HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 7--00t-01Or.a9rd, 100e • • r.tEt 11 CLINTON 11,11119ir$41.,E,OCMD
. . • ••• • •
11 11101110.1 L•1 1 1 1 1 • 1, [ 1 1 I 1 teirrestensetwresiurnattem0010111 17 I Fri
TheMoisons Bank The Cause of
Woman's Ills
Incorporated hy
Mt of Peerliatneot, 085,
Capital - - - $2,eoo,000
Rest 2 lee Otto
Wm. Matson Maepherson, President.
James Elliot, General Magager.
Notes discounted.. Colleetions made.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchange hottelit atd sold.
Ihterest allowed eg deposit.
Interest allowed on sums Of -FT and
Money advanced to farmers on their
own notes with One or more en-
dorsers. No mortgage required, as
l. security.
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de-
Albert street - - • Clinton.
Money to loan.
Office -Elliott Block - - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Etc.
Office -Beaver Block - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to loan.
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at fron door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
I'resbyterian church.
Ofiice-Ontario street - Clinton.
Office -Ontario street - Clinton.
Opposite St. Paul's church.
In simost every case where womant
suffers from W8 pecuUarlyfemineI
cause le to be found In i weakened eknel
exhausted COMiltiert of the eystent. The
tterVea we depleted end the bleod thin
and watery. If mediclues have failed M
cure. it is because the wrong treatment
has been used,
Mrs. Henry Clark, Port Hope, Ont.,
state! j -,e, 1 have used seven boxes of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food for nervousuess incl
a completely run ;Iowa system, and can
heartily recommend it as a wonderfully
effective treatmentefore using this
remedy I bad been in very poor health for
some months. I seemed to have no
energy or 41041°10C* tired and listless
most et the time, and could scarcely dreg
myself about the house. I was weak,
In vabIe and nervous, could not sleep
well, and felt discouraged about my
1 leaqh. Dr. Chase's Nerve Feed has
taken away these symptoms and givas.
back my usual health and tdeort coma
quently endorse ft fully.'
- 50 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edelen-
son, Dates* Co., TOronto.
Pre Chase's
Nerve Food
• ••••••••••
Crooks Mast Go,
London, Oct, .20, -The (Uncials of
Scotland Yard intend to take vigor-
ous actioil as a resolt of the regent
French eating scandals, and the ar-
rival here of about 100 United
States sharpers or various tends,
have been expelled from France.
Among the arrivale. were the notor-
ous Dr. Springer and many others
who are 'well known to the police on
both sides of the AtIciattic.
Bloody Seven itey'e Flea.
Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, Oct. 19
--A cable message • received hero froln
te y nera of I'reskleut
aastro says the Government amity
has been victorious over the forces
Of the revolutiOnists elaer veven
days' fighting, during which 8,000
men Were killed. The revolutionieta
are said to, have been completely'
Spent a Quiet Day. •
Ottawa; Oct, :Wt. -The Boer -• dole-.
gates sent .quiet Sunday, taking,
lull ads an!age of theopj ortuplty to
rest. • Eon. Sydney Fisher eves
among the caller* at the Russell
Uarry Bol 110*g:ilea a driver -of a
Toronto lengthy 'Wagon, wap held up
and beatith by two men on •Satuicley
ni-glit 'neat -Grillage and liorcien
steeete. They etc.& gis pouth and $17,
• .
riloOkia Cotton Ilaot Coinponna
suceeesfally used monthly lir over •
"teal. Ladies ask
"Orr druggiettetofreette s tone Rost tisk
ismatt. Take no other, ae all Ifixteres, pmeana
masticate are dangerous, Prioe, No. 1, $113.4r
box S, 10 degrees Strops -eras Per hin nth
1 or 3, mailed on receipt of price and tw 'eens ;
stamps. The coon cornrow Windeor, One:"
een-Nos. and 2 sold and recommended Wall
respenSible Druggists in Canada., .
Special attention given to diseases of , •
the Eye Ear, Nose and Throat.
aelilice and liesidenee-
II. 13. Combe, R. P. Reekie E H
Nos. 'and 2 are sold in Clinton by
, ov-
- oa"' Albeit street East, Clinton.
ey and Watts & Co. -druggists. •
• North of Rattenbury street.
Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- •
lister on Main street. .
Will be at Bayfield every
Office -
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,
Wednesday •
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work,
D. D. S. -Graduate of the • Royal
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
D. S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department of Toronto
Special attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield,
• every Monday from to a. in. to 6
p. m.
A member of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Cap,
io Veterinary College.
Office -Ontario street - - Clinton.
Opposite $t. Paul's church,
Phone 97.
Office -Isaac street - - Clinton
Residence -Albert street - Clinton..
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Or.
ders left at The • News,liceord, of-
fice, Clinton, oi addressed to Seca
forth P. 0. will receive prOmpt
attention. Satisfaction guaran-
eteed or no charges. Your pate
ronage solicited.
COPYRieilets &d.
Anyone Bolding &sketch And description toa7
etilokly sheartskin (Mr OpinfOn fre0 wnether,se
lairention 15 probriblyvatentable4 0001Mintles,,
tionestrictiyodtitidentiat }Intelbdott on Montt
Sent froth Oldest spencer:jot. sectiting.rattants.
Patents token throttgli Munn ts-Co„ receive
specks stetke, Without Choral, in tee
Scitittific ,Hintricait.
01 haudaomely 111uuttatert sUeetcIr. /Afoot ele.
ktniktiOn et Any Scientidolourimi, TerrnS.10
InSt i font, Montt% $1. 8010 Pratt titertideeletp,
6111111,A..q946..!!:°..r!. rif'l York
The News-ItecOrd 114 large and
ittereasing eir6Inticiii which .ittakes
t splendid advertising medium. It
Tays to edVertiSf ip 1111 News4tecoedi.
fhe Killop Mutual Fire - . .
Insurailee Compariy.
Fenn hiel Lea -fated Toevh Profier:- ;
far: Only .Insitreda "
IC '
B. 1VIeLean, -President, Kippen • •
0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President, •
Brucefield T, E. Hays, Sec.- ,
Treasurer, Seaforth'• P. 0. ; G.
Broctdfoot, Insitactor. of Losses, Sea -
•forth le, 0. • ' .
W. G. Broadfoot, Seafotth ; John
Grieve, Winthrop; George, Dale; Sea -
forth; John: . Wett,'Harlock •; - Jelin a
Bennewies, Bradhagati'.; James Evatie,
Beechwodd. ; James Connelly, Clinton; ;
Johli McLean, (ippen.
' . ' • 7
Robert Smith; Ha.rlocle, ; Robert, MC-
Seaforth ; James . Cummings,'
Egmontiville.; • J. V, • Yeo, Holinea, I.
ville.• • :
Parties desirous tee • elleet iliserance
or -tratisaet other btisinesS' will be'
protnptly 'attended to on applicatiena
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective pOstoffices, . .
. AO yews Use wor the Erring sons o
IMon.-" 009 WhOin 1110 Meths
Copil'ortetli, So Will I Comfort Tau.
' Says the Diviuo TalMnSfis
young, often could not go to sleep
Immune of otir weeping, unlit • we
hew d her foot mos. r across nee
bedroous, floor and felt her gmtle
t hand upon our thee!: tend hand her
I Fart 1100 saying: "Never »en.i, nay
boYi It wilt come out all right. I
will speak to your pane about the
tnatter, and 1 know lie will let us- do
What you want." God pity the men
• who never had the gentle inftware of
coutfoeting mother during the days
✓ of chtiahOOCI or (a young imatthoOil
e Clod pity the boy who never %new
• the holy joy of having his tears wiv-
ed away by a mother's hand after he
had been hurt, upon the ball ground!
•! God, as the divine motive, to -day
0- wants to be the companion and the
comforting friend and savior 01 au
_ the boys and girls and the young
folks. As Christ mum United teen ea.
a butted his" disciples,- who trite to
crowd away the young people from:
t his side, quid said, "Suffer. the little
s children to come unto Inc. and fole-
ta bid them not, for of such is the
kingdom of heaven," so to day he
n bids the children come to hint, •and
_ clamber up into his tap, and nestle es
ljttJn hunbs against the warro, love
mg heart of the Good Shepherd.
Christ to-dny longs to be the divine
:friend of the boy swinging the eat,
IWell as the divine friend of I he yeah;
:Ind of the girl dressing the doll, as
men, and women in the sehool
and college, Do you realize, oh,
mother, that GO loves your children
with a,• love more intense than that
which! fills Your itettrt? If you here
liot made your children unierstand
this, if you have never sought to in
pa t to them the sweet fellowship
and . holy joy which can hind their
hearts to him, Yon have been derelict
in . your 'duty, you have not really
• c oneecrated them eo Christ's ser-
vice. Teach them hen, tenderly. God
levee them, and they will learn to
love, honor and trtist bim as they,
love. honor end trust yeu. •
Divine Being is like' a mother,
f • • too, in wanting to be the fot•giving
comforter of all who have gone
_ •astrake • ' When 0, Man does wrong
und persists in doing wrong..nearly
all the world will turn -against 'bine
But though ' nearly allatha heinian
taco will turn Against a shame,- as'a
rule, there is one Inman being, -if
1 she is alive, wise will never renege to
reach after • the ;prodigal. Thet per -
Entered A coordin g 10 A et of Perliament 01 0511
mita in she veto. 1982. by William liana 01.T
ronto. et the Dope of Ageleutture. ousels.
Chicago, Oct. 19. -The tender eget;
tion of a. mother fpr her child is usec
by Ilev. Frank De Witt Talmage as
symbol of the divioe love for thehu
man race, in this sermon on the .tex
lsaiala ixvi, 1.8, "As one whom, h:
mother coitiforteth, so. will condor
Washington Irving has aptly bee
ealled the father of American Meth
ture, but. among all the writings
the wizard of Stinnystde there is not
a 'chapter more trenchantly powerful
than thet on "The Art of llookmake.
ing." In it the neither pictures him-
self neleep an 1 dreaming in the
library of the . 'British museum.
His head is 'Allowed upon a pile
of einusty tomes.. - While he dreams
he sees the different anthem or the
present dee, • pouring over the manu-
scripts of the ancient libraries and
making ample' notes and verbetita
eoi les of the same and, indecd, go.
Mg SO AIX as to cut metre leaves.
from the hooka of a, 13eaumont, a
Fletehea, Pollock end, a Ben Jon-
son. Then the drealner sees • these
modern authors pasting together the
'Nein ethyl excerpts . and the stolen
leaves into new 'volinnes and printing
. .
-pages•, These literary. piracies • con
tinue until at • last the cry o
'"rhiey.es! hievec! '' 'raised. Then
there. is a* great Itublitth and scurry
ing nmong the modern authors be-
cause the aneient writers' whose. face's
• and bodies . axe pictured within ,the
quaint old fashioned frames hanging
upon 'the. . walls of -the British mu -
'sewn are ..'citereged • into • flesh an
blood, reedy to • snatch • thA new
books out . of -the heeds of ethe kid-
eappers,- and 10 claim* tiro the
offsprings of their eiwu brain, mime
of them born .celituries upon centur-
ies ago • : •
The obvious .moral :of the 'imagine,
tale is 'that there. is! nothing
new tinder the sue,- •No . man, wolotin
. or . metter how intelligent;
cezi ever lay etaini to • tree original,
ity. Weare thysically -and .ment-
ally,' ail .ivell as epiritually, renrodue-:
tionsother -lives. . We are 11 eom-
.bintstions of other people's thoughts
told desires sand .netibps, . even as the
wails of ai ancient palticeeeee often
huge. • mOsSics of InanY. different
stones cut frum fenny 'different ghee-
aite.. While matte haVe coinributed
to make Us what: We are,- the largest
contribtitien • is •• the .•maternal 05.1,
tIolv louth of, all that is, paid eel
-puee in our-getaire do! we owe to our
Mother's! ',How !much of ail the Pea.te
and comfort . we have enjoyad do we
owe to their wise and leaving
It is •this fact Which. We all re-
,eogiii2e,• that the prophet mica to 1»-
p1'05 'oh us the love ani eintIness.of
Godee amine could. he haYe used
.so ..effectiee' as that text, "As
Ono. miaow his. mother coreforteth,"
'the words of my text' haye • for
nieny, of us a very. tender and rever-
es' of 13.1, -Pear ifictfig •an: a ,forgiante
love-fig:Se leen learlittl'•ey niost •of
Us from -the- Silent.' ea 'Otir
.(hri...tatii leathers.. Though your
mother inay have been' dead • fdr t•n
.or. twenty yearei yet you %remember
as though ••it • Were yesterday hew
eteralerly-fshe :eared fol. avou when ion
were: a little child. :Yoe remember
liow she attc•Sed '• yeti. throteli •that
'I a fit f cif& less •wlic u v •
sheet 'fifteen,: eed. every. thee she left
tite•5rooine you weatid "Mother,.
• mother!' Where -is taititliare." • Anil;
',ales:, you remember the dark
day a yow .curried het,. °tit :..to
.gently let hr. • taidet • dowit into thi
(*Pen grave, what you laid her atveY
.:to -•sleep anion; -the spring (lowers or
when yeti coyet•rel..her op' eerier .t1te
• soft •quitt of spotless ; !snow., ' llie ,nine
est-, .gentlest, nobtaitt. most foals -Mg
and helpful of itionan Coltman -atm
Wets foreVer teken :hewn your ede.
-temembering all this love and Ow&
tien we realize the- force of. the inet-
• son, ..tte you all knew -before I speak
her name, is the sinner's mother. The
yeung men may • pin not only seven'
times, but seventy times seven; he
•may be So worthlees in the eyes • of..
the world • that. all hie old friends
• may eonue to th it' mother And • vay
! her, son -is not worth being saved, Ile
,• may he so ,useless that even the lee.
thee may order hie son out •of the
hoin,e -and disown. and disinherit
: but the Mother will. cling and con-
tinuo to cling to hate boy. . It, She-
thotieht tliett 11-Rrehy• she coold give ••
, • .ber sort ehe Mere' Cheitee tor repent-
anee. •elue wetuld :Sen. the 'thalles. out
of her wardrobe if necesSari, she'
, would -move oat 'of her fine home and
. ' go to Wore,, ehe •wotild sell her jewel -1
•aid oven her ,weclding annga.SIw
would. go . to. the extent of giving .up
• .fil.),L1,1;.,. 1.1 she .ce.. oi!ly
. • Like the dis Me mother; God wee ts
. • to be the aconforter or an those Who
• helve Anode temporal fallare" Cite
those whose ambitions have •
. 110001 as .coinpletely • .shattered": and
" . svt•ecked •as ' were ,the ships in ..apia •
))arbur 'when the :Samoan tdrettele
drove thenaupon the roplisa. He wants.
, to be the comforter ef those wile
haea. had net face a bankruptcy court,
Or who, hare had • the •-dearest dealt es
Of their hearts anniiiihetecla Ile Wants
to lit the tonefortea of pact atilt -the'
w telt human • lade, • for tempera).
,.troubles, Cootter- er later; come
o about .everebedy. • '
,•11111c troubled . and sorely, •
(Ilea Ppointed of: earth should' take
, great eoinfoit out of. the thought that
G od'e love for them that pi a a
• divine, hip They should , ahle
to look at . all worldly things, • whea
• ther good or, ill, as dM the Maori '
chief; who, thotinii born in a New
'2ealand med,, het, could tern , to the'
-iyuke.o.f.. Devonshire svhen. he 'wee he,
ing hoten• 'ono .of the most beautifyl.
.'ptil aces of the world ' and Say,. 'This
pnlace'...is not as hettiwiftil as the nein-
sion which any. heaVenlY Father . has
bullded ter inc,''' Thou the troubl-.
• •.
ecl Christians env. be . (nettled in rags,
. yet they should , feel ihtia they ate.
rich, becauee God,' as a, . henvenlY'• „.
.inol her, hen pre erect for .them .the ,
. wedding garinents with width •• they
.....shalthe robed in the heavenly ban-.
twee halls at the • King's inatainge, .
Thenigh•theY may be poor, yet, they
o . e , e e inva id • son-
ing home to hie earthly parent, that
ali the tretisuree of heaven . shall e
foreaer thefts, • . .
God, like a, divine mother, wants
ent - applicati, 11. The great est lee -
y •
- • 4 •
tains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows :
Going East Express 7.38 a. ni.
., .. • It 2.55 ly. m.
Il " . Mind. 4115 P. nt•
" * West " 10.85 a, in.
" " 'Express 12.55 p. In.
41 41 11
11 41 41 20607 p. in.
Going South Express 7.47 it. M.
" Mixed 4.1e p. m.
" North Express • 10,1$ a. irt•
" ' .' lint d 655 m
Agent. Town Ticket. Ag.
District Pass. Ag., Torohto
7,05 a
Inmeas &Way •haek in the "early
• ttens.'' It cOmmencee with tit.
aplair Which Isaiah, the tironliet, Uses
ahen, seeking 1 shoo+ how • t ender IY
(Ion hives and cares for his .chtldren,
met c • t de -
iv, , etre ' I hide-
•velop our hysteal and Mental and
epiriteal life and says, "As' One wl,pin
his mother conifortet le so will T eona
fort you." • • • ! „ . •
. The Divine'lleing' shops the love of
a Mother In wenting ,to .1:e the .00111 -
teeter Of ail the young. folks, Who are
preparing for the greal struggle of
life. The matter wants to be the in-
spiring friend of her Loy,s and girls
during the long yeare of intmaturitye
when the world.. at. large is enearnig
• ,
at them And teething at *th'eli• aire.
.bitictris, as though they '.were the
mere outgrowths. of a foolish and a
islormee• brain. She wants to he
the friend of the young men and the
young women during those school.
days what they have no earteeg eti•
pacity and when they are entirely de-,
pendmt upon -0therS for financial sup- •
pert, The litruggle of life even an -
der the best cottditions is a hard one,
but that struggle does . not .cottl-
. titmice, as setae people suppose, when
the young man. stands with a (1100.1 -
MA in Maud on the graduating -day
otrt school or college. It corn-
Mg child. It, was in order to satisfy I THE 1,3 Lai .1.41. ,I Pki.11-VV.Li.
OTIATTt 1 V'' Of 11.11SAT
OILS maternal desire that Priocess
Alice, the daughter of Queen Vie -
physicians, and bending over the 1;ed L.E$SON IV, FOURTH QUARTER, INTER -
disobeyed the orders of the
that was reeking wtth the diphther. 1 NATIONAL SERIES, ,OOT., 20.
itie germs, kissed her baby girl fare- 1 Isere of the 1,--ema017,10011. MY, &UT.
well and at the same time pressed her
own lips against 'the hot lips of Memory V4i1r111,•1/o 12-14.-.601404 Text,
death. Princess Alice laid down her Josh. sty, 14-Vommesteery Vrepae-
tife.00 account of that maternal kis. ell I"' gev" 1). M. Ste"T"' l,
God, iihe the divine mother, spe- (Copyright, 1110. by American Press Atm -
daily loves to hover around the
deathbed of his ehilciren, because he cAciArsenthoefLiesrldaecclotamln,alled Moses so the
can there prove to us thee "It is not
all of death to die, nor all of life to
While at one time theatnodretmheayin4eitiviyaeedt
the land.
lloivweead' and *)cl .1 !zi that t 0 ryd e. atIhI 0 cettann bp%stswealit.
N.Try melt land to be possessed, yet in
to those who have accepted his 10 0 .tlue time the Lord gave unto Israel all
and his cisticrilice for their sins, as the land which He Mare to give unto
John Simeon proved it to Ms child -
their fathers, end they possessed it
ren when he himself was dying, jo
imagination, the 'deParting saint rais- and dwelt therein. There failed net
ed himself and, looking back, cried ' aught of any good thing rrhich the
out: "Who are you?" "Sorrow I"' Lord had spoken unto the house of
"Who are your "Sigl'Ingl" Then Israel. All came to PM The Lord
stretching his hands upvvard, the dy-
ing salnt dried au again: "And who gave them rest, the Lord delivered all
are you?" "Joy." "And who are their enemies Into their hand, The
you?" "Gladness!" Then with a Lord God of Israel fought for Israel,
seraphic smile, the dying 'Christian' They had only to obediently go for.
again cried.out: "Farewell, Sorrow. ward (xi% 1; xxl, 4345; x, 42),
Farewell, Sighing, Farewell, Alerted ti, Thou knowest the thing that the Lank
life. Welcome, Joy. Welcome, Glad- said unto Ivloses the man of Gal concern.
ness, Welcome, Eternal Heaven...* If ins me and thee in Nadesh-barnea.
an earthly mother would long to be Thus said Caleb, Jeshua's old core -
the comforter of her dying boy, sure, •panlon, when together they weut with
ly Jesus longs to be beside his b
the other. ten to spy out the land, as
lieving and trusting children at their
he now aPeeers before Joshua- on be.
to, tell them of the, hope
half of Judah, to which tribe he he -
and the Joy and • the transcendent
triumph which await their heavenly' longed (Num. xiii, -0). It is refreshing,
.. .
Whether: in the Bible stery or in the
Yes, perhaps you ar.e one of those daily life of our own daY, to meet pee-
nnfortunates•-who never :knew a, Ino- ple who believe God, who desire only
ther's love; Though 'her affections to know what'Goti has. said and Who
her meat. and drink, her hope by dav fee send rock.. - .
were so intense that your coming was 'est.'on a "thus saith the Lord" as on
aed her prayer by night, yet haadly.
7, 8. I brolight him word again AS It waif
Med YOU co.me into tile world when . In my heart. I wholly followed the Lord
she "tensed aseaye .She really gaire up ,. my aoa.
her life -for you: Once in *awhile, with - .
Ile looks back With gratitude to the
ts longing to find out something ..
about, the
,height and depth. of 'a, time when he was a young man, forty
years of age, .and praises the grace of
Mother's love, you may- go to. some
gray haired old lady and say!. "Tell Gol. which enabled hirn to be sincere
me something about my mother, You , before' God and to follow Rim . fully.
knew her well and. were her • brides- This is the only thing on .whith One
maid When the svas married." • Then ean look back With real comfort as We
that gray' haired • lady will go oyer 4,(11.1.•wee le yeali-that without Any
All the past. She will tell you what
a gentle losing face your .. mother , tbSitght- of men's frciwn or favor' we
had. • She will tell you how .her eyes bare been -able to stand inimbly, but
and said: "My bithY; '111Y baby,' MY • gi
sincerely, with' God. , • '
, den -- hall be lathe teherttance and. thy.
The land wheiaon the :feet have:trod.
•lighted up: when you Were 'hist Wee -
'ed in beret -Ms arid she loOked at you
Then that grayhaired • lady will •• tell thildren's forever. - •
Ali. througe the wilderness -wander,
little baby! God bless my baby!"
you how your raother's strength nee- .iegs, as the many thoestuida died Who
er mine' bank: again after you were. were moll When Joshua and ,Cttleb
boria• They took her sonth, honing spied out the land,•Caleb. held festethe
that. the. Sunny Wes would' Melte her • Word of Jehovah by the -Mouth of ,M0-
strpng' again; -but' oily the: warm sun- . ses that whoever. else might, die' His
ssitheinteve9nft't. eilVaebi ewteorrriittleld'ehietYr etuore.;W-h'ire, 'a"nietvileloltieseeensie113t . bWettitilitimeellItteezCitilin'eli;infonici.:.
'the old lady talksyou look ' at aoen : - '
mother'si picture intik of Ptful .
lentenoung Man, you cannot. do that gil ?•" UP....1311.`iPt; -
again heal 'avail, , .10.Wed the Lord. We t in
tie: Storm at aea when all hope. wits
to . toe souls on that,
-and try to imagige' her .love fer you: .
artY • mina thee. a blind ltilV • on a . ship as .he ga ye thiqn the I..pill'S mes.
&meta Mole cart fUlly appreciate the • sage. "I• believe God; that it .Shall be.
colore.of. a butterfiy's Wings. or ..the even as It was toln. me" aete isvit,
reflection of a dewdrop.' . So in order • .• - . .
to symbolize God's love to you, a. , •
einfel Mae; whet' .neVer , knew what it : fortyrrileentivneclatasovebeghaoldid;"tthheeseLoidbathdlcteipt
an . ve
Wee .:to lya.v.e a. mothea'S •love, I. wetted : years. „. - . ' • • • • .,',. •
toll you that It is ...11, greater' love • ' 'Caleb. nealized. ,the bald.): 'ef these
than the ,that
loves. of •-'s, father, ;
a wife*, children,, bi:Gpiers and : eiAte.$ . ts'ords.,..thoogli sot written In •his nay;
'Ile gireth to all life and breetlaand
and -friends. 'It is a :tore so deep. : „II ,..,0, ' .. ' '
for iri.,ilitt, We: live and
that no line tan fathom it, : so high ; •••• • •••••Ig8,
that no bird's wing can overfly it; to ; th"e 111"1 1"11- Q.ur beln1,- (Aqg
wide that no • mathematician., can -cue. !, 2,3. 28b ' lie is the God in whose Mind
cantscribe, it.... And • all • this love a ! out, breath is stud. whose .,are• all our
our oftitlay, tilother. ie only an infinie WitYs (Den, •v, 23h• but- bow few seen]
tesimal part of the belie which to -day 1 to thine -of this: It id well to remetn-
'God like a •diyine mother, is readY i bee -that we coliiinee frOtO day AO day
to pour.'eut of .hiafor,giving• heart for ! may
yop.... Can -you nat. grasp ., even a. i .
because the Lord sem' lit to keep
. ,. .
little. of the iiitinite..sweep of TY1V .'; ' '
OS n lire. ' Happy are these •erho; 'like
:texte :"As •one whom his mother- c• -o. -Ii -i'-, , 'k'.fr•I'' ' lirri) • th°141°1 res • .s°t 111142I for
forteth• so Will 1 comfort yea " - R1"1"It' nig 61rti P°8SeSab30 (Ps'' 1V"
. .
But •pernane.'I can better i:lustrate. ,•• ' • . ...
whatyour dead.mothers• love . was to
you by telling • • you • of an incident . li.• As. yet 1 itm as strong thie day .as I
was in the de ? that Mosesset me. .. • .
which happened in .the life Of a s:ery Althounii eiglityalve ..years .of 'ne,.
dent, friend • of mine. When. I started , yet feeling as strong and well ifs titthe
o .t,in, the .rainistry, I was • t he waist- age Of forty! It is Written, of Mcisea
ant' of the Rev,,•Loyal YOtiegGialtain,,, . that , be wits ' a hundred and twenty.
. ., 0 Pit a e phtia. When Ila yeei.a old when he died. His eye was
Graham; as 'a youtg men, was
°relented Jet' thect..hrietatte minatity,
bning not ffint 'nor his natural- foree abated
Itev. Dr: .LoYal Young; one of the (Deut. xx eta,' 7). . There- IS.. a itettptvi mg
most emieent_minietere. ea Svestera .'°,f. s,trengfil1414 s'nnt.n''nftt.i.nine. en- I
rnegnntilYelvoCliatailtlio'hitisdrayelv"‘':11:111.e4eit ' .14°°7'elc...111...bt:u3rt tmh,eostiea,nwho waft . upon' the
told:this story - foi 1.111-m firs'it ' etl.. 11' ' Witilt
. . , imp, 1 in to give us -till the Clays. here'
ellietly .- leare it . all
"ManY Y.oars ago," Said he, .a lie.a0 in the, Mortal bedy thatwill, be for Iiis
ttful young werean of the ecograege.- glory attd our good. . .':
tion I.Was at the etibee serving • lay !.
dying When I.made My 'last call.t.p, then
12. tf so be the Lord °will be: with me, •
I-Shail be able to drive them out, as
on her, she bade every one else leave the Lord . .
the room. Then she lifted her little - Ile asked for Mountains 'Where •the
baby boy fin 'and •placed him in my: giants were., for be learned -as iii 'mitre
arum as she said: 'Dr. Young, 1 alt)autoto die. I want) you to lined man that giants -and Walled eltIN
and offer a • consocratiort prayer, 'I Were, hathing to God. At the age. of
*ant you to consecrate. this 'boy .10 .forty,he had Said: `PI eu. Lord Is with.
the ministrY of the Lord -Jesus rine tie. Fear them not' (Nato: xiv. fil, and
to teeaservice of tun: Master. .I toe 1" • l'"t•Y"liv!3 years he. had f°11nd. no
giying.ap-rny life for my babY. :New, reason to change his tided. •He bad
anal. want to give my baby.. fo the no eotitidence in lihneelfa but he bed'
service of eny. Christ. This is. a ely- Unbounded eontidence in the Lerd.Ged,
ing. mother's . wish; I do. not sent
yen ever to -tell of this consecration a 13-15.• Hebron theeefore• became :the 'in-
, heritaece of Caleb • * 5 beetiuee that •Int
until the 'day My • little baby " has wholly.. followed the Lord Gad. of Israel,: a
grown inte n 'strong man and is he- . It Is unwillingeetts to follow fitIV
ing ordained to the Christian minis- 'inlet hinders the ,Lottl froth .workitig
try.' 1. ara here to-oight,° said Dr.
Young, "to .1611111 my pledge. That. In IIis people as Ile Would Ilke to, for.
the Th.. His eyes •run to and fro through' the..
baby who waS•gonsecrated to
vine Master's service is the young : Whole earth to show •Hltaself strong
. w r . .i , t _ i 0 _ on .hehalf of those. Whose hearts • are
inam e a. e oi dam nf, o n ght. L y.
al Young Graham is thii.t bey. May i whole toward Illin (II.Ohren, • svi, 9). •
his mother in heaven, .who• gave. her.1 But w lele the _ e vv to e ear s .
holy scene."
j6 ,111 .1
Boys ?
If there are boys in alehouse,
or girls eitner, then croup,
coughs, catarrh, bronchitis,
and sore throat are sure t�
be there too sooner or
later. Don't crowd their
, stomachs with medicine, just have them
t breathe -in the vapor of Vapo-Creso-
lene ; they'll like it, and it will give
immediate relief. In this way you put
the medicine right on the place' that
needs it. For whooping -cough ies the
perfect cure.
Vapo•Cresolene is. sold by all druggists, 91' sente»
tregifennt deZir:VdituP:ntintlatf:isietulAinnpP°.
which chotad last a lifsdime. and a bottle of Crswkne;
rotspletn.81.51,1145nit..tintatilit or crpt.pine,, ctoit
:5,11=0'; A.. !";'pon'a ecee",e`tvcAtti&rs
180 Felton Se, etcwVortaeu.S.A.,
Tees seem to Stand with God
-against the wisdom of this World,
against culture, society,. popular opf0;*
ion and nattiest the false teachers who
.7, fiturle,i ,irnOtglitnyl1111 IlIliPit perhaps
vase antol seminaries
1 hefore! Hebron suggests fellowship..
tool the other Mime, Kidath-Arba,while
It menus city of Arba, may mean also
"the city of four," as the word Alta
• is tite Hebrew for four. Any one who
follows fully as Caleb did will realize '
111,I)altult:etirli"n.gntlar. e Sfoen119'lvansIdiji)thWeitbiatehl Ye
Spirit and; however alone apparently,
van niwitys atIY, "There are
. rose of us."' This also is proved by
30110 sir.. 17. 23. It is more than ali
I tied earth 0110 give to be able to say,
I. "'I ruly our fellowship is. -with the Fe.
ther and svith Ills Son Jesus-(Mese'
(I John I, 3), Not -conformed to this
world. mit pleneing men, but God, in
the ouly way of peace mad victory 14 •
1 •
WhiCh Means That Miner's Will
Resume Work at *OnCe,
• •
The Mine Workers* conventton at Wilke'.
. Barrs-Oppos#loo to the Settlement of .
the Stijke Xs So slight as to iientere •
. 3:Littie • Consideratien-aVernorty• Will
rellew the .A.thlee and Judgmeet of
CresIdent Mitchell. .
Wilkes-Harre, lea,' Oct. 20.: -- The .
rielegat:s to the Ant hateit,e- '
Workers' conventicle; welch Will -.meet* •
In the' Neskitt• Tbeatre, -this city, et
10 o'clock this forenoen, for the our-..
PORO of Accepting or rejecting th;
proposition.. 'of Peveirlent 'Roosevelt •
to mid the strife, and eubmit:
gricvences to: the arbitration :nome
Mission 'appointed by him, began itr-
OVirt:s, here. yesterday, aril about • .
• on ;-(lithrter of the 7(40 or 5(10 dote- .
jolts- to, tee convention are no*. • in . ,
the city. Many of the delegates rtae'
. instrectrel .10 variOns featte•es Of ,the
sett'ement, bid* 1-01- •••
low thp adviee end jusignicet Of Tres- • ,1 •
Went Mitchell. •
Jest Ve* the-Wete. •• *
. ;
To•dity!s conychdon will complete .
the formal prepaeatione for the re,- •
• sumptian of Jnin!n_t • .all over: • this
disttict. -In fact, the mule's have
1.een rote] t the mines' hilly shod,.
th ' ' ' • • d is
lim readmees to Stif.rt th6 work. fts
SOO.1:1 as the etrikera' edelegatee east
• i er 0 n yo‘e. That means :that'
t h.) ' men aesemble ,aeeund the
shafts 'Ttlef receive final testi-et:-
aloe-, nr1 f. ','.'etlaesday raturn. to •
..1,1ht. • ' , 11;i1 bogin to dig,i11.).
am after so, Amity
- • • ' •
toile the comforter Of his aileron in
Omit last cat eieepees as.. well -as'
when he is bendin,a over' them in their
readies. Ile wanly •te be•the 'coed°, t- '
. or of the dying invalin when'. he tt been s .
- the agoniaing 5110011; eatinot stand
thie pain 'arty lenges.," 'de well an Atte
et:intimacy of the little •ehild who is •
sitting for the first time in her .Sun-
day class. Ile wants to he the com-
forter of all .. those who have hten
disappointed in . life and who v.itt n •
they tome to die .may be gladdened .
by seeing hint,- feeling like the old '
, •
statesman, Henry Clay,. who in Ms
last moments looked up with a sweet ;
smile and .erfed, "Mothee, ittothert"
All, in that hour we shall need 'a -
Mother's love . as much as does the
schoolboy Who .rontps into the 'wtmy hall-
, . .
. g 43 .
where Is mother?". nthis simile• is
eA er 9'
true became ea all tithes when a tno-
tiler chiefly longs to be by the 'side
of her child It is i when . that child is'
"My hair ytas filling out and
turning gray very fast, But your .
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and
festered the penult color,"-eMrs.
E. Z, Benonintr, COhees, N. -Y,
Its impossible for you
not to look old, Nvith the
color of. seventy years in
your hair! Perhaps rou
your' gray air! f not,
When. the eldest 800 of Queen
Alexandra was sick unto death, the
then Princess of Wales' had hundreds
ot trained and most skillful' nurses
who would gladly have' answered to
het! call,' But day and night, for
three long weeks, -the mother di the
Duke of Clarence never left his side.
It was her royal hand that smoothed
the shoteXt. was her am that tilt-
ed the fevered head. It was her lips
that' gave the last kiss, as the im-
mortal spirit .sped. front the pain -
&eked form. Yes, the mother, the
true.earthly mother, wants -to be the
leat tornforter by tie side of her d.rs
young girl failure who is trying for
the prize lite the sehootroont. It coin-
. =tees with the disaPpointrnents of
the playground. It commenees with
those little youthful sorrows anti
trials whiels the boy and, girl can tell
to no • one but mother. Yes, the mo-
ther's cothfort whieh is given to the
young folks it au iMpOrtent 0051"
fort. It IS such a necessary coni.
forte that Many of us, when we Were
. he. Gptiogfti en' to •
s t forth in tia-
. J. . The ObjeCtion
.% it h ,is quite spas-,
• rem that eletnent
ttsi Intniii men, eh-
ther than. aettlal
In to lose theft
•:' hese men will be
:men who' att-•
yill oot• be re-' :
411 gebure their
f.hent. : •
• CI .
Pe' in, Oct. 19, -On atimunt of the
action of the .1.11,11tese authorities ! in
shielding: the derels •of the Eng-
missIonerics Lewis and 'levee i
the Province of Dentin sand in , put-: '
ting innocent • pereonti to . death .S•
Ernest. Satesv, the Drisish Ministee,
'aad his ;entire staff,' with the eonserit'
Of the Government' authorities at
Londoxi, returned 'the .invitation . of
the Emperor to, attend the reception.
at the Stormier Palace to -day to the ,
diplomatic body anti the command-,
era of the legation guards. The Mem-
here of all the legations except the
•Dritish attended.- the 'recention.
life for her child, be witness of thls
Sinful man sitting before me to- .11 L. killongeti eiad 1taListr.a.6111111,1ieLito
1 4I
day, are you the son of a Christian
mother? Whether she is alive now or The fling of "kat -Ides-- " 1-1APPY ittiotiotEr
dead, her love for yeti :was or is hist
SA great as Loyal Young Graham's
mother Was. for him. A.re you 'to-
day lotting her Prayers find a fulfill.
tratht in your life? Are you to -day
letting the love of God manifested in
the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ
find.a response in your We? Will you
here and now, realizing thab your
mether'ilove was a eymboi of God'S
1010 for you, surrender your life to
the •Service of like a divitte
mother, yearns over, you? Itemene er
this, oh, sinful man -God longs for
your repentance inert!, than eent tan
ever long to he cleansed through the
bleed Of Christ and to be forgiven for
yottr past ithliC It id to the mother
love in God that 1 point you,. It is
to one .who will tling to you long af-
ter oven tut earthly mother'e niter- .
Woos shell haye ceased end when tho
have forever faded away. 7
To Our' Subsorfbers Vi'ho Are in Ar;
use Ayees Hair Vigor. -=
In less than a month your •
• gray hair will have all the rears This Is A:n. Intimation. That An
dark, rich color of youth.
$1.****00., Mt Oniiniete.
• ,..yetirantrocummint Tr. - Early Settlement Is Requested. The La •
yet; itInittte, Be Sure mutgivethetat4
"1""re, igriteCtrItratpittes164. 1.4
AJP ,Wr‘HA• • ells th S
7." .0 tor3t
erl-M day has gale past
A when a Wise Woman
will put up with on inferior
cooking apparatus. She has
heard of .
lkange, rho Corrugated oven.
and her neighbors tell her liThat it will do,
If by chance you do not know the merits Of The "itappy
Thought', you owe -it to yourself to investigate. See the Range,
look into the firebox and flues, Weigh the covers, note the patented
dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the eorrugnted oven plates,
and all the different features that ntake this Range so different and
so superior.
You don't know true In:Machold comfort if .you don't know
The "Happy Thought,' flange,
Write the Manotadurers fro, Ittithtrated Cataingue.
*"° The WM. 13,UCit STOVE, 06.014113,r;foitt,
�.HARLAND BROS., oLivrog.