HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 13•October $611, 1,90$ The. Hagar 'Shoes is the best shoe in -America for men or women. Prices range from $3.00 to $5.00 You Can procure them from 11 0 A FRED. T. JACKSON. SHINOLA is the best Shoe Polish S Beware of imitations 11 which are named to I sound like Shinola. N 0 Shinola is the only The Original. A SHINOLA. Patronize the New ShoeiStore and get New Shoes. Fred. T. Jackson ATTEND THE BEST -IT PAYS. rgNr / • STRATFORD, ONT. Recent graduates have accepted good Positions at $45, $45, h5o and b6o per month, and a few days ago an appli- cation received offering one of our graduates of last term a salary of $13oo per annum. This is the kind of evidence you are looking for as to the best school to attend. Catalogue free. Enter this month if possible. , W. J. ELLIOTT, STRATFORD. Grain! Grain! •••••••••• Standard Elevator — CLINTON — All kinds of grain wanted and the highest prices paid in CASH for any quantity. Call at the Elevator and see us before selling. D. Urquhart. e 1.„ Ilk I -111111.10111rille POTATOES WANTED, A eat1004 Of potatoee wanted for %villa the highest cash peke will be Raid. P. MAITLAND, OrOcer. Clinton, Oet. 27tk. TIICKERSMITM VA= OR. SALU. The undersigned offers eer sale that choke 150 acre fano on the Huron Road, Teckersmith, one mile east of •Clinton. New frame house with eume liter kitchen, first class batik barn, dries. shed, hen houee, pig pen, silo, two wells, windmill, end small or- chard. The Bayfield river runs across back end of lot. 'rhirt3r acres of flats, the finest of grass land. This is a splendid farni, well sitnated, a*4 will be sold on easy Jenne. AR.THUR C017CH, Clinton Seine 9th. • ROUSE, FOR SAW. The undersigned offers for salea xX storey cottage with five bedrooms, large dining room, parka., etc. Situ- ated, on William street, convenient to the Collegiate Institute. For further particulars apply to Jamee Scott, barrister; MR$. LAIRD. Clinton, June 2rd, • CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. $9,0oo will buy a choice farm of about x20 acees,_ situated a heel mile from Clinton. Good brick house, 20x 28 and 20X20; barns 4ox40 and 4cer6o, with stone stables underneath, silo, windmill, etc. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars aPPI, to JAMES STEVENS, • Clinton P. 0. April 2e5t. • GODERICM FARM FOR SALE • OR TO RENT, .P•••••••••••• • The underaigned offers for sale parts lots 71 and 72 on the 6th con. of God- erich township, consisting of 96 acres, 46 acres cleared, balance hardwood busk, part • of • it is culled, 8 acres of orchard and small fruits. Frame house and bank barn. 2 wells. 6 Miles from: Clinton and 3 tulles from Bayfield. Foe further par- ticulars apply on the premises or to MRS. WILLIAM PARSONS, Beyfield. •September x9th. • STANLEY FARM FOR $A-TeE• • As I wish to retire foam fainting I offer to sell for lee,000 tny splendid ioo acre farm situated on the Front Road, 34 mile east of Varna. 90 acres clear- ed, 10 acres' hard and: Wit- woe& busb. Good frame house with cellar, barn and shed. Goocl beating orchard, good water, hard and soft. A rare chanee to get a fine farm cheap. possession. given early in the fall. • ' • • HENRY MAKINS, Verne P, 0. June rah, ta,LETT FARlie FOR SALE: The endersigned offers for sale Lot 42, Con, *13, Township of Hallett, con- sisting of e50 acres, no acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, .To acres eimnp land ar.d balance good hardwood bush, 'never chlled. The lot • is. well watered and fenced, and is e4 mile from a. church, 2 miles from Ate - burn and 9 'mules from Clinton. A public school is located On the corner •of the lot. There'is a pied two-stor- ey brick house, 2 bank barns and out- buildings and a good bearing orchard. For further pereiculeirs apply to, • Vent BALL, Aubmn P. 0. August 8th. ' FARM ehe' STANLEY FOR SAM South N -of lot 15 and the north of lot 14 on the tth ton. of the WWII:, ship of Stanley are offered for stile. The farm contains no acres, all clear- ed, in a good' state of cultivation and well watered. 'There are two barns and stabling anda franie dwelling house, Two •good bearing orchards. Mile from school and miles froth church and postofeee. For • further particulars apply to June 2n.d. MRS. S. hecINTetRE, • Henn% Marriage Licenses XSUED BY B e Itutaball, Clinton rowww.ivw.A...vwwwwwwrAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAWwwv4.1 11411 MCKINIIIPvNirn4 00. 1 MILLINERY \ • November is always a big month for Millinery and thie Stetson we have made great preperatiene for it. We have Piet received and past into stOeit a large assortment of the newest styes in Ready -to -Wear Elate. Also Un- trimmed Mete in all the lateet, designs, and a full stock of Trimmings hi Flowers,Tipe, Feathers, Bucklee, Silks, Velvete, Itihboneeetc. Miss Ste* art has charge or the Millinery Department with a full etaft of assistants. She will be pleased to take your order for any style.Of hat $0a Wish, and have it Warned in the bleat style on short notice No Hat is alloWed to leave ottr showroom except it le tritrithed in the Wet% style and betouning to the Wearer. SPECTALS ILadies' tlitibrella'Shawle, Made of white gloria Otetland floss in new Patteens, at very little more then you would pay for the floss, 75e, This Week *6 shoW several special MINI at, very low prices : $1 and $1.25. il1 , Another shipment of those heatly, witrin Vests and Drawers for 'Ltd. Laditelt 'Ainterh taloantitileeWveosoal "Vdeilth:aPtiedcf Dvrivi:ePetielionlaireizleirtilo Week nat. oral and white at.604 760 and 01, .. IAsk tO see teir men's heavy wool fleeted:Shirts and 1)raweis, worth '60e for 450. Lulies' Cloth ‘Matttlett, in long end mediate lengths, front 0.50 to SUL 4.41WV,414.14AMIWAN4WiAMAR•ViA‘AAN4VAAA AtosetAtelamst.— Agat, • 'a rxxx craitrps istrviro-RsoztoRD 10.1111010 1, .solssloses, CONSTANCE The Prohibitionists Organize for the Campaign Next Sunday' quarterly meeting will he held in lemdesboro fu the morning. Titere will be preaching at Constance in the evening at 7 o'clock and the sacramout of tee Lord s supper s - %lensed at the eiose of the service. hliss Maggie Macdonald visited Mrs, J. Mills at Harlock for a few days. Miss Ada Dreke of Steffa, is visiting' her sister, Mrs, Richard Hotham, HORSE, -BUGGY, CUTTER AND 0 HARNESS FOR SALE. The undersignecl oilers for sale x ariviiig mare, x buggy z cutter and set harness, Clinton, October 28th., E. KEMP, • SPECTACLES FOUND, Found, on Victoria street, on Sat- urday last, a pair of spectacles with steel frames. The case bears the *tame of P. B. Crews. The owner can have them by paying for this advertise- ment, , • JAMES FINCH. Clinton, Oct. 27th, . FARM FOR SALE.. The undereigned offers for sale lot 34, con, 13, Mullett, containing 90 acres, 8cr acres eleamd, balance good hardwood bush. 6 acres in fall Wheat and 12 acres fresh seeded down, Frame house and bank barn.- One mile from the villageof . Auburn, X mile from school. . Will be seed op reasonable.' terms. WILLIAM YOUNPI3LIIT, Auburn P. 0. October 27th. • , TEACHER WANTED Male teacher,holding a nd class professional certificate wanted for principal of the Byfield Public school. The certificate is to be not older than five years. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1903. Applications stating sal- ary, etc., received up to• 7;p, tn. on Nov. loth. •• •, J. W. TIPPET, 'Secretary. •Box 5, Bayfield. Oct. 2001. •3t . . • i,ECEISTER SZIEEP FOR SALE, The undersigned has for sale four thorobred Leicester :Ram. Lanai and also 1 thorobred Sheateing.- Vernis reasonable, . •; • WILLIAM GLENN, •Stanley. • Clinton . Oi . Oct. 18th. 3*• . • • ROOMSTO. RENT. •. The -rooms in the Elliott: block initil lately occupied by • Miss Brigham, dressmaker, and also the eitotri facing Huron'street are offered for ;rental. Apply to. Mr. Newcombe or to . J. 0., ,ELLIOTT, Clinton, Oct, 18th. • 3* • " • .Creamery notice. . . -TENDERS WANTED • The directors of the Molinesville 'Cheese, & Batter Co, evill receive ten- ders for the purchase of the buttermilk om the make of butter ,frien Nov. x to the end of 1902. The person ten- dieing- to specify what he Will pay for , the butterritilk from 'each ton of better inantifaetured. Milk to be re- mOved•es • directed by buttennalter. Tenders .to be sent to S'eeretary, on or beforeTttesdae, Oct. 28th,: 1562. W, B. FORSTER, President. • •W. S. LAWRENCE,Secretary, Oct..* 1902. •" Clinton P. O. REWARD OFI'ERED.. • Copy of a lease of north half of lot No..er,Bayfield con., Goderich town- • ship, drawn in favor of g. • A. Cantelon and signed by John ,O, El- liott, bearing date of Feb. x898, having been las? or mislaid -any infor- • mation leadieg to its recovery will be liberally rewarded.• • ARTI•IUR CANTEL.ON, ;Clinton. Oct. 2oth. • '• CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS The hest class of work. procurable has been manufactured here for many years peat,' WE woN1 can 0. yOun. week after your bereavement WE wow rhaekpencTe work to Suit WE WILL make the price to suit the work. WE WILL give you the choice of the • production of the work in design and mat erial We are the ONLY prac- tical men in Clinthu itt our line. Do not, be talked into placing your order without drat calls ing on tut. WEST HURON About seventy five people answered, to the call of the West Huron Prohi- bition Alliance, to. =tat in the tem., pera.nee hall, Goderich, last Friday Afternoon. IVIt. G. M. Elliott, as president, occupied the chair for the first half hour and Rev. Mr. Whaley ef St. Melons, vice president, for the remainder of the session. Dr, Fowler and Mr, J. 3. Iloinuth of • Wingham were present te represent the • R. T. of 1, of that town. Mr, John A. Nichols, the well known temperance advocate>, gave en outline Of the plait of campaign and a general discusston followed on ways and means. On motion of Rev. M. J. Wilson and IL Elforcl of elohnesville, it was de- vided. to appoint a committee to de- eide what amount of =nay should be :Askedfrom ea.ch municipality for campaign purposes, and President El- liott, Revs. Sautes Hamilton and J. W. Robinson and Messes. Sas. Mitch- ell and James Colclwell were appoint- ed as such committee, It was deeided that the funds cole lectect should be direeted through the executive and that the amount of lit.. erature to be chosen and its distribu- tion should be in their hands, they to communicate with the vice presidents for each xnunicipality and to have power to fill vacancies arising from any cause. The . matter of engaging outside speakers to address public 'meetings throughout the riding was left in• hands of the executive, who were to imminence thole work at once, •In the evening North street Method- ist church was crowded to the doors with a deeply interested and even en- thusiastic audience. President Elliott presided and short addresses were Mule by the local, clergymen and then Mr. Niehols addressed the large audience, making one of the inoet con- vincing addresses for 'prohibition ever heard in Goderich. He tully explain- ed the Ohterio Liquor Act to be .vot- ed on Dec. 4t11, showing the excellence ,of its (moires, and judging by the at- tention of his hearers and the heeity applause With which lie was frequent- ly ;cheered, he tnade a deep 'and last- ing interession in faVor of the act. He dealt also with the argmeents a- gainst prohibition, based on its alleg- edonelTectiveness and its dangers erote a commercial and bushiess standpoint and the facts. and figures quoted were certainly a strong reply to the argu- ments of the anti's,. The address was free from the slightest •offenseveword or allusion to Mose who oppose pro- hibition mid a right understanding of thisgreat issue would be 'reached ane much mistincleistandieg and ill feeling cleared away if lust such addresses as could bp heard in every menici- pality throughout the 'campaign. • • Nd vote 0. thaeksever extended to a 'speaker was ever deserved more thoroughly than that tendered Mr. Nichols,. ' 11 1011010111141$1110140100111114 6• • eseeesteeselheireemeeweeeeereereeeeseeteelefteelereli-etiewleeleeeseieeteeeieeeeetio" • # A very pleasing musical program, in- terspersed the addresses and a sub. stantial collection Was taken up at the close of the meeting. SOUTH HURON e' The adjourned temperance conven. tion for South Muroh was held in Miller's hall on Tuesday afternoon. The attendance was not large. Rev. Mr. Martin of Exeter, presideut of the association, presided and Rev., IVIr. McLennan acted as secretary. The fol- lowing were appointed convenors to organize the different municipalities liensall, Rev. J. S. Henderson; Tuekerstnithe Rev, Mr. McLennan ; Hay, Rev. Iter. Yaeger; StePhen, Rev. Mr. Thebackati ; Ilsborne, Rev, Mr. Fletcher ; Exeter, Rev, Mr. Millyard. After some rontine business the con- vention adjourned. EAST PIURON .On Tuesday of raet week a prohibi- tion convention was held in Brussels, the object being to prepare for the campaign in connection with the ref-, erenduno There was an attendance of about do, among the number a sprink- ling of well knewn temperance work - cm. Several letters were read from parties who were unable to be present hoputerapteepressed their willingness to ore - Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by James Hinchley, that we organize un- der the name of " East Huron Prohi- bition Association." Carried. It was agreed that the Centre' Ex- ecutive consist OT a President, Vice President, Secretary aud Treasurer, 1Vloved by Thos. MelVrillatt, seconded by Robert. MacKay, That the offieers be as follows ;• President, W. JI, Kerr ; Vie President, B. Gerry Sec- retary, G. F. Blair; Treasurer, Rev, R. Paul: Caeried, The following municipalchairmen were also appointed Howice, Revse Messrs. McKelvey and Dobson'; 'Weox- eter, W. S, lieeKercher • Tureberry, Revs. Messrs.. West and 'Swann; Mor- ris,. James Smillie and W, •Jackson ; Grey, Thos. Straughan and William Cameron; • Brussels, A. M." MacKay and If. Hate, ; BecKiIlop, James Kerr ; Mullett, Revs. Messrs.. Hamilton and :Kennedy. ,• • • . leev. R. Paul, treasurer of the pleb- iscite ca:meaign, Med a financial state- ment showing over llso on hand. The amount was transferred to the new or ganiz ation . • , On motion of Messrs. Blair atid Minchley ,115 wai voted to the Pro- vincial Central Association. IVIoved by 'Rev, Mr, 1VicKeivey, sec-, ondect by . Rev, Mr, Browte That the eeecutive prepare an estimate. of' the ueeessary funderequired for literature and other necessary, expenses in the' • campaign for the riding and subdivide it among the diffeeent municipalities, • Carried. • BTJTTON--ALCOCK-In MOrris, on . October 21st, by Rev'. 1. M. Webb, • Mr. Alfred Button 'to Miss Eliza- . • bethoratte Alcock; all of Morris. MeLAREN-SIMPSON-In McKillop,, . on October teth, by Rev. A. Mc- • Nab M. A., Mr. 'Wm. E. McLaren : of leibbert to Miss Eliza. Simpson • of Walton, EICKMILR-DIEGEL-eIn Logan, on • October 221Ld, by ttie Rev. .Mr. • legend, Mr. Andrew W. Bich- • mier to Miss earrie Diegel, all of • Logan.• • N•ELIN-DONOLLY-In c,n the •22nd of • October, at the Catholic church, by Rev. Father Fogarty, • Miss Mary Donolly of Dublin to • Mr. Sohn Nelin of Stratford. SWEENEY -BROWN -At St, Patrick's church, Kincora, on the. Mst of . October, by Rev. Fether • Mr. Johu Sweeney to Kattor, 'daughter of •Mr. Edward Brown. joHNSON.,-MOOR.E--At the Method- ist parsonage, Blyth; by Rev, J. Holmes, on October reth, Mr,, William J. Johhsoh to Miss Lillie May Moore, both of Clinton. • e ' BIRTHS- . IlEAMAN-Th Exeter, on October 21, • • to Mr. and Mrs. W. J Heatinin, • 5011. • COOKSON-In Exeter, on Oct,. x7th, • to Mr. and Mrs. •Thos. Cookson,' • twins, eon and daughter. • ALLAN -In Wroxeter, ott October /3, J.B.HOOVERs Poop Nest to Commercial Hotel OlitoD Market Report, New Wheat.......;.. # .. 0 06 to f, 85 Old Wheat ..,.., ...,...., 0 05 to 0 05 %Woe(' Wheat...". ,,,....., 016 to 0 75 i Harley.,.....,, ,..... .. 0 86 GO 0 86 (hitatt4.10SiAttlyt.'dtt*tt* 081 to.0 28 tjaktE,A41,41,46 OtAtA0AO*0141, 005 WOOS Ille tA . A .... delitiF4AA10,111, 040 to t 46 - Potatoes per bushel... 025 to 080 : Dotter rolls and crock .... 0 18 to 0 14 • Mace in toh............. 018 to 0 14 , ESP Per dilt otili1t .. i . 1**01 0 14 110 015 , ifdrAilbAt1610011 ,Atts. ...... 8 0044 000 0to 15. 0 10 MoKINNON & OO BLI YTH01:atiger==:,:ni4201#15:1:14 Live Hogs per owt........ 40 to 0 40 IAAAiW 41 Shorts per ton. . 4141.##. 18 00 to 1800 .',• . • • . 3312,1;:f CEPXELD. The Presbytery met in this 'Village • :recently, Rev.' Mi. • Salvers Moderator, :The Rev. 'Messrs. McLennan and Small were''appointed to address the annual meethig of the W. le: M. Si It wag agreed to pay. eso �f the expense's of eiesch ccenmisstoner to the General As- ,sembly at Va,.ncouver, B. C. The re• e tnit -from the General Assembly re e• Aged and infirm Ministers' 'Fund we a‘cept6d with few chariges, the eurixclee .of %NIeh is to place this lune Meet: incire on . the basis of Fraternal .Liti. Insurance. A small book prepared by; the General Assembly's Committee en " Aids to Family Worship' was •accepted with 'few. recomniendae Mons. It was ageeed to hold a con- ; faience on tete state of religiop at the next' inecting, the special •subject of discussion .to be " Messrs, Sewers, Hamilton and MendersOn to opatuthe disettesion. Mr. Fleteher cal- led the .attention of inembere 'to the needs- of the Widows and Orphans' Fund. W. J. Elliott, student, was certified to IVIanitoba College, The condition of augeneeted . congregations was considered. NO changes, however, could be made and the matter was deferred, awe nekt It -meting was ap- . Pointed .for • Godetich ee ..the third Tuesday January. • • e, finny, 711111- aili Slioriul will be busy days in the rlen's Furnishing department. Here is a list of brand new goods for men and $ boys at prices that cannot be duiplicated any where n'ear here. Come early. 20 dozer. Men's Undershirts and Drawere made of heavy rib and plain wool, iinion fleeced lined etc, The regular prices of this underwear le up to 75e each, all lumped to nn gether at the one price 44•• 4/ 4{14• 04 4•.44 4. re, le 5 dozen only men's fine wool Underwear for mediuM eke and large men. This is one of our finest $1,25 make but foe sale days only the price is , 800 pairs men's heavy wool sox including the colors of Neck, clerk and lightgrey and brown. Thema are the best 26e socks we have in the stoat e hut all. are placed et .35 ;one price 2 pair for 4 dozen peirs men's and hope) home made mitts all colors 88. 26 and sreee pt•ice per ...... , „ „ , ..... We also will place on sale our boys collars. in all the leading 26 shapes that sell at 15c and leo each. at 3 for • . 240 Men's 3 and '4 ply linen Collars including the double • band, laydown, roll, band, eta. Them) are all •a well • known' brend and sell all over at 20e. Price for tlie sale ,25 2 for 4.1P4, ............... 00494"M .. p ... ... 44 ' 5 doz. boys Mae 'serge and tweed "caps in all th'e neW shapes, sizes from 54 to 7,our regular prices are 25c and 20 35e each, sale price • 6 only men s MO coats in colors of dark grey and fawn, sizes 80 to 44, This is our best $3,75 COAL and never sold 2 9g for less. Sale price will be •. • • .• ....• . • el • We want more men to buy their bats here, so in order to stile hats that are worth up to S3 eaeh at the low price 0 fiC make it interesting we place ou sale all our men's black . of, Au AU Remember every hat is this reasons shape. . $NelWrc,614.111,4 $ '411 • ' 4$ — -ibt-mbesibwiwii-i•rob~•••••••:m.~.eri•eirbi . 14111#1#1110:12#1114 eoo MEN WANTED... '• • The Ontario Seger,. ' Limited , Berlin, Oet„ reit: find 'work Co.,for , over 5oo Men (farmers ions preferred) hare vestingesugax beets. on the sugar beet farms in the County of Waterloo.e . .• . Fifteen' eente an liour will be paid to faithful,: able men. . . Labor tickets.. catt.be :purchased at all 'stations for 2.34 cents perenille•for „parties of'five or Mote:. • • - Work will, fromthree to kee Weekse at, thc• conclusion -of •wideli • a special opportunity f will be given to all; hands - to see through the'sugar factory, • which will be. ilt. fele "opera:- - tide. . • 7. • • • • .. 'hleee .appliCationitiemediately to • ..; A. E.- sEtTTLEwoimi, . • • • • Agricultural buperintenclent• by .letter'oe . b.y .calling • at. -,ty, °coin- poy's office. in Berlin. . • - •-•• •"... • THE ONT. SUGAR. CO„ LIMITED, 01411,11ING • TO SEE • c to Mr. and Mrs: James Allan, a • IIALLANTYNE-Tri Brussels, on Oct. • retit, to Mr. and.Mrs. Jolin lantyne, ason. • CRONIhr-In Morris on October 12,. • to Mr. and Arra. 2Arthur Cronin, a daughter. •, DOTJGLAS-In Wroxetet, on Oct, 141 • to Mr, a.nd Mrs. John Douglas, a daughter, ECKUYER-In .Logan, on,the reth of Oct., Mrs. John Ecktnier of a son. PRIDHAM-In. Vullartoto oti the 228d Oct,, Mrs. Veank Pridham of a • daughter. MOWAT-In Wingham, on October 20, to Mr, and Mrs. J. Mowat, • daughter. JOHNSTON-eIn Lower Town, Octob- er 22111, Mrs. William Johnston of. a daughter. • WHA.LEY-eln lelgtave-On October •2o•th,. Mrs. NV, 'Whaley of a son. •• DEATHS. COLLADAY-In Dayfield,' on October 24t11, Sarah A. Colladay, aged 43 years. Met E0D-In Bayfield, on Oct, 28th, Mrs, natild McLeod, aged 46 yew% ANGUS-In Elm, on October istli, Robert Angus, aged 27 years arid „ 8 months. BALLANTYNE-In Brussels, on Oct, /8th, the infant son of John mei Wks, Bellantyne, aged 3 days. DEN1301V-In Brussels, on Oct. 21, John Denbow, aged 94 years, 2 'months and ardays• GARBUTT-In Gotrie, on Ott, 19th, Eva, eldest daughter of Rev'. R. S. and Mrs, Garbutt, aged xi' years, MINEs-In Grey, on Oct, filth, Mary, wife of William Mines, aged 56 years, 4 months Mel 8 days. mity,XVNSON—Tts Belgrave, on Octal). er 160, Jane Dodde, wife of Jas, • Wilkinson, aged 73 years, 10 maths and lb clays. STSIN-In East Wawariosh, on Oct, loth, Mrs, Albert Stein, aged 23 years. /4t10-Itt East WaWallOsil, ott Oet, /6, .TanWalker, wik of James 11,, aged. 72 years. DAVID8ON4-In MeNillty, on October. ttat, Thos. De.vidson, Sr., aged 8/ •years and 4 months. ClIARIV4 TO THE EYE I THE. LATEST AND BEST OF ' • EVERYTHING • TOWN IIALL, CLINTON 4•4••••••••••• TMURSDASte NOVEMBER. 13TH ORIENTAL EVENING. • Ufider the Auspices of the, 1. 0. 0, I% Louog NO 83 Peesenting the most elaborate pro- gram of moving pictures ever seen in cue exhibition. We desire tb emphas- ize this fact, .aud we truthfully assert that we have the largest and best ex- hibition of this sort in America, As- suredly you have seen none as good. We present the only authentic atid complete life like representatioh of the Coronation of KIND EDWARD VII Together with the dazzling street pag- eant of the Ring, pueen and Court departing from Westminster Abbey. " Missing, Roaring Rivers of Lava THE ERUPTION Or MT, PELEE A brilliant prodcletion of that fatn- ous fairy tale . UCH AND THE BEANSTALH. THE THRILLING ENGLISH STAG HUNT LONDON FIREMEN AT WORK AND DARING RESCBE SHOOT/NG TEE WHIRLPOOL RAMDS And over so other intensely interesting subjeets, We also Introduce HIGH crAss VAUDEVILLE ACTS LOWEST` rosarritE PRICES EOR TIIIS DATE 0NIeY Matinee e0e, 200. Evening ose, 350. We -make these special lowprices for this engagement only to introduce the greatest exhibition of its kind in ex- istence, Advance Sale opens at I300R STORE comfortable. Secure your seats early. I THEODORE ROOSEVELT ON • ".THE PRESIDENCYek • . • IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN': •THE NEWS -RECORD. • • • Before his nomination forethe Vice - Presidency Theodere Roosevelt wrote expressly for the Youths' Companion an aitiele 'on " Tbe Presidency," It will be published in the number for NO\ ember 6th, this being One of the ;remaining veeekly issues of 1902 sent • free fromthe time .of subscription to every.o^subecribee Who, it oncesends t;o75 for the Clenpanion's *ea vol- • tone. When this article.. on 1, The, Presidency,' was writteh no one could I have foreseen or, dreamed even that its • author would so idee he called upon 1 t� tale Mottle duties of 'the great of , flee. For thie reason alone what Mr: Rooievelt has to 'say possesses • ex- • traordinary interest and wilt. he eag- erly awaited by perecins' of all shades of political , Opinion. , A tweety eight page prospectus of I the 1903volitene of the Youths' Corn- .panion and sample copies of the pip- • er will be sent free to any address. • THE yorrns, COMPANION, • 144, Periceiey St. : • Boston, Mass,, &az 1, ..(f there .be some trie•alser One,. 'give me• st•rength to heli hi2n •• "Kind hearts are more than eerphees."--eTeinersos. TO 11111RNIW THE flEiit FREE GO)15111111PTIVE flOSPITAIL MUSKOKA. • rb# Only Fiie.consumpilvp Hospital in Aniqriga, CANADIANS .'EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. —The NI Free Coniumptive Hospital,' built under ,the • auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will be ready—so soon as the money to quip and Arnish • is secured ---4o 'receive 50 patients absolutely without • charge: ,--Over ;go!). out ,of 500 patients admitted to the • .11iiiskoka Cottage Sanatorium the' Property of the National • Sanitarium Association have returned home either. • wedor greatly improved. —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated ii the same delightfully healthfid locality, bringing the ,same ad- • vantages to the poorer patients as to ilie tick. ' oeiefeee,,,o_ .40•""S, ''4,erg-1 • 1. e AO% 17.' 07?;. A Ajt *11. Oi • 11.! I Pr13 ;.*A .4) rd/ FIRST FREE HOSFilTAt. FOR OONsUMOTIVEs IN ANIERIOA Th• rAft 01TV: Oaos, Req., and the Exteetors ..tratt 4. 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