HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-11-06, Page 4re, tee '11 • raf" 4 TUE 0141,14101s1 144WS-RECOM) -November etht 1902 GAOL BIRDS • STANLEY TOWNSHIP. 1 MINUTE% BAYPIET.M. 411S,11~0. .0411044hollkliw I, L. I 1 .1 I 1 I II .1. w , , p I I] esesomeerair . . . al 1 „ .. ... SPOINIMEN III 0 c -""r -**Iimiromodomaimph , i "DOWNEY OF A FEATHER." after a short illness, Walt place St ^ Rev. John Kennedy of Londesboro Mr. Collyer and Miss Lizzie Garduer ' e supporters1 th Ross overn. McIntyre, who died, on Thursday last visited here last tiaturcley. of Clinton were in the village on Sun- i mot are putting up a great fight. after a. short Illness, took .plac( Sat- Mae Eva Wallace 0 Lon es mro Was ay. Tbe Nail and kanpre thus describes Imlay froal her late borne In Hensall• the guest of her eister, Mrs, W. T. went out West, return?d last Satur- tae witnesses employed. to give eve. Deceased hed lived on the bomestead Riddell., athis week. Ur. William G. Johnston, who sold I air. Sohn Ritchie of Wingheen• was out his farm stock last sprieg end ! , deuce ageiast the successful te onserva. an the BahYlon Line until a couple ar years ago when with her daughter sae in our burgh tea day last week. went.eout 'West, returned last aatur-1 ' . ive a . e ' South0 ford • moved to "tense% The funeral ser. Rev, 1 rata awax an at I, ay. -"A certain witness who was laid to .vicce were conducted by the Method. nie of iBluevale called on old acquaint- air. and•Illx-s. James Reid of Goder- AD kinds, fresh. and ,fuil strength ' say that his morals had been corrupt. ist minister of Heasall ancl interment lances here while on their way to God- ich ere guests at the hoine of Mr. and sims The News -Record is pulalished every Thursday at The News -Record Priating Hasa ALBERT STREET - CLINTON Terms of subscriptione-ar per year at advance; $1.503 may be, charge 1 apt so paid. No paper discontinued until all amaze are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which. every subscriptton JS Paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates—Transient adver- tisements, io cents per nonpareil line for first insertion tend 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost' " Stray - Stolen," Etc., inserted once for a5 cents and each subsequent in. sertion to cents. Communications intended for publica- tion vilest, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements shoula be sent in early. Contrace rates—The following table shows' our rates for specifiea per- iods and space: yr. 6 rim 31110' X 1110 I CON MIL 570 00 540 00 525 oo 58 so Column-. 40 oo 25 oo 15 (xi 6 oo Column... 25 oo 15 00 8 oo 2 SO Column... i8 oo to oo 5 so 2 oo Ince 600 350 200 25 W. 3. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor PICKLING SPICES • .0 Whole, Ground. and Miud spias • ed by a very respectable gentleman , took elace alayfielcl eetnetery. The • erich. Mrs. John Fergusen this week, By the oz., or package. years in prison. The next bad been . her neiehtors oia the Babylon Line orliealth, hexing received a. paralytie Gaer Woe' minstrel show at Clinton convicted a number of times for as. . pallbearers were those who had been Mrs. S. Mersliall is in a poor state The, following persons attended tile ' • living in Tilsonburg had spent three ! • Messrs- Jas. alcalymont, Jas. Xeys, etrolce. on Monday IT Dr. Smith, A. Er- kie PUBSORIPTION DIWO STORE ; ,sault aud was tried once for perjury. J. T. Keys, W. L. Keys, G. R. Keye ! air. Herb Knox returned home from win, IL ealconer, D. Gairdner and n. R. P. Sttoceaeor tO, Sydney jackson, Ree r laberherd. The third had been convicted of an and J. atepheneen. Paisley after spending the summet offence 'tiot named in the press. fourth had served. two terms in the . on relata.o on the Babylon on Sun - ..d G Bates called there. 111.r. J. Coupland of Meaford is re- of Clinton were vatting friends in the A I Central Prison, one, el eighteen ene„ths .e Mrs. Rat. Biggart and Miss Laura N. B.—Corks, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings. sidle% under the parental roof. village last Sunday. aleaalleabeale-aereeeeseleeeleeataseeasealeeleateealeaseelleaseeleaalealeallialleale and °mother of eight 010/Abs. He tlaY• . .A. • disestrous fire originated in the Misses Jessie and, Lizzie Gardner of lied also been. confined for burgalary Oue day last 'week Mt, and Mrs. G. rear end of our evaporator cm Friday elintou were guests of Tar. and Mrs. . R. Keys visited Mr. and Mrs. Henna evening at 8 o'clock* and ere it could Edward last Fraley. of Tuckersmith. be checked reduced the building to Dr. and Mrs. anoth and Master On Monday Mrs. Nathan Peck of the ruins. The contents were largely sax- William and Miss Anna, Whiddon at- Babyloned by vigorous efforts on the part of • tended the Guy Bros' minstrels at Bert returned from 'Toronto where Master b standers b t h , it t e g a •S fo h on Tuesday evening. buildin is tot- ea rt Line and her son; At this rate the gaol -birds vall soon 1 • • r • f tl t t Y . • and disprderly. conduct. A fifth had been convicted nine times and bad. ser- vo three terms in the Central Pris. ori." • be the dominant political force in On- al aereele able throws a number of Mr. J. S. Anderson o the R. they wee been o ie pas two • villagers out. or worle and is not only Brock Co. of Toronto and Mr. Delac. - terio, lhe, gentlemen who employ weeks' • these laaekguards to swear away the • Mrs. J. Pollock and Mrs. King of regrettable for this but also owing to. •laurtrie of Knox'Morgan & Co. of Bayfield were vm isitors at Mr. 3. Date the fact that it was jest becoming a ILsmaltone spent Sunday here. • cbaracters of respectable men must • thriving industry and its promoters, • Miss Mary Whiddon and Miss Violet - have. at least one qualification for idsun s. on Friday last. office. They inust want it very badly. Miss Jennie Johnston left for Luck-. D. E. Munro and A. Askwith, lose' Thomson have opened out a new dress - Nobody iinagines for.one moment that now on Wednesday last eon an extend- considerably, the loss being only part- making shop on main street next to . • the average Liberal voter in Ontario ed visit. The temperance people are getting A Ladies Aid. Society has been or- • is not EIS respectable as the average Mr. and Mrs. Thos; ly covered by insarance. Mr. Thos. Stinson's store. Rathwell of the their heads together for the' prohibi- ganized in St. Andrew's with Mrs. DOUKHOBORS COSTLY CITIZENS* The Doukhobors, whose fanaticism led them on a religious pilgrimage with Winnip?g, Man., as their des- tination, originally cost this- country $37,8a8 in addition to the expenses of the agents who arranged for their de- . parture from Russia. In 1898.99- Hon.. Clifford Sifton's department expended in their behalf 513,487 of which eio,- 000 was for bonuses. In 18,30-veco Mr. Sifton gave the Doukhobors 52.4,- 351 of which $22,688 was Tor bonuses, A total of 7,363 Doukbobors entered this country so that the per capita. bonus was 54.50. In addition Canaaa paid at the tient for provisions, nada cal attendance, travelling exposes, etc. This year the outbreak among this strange people, the Immigration department in the west has had no end of trouble and a lpt of expense. Now the Doukhpbors. are practically' murdering their children and invalids by refusing to allow Outsiders to ad- minister to the needs of the. helpless. Not only that but a religions out- break involerieg bloodshed may fotlow. And Canaha paid 54.50 per head.' for the perpetrators of such outrages— committed in the name of Christanity: Conservative voter. It must be Inten. end con, - were guests of Mr. Willman tion campaign. J. Fraser as presidena Mrs. J'anies selv htuniliating though to the rank Rathwell on .Senday last. - The ritle club . met last Wednescley ' 'Ferguson as . at vice president and and file of the Liberal party in On- Mrs.- R. MeIlveen of Watford called night -and called up sides lor a shoot- • Miss Reta Stanbury end. Miss Ches- - tad° to realize that the most active ing contest on November 7th, the los- ney is secretary and treasurer. - and aggressive brigade that they have week. c n friends in this neighborhood hat • - ing side to. limy for e fowl supper in The topic tor the Young People's . had serving in their recent cainpaiges Misses Eva and Ida Reid spent Sun. the eveafing. .A. ball is talked of un. eueeting ie. St. Atelrew's church last. tt f ld the guests of Mrs der other auspices for the same night. Sunday evening was " Foreign Xis - in the elections and in the courts is . made up so largely Of .two classes— Y -Charles Reid, The Orangemen's box social this Was." Mrs. klir,) ,Stanbury and Mr, • week takes place on Wednesday roght. J. Delgatty gave. interesting addresses • men who have been in gaol and. men - . who ought to be in gaol Is office Miss Lucinda, Reid • has returnedl • worth having .at that price 1—Mon- from a visit with friends in Summer- Starting with Nov. •thtli the Eng- an the topic. lista .chtiech purposes alternating_ morn. Miss Carrie McCarty • of Bayfield - . hill.. • . Mr. Berry roegie of Waugh= vie- iing service with the Methodists, not spent last week .dresstnaking in Spa. ' . . ia.vieg the evening •service as being forth. • . . • ited. frierias in this vicinity recently. . rather difficult • for . the pastor and Rea.- air. McNeil preached an inter - SIR WILFRED HAS ,NO POLICY,. • Mrs. Nathan Peck, who has been in ; some of tbe more eged of his- parish- esting • sermon, • taking . for his text • . Toronto , for some time., returned. to oners to attod. '. * - - ." Speak to my biother.that he divide • The more carefully one analyses Sir ler home on,Satuiday night last.. The Kuox •church S. - 5. are- trying the inheritance with mee' ' • Miss Maggie Clark of the Babylon 10 to .xo as their S. S. hour of start- altsS Anna Whiddon is acting as or - Lite visited her sister, Mrs, C. Reid ing and the ..attenclatice is much au- ganist in Se. Andrew's till Miss Arrn- of Brucelield, on Saturday and Sun- proved 'since. . • . stroag is able to take charge again. - day of laet . Week.. . The library emard are secui•ing many Mr— William; Sterling of Goderich NOTHING LIKE LEATHER • yhen well put together. We have test be kind of fooewear yott need. .Our immense Haul was never in better shape than now We have all kinds of eeneonable goods at reasonaale prices, • bought direct. from the manufacturer.. Big stock of all kinds of Rubbers, we do not handle see•ond quality goods. Every pair we sell is gtutranteed by the inenufaeturer. You . make nomistake when you buy yourrubbers from us. • • • • Special for Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7 and 8 only, 40 peirs Ladies Dongola Kid Buttoned Bones sizes 24, 3, 3e, 4 and 4 only, • treal Star.. Wilfred Laurier's remarkable letter of acceptance of Hon, J. Israel Tarth's resignation the =ore one' is convinced of the duplicity of the government. Sir 'Wilfred eitherlost his good judg ment the heat of the •monient or he looks upon Canadians as a pack of dames. He informed Mr -Tarte that "to remain a member of the gpvere- ment and at the same time to adage tate a poliey. Which had not yet been adopted by the government was. alt impediment to the proper working of our institution." And mark ypu ! the publication of the letter, of which this reprimand was a part, was intended th•rea.ssure the industrial interests of this couutra. . • Was ever letter better calculated •to produce the very opppsite efTeet ? Sir Wilfrid achnits that the policy advo- cated by Mr. Tarte "had not yet been adopted" by the governnient, and lied one self-evident object in View—the as- surance of -a proclaniatioh which would pledge the, govereinent to noth- ing and at the same time serve as eq. 'tally invithig bait to Free •Traders and. Protectiontsts. •Sir Wilfrid; while abroad, evidently lost entire grasp of the feeling in' Canada on -the tariff question. It has taken six years fcir the people 'tea awaken to the double- - headed policy of the Liberal party ; but one thing is certain, they are now fully aware of the hypocrisy pthetised in deeting with the tariff, and will..de- mend a clear •statement .of the govern- ment's : SIR WILFRED'S CHOSEN ADVIS- ERS. . . Sir Wilfred Laurier, the "clean man," the "model man," the asoul. of hole*" before deciding upon a slice cessor to Hon. .1. Israel Tarte,. -con- sulted his Qtiebec followers. At Mon- treal and Quebec he tint his strongest friends and listened attentively to their counsel. Joseph Brunet of • St. James Division election crimes 'erne, was one of the first gentlemen caTled into consultation at Montreal. At 'Quebec, Sir Wilfred was closeted with Mr. Pacaud, a gentleman who stole. hundreds of thousands • of &Alcos. from the province of Quebec and spent the booty in the Premier's behalf. Mr. Paceed also paid Sir Wilfred's election deposits with the stolen mon- ey. Perhaps it was in recognitioe Of those servao that Mr. Pacaud was asked to give his advice as to the proper .government of Can- ada. Mr. .Brunet, 'tis true, has qual- ified in a soniewhat different manner, having evinced seflicient interest.. in the Liberal party to steal a eget e in' parliament and hold it. Both Mr. Pacaud and Mr. Brunet have been -ea: cepted as worthy emineellors by .Sir Wilfred Laurier, the "soul of honor," etc. LIBERALS.' PET • • worth $1.50 and 51.75, not Razor toes. but geod goods to clear. . • _ ' at, 09e,.they are a bargain. • • 28 pairs Misses Buttoned and Laced Boots,. sizeg 11, 12, 13, -I and 2. • ' • All we ask for your choice for above dates,00e, see them. • . •• . , • • • See our Okla Lid .Laced and.Euttoned Doots sizes 8, q and 10,20 pair. • of each Rae to go at only 75e, woeth 51. . • • . • .it will pay you to see ourstuck and get ou prices. . • . • . . . . . . . . , • • • . THE OLD .4ELIABLV. . . . P W . • Mrs. Joseph Richardson arid Itis m is sis. new embers. There is where you get township lost a horse. through ' over- ITR ). TAYLO ters, Misses Allaina and Laura, were - good reading at the . least cost. •• feeding and not enough . work. . • ,0 ' L • guests at the home Of Mr. George Miss.. and Mr. Carter •SUndayed •at The McEwen brothers are in great :: - . . e ' • nand these. days. . . . ' Cash and One Piloo.. ' . • . . . Doweon of the •Goslien• Line, on .Sun- George atIcrhee's. • deer last. - •• • : : alaetin Richmond passea througit elle* e• On the 29th day of Oetober a happy . , Following is the October . school re- village with his etrav. cutter and event • took place at the rectory in 7 • ' • putter and Btoi taken as Cash port for school section No. 3, ' . The thresher' combined hound for Colborne'which Mr. Frederick Geminhardt and, • e. .. .naines • are given in •order ' of their operations. This is- the machine that Miss Maly • Dupee took the solemn • , . , standing :. • • . - we are coming to, . • .. vows that, made them one. Both part-. Sr. 4th elase-•Mary .3. Reid, Maggie - Miss • Ma.ggie Clendenning of Nor- . . . , • wielt is • a guest at the hotel.. es are reeidents of .Bayfield and have . a hae of friends telio join .ivi wishing • ' ' •• - ' ' . - . •. tbe b appy • couple a hap ey ' voyage ••••••••••••4140•••••• •••••••••••••a ••••••••••••• 4/•••••• oia, the ciecesiota Mie -and Mrs, •Gem. i THE GREAT. bASH °. $T0RE I - throt,e, ii. Miss. Emily. Optriond a.nd • Mi. Charles' Dupee a.seisteil the couple' . . anhardt have taken •up their residence • • • Sir Wilfrid, as yet; has done noth- ing to allay tae general uneasiness existing in ausiness circles. He has left himself what heno doubt consid- ered at tae time a useful •back doer. He states that the opinions .01 Mr: Tarte have " not yet' been .endorsed, and the adoPtion pf Free Trade Or Protection evould.be equally consistent with such an announceieent, 'But the gaine of "fooling the people" has lost its chwin and Sir Wilfrid insults Can- adian intelligence by such ehildish sub- terfuge. THEORY EXPLODED. The Toronto Telegram (Independent) 'explodes the Liberal theory that a re- duction of duty reduces .the cat Of an article to the consumer, in this effect- ive way: " The fact is thee the removal of the duty of fifty cents .a ton on an- thracite coal did not reduce the price of hard coal to the Canadian commie. er." " The theory is ,that to talce the duty off soft coal would be to reduce the price of soft coal by the amount of the duty." • " A beautiful theory, but it did upt work out in the experiment with the duty a. hart! coal." " The price of anthracite was not re- duced by the removal of the nay.. Ile price to the Cana.dian 'consumer re- mained as it was and the Pennelyean- ia producer pocketed the fifty tents ton duty which had hitherto gone in- to the _Dominion Treasury." , " Better keep the -duty. on soft coal and apply the proceeds towards the deficit incurred by carrying Nova Scotia coal on the Intereolonial Rail- way. The fear of having to meet Nova Scotia coal on the Atnericau market will do more than the removal of the duty to keep down the price of soft al " .aa,„.gP • That is thiaview. of the politica' Sit - nation. entertathed by husinees inen. If it is incorrect, Sir , Wilfrid' dattless said • in.ore than he intended' to. The exeit•ement attending the. situation and 'the 'differences of opinion in..the cabin- et may lase driven him. in his despair. tp • not only 'publish the letter with undue . haste -and in a naneeer aighly discourteoes to Mr. Terte;• but forced him to -show the weakeess of the .gov- • ernmeet s treatment ' of the greate.st question before. the Canadian public. . As it now stands the Liacral party offers abating in the *ay of a tiscel policy. They have broken their Free Traple pledges and Italie not yet niade ainends for that public sin. They have repudiated MraTaate an4 by so doing have Washed their hands of Protec- tion,. Neither couese is satisfactory .tp.. -long suffering • people. . And the worst .of it is that 'there appears to be no •imeriediate possibility of im- provement, •Hoveever, the Liberals are at last in .a position where they niust • 01 necessity formulate a definite' pol- icy. That remarkable .pronouncement will be eagerly. awaited.. . • • • GODERICE TOWNSHIP. • • • MR, TAR,TE AFTER MR, SIFTON, Hon. J. Israel Tarte is after Hota. Clifford Sifton with a lag stick. The ex -minister denounces Canada's itioni. gration policy •in the strongest terrine This is what Mr. Tarte says Of the practice of making Canada the clump- ing ground for the scum of European countries : "The government et British Col-, utnbia has just refused att entratice into that province of .the groups of Doukhobors who desire tO reeve the Canadian Northwest. We believe that the government of British Col- umbia is altogether rigbt. We have imported in •• the last 'two or throe years, .at much expose and with Inueli advertaing, tholleands of immigrants' who are rather a sourte of annoyance and peril Owl of benefit. A man Very well versed in immigratiott Matters told us yesterday that Irt a. colony of recently arrived intinigralits there Were licit fare- abeOlutely sane persons. We must natittelly desire that our country skald be peopled as rapidly tee possible. On the other hand it is of the highest. impottanth that we Relief Nude brave bon started at should not admit among sober,labor- Melbourne in aid of Offerers from nue, honorable Canadian 'population Australian drought' elements of national dissolution. We The Mad Mullah is reported to have do ticit wattthere the. acme of Europe. altered allritislt camel transport, in a aaasaaataa manner along tem aa., sailed from the Clyde on the fiteatrier Sr. 3rd class—Thiterepn Heard; Allan Peck, lataggie Peck, Geo. Ed. Johnson; Thomae Reid. • . . Sr. end class—Leonard Heard, Leon- ard Reid, Maerice Johnson and Nelson Heard, even. Jr. 2nd class—Harvey Reid, Freday Reid, Freddy Davidson, Milthe John - Part end—Maggie Parsons, • ist class-eArthur Nicholson, Mabel Clark, Earl Johnson,Wilbert Johnson. .7.A. E. DaviOson, teacher. Joseph Morrow died at the residence . colasoltits TOWNSHIP, . . 'Mr. Shaw is still carrying :on reeler - al services at Bethel and much, good is being done. .Mra. Fillstnger of Goclerich was the guest of- Mr. and Mrs. John Feaga on Sabbath. . • . • a • Mr: William. Jories.'of .Carlow 'and Il.c.r107y. • sia9owhiny, alcaearty are improving . • front the Northeast one day the pa.st of Inland Reveame, •137 Jameson ave., weeka. --. • •• :. .. • • • • • - Me. Alex. idelloy ' returned ' hieme of John Morrow, .forraerly inspector Toronto., The %deceased wee • a •former. . kncewn as postmaster andelCeePer. . . of a pits :(eith Mr. Shaw cm aabbath. • • • Mr: :Wilson of the .laile changed. pia - resident of the t•ownship aecl. watt. Well _,. general store at 'Verne. • He • mrared math visiied this locality on.Thure- s dayelagt when the heloved wife of Mr. Jolui 1Vainninas ?eased into the .Great Beyond. • She had' been ill -for soine time. Vie funeral; took piece an.Sat- uedial, afternocin to Colborne cemetery - where the rern•ains were: laid at rest. The bereaved husband and family have the 'sympathy of many friende - in this their sad bereavement. • . • . . . . . . • . . , • • • • ' . • . ' ,.. e • '. ' VARNA: • ' . All .the .mainbees , of the dm, Prenhea terian. clutrch choir Ana at Mr. 0, -Mc; 'Naughton's the other evening andeloe. ed .up . all their basinces in connection with the churea. lacy doneted three .dollere of the surplus 'find - on hand - to - the . Steiclay school.. they. .then {aimed a glee..claile and will held their first Weetnig- next week. . ' e ....: . ' ago eat Tater .to kullarton, Perth county, and- went- to Toronto' to visit. the e•xliibi- tion. While there he was taken ill. The deceased. gentleman was a twin ' brother to -Mr. John •Morroiv ot Tor- . • - onto and. was 70 years -of age. Mr; - Will. 'Higgins lost a valuable • hprse last Week. The cause was hada gestiOn. • , • • : • Miss' Clara' Parker of Bayfield --vis- ited fri?nds...on ilia • Salable Line last Mr. Tlios:' Stinson has a gang of men pulling. his. wag. Mr.- Stilson has three ares of the best roots in the county. On Sunday iMite number of boys on., wheels rode down to St. • Joseph and ehen over to Zurich, • but on the way hothe one of them penctiired his wheel raid bad to -walk about ten miles over a haat needafter dark: says the next time be goes wheeling • Rev. • Mr. Miller' lies adthened frat he will have hahOese or an aittoinobilee las trip to the West, feeling . Watch -Miss ,Tanie Johnston Of the Goshen. aetter. in health, andresturacci 'left last Week to spend • the *inter the 'here teat Senneya The- people glacl- Lucicnotte • ' ly welcome him back again. • Mr, W. J. Seinson leaves this week for Montreal with a &Hoed of eaport c attic . • ' • Snowden Braes, have abut 'eighteen. acres of corn to eta yet. They had a - lout twenty five acres and the weath- er: is so uhsettled, that they cannot . , get it saved. . , Messrs: B. Sacticer and W.Johnston were in .Goderich on Monday. The following is the October. report for S. S.' No. x4, The names are in order of merit : ' sat class—D. C. Grassick, H. - Johnston. M. R. Abate 4th class—A. , W. Johnston, Mary Johnston, Jennie McBeath. • 3rd class—Eleanor Hood, Eclna • Kyle, Emma Maize ' 'end class--Jeate Gressel, Etta Ser- rate Ida Jones.: . • • • Pt. end class—Sarah Rathwell, Jas. Gemmel!, Oda MeBeath, Pt. ist class—Lola Rathwell, •Arth- Jones, Sceitt Kyle. • , The best spellers in. the monthly spelling matches were 5th—Preellorn •Johnston,. 4th—Jetinie McBeath, 3rd Emma Alair, exida•altta Jgreott, Pt. eud--Serries Gemmel!. • On Friday evening last e nutilber of friends essenebled " Hedge View" farrn; the home of. Mr, encl. Mrs. • J. B. Lindsay, to celebrate the twelity fifth aiiniveasary of their wedding day. After a most. stnnottious. dinuer the evening, was pleasantly. spent in nuts - ie, games and. social ietercourse. Mr. and Mrs. .Litidsay were the recipients of Many beautiful and useful presents, shoWiug the aigh. esteem which they •are held. . • . Tae • following, report shows • the' standing of the pupils in S. S. No. to accorditig to the hatinber of marks ob- tained. during the motel of October; The namce .01. those who ltavd riot been present • for the whole ntontlis are marked With an asterisk a, stba ciass—Lizzie Burnett, Nellie Middleton, Etta Thompsope • Oliver Welsh, Flossie Perdue.* 4th classeeWerwich Cole,. Willie Stewart, Willie Wise, k`red. Sterling.* 3rd cla.sse-Ag'nes Middleton, laaly Ellwood, Bart Wise. Furrya. Harry Ferry*, Frank 'Perdue*, Robert Thompson*. and class—Prank Etta Charlie Wise, 'Katie Perdue,. Al- bert • :Charlie Switzer, Fred, 'flionipsona. Welleigtou Knott", taw. - renO-Bella Pt. and ekes—Hazel Switzer, Reub- ett Johnson, 'Olive Ellwood, Frank Large straw' board tubes an•ay be seen paseieg through the mails Pet how tied many 'wonder what they con- tain. Who, opened a pair of beauti- ful pictures will be 'foetid. They, are etatitled Alma" ancl " Purity' and are the premium pietures given with the Venally Herald and Weekly Star ttalVfoutreal this sececon, • Family Her- ion Louise street. Congratulations are extended. • ' ' ' ' ' CAPERINES,RUFFS, November • eth being the' lartlicla.y See Our range of beautiful of I H1VI is alesty Kt* EdwardiVII; spec- .• . . . . a pray o a olive% o as re • * i - . . - 1 ' . permissable, . - . : • . •,. covery will be offered en the Church:of FURS, LADIES' All innocent pranks are S'.COATS, CAPES, . . England: • • e i The boys duly celebrated Hallowe'en. 40. fficailiteenestruction of property is an of- I Mr, arid Mrs. Dowson of the .Baby-. . • -. MUFFS, GAUNTLETS and CAPS . •• ., . 1 •. at MrJasParkg Miss Mary Parke visited in Godeta. Misses Storra Collars, Ruffs', Muffs and Caps • and Men's lon •Line visited .. . ' lot Saturday. • . ' . - • e• . Coats and Caps in Great variety.. : Joh township one day last week. .. ..• ' ' ' . • . • .• • • . • .•t . ., stym.• . Haying selected- this range of fine Furs from the hest manufacturers • . • • at the closest cash price hasplaced us in a position -to save you money. 4 Now lathe time to take advantage of the money saving prices.. . t )1.- town on Saturday • looking after some • • , . • made uncier t he usual price. • ., Mrs. Cornell ' of • Gederich was in : . - A bee job in all wool Blankets, 'good large size 'rind . • property she has. here. • • . • • • , Our village clerk, Mr: T. W. Scott,. , • • • . See our, Men's Fine Overcoats. They are the car- lef t on Saturday for Parry Sound to i . , rect style and Are selling well. • . • • • visit his brother and enjoy swile,hunt- . . Just received another large consignment See, our Millinel • y Heekart.- • libbers et rock bottom prices.. . • atenkfor latest nevelties. . 111: 3' go°11:YcicisatY Thos wv1.1°).eriVirkee• 'al' el r ter:: s eliTetPe ne. rhieonrie:eci11111 I o f R ' ' • ' • . • , D.. M. MoBEATH • - - -BLYTH..1-. ". a steady job, ' ' ' a • 1 ilellowe'en passed. off very gitietly, • , ' • •• • * • • • • .. . a , : ' ... . -• . only a few tricks being played by the Pretoria lilloolt Yuung frY• • ''. f•••.••••••••••••‘••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . On Tuesday the funeral of the late. •• . • . • . • • • , , . • Captain -John Buie took% place • • • • _ . . • • • •• . • ter)? for interment. 'rhe bereaved ones . • /teen las Mother's residence. The re- • .. mains were taken to the Union cenae- • • • , ... Quarterly services. were' held in 'the Metleadise. church•on Sunday last When' there -wee ,a very large ,attendance. • Varna L.." 0. le No. ' /e35 .11eid their. annual •fowl supper in the tem- perance hell on Nov. 5th; Owing to the high eirices asiceil for wood now several. from here have *put - *chased timber iron:Mr. •PiteBecith and will 'cut it into wood •fier taemselaes.• Some are' already making the chips . . •• . . . , . . . • XTPFEN. • • • Nisi Lillian' Whiteman leaves this Friday for Detroit. She will. be very much . missed. For many -years she with organist in the Methodist chureh. Roy Kyle, Who was thrown from it 'horse several' weeks ago • andhas been suffering from concussion of the brain, 'is recovering nicely. Hi was out to church Sunday for the first time. . Mr. Meldurtrie of Michigan has re- turned home atter visiting his broth- er and other friode here, On Senday evening a joint temper- ance meeting for the two congreaae flans was. WO the Methodist church. A large congregation asSentb- led ewho listened with interest to. the able addresses &Everett by their • pas- tors, the Revs. F. 14e Malott win M. C. McLennan. Next Sunday and Monday, the 9th and roth inst., are the dates set for anniversary services in the ldethodist chureli. On Sutela.y there are to be RIO selaecribers will be surprised whet ± three services. ?the key. J. S. ilen- they see them for they certainly.. are derson of Hensall will preath in; the the best .newspaper premiwne ever -of- moriiihg and afternoon; and in the ev- . ening the -key, Millyard of Exeter fen El . . - will preach. As both are able preach. • ztoLiatpvtritat. On Monday evehina a fowl supper will era gpod .sermous will be the xule. • ,be held after which sev.eral clergyinen The Epworth League Mild ite hall will deliver addressee.. Music will be yeatly.. electloit of </Ulcers' IVIonday furnished by talent from Seaforth, The evening when the followiug were elect- admission is only 20 cents. Come end • sperid•s, good time, ecl . . President, Miss Bessie Pickard On the following Sunday and Mon- ist Viee, Mrs. Messer day the Presbyterians waif open their end Vice,- 'Miss Emma Courtice beautiful new scheol room and re -open 3rd Vice, John Walters their church which- has beeri dosed for 4th Vice, Miss Al -nut Yeti. the purpose Of painting, papering and ibrarian Miss- D A Holmes • Tolinie of Windsor, who has an excel- ontting in. new seats. The Rev. Mr. Sec.-Treas., Miss Sarah Courtice Inanity, Rowe az Hollowa3r have the entire aympa.thy of the. COM- P/Hes. Maggie Gloncher of Clinton is ' • . the guest of her parents here for a .1 . • • 011 'Monde • 1 ' . 1,48 Clinton Furniture an Undertating Co. y evening the annual meet- • , . few .days. . ing of • the Blyth • Bible Society was • ' • :held in •clatrch. Dare was a . 'very good :atiandatite and inter, . est taken in What the Society's agent • and the resident ministers had to gay. - • . On , Sunday- anniversary • services will - ae held in the Methodist church • when Rea,„ W. 13rotvn will be the • special preacher., On Monday evening aroisleal entertain,ment will be giv- . • Rev. J. McQuillan of Clancieboye was in town On Friday, Mr. John Denliolin left here on Wednesday for Manitoba with a car- load. of apples. Quite a humber of mit citizens were itt Godericla on Friday as witneeses in the assault case of t, McCreight a- gainst Mr. Sables Barr, our village constable, which was heard before Pol- ice Magistrate Seeger. Mrs. McElroy of Dingley street left hereon Friday for Hepworth to keep house for her son. ' 1.11E "MOVING rIctuREs.. Associetion hall was mere than comfortably erowded last night, the attraction being the Colonial moving pictures. So great wes the crowd that desired to get iu that the -ushers lost all treek 'of reserved seats and people with coupoas had to bn. content to sit •anywhere they could find a vacattt chair. The crowd was vera good nat- ured, however, and accepted the situa- tion gracefully. The • entertaiitmeat lasted almost, continually for two hors and an immense number of pic- tures were shown, and, if appleuse is any criterion, • they were greatly eta joyed. She, picturo of the Xing's coronation were espetially interesting as were scenery about Niagara, Falls and views taken front in front of a C. la R. locomotive. The Sack and the Beanstalk serice greatly pleased the boys and girls present, The Mt. Pelee, eruptioli was very much imag. inary, but that didn't detract front the interest any. As an interlude it clever exhibition of rapid clay model. Saar It1,4t Sclitaini:112t lialet' l'tliii'ttl-' ' (C Oegauist, Miss Tillie McCartnea • • lent reputation as a pulpit orator, hoir Leader, It k. Forster - will preach at rt a. bi. and 7 p. lit. . was givtn. This pleased .prettei well. The entertainment will be repeated Whitmore*. ling and of making smoke pictures morea—Mary Halliday,' Teacher. . Next Sunday Mr. James Wallis will on the Sabbath. On the Monday elf - this afternoon and night.—Hattiiiton moth in the Methodist church and in thing a fowi Supper will be provided, d f l the eminency. 3. Greene of Clinton. aft" which a goo InWran" s•Pee" ITerald. CS and music will be given. Music will This entertainment will be given in will officiate. ; • . be furnished by the choir, desisted bv ihall, in on, onNov.tat t Mrs. Pickard' and Miss Bogie Via. ' : .• the tow CI' t • N 1 iten friends in Varita on Sunday, - others from. Ifensall, Chiselliiirst and , , the IVIethodist choir here. The emigre- nin'er l'in ausl'1"s. of the I. A.L. 0. r• Mrs. Will, Elford and son of Goiter- gation expect such a good time that ' ' id, Visited friends here on Sunday. they invite everyone to come mid . . have put in a butter plant which wifl attend both atippeta and you will not 1 of Canadian cattle will not be repeal. , The directors of the cheeee fattory rsoligarreetititer, with them. Be persuaded and The restriction on the Importation ed by the tritith parliament. )14 111 Working order next week, Let Ile aevelop otarseltree, but develop lie Scotch Antarctic expedition dihary liheo Of pruderies!" Scotia.. • . • • • announce that they have - bought the Furniture and • Undertaking business of Broadfoot & Box and will •. • continue the sarae. in the old.: stand. 1 Mr. J. D. Atkinson, who has a • thorough knowledge of -the bust. e • • ne:s; and v will tllalso .hiavaecodhaoallrgePS at1.kinds • of repairing, upholstering, pic. tufo framing, etc., at very mod. • • . • erate prices. ' • We also do undertaking in all its branches. A. first class hearse in cOnneetion. J. D. ATKINSON, - Manager and Funeral Director. R. N. ROWE. A. J, MOLLOWA.Y. Night and Sunday calls answered at, residence on Princess St., directly back of Presbyter. Ian _church. '• Mane. British iron•and 'steel:116ns. ' are funelgainating. • ' In rfloKoWN . aThe official report of the Colonial I .1..- , Conference has been issued. ' ... StfaildERITILL• . , . . , Me. A, .Ross and wife and family visited at Mr. William Sinclair's for a few days last week: Mr. George Cunningham of Delgrave visited at Mr. George Tyner's on San - day. . Mr. William Reid and his sister of ' Stanley visited friends here on Sun- day. . . Mr, Wiltsie mid wife of the London • ' -Road, Tuckerstnith, visited eit Mr. .4 „ George Hill's on. Sunday, \ , -., .., the other clay to 'Vaincisorevehere her Mrs. E. Butts received a \sudden -call HIGH CLASS' , son Alfred had the misfortutle to have . 11 1 • 1 his atm broken and otherwise badly shaken up. Mrs. it. Miller returned to her honte last week after spending some days with her sister in Toronto. Mr. White of Rogerville visited for a few days last week at Mr. J. W. Hill's. Messrs. Svveet and Williams are 1..)sy fixing the hill opposite Mr. W. Malts' and -Mr. Cook and son are gravelling the hill opposite Mt. Hardy's plaee. It was not before it needed it, liovtiev. ers HARNESS SHOP .Good quality harness, both light awl heavy, at moderate prices. I sell beg Saskatchewan Robes, . also ktigs, Illanacts, Truttkg, Val- ises, Etc: FL °KOWA.,