HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 6• .4.11r3.1••••••••••,Prolgr...1.11,11114.,...PVIM
MI LIE 18• Wairtll
lerr; !ant•Itt° NiTarr.liteitit%ofttllotmtr
a-vrs enue, and brethein Galt and Pres- E
ton, Ont. Previoua to 1895, she was
known as Lizzie Sallee, having menial
a man of that mune. in that year she
iflatiguratiOCI 9f S'Alth African married Thomas Alexander Clortn,ely of
Steamship Line.
Pickering, Ont. Rer daughter, Flea
satire Creverards laolfeedalaseltes Stolen SELL VARIOUS BRANDS UP
Estimated et 1,300-Urominant )14t'
litartiltan city coal at'as reduced to Malt Breakfast food,
owe, is a child by e. former marriage. $
Florence is seventeen yeah; old, During
eat Men Jailed at Iddlanapauo,
8 a ton on Saturday. IN THEIR HOMES
• the glere 'reeenit theatrical /trip •in issued senctioning the raising in Para
Pleat Vessel.That lalosie the Dominion PennsYlvania she }several timers drew on. is of a loan of $8.000,000. Howard It. James Nut Francisco
An luiperial Chinese edict hats a
g r were oun n airs, Lord Charles ileresford sailed teem Secretary of the California- Retail
Grocers' and Merchants' Association,
capos to the Nowoo aoaaa„ hateurininotthderrnfoonr4unds, dteliegrame
New York for England Saturday He
• writes as follows about the delicious
in South Africa Sailed Saturday With y
ZOTtOn*A1 morass Yeeterdity.
said he would retus.n in January.
Vi. Una, Oct, 20'.-T
he bill fot• the froni the Sultan to visit Constant'.
mania. has accepted an, Invitation
ents of Malt Breakfast nod is that
and healthful Malt lareallast Focal :
a 4.4Erge and Vorled cargo of tho Crown 'Prince FerdinandThe truest things in the adverti
Miefeeet Products, er Vetue.sa-A Mot Austrlsee Pint attozor Lew.
, the manufacturers start the goods and
purpose of combating :drunkenness, nople. . quality does the ret."
montreal, Oct. 20%-iflas, intingtu.st- welch. IS being prepared by the Aura, • At. Albany in a, fire Saturday night* "Little children who tire of every -
Don of the regular steamship ser- trlan CoVernttlent, is tbe. 'first •Meas- Thomas 'Waal slipped from till top Of
Nbetween nada mei Mouth .M- ure of Jts kind in the history of Ausa a fire-latidea fell 80 feet and broke thing in the cereal line will take up
ice Ca
this fooa and cling to it with no de -
rice tetatine "ta accompli. fl 'Q Met- tria. It pro% idea for tha imprison- late neck,
Saturday. ths Allen liner (Interims ment of persons. found intoxicated la The Doer counnanders, Kritzinger., sire for a change, much lenger than
they will any other food."
catitiag 00 from her moorings in the . pablia pace tater. a certain number Fouehe and Joubert, arrived at
"It is a fact that my own young -
harbor on tier joutney of mote that) ot times within ,six morales, and're- Sollthansptors Sunday on. thair way ster, who has passed by everything I
7,000 miles. striae the sale of bottled spirits, to London. have been able to find in the market,
The sailing of the ()Marion Oirect which, it is declared, lead t h
. a o Mae According to a despatch fromnft•
,t; aer a few days has put the seal of
to Lsosth Africa front the port of drinking, to holders of special i Leong- nipeg, an army of 1 000 Douthohorhis approval on Malt Breakfast Vood
regularly establisbad seta, ICP copneet- gi•anted for every 500-inse h-abisto
tan'ta.. is
hveadutYhaonriittfels1: to (1°- to the extent of insisting upon having
al ontreal is he fleet steamer of a • es. Only one such Heim t
it three times )per day and thiS con-
13ritish Empire by the Inighty bond- Giornale d'Italiti announces that
ing this the furthermost ports of the ,
of commerce. ond it has -quite pro- , Montreal, Oct. 9,0. -General Dooth NtVilLeaEUI
ill go to
perm. and Empress. of /tussle. week* during Which time I questioa if
Sot Were converted. clition has posted now for over six
I real CI a great deal of interest three ti • d Italy next December
es `• a day has gone by without his having
. Russi rt s uadron
deal. Then th ?re , are many t Om of • . •• will December 3.. .
fodd.r. and hides, and mastufactured
Ta'ante tee Ycling to Medleitio vial' be
d of croup, wbooping coueli end golds br
using Vapo-Cresolene-thea breathe it.
Ship Dad Demi Libelled For Wages By
Deputy idareltai.
St. Thomas, Oct. 20. -On behalf of
three sailors Who had claims for
wages, a, deputy marsaal of the Ad-
iniralty Court several (Jaya ago libel-
led the ship IsliPeming. 'While the
bout was in Outage of the delnitY
marshal Friday, the captain and crew
with the neSietallee of a tug, sailed
out of the harbor at Port Stanley.
it is alleged that several Port Stan,
ley eitiztas aided in the escape, and
a motion may be made to conMlit
these persons for contempt of court.
Game Oat 42,400 Ahead.
London, Oct. 20. -The Daily M'all's
correspondent at Monte Carlo sends
an account of the experience of a
fortunate United States player there.
Ile is an &Seer attached to the 'Un-
ited States aa.val squadron at Ville --
french°. Ile entered the casino with
• 5
per y c c gmee ngs yesterday ;mitt. by a a (1 . 0 it,lar breakfast, lunch or supper. a party of friends an threw a
not only in Canada, but in L,n 1 • addressed
4. g-tuld ' in Winclior Hall. At the eveninr 'Ilia cond..tion of the h.:alth f hor the old folks I believe that . franc coin on zero cm the neareet
and in the United States. meeting the General's exbortations King Leopold is such that his physl-
1 he Cntarian has on board 6,500 led thirty to arty men and women 1V1a/t Breakfast Food is the most sat- . roalette table, 'Alien his number
tons measurement of typical Caned- to Drofefis Conversant clans have ot dered him Lo refrain.
- isfactory thing on. the market today turned up he refused to take his win -
from yachting emd automobiling.
for weak or tired stomachs and for' n'ngs. Ie said: "Let it go to en -
that jadecr feeling titv.t occestonelly is 'ri h the pool. Zero again .turned up
A. Agent of lifr. s ion' i;r1zolighter of the world, CO!' and he was $1,000 winner, Ba -'kept
ours at breakfast time."
front the beet dairies in the Donau- . . utherland Hired wet/4 brated ,his 14th birthday Saturday
.. repeating, "Let it go." His friende
ion. There are many standards: of In South Oxford -Trial rostpoued with seltzer Water and, ginger ale. . . however, tools charge of the money.
IT,' S. Secreta.17 ltoot in his report '
DEATie OF DU. A. li. C. 8.1,1.WYN, 'Zero again turned up. When the
player left the talde he had wen IP,-
ali Director For Geological Surveyor of ' 400
rs -scored their initial succeeses in . to .supply an army of 250,000 men.
Canada Yor ma Years. ' .
an cargo. 1 h .re is flout, 2,000
tons; gi.tn.nd front Altialloba wheat.
'I here are 6,000 plwkages of butter.
John L. 1.1).‘ an, once
to Congress will recommend. the pure
tobaccos. There are also on board . Woodstock, Oct. 207-11b.e petition- chase of military equipment sufficient
and there will be 1,750 tons of coal Hiram, 01'011A. of Rome, N.Y., who
Oct, 20,eaDr: A, R. C. Cunard Steamship Agreement.
the Canadian Malhl for South Africa, •P
the• week of proving corrupt praetio- •
es in Connection with the South Ose- is 108 years eld, has been a great Yancouver,„
consumed in the furnaces on the voy-
ford , -election Saturday' forenoon, . • tobacco chewer .sinee. his boyhood. Selwyn, formerly. director 0 Domin- • %London, Oct. 20. -In a printed re -
age. Early Friday afteinoon the Sunday he used 10 cents' werta of ion Geological Ser,vey, died here last ply to a question asked in Perna-
wtten Jadges Britton and St.eet tin- • evehing, after •e, long- illness. 'Decoa,s- meat, Gerald 13alfour, • president o1.
butter was being sent down two' ' •
tiered • their decisien cn the charge
shutes to be quick,ly stored in the re- the weed.
Two earthquake shocks were felt ed Was 78 years of age. . ' • the Board of Tattle, Promises to suba
frigerator compartments, which have which had :reference' to the hiring. of„ •
livery rigs ftann 11. A. Skutt -ter 'and
' • mit the Government's agreement with
a capacity of 16,000 cubic feet, arid at Sewanee, Teen..., on Setarday, the . sketea es itits•atteee. .
whith will be kept at all times be, Walker Dem.,. in Ingersoll, .i'n elec. first, a light one, atamt 1'P.in., and Alfred Richard 'Cecil Selwyn was born Cunard Steamship and the Interna -
the - second, which .was 1110:e severe, at Balmingeon, Somerset, Eng.; July 2a kismet Mercantile Company as soon
low the freezing point. . aion 'day, by the Conservative cageete. , 1824, 'being the son of the late Ttev.
The Ontarian is expected to make . The -two charges _against. John W. about 5 pan. as possible,
the voyage from Montreal to Cape Patterson _at this respect w'ere pro.vs Fifteen. people were- lrnmerstd arid` 1:ownshenct Selwyn, Canon of Gloucester , • ,
Cathedral, and a great grandson. of the ' • . "- .
Town, her drat slop in South -Africa, en end -confirrned. • .. • . five of them droi4vned as a result of a
our f A lie eo p eted •
The charge. that Edward Johnston . collapse Sittuiday of the bridge -over . his education iii Switzerland arfludiwas AN AN'XIOUS il'IME FOR NEU-
miles. She will melte .one atop ota of Dereham was an agent of Ur. Su- . the Golden Horn, connecting Con-
stantinolae with the au bur b of 0 al- appointed an assistant geoloiist on 'the . RA140IC SI.IFFUREES.
in 28 days, the distance being 7070.
ther/and an paid $2 to John 'lend- af,, . Geological Survey of Great Britain, • ' . — - •
tho way at St. Vincent, where she • Which post he held un.is52, when he
will be coaled. erson for his vote teas dis.missed.. At • ''.."`"'
It has been- discovered tit ...t a brib-- was ehosen by. the Coloeial Secretary
' 1 , o'cloek. the court adjourned, until .
ery fund of $20,000 has bten depos7 - to 'assume the duties of director of .tbe
Dec. 1, when, the trial will be &attire- •
't d with S anish bankera at Boa Geological Survey Of, VietOrle..A.us rall-t,
th Duke o Athol. •
October 28rd., 1902
I" /Tr
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ltas NARKEna,,,,,40,NI
been used by millions of Mothers for •
their children while teething. If dis-
turbed of night and broken of your
rest by a sick child sugtlering and
crying with pain of cutting 'teeth send
at once and get a bottle of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fot4ichild-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
little sttilerer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, crime
Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces
Inflammation and gives tone and en -
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best fetnale physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle, Sold .by all drug-
gists throughout the world. Be sure
ergy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child -
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's South-
iag Syrup." .
refbre' After' 47ooa's Phospbodine,
Th, great Rnglials Remedy,
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. only reit.
able medicine discovered, six
packages guaranteed to cure all.
forms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use (ATI:t-
heme, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
01P11", elle Takao $1, six, $5. One tofu gam,
tat wilgeure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The 'Weed 13otopany. Windsors Ont.
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Clin-
ton by II, B. Combe R. P. Reekie,
g. Hovey and Watts & Co. -druggists ,
Rattettbury Street Works
Ditect importcrs. U'oliknettn-
ship and Ififitel lel guaranteed.
The Best In Current Literature
12 CoMPLETK NovEt.s YeAntY
$2.60 mil TEAR ; 26 ors. A copy
ti/ERY Num ben comPLEYS IN rrett.r
Untfl il New -.Years
4 *
4 10
Paine's Celery . 4 Or 10 cents .
arum for use am,ong members of the remaining there seventeen years, ur g '
• In all, -11- charges have been which' time he also undertook a special Compound.•
Unconfirmed Rumor That He Has Asked and, of these, two were confirmed,
City Council for a 'municipal conces- examination of the Tasmanian and
live dismissed and judement was re- • • • ; South Australian coal and. gold fields. tliE• ONLY illUDICINE THAT SVC- 1' •
At Sydney, N.S.W., exaapera- Several commis -atone were givers hint to ' OESSFUI,LY• CURES THIS' TERR- ,a,'`• • • 'SI
Mr. Tarte to Resign. ' Sion. •
Ottawa, Oct 19. -Sir Wilfrid and' eereed the. rest ' •• Satuaday ntorn-
. . , on • . .
• ;*
L,ady Laurier arrived here on Saturday ina-,,• .the prosecotionact eed to the -
gr .tion ageoust the working.ef theaftd- rePresenteoleny at Europetin exhis
. . " •it •
t t t' •es (Ind climax bitions and in lett° he 'assigned his post- • • • •
. . _
night, and were given a reusing wet- dropping • of 88 • out of . the 106 , era' cone i u lop, t 1. e ,
Exper enced • physicians kerma well ' :3; .
charges in the bill 'of particulars. a 4 ri ay, %vixen riotous -denionstrati Alan to clomp to Canada to succeed Sir •
William Logan as director of the Cana- . tliat the variable weather. of this an -
come. Despite the fact that a torrent ens ,
of rain was faiiing and the night dar 1, • • de 'a ainst 'Prime AI i ulster
Middlesex electien trial opened Sata . ef ..a''. steaan 'Pipe at the riVerside P
, charge of the mineral department at the , . in a t .t te present
on, were on hand to greet the ckistn- , • hiladelphiii. Centennial (1876), Parts titae :men and. wonten are falling ars. 1,
I .
Calla of his office, and th•e City Coen- . ' .- • ,
guished citizen. Headed by a bahd, a urday morning air. Walter Passe's., pleat of . tato National Tube Works atati), Lendon (1886) .. and Chicago ound us like leaves before the chilling 1 t -
procession formed and went til- the• foa tho petitioner,' put in evidence- iii penwOod .*.Siinday afternoon eight 0.898). Crider his directions the offices north Wind. - -. •
Amongst the diseases awevalent at 4
City Hall, where addresses of welcame- .fram- the pasta-taaminatiora of Dr. .. ;men were Scalded ,"an'd three.. of,• them of the survey were removed fir Mont -
and muddy, hundreds were at the in Landon. , •,..
svctBarton. • ••dian Geologica, ury y.
retired with a pension.. He Was in tolesdmtl drtfate, of thous-. a
station. Mayor. Cook r wearing the re- London Oct 20 -When the Fast At Wheeling W. Va.. the parting
an s
real to •Ottawa. in 188L . was , this • thee 'terrible ••neuralgia with its .
• were presented. , Routledge to prove, that the teapots -1 11 di
• Fellow of the Bo al Soc ty, o , sharp lacerattng and darting pains is
The hall was packed, and sir a -emend cleat treated at the Bier Hotel, at • The County of Simeoe •Bee4{eepers
the Royal ImperSocietyGermanye .
was given an ovatian. ' Masan' Cook Th oke'. at, Burton's, at Gilson '3 at Association met at Bat 'Sur
. ial , :
the Geological Society, Lonclen, and of doini its intolerablworkThe cold
winds, clamp• air and sudden changes
Charles' et -Durand's, nehrioat,, gild Ahat 'fitty •delegates Wel'e PreSEnt. J. • several other scleatifie bodies,' On the
read the address in behalf of Ottawa,
and 1Viayor Fale.rdeau read an address . ' - ,
. a....t , the St. John's Hotel, Voting's 0. Morrison of Painswick was elected organization of the Royal. Society 01 In temperature favor tbis paba.racking
Sir Wilfrid in reply made happy re- motel, and .the Dominion Hotel, in Presitlent, and•Dtnis Nolan, secretary.... ttnaida in 1882 lie was chosen one of disease. The • best physicians of all
1 • • • ,
in French from the people of Hull,
. . ellows. by the •Marquis oLorne, schools admit that Patne sCeleryCom-
to be home again. He was glad to be litittet.,evidence was also put in.: - , • .. Ats Derby, Ccinna. "Tommie' t societ in . .
a ma •and became presi nt ot. he,
de Y rotind is the only ksiONVII specific for
7. p.eritneing the torments of this anost
home permanently. ,While he did not inveatigated, 'William Guilin took :the .. der of • his mother by her deunaen real In 1852 he =ivied Matilda Char- .
years, still, lf reverses should eeme,' ', "who . --------d • ou to give • Paine's Celery • c otupound ' ..• -•• -'
i thin., •Who recenti 'figured in the Nita,' levelled a,ashotgurt ea ads father 'and of' Heileingford Abbots,.
ference to the pleasure it 'gave him . . • thas city, during the convention; Be-
The News -Record will be sent to It •
any a,ddress in Cana,da or the United ;
States for the remaind6r of 1902 for t
10 cents. New subscribers will re- I
ceive the remainder of this . year free .
--that is from the present until Jam;
1.9o4 for $1,00. • . .
This .1s a very low ofier—it .
cheaper than letter postage. Have
• • 1896. •He has also :been president of
• in Ottawa, and sald W.31.1.6 be his After • the treating charges had been . gas, 10 years old, prevented the 'mar- the. Natural History •Soelety Mont -
terrible of nerve diseases, we counsel' • •
the cere of 'neuralgia. Ia yon are ex-
anticepate a change of government for stand and •ssece•e. that John Mt Ar- .httsbond Sunday afternoon. lam boy lotte; daughter cif Rev. Edward Selsvam
• . f.-.11 immediate Arial.' It -has periman-
he would be glad to sett e (lowfl to the •
' ham murder ease, drove to his home cowed hier, • • • * ' • • 1882. '
. ently cured others Win, WitilOta • 3. •
life of a private citizen of Ottawa. •
At Vienna', Von Desert, the Asher -
Sir Wilfrid announced that he waif • before the election mut offeredahint
in good health and anx.ous to get $8 to Vote for Routledge, hut Gila. icari JeckeYe rode Beregvoehry to vic- pall in Fantail Sitinballtitng. • . aneet Your. case. Mrs. T. MeMas- •••
4 -
back to work agaM. ,
ter, Toronto Ont., says :
, ' Ilti aefused.• Maekrthise then offered tory Sunday itiathe contest for the London., oa...20.Engineering'says
" Ten: years I was attacked with 4,,,
: .,' • 4,
To -day Sir "Wilfrid drove in a T.4. :but Guffin wouldn't take it. Tbe• ' Ails trim prize,. illicit is One : of the 1897 - neuralgia and, though treated by six• ' 41e, •
closed carriage to the residence of offer was snide before anthers'
•• biggest Tones in Austria. The stake --that not, since the 'autumn o(
his the tonnage of merchant ships in
'the disease grew worse a I •
nearly rna e me 1 aane. ay after
was closeted with the lufsiititer of 1 The evidence . was all put in. in the • At Stratford -a cheque.swiedler op, Kingdem been so, low as at present.
Don. Mr, Tarte Metcalfe -et., and daughter, • '
I course of censtrection hi the Drifted. -doctors, d.. .11 , D nd.
was $25,000.
. • day I,suffered the most -intense agon •
Public Works for smote Dine. aat East Middlesex election case. The
night, one beam that Mk; Argument on the petiticn will take AA four stares, he. presented thase time betWeen 600,009 and 800,000 tow had.
that ay y Owe tr tame. A. lady. 4
suffered as I had told me it
signation in Sir Wilfrid's Hands. given. No judgment was Chemses, in .payment foe small per -
chases aad receivcd change. • provement, and tin:airy reached the
Tarte has placed his re. place in Toronto.- tonealsegan to show. a steady int -a
Pine's Celery Compound had .
t •t with •
rated las wee at . the work on and •
Five years .ago
aorta of rumors are rife to. crossepetitleth has hem% abandoned.aboa which ha.d b e ct gs
• -! • t $40 of which .was cash. • • • e flu u for' som and, I' became utterly' ' disheartened. •
One. m d r, • • • ' •
No confirmation of these stories Is
obtained anywhere.
• Altho Sir Wilfrid Laurier, since his
arrival, has stoutly denlett that he is
ill. those who have seen him are coil
v need that he is in very delicate
. .
. -
A woman shot and Killed 'in a Buffalo
• .
Viet House.
Buffalo, Oct. 19. -The dead-- body. of
Mrs. C. V. Marton was found in a flat
at 145 Eagle -street yesterday afteenonia.
Near it was George J. %thing, whit
whom she lived, suffering from several
bullet wounds in the head. He may dia.
Mrs. Morton had been shot 111 the head,
and apparently died several hours bestirs
her body was discovered by her 37 -
year -old daughter, who is doing a. turn
at Fenton's Music Hall. Willing Is at
present in the hospital, where he under-
went an operation, and it he recovers
will be placed tinder arrest. He says he
did not know he had been shot, nor that
Mrs. Morton had been shot., Mrs. Mor-
ton's maiden name was Elizabeth Hunk -
in. She spent the early years; of her
life in Galt, Ont., and her parents are
oviess there now. Besides. she Is Sur,
Theta • cured her, I used -the compound and it • •
• • • . • -Jatnes .Yetuager, one ;of the Minolta. top peint of 1,a14,120 .tops.
simply ina.de a new WOhlah 01 1110;
he pain vanished, I grew well and I • .
Tessa James ettaan.'itte6 suieide at tons, the decrea.se being about 40,000
ns mon .
DeTWelliN "Yotir,er brota ea, compatriots Of came a steady drop to 1,000,71a. T
CAD 0 ea.DS.
• '
never felt happier in my life. All this •
qt Paul Minn ' • on Stinday by to per th ' •
Oland., mare • of Preston', Pifteen Team • • • • ••. is due to Paine's Celery 'Compottral." •.
• ' Old, Killed Sunday. "
" •
. •
shooting. Yovnger was retently pal-
n ai n -for the
. ' • oled from Stillwater Penitentiary. madde„ st.„thmts.
Freet011, Oct. '19. -'rhe :town people -At st. Thomas joint stock coin- . .
were shocked Ibis afternoon at the patty is' beteg organized with a coat- Glasgow, Oct. 20 -At the opening
Mi 1 '•
there to -day. President Fahy .said 4
dents tried to 'wreck Inc Liberal
accident to 'olaud Clara 15 years. of Saturday Of the cal p ,
ital ot $50,.000 to manufacture a,nd *Shamokin, Pa.,' Oct. 20: -Headed
Win Take Mitehell's Advise.
election 'on Oct. 25 of rector for
age, the youngest son of Mr. and Mee. b John Fishy, president of the Oth
x bat cheese. Ihe cheese will be
i • 't f • hi t
Charles Glare. He wee playing with e P
some boys on a fiat car on the Preaton thin squares, estah be n .; divided lasgow n vet y, 01 ci pos
60 'delegates left here yestera • •
and• Berlin new electric. road in .the into Smaller eguares of. h.tif a round' John, Morlese..and George Wandham
day. for Wilkes-Barre, to attend the ' .
did tes the stinlents Indulged
..• are.
no It or cers convantacn
st, ade,. •and Claud tried .to cesuple it Mrs.. Julia Dent. Crent,.. widow. .0e • in riotous biiait Inv,' riVonist • stu- .1•TatteCl
town. The flat gar was coming down ea, h. •
* • •
The News -Record sent to triends at t.
a distance—it will be as welcome as
a weekly letter as it gives all the
news of the district as well as the
general news, just as interestingly 4
written as you could do yourself, and
of .far less -trouble to you. .
The News -Record is in the front
rank of Cana,dian local weeklies and 8.
was never more interesting than it
is today. Show- this announcement
to your neighbor and advise hirn to
becorae a subscriber,
• • •
• •
• •
' ... In addition to rving the news "of
..g• • • ;,!
-- the diStrict... and countY it h,e.News- .:-
.. :
with:ancither car. When he reached the the late X'resident Grant, after he expects the cenvention to. vote 4,
bottom of the grade, the bump of the :spending the , smuttier at Cobourg mittee roams, and attaekecl the ro- enartimously in support of Mitchell's
. two cars threw Claud -between there. Ont,. returned to Washington SaturL lice and their fief °emit; with stins
o , end a fire hose end pelted them with a t ,• I •
Re was at once carried to the °tilde day, aceompanied by her daughter,
dVite to them o accept services of
President Roosevelt s special coin- .
AI, f 1 t
but died •abortly after the accindent, Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris. She is our, large o 0, C.e Et o
• of Dr. N. 1Viulloy about 150 Yard ff flour.
'which eccitared about noose : very feeble. . She --------- 77: yeata old be employed be,ore (near arts re- zniOli0L • ••.
• stored. -
There -was a large meeting at Phil-
• ' • - Washington, Oct., 20. --Carroll
• t; ebruary.
rothn, "Oet. 20. -:-John Redtnand, polia, Bulgaria. Sunday ender ...the ,
rkg iiterTER. 1ViAltER MUST USE.. Arbitration coaimisaion appointed bY .
Wright, wbo is the recorder of the 4
• rt,oilin,0,114.to Exu.rry'nothe. •
?tusPices of the 'Macedonian commit- . 10 cents pays a subscription
to _attend the atiestine Bulgaria te negotiate with . In the attiumit arid :Winter 'seasons mites between tfie mine operators staff • .
Miners, spent a half 'hour • at the . • o Jan. ist , 1903, or $1 to.Jan...
• Record has compiete market reports,
The Talmage Sermon and SmAday
School Lesson and a fascinating Con.
tamed Stor3r. •
of the 'dole ation of Trish Ne.- tee. Desolations. Were passed re-
. . IT TO BE SUCCESSFUL. the President to, cansider the 'dilate.- 2,
er n (et h.,-.. will be cOmpelled to .• :the powers to stature their .rnediatien the' best and most successful batter- . .
t t o arid, •as the serious con- 11 htte gouts". last' night.
f 0 enf ment of the Berlin lc. C n da use Wale hard -
1:i Lein of a Pal. in •the., fight 'between' or. , e
Ily cenfession of 'Rules Can- order to 'give the butter 'that lovelY ., • .
ers in- a a
• ee. a •gue cl Ib'Goya nment TrentYthein
mande his ptesenee
son & Co's Improved butt.er color, MA „ •
. •
4 1904, •
. . • troll, the thief ghoul et Indianapolis, Ti and delicate ,Ittne tint. that IS so much
it is • learned th,tt whole graveyards ,dmired by layers of fine table butter, II' PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN.. • 4,
SEA AIR FOR NERVOUS • Marion., have been robbed' of 1,200 d Batter Colde is. today almost 'tile .; • - 173Z NRIVS-ii6OR.
from IndinnaPolis to Muncie and • Wells Richardson and Co's Improta D
•TIIE EWSuliEC0111),
• coispses during the past five years.. only kind that is used in the creamer- ' • ' 4 ,
v r 1 men prominent In -the Medi- s and dair s of .Canada. There are • • •
When sea air is ordered to a nervous person, she usually
rushes down to the seashore, spends all her tune on the beach,
frets more or less over the expense,
and mturns after two or three vveeks
to make up by extra work for the
brief holiday: The result is an ex-
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure was too liort.
Sr. JAMES WAFRRS are as good
for the nerves as the sea breeze ; but.
In case of nervous weakness, like the
Seg breeze, they require time.
ST, JAMES WAVERS are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary.results
are mot to be expected; but perma-
nent itnprovemelit will follow their
patient use.
• •
Og. p
itcutPtutiervags, .
---.., V ENRICH tHEILO006.510 jlti
„The 7nrJjW tONSTITUTION .1:::'
, • .,
in: dc411:14entee84 Bos ir
•;,-44;"*.BRItgliEtirCIO t%
..":-;:-......z: MI ,brilsigis p et Caere! •f--"Isa
-...,,.. _
"•!..,:)::::: ...... • ;'..4
C41111da; $I00;
At bat* ter SLOP
• S. JAMES WAVERS help stomach,
digest food and send the. nutriment
through the blood, and this is tile
honest We y to get.health and strength.
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy vvhich accom-
plishes much.
• iIitkora personal experience I
ten able te appreciate the great
'value 61 the et. Janice Waier6.ft
Dr. Charles D.cainp,
• Dubilsb Ireland
St Ants Wafer* etre not a spent
remedy 110 Me nwmerousrloclors;
romnanding Mem to their patients ,
Os ihe formula upon requett.
• 4.?here fielders are not BEM lig the
Wafers, they are molted upon re -
4 -dpi of price at the Cenadan
la -felt; 3t Janata WON co., Ina
St, CilihstIni St, Meetfttl.
• evorld.aave bean -Jailed in eenneca other colors sold and siniletinies Sttb- TO CURE A coLp IN ONE DAY.
tion therewith. stituted for emproved Butter Color - • ..
M Willi A, Kiehl; 17 ears of ' bet wise sad :experienced butterintikers • • •
r*. ant • 11
age,' of South •Ononditera. 74,Y., was avoid them kneWing. they are .not res
arrested Suaday and taken to •Copee . .
land on the charge of tailing her bro., When you are buying butter 'color
-1 er-ia-law Adam. • Richt • with lutist upon getting the• best, the
• • strychntne, 'Mr 'husband died seal-
' &ally in February, .• and she • is
. thought to have poisoned him, :too,
as she Was infatuated with ailatte
who would have nothing to .do with
het.' . .
strogeet and the most economical
Our ,neighbois and friends will tell
ott that Well's, Richardson & Co'e
atprovtd Butter Color is the best. Ail
r ,ggists and dealers,
. - John it, ilciwille Palsies Asivar. . . Al Toronto iian Killed.
Flanalltoii. Oct. 20,-Johnela Mood. Wibutileg, Oet 19.-SOniervi1le Beata•
ish,• a young man recently come from
le, tila, One • of the 1 estalsnowtx and •
most progressive citizens here, • died and a sister now treekle on Elizabeth-
Tonna°, where Ms father, tWo brothers
0- street; was almost 'Instantlyteikoilled in flat
at 1.0 o'cloea yeeteeday morning t
Paralysis, ITe was 6F1 years of age. C.N.1t. nude thisa
lle leaVes a widow, three sons and it after 2 o'clock. Beamieh wasniemsAIIISV;
daughter, Illssloes are James ff., £L8& ear repairer. ala was workittg on
jehre Charles WMoodieDecefteed at car arid had forced an adJoining car
. ,.
back to -get more room. There eats a
W' one of the founders of the Cat- slight grade. He negsectel to bloek the
exact rower. 00, and time. at the me. of 'second ear, it closed in, crusaing 13,. nt.
his death Was Ifs treasurer.. Ile and Isix below •the grain. Despite medical aid
-two of his sons fottruled the Cagle he expired almost immediately, .
'Knitting Co., but he retleed front it
fiegineer Moore Killed.
Notne yectra ago, • Mr, Moodie canfe New Ilamburg, Oct. 10. --In a dense
to this city from Scotland about 58 fog at Oscaelork that morning tt- freight
train following another ran IMO the
Vial's ass .
preceding Amin on the grade a short
' distanee west tif this station. Engine- '
hlICHAUSTED AND 1.7NCON- driver M. Moore of Sarnia jumped from
SCI0178. • hie engine, and reeeived Inhirles which
Mrs. It. W: Edwards, 33 McMurray
St.,, Brainford, OM:, suffered for five
ytars • with oervotts exhaustion, head.
solid and dyspepsia. "rile patio; iit the
• head would almost drive me crazy, 1
•ould not sleep eights but wilted Walk
OM floor in agony Until I fell ex-
hausted atul• unconscious,. ,•Yor the
past Stine tnanths / have used Dr.
Chesc'e Nerve rood and frau a mere
eteletan thie teedecitte ha a hunt me up
itt flesh and weig 1 ant strang
attd welt" It would be scarcely pos-
sible to produce stronger evidence of
the wonderful power of Dr. Chase's
Istelaal 1 ook
Proved fatal. An Inquest will be held
o-rriorrow by Coronet, Arnett of Ber-
lin. ,
Policeman Deter Morris, 'formai
says that for year he was trout)*
with habitual conetipatioh and thot
he great Much money for medicine si
only" disappointed . with the resat
Ile ttow retommends Dr. Chase's la !
ney Liver Pills to his friends betatt
It cured him of his troublesome ai
Inca. Yea tan be cured of eonstie
Vglt4byhtlat40.atinettt. One pill
• Take Laxative Brain° Quinine 'Tab-
lets. All druggists refunde lnosey
if it fails to cure. U. W. Drove's sig-
nature is on each box. 25c.
LeVer's V-Z(Wiselfead)Disinfectant Soap
Powder cleated in the bath softens the
water at the same time that it disinfects. es
-.. --
Twenty Years
of Itching Piles
• Mr. Alex. McLaughlin, thirty years
resident of 13owntanville, Oat, Writes ;---
" For twenty long years I sugared from
itching piles, and only persons who have
been troubled with thin annoyine disease
can imagine what I endured during that
time. About seven years ago I asked a
druggist if he had anything to Cure rae. ,
He said that Dr. Chase's Ointment was
most favorebly spoken of, and on his
recommendation 1 took a box.
"After three applications I felt better,'
and by the time I had used one box I was
on fair way to recovery. I continued the
tteetntent until thoroughly cured, and as
that was seven years ago, 041 have not
suffered any since, I am firmly convinced'
that the ointment made, a perfect Cure. ,
"1 consider Dr. Chase's Ointment an
invaluable treatment for piles. in my
ease I think the cure was remarkable when
you consider that 1 am getting up in years
and had been to long a sufferer from this
disease." do tents a box at all dealt" or
Edmanson,13ates & CON' Toronto.
ow:1ton, Ont:-
• In every hem. in Mir district
Wi 11. oUpply you with the latest and most interesting Lees!
Nome and Foreign News, and ,
Its special features are -Market Reports that are um,
equalled for FULNESS and BMA/MI-ITV.
Regular conttibutirms by "Bystander" on current events.
Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in7,
tereit and value to ail farmers, dairymen and stockmen.
Practical talk* each Week on Live Stock, Dairying', Farm
Crop Culture, Beeding for Profit, aud other subjects.
111/13801t1BE NOW for •
/140 k WS.RECORD oNtiy 4.n4
and 114E1 11013131.N. 150$ Vwi..Cs.
And we istatiend' Th. Sun tree tot the balance et not