HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 10t+4441,44444+44+1+14+++
iManager Videan has removed to the 1
pretty brick•residence on Elgin Ave.
ep, lately ereeted by Mr. Alex.Johnston.
t t.g.1 I 1 rti
03711,13,iset, Macke:nem, a
ist n pain ing
earn°, has two flue- crayons rep -
The third and•We pray last one was The Huron Presbyterial of Poreign txesntui.g busts in unable of
1 hi, nutv" and another fine
work, namely the consumption by the al meeting on 'Tuesday at Knox bust. Y
autheiently disastrous ior one night s i li ViSsiolls WAS well .atlanded at, the en- ei ,g He
; very iare and fin .1
flames of the old drill shed of late Ile : chervil, Mrs. Shaw of Itipitoedville, txecuttsl.
s , • te iin
Nelson street evaporator and We P.res- president of the 1-1Uron PresbyI! • ' C . TIle t«i,
terial, -
erne all the output' siece the ope„ entn••wae aldle here the•guest of Mks. Alex. ! IP the ladder of fathe in. Chieago.
and tie total deetrection of St. Pet- Straiton. . • Hie is studying in that city under
'.1ioar necessitates a new building as tl e io • the British Iticchange 40 head of lt • H. ' r 'n to be
in Illinois.
ol which of course Ou Saturday at the barn belonging • l'°flitt °f the 1"..stel's
tick, e. ward sehc.
old oee is wtecked. Of course it last class cettle were sold, the prop- trait painter, we opine, She has a
means stork for mechanics hut now crty of Richard Peera. lovely study on hand ill water colors
tehen fuel is,$o scarce eticl„50 high it i • It gave es much pleasure to learn of ' of a lovely, tnaiden staudine with
loots calamitous to see 60 much fine the wedding of Miss .Enotia J. Grant,
le is,
n .eprays of
hand. Iink blossom in her left
v. o ad work ascending to the sky in niece of Mrs. Alex. Stratton, a you'll?: .
enrol e aod flame, besides the dram on lady •wbo was well known here and a - Mr. 000equite an artist in win -
the insurance- coinpiznites. .. great favorite. Miss Great was mar- dow decong. He ha a abeatitifnl
We are glad to se e that the Caned- -ried to Mr. 'David Lindberg of Boston statuette, loreign beauty who is
ian press is beginning to strike on the. in the People's Temple by the Rev, seriliag in baster upon a * Sleeping
exorbitant postege rectuirentents these Dr. Crane. The bride was dres-sed in Beauty" ocaxdboard. '
ae,ys from newspaper men. Wt. won; I, a .pretty costume of white organdie Quite a cyclone struck the town af.
. • .
- •
der that they did met go " on strike' ' 1 and wore bridal veil and wreath of ter tea 4.11 Saturday last. On King -
at the first sign of impositicm. I orange blossoms. Her going away Wee street the wind blew yards high,
North street church etas filled with gown w as of .naacy blue broadcloth a cold wind, too, end felt keenly alter
the preceding warm day. Uhl fell on
so great an audience on Priday even- ! with pale blue eilk waist and picture
. .
ing tbet Prof. Nichols and. his reeer- bat to match lar dress and triimeed Sunday anoand the stone did not
end confreres meat have felt it would . with Mae and white wings. ' Mr. Lind. cease. If one cif the recent firesbad
vs the Prof‘ ssor said in his address -berg intends taking his bridelace en hand. we -would have had•
. to Swed- .
be a " red letter day" in the history en. Mrs. Straiton kindly presented its serom; list of lse
of - temp:ranee. The audience knew with some of the wedding favors. riday iv Halloween. Look out for " • •
our . ay i
that, they ,we.re •within the wM
alls of a . rs. Colin Cm
oplicit left •on - Tues. gates and cabbagesSaturdsY
edifice and. Oar applause was , day to spend this weekein Toronto. all Saints Day and Sunday All Souls.
.qtietly given, bat we feel certain 1 Misses Holman _- and Collins of The Daughters of the Empiro will
. - a
that had they beim in the. opera 'hoese., Stratford are the guests Of.Mmeeton Monday next t the usual
iss Vag- - .
or some public hall they would have I gie Proudfoot, „Raglan street. Miss hour.
' -
el.e.red .erithusiasticall-. Alderman Holman ie one- of the students of the The friends of Mrs. Spence are in
' !
George hlliott was chosen as chair. I Scrant n• echool who receives lesaons hopes thatshe may recover. She was
man. With Prm of. ' Nichols upon the in decorative art by. mail. • aliiis An-
Dina bettelast week than for weeks
Platforwere seated •Relv. Dr, • Dan- .drews„ who mhef
odels in, clay so skillful- .
iel, Rev. J ames ,A. Anderson,: Rev. Ly, also • reccfives lessons from the 'Thi ,
n. k of lovely large pears being-
• • . . .
J. W. Robinson, 1Rev. Mr. Whaley of Scranton College of Art.sold in thegroceriesat ten centsPer.
St. Helens, Rev. Mr. Coupiand of Ata Mrs. Biddell of Port Rowan has re-
basket. Does it payto euttiyate 'pear
burn and one or two other preachers. ttrned to her home 'after a pleasant trees ? .
A large jardiniere. filled with chrysan. .isit . with her. deeghter, Mrs., Chas. Mr. Hese' iah Hale should have set-
. . . .•
themums was placed upon a stand in Reuther, Victoria street. tled upon a lame He hasa siloat
front of the chairman. Miss Sharman. . .Mr. Shirley, Am. Consul here, was Itis esidence on Park. street- for the
.••• . •
was the .organist of the evening.. The. in dh:cago Icest week. . sole use of one ebw.
first number on the .program was a Nire stopped on Friday a. nito look . !What trill the verdiet be ? is ' the
soca duett by Mr. and Miss Dustow et a handsome Portrait of our .$0,d. question.. now re the proposed bylaw
of the Nile. Thus year by year we . and gracious; sovereign King Edward to loan 'matey for the erection .of an
find it so, Miss Dustow accompanying VII whieli was pieced in Willem moan factory, a bath rim factory anti
ai • If
the duett with her guitar whieh was • Smith's store window electric railway service, men anti there be•
quite a novel treat. The president de- side. it was • a portrait of. a well re promised good pay their families
. build up the. y
puted Rev. Dr. Daniel. to give the.. known Goderithla
! dy Who:. wields the 'wc't114 help town •v
president's address to which. he dom- poet's pen 'all resplendent ' in colors.
onddeby, but where low wages are
i -
pied in !Intmorous _style.• He. said be " gUite. a - royal gallant," .quoth We. .
elvee no factory can floursh
agreed With all the president . said a- : The, painthig is the Work of .-Alf.. Wil- hould it. LoW wages and. high nor
bout him save the remark upon his trier Smith and is very .-artistically 'on t it Ode well together..
age, for he said he thought he• was ' cieMrsG; Sprung spent the thanksgiv-
nte. .. ..
• ' .
the youngest terson upon the :plat.- : . BOys will be 'boys, you • knng holidays Um guest Of her (laugh -
ow; ter, Mrs. :Walleye of !Petroleit:'
form. However, if the present. audience , exit we think Goderich boyt- s are ge.. abe lig .3011 lute a great quantity
_ _were any onien or indication of what ting en,Way 'beyond parental jurisdic.
of•: -
we were to exrect ' on ' the . 4th e Of , tion. It was said. the organ ftimber lying in their large yarda.Otort'
Decenrier it ,will he a "'red letter fire was .cceteed. • by • boys . pleyiniinen were busy on Saturday anak-
x' '
day." Enthusiasm conta'ns• a . sparl • ercents, at the 11000 hoer and.: now n excavetions for building a large,
. '
of divinity which means God inside, al two 'a °erg •litdp • hired . a' hwarehouse in Which to store their:
orse .' and.
' -.
it -God's cause. It is perfectly in or. Aiggy:'4iik: Wednesday laleerforrthe. trade
st ' and ui. to ' Hatnilton Martin bee oPened
. ' .
fte . .
dtr with the ieth. tempter of _ ist Cor: 'Saturday eveninge had A
mit:been lOcat.-
mere '
n hick is one. of the mw
ost . ha1.- am ! . 'Cite •of Ahem told • the . livery out a gentsfernishiug establishment
•adictiming J.ordon's•
chatters in all the tt exited. ecripturee'. fit Polley's: stable that 1115 father . senii the old store t ,
!, .1 ' •- •
The number was by Mr. Tindal, being: han for 'the horse !tend:bgo Medicalhall;
.buggy to ! .
a lovely song entitled " There an • altid .Iiis farm. • Of• course he • egot Pars and apples are so che.air that
some- epeople -let • them hang on. the
Gardefis." key. Mr •Vi haley tiler the horse . ' • • ' • . . •
. , ... o. -
made his three. minutes- •address. lie . lierniony Club gave a .social- hop in treesor. fall ff 'just as they like.
yk, .;•••
:Arid : " Let Inc-. say this : Let ae I their rooms on aheraciay night- . Enelieit hicHaedy of Toninto,•
new 'w -
ail be filled with one spirit to. win-, ...- Mr.. Charles Crabb took: cold. train Milton ill commence a ser -
N !: •• • i
- !apoleon gave some orders to • one. �lPug... On . hisesof reyival exercises e Victoria
, return,,frothe North es
.: .
his generals eho in turn Said that it. west; He has been ladietiosedtreet. ellerch onfienday mkt00.
'aiece• - .
. '
teas imsib
posle to ,execute the coni;• ' Mr: Harris is hSurday lastsacramentwas partaken
aYing a coeservatory of by .411 ' the ' faithful. .. • • . ••• ' .. •
mand. ." Impossible," said -'' •Napol atilt at -his 'residenee.- , .--.• •
• . - • Visa 'Carter and-Vrs, S. darter.- • or
con, " That's bad. French." . • .Mr.. •Mr. •• Gledhill Las . •purchased . the
• ! . • •.
Whaley called ;mon • the .ladites .to• tic tore and •dwelling house on Hamilton dilate*. were ihaguests on Sunday.
all in their power for to gain , thie • treet at present • occupied. by Mof their coushe MrsHenry. Young.
r. ,
!. ,.
. battle. "-You ' have . mn- ore tha.a. SlorroW a;.; p.. store. end dwelling house. ,
MrsAndIerson of Ottawaluta been.
vote, you have an immortal tongue.`., - " deorie. is' deed'!..is ..the news, we he guest for soine weeks o! her sis-
le r, .miss R.-ey.- Miss kaai. .will..epend
Mr, and Miss DestoW then' rendered 'e • eiceived, when our tittle neighbor' Beet
' .
pretty duett, " Oh what are you goe „Merphy ecengtliaaloor. bell. the oth•er
the Winter !in Ottawa the guest.of
: '.' •.• .- -.
Coto do en ?" Rev. Janie! Ander.. iternoe.n. . • • George.," . we repeated,Mrs. Andereone ,• ..
son made a very- sensible Addrese. and hee: said, " lees,. you -knot.'' Mrs,
iMM. .Tonathan Back. Of .n aFr
. area
" The local teen," he said " Were not - teas .dog." Mrs. Elliott
sco, a m nia, an son, r
expected to pay much. I must. say e will he sorry, " George' • staid .withMeek of Deltaic>, were the geeets whilc
here recently of .their relatives, Mr.
am always in accord with tetimerane, seert while rs. •Elliott Visited her and Mrs. •McLellanci.
methods, but I was not ih accord, witl: . laughter,. Mrs. Perris, near :Winnipeg.
dee' oring to formulate, that Tarte 1
„ was a " bogie urea," was taken up by
some of the Liberal leaders and •press
of Ontario ,and the win d was passed
that an .ellort be made to confine his
operations to Quebec.
That was the weak point in the
campaign of 'sop, so far as the Liber -
W S were concerned. If, instead of en.
ettavonng to restrict Mr. Tarte's
IlClidd in Ontario, he had been allow-
ed to face tee music, as he has done •
e.nce, there is eo question but that '
his popularity would have been • as
great then as it is today and, as ev-
eryone 1 nows, today aro Dominion pol-
itheian, Save Laurier, has A stronger.
hold uron the peoele of Ontario than
he. It is generally conceded that.
those elm know that had. LIon. j. I.
Terte been nominated for Centre Tor-
oeto, as was suggested at the time
bY a well known Western Ontario pol-
itician, that constituency would have
been kept • in the Literal .column and
alt Outario man of prominence in. the
Party mighthave represented St. I
Mary's Divisien, .hlontreal.
Mr. Tarte is beyond question the •
best political organizer in Canada to- ;
(ley. Li addition to . that he is the !
best and most successful Minister of
Publie•-WorkS that this country has
O et. known. He is a Canadian out
and out and he has made hilt -leen fain-
ar with the - requirementsof this'
country. Ile is an up-to-date bueiness.
statesman mut beLeyes in the .policy
ofereteliati n by pen, voice and act, •
and the large majority of the people
Of !this pert Of Western Ontario • en-
dorse his course of public utterance
c rid public ;tertian. He was good en-
oeeli for the Literal party in. 1896
end he is, to our mind, a better Kibbe
im•an today than lie was then. •He was
present at, the framing .of the Liberal
tariff in 189e at d. aided. 'and aesisted ,
10 nial:ing it the law of this country,
and although' some of us thought • it.
:Cid not (mite .coincide with our views
we accepted it and the. men ,wha stood
as sp onsors for it at Ottawa. .• This
is not time to carp at the •phrasing 113
the speeches of public men. .What we
want is men who say thins that are I
popular and who .do. things Unit., are
beneficial.'' huclia man ,is Josciph
rael Tarte., lie is what Preeident
'Roosevelt eallsa game mam: en•
'honest anal' Mid a. 'Man who can.
handle • himself and .thies ' handle
him•self under clifacultieS.'! • . • . •
One thing is, certain, no 'matter what •
°pinkie :existed- respecting •Mr. Tarte
inrem, there are rip two dpin'ons to-
day_ amongstthe bulk Of tbe- elector-
ate. Yo mom Grit or 'Tory, Is fool-
ish .today to impeach -Taste's
loyalty. He .has.• passed that static -et.
Every men ! is . forced , to :admit . that: he
has -. tro-ed :himself to be the most
ainstalcing and: .progressive Minister
of Peelle Wor'• $ the t country 110,5
ever heel,. ancl aim fidelity with which•
•he bas enarded the public interests is
• attested by the'. fact that within six
eycars, with an annual expenditure • of
ail S, hip department, although
sulanitted to the searchlight of. Oppos-
it ion :sertitinye hae had not the el ighle•-
. est eamireli plaeed • Mimi it, in all of;
that time.. • In :the past • few en oaths' he
has been from. eild 'ericl. of Olithrio,
bsc, _ New :Brunswick and Nova
- Scotia and Wherever ..he has .gone !his
manliness': -and .stritightairwardneia
'hae e conenietitled. • therneelveeto the.
• eceple lie bus -met--be ,they ,captains
. hates+, ry' ' .nt Montreal, Halifax or
Toronto Beards • of •Trade. or .resident's
:of petty, villages .who have! had "oc.'
ea sion to -beer himIm epeak;
wen are. willing to. feltow. When be
' . - • • . .
. In . Ontario et the present time • the
Liberal. party • in Dominion politice. i5.
eat kles.sed , with 'So inany large marl
. that the electors, of this province can -Scientific Jeweler end
er haile,. from' ..a sister. provi.iice..
will have to arise to 'help the eause
out or we must, in spite of ourselves,
lean on a.saistance from ontable. That
is the position of the editor Of the
Signal and tens .of thonsands of ethers
in Ontario today and that is why
we raise voice against those who are
doing the euetny'e work in. attacking
Hon. J. Israel Tarte at the present
William Stumps of Purpleville lost
both legs white trying to board ..
fr.' 1 t trait? •
Mr. Justice Latta of Toronto bee
been granted. three months' leave' eA
Absence ov,ing to ill health.
Mr. George Ealtnieeri of Teterboro
has beet), gazetted a local judge.
John Damao fell into the river at
Sault Ste. Nfarie and was drowned.
Mr. Samuel Courrier of Asliburultain
Was .drowned while duck shooting in
Riee lake-. •
, .
of farm stock, implements and .house-
- held furniture. .„
The andersignet-1 has instruetd Thos;
Brown to sell by public auction at
Lot 41, Tuckersmith, 1st lot east p1-
Clinton -on the Huron Road, on Sat.
urday, November ist,, the following ;
Homes. -1 mare nine yeare old suppos-
ed. to le in foal, x mare three years
old supposed to be in foal, x year old
.colt. Cattle -3 cows with calves . by.
their side, cow in Ralf, heifer earn-
ing two years old in ca.1L reilkiug
cow, x steer two years old, x .steer one
year old. Impleinents-i double wag-
on x set bob. sleighs,pb.a.etOn,
mower, T horse- rake, r single plow,
pug plow, x smeller, x set iron har-
rows, x spring tooth. cultivator, x hay
-reek, stone boat, e. fermi** g, mills, 2'
grain cradles, -1 sugar kettles forks,,
chains, shovels, eta., also a setdouble
harness and x set. single harness. .. A
-.quantity pf !household furniture in,
electing a Happy •Thought ,range near-
ly new and one. gOod wood heater.
...there will be 110 reserve aa' the KO-.
erietor. has sold his farm. Sala at 1
o'clock ellen). TERMS -All sums of
'aro and, under, cash • on: over. that
alneunt ii• in•ouths eredlt .be given
on furnishing" approved joint notes:
rex. .cent. •discount for cash in lieu • Of
notes.-e-jOHN PICKETT, proprietor ;
ROWN, auctioneer. !
•.-." • !"
Our Rimless
Glasses Please
the Particular.
They are fitted be.
condngly to the feat.
Urea of each patron.
The finish of our
apectacleware Is fault.
leas. the At perfect.
C'TA, jt.. GRIGG
what a as enacted last time, Geeat Fudge • Masspn's heatitiftil • pet brown . . . .
reforms are nevef made in conneetio.•• .spaniel has phared. time same fate: ' • , .affordeto tucl
rn otea aOptica
„, Cabinet Minis -
With .politics, the attempted reforn . We had a heavy .hailstorm accoiti 1 HE d'OBBRICH. SIGNAL . There is .no. name to coneire w1th it 111,
is bound to sutler. Tonight we areor ean'ed•by ram 'on.Wednesclaa,.. followed. • '•
a grand platform and let us all nor loud . peals of thunder ancl4terid . ' PRAISES TART
E,. the entire outfit and if Ontario 'is to.
together. Mr. 'Pineal's next riumbee lightning. ' .
• . made and t ept . Liberal neer men
• • • • Inasintalt• las. the, Hon. Israel Tarte% '
was ' " Golden years'. are paseing by,'- ' On Saturday at - a. In. -We Went.. has beea dismissed from the Lathier — . - Tree --e- - - -
<Vlach drew forth • great applaase. Pro- .dov h to • the *deck to see him. harbor . cabinet .for • advocating'. Protection, . the ! •
Its:•or Jo.. n Nichols :then: came for. .* acute • Was migmenting. , . . , • • • allowing article' from a recent issue ' .044 444>04i<>
•. . •
. ward and gave a moat inspiring ae- . The Stratheoha • was :unbinding at of the Goderich Signal in,. reproduced:
dress. He said the inauguration ol . the big Mill 20,900 bushels grain, after .
Ihe editor of the! Sigeal., staunch Lib -
• 1-)
the prohibition. campaign Was inereas atang, 8e,coo.• bushels. grain at • the:
‘. . • •
ing in enthusiasm. It. was a battleelevator.. . • . •
this temperance- question •,, kink TheErie Stewart from. Chataam for
struggle and a hard straggle'. ,.It ;te - .;e9rgian lay at anelior near!. Lee's -
not a. revolutimi ; it is an evolution • lack. • . . . . . •
and progress is necessarily a hare. -We waited to800the .Aciella. Shores,„.
struggte. He showed howhard it wee. •' Boyce• of' Chicago, • arrive.
in Maine, a state 'he has traversed it he came like a 8111 bird •intii the lair -
its length and breadth, to Sell liquor, or with ,eo,000, beshels eine 1.0 be
We could not possibly .give room etowed in the elevator. The: Adella
the ente• fourth of his address, but siif. 1mores is .a!steteneliarge ree .feet long.
free it to say that. Prof. Nichols ice St. ' George's. Church wire : Miretly
careful of his language .and bonfince ett 'testeftilly decorated for the Tear.
himself to the truth concerning tie -est .; thaidesgivilig, on Sunday • last.
ruin that follows the growing love .o: die siIvr ineinonal vases in the altar:
strong drink, the loss of money .nrie. mere. filled • with flowers and foliege
the ruin of souls. At the end ofehis old at. •either end °Lahti .choir loft
address, which was received withentiel oagnificent greases -stood . sentinel
enthusiasm, IVIiss Brown sang ' 11 with sprays of yellow chryeantheinums,
beautiful se ice " Oh Save ltry •By.' • and crimson dahlias encircling them.
Votes of thanks were given' Prof cufroht, of the, elections a large
Nichols and those who furnishetle th a leclen, with bloesoineand begonias
vocal and instrumental music, •ain, were before tele and : jeruealern
we can truly say -all deserved it,. ticholie . and barberry_ branches. 'In
Before -evening . service on. Sunda y rola of the reading. desk 'a- large
sucha heavy, rain fell. Thunder, lone rebter• tree stood end • . of
and long, and vivid lightning sueeced- minter!. flowers were placed, in front.
cd, but happily! at 7 p. In.. all nature front Was decorated with bar -
was calm and, the . chinks • of • the wry' and yellow • 6ra-sandlot-mats.
church bells sounded grateful to ..1.1h .vith Sheaves .of beta on•the 1)111)01.
ear. • Ore eials oI the: altar railing, were
We had unmitigated pleasure last ;arlanclecl with goldaticl effnison
week in recei.ing front Mrs'. Katt naple branches. The •pulpit was en-
Brotenlee Sherwood the issue of 'the ereathed with chrysanthemums, box -
Sunday Courier Journal of Toledo o„ ierries and autanin leaves; etiell panel
. October t9th. The ieszue has a hand• raving alternately, cressts of elireves.
some portrait of Mrs. Kate BroWidee of oats and berley,. eacle.histenink be -
Sherwood, who is chairman of the loc. •ng floral. Two of tile rector's.. prize
al press committee of Ohio. Thc mum ins told A sclaash decorated witli
eighth annual convention of the ()Ia.:, ines did. honor in the chancel. The
Federation of Women's Clubs WaS 'held ollt WaS it mass of yellow elirysare
in Toledo in October at " he.• Valen. (110111 1111S and trailing vines. In the
tine." There are •30c0 etub women in 'entre- stood, •liandsome •palin and
...curie large southern' plant, The alt -
t hem was • rendered beat' ti full v by the
sympathy is With the pareitts of
choir, who. were assisted by lir, 1,1111-•
Mr. Henry 1VIcAuley, who met with a
1111115011. The seri:eon Was preached
serious accident by one til the. United,
at both serviees by Rev. Mr. Berry ol
States steel trust boats when Passer%
rarkhill, who- 'chose for b tekt at.
through the Sault Ste. Marie 'Canal.
We copy the followitig from the Sault
Ste. Marie, Mich., Record of October
3th : " As the result of an accident
at elm locks at ate early hour this a-
im Kenneth, McAuley, a young MeV
whose home is, at. Goderich, -Ont., and
who was employed at wheoletrian on
the steamer Empire City, had to have
his left arm amputated near the shoul-
der. A Hue was passed out from the
boat to a point on the piet and the
strain wasto greet the fair •leader
through. which the line passed pulled
out and struck Mr. McAuley on the
left earn above the elbow, altrioet sev-
ering it, so that the arm* only iteld by
the 'skirl. Ire was hastily placed .on a
tug and taten to the power house
dock and from there to the hospital.
The young itiatt displayed great nerve
Mal insisted upott Walking to the hos-
pital. It' was foiled that the arm
valid hot be saved and the ampatution
took . place at mice. McAuley is rest-
ing easily Mel it is believed "that his
complete recovery is only A Matter of
W. Burrows & Soh shipped recently
Reit car oath, IMO bushels oats . tO
the Dynitat Tetrober Co. 'and 3s0 bosh.
olg to time big mill. Burrows & Son
eral though he is, is not • at. all in
sympathy with time Campaign • whith
tee Globe, .• Toronto Star andlittle
leiliereLpapers.throlighbut the country
are now waging against. •Mr. Tarte•:
• • . .
Tlie Tory •!neWspapers are endeav-
oring to Make themselves believethat
aim HoM ISrael •Tarte is out of
plumb with his colleagues. on 'elle tat -
.11 question and one or two.df, the Lile-
.et•al ;newspapers :have • been foolish
enough toetake' stock itt the Tory. eon-
tention that there is nothing note to
be Opne bat.for the Minister •of•Pablie
• Wroia;, e to step down and out.' . •• :
'Now, everyone Who knoWs.Hon..Mr.
, rarte knows that he was brought up
.Tory of the :tones -that -Sir John
MactIonald was. the Gainaliel at Whose
feet he had sat. He has never denied
that -fact and he never, will. Many of
oi,r readers will remember when he
:spoke hi the oPera house here in 1899
tie teadeea. special reterence to his hay-
eig been .a. , Confounded Tory". cif the
St•ffest brand. In 1896 Mr, larte,, for
tasons of . his owe,allied himself
,v;th the Liberal' party and was an
undoubted factor in winning that elec-
tion for • Laurier and Liberalism. The
eiberals. of that day knew his ante-
eedents-.-that lie • had .been a. life-long
Tory andPrcitectionist of the
steongeet type -but they were setisfied
to. have We just. as he was atid with -
at t any plea. • As we 'hate stated,. he
„tits' a p ot ne ielluence in that elec.
11( 11 ' and afien , victory perched! on
!eaurier's banner Tarte wale given •one
of the most iinpiaetant positions .in
the Cabinet. There. Was. no cry a-
gainst Tarte then, eo far as the Liber-
als were concerned -they were glad to
have the, hoofs and horns. At that
Lane t '61 as the • Tory prees who tin-
7ertook .te excoriate Tarte. Morning,
.00n and niehtthey railtd at him
teed justice to the Mitlister .we are
the evening service Psalm 14e -e. The hand- to say that lie gave: them as
"Ptabie the reverend gentleman said, eoc d as he got, with accumulated ha
was the te deem or the whole book of tercst. Tarte WaSll t A doormat for
cripture end said to lie the last of "Ory editorthen any more .than he in
David's psalms of praise,' In th•t today for their Liberal brethren, and
..eantilitl • liturgy nf St. cle°rge'"• • he wort out iti the' scrimmage.
hurch he said that, many books of • o .,-,
elore the Do ninic n election of 1906
icriptilie were choeen to read only Tarte had gone to Paris as dart-
ttvice he the year, but the Psalms were
reed every Sunday and he showed 1101'adian Commissioner, and. when there
lit talked on several occasions, When
1,1' e thread gold rall , Mr. -Tarte talks he always makes it a
throtigil Want ciao awo uleY eoint to Pay eomethiug and whett the
every change in itraWs life hole grave reports of his addresses reached the
gay, being songs ctf Deultenee, (tf Tory iletWpaper offices, and what he
mi""wl (tf "11e, "1 rej"le1"g and didn't say Was added to What he did
.1tanksgiving. Al t oge t lier • R. Mr,
say,' some racy reading was placed be -
Berry gave the congregation a beauti. ore the reeders of the Tory newspap.
tui sermon.
ers. As our readers are aware, the
We noted a coinutemieble paragraph Tory treesitiid ti.e Tory „madam
at last wtek's issue of '1 he News-Rec. nre the custodians of all the loyalty
ord signed " Partner" whieb is well of this comitry mid who 'a clieloyal
timed. It . would apply to the Ocean tWist was given to Mr, Torte's every
I 1(11180 -for many 'people are glad to Ltte.atee it titon,t tottg before the
I all Gore and leeve articles while ti
...'ory pot was lol litir, from one end of
waiting for some of the boats, artic- (-were, to the other. To mafre the
:es wird' it would be hitt ossible for matter more striors inimber of
them to carry all over tOwn, and of ehea ellajaireee orit newspaper:, ami
curse the ProPrielor of The Ocean politithens" actually mire to tile eon.
House should be recothrensed. elusion that the Take were iri earn -
Mr. R. lluxtoit has removed from est in attroking Tarte' s loyalty and
the Colii:orne Ifoltso to the residence of tv( re seind with nolifical heart fail.
AM Kay. tiro, The cry the Tot les had been ell'
0 0 0
GO 00
00 • 000
Wh*.- Stock
136.0ts -attc.1::10e8
g Having decided to discontinue the Boot and Shoe
business, mar entire stock is on the market, and until a
.z>. purchaser on be found for the whole of it, ,,ve Will con-
• .
Amu° to sell our immense stock at greatly reduced
• price.
1 Since introducing this sale our business has been
inerea.sing monthly, which is strong evidence that we
are giving the people genuine bargains.
We have Men's Felt 'Boots, Men's leather felt lined
Boots and Men's Socks,
We have in stock Boys' School I3oots in calf grains
as well as heavy grains, from the best makers in Can-
ada, and they are going at bargain prices.
Call and buy a pair of our Fine Dorirlola Kid Lace
Boots, heavy extension sole for men. Extra value at
$3, on sale while they last at, $.2.50.
We also keep all sizes, in Men's and Boys' Leggings
In light and heavy grain leather,
Also a large stock of Rubbers for Men, Women,
I3oys, Misses and Children,
Every purchaser of a pair the King Stub Proof
Rubbers gots a Life Insurance . Policy for itOO. 13uy
a pair and get a policy, it will cost you nothing.
Jas. Twitcheil,- Clinton.
444 4444440004)44944444444444444444
Ootober 30th, 1902
Itching Skin AC MERAS
Dieltrefia by day Ana night -s10
Tkat's the complaint of those who
are go unfortunate al to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt Rheum -and out.
ward applications do not cure. I t.,4
They can't.
The source of the trouble is'in the cAmERAs
blood -make that pure and this scat.
ing, burning, itching skin disease will
el was taken with an Itching on inY
arms which proved very disagreeable. I
concluded It was salt rheum and bought
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two daye
atter I began taking it I felt better and it
was not long before I was cured. Have
never had any akin disease since." Mall.
Ion, E. WARD, COV8 Point, Md,
Hood's Sarsaparilla • AT 52.
rids the blood of all impurities and
Cures all eruption&
0 0 0 0 00
<>004 0-3/11140:
For an up-to-date
try the leading barber,
. NKr DOOR To iftWitas anew,
George D.Roberton.
00 0 0 0 0
Mason Logan„ the hero of a gighway
Jobbery story at Niagara Falls, now
confesses that he did the trick•
'rtu.:, new power canal at Sault Ste.
Marier-Mich., Was fornially.epened in
the. presence of a lasge.number of peo-
ple by Misscieroue.. h -
William C- .King, 'wo is charged
with theemerder of .Willie Freeman,
suing his favorer. eineloyer, Mr. 'Wm.•
Treernan. of • Rodney, -fpr 57e0 .wages.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
cure a cold in one day. No cure, no
pay. Price 25 cents,
Persons in neighboring towns
who are thinking of parches
ing a camera wilt receive an:
Eastman catalogue by drop-
ping us a card. Other cameras
besides the Eastman can be
supplied. Films, developing
powders and other light sup,
plies can be sent by mail.
Our cheap Exposure Meter
at 3ee gives the correct expos -
are under all conditions and
pays for itself in a short time
by saving over and under ex-
posure in negatives.
Chemist and Dtuggist.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the " Ontar-
io Voters' List Act," by His Honor
the Judge of the County Court of the
County of- Huron, at Clinton, on
the '17th day of Nov., 1902, at io
o'clock a. ne to hear and determine
the severat complaints of errors and
omissions in the Voters' List of the
Municipality of Clinton for 1902. All
persons having business at the Court
are required to attend at the 'sante
time and place..
.Portland Cemeut
Dated,' the. xith ckyof October, T9o2,
W. COATS,, Clerk.
aril agent this
trict for the Owen Sound
Portland Cement Com- -
pany and am prepared to
supply . either large or •
small.quantities. Contrac-
• ••tors and others who In-
tend buildingWalks, walls
or silos of cement will do
went° communicate with
me.. The Sarnppon brand
of cement' manufactured
by the Owen Sound Port, -
land Cement ComPanyis
the best cement onthe
market. •
is hereby given that a Court
.ofsReyisios for the township of Stan-
ley will.be held byr•the County Judge
in the township hall., Vania, on •Pri-
day, October .24th, to. hear: and. deter- •
mine complaints of .earars or ornissi-
one in the Voteme ,Liet. Of the inunici-
Pevil tAona,Ptn-gi.ittr:z
date. •
J. E. H.e.krq-wArzi,
Stanley, Sept.
Notice !is hereby given that .a. Court'
of Revision will he held by I -lis 1-lorior JR,
the .advgelioaflithiladioiettindty ctrf JoitiorocTo!inte
a.ein., 'on Thu'rsda)yr; Ocitolier 23rd, to
hear and determine the several .com-
pvloetienrtse. oxf,isetrrobirs tahn! AoimmilsiTiopreasiiti;
Bayfield for .19oe. All pertons having
businees at the Coust are required to
attend at the said time and place. :
• Bayfielcl, Sept. 23rd, 19°2. '
eduction in
, Here is a good;.chance. to
secure a first class buggy ata
big reduction. Note -these
prices :
$.50 BuggieS for $68
• $75 Buggies- for $65
$65 BUggies for., $60
Remember these Are all our
own make which places us in
a position to guarantee them
as we do not buy anything but
first-class material,
Repairing protnptly attended to
by experienced men.
.1111(031 St„ Clinton. ‘. •
• ,
. .
Weather permitting steels-
• ers will depart per :schedule .
shown below, -
Will leave Goderich, 'North Botind,
Ji .o'clock p. in, Wednesdays • for .Sarilt
Ste. Marie and intermedia!te. "Ports ;
returaingwill • leave Goderich'for
Windsor,- Detroit and Toledo at 1
o'Clock p. MondaYs..
Leaves' Goderich, north bound, every
Saturday at. 9 p. in. for Sault 'Ste.
Mateo. LeaVes Goderich: South. bound
Thysdaf at !i!..r mor
at intermediate ports. " • .
For , rates and farther information • .
address Wm. Lee, Goderich, '
*O. eterRa°1•STEraVffleARIVIia‘nager,
Sault Ste. Marie,. Ont.
, •
e moite,eetweetleeetpieeeelleeetretteeseeeetoeedeeeireemeolee0064
• , , •
,• •
« Washed- Hocking Valley
n etro t and o ed c ng.
1 . Chetnut Coal, •
. •
. •
• ".,,i' 0 . suitable for Ranges and Small :
• . Coal Burners, •
• •
0 •
: Select Lump Minglewood Wassilon •
• o. •
• * Soft Coal •
• ',
• ! •
o suitable for Grates and Cook— «
o bag Stoves. •
• •
• •
« A limited guar tity of Senn Anthracite suitable for •
• *
O F elf Feeders and Furnaces the best substi- ,•
0 •
• tote now to be bad for hard coal. •
e •
8 * \
• •
• •
• •
. •
• 4
• •
• •
Z.'•••00101011404 00040.000.00.001 4.01104104 0111,01100011014 Me elb