HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 14NEWS 10P168 •Of A Wift irnportant Events in Few Words . For littsY Reader. • The Ruse Worian Happenings oerereur co/preen awl rot into Handy end Attractive Shore Hoy the Readers of Our Paper—* Solid Konee Enroyntent in raingrapnen untossassiunIED When Pope Leo XIII. was at eon. lege, ins wos a, noted Alpine climber, At Rome an earthquake shock was felt at 9.51 Thursday morning. As the result of heavy floods thirty. miles of the old Roman wall hove collapsed. 'Heieafter M Spain a, certificote of health will be demanded from those about to marry. George Edmison of Peterboro has been appointed a local judge of the High Court of Ontario. A line of steamers will ply between Toronto and Charlotte all the win- ter. They will carry coal, At London's annual fur nate, which was held last week, more than one million skins changed hands. The Washington Territory Supreme Court has decided that a Japanese cannot become a citizen of the Unit' ed States. France, Great Britain and Germany ha., e made an agreement providing for the military evacuation of Shang- hai by their forces. The Soufriere volcano has ,been active iince Oct. 11, k'eeping the people in the Windward District in a state of continuous unregt. The British National Rifle Associa- , tion is inviting ccntinental countries to send teams to Insley next July te entei. the competition for the Palma trophy. The rate of reinsurance .on the- even .— due British ships Clydesdake, 105 • days out froth Newcastle, Aostralia, for San Francisco, has been advanc- ed to 50 per cent. Major-General Corbin says that the' Prince of Wales will visit the United States next • year. Ile also states that Lord Roberts Will visit that country next Se. tember. Ed. Blake, M. P„ speaks in Phila- delphia Tuesday night, and on Wed- nesday in Newark. He will take Messrs. Dillon and Devitt to Toron- to, Ottawa. and Montreal.. , • Alex. niven, the cloven nent land summer, has returned from it three /nonth trip th ough Central Al- goma.. 'the conntry, he eays, is rich in whit; pine, Lanksiin pine and spruce. At a meetin; in London Wcibiesday of the Chamber of Shipping, a, resos /titian was passed opposing ehip•sub- hithes unlhes they are enn Med to ad- • equate mail service and the utilizer .S tion of steamers as cruisers, •• . o Passengers who have arrivedat • •• New Orleans • on the steamer from' li Puerto Barrios report that. the 01— d cane of Izalco in Salvador is now , 8 in a State of violent eruption. The. • t • THE MAMMON NEWS -RECORD at rerthi on WedneedaY, Ode 30 next. A te/egrain from Pittsburg sane a new prne list in the Ilion bottle trade is to be promde promulgated. It was decided ed the trade is in shape to stand an additional 5 per cent. Mists, In. D. 1 0 son of tins Poison Iron Works, Toront9, von in Ottawa, Fri- day, cloaing a contract for the con- struction of two large liglitnbips for the St. Lawreuce. It is understood the iontra t figure is $250.000. The executive of the Canadian Manufacturers' A•ssocioticn has de- cided nut to send it representative to ica South Afrto investigate trade conditions, owing to the =Vora- tively few members interested and the heavy expense: intiale cantnavAles. The 0. r. R. station th at Nor Thamesville was burglarized reidoy night. The till was broken into, but only some small' change, amounting to about $0, was secured. A verdict of guilty was recorded at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in the "digger" case of Robert L. Bennett, Who was tried in •the Sessions on a mange of stealing the tpeciiic sum of 15 cents from his Toronto Ransil:1.Y fare box, This is the third convice tion. The trial of John Marks Was con- cluded in Toronto on Saturday .atf- terszoon, when the jury returned a verdict of guilty, Mar s was speei- ticanly charged with stealing seven red tickets froth his Toronto Street Railway fare -box, on April 28, lt was this fifth of the "digger" cases tried, and the fourth conviction. Tem BEAD. At New York Mrs. Elizabeth COY Stanton died Sunday afternoon at the age of 87, after a short illnees. James Gla,sgow, Mayor of Pres- cott, died Friday evening. Mr. Glas- gow was a Member cif the firm of Glasgow Bros., drygoods merchants, He was born in Prescott. ITe lettven yi,I.40.iy and Ave children. Jacob Githent,. ooe of the oldest residents of South:won:1,, died • sudden- ly Friday afternoon He fell in a nerd while going to the barn to as-. sist in the threshing, .and n. few minutes was unconscious. He was born in Woodhouse 135 years ago. Iron Wei or WAR. The Boer generals arrived in Lon - 'don SI hut•sility morning, Secretory Devilliers said the generals had no intention of coshing the Colonial Sec- retary for a further interview. .The V. S., Navy. • Department has received a cable despatch from the •commander' of the Cincinnati at Cape 'Haytien saying that the revo- lution; had broken out afresh a.nd ree • • that women and childhave taken refuge on board the .Cincinnati. roLiTics—wortEIGN. A, despaten. received at Mannhester artheinconfluns the many reports 91 differences betwern King, Alfonso of pain and nieneren. AVeyler, Ministen War. ' • A 'newspaper of 'Builii-Pesth Pith- s/ids the announcenient that Amite uke Ftanz Ferdinenidn the heir pren umptive to the ; Aitstro-Hungarian. hrone, has :decided, to renounce big claim in favor of his nephew, Carl Franz Jospeh, 15 siears old. RAILROAD RUMISLINtill, Grand Tru,ntc Railivay 'earnings eruption began on Sept. 7. A letter re, mind by ,Admiral Endi- cott ft oto •Commander Peary, says • to op e at i c n undergone by the • exe lorer at Philadelphia was not zis severe as was aupposed. The ampu- tations were confined to two frost-. ; • -bitten toes. There was trouble at the Cataract • Power Compa •y's sub -station Stn. day etenn -caused by a snort cite euit. 1 anniton was in darkness for anout 45 minutes, and the street car system was tied up for tins same ling h of time. CASK: ALTDES. John F. Tucker, .eenductor on the trolley line betwe.e.n Rome and Herkin • leer, • N. Y., was killed; near 'Utica. early Thursday morning. • Perry Syer, tbe 11 -year-old• ton of. Stephen Syer, carpet manufacturer, Milton, is dead of lockjaw, While playing football he ran a rusty • nail. into the calf of his leg. • A herniates . has swept over Port Diainame, Province of Entre. Rios • Bucnoi Ayres. Fifteen persons wore killed and many were innirein• A. ndred houses were destroyed and• several ehips were sunk. . •• Altneri h Hugh Paget, who married . Aliss Pauline hitney of New••Yerk has then actid n ally shot by a friend. while si. tinting in the country...After: 1.11,3 meet& nt Mr. • Paget,. -was hurrn 0- .• ly sen to London, Where . it was fm nd necessa n to take out one. of ' h s eyes. Captain Max de Bathe, Mrs. Lang-. try's bio hennn law and a fricnd mum(' Nr.. Cox it to teen .injured in an automobile acciant in it leen their driver was killed. They •were• runn nn. in a new car Own London • to Brinnittn.. 'I he driver wag -killed' instantly. Laotian desBathe litid his collar bons broken. • • BUSINESS WORLD. • • . The Ontario Sugar Cornpany will begin slicing- beets n.na making sunor NE Oct. 15 to 21, 1902, $(179,617; 1901,• n!i591,126.1 increase, $82,491. The receipts of the C.P.R. for the week ending Oct, 21. were $942,000; same peried last year, $800.000. The Dominion Department of Rail - Ways and Canals is arranging for an arbitration case • betWeen the 1t r n e - colonial Railway and the • Grand Trunk, in regard to the question • of deviation of ttallic, " .LABOR WORLD.. . , At Dunkirk, France, 'the dock • 'ren Fithian afternoon formally de- cided, by, 1,71.3hvotes to481, to re - Immo work.. •• denmed 'will be Made upon the • . Southern Pacific within thirty days for incteased• wages which will . affect mere than 80„000 employes, and a • concerted demand Will" be made mem the Southern .Paniffc and twenty -to other. reads West of Chicago for in- creneen wages. ' • • • lean Pinta martinis. ,• An Brighton,' Bre* deetroyell the orte-storey. ' .brick °Wooled. and :averred by I. 0. Proctor, Friday, At Montrectl; there was a fire • at 'Lawrence' Wilson's liquor. store Shn- • day,, when 'damage to the amount of • $30;000 was sustained. • .roLiTios—thoeERIAL. •' In the British Ineuse of CO/ninnies the Choncellor of the Excbequer, nft • Ritchie, announced that the Gover- ment did not pronose to intro:Mee • • the South Afriean loans bill during the present Session' of Parliament. The body of Jim Younger, the ban- dit, Who shot hiinself, arrived tit •Lee's Summit. Thursday, and • profi- ts.* will be hurled in the family lon Splinters had been cut:front the con 1ln by relic hunters. MUNICIPAL WORLD. :The Tnoreld Council hani agreed to Al.Votttg'iR, fifaritifETA0:01____ retpRiftitrciluot4TizErrikrom6upTwectRooion'tg--..„....00,if �UdM 11, ninnsnf !InfinitifERICA -4"witPkCE. II Druqq15 s &Ghent thiesin casads t $1.00 ; **tattoo tor $5.00 t Dehility Of System causes nettral- and. whatever tenth S to produce enfe blements indttces it. This affec- tion IA undeiti thly due to lack of vitality, and its Very exiFtence is evidence of deficient arength. Remedial measures sbotild there- fore be directed to improve the whole systent, for when strength returns tits the SySten)f the. neuralgic condition of tlw nerveWiii dit appear. This now is silpplied by Sr, JAMBS WAINCRS; they t Wont fail to relieve; their °fleet is a general building Up of the system. j'AninS WAT-11 RS help StOnlachF digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that latts, develops and breeds the energy, which accOrtt• b plisites much. 1.St,ntisise8Witiera never veiled, They eraia remedy "without peer, wittiont rival." IA all e toes of e ti*t1itk they.have pno. vett a noble and trite ally.00 Dr, natriclelionle, irelitudo SI Pew 11,aler.tare nota mon' reen..y: to Me watt, 014.1; &Wort eummeedikr Ikon lents Ut *air the fiwooura SOH request. Where eSiet,sre not Rettingthei Wafers, they ate mailed upon re. eelpt Dote ot the Oehadien ',remelt' St. Juries Wafers C�., as $t, Cathwie• $t, 04111101n. an S5,000 to a company about to establish, a paPen-reill here, ' taking Stock' e.s collateral. uptioAvrioNAL WORLD. SegrOgation of the sexes is the first two years of college is to be the pol- ley of the University of Chicago front this time forth. CHAMBERLADZ. Thenoloniai Secretary Ii Slated to Mit South Africa, Lonnon, Oct. 27.t is officially announced that Colonial Secretary Chamberlain hos ' decided personally to visit South Africa and examine on the snot the problems presented by the termination of the war and the settlement of affairs in the now colonies. Kinn Edward has given his approval to this plan. Mr. Cnamberlain proposes to etart for South Africa toward the end of ' November and to return in the early part of March. His visit Will ern - brace the Cape, Natal, the Orange River Colony and the Transvaal. The Daihr Telegraph thinks that this step will be the precursor of similar visits to Canada and Aus- tralia.. „ Ex -Mayor enlarged, with Grand Forks, Oct. 203.—John A. ManleY, formerly, Mayor of this place, and one of itamost prominent citizens, and chief engineer of the Kettle Valley lines, *as arrested at his home, on a charge of cemplicity In the burning of the i Esearlet Ilotel a,t Columbia. B.C., about three years ago. He was released on $15,000 tali. Few men in eastern British Coluiabla are so well-known as Man- ley. Three years ago he was pro- prietor of the Yale Irotel 0,t Colum- bia. The Escarlet was dividing pat- ronage with it, when one night it was burned to the ground. Two men were convicted of incendiarism, but no charge was made against Manley, who went to the United States till the trial was over. His arrest create ed a big sensation. • • PeterbTow,lt-710c7927B,h—"I'Vt1171e. dud shooting at Rice Lake Saturday morning, Samuel Courtier, a resident of Peterboro, lost his life by drown- ing. Courrier and Albert Talbot were shooting on Curtis' Paint, Rice Lake. The premature discharge of a shotgun made a hole about 8x6 lnches in the canoe, which sank . with •the occupants, Talbot was rescued by two farmers, but Courrier sank be- fore assistance arrived. He was a prominent local hunter, and was married.. • • A 'WORD TO FARM TOILERS. . . . • Paine's: Ceier pioneers. • In relihe gion swas a Meth- .. Yochst. She ItavUi• behindto. inourn. „CothOotind• • •' • the loss of a loving and tree mother 1 nini 1111 1111 11.01101011.11111,11 . 1 1 0111010111111111111101,11111111110i . mist min A DREAKPAinT RELISH PREPAR- • ED ACCORDING TO THE IDEAS OF GREAT MEDICAL FOOD • EXPERTS. Malt Breakfast Food, CONTAINS THU TRI.Tu ET,EntEns 0r HEALTH FOR. YOUNG AND OLD, . • The ideas and suggestiong of such eelebrated .food experts as. Dr. Foth- ergill„ Prof, W. M. Williams and Sir Ileury'llionisoe regarding the use of i Malt n cominctit n with grain focels e bete practically and successfully tarried out .by the manufacturers of • Malt Breakfast Food. niers of Malt Theakfast rood'obtain all the virtues of pure nralt in a form that tonduces to health, strength and robustness. It should 'be remembered that one package of Malt Breakfast Food contains snore nourishment_ than (an le found in a dosen bottlesof liquid malt entrants costing vastly more • money. ...All • grocers sell Malt Br, entreat Food. 1 • EAST WAWANOSH, • • . Mr, J. H. Anderson and his bride were guests at Mr. W, M. Anderson's • recently. The groom, -with his par- ents, lormerly resided in this vicinity and hello is well know* here. The wedding took place at the retidenee 01 ti e bride e parents -ill narkdale. • 'Ile. bri e was Miss ltdith Gertrude, -eld- est caugliter of Mr. and Mrs: S. R. Johnson of 123 Meadonell Avenue, Tne ceremony was - performed by Rev. Thos. •litinlop of North Parkdale i the 'presence '-of about forty' guests. The Wide, who . nee given away by her fktber, n as .attnad 111 cream moire trilk • and carriedcream roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Edna.M. john - ..ton, 'sister of the bride, in a gown of dove • gray cashmere with white .s'a'tinchiffon tiinsinings, • and• Mies Lena ' demon, sister . of the • groom, in . a . dainty gonvit of white Swiss, • both carrying jsink roses, which with gold crescent pini •we're the gift of- the groom. "Mn. Hotly L.- Anderson, .11rother . of the groom, per:formed - the ditties 'of bost mann 'The groom's gift • to „the . bride- was a. bandsome 'gold watch - Mrs: •JaineS, •Wilkineon on -Belgrave finsand away•••a.few day e ago .at -the .4ge of 73 years and ionmonthe. • It will,ne remembered that hire. Wilkin- son was 'stricken down. .,with.• pitraly- sis 'sir .iseelts ago from- whicb she never recoveted, but the inanenn •iate cause of her death wan'heartnail- nre. • MO, itteinsoa„ -- with • her. has, hand, •settled'•on •the - atin•line • of 'infer.' • xis aearly hall :century age, Mon; inn for • theinselves . a Comfortable lanne, They • 'were ainong the first : ,THg HOME FRIEND . OF THE • FARMER AND HIS. • FAMILY • 'IN THE AuTvivIN.,sgASolq. • .. • - After the •lator atid.toils of: the sznn- irier tiine:. and thi. harvesting of •crops . n, • the early auttinunn malty: nf, our . farMers,- their Wives; daegliters: sons find themselnes .in a condition ,61' health demanding: careful attention if Sintering is to he •anoided later sen •,.! Many. ennerience• •niciney trattble • •of ?oitte form: I With. scitee the..liver , is , totpid ; there is biliousuess, nialneem md• 'voiniting, with • loss of • -appetite and clepteesinn of spirits.. Thousands • Who havenbeenlexponed ,to cold, ,thinin ' 'winds and...tain, natin-feel • thentwiegen. of : • terrible thoinriatista ;•....othene, -ran. • down by,, worry,overwork and irrupt. - or cl ieti lig. are ,tormented • With tlie pangs of eyepennia... • • • • • • .• ..lp the thousands of run down, sick- ly • and half need mien and \emelt in arin. homes we recommend • with all • liOnnsty and confidence the .werlierni•• tricorn . Paine's Celery . Compound; • the 'only medicinethat can 'canickly and,. nifty. „restore.- strength • to : the weak -• ninny and .vigor•to. the muscles.,Pairic's • • nelery Compound tones the ntornach.; • reeky. es . poisonotisacias front-. the • v, loth cause rneumathan ;n • it • .neds - the weak'. anddieedeed nenves end- bainieltes. neuralgic' torturee .;• -it, purifies 'the; blond .and 'givett. trite vitn., alitn and. The nee PAine'S- Cele • ,ny Compoonci in 'anthem meansthe ent•ablieli fug.' of a;perfect: physical vig.•_- or to .Witlistand the 'rigors of it • senere w:nten. • four sons mid ,four daughters : of ninerrie, • John of Grand Rapids, • .lanieg and .. 'thermos of ntscanaba, Mich., 111rs.. • Charles. Wheeler, „Mrs. Robert Anderson, ' Mrs. George Proc- tor, all of' Inorris.,.• and Miss. Tilly • at • home the 'funeral On Saturda • whs. larnely 'attended, despite the disagree - ,able weather, ,testifying to. the..reepect . Which ..the .deceased was .11 d: The friends frjn a clistaiwere 'non ancl' James Wilkinson, of Escanaba, .3 ames Wilkinnon V. S. pf Ripley, and Mrs, Shipley ,of. clinten. • . • Mr .Retbert, Mason of East .Wavven nosh hag solci. liis far te..Inir. • John Minna of the same' nowneltip for 54,- 300 and purposes 'removing to .)31u -e - tale whefe. lie Will Bye retired- :from forte life., •• 1 • FATALITIES AT conovnet: Wiat Stumps relt Between Carp and Wok Terribly Cut Up. • 'Conourg, Oet. 27, -'-On Friday ev& • ninn. iml;nowli Man was struelt and ihstaotly. 'killed by 'a freight train two miles east of here. ITe was. • a 'man about 85 noels of age, ond ev- idently •.• • did not. hear the, trein- 'ap- reaching.' • 1 , Yesteidny morning a Man giving his name us William Stumps and place, of resid rice as Purpleville„ Ont., tried to boat d• it westbound freight when stenring. 'Cobourgs hut fell netween the cars and was terribly mit to piectig. Prus evioto attempt:leg • to t I mull the train' he took on nearly alt Lis elegies. 'Stumps is it very large t man, weighing o, er 200 notiods. • ft i wi 1 be neeesgary to amputatelioth legs,.. • I 1 .BUTTER, EATERS ARE PARTICPLAR., AND CRITICAL' • In . the large inajotity of 'homee 'the consiiiiters Of butter—young 'and old—, Ire particular abetit the color on:nut- ter • placed belore them,. .Whitinh ar imperfectly coldred butter does ,not attract the • eye or, tempt t,lie -taste., It is , the Well.. made butter colored hi In hells, .Richardeon en ...Co's Inn, ties% ed Butter color that is looked tor. and appreciated... Thelovely d.el-• icate June snade produced' Ion Wells, - Richardson & s Iintireved Butter ' 1 kacjwri..' It is s • Sv t detect the butter :co:ored with crude and common colenen Such Initter is usually briclhe in color, sometimes' mottled; and °On estrong. and, Odd. It pays butter makere to • use Wells, Richardson & , Co s Improved Butter Color. When •nesnl by butter makers it gies an extra value of from 2 to 4 cents. per pound. • f)on't be • deceived by any dealer ; ineiet anon , having the kind that makes prise better. All druggists and dealern. CROOKS OPERATING AmoNp. . •• . - • . THE.• FARMERS'. • - The farming7comititutiity. throagitottt , the western sustrict shown be •on the., alent lor a, pair of sharpers 'wlionlast neck were ,operating in and 'around St. Marys.. • • - . • . 'I hes, men are of a very respectable topearanee, pleasant • Manners, and at every •place visited their first aim •is • o, talk ••theinicives into • the -confideece 01• the • termer. They represent them- e/yes as nityers.' 01 poultty in large tan. for export purposes' and •whenev- et they inane apurchase they' pent ov. ✓ 5-1 to bind the burgain and get. then artner • to sigh' what lie simposes is a eceipt for the •rtioney. 'An poultry is o be called for. later -wine -the balance •' • the money will be paid over. buyers"are never seen by the rtntr again n Tlie receipt turns .otit ri te a. ...heck 00 one of the banks laving btanthes iit nearby places and t is canted. as a rule ati stores. •It is at& that . the pair •of crooks .offered a- . tett -nsoo worth of .the paper in St... farys oil Saturday last -but with what epee of snecess ie tutenown. . They had a, thin grey )1orse mut top ttggy *hen IAA seen One of. the 1, 0 is described as rather. good lack'. 1g, :short Mid. stout,. as to. 40 years f 'age, smooth face attd datk coot, lexicit. lie wore it light Overcoat, • TItAxie• Toog orto 4ustr... I e Sad 4toetdont to El - F canor rith418, *Plucky r OM.• • 1 t Toronto Junction, Oct; not, Fre.ncis, he four-year-old *daugh- r ter of lariat. Francis, an employe in • .„ . the C. P. 11. shops, residing 'at 82 Whitney avenue, was gathering bark „1 ivhich dropped from the wood treble • on the G.T.R, yards at Carlton yes- tord0 afternoon, when, unnoticed, a n° train approached and kilocked her n, . down.. Ifer, left arta lay across the • ° ran, and was severed at the shout- in dee, The pluc y little chtld picka 0 herself Up anti walked home, Iler 1,1 cti'm was found about an hour after- . wards by Ciruedy, who Was 0 walking along the treat, r P Otheeals's, Reid. • nattier, 'i,5., Oct. 24. --In the case • of 1111inin d neel Arnu nian [halite fount at 'Inn ty Cape Wednesday, ait $ inquest Was held Wednesday told it rd te ra rni el that deceased came to his (lentil at the' haiids of his comrade. A rat or Atill large stone colleted with blood were found yes - IUD NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Mrs. S. W. 'West, Dn rayto, (bit,,tates ''got terribly run clown and ft 1 terday near the place where the hotly n was disetnt ore d. The other pedlar, g WI: I held on suspicion of being tile 8 will 110 tat en, to tVindsor ,11 to -day for examination,.11 nally became v.ctint of nervous rostration. I had no appetite; 5mn- d to lose interest atel ambition and . 1)01(1 'scarcely di ag ittpelf around. !caring of Dr. Cita: e's Nerve Food seri three boxes with great benefit, inning eleven 1 mans. It made ine ro,kg end .and I lied such an it:ettte that I wanted to he eating alf the time." In trashing woollens and flannels, Lever' thy Roar (n powder) will be found very b batiefactert. For wrenty-four SUM Vapo.0t60010tie has can externively used for rill forms of throat and ouchial troubles, All Druggistn IX0=147401' TOWNSIU P. Council met at Christopher White's, Leadbury, on. Wetinteiday, October is, the members being all present. The minutes of former meeting were read and -adopted. Accounts for roads, bridges, gravel, lumber, timber, plow- ing snow and engineer's fees were pas• sed and pain amounting to $258.81. A motion authorized the clerk to notify Logan council not to proceed with Mc- Naught drain on boundary road until line could he settled as the referee on appeal did not allow it onoad al- lowance. The reeve was tethorized to pan John MurrayAei. y for h ns' of time. , cloctornt bill and other expenses calls - ed by accident at Grieve's bridge on Ist of September. AN he has been of- fered 535 and dM riot accept and an. , eident was by his neglect in going fast and basing no light on his bi- cycle, as (Aliso 00 bicycles and with teams the seine night could see the barricane placed across the road, and if he does not accept a reasonabie a- mount to let it go to court so num- icinalitiee will nnow in future \Oat they are liable for. Tie: clerk Was eutherned to draft o bylaw for , next meeting in accordanee with legal ad- vice, • as some other townships have, For bicycle riders riding otz the public • ingliways to not pass teams or other eonveyances at a greater speed than ciebt • miles an hour ands to carry lights after , night for public safety and bells on bicycles to give warning Anil not to pass closer than three feet In any. horse. Complaints are eriale of passmg on either side without not - re and running close to horses so as • to • frighten them; Connell ad:mimed to meet at Mr. White's,Leocibury, en Wedneeday afternoon of November teth at 1 o'clock; . ••SEAFORTZI. • While cutting corn at Mtn John Mc.: Milian's, Roxbore, recently • Messrs. _McKee. and Snlith hen kt bad hiltaS11 up as the resultof which they will re- quire to get an almost new cutter. 'the .linives caught in the' heavy sheet iron lining- of the machine and' in an instant it .was in an almost- complete wreck and. pieces . of the leach* were • flying in all. directions, .one piece be- ing toundabout ten •rods . away. Ran markable torelate% that though Mr. Geo, McKee was feeding the machine 4 at . the thine and - ae niunber of other' • 1, 0100 Were.clone at Mind no person was hijitted. nThe dantaged to the inacnine al, will ailment :to about 546, •- • . !n• :James Atkinson, an old - and . inuch respected revident of inite:et, died at 4 - his• home on Saturday 'i'veck, Mb Was bite .of the early .settlere id Hibbert, haying livedin•that township for over • .. fifty' years awl settled on the Tann on.. 4 which ' he then.- He leaves to mourn tire !ass 01 a toning Inisbend and lath- -. er his wile, three sons 'anal two Stealth- ters, • , Ootober 304141900 FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by inilliona of mothers for their children while teething. If dise turbed of night and broken Of your rest by * sick child suriffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a battle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for enild- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sallerer -immediately, ,Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. 'It cures Diarrhoea, rev - hies the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflariunation and gives tone and en - ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States, Price es cents it bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world, Ile sure ergy to the whole system. " Mrs. ntinslow s Soothing Syrup" for child - and ask for " Mrs. Vtinslow's Sooth- ing Syrup,," rr X'A).'S TO ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS -RECORD. VIM% After. ivrooat phosploatio, The Great Bngtish Renzedtb _ Sold and recommended by all druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. SLe package.s guaranteeet to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental worry, Rxeessive use of To.. baceo, Opium or stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package ;1, six, NS. One Wilt Sem. tie win cure. Pamphlets free to any addree8. The Weal Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodhie is sold in Clin- ton by II. B, Combe, R. P. Reekie, E. Hovey and Watt& & Co.—druggists MARBLEANDURAMTE ONIMENTS, Ratteribury Street Works Oirect imporici s, Wm nhiP And Material guarantee -1. J. G. sEALE and CO0 PROPRIETORS, I 'LIPPINCOTT'S 11/1AGAZ1NE°H A FAMILY,L1OFIARY The Best In Current Literature • 12 COMPLETE NOVELS Yaant.v MANY SHORT, STORIES AND. PAPER$ ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PERYEAS:- 25 oirs. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES' , VERY NOMSSR,COMPLETE IN ITSELF spa .....******************A #..+....*************otte i * * .8 *. 4 lltjl. Yew -Years . ,. . . Oh * In * 1. • b. DESPAIRED'. OF' BEING 'CURED. • Mrs. lir, .Z,. Jeffries,. '44' Hicks • Ave., Iningnton, Ont., states : ',I suffered ; • agony. with itching niles. In fact I !. dean t believe. that ;arty person - who has not. had piles on Tonne • what I •• (lured-. Ihp' first applieation of Dr. Chase's Ohinnent • brought. relief 'and • OP 10 cents TheNews-Record willbe. Sent to any address in, Canada or the United • States for the remain.th,r of 1902 for 10 cents. • New subsaribers will re- ceive the remainder of this year free --that is from the present until Jan. 3.904 for $1.00. hellr nor' This : is a .very low ofter,--it is * ft' it hes since entirely cured me. I hope • ii ; Mertes of bringing comfOrn to ()titer :. • • that this testimonial will ;be the '• 4 c eaper than letter postage. 'Have 4 . at • eitfferein by • making known the gTheNews-Record sent-tO 'friends reat n . . power of this ointnient." h. a .distance—it will be ab weIcorne as t. weekl3r: letter as it gives all the 1. •IIENSALL' news of the district as Well as the .08.4 sennnn 111..1VIePhersoin of Salinott City, Idaho spent from Friaay tili Tuesn g neral :new JU.St -S. i ay With his brothers A. nicl.hereou.. and family 'tete. 'He is manager. of the big miners' supplyhouse o( which Senator: Shoup was a nertner. ' • Last 'Wednesday • J. E. ninInnnell purchased T. 'Welsh's neW bouse • whien 1111 sold next day 'to Contey Cook at e. fair advance. • • • The wifenof the late -Millen' White of Exeter is neilinn•hershonseliold effects preparatory to leaviiin • for California 'Anith . herchildren:where, she intends taking up.. her residence. . -; • . .• Mr. R. . Drysdale of 4,aurct, 3/fielL, Who has been visiting- his parents for the. pant Ween,..ivas 'in town on Sun- ' ,dav with Itis brother Ralph . . •. '149 hall year? meeting of the' dean- nrittirsnay last,. The , clergy.' , present • 4 were • Revs, Dean liedgins • ol Seaforth, L ' ewe of. Wingham nnlintrirds • on Myth, Jennings of Baylieln,, Ten - cynic. of ...tininess Doherty of lienSnit; ; 11 ebb 'Of liruSSelSj :WKight of Clinton, • and 1Viessns. Walker, Hawkins, ,Scott, Vox and Counter, church wardens.. 1 he. meeting ()Pencil it it o'elock u. iti.• with the Rural Dean in the chair and Rev, Jennings as secretary. 'The chapter continued in session unti alter 4 o'clock and a large atinitint of • ery chanter Ohl \trim wins: held here on sn.terestingly 1 written asyou could do yourself,.and. . of far less trouble to.you. 1 4 • •1$ The News -Record is in. the front 1 rank of Canadian local weeklies 'and 8., • 4 was never more interesting than it. 4 is today. Show this announ.cement ' 4 to your neighbor and advise him to • become a subscriber... 4 • •In addition to giving the .news of the district' and county The News- t Record has complete market reports, • The Talmage Sermon and Sunday it . 1: School Lesson and a, fascinating Con- * t. inued Story. "k • ' • • 10 cents pays a, Subscription. business affecting the Church'work was, discussed.. and disposed .�f. It, 4, .wa$ 'resolved. . to held ineetingg'' at 4'0 * more frequent intervals in every. pars fah for the development of missionary .zcal and for the promotion -of more •actine clipistian. work:' TheRural' Deans, Ite.vs: LoWe and Tenene' lc- and 'Messrs. -Scott and Fox were .appciint- ed as an asseisinent nommittee, , The 'clergy ' were entertitioninto .dinner itt the rectoryand a wrist pleasant •and profitable time was afterwards. spent. _ The • tient meeting Will be held at Myth.. , 4, , ' 4, TO CURE it COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Lanativp Bromo Quinine '.rab- , lets. 'All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig. nature 15 011 each box. enci — A sufferer From Backache ' Mr. W, Gilroy, general merchant, Blew beim, On t., Mates :--*t I an rather enthusi- astic in the praise of Dr. Chase's Kidney - Li ver Pills, and believe Ihave good reason to be. For several years 1 was a great, sufferer from kidney disease, and had pains in my back almost constantly. / tried a great Many remedies, but did not • succeed le obtaining more than slight temporary relief. "A friend of mine advised me to Pry Dr. Chase's Ridney-Liver Pills, and X did to, with great satisfaction. .1 had not taken half a box before I begdn to feel b .tter, and now realize that haveentirely recovered. 1 often wonder now why people go after new.fangled remedies when this tried and proven medicine is so easily obtained, and so certain to cure Chasenitidney.Liver Pills have an ener., mous sale because they radically cure seri. out and chronic disease, one pill a dose as cents a box. Ali dealers, or Edmanson, Bates& Co,,TorOnto, 'Jr.\ tinatStrs Itidneyetiver NIP% to Jan. 1st, 1903, or $1 to Jan. 1904. • 10, 3. • Clinton, Ont. inntinnit.WinsInInfilnriO4-4441411ingin+V4Isinnitin4441-40-4n: n • THERE19$,...Tnyyp BpApERS • 1 las every home its this district .THE NE-WS-iREcORD. 1 • Will !ripply pin with the latelit And moat interestiag 14oettl. • • Herne **td Foreign ReVis, and , THE WEEKLY SUN Its ripeelal feattiret are—Market Reports that are equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. • Regular contributions by stsystarider,1 on current events. Reports of Convention., Associations and meetings of in - tercet and value to all fanners, dairymen and stockmen. Practicai talks each week cm Live Stock, Dairying* Parra Crop Culture, Feeding tor Profit, and other subject.. • SUIISCRIBIt NOW fora."... INEMS-1:ZECO1D Oistx30. $ 75 '.bd'fllE WEtralifet SUN 1,. And wit will send The Sun fres for the balance of loos, 1 DROP A POST CARO TO THE WEEKLY SR TORONTO, AND ,THEY WILL pip SAMPLE COPIES, FREE.