HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 15October 30* 1902 - araiSTTRIV rwi,ws-it.soonD TheMoisons Bank! As a Food For the Skin Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Capital - e $2,500,000 Rest 2,150,1100 HEAD OFFICE e aeloweRgAea • Molson Macpherson, President. I ..Teetnes Elliot, General Manager. 1 Notes discoented. Collections made. Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer- ican Exchange bought and sold, Interest allowed on deposits. SAVINGS BANK 111411Interest allowed on sums of Sr and up. FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. MeTaggart BANKER. A General Banking Business transact- ed. Notes dishounted. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on de- posits. Albert street - - - Clinton. L SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.' Money to loan. Office—Elliott Blogic - - Clinton. W. BRYDONE, 13ARRISTER1 SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. Office—Beaver Block - - - Clinton. RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and . Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. IIALE JOHN RIDOUT B. R. HIGGINS Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, - Mortgages, Deeds, Etc., drawn for fiL each. All work neatly and cheaply done. BRUCEFIELD, ONT. DR. W. GUNN,- R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls. at Iron door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church. Office—Ontario street - - Clinton. e, - DR. SHAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Ontario street - Clinton. Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPOON PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases •th the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and Residence— Albert street East, Clinton'. North of Rattenbury street. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Main street. BAYFIELD - - - - - - Ont. DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday afternoon. Office— Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, Clinton. DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S.—Graduate of the Royal Col- e.. lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S.—First class honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to preservation of children's teeth. Will he at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every Monday from to a. in. to 6 P. in. DR J. FREEMAN, VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the •Ontar- io Veterinary College. Office—Ontario street . - - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's. church. l'hone 97. DR. BALI, • VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT VETERINARY IN- SPECTOR. Office—Isaac street - - - Clinton Residence—Albert street - Clinton. THOS. BROWN, LICENSED AUCTIONEEle.. Sales conducted in all parts of the counties of Huron and Perth. Or- ders left at The News -Record, of- fice, Clinton, ot• addressed to Sea - forth P. 0. will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran- teed or no charges. Your pat- ronage solicited. wj {:t1Illette EXPErMNCE EN.,:.,.,...,,,.,..i,,,k...:.; 'Meek Menial DeetaNie COOVItictitall &C. falsetto ototalitig aincet on miff /ascription may quickly mieertoln btu opinion free wnotheraa invention a pronto patentable. Comiraitutie tione suety confldontial, ilitt.dinitikOriPatontit Isola fres. Oldest naenoy for eectiring:pateitte. Patents taken through Bunn to Co. rccoiv spate! fleece, Without Charge, in the Sdeistific Jititeritati A. Natal0-001y Pest:Med weekly'. tamed at. 4mititiett a any scantie,a leueeee $fit. ISSittreadway, ew fog 9Pr0; SY,;)ThOlit)/1014 Powder* may cover op the disfiguring eraPtleae, but earl tearer cure them, and aailPeeltieely injUrious, because they clog ,p the pores of the *kin. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a food for the -skin. 11 JO medial eboortied, end thoroughly cures each and every skip disease, main* the skin smooth, soft and clear. No woman's toilet is complete without Dr, Chase's Ointment, for, besides beteg tbe most perfect sein aeautifier obtalu able, it cam be used in 'core of Mem% ways, ti absolutely curet tcretna salt thsem and the itching to educe women are especially subject %Viler the feel ars sore end chafer atib welkin& an application et ter Chase's 'Ointment takes out tbe martin! arid Reap the inflarernatiori a turprislesly shoo time Thee for earns. Amide and ever,e sort cf (hang. irritation or eruption of the skin Pr Chasse.. Oen- teen. .ifford e safe and certain' cure. Tt ha corns tc be indispensable lo scores cA thousand: of homes, 60 cents. a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, atatee & Co., Toronto Dr. Chase's Ointment -- THE News -Recor •14•H+14+4÷14+4 t : will be sent THE DIVINE SCALES "THOU ART WEIaliala bet THE fileaa, ANCES AND FOUND WANTING." A THRILLING BIBLE INCIDENT The iireioure or me Almighty AteolatelY rerrect met aust—No•Men Cu GainsitY lit Nor litottpe zts notes and Bounds" - The bizample of Belshazzar or the Ages. ' Entered According to act of eel...401611i- a eu 0 - ..au. in the year dee. ay Wietena oany. et 1 le roma ut thu Dove ut egreeteere. tot Iowa. Ohleego, Oct. 20.—Prom one -of the most thrilang ineidents of Bible las- tocy ieY, lertink De Witt Talmege thaws lessons for the life •ot to-daY; text, Deniel v, 27, 'talent art weigh- ed in the balauce and found want - These • Not•ds Wore spoken in the ro;val banquet hall of the most fa - In 0 40 Capital in the east. This is Beiaylen licentious, core rept,. tuxedoes, .saretneless Labylon ; liabylon the ;pride of the Lhaldeans; Babylon the %Yowler of the world! Ctesias tells um that llabyltin was siety miles -equtuet. 'abet Ineane its area was niece than • one-third the raze of the modern city. of lecrelon, :the English bee-hiee, with its 5,000,- -000 inhabitants. et %yes of sum vast wealth that withal its central temple Wt10 an idol made di goad which alone was worth over $200,- 000,000: Its surrounding walls were 865 feet high aud wide enough to al- low four eherio.eers to defect their sixteen chargers abeeast upon the top . of tame,while till hicion shimmered upon .250' . wat Li towers 'and tipped with agile the 'spears of hundreds of inels andshone upon a hundred . gates of Head hi asee which swung.-. to any address en to' 3ot friends 'n and clanged 'shut, to keep eeenries oitt. Standing etoon the heights of 'the • famous haneing gardens which Nebe until the end of 1902 • • • For. 10 .Cents. The News -Record has ce• large • and inere.asing circulaition • which . pakese t a' splendid advertising ,mediten, a at pays to edvereise in The, New'-Recerd stCOOk13 COttfill Bid COMpOttlia Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's. Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 p_sr box' No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $5 per box. NO. 1 or 2,mailed on receipt of price and two filient stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Or -No% land 2 sold andrecommended wall . responsible Druggiste in Quads. • ; Nos. and 2 are sold in Clinton by II. B. Colette, R. la Reekie, E.. Hov- ey and Watts & Co.—druggists. • The Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company • Farm and Isolated Town Proper- . ty Only Insured,- OFFICERS J. B. McLean, President, Kamen P. O. ; Thos. Fraser, . Vice-Presideet, Brucefield P. O. ;' T. E. Hays, Sec. - Treasurer, S'eaforth • P. 0. ; W. G. Broe.dfoot, Inspeacie of Losses, Sea - forth P. 0, . . DIRECTORS . I W. G. Broadfoot, Seeforth ; John. Grieve, WinthrOP ; George' pale, See - forth ; John Watt, Harlock ; John Bennewies, Bradhagan ; Ja•mes Evens, Beechwood ; James. Connolly, Clinton; e John McLean, Kippen, • • AGENTS. • . Robert Sinith, Harlock ; Robert Mee . Seaforth ; James Cummings, Egnaondville ; J. W. yore Holmes- ville. Parties desirous to, effect insurance or transact other business will :be promptly attended to ott epplication to attv. of the above !Anders addressed to their respective postoffices. GRAND TRUNK INIILWOY SYSTEM • TIME TAI3LE, . Trains will arrive. at and depart from Clinton Station as follows 1 BUFFALO AND G'ODERICH DIV. Going East ,Express 7.38 a. In. 46 " • Mixed 44 West (‘ " " Express • 41 IC tI IC Pt 2.55-1). hi. 4.15 P. al. 10.15 a. 12-55 tea 7.05 a.' in. 10.27 p. LONDON, HURON' 'AND BRUCE DAV, Going South Express 7,47 a. tit. " Mixed 4.15 P. Ncirth Express 1055 a. tn. Mixed &se ts. m. A. 0. PATTISON, F. Pe HODGENS, Agent, Town Ticket Ag. al, C. DICKSON, District Pass. Ag., Toronto EC 41 11 .711""1"1""0"Imlimmolww _ "I had a bad cough tor el* - ; week is And could find no relief •ttritil I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- - rat. Only. one-fourth of the bottle 1 ! cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. • Neglected coldealways • lead to something serious. 7 They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. 4 Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral _ just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will - cure you then. 66Tbroil Watt 2lie.,itteugit for Mt oirry 7 iteVW:gatgAtorsurroeslatiwalti VIATL111rfi,,,. ' uchachiezzar, eine who had coutt- ed anionic' the hale of Ecba- thane had thronn to humor re whim of his queen, we can'sec. off in .the .distance the mighty. river .Thiphe -rates:- flowing through the midst of the meeroeolis and cuteingethe city in Wein. Along the wheel's of the 1.1%er Wore daily 1.eard ',the, cries of the., sailors ueloadirg from the ships cargoes of merchandise- and foodstuffs as well as the gold; and silver and myrrh and precioits stones iinaorted from o her lands: In Uteeeentre '01 the capital we cell &Reece where the create:ere had gietheeed the water of this mighty rt* 01' into a latge dal la' d forty Melee square. 'This la e• wee Wide eitough, and deep 'en it gh to harbor. ell thea inodeen eat ees •: of' the World. it all Uwe& ships of war Id drop their an 'ha se Told their a late :Sails and float side I: y side in peite. • ' • lie houlevat of this ancient aity- wtre pillared ith statuary; The, etreels end:elect the buey em. where ineeceants wrangled foe berate. and *gain ori d down to the 'magnet- •carit • triages which.- spouted.: the riv- er, These bridees Were; flanked 'with whcre •°may , and wealtii l'icrod away the lazy hours or sang 'tit tinie lees to eleeperadled . the' giacef el gondola*, , which geridy• pressed the water's, tree • ripples or . contemptuotisly tuniblee • the . foaln 'front otTailmie crested Ircaeta. Every -e Where artesian • wells .tolised ep, the *titers -into fie ntteine.' • -shining ich the . sem ileched • tee floaters wittetainbowa, birde of. bli liant hue; whose awestors had. peen ,broirght, eani tropleal ,stopped then' singing' long enough to gut n:h their thirst or to cleanee their 'gorgeous plumage. Titer° in the (fee, AM* hour -Octet fountains lead" up. their lips, while their. 'cheeks •batlahad' into -a • deepred for. the good • ititeit - 1C1e5 of the setting et.n. - . 13u t .1tio 'must hurry on .t� -night cud' not • Heger- °Yee the 'scenic delights 61. tale famous fee I Atm going . to ' lead 'awl into the royna'banquet hall. lege De-ehmizar, the king • of the Caaldemis, itt gi Mg a, great feast tea a -thousi . Jo. ds of his kinadoin. ' fae et giving thig feast 10 -flight , in. :a. hell elle balled.. 'With the trophies of eon ,uest. and the tri- une h era with. the air rhythmic with .song and redolent:with peens°, with the Pees 'of his dean ancestors pictured teem the. -wane or .chiselcd by the sculptors in.Marble Of .purest white. Ile is giving this feast an a hangitet hall ahere.- the satuialed foot , strikes mosaic flora. or 'sink's into softest rear where,' tinder the light, - the precious. etc ne; sparele and • gleam', •its the jeweled fiand of an- istocral PuShCS the tapestry or lifts the golden chalk() to the- lip,, king le givin thee demean •feast' to how his contempt for. the besiega leg many of • Cyrus the Greet', Which. for nearly two. long years had fruit- lesaly.faid aiege to his capital, Aratt seemed. impregualhe, -• But at last, in this. baneuet hall, at the! fainotis tenet, when the ine toxicated eye beceine more brillient thith the ditononds glietering' emote the naked theoats of • the assembled • aliens and• tho. flushed cheers 'redder than the wine eip, there appears a marveloue sight: Out of space tlicee. stretthes •et. hand—all ermiess, , bodi- less hand-eanci with. the finger Of this strange hand for a, pen it hid: - clot power waltee. there amine' %verde of deep upon the wall of that .ban- quet pal. It la to interpret one of Motet words, "tekel." which means "thou art welehed ;n the balances and art fotind wanting,"" trait ant to -day . preaching thie sermon. • X preach upon etas, one word becittlee these fatal five letiets maple -we to Belshazzar, • thia -Idea of the phol- dettne, that Pala that he had to die; alod's buten ae alwaye have ac - c� elatit weighte. He weighs every man according to the Work whirit he has- givers hiin to do, Ile weighs ev- ery matt ie proportion to the velar - Jetts • opportunities thee have sur- rounded his pan life. Ile weighs ev- ery man with referrnea to the Chris- tian home hi which lat ivaa born and to the prayers of Cluestien men and' women which have been. uttered in his behalf. God weialee a man net Only with. regried to his sins of eolle- mission, but also as to what he niit have accoMplished for God bad he applied. hanself for las idaine Mas - ter as he should hose done. Meer he independent Of WS Inman** e,ble settles? While we live God's balances are never put away. Ills geeing eee is always watching us, even in the most secret of plaees. Ile watebes us in the most sacred places of our chfuebere, in the office, when we, go Own the street, wherever we naty one of its, by the .power of tlit. Holy e Spirit, decide how the Intlancet ef • God shall he niovedi May we, one and. all, decide that the scale of sin, through the countervailing weight of the eros; shall go up and not tto down! Soil for spinach for winter end, £0r - When. God in this royal lainquet be. No sin la a Secret sin to God. ty si ring use coat hardly be made too hall of Babylon held high the bele tutees with which he weighed luelshaz- ear, the aing of the Chaldean., (10(1 weighed ilea life by a stantlaid tn- . tirely different from. that with which he would weigh the life of an ignor- ant, brutal African cannibal, taught Ile looms all and sees all The sante rich. divine scales that weighed the sinful life of Belshazzar in the •banquet hall of the liabylonal capital are Con- tinually weighing us, no Wetter where we Meet be. THE SUNDAY iSCII(.)011. Bet, though God's balances may • • - • 1 :front the days of his youth that it be condemning scales for the Bets- .. was right arta honorable to tett the hazzars of sin, they may also becoift ,leaSSON V, FOURTH QUARTER, INTER - roasted. fle)1). of his captives and scales of. salvation for every inunor- , slaves. 00d placed in one of the till soul that avails itself of Christ's NATIONAL SERIES, NOV. 2. scales of his balctnces all Delshazzar'e atonement. It la not now it question infinite opportunities for doing' good of how many sins may be piled aeto -Text of nia Lemma, Jeeli. xa. 1.-0. capital of the wealthiest the riaht scale, but rather of whether Memory Verses, 1-4—Ooldee Text, as the mighty ruler of the eon. God Placed in we are willing to piece the atoning as, xlvi, 1--Commeotary Prepared that one scale all )301011422aes op- erose in the left. Though tbe sins of portueities for knowing and learning about the true God and his divine love. Belshazzar was not, ae some . suppose, the heathen ruler of a heath- en nation. He was the grandson of • God s waywerd children may be mountains high ancl seas deep, yet that cross is teble to .outweigh them all, In the•philadelphia mint can be seen a pair of scales so perfectly ad - 0 ZZO, • Prime Ininistee was Daniel; the migh- ty man ot • God, In all probability Ise had heard from, Deniers own lip the eommendments of the God of the Jews, and how that God had pro- tected the prophet and closed the mouths of the hungry wild Waste when his servant %vas thrown ineo the lien's' den, Daniel, at the time Of which I speak. was about eighty years of age. He could have testifi- ed and in &I- probability did testify to Belshazzar hutv the love of the true God had eared fer his hoileying child, now for nearly fourscore years. So the' word written on the wall of that elinemet hall was the recorel of a test. 13elshazzar's opportunities ot beading a godly life had been plate ed in one scale, and when the ee- fects• of the life, he. did lead .evere Olt in the other scale it had wile. 'down like a !lash. That was.the ineyitable result. Be had bean weighed in the balances and found watiting. My brother and sister, aro you ready to let God hold aleft the same balances' with which he weighed 13e1- shazzar's life in the royal bancerat hpyil. of Babylon? Are you ready to let him weigh the results of Yam' Me • "Oh, Mi," you answer; "my Me is nothing to ivhat it ought to be, when I ethink of my. pest relig- ious bringing -up. NO one had a better nor more consecrated Carle- tiae • mother than have had.- 'No ono to- .has a mot e. -consec ated praying wife' than I have, -Every. night °Veil my iittle children pieta foe me and -yet ameunwillieg to pray for Myself or do whet I ought to (P.". 11 all this -be true, then; •my beetle:a, how are roti teeacape the deem' of him who 'sat en Babylon's I entreat hell?. You ore being weigh- ed in the belencee , aryl found want-, . Ina., ' , ' . • ' .. - . . lt. is' • -an'. awful: and heartrending . eight to -see a pee stand. up and con- fes.s that' he bas cruslied out. of his • • Lefert the -religious influences which ' suri it Mead his early' life. I -- once - Jested that if a specie of dirt •feals in- to one of the scales or a ily walks • across the balancing bar overhanging ' it that scale will shitc. vomes ere perfectly adjusted spiritually. No matter how many or .how great' our sins may, be, if we once place 'the cross Of Jesus Christ into the scale opposite to that which is piled high with our sins., we _shall then be weighed in the balances and not felted wanting. . What a blessed end transportina thought this ahead be, that wo ran have all our sit s outweighed! We would not. dare for One instant to preach a sermon upon (led's, -aelances Delebeezeies feast enless coul I Place the greatest emphasis tipoo th idea. It would be -appalling to depict the horror of a sirner's eternity, un- - be.ss.at the' same time we could offer n pardon for all. sins to all people if they would only ail 'be willing to bo. cleansed of their siee, in the alood of the Latenb, There is need et any. Belshaeter ca sin to -day being Spend wanting when he. is weighed' in Go,cae • beiances if he will only let the cross of Jesus Christ be placed in the scale opposite to that Whice is piled higli wait his past sins, 'But in all that- vast throng there was ma,ny'a sad heart, many a heed- less despair, To • me Belshitentes feast better., desribed by the are- ; ist by -Whom.' saw it pictured • at .. Buffalo, N. Y., •in the World's Fa r of 1001, tethered into clerk. room we satethere a.while• totat dark- . Miss. Tben,- by the magical effect of .. lights 'it Slimly b" ht • d be elie Rev. 1). MI stemma. (Copyright, 1002, by Amerilin Press Associatipal 1. The Lore ciao spake unto Joshua, HOW important and how wonderful a statenaent, •tiow little heed one le apt to give to It! That the ouly living and true God should talk with a mortal Mau Ethoule be enough to. make all mortals gift heed and earnestly inquire as to What ale Said.. Men waste Vine talking of trivial 'matters, but not. so the Lord. He never says anythieg uu- iinportent. "I:lear, 0 heavens, and give ear, 0 earth; for tbe Lord hath Spoken." asn. 1, 2; Dent. xxxli, 1). "God, who at -sundry times and in divers manners spaire In time past unto the fathers by the •prophets, bath in these last days spoken unto us by His Sou." "See that ye refuse not aline that speaketh" (Heb. I, 1, 2; 'lie 25). , 2. Speak to the children of Israel, say- iwnge.rAeoptpoltnaptitokuet -ufflortoyyo9uuebItyiest handrefu gook_ In libc. xxl, 13; Nunt. xxxv, 11; Dent. xix„ 2, 9, we find that which God had, said to' detoses concerning these cities, three on each . side .of Joeditie • Difery purpose of the Lord shall be pee- . forteed befit for His pecgile•an(1 against Hie -enemies. This patter of these 'cite les 'was in His purpoge, as He had Said to Mosei, and now -the time had come. to perforin lilis Purpose. li7rom all eter- nity everything that ever lies come to pass or ever will come to pass was all foreseen or foreerdainecl by God (Acts. xv, 18; Deb. 111, 11). . ' • ,112e. Aavned,:igethreYoaeatef maolold.be yoe.:t. refuge front • The avenger or revenger of blood takes us back. to Gen. ix, "Whogo shedeetli .man e blood by mite shall his blood beshed;" and- this -word to Neat . was repeated to .Israel in •Ex, 'xxl,•12, 13, With the saving clause that if pan killed another -unintentionalla God 'would provide a reftigeaor Ruda 4tts-, .tice reqpire& that a willful; teurderer- 'slithild forfeit MS the satue justice' said that one killing, other accidentally. was not, guilty of • inuidere and the eity.eeeefuge Wes for him t� flee to, • .-God giveth to all life and breath arad all things (Ac(e eel!. 25), and He Wiil tett lifted HIS.,aifts de- .41Ra. or 'Ill treated:. 'Yee Ile Is not Willing that aaa ghould peeisb, andate late no .pleasure in the death .eyee.' of the Wicked (II Pet. 111, e• Evele 'Ael mankind ereguilty. before God , and- stoners In 'llis sight, . 1l -de- serve to die for their siniebut pod -Pio. preeldea at titillate cost a refuge for 'every penitent 'sinner ht His deer SOn. .4bywegiiirate7:04.1 110*tc:reat. ,saeriffe ne. • • • them and give him ,a place that he may 4: They shall take Ithri into the 'city uhto • There vas .a 'stay prepared •te each eity of Wage (Dent, xie; 3) and every facility to enelile the taantelltional muederer to tile place. of refuge, and. tills verse tells bow the people of the eity were tewelcorne ansa.care,for Mae but these 'cities of refuge- Were may for. those who, Were net really .gellty, as described in Peet: xix, 4-0,, Our refuge, • the Lord• Jeaus Christ, IS fot the guiltyathe Pet, the unrighteous, the 'etigoely; for Goll eraninendetle His teward us le that while -.we Were yet shiners Clitist died. fail us, end be. Orme of Hie sacrifice ,God earl be jest. end 'yet the justifter Of the Aragodle ',Who believe in Jegua,(Roin, v,.8; ill,:36; 5), assuring a weleonte toevery one :who truly comes to pain s.vi, 37). ' 5...And if the avenger- -of ' blood pursue after him, then shall they eneieliver the sager ultimo his hand. ' ,The. man to be feared wile "the Avenger" (versesa3, 0),- or es it is in Num. ixav, 10, 21,24, 25, 27,' "the re, 'Venger," elate same woya Is 'translated a'reileenier" In Job ear; 25; Ps. !de, 14; xli, 14; alill..14, and a dozen other. Meant; in Ratty 11, 20; 10, 0, .ete., it is "a 'twee kinsmen" or In the margin aoneetlitit bath rIghtto redeetn," ell of • whieh Is at lenet 'suggestive of 'the 'pia., cepa truth that the Avenger whole the :sinner lies 0 righter) fem.:has Pipe on Himself' Our nature, made Himself • one of t15 sin eveepted ' and • leivin no , Sin er Ills own, suffered out sins to be laid upon Him, and by dying in our stead the just for the unjust has be- come our 'Weenier, Our true City Of Refuge. Ile also is- Himself- the pre - Pared Way (John eie, 0; Mb. a,. 20), rind Ile IIiinselt weleotnee all wild come to Ilim and assures tilde of their eternal safety (John x, 27, 28), 6. XIO shall dweil in that city tirail, tbe of the citY Paige death of the high priest. ' If at. any time he was kiond. oUtSide the death of the high 'priest, the avenger was free to kill him if he found ban •(Nutn. xtexv, 20-28), end here is a suggestioit of the truth that 0$ the death of our Mall Priest en erose in Mil' stead we are Made free from all eOndemnation. It is•IXise heard of en old inan arose ie a great religious meeting and; faring tlie audience, said substantially this: ."Oh, my.frieede, I beg of you not to fight egeinet .tbe influencre . of ,tht prayers that ha .e been uttered in your itehalf. If yint do, you .wtll live to regret it, as I hive done. I wee brought up in e, Christian •hoinea ef- ler I- came- to the eity•eny business 'gee* sc; rapidly that I drifted away from. church and from the Bleat- and the • family -altar.' bad et .11 tle daughter mho %vas the lace of my life, She was at that time accustomed al - moat every everang to ea to t;tnelipiv- bor's •hotise.. eaproved I1Or t wo • or eheeetinies and at last hipped her for going. . hat night the was" tak- en sick, 'and • witch. she wee flushed with the' fever- she c&leil -me to her gide and %tea 'Delia delft 'th' k I • e ' weong because I withera to -go ever to Mr.' Seand-seas house. I weut there -for you. You used; • to have. family. arayers, eoutehew you are•tooebesy itow to' have 'them, and My littae echoplinat.e's• papa- n1 -ways has family prayers,--' •said • tee ole matt, with teare seeeamirar dee n Jais dieeks. • "Ma little daughter had. .fc. tell Abet to . enit, who- bail once been racked ih ahristian cradle arca :reared Christitur home. She had eo • 'tea .that to erie, a sinful -mane wheti she herself was about to pee the. Icing jograey over • the river • ei death, from which 'nit traveler. ever' returns.". . If yeu, 0. sinful men, fight agaatst: the religious• inliteneese01 your pest life, you, like the aged, broken heaated pIll'ent, Will hine. to regret' it. When peir hoici hist: balances, he is. going to weigh us in reference to our religioes opportune - _ties,. as he did'.wheti -he weigited the tanful life Of 13q8/10.ZZ0r, the ktng of . • the Chaldcans.• . God's -balances weigh ovary Incltvidu- - at the times w -hen he feele ineepen- 'dent of God- as welt' es •wheraae feels depend'ent upon• the divine mercy, Never. in all his life did • Belehaaear consider himself more indei °llama f his enemies than on the occasion. of this Wilful feast. The capital -of 130.bylon was stocked With proeisions enotigh, to supply the. city far many years.. The battering rams of the besieging army 'had made no impres. Mon at all . upon the broneel gates. The walls were too high to scale. For • tWie long years Up Persian hostehad been conducting a futile skigo. But •*. history teas 'that on the night of the famous.fease, while the aing and' his princes and a Ahousarid arielocratic 'feeds of his kingdom were cheneattia thenriselves. drune, Llyrus, seeing. his opporttinity, turned asi id the. cotirse of the River :Ettehratee vele* in the early hours of the morning marched along that river bed, under the great breeze gates and along the great boulevards, until at last his • 801(1)018 , With drawn swordeabroke- into that banquet hall and thanged the wassail erWine into a carnival of blood. 80, my brother, at the very time *lien you feel you are most secure and can ten with the greatest safety,eGod is watching your secret sin and he' is decreeing that you inust 'die, 00, man ef sinful habit; hearing to -night of Delshazzar's banquet ball, de you not feel that you cati never escape brighter, until; upon the side of the- wall,We email sec Oen figure's beget to fOrm thentsolves. They apace at first like hideoos phentems. Then, a8. it begapo lightee atta lightee until- tlo: waiattereoni• glowed with light, wc eety the inside pf hlige pals*, There • were , the a reed s t s lead bee itineard.. Thei e •were the bediee Of, inen and .evothen lying prostrate time% the flooreateid overteriied tables and spilled: decanters , and hod en •fu !a- ttire, It was a scene of smCdoo also a scene of.filtay- beetialieiese. . athecentre.. of the etairease. stood the hole:Med king, .• with Wearied ;eyes looking at the lettei s'. or.Ere bunang • themselves 011: the • wall,: .while ea in the aistance could be- eeen the 'Pelee an soldiers •witeadtawn •seeeds, iatuly to dilute the spilled wine: with Ire- :: nian gore extra to change. the:floor -in- to 0, reservoir of blood, .Then the lights of the room began to den, atid -.it areW 'dark* aed clerker mid blace- • erand blacket. lintel at 'last it seemed as though We- incarcerated in • the, dungeous or. the eternal lust . and the -destroyed,- • ••• •-• Se when. the wieuld-be. sinnei•- wovid enter the baniinet bail of .sin he al- ways goes there tat that :like ono: groping about -.in -the darkneas, fearing that he may be•Wall ing efeeh . the edge Of a precipice:. ' -.1Ie • enter:. with lei roi nmi trembling, in terror and with. tears. Teen in the nail night hoar of the ceanietel the -leen- °ter in the haa'.of sin sees-. teat • hi al hanewriting the; You; (3 sinner, tcr4jay see -it :1" Ma •.' • see it with horrified eyes. no liwzar saw it; 'you see .it writtefiely the dead frame e or those %%the • bee, ea' lifted the same cup of death tie -three • • that•aou are lilting at the lire-- • - sent tane, . -.Then," as in. the - tootle, . where I . saw the picture -at the World's Fair, you . reel that it begins to grew darker and, darSer. The light in the ie N eler's eyes.- ctiri no • hinger keep your ace lite° up. Already in that .diu•leness you can. see .the 'ad-. - • vanchig •eue$Senger of Goias venge- trace.. It is harem, at the opetaug of • • the banquet; it' is horror in 'the med- . ' /Ile. Of ;the batiquet; if wile be wait- . terable.hereor at •its. close when God .. shall filially. say te you, shiner, .. "Thee art Weighed in the balteees trail art found wantiog." -----•• So, in :diming, as I plead. With Yon . • to flee from the banquet halt of, sin, I &Mitt in%ite you into the other Lan- • quet hall where Christ the Divine • Beidaegoom ia to be married to the church, his bride. I tvould ineite you - rote that benquet hall, which le filed; With the- great teeltitaides of the le-, . deemed„ , cai nestle/ le% ite • you to come, Iteco.usie there is, va- caat place . at ,that ,gospel banquet table which I am. :rare has been re- servea. for you, It IS ih the centre of a•groep of your • loved Ones-. It ie right neat to your sainted =the:- • and tether and wife and sister and • child, and by the looks ot your loved ones I think they are waiting for p sinner, are. you ready to -day ' to leave the reveleis of .sin and to 'quaff the water of life, which will fit you, for entrance among the scant - eel hosts, or shell you, cts a teetile of' this spurned gospel invitation; weighed in. the .balances and forever foand wanting?' God is en now holding high the balances, May every the scenting ot God's all seeing ey*, To Our Subscribers Who elf • ,, '7 Lasts a Lifetime. That is just what they say of Vapo-CresoleneA The vaporizer is practically ine destructible,and the Cresco. lene is certainly not ex- pensive. This way of treat. Eng affections Of the throat is mOst Pc on ornical and is a'so most effective. Our little picture illustrates how it's used. You put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, Pght lamp beneath4. and then breathe -in the soothing, healing vapor. For whoophig.cough and croup it's a perfect specific. 6 weave:save Is eel bit time:lets everywhere. Va 904'r sal, no outSt. ImIt ding the Vaporizer and Lain% which sit i11 I last a lifs.timw. and a bottle of Cr o'lcne, comulete, 51.5,; evra supplies of Orem- lone 25 c.nts and 50 cents Illustrated CookleStAnnala- ing physicians' testimonials free upon request. WPC., CnS91.1t1i4 via Fulton Si., New Ye*, U.S.A. resurrection from the dead that rea11Y makes us free, for it He he not risen we are yet in our sins or Oor. xv, 17). 7-9. These were the cities apeolnted for all the ehildren of Israel and am' the • stranger that solourneth among them that whosoever Meth any person at unawares might fiee thither. Note God's appointed refuge tor Is- rael or the stranger, and note also the blessed "whosoever" reminding us of John 111, 10; Rev, axle 17. According to Canon Fausset, the very name or each • efty s suggestive of the Lord Jesus Christ—Kedesh, holy Mete via 20); Obedient, shoulder (isa Ix, 6); Hebron. fellowship (I Con 1, P); I3ezer, fortress (Ps.. xviii, 2); Roulette high (Acts v, 31); Golanejoy (Rom. v, Ps. 4). While it is not possible for these who ere truly in Christ ever to be lost, according to John x, 27.20, • yet a truly saved Person may not live In the fellowship which Is las privilege and tints experience much loss het* and hereafter (l'elor, 111, 14, 15). 6-f1118' 1081 HEADS British Transport Got Mixed UP With the Firing Line, A, More Salons Disaster. Only ,Averted by • the Splendid Example of a Pew White 0filee5s-.0I5eers Itllled 'wen. anus, big and One somait Stuck to. a 'Maxim, Till -11.4.p‘ ennui— • Britian Not .Paratied. . • Aden, Arabia, Oct. 26.--Detai1a of the fighting in Somaliland, Oct, .6, between the Brieish eiPecationarat foree and the follewers of the Mad Multain shoW that ,e more serious dice:nee was only averted by the splenclici example 'of the few white °flicks. As it was, theeBritith force kist.a Maxim gun and 70 men killed, while 62 of theta enemies' 'dead were ; eountee close to the .firiter line.' • , ,..Shortly after the Ileitiah expedition -left their, zarebe (fortified etteme, fOr 'eledug, Oet. 6, the itiellah s 'forces Were teem ted about • a mile alieati, . and within half an hour, while • the 13ritish were advancingin single file • throieglaa; dense jungle, the enemy dammed the British. right 13a11. Put- ' • the Iguilahai troops 'were met -with • 'such a severe fire Abet tbea wung • • round totvaree the British 'centre and . left. In the Meanwhile the transport got mixed up with the firing tine, • - which was thrown into coefusion, und. ▪ Maxiiii Was rushed and captured, as were teeny camels. Major Phillita was shot white gallantly attempting to rally his men, and Lieut. Everett , was . wounded while la attending Major • . • the. 'disorder spread to the gen . teams; which were ariveh back. Capt. Angus was killed while serving a • CoLeCiebbe, with a single So- ' niait sergeant; contenting serving a. . • Maxim, and then :Col. Swayne, the 13ritish conimissioner in Somaliland; and commander' Of the expedition, led a splendid charge, - checked • 'the • ' Mullah's hordes, .• and re -captured , some of ehe transportBut he was unable to recover the. lefaxiin. The . British then teethed a zataba.I and : sout out Parties to bolkiee the Scat,- eered transport.. • • The enemy: atter triad to 'get away with the captured camels, but • Col. Swayne took Out titeee companies of .troops, and, after a sharp fight, re- covered the Majority of .them and pieced up 70 rifles. Swayne Not Pursued. • LOnifon,-Oct 27.,—A despatch to 'The Daily Mall from Simla, India, , reports that Col, Swayne and his • forces . ard continuing their March Own Di 1; otle to Berbera:, -Sat/110k' • land, East Africa, and that they are noe •aursued. , • Are In Arrears This Is An iFitimatiori. That An Early Settlement Is Requested. The Label Tens the Story -•••1.1' 1..1 laaaaras 1 iute.e.i.ee. pa et I itit The .04nfi of Ikarigee—u.nuolVe floppy' Thought " • . • careless Handling of Rine. Toeonto, Oct. 24.—Word reached the city last night of shooting ace eident which Inomened to Mrs. Wil- liam .Lavespn of Deaumaris, Musko- ka.. Hee sem, William, was cleaning his ride, and something got caught in the barrel, Ire was advised to fire it off, and; while walking towards the doer, the ride accidentally exploded, the charge lodging in his mother's thigh. l'wenty-Five Indictments Brought in. Ince'Opt. 27.—The grand jury late Satur • afternoon eeturned. twenty-fave 114,, Merits In the local grave robbery scandal. Pive doctors have been indicted. All the ghouls now Under arrest are indiete ed. • v,, Duying a Range.47.,9 There are three eseential things to consider when buying a Range,—Qualltv, Consumption of Fuel, and the Price. The ptite is the least important. A. good Range will last many yeats, and. when it saves in fuel it pays for its self, while a cheap Range Is constantly adding to RS price in extra consumption of fuel. ,•The. " flapp, Thought " ikahige is the lightest fuel erinstuner id the world, and the most perfect Rove onstrueted, Xt Is ft perfect cooking apparattta. Mite the MAnufAcforell for An titirsteakri eAttrilogue. THE WM. BUCK STOVE CO., I'l1glitfirgbill1) 11-8 ittfLAND CLINTON. 1111111011111111111111111115111.101.1.14