HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 12101 4 THE cammox mrvirs.azaoRD JI 111104111110111110011111111111111Weepeleer The News -Record 137xELD. licox,r4gsvazg. StrIKIKERUILL. A GANG OF OPPORTUNISTS. ' publiphed every Thursday at The Newe-Record Printing hiouse ALBERT STREET CLINTON Terms of subscription -4i per year in advance; $1.50 thtiy be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising rates -e -Transient adver- tisements, to cents per 120nPareil line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for eatli subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," " Stray ed,' " Stolen," Etc., inserted once for as cents and each subsequent . sertion to cents. Communisations intended for publics" - tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy for advertisements ehould be ,sent in early. Contract rates -The following table shows our rates for specified per- iods and space : yr. 6 mo. 3 mei. 1 mo. Colutnn$710 oo $40 oo $25 oo $8 50 ;.‘ sto oo 25 oo Z5 oo 600 Column25 oo 15 bo 8.00 2 50 h Column- 18 oo eo oci 5 so 200 'Inch 6 oo so 2 oo x25 W. J. MITCHELL! Editor and Proprietor • Here is an expraheion of opinion M Willi 33 d iti hel1R. BORDEN'S CREED. In his Winnipeg speech Mr, Borden, leader of, the Liberal -Conservative party, thus stated his political creed " I do not believe in sending raw materials to the 'United States, send- ing Canadians after them t� work • in United States 'factories aridthen send- ing good Canadian money to buy the goods made by Canedians from Can- adian material in the United .States. I believe in the development of indus- tries along legitimate lines and de- veloping the coal of Nova Scotia, the lumber of British Columbia'the fielt- eries, the lead mines, as well as the great agricultural industries of these weatern plains, and only by a pOliey, of this kind .can we builh up a great nation.' SIR WILFRID IS ILL. to No amount of contradiction and ex- planation can convince those Who have t seen hien that Sir Wilfrid Laurier he e not a sick man. It is known to per- n sonal friends of • the Liberal •Itie.der that he is on diet and is in very prim: a form. Serious doubts are entertaiitete as to the ability of the Premier te i Mr. ran on was v s ng ••, Miss Addie Stephenson spent sever a. from one of Montreal's leading Liber- friends in 13elgrave last week. ; (Lys as the guest of her uncle, ),Ir. al eitieens when informed of Mr. 1 James Snell of Hallett. Mr. Harry Falconer, who has been , Tarte's resignation : on the government steamer 13aylie1d, I Miss Jennie Tebbutt of Goderich has "The Tories we have always oppos- returned honie on Saturday last, 1 been visiting her father, ed on principle, but now there is no more prinexple at stake. The erowdUr. Robert Johnson of Bright visit - Dr. and Airs. Metcalf and Doctor - who are running the government to- ese Anderson of Detroit were guests ed Mr. P. Leonard last week. day are not holding together because at the Cominercial hotel last Thurs- Mt. Alf. Heys and bride of Brock - ' they believe any fixed principles. They day and Fr i:c14y. - I way, Mich., visited. their uncle, Mr. are simply opportunists ; they sti to 031e another bemuse they meet at such a one4 house at a dinner or went to a ball together at such a place. They ate a crowd of opportun- ists ectuated solely by selfish mot- ives. hVhether Sift -on goes out or no and 1 believe he Should be thrown oti a •• Dlr. anti Dirs. Riley and child are grandmother, Mrs. 'Sellars. isiting at the home of hire, Reiley"s I Mr. and .11irs. John •Fraser returned home on 3.Vednesday after spending the t' ast week at Belgrave, leteknow and t' histowel. hiessrs, George Collada.y of Lewis- toth Mich., and Herbert of Chicago arrived here on Saturday last to at- tend the funeral of, tlteir sister, Miss Sarah Colladay. The following from le a distance also attended the funeral of le Miss Colladay on inonday last: Mr, a*id Mrs. Oeorge A. Thompson, Mrs Gtorge Thompson, Mrs. James Moody and Mr. and IVirs. Robert Thompson hi near hhippen ; Air. and Mrs. Adam Thompson of Goderich. the gang that will come to replace' hiln will be of the same kidney. • - It may seem strange, but it is true, the men whom Tarte has most ill-used in his day of power will not turn against him today, but will turn against -.those whoin he deprecated- and, Mai email in the eyes of the cottutry, ti men who bent to his whip and whined like ems, but who are now turning their back • upon him, because -the great Sultan has tired of his .Vizier ane seeks only to fill his plaseh. I arn an old. Liberal of twenty yealhEstand- , ing:" • RECR.UITING FROM THE PRISONS In a' recent speech at. Newmarket, Onth hion. G..W. Ross Stated that the inhere.' party intended " to- fight" ior tha'• liteh. which a popular majority of 7,000 electors ot the province of Ontario has declared a- gainst., IVIr, Ross has been as good as • word. lionneliately he began to took about hero tor allies,' He, or his • lieutenants, found onthe prison rec- ords the names 01 men weoni it was thought would • be useful.. to the cause. in South Oxford Mr. Ross thought it advisable to onseet Mr. Sutherland the first Conservative to win the the, efighit: 50 years. •Accordingly the Lib- erhi " machine" was set 'notion. A. man named -Chambers Undertook for a conhideration. of $375, which was. to be .dOubled if he proved six charges a- gainst hlt, Sutherland, - to- furnish eaniaging • ..eeidenee. ' His witnesses were selected .froin the Most, hardened riminals in the riding. These 'men ppeared, 111: court to prove -bribery a. • behalf of Mr. :Sutherland, • and ine tead of:so doing. ;they admitted they lad- been paid by. J. B. • Jackson, one lhoss'• trustedfrienhe, cow - nit • - perjury., The Witness.eshaleo ad- niteed that they had 'been: •cautioned o Stick to their story in court. The viclence as. of such-' a iiorrib1 chare• cter that Mr: ,Jitstice Street •wae creche • eo • observe : - h• 'never ..sani nything -like it in -my experience- be - ore, home • is -it • poesinle - .to • trust. t- r• • The • charges' Were dismissedeand Mr: Rose and his.' prison. fighters, .wil oee . the.. first .•round • of Owl- " fight,' 'bleb . is meant . to save-- ir Wilfri auricr's right prin., "... The Liberal remain at the head of the goverinnent for any long period. Mr. -Tarte places .1 the limit . at two years, but- already • w hints are being thrown out that . the • L re really, growing mere; desperate alt whole -cabinet will be reconstructed.a We have the sad duty of recording Another death itt our village in the person of Sarah McLeod, 'wife of Dan - 1113. aged oyears, who passed away on Tuesday afternoon, She ' leaves a husband awl three sons to mourn their loss, John of London, • Daniel of Rochester and Neal of this village, The funeral took place on ' Thursday at 2 o'clock p. A 'meeting of the Stanley Branch .Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall on Friday, Oct. 3ist, at 2 O'clock p. m. All complaiets or protests are to be handed in to the secretarh that 'they mar be decided at the meeting.. Prizes will be paid out on and after the esteref November. On Friday . evening last a surprise party was held at the parsonage when the members of the Baylield Methodist thur..h presenteh 'the pastor, Rev. J. helland, with a. load ot oats - and po'-. . tatOes. A very .enjoyable evening was , 3 spent. • . . •e 1 We have to record again .the visit of 3 • N the grim moneter death. .atid the pea- 1, sing away of Miss Sarah A. Colladay h at the age Of 4years, departiagthis life on Friday .afternoon of last week. She has been an invalid for the past e six years • and- has been confined to her h 1,ed since last August.- 'She- was a h devoted. Christian, for many years- a .: niember of the Methodist - church' and ' a, co-worker in the Sunday . school,. having. to give up her class on account • N •of ill 'health. • In all ber trouble and. .c sichness she- had -never been • heard to coniplhin. She leaves h;ehind. het four e brothers- . and three sistos : . John of ' . . . 1 .Rendo . Mich' • Geor e of Lewiston ; • • Herbert of :Chicago.; .thilliam of De-' a e . • troit ;.... rilrs. • McAllister of 'Huston, . s • Texas ; Mts. Adam -Thompson of God - d erielt and:Mrs.' Coveie of this village. .. $. The funeral took' •hlath• on Monday. • W. Staulehe, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Holmes and Miss Churchill of Clinton called on Mrs, Holmes cut Friday. Mrs. Croolts spent several days last week visitiug friends in Gocierich, Mrs, John Acheson of Goderich vis- ited friends in the village on Satur- day. Dining the storm of Wednesday lightning strueie Mr. F. Leonards barn on the nth con: and eaused conside etable damage. The electricity tore off the ridge board, s,cattered the shoigles 111 verieus directions, fillet- tered a, rater and tore off smite of the boards on both. the gable ends, It then ran along a fence adjoining the barn, tearing up- the sod beneath it for some distance. A plank was tora off a well a few feet from the barn. The horses were in the stable at the . nine time, but were not•injured, al- though the handle of a, fork hanging' on the wall behind themwas torn in- to splinters. The building elicl not take fire though for some time after smoke kept • coming up -through the floor of the barn. Mr. Leonard kept pouring water down and thus.probab- ly prevented the total loss of the building, .We uncleritand the insur- ance company has employed a carpetz- tea to repair the damages. Quarterly meeting will be held, . the Methodist chureh on Sunday Mottling, The board meeting 'yin be held on Monday afternoon; • e_ COLBORNE TOWNS'aIP. Quarterly, service will be held in the Beniniller ebureh next Sabbath at 30.- 0 .and service at Zion •eltuteh in the venieg at 7 o'clock. • . • We are glen to sec Mr; • Samuel Vestlaloa h around again after having ten- laid itp foe the past"few weeks vith inflammation of the lungs, . • We ate sorry to say that Mr. Win. ones ef Carlow is improving very lowly. He underwent an operation n Friday week last and we hope to ocin see elfin' around' again. Mips Jennie. Young 6f 'Sheppardton vas the guest cif Miss Minnie .FoWter • Sabbath. Hon. W. S. Fielding, the ma.n ; who r endeavored to smash confederation in, a 1886, is spoken of as the probable sue- P cessor to Sir Wilfrid. Certain ft • ie .1 that the governineet has • mach more li he control ofe Hon. .G. W. Ross • an ecklees each. . day.. ' When _ • the court re unsafe from - their. ,abotninahl e Sail news was received .the sante lots popular government Might al nost as well be abolished. Ontario owever, is bound to free herself 'frau to worry about than the resignation of Mr. Tarte.' Sir Wilfrid' e retirement •li would' be almost as severe a blow as • Mr. Tarte', and it may not be far away. We are spiry to say that Mrs, holm Icharty is laid up at present with PPendicitis but. hope to- soon hear of er .speedy recovery, HORTERiS MIX. • . . . Ilia's :Amy Cox; who has' been ' en- . aged ein music teaching at leincar- ine is visiting at the parhiital hihme n the 6th eem... . . .. • : • . dah, of the death , of William. of De- • g „ d , Miss Reta Seanbury gave a pffirty to a•few of her. friends on Monday. -5p- ening. • , . • e The following torreatiohe have 'been made in . the pfize• list ae published c Mrs. Parsons,'-. 2nd prize foih cotton batting ; G. H. -Heivecin, zed prize for eo oz i Pippin, and A. E. .Westlake, d est arid -2rid prize for Berkshire. sow. O Six moaths old. • . • h is prisonconfederates.. • • • tOtrptstogo. ' Mr. 1.. hr. Snell Of . iliampton is vie - MR. SIFTON TALKED ABOUT. During his fight with Hon. J. Israel Tarte Hon; Clifford Sifton has been the centre of great interest.. But his position is soinnwhat different from • that.. of his ex -confrere. -What-th people want to know itt-•Mr. Siftin's case is more concerned with private affairs. The Canadian press is asking., in behalf of its readers, for a tip, as to the best -methods to be employed' in -making 5500,000 itt six .years with- out capital. • . • . Soine of the leading dailies have ask- ed Mr. Tarte to turn his searchlight on Mr. Sifton s department and ex- pose some of the Much talked of west- ern " jobs," " deals" mid "•bocid- ling." The public is also am -time -to _- know more about that $91,190 paid -to the Montreal Herald of which Hon. Sidney Fisher is a director. • Mr, Fish,' er's share should be aenOuneed. These 'netters are getting to be titre toPies and should be explained. The feclitig is abroad that the $21,000,000 increase in Canada's expenditure is not all be- ing devoted to the best interests , of the country. DISGRACEFUL AND . CORRUPT METHODS. (Weekly Sun.) • It is needkss to say that the ells-. graceful and corrupt methods repotted to by the Liberals for the purpose of securing evidence to unseat Mr.. Stith-- erland in South Oxford are eolith:Wined: by men of all shades of political op - ion. Judge Street is entitled to the - public thanks for the strong language used by him at Woodstock in charac- terizing the practices that were expos- ed. Happily little has been known of such practices in Canada and we hope that the parties responsible for them will be so vigorously dealt with that the offences will not soon be repeated. One Brunet got six m•onths for rig- ging ballot boxes in the bye-electiou of St. James' Division of Montreal. Along came Minister of Justice Fitz, patrick and set the rogue free after doing ten weeks of his sentence. • (Brunet's pal, Hetu, who had been . packed off to Boston, returned to Montreal as sooli as " the friends" tired of paying his hotel bilis, and the judge set him down for sixteen months. The jailer put kletu into the regula- tion canvas suit and at honest werk. A few minutes later along came an order'this tittle not to set the rogue free but to fix him up as a parlor boarder. • From the eantate suit lietu slipped back into his Boston clothes and was led' to a carpeted room snugly Tarnish- ed. There he gets the ?nothing and evening papers, receives " the frietids" and passes around die cigars and has them take soinethitig while they Smoke -at the expense Of those .who pa.id for his keep in the States, The parlor is kept at an even temperature and the coal famine dnes not waxy him. Pot' thousands of the Stin's readers the first job of the day is to kindle the kitthen fire. Where coal le not used, when the cold is near zero, it would be nice to have Sintiefrody elSe drive the chill out of the house on winter utoritihgs. Stuff a ballot box or swear to a kite return and on get - tint out of bed you, like Beth, will fled the parlor warm, with coffee and pork &VS to follow lting his aunt,. Mrs. H. Iiill Of .the t illage. „ • • ' Miss McLaughlin and Miss Tyerman were the guests of Mrs: (Dr.) Young on Sunday. • Mr. D. S. 1Vlacdoueftll lost a value. e • Mrs: ' II Lr. Melehile is very poierly • . able hcirse last Week.''' " at 'present. We ' hope' to hear of ,hsatisier M;r•',. Stev,hhs of •, the, Reheet Hotel isactoroy recotering aftee his rec- place shOrtly on the 6th ill take , . int illness. ; • Tt is repOrted that two weddings u .. speedy recovery. .. • „ . • • .. • Rev hit. DayitIon of "(Tarim, pteach- d in. oh Sunday. here; holinson anti ,Mise .Maucle, Pick - rd .of Galt are guests: of their par- nts, Mr.• aneheirs. John Pickard; • Mr. anit•Mrs. John •Biggart• and aughter, Miss :Nellie Biggart, f Bayfielci .spent .§utiday. at .7,atnes. facdonald.s.. • . ' • Rev: E. C.- Jennings • and: family . Mr.. Robert Bthecnithspent"- Sunday sPent lash Saturday : at Mr. Re Tay- *with relatives -on the Bayfield Line. loxes :•of elieseph. • • Ilriiitdeon 'is 'snorting a fine Next Saturday 'driver now:, It is a, broncho. . Day." Blyth and Lonhesboro ere to have a Miss Daisy Scotsrnere is in Clinton friendly competition at the ratige next •Saturda.y. • ' • Miss Nell. Maedonald haS rettirned engaged 'in a clreSsinalcing establish- .. ' went, from a two weeks' visit With friends con„ near Porter's Hill. . • is ----All Saints' Mr. Charles.' Newton. event Send ay ' • et home. • , . • IVIr. Wellington -Wilson of Brucefiefel Suntlayed in .Auburn.. the L. O. L. held their annual meet- . . , Mr. William. eElliott . is receiving in Dunlop, e - • • .. - . .• . ' • ,_, . emihrattilatiotis, a little eon haying .' arrived tie cheat :the home. . • . . 'V ARN A. : ,,. . , . . . . , -.A11111-Vernary services will- held In the Presbyterian church, Varna, on Sabbath, November e6th at he .a. :HILLSGREEN.• .m.. and 7 p. tn. The Rev. • j. L. Mitt- tay, M. A.,. D.' /I oi Kincardine will . • .. .preach 'rnerning and evening. -All arc . Mr, , Theis.. Farquhar .returnecl. heme • cordially . -invited. On the 'following . . , . Farquhar was highly pleased . with .Monday evening an entertainment 'will be giveh ..in the cherch when the ,Ree. from 'the ' West --last 'Thursday. 'Mr. . the country'. • • , - Dr. Murray will deliver. his popular Mr. leo...Lulter,,. who „ has been vis- , , . and ihstttictive lecture on " The- Yel- iting friends item,. • returned to his lowstone Park, the Wonder of Amer- ica." The doors will be. open it 7 , • And the ,entertainnient• begins at .8. The • admiseion. 'for adults will ,be hee and for children ioc. • Mr. and Mrs, Albert MeBrien of , Ilensall visited her mother, Mrs. : hillier, on Sunday. 1 Misses Alva and Edna Beacom are : spending a week with friends . near IGoderich. , Mr, and Mrs. John Searlett and Miss M. MeLaughton of Leadlniry vis - ted on Sunday at Mr. George Ty- ., + ner s. i Mr, R. Watkins end wife visited friends here Sunday. IMiss Maggie Murray_of' town spent Part of last week at Mr, T. Lindsay's. . The season's threshing is now near - 1 ly over fend many people are glad not 0411.Iiitteieleaeo because it is finished, bruet afgetiLe ) store away. 14e f grain they a have complain this year.no reason to IMiss Eva Johnson ,and her brother of God:rich township visited friends ! here Sunday, • Ecura,grT TowNsmr The Woineu's Instittite met at Mrs. Robert- 13eattie's .ott Wednesday last. Thee, subject taken by Mrs. George 1neh1 was " Politeness aod Refine- ment," after which a very interesting discussion took place. Nearly all the ladies in the neighborhood are. mem- bers and have very pleasant and prof - italic tithes. ) The next meeting will be held at the call of the president, Mrs. George Knox. Any ladies who desire to join "nay confer with the sec- retary, Miss Mary Parsons, Harloek. Master Will: Beattie, who is attend- ing Seaforth High' school,. Spent Thoeiksgiving under the parental roof. .• Miss May McConnell spent a day or two with her' pareuts in Clinton last week, . Mr. Robert •McDool's sale was Iergely attended on Wednesday • last. Horses sold as high as $228 and ,cattle as high as 597. • Bob -has sold his. farm to Mr.. George Patterson for l36,5oo anti 'Ito is -not sure. in What line of enisiness he may embark. In Mr.• Dool we are losing one of our beet cit - liens but we hope success may follow hien wherever .he may cast his jot, Nt. George Henderson of Seaforth event Thanliegiying with the boys on . a rabbit hunt. Ootober 8Oth,1902 I I I 11 JJ 1111 I _1 !Ili! 111!..11111 # 400,10.10.110 410 e 7kt 11# .°11fribel* 11111*Ilkeilfr 11101"111101171 :PICKLING SPICE # • I. .. Whole, Ground and Mixed spices .. All kinds, fresh and full strength By the oz., lb. or package. ." $ ‘1' R. P. Reekie)1,rmacatirTION DRUG STORE SuOcesster to SYdney Jackson. • -6 N. B: -Corks, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings. $elfehettellerhiellehlealeehehehellahelehelehele„eneeneetiehehefeheehieeeeh „Aerie, New Fall Goods at Wm. Taylor and Son's A Call Solicited We sell everything in "Modern Footwear" • A Our stock is equalled. by few and excelled by noue Special values in long boots We shall be pleased to show you our stook and give you our prices. It might be money in your pocket. Our stock for the Fall Trade is now complete, We have all the atest styles which we now offer at very close prices for CASH. We are Sole agents in Clin- ton for the KANT KRAOK Rubbers, Every pair guar, an teed'. Also Sole Agents in Clin. ton for thweelebrated Gran- by Robbers which heve stood the test. They are the best in the nou•ket. Try a pair' and be convinced, - THE OLD RELIABLE. . W. TAYLOR & SON. . GODERICII TOWNsHIP. Quarterly setvice will be held in 4fehe>40444•40•040••••••••••••••••••••• 44,4/0 ••••••44 ••••••• Cole's Methodist church next Sunday service will be dispensed withafteinoon THE GREAT CASH STORE at 1o.eo . a. in. The usual Cash and One Price Butter and Eggs taken as Cash Revieal Meetingsare being lee* • ducted at Sharon churehe by .he pas - hot, Rev. ha. Hussar, ' mid will' eon- • . . . tinee through this week. . I See our range -of beautiful. • • . . FURS, LADIES' COATS, CAPES, • CAPERINES RTIFFSI MUFFS GAUNTI:ETS d CAP'S I Misses Storm Collars, Ruffs, Muffs and Caps And 1Vien's I 00hts. and Caps in Great variety. . We hear, but are sorry to say, Mr. George Cooper does not intend' giving 'a fowl supper ontlie, night of the 5th of November, as fie has done for sever; al years past, 'The people were look- ing forward to it and will be disap- • pointed. . , • • ing last Saturday to think over a sup- mr, nt;bie • rain:flea home per for the stli of November, froin the West last week and Mr.. Win. •• 'Patterson also. Miss: Reyaolds of Dashwood is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Nicholson, at present.. . Mies Thia Wilson of Brucefield is the guest .of Mies Effie. Hnox at pres- ent. . . Rev. Mr. Brown of Belgrave preach- :come in Victoria, C. on Monday. ed anniversary sermons off Siieclay • last in the Methedist church. lie gave Mr. William Laker of Dawson City three splendid sermons. The proceeds is visiting his :sister; 1VIrs, Chas. on Sunday were $33.5o. On Mbrida.y "Stelek. night Rev, B. Cottpland gave an entertaintnent when the proceeds iv Mounted to $24, a total of $57.,50, -A meeting of the• Bible Society Will be liehl in • Auburn on November 4th. • The Orange brethren of L. 0. I,. No. 932 purpose having box social on the evening of November 5t1t and will entertaift their families, etc. A good hime is expected at this social function in comenemora.tion of the Gun- powder Plot. The rifle club are alio contemplate ing a rille contest arid supper. They had .another shoot last Saturday. . Mrs. Doyle, Sr., departed this • life ou Friday night last and the. remains wete taken to St. Augustine for in- tertneht on Motiday 'morning, . Mr. Luke Lawson of Constance has been visithig his brother John of the village, • • Mr, William Davidson' si sale was Et good one financially and much . good tock mos disposed of at top prices, ',,,Mt'. James Carter visited Carlow on Sunday to see Mr. William Jones,who is very low at .present. RCM, Z11111111(la visited our school on Itimulay • also the Misses Coupland And Brigham. . The- still and trioviug stereoscopic views shown by Rev. Couplatitt ott Monday night were much appreciated by a large eadience despite the disa- greeable evening. The views were ex- eellent itt finielt and the imaginary trip through' Scotland good. Revs. Cotipland and Small attended the temperance convention held hi Ghdetich on Friday last. e Miss Muriel Benson of St. Cathar- ines was accidentally shot and killed by her brother Carl. County Treasurer Sitambleau of ent has behl suspended, owing to an caked shortage in his aecOunt14, There" Will be no service:hi the Meth6clist church on, Sunday.': 'Don't forget to Ea' e in yciur Cab - liege before Friday night, Mr. 3. G. Troyer of Hensel( visit - cd freends here on Sunday. 3311110EFLEI,D. Mr, Philip Murray 'of Illyth has tak- poseession of .the American hotel which he purchased a short time ago. • Mrs,. Fred. Smith of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr h anct hire. • D. Macdonald .of the village. Dr. Armstrong,who has been prac- ticing his profession -here for the past few years, has purchased a practice itt Fordwich, near Gorrie. . Mr. James Grainger, who has been' liticl-up .for,' some time with a sore foot, • is again able to be around.' Large quantities -of apples are . shipped front our station chary &ay. Mr, . Charles IVIason landed home some days ago from the Ohl Country with a cargo of horses, 6 be all. They are good stock and we. hope Mr. Mas- on will have the success which his enterprise deserttes, . wrsT TVOItERSM/TIL Mr, Thos. Waldron, who has been Oitit two Wees' Visit to Kingston, has returned, We are pleased to see Mr. 3. 0, Crick around kg itt atter his severe illness of it week ago. Mr. 3. Clark, Mr. Lloyd and Miss Nettie were guests itt this vicinity ou Stinday last. A.ITOTION SALE REGISTER. Saturday, NOV. 1st, at Ip. m., an lot 41, Huron Road, Tuekeremitle ad- ' joining the town of Clinton, farm stock and imp1ernents.--3ohn Pickett, proprietor ; Thos, Brown, auctioneer, Tuesday, Nov. htli, itt 1 p, in., at the village of Bornholm, miles north tif Mitchell, farm stock end implent- ents.-John Walsh, Proprietor ; Thos.' Brown, Auctioacer, ' William Carroll, an old men living between London and St. Marys, set fire to his hose and stabbed himself. Be was rescued front the building and is in the Loudon hospital. He will peOba.bly recover, The election of Mr. 3. C. Monteith, Conserenteive hi. P. P. for North Perth, has been voided abet a new el - cation ordered. Fighting between lVfacedoitiati fuser - gents and Turkish troops contitates itt the Kresna Pass. It is expected that the cable betWeet. Canada and Australia will be com- pleted on 'Saturday. The members of the Irish party have left the House of Commons. in a body and returned to Ireland. Speaking at West Bromwich, Lord Charles BereSford expressed -the °phi - ion that Britain was entering upon. a century of peace. . 'Ate transfer of the Detroit fet Tol- edo Eltore Line to the Grand, Trunk was completed at New York, Gen, Itribe-tribe, the most promin- ent of the Colombian revolutionary leaders, surrendered to the goeerninent army atter a, hard DEATII. xr Ltvuitivm:as...nt Clinton, rAvs• TO ADVIMT/SE N Iosqph LiVeritiore, THE NEWS -RECORD. years. on Oct. aged 68 Mr.- Tom Cook of.- the -9111. con. '• is wending. his way home_ Toth's friends will -be 'pleased to see his genial smile • .. • Mr. Willie Perdue is able tobe a- round again after his fall from his wheel. Glad to know that there was :nothing moreSeeious:• • • e_ One of • ouNe paekers, Me, Mac - pharaoh of Exe ;stayed over Sun - 44y .with his friend, Mr. Sohn Shep- per& Of the Bayfield Miss liattie Middleton is the guest of her sister, Mrs.- Taylor of Myth. .. • . . 1 ileving selected '(his range of fine Furs from the bese manufneturers • at the closest effete price has placed us in a position to save you Money. .1 Now is the time to title advantage of the wimpy Saving prices.. • . - • . . . ,„ , e • N • •• . ,i . 0 A hig fob in all wool Blankets, good large size and . r • much -under I he ustuil price. .. - • I See our -Men' Pine Overenats. They are the core ' rout style and are selling well. 1 ' - Jest recelvethinother large consignment'. ..., Ohltubbere at rock. bottom prices. • Mies . Bertha. .katinvell went: last t • Week to Toronto to take a position -on ; the staff. of the Children.'s • hospital.-. . •D . •• Mr, • John Denby has engaged john Johns of -Varna for-the:Winter months gd..FOster, who. has: been with Mr. .0.. helhottfor' the past threeyearee has aceepted • aehositicitr. hvith Mr. John Sparrow of the Parr Line.. . . Mr. George- Shepperel is pestling the apple -trade so vigor•olisly that his hnany friends are beginning to call hittt' . Apple • mg .Georbe." • • ' Mr. John .'.1(Iiildleton has finfehed fil- iing his third silo.. He had thitty ac- res of 'corn, no doubt a -greater acreage than any other farmer in the township and it may: be in- the county. - Itfr. Robert Cele, who was .thgaged apple packing at Woodhate, lies re- -turned home. •'• • . ' • Mr, Henry Beacom, alter renting hip farm ;for a tet•m of years to his mph- ew, • Mr. John Beacom, Jr., has resum- eh ite management and will ptit the greater part of it in grass. Mr.Williara Turner is upon the sick. lisMtr. and hire. D. Cook; and Mr. and Mrs. D, Cook, Jr„ and Miss Mildred wereguests at Mr, Gehrge Cantelons on Sunday, Mrs, Coov,, Sr., made a more extended stay. Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins of Hullett paid a visit to friends in this township last week. Mrs. Jenkins re- mained for a few days. Miss .Winnie Sterling Of Clinton spetzt a few days the guest of her un- cle,Mr. Sohn Dempsey. ThetpWitship council meets next M°llidasYM Miss ainie Olaf of the Bay& I • Line attended the wedding of Miss Halliday of Belgrave on Wednesday last, Miss Halliday is alsister of Mies Mary Halliday, teacher of 8, S. No, 10, Mr, Alfred Cook of Goderich, for- merly of Belgrave, visited his friend, Mise M. Halliday of 8. 8. No. 10. Mr. John Peck of Stanley visited at his daughter's, Mrs. P. Cole's, one day of last week. The report from Michigan says that the potatoe and bean crop is all de- troyed owing to so much wet weath- er, This will be quito it loss to sane of the farmers who ocpected to make about $400 out of beans alone,, Mr, M. Stelling, accompanied by Miss Sophia Male,. visited his father. in-law, Mr. Itudie of 11191tillop town- ship. over Sunday, Mr, Alfred ICeys and bride of Mar - tette, Mich:, visited last, week at his uncle% Mr, james Graham's, and al. so at another uncle's, Mr. Stanley of tlis bride is spoken of as a, very amiable young lady. Mr. John COOpee of the Oth eon. has accepted a, position in Jackson Bros' clothing store, (Minion. We Isiah hini Wry sitcom * See Out. y Depart- . heient Toe latest nOvelties: M°BEATH BLYTH. 1 •T3iock. •.+••••••it***** , . CI!ntan Furniture an Unettain Co. announce that they hive' bought 'the Furniture and Undertaking: business Of Broadfoot & Box and *MTh • continue the sante in the old stand. Mr. J. D. Atkinson, vvbe has 'a ' thoroug h nowledge of the'busi-: ness, will have charge of this store acid will also do all kinds of repairing, aphnlstering, tore framing, etch at very mod. erate prices. • • We also -do undertaking in all its branches. ' A first class hearse in eonneetion. J. 'D. AtIC.INSON, Manager and Funeral Director. • R. N. ROWE. • A. J. HOLLOWAY. Night•and Sunday cane answered at residence on Princess Sb.., directlyback of ,Presbyter- . ° Ian ehurch. The following antounts are on the AS/WIELD TOWNSHIP. A. mcitown collettor'd roll for 1902 : MAKES 0000 HARNESS Cotinty Township Public School Separate Sehools Special School School Debenture Dungannon Draitt Statute Labor Draitt Awards Arrears of 'loxes 4.05 The council meets on November 8th for the traitsaeticat .of getieral busi- ness. -Wm. Stothers, Clerk. 82,353.37 4,208.23 - 3,490.98 771.50 2,239.96 641•04 43.49 5i.ox 32,09 A rock was hurled across Niagara River by a, blest in the Ontario Pow- er Company's canal and it killed a man limed hioalfler Oh Goat Island. The Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railwa.y has been granted permission by the Railway COMmittee at Ottawa to eonstruct branch lines in British Womble., A despatch front Yorkton, Assiita. boitysays that 1,600 Douldtobors,men, women atilt children, have Marelted itt- to that place. They enterch the town singiog a weird hymn mid carrying their infants on stretehere. They are in want of food. Come and see my rubber and sblid (t nioklo driving bar. boss boforo buying elsewhere. fli MO KOW11.