The Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 168 :i 1 1 Gian1!c nIaulc Purchase TALV,WAIXTOZi NEWS-NIIO UQltuber 8001 1902 When You Talk . Up Your Flowers Over one hundred new mantles bought at half the maker's prices. A purchase that was only made possible by the double outlet we have with our two stores. Mantles that we are going to sell for less money than stores all over this country paid for the ': same garments this season. You ask, how can we do it ? The story is short. The reason is simple A couple of weeksago we cleared out the entire stock of one of the leading Canadian makers of ready-to-wear Jackets. Jackets. These were their overinakes and garments that had been made to order and for some season or other were not shipped. They were offered to us for half the prices that their whole season's output had been sold for, If we had not had two stores we could not have entertained the offer for a moment, for there were more mantles than any single:store hereabouts could • handle. Every garment is new. Every garment was made .for this season's trade. They must not interfere with our regular stock. We want to clear them out quickly, in fact,, must do it and on SATURDAY, NOV: 1ST commence a sale of mantles that will be without a parallel in the annals of mantle selling in Huron county. This is not the end -of -'a -sea= son sale of a few left -overs. but a sale of new garments, 'every one of which was made for this season's trade and not one. of which has been in our store over two weeks. Do not let this chance pass to get a new jacket for about half price. One like it is not likely to conte again soon. The earlier you come the better the choice. Sale will start Saturday morning, Nov. 1st. For easy selling we have divided them into: the follow- ing lots. Here is the way they *ill sell :. • E. JACKETS AT $2.50 JACKETS AT $2.75 5 only Ladies' Military. Coate, 30 and 36 10 only Ladies' Short Cloth Jackets: inches long, sample .garments, no These ere medium weight garments, two alike, made from good qualitysuitable for wearing with separate beavers and friezes, ]teed through skirts or for early spring or fall. out, made to sell at $6 to $8, A 50 They are made from good broadcloths choice of lot, and smooth finish materials; are lined with good mercerized sateens, MANTLES AT $5 cut in new coat styles. have pearl or Mantles fora $5 hill that the maker, cloth buttons. If bought in the reg- sold for more money early in the ttlar'way couldnot.be sod fur less Mr. and Mrs. James Fair 'returned on season. Nobby and comfortable than $6 to-$$. On Saturday, Novem- Monday front a visit to Mr, and Mrs. garments, well made from good ma- bet% Est, you.can take your 2 75 . H. O. Bell of Wingham.• • terials that will give. satisfactory ' choice far . wear. Three-quarter length, semi fitting, velvet collar on some,• made A FEW -EXTRA from beavers and friezes, blacks, greys, fawns. every one new this GOOD GARMpNTs season, worth regular $8, ab - don't forget our Fancy FIower Pots at 15c, stand stet inches high and eight inches) in diam- eter. Three color' --•Red, Blue, Silver—with a delicate shad- ing on top rim. Each has a fancy gilt decoration on two sides while all around we think you will agree they are the best value you ever saw at the prise. 'Understand they are not fine enough for table use but just the right thing to put your flowers in and at about the same price as you would pay for the ordinary plain, common slfaped pot without the decor- ation;, See them at 15 cents. Weekly Mail and Empire or Weekly Globe from now until Jan. 1st, 1904, for ,$1.00. Or from 'now until Jan. Tst, r9o3 for Ise. Agents Parker's Dye Works, The W. D. Fair Often the Cheapest, Always the Co, Best. About o p WHERE THEY ARE y eople 5:1E THEY ARE G01NG We Know Mr, George Hodgens is in Sarnia this Week. Mr. Jacob Taylor was in London on Tuesday. Mr. E..Ervine, who h as been in Chica- go for some time, is home on a visit. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart' Sey moor spent Sunday with friends in Holnresville, Mrs- (•Dr,)Turnbull was the .guest of Mrs. W . Duncan on Friday, Mr. Harry Rausford of Winghain.was home on Sunday. e is the� est of Mrs, Mrs. (Dr.) Holm s gu J. W: Holmes of Port Stanley, Mrs. George Stewart leaves on Mon- day fora twu weeks' visit with Lis - to wel istowel friends. Mr. William.Foster left last week: for Guelph where he has obtainedern-. ploywent in a foundry. Mrs. 1'.•B. Orews is visiting her moth- er in Goderich and Mr. Crews went to London on business this a. m. out 20 to sell .Saturday, each. 500- • Mr. Harry Bartlff of Brussels was •a guest at Mr. R. J. Chas during the I . week. • Mrs. Heyd of Brantford, who has been visiting :her aunt, •Mrs. David Robertson, has returned'home, A. few: extra good garments Mrs. David Steep and Miss Sadie were tIANTLES AT $6.50 that we have not enou h of to yra the guests of. See,forth and Egmond• Mg ll friends Thursday d f Tl d till Sat - any garments at this price, made from good qudlity beavers and eay. .lump•at onepricewill be put . ntday,'. ext clothe blacks greys. fawns, all on sale at prlees that *ill be Mt'• Wtllt tzt • Campbell Of his each. 27 inches, or three-quarter lengths, *vas in own yesterday.. y coat or high collars, every garmeut, from $3 to $5: less than real bole court of .reels - lined and made for this season's value: •These coats are nearly ion at Belgrave. • trade if bought in the regular wayMiss Sarah Chuff of Toronto is visiting est mantle in the lot; ' commencing arid' are .the' Cheapest lot Of and Mr. John Oa of bloderich $10 would he the price of the cheap- all;f'' I' d awns, satin ire hercousins,•Mr. R. J. Quit of town choice oythem for h f Mr William I;rvermore of Dundalk Saturda you cantake your @. - - to„„„hip. .50. mantles that. have ever' been MANTLES AT $7.75 'in the store, We do not want wits called home last Week owing to .7 t0 lnterfere'wlth the serious illness of his father, •the •7 only Ladies' Ulsters, very stylish` late Jos. Livermore. . garments. They are made from our: regular stock. They must Mr. end Mrs. Renis Keys of Stanley good beavers and friezes, waists are. were in town Saturday on their way lined. These u t to visit Holmesville and Goderich' sold for less than $15 to $18 each if have been !narked at' prices firends: bought in the regular way. .If you ' want one of these very comfortable that should see the most of Mita, W. Nerdy of the London Road garments for little money this should them And new owners before left last week for a fortnight's visit lee your chance, for Saturday to leer old borne in Mariposa, .Victor - they go on sale at each 7.75 the week over, iii county, *Miss McBroow of London .and' Miss Urquhart of Hensall were in tewn c,n Saturday. Miss McBroow to a Some More Specials talented violinist .and may start a class in Clinton. Less than a dozen items telling'' of reliable merchandise selling at prices that are low enough tv call bargains. Not one in the list but would be good value at more than the price we ask. VESTS AT 25c and 50c ''BLANKETS AT.' Not any store in the land sells any better vests for a quarter or half a:dol- lat. Some, but nut many may sell as good. An immense purchase of. ladies' under wear bought direct from the mill gives us the chance to bell these gar- ments at these money -saying prices. AT A QUARTER -Ladies' ribbed Vests, ramped, full size, good weight soft finish, open front,neck.and front nicety trimmed, extra special .2 value, at each ,s AT HALF A DOLLAR—Ladies' rib. bed plush•linedVests,winterweights shaped,open front, neck and fronts nicely trimmed. soft finish, This vest is away ahead of the ordinary fleece -lined garment. It has all the gond points without being clumsy or bulky, the most comfortable • 50 gement for winter wear, each . U Drawers to match either of the above. SKIRTING SERGE 75c Heayy serge for suits or skirts at 25c a yard less than value. Enough saved on the material to go quite a wily towards paying for the making Heavy serge suitable for suits or skirts. all wool, 56 inches wide, hard wor- sted finish, will not catch the dost, easily worth $1 per yard, spe- sial at �75 $2.50 and $2.85 • Either line was worth more: than' the marked priors. .However,. we can afford to sell them under value, so if you come here you can save a little tnhney on your blanket buying.: AT $2.50 -Good quality white weld Blankets,. soft lofty :finish, double bed size and good weight, colored borders, 'special value, per 2.50 hair . . . .. Di.. Steep of Winnipeg, who liad been, Toronto visiting. his brother, Mr. H: 'W. Steep, who .is in a critical condition: as the result•of.a street car • • accident, spent • Sunday in town •as • thegnest of Mrs. R. Andrews. Ile left•furhie western. home on Men- - day. • • Ni