefor the Board requests a good attendance for thi particular work. New Hulas For Motorists. Official advice has been received of the following changes in the Highway Traffic Act. An additional clause in the reckless driv ing provisions, to the effect tl,at baggage or persons so placed fn the front seat o any motor car so as to impede the driv er'scontrol, will leave responsible persons liable to a charge of negligence, All motorcars must in the future be equipped with windshield cleaners and rear view mirrors. Bicycles must carry white or amber lights on the front of the vehicle, as well as a red lamp on the rear. The legislation making front seat crowd ding a punishable offence under reckless driving laws, clears up a question that has been nnder discussion for weeks. It is now practically certain that no specia steps will be taken to d bar three persons from riding in the front seat, The amendments become effective at once, motor league officials state. A band tattoo will be held on the Drii - ing Park Grounds, Blyth, on Wednesday. June 25th. Fuller particulars later, Blyth merchants have decided to r b- eerve Empire Day on Saturday, May 24, instead of Monday as is the case at some point:, Miss Ruth Barnby, who was indisposed through illness on Monday. was able to resume her duties as teacher on our school staff on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ney and daughter, Joyce. of Sebringville, and Mr.:'id Mrs. E. Arn itage. of Wingham, were visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Laundy, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith and Mrs. F, A. Roberson visited in London this week. The former attended the sessions of the Synod of the Anglican Church and the ladies were guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Shore. Miss McNair, of Blyth teaching staff, was confined to her home in Grey Tp., for a couple c days this week through illness We are all pleased to know that she has about fully recovered and resumed her duties. Soy beans are coming more and more into use as an annual hay crop, For this purpose any beans should be sown early in May at the rate of one and onehaif to two bushels per acre, and the crop cut when the pods are about halt -grown. The seed may be sown with a grain drill in the amine way asfield peas. Any soil which grows corn well will produce a good crop of soy beans. They produce a targe yield of palatable hay which is very rich in pro tem. The only objection to the use of any beans at the present time is the high price of tha seed. FASHIONABLE SILKS PRINTED, CHIFFONS These gay. splashy chiffons that we are showing may be had in bright art pastel colourings, very fashionable for spring and summer. These Chiffons are on display in our windews and on our counters. Special price while on display at , $1.35 MAKE MOTHER HAPPY? See mother smile when you hand her a pretty flower for her coat or dress or a beautiful silk scarf on "Mother's Day," May 11. See our assortment of flqwers and scarfs at very reason- able prices. MEN'S NECKWEAR Your supply of ties will need replen- ishment. Check them up today; but before buying, don't fail to see the wide assortment we are showing in every variety of pattern and color, FLOWERED VOILES Very prettily flowered voiles in the newest shades. When you consider the quality of these voiles they are quite cheap at this special price per yard .. 49c LADIES' LINGERIE COLLAR & CUFF SETS Pretty Lingerie Collar and Cuff sets in Organdie Linen and Ecru add a touch of feminity to your appearance by wearing these dainty collar and sets. Price ..39c to 85 c ALL -WOOL SWEATERS Boys! Now is the time for a new wool sweater. We have some very new sweaters in the newest colors and weight in pull -over and coat style. Come and make your choice. KAISER SILK HOSIERY in the new spring shades. Special price per pair $1.35 «N..N,NNe«<M<eH«N.....” <......0.«N. 14.4, .IM.<N••.... M.<N<q .J..««s««.<Ne«<e«HM<N<PueO<,Ne.«•.ONION THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY Mens' Overalls, Blue and Black, all sizes, Regular.._..... $2.50 On Sale 98c. TIiJ STORE THAT SETS THE PACE. ZA BENDE "Service with n Smile" BLYTH, ONT. SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY. Ladies! here is your opportunity to secure several dress lengths of flowered Voiles. Regular 59 c On sale per yd 35c P ..........■e1000ratn0A0...sruIUusru�UIIIIPI1s1urIIIutl.utuuniirueusuurr.u.u51uu.r x++++++++++++++++++++++++N PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BLYTII• - ONTARIO BABY CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chick for delivery in June at $10.00 per 100. Our leghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent, safe delivery. Order early while the best dates are available. WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM, BRUSSELS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders to work the crusher, furnish the necessary power and the cartage to deliver the crushed material. the tender to be so much per yard delivered on the west end of con, 7, the longest hall 33 miles from the pit and cr usher. The contractor to furnish every thing necessary to deliver the crushed ma- terial. To give a good -faith bond of 10 per cent. of estimate of contract and to be responsible for 25 of breakage in crusher. For further particulars apply to the road superintendent or the clerk. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, May 24, 1930, at 3 p. m. A MacEwen, Clerk of Morris PASTURE LAND TO RENT —100 rtes 05 grass, spring creek and lots of shade Lot 29, con, 4, East Wawanosh. take in or will rent whole. Nathaniel Johnston. The Cradle. LYON—In Hullett Tp. on Saturday, May 10511, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon, a son SPRING 40 T + We carry a complete stock of all the ' .4, latest and up-to-date styles in $ + SHOES + +„ Some special values in solid leather : SHOES 4 shoes that are extra good. Clothing See our large range of 4r SUITINGS to choose from +� See our NEW CAPS AND TIES M BLYTH — ONTARIO + JAS. DODDS +++++++++++++++44+4+4+4++++++++++++++++4+4++44++4 TO THE PUBLIC: 4++++++4++++++++++++++++44 44+++++++++4 The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out work of the best order with dispatch. Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. •44+4+44+444+44++4+4444++444+4f44++4++44+44444++444+4 FOR SALE—Raymond Sewing Mach- ine in first-class order. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE — Buckeye incubator, in good conditit,u capacity 220 -eggs. Ap- ply to Mrs. P. Walper. Phone 18.7, FOR SALE --Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard. FOR S4$—Eggs for hatching, from pare bred White Leghorn hens. Apply to Mrs. Chris Rogerson, ************************** * * Coast to Coast i• t TipTop Tailor's Week. MAY 12th, TO MAY 17th. Representative at POPLESTONE'S STORE Blyth, May 14th Mr. A. Z. Garner will be in our shop all day, Wednesday, to take measures for 1: TIP TOP SUITS, OVERCOATS, TROUSERS, ETC. * Suits $24.00, Overcoats $24.00, Trousers $8.00 * Our shop will be open all day and evening. We have cut out the half holiday for the occasion. * Mr. Garner has all the advance styles and carries models of their clothing and 300 samples of cloths. ! POPLESTONE'STORE McKINNON'S OLD STAND 731.yth, • - - On.tar1a 'lr sir'++pit' dr' ++ +++ IOl,..,l, ,,I.. 11 + dr Ott• +'it' .,it' ++g 4. TRY OUR NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH BISCUIT Ask Your Doctor Malted Graham Wafers, pkg , 1 Oc 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c Orange Marmalade', (a bargain) 20c Figs 2 lbs 25c Nu -Jell All Flavors Head Lettuce Seedless Grape -Fruit. Ice Cream Bricks GOODS DELIVERED W. JAS. SIMS BLYTII, ONT, 'PHONE 14 .rr.w.wser.asrwni�.�srr�rra�a--..<. '1a9r Ccverin.gs Now is the time you are needing some new Floor Coverings. Please do not forget to call and inspect our large new stock of these goods Newest patterns in Congoleum, Linoleum and Oilcloth Rugs or by the yard. A wide range of choice new designs in Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Tapestry Squares in all popular lines at low prices. A complete stock of Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Floor Wax, Varnish, Furniture and Auto Polish, Room Mouldings, Etc. Rent our Electric Floor Polisher. ¥P - , OPT. i I