HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 4•
10400:11 11 11 .11 10.11. IlliallirrIMINIMIll..100000100idalasegialinalaminnalallillasimowarisimohoitioromwoo,,. 0 0,1 0hill0.0.0m000rgionoi 1, '01 1. •
The NewswRecord
Us thethent Spent Sandy at Mr,
ia published every Thursday at john .140410.
The NewseRecord. Printing Hoes*
Messrs. Whitely and Riley weld to
AZBERT STREET - CLINTON London on 1VIo1uday to resume their
Studies at the F. C. B. C. after spend -
Terme of subecription-e$t per year in ing Thaultegiving with their ,parents
advance $1.5o may be charged if M the village.
not so paid. No paper discontinued Mr. John Brunsdon *smut to London
until all arrears are paid, unless at on business this week, •
the option oi the publisher. The Mr. John Staples a Seaforth is en -
date to which every subscription is garugnedinnerecting windmills for J.
paid is denoted on the label, lisdo.
ekthertising rates—Transient adver- ' Miss on Oninvette is home for the
tisernents, to Cents per nonpareil good a her health,
line for first insertion and 3 cents Mak It. Adams was coming up
per line for ea b sutsequent insertion. from the station his horse took fright
small advertisements not to exceed at a threshing engine and backed hon
one inch, such as " Last," 44 Stray- into the ditch, upsetting the contents
Stolen," Etc., inserted once of the wagon but no very serious dam -
for es cents and each, subsequent he. age was done.•
sertion 10 cents. Mr. Galloway of Uxbridge preached
Communications intended for publica.- to a large congregation in the Methoe
tion must, as a guarantee of good dist church Sunday evening.
faith, be accompanied by the none The proceeds <A the Lhaukivng
of the writer. dinner amounted to nearly $8s.
To insure publication in current issee 11,1r. John Johnston's (mayor ef the
copy for advertisements should be village) pedigree came out in the Far -
sent n early.
mers' Advocate this week,
Contract rates ---The following table Special temperance sermons are an -
shows our rates for specified par- nounced for the Methodist -church next
iods and space: Sunday.
1 yr. 6 mo. 3 mo, i mo. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell ree
t Column... Ideo 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 turned Monday froln a visit to Ches-
g Cobol -Ina. 40 oo 25 o� 15 oce 6 120 ley, Paisley and other places in Bruce
Colunane. 2500 150o 8oo 2 50 county. .
Column... 18 oo 10 co) 5 50 2 oo Mr. W. G. Webb visited friends in
'Inch 6 oo 3 50 2 QQ, I 25 Stella on Thanksgiving Day.
Mr, W. IVIeCool of Ifullett paid his
W. J, MITCHELL, brother, Mr. Robert McCoal of Drum -
Editor and Proprietor bo, a visit on Thursday caul Friday
last. On his rethrn he was accom-
panied by his little nephew Earl.
BRUCEFIELD. . .. , .
. • -
.. .
was, on Thanksgiving Day, the 'scene
of a pretty wedding when his only Mr. R. H. Waner of Stratford paid
daughter, Mise I.ottie, was united ia • friends here a flying visit oll Sunday. -
wedlock to Mr. B. R. Higgins, a pros- ldr. Thomas •Waldron of the Landon
perous farmer of the vicinity, The Road has been spending the past week
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, 8.n -1W -scenes of his. boyhood days -down
.0awers. fBridesmaid and groomeman. around Kingston.
were dispensed with and the affair was • Mr, and elt•s, Albert Cantelon of
a very quiet one owing to the illness doclerich township were • the guests of
of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mts.. friends her. on Suuday.
Higgins have taken uphousekeeping .Mrs. Wm. Stanbury of the London
on the farm which Mr. Higgfris bought has been on the sick list. .
from Mr. McGregor last spring. They Mr. ,Frank Grant has encased his
are a worthily popular pair who stand, ensilage with lumber, thereby saving
very high in the estimation •of the the bulk of his corn.
whole community which wishes them a• ...The • young . people. held their first
Prosperous* and happy future. • -. Oyster supper on Thenkagiving..night
Mr. P. R. Murray of Blyth hes at Mr., Roger 'Pepper's.
bought the hotel lately •managed hY Daerie •Rantor asserts that, the mat -
Dr. Little and has entered • into Poss- ' rinionial • fever has' atruele ' the • rearulon
ession. He was formerly landlord • Of. Road and - ere the winter glides by residence of 1VIrs. Taylor's parents, •Port Albert a sehooner. lay without
the Varna hotel and is a popular mine more •than one will be made happy, ' iter. ana.lirs„ 'John Salkeld, They are canvas. '.Caliteiti .Craigie finuid that
host. Mrs. Murray know n well how that .it is the .tawareetea that often ' Visiting relatives on both sides of the the schooner' was the Norway, light
to =dee an hotel homelike, the: great- . happens. • . . . ' . 1 line. ' ' bowl& for the Georgian Bey hr cargo
The residence of Mr. Peter McGregor
Lir+014+4+++4 I. i' '4"1"-++4'1 I ;A*
The new Station is progressing finely On the morning of Thanksgiving •
and the roof will be of slate. 'Me Day we met hlable MeKeuzie and
pressed brick is from the Don yards her guest, Miss Sotnerville of Oriole,
and it is very heavy and has a line returning with their fishing rods from
'being built at some other point, a fae quite an illustration of the times of '
finish. Another G. v.. station is tthhee ahpaorsetaiers.and a nice catch of fish,
simile of the one here.
Miss Florence Trouch spent three MTS. W. Rhynes spent theeiksgiving
-Connors. formerly of town.
weeks in Detroit the guest of Mrs. nuaric TsiopQ, jeanOntnkt0;74". ivitta,an' Onkstigivdian;g4htol;
Aleedames Straiton, Shannon and days the guests of Sttatford friends.
Mesner and Misses Hayti and Shannon Mrs. Irocitor of Hohnesville has
were a joyful lot of excursionists to
heed the guest of lier mother, Mrs. R.
the grend opening festival promised Donogli, the pest three weeks, Mrs.
of the opening of the sugar beet Me- Alr. Ina cashier at the Bank al
by the Berlin fathers on the occasion Donogh being indisposed.
tory and the new electric railway Montreal, hails heart Paris. .
but alas the opening, failed to open 1
Detroit on the Minnie M. after a de-
1VIrs. J•oseplo Horton returned front
ed home.
M) they just visited friends and return -
1 lightful visit to Milwaukee frant
Mr. R. Johnston and family nifty Buffalo. -
• occupy. the pretty .brick residence built Miss Gladys Whitely, second daugh-
by their son. ter of Dr. Whitely, • is retovering from
Messrs. Barker and Carter of the an }wait attaele of brain meningitis.
organ factory staff left recently to Mrs. Carlisle and Miss Thelma re-
turned to Detroit on Tuesday after al
accept employment elsewhese.
Mr. Charlie 131ackntone ftgain return- three.moirths' stay at Lakeview. I
ed to Detroit on account of the "o,...f. Dr. MeGormau of St. Mary's spent I
. the Thanksgiving holidays the getest
tieing burned. here.
Miss Glick has returned to her home of Mrs. Mesner. .
.at. New York with much regret as she ' Mrs. Edward Shannon reeurned to
erich where she was the guest of her . spending the summer with her sisters '
was delighted with her visit to God- her southern home last week after ,
here. :
sister, Mrs. 1,lax Sher, • .
The Messrs, Sher of Goderia and Mrs. W. D. 'Shannon, late of the .
Sealtert h went to Toronto a few Weeks Park House, now of Dawson City, in- '
in the Jewish tabernacle in that spring. She has every comfort in the
• Klondyke city, . but she longe for 610 .
ei.atYt.. Knox church on 'Sunday • evening .Hurons wave, . .
Capt. C. McPhail has returned from
Mrs. Passteare sang the solos in the Quite e targe congregation attended
- the, •a ni se vice•at Knox church on Niagara -on -the -Lake, •
tl t tl oil rtor
Anniversary services were .preached, lhank.sgiving ' 'Day. .The', .choir, toe,
morning and evening at Victoria St, was well filled.. We, saw several. nette
'Moines. His text • in. the inoraing .being one. The sermon was a very
was from Job.3 : 13. •At the offertory fine one for 'thanksgiving. pay and
Mr. Broderick ad Miss Stokes stir was taken from the text in Psalin•
The evening text was. front Jeremiah dreiv many tree reasons why our
Taking up roots and filling silos is
the. order of the day. The potatoes
are rotting badly.
Mr. Conn Bissett returned home
from the Northwest on Thursday
night last to attend the funeral of his
aunt, Mrs. Robert Straughttn.
Mr. George and Miss
were the guests pf their uncle and
aunt, ller. and Mrs. Jas. Hoover of
Westfield,' on S.abbath.
p.. • , o r. ete
Fisher, happened tvith an accident one
lay\ the past week. While wheeling
n Betuniller hill after dark and the
bridge being raised, as the council is
elevating • it some feet higher, Mr.
Fisher not knowing it dropped right
over the bank into the creek, getting
very badly cut in the head, .the Dr,
had to put five stitehes in. We hope
to soon •see the young man eround
Mr. Win. Jones of Carlow is .in a
very poor condition at present ' and
underwent an operation last week.
We -are sorry to inform many of our
friends of the death c:.1' Mrs.R.Straug-
ban who passed away Tuesda.y morn -
mouths to the great beyond. The
mouths to the breat beyond. 'Ile
funeral took plaee.on Thursday after-
noon to Colborne 'cemetery where the
remains were !add to . rest. The .pall.
bearers vvere : Edward Straughan of
Goderich, Straughan of I3entniller
Wtti. Millian of the 4th con., ,Thos.
Straughan of Autumn, Thos..Andereon
of Auburn and Mr. Cowan of Auburn.
'the bereaved husband and •family
have the sympathy of the whole conn.
ntunity in this their time of sorrow,
ago to attend their -New 1.refir services tends returning ta .the old town next
Special values in long .boots
Ootober 23rd, 1902
1111,10F. lbeliwi40116.11, 410 6/11*,100/0. Nilw11-11.100egil 4011,11011br414•404v
• • • Whole, Ground and Mixed spices • . • • •
' All kinds, fresh and full streAgth
By the oz., lb. or package.
t R. 4). Reek e,
vasompTior To3,7314 STORE
SuoceeSer to Sydney JaOksten.
N. B,—Corks, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings.
an ietn a ie e y. . . • T.
church by Rev. Mr. Godwio of St; faces in the choir, Mr. R. H. Lett s
the pretty duet. "Saved by •Grace." leev, James A. Anderson
2 : 32, "Can a maid. forger ,her• mime anksgiviag this ye,ar should . be
. limas or e bride her attire." At, tite ,.hailed all .over .C.aaada.; -especially' in
offertory M. Belcher sang One 'snreet, all 'parts' of Ontario. . . . • -
cloy." The •collection - .amounted to The Katandin came.- in last Week
$15o. $2e. stands on -the whole during the- storm' with a cargo of lune,
church property now, a -Metall. .deht ber. - • • • • . •
siirely.. • • - Captain JOhn.Cre.gie weet out in the •
'Mr. and Mrs: Frank Taylor .of Pick- storm of Tuesday week- with. the• tug
ford, Miell.,'spent Thanksgiving at the Evelye as "'it. • was. 'reported that elf
est charm a hostelry can have. The •
hotel is under capable manag-ement.
I The effertory. collection neXt Sunday and as she was ca.sily at. anchor cap.
at St. George's is expected to be tain Craigie returned,
. ;greater than heretothre owing, as the One 'strange feature of• the organ
rector said, to the cessation of war, factory lire was a piece of glass
HULLETT TOWNSHIP •1VIrs, Ilothaut of Stella visited her restoration of health to His Majesty which IVIaster Mason Bell picked up in
Mr. Lou Farnham has bought a week. strike, all of which dangers menaced lighter at either eed, Mason present;,
soti, Mr. Richard Hotham, the Past ! the king and an end to the great coal hairphi form, heevy in the centre anti
fine Hereford heifer. from Mr. Robert Mr. David Weir. spent 'thanksgiving ! eoldety this year. • ed it to hie grandmother who said she
. under the parental rooleat Wingham. On Sunday' next at St.. Peter's the wbeld:.wear it for a souvenir. ••.
Mr. Gowanlock's hay pressing gang mrs., Geo. stepheeson dreited -friends ; anniversary feast -of the opening of tornWall, Oct, 'eth-LMr. W.. Herbert
are busy in this vicinity. • - • - Exeter' on Thursday, -• that church will be held Molting and Robertson of the Dominion 'Customs,.
Mrs. John Warwick is visiting iter mt. W. Stanley- of Hohnesville cell- evening. Gored einisie. will be eenderecl - OttaWa, fartnerly of Goderich,
daughter, Mrs. H. Fisher, of Torotroe 'ed on his hrOther. Mr.' jaines Stafiley, ;under the auspice, of Mrs. Kiely,
married heke last night to IVIiss Isabel
Lucknow at present.' , • Mrs, , Hill bf Londerboroetris- i.soloist,,assistecleby the oilier membersl..mich., formerly manager -cif . the. Tor;
sgiving with her parents at Gorrie. • Friday, . : , • • .• , At. St. George's: on Sunday evening ..
Antis; Queliec. The weddiag. took
new drive, from Mr. Alex. Smith. Mr, sinile, Why ? Because it. is a boy.' most ' effective, sermon, especiallyedie ltfecNish' officiating: The. bride .waa
Mr. Geo. Connell is visiting iritads oo ThuradaTOos y. • • . at ganiet, • and Mrs. O'C.ounell, soprano. Hamilton Finlay . of Waterydiet,
Miss J. L. McLaughlin spent 'Menke ited her siSter, MrS. Vir.. Lindsay, . on 1 of .the choir. • • • ontei Paper Company's mills, East
Mr. John Allan has puechased a • Mr. .Jarnes Dale, Jr., now wears a.1 lost. gdv. Mark -Turnbull. preached a •
ptace • •at. the • bride's home Rev. Dr.
Henry Livermore his also bonght a 'Mrs. Cook of Winthrop'is at present : eeeted to the spiritual welfare' o attended -by her sister, Miss Annie
horse from Mr. Campbell of Mcle.ill9P. 'visiting- her son, Mr. W..11. Cook, ! young men of The congregation, taking rialay ,eaue Mr. R,obert Telford of
settlz 1 down to the Stern realities. of village after an absence 'of .six weeks, . He said that character is wanting meld 'mg was a . quiet one; only a few
Mr. Robert McDool's• auction sale Leadburv: . study' well that greatest chapter in yoling cotple . left on the midnight
f the
Mr.. Joseph Brown and •wifeehave Mrs. -McCully • has retureed to 'our his text frau Daniel 3..: /3,. 14... - Ottawa supported the grobni; The.
Hfe. There are other's to follow. • • • She was the guest' of her dr -fighter at ;n those daye. Young 'men.' Phould fltitnatc ie .s , being presen he
on Wednesday of last 'Week tvae the Miss Edith Britton Visited friends in the Old Testament, showing' the firm.. exontsN till a. wedding trip to Torontoe
best ever 'held in that sectioa. Horses
Witigham the latter pare of last week. ness of character ,of the three young enl the gicom's old home at Goder-
and cattle sold at high prices. A men. Shadrach, Mesach and abedne- {ch. They will reside at Ottawa. Mr.
brood mare .with 'foal three months • . . • go.' mrlien they stood up boldly before Rollo tson has many friends here who
calves reached $22 each. A Hereford , pORT ALBERT.
would neither serve his gods nor wor- -
old sold at $128. Ordinary spring . Neibuchadnezzar the king a.ntl said they w:u him good fortune.
hell to months ol , houg not etc - .
greed, sold at $81. A Herefierd heifer Mrs. Jas. Quaid is at Winghfun :•hip the golden image that he had set •
Mrs. Gegen of Clinton spent lest
week as the guest of Mrs, Sterling,
She will spend the winter with her son
in Buffalo.
, • g g a, pa of.
' Indian ponies from C. Wallis of Clio -
ton. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Whitely speet
Sunday A. a cone 's.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fernham •of Kin-
: bent spent a few days. with friends in
this vicinity last weee. •
.Miss Nell IVIacdottge.11 has returned
from Egmoudville.
Miss Little of Wingham spent last
week as the guest ol Miss Priscilla
Torrance. '
e an o on spentun-
clay ' at Mr. William Elliott's.
Miss Maggie McPhail and Nellie
Macdonald are guests of Dunlop
Rev, Mr. Yelland .preachett in Beth-
any on• Sunday, having exchenged pul-
pi s with: tv. ei
'White: the government. is iavestigat-
ing.. trusts and' monppolies it. should
not • overlook the express companies,
Their exorbitant rates hoe *Wag been
ti grievance which.a long-suffering, pu-
blic subiniteto with ill, grace. They
. do these thiegs better in England
' where the governinent controls the
serviee:—Ex, •
' Yet (Via, only a few"ivveits :ago that
our exchanges Were passing ethatid'
'the "inforMation that .since the govern -
meet taisecl the ,postage on printed
matter from four to eight cents e
pound much of it was shipped by ex-
press, as the ebnipanies only charged
four cents. but that recently, the cam.
panics had. reised their rates to dor-
respond with .the postal rates;nantely
,eight.cents per pound. So far as they
are eoncerned . the newspapers have
hittle to.thatik the present goVernfnent
I fbr.--Redgetown Boininion. ,
. .
1- • Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as•Cagh
••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••• **a •••••44 •••••••A
New Fall Goods at
Wm. Taylor and Son's.
A ,Call Solicited
We sell everything in
"`Modern Footwear"
Our stock is equalled by
-few and excelled by no,te
We shall be pleased to show
you our stock and give
you our prices. It might
be money in your pocket.
Our stoek for the Fall.
Trade is now complete. We
have all the lateet styles
which we now offer at very
close prices for CASE,
We are sole agents 'in Clin-
ton for the KANT KRACK
Rubbers, Every pair guar-
Also Sole Agents in' Olin-
ton'for the celebrated Gran-
by Rubbers which have
stood the test. They are the
best in the market. Try a
pair and be convinced:
1 .
. ..
• ,
iTall. is Here Again ,
• ,
s . , If you. :WiSil to save -nioney when buying New Fall ; .
.:' Goods' this is the pilttoe to eotne.. • , °
: • • , • • •
i . Anotherlarge consignment clothing juet, received con-
::•, '. - •
sisting of Overcoats, Suits and Pants for men and boys. .
See our wind and rain proof Pea Jackets for men and
Innis. They ate the correct thing for the cold, we 7
weather and•are selling vv,ell.
ts , Just to hand a big job in wool blankets. linty are ,
: • made flow 'pale Cananian wool, good large size. .
• We are selling them ve.ry much below the usual • ,
price while they lat. • ' •
See our Heavy Yarns.and Excellent values in Rubbers foi;
I Double Width Sheetings. tnen, women and children, • :
In the Millinery Department, we have new goods urriy; :
ing every few -days, • . . . . ' *
I .
, * , .
, -
. 1 D. 11/1. MoBEATH - - BLYTH. I
waiting on her daughter, 'Mrs. Adam
• • - •
two years old went •at 598. The total; The church Women's Auxiliary meets .
proceeds of the sale were. $2,;e65, The One cif our enterprising y-oung fartn- every mOialay afternoon and the young :
the auctioneer. ' • Misl Jennie dau hter of Mr' and Mrs finial Xmas bate are ready' to send
I ' ' ' ' Pretcirla Etitielx. : i
. . .
Mr, 1. c otine , was tnar-
hours. Mr. Brown. of Seaforth was 's'
ried an Wednesday oflast miceeto ening. at, St. George's. S.. S., room
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 ••••
. . .
Schaefer, who is •
selling was done in less than four
M RobertC 11 1Vornen's Auxiliary every Monday ev-
. Woods, Ilemieler, Perth county. • Miss away.
Burk, Toronto, looked after the wante• ' Mr. Will: Fraser, brother of the Mis-
' of the bride while Mr. William McCon.: ees Fraser, spent tato weeks ,at .the
nell assisted his brother. lVfay their a/nilY residence; He is a bralae
The above are the titles of the two trip through, life be one of the 48.p- builder' and is now engaged at Oat -
most delightful pictures . which are •piest and , most . proelperous, Many skint N. .17. Miss Maggie VrOer ac'
being sent to. sebscribers of the rani- congratulations: 1 . conipanied him on his return. She
ily Herald and Weekly' Stat a -
this se
. . Mr. James 1VIeCimitell and his clau- will spend ,two •weeks at Catskill:
eon. It is difficult to say which will sghter, Mrs. Tait,' attended the wedding Cabtain john. Macdonald is in link
prove roost popular. "Purity": is a • of his son last Week in HeSpelet. ' this week, having- e 'cargo of supplies
beautiful piece .of color woi-k. It is a Miss Seen Dunbar is still confined from this port .for the inill a.nd Iiim-
copy of a painting that has attraCted• to her. room because of itijhries - re- • ber eanip at Johnston's Harbor. We
a great deal of attention in Europe- ceived in a runaway some weeks ago. 'wish him a safe voyage. • •
"Alone" appeals perhaps tO a differ- Rural Dean Hodgena a Seaforth of- The Norway lies at anchor irt the.
ent taste and isalso sere to be popu. ficates in Christ Church here next Soh.
shelter, She was bound from•Winctsor-
lar. The two pictures m
are immense day at 3p. ita • to Richerd's. Landing; light. .
value with that great family wee -JY Mr. A, It. Cufrell of Toronto spent The Thanksgiving harvest: festival
at one dollar per year and when they a few days with his family here and •
eervicee will be held at St. Georges
begin to scatter around the .country returned to the City on Monday. elturch on Sunday peat. Rev, Mr.
and be 'seen there is sure to be a' - • . . Berry -will preach. Mr, Herold Black -
greater rush than ever for that paper. . . . , . • etone will coma up frten Clinton to.
. assist the choir which has undergone
HeICILLOP TOWNSIVP. more dtangea the past year than ever
BLYTH. '' • , - Miss Godkiti, who has be,en ill fora before conseqUent itron a large num-
Thursday last being Thanksgiving lcnath of time, is not iminprov g.
ber •o? the -young men leaving tOwn..
We were. sorry to learn on Monday
•Mr, A. Borman has two hay presses
Day it- was observed here an a general a. tn. that Conductor Cordingly had,
at work and will handle a Iarge quati-
holiday. Divine service Was held' in ahile on the top of his car, fallen and
St. Andrew's church in the evening. . : tity 'of hay.
broken his leg. Ee ' has been hotne
Miss Mina Proetor of London. Spent , .. Same fellows' 'near .Clarkf's C. tn:lierr . ,ight weeks mid now can with the itSe
at the • north ,boundary. 0 MeKtrot
her Thanksgiving holiklay here, retitrii. of crutches go oat a little. His run is.
ing to the city on. Monday. • , sey they 'saav three bears. one day re. . from ' Owen Sound to Shallow ,Latce,
eently. Bears are plentiful Out. that ..
Miss Louisa Proctor of London is' • Mrs, Coildingly has. a fuschia. about
visiting her mother for' a short time. , way or elan the natives are goon at six feet high covered now with bloom,
The funeral of the late Mrs. Hugh , b.ear stories.. iii . .... N { • there being more than a hundred. flow- •
Bell took place from the residence of - Messrs..Ilic i eh and nary. ca • are et.,, opott..it, - 1
busy. cutting .cordwood for the tomer
her son, Mr. Will . Bell, on Friday. Mrs. R. S. Williams and Miss Wit-.
and have their shanty beilt in.the .
The remains were taken to the R. C. . limns have retaliated, from a' pleasant
cemetery in Eullett for ihterinent fol. : Midst. of the forest, . visit to 'Toronto and 'other ' cities.
Mr. Fleury ottmore bad a bee on ,
lowed by a large number of sorriming • ., d . hauling - . F. Barlow Entities bas'a new way of
. . rl. i ay lest Presmi IlaY • 1-(3 : selling his wood, bv the tou, it is
Rev. J. Edmonds attended the 'eon- ..publin station. • . - s Nam, .
Mr. Conrad Eckhart' has • had hi... •
vention of St, Andrews' Brotherhood - The Nowa-Record' will he Sent to
barn enlarged as , well as niany other
held in Brantford la,st week. ,
We are sorry- to hear that.:the wife improvinents Made on hi a place lately, cartiliay daodidiraerss until the end Of .1903. for
The two oldest men in the north . .
of our esteemed towns/nail, Mr. Jaber adr..Garrow got. a great 'send off at
part of MeXillop are George Thorntor. ,..
Walker, is indisposed at present. • • ,.. : the Park nOttSe On Monday •wee'c.•
Ofi Wednesday Mr.' Phillip Murray • Vino is upwards of go years ad Tho• Legal lights • from l3russels, Blyth,
and family lace town' for Brucefield ; toes Davidson who is 88 years of age, ffseter, Lueknow and Seaforth &At-
; Mr. and Mrs. Drager have been on a.
where he intends. going. into the hotel - ' ended. Judge Doyle was the. chair.*
business he having pkrehased one ol I visit to Detroit where two sons and a , man of the evening., The dining -half
the hotels in that burg. W? are sorry ' was prettiiy decorated and nine cours-
; daughter reside. -
to lose Phil. as lie was an excellent I ' Quite, a untnber have not .not their es were serVecl at the banquet. lilr. •
citizen but what is our loss is Bruce- . p.otatoes taketi up yet. 'llure are Garrow was full of roniiiiseences and '
quite a few rottea ones.
field's gain. •said he owed his present mad fortune ,
Our tax tolleetot, Mr, John nen, is Tili,e eollectior? roll is now in alie 'to the advice given Wm more than a
on his zgth annual tilt) these days, co, tetor afif t ie ratepayers may ex- euarter of a century ago by the late
informing the citizens' liovi well off . met it. friendly call from him. itt a few ,, tiage Toms.
they are. days and he is expected to haire all Mr, and Mrs. Hatteiftoti Martin, late
taxes collected before the eeth of Dee-
ember. The total tax is only $131-
99.44,as follows: For ' county purpos.
• ISOLMESV/LLE, $21314.02, township expenditure
.at,534.60,. drains, etc., Snoo.69,stattite
Mrs. T. G. Holmes of Fort. Wain°, labor 557.ao, Public schools $3,968.32,
Mich., spent the holidays with Mrs. .Roman Catholit schools 8484.Af, the
Holmes, sehools reeeivcd hesidee $686, interest
A nutnber from here attended the (m. Miihicipa.1 funds. Tbe township has
tearneeting at 2,ioti on Monday welt, built two steel bridges and cement
Rev. A. IC. Birks. of London spout abutments' for font bridgea atul have
Thanicsgivieg with Mt. E. Eliot& nne steel bridge and abutments to
Tdbblitt of Goderich vis- build yet. It is liOpeti the. farmers, will
ited her parents on Sunday, tal:e advantage of the high price of
Mrs, F. Leonard and son visited wood to manufacture, all the wooden
friends at'Bright. . fences along the roads into stone wood
Mr. N, Trawattlia of London and sell it to the residents of Seafortit
Notatial was home for the holidays. and put in `wire teheea roads
Mr. Atrill, ttaveller for Bin -tacit and save taxca in future .on show
Fence visited Mr, Stanley on, Tuesday. drifts,
Epatorth League atid Prayer Meeting
welt held together on Wednesday ev. PAYS To Anvmerisit irt
call of Oda week TUE IIEWS-RZCORD.
Of Niannieeg, have taten up their rOSi-,
donee on Victoria street.
Mr. and lVtrs. Ben. Robinson, late
of Gocierich, have taken up their resi.
:Gee° itt Thessalon. •
Mrs. Willie Craigie (nee Essie Wade)
will spend this seasou the guest of her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Alex.. Craigie,
it aster Lert, Murphy bewails the
lose .11 (ieorge, a dog that followed
him iii all his rambles. The poison
fiend got his work in on George. and
upon. Tory Stutdces pug dog.
'Ile Knitting. Faetory had an extra.
holiday on Monday week on account
of the siito!,e stack being .blown down
by the gale that day,
Dr. 'Clark is converting the bait
*hid he has ehlarged into a horse
Mts. Little and Mrs. DeOttiehy of
Toronto speat Thaukagiving week at
the residence of Mr's. Captain GibSon
(:QQ•0000(i00 OV
00 Si<>00900000
Our Whole Stock of
Boots and Shoes.
Having decided to discontinue the Boot a,nd Shoe
business, our entire stock is on the -market, and until a
purchaser can be found for the whole of it, we will con-
tinue to sell our, immense stock at greatly reduced
Since introducing this sale our business has been
increasing monthly, which isstrong. evidence that we
are.giving the people genuine bargains.
We have Men's Felt 'Foots, Men's leather felt lined
Boots and Men's Socks,
We have in stock Boys' Sqhool Boots in calf grains
as well as heavy grains, from the best makers in. Can-
ada, and they are going at bargain prices.
Call and buy a pair of our Fine Dongola Kid Lace
Boots, heavy extension sole for men. Extra value at
$3, on sale while they last at $2,50.
We also keep all sizes in Men's and Boys' Leggings
in light and heavy grain leather. '
Also a large stock of Rubbers for :Sten, Women,
Boys;Misses and Children.
Every purchaser of a pair the King Stub Proof
Rubbers gets a Life Insurance Polley for $1.00. Buy
a pair and get a policy, it will costlou nothing.
jas. Twitehell, Clinton.
0 0 0 0 00
Tfle Clinton Flimiture and pndortalcing Co.
1 Ilk!, 1111.111
Rowe & Holloway
announce that they have
bought. the Furniture and
Undertaking business of
Broacifoot & 13ox and' will .
continue the Mtad in the old stand.-
. .Bir. J. Atkinson, who hate&
thorough knowledge of the busi-
ness, will have charge of this
store and will also do 4111 kinds
of repairing, upholstering, etc.,
at very moderate prices. '
A first class hearse in tonnection,
Manager and ruheral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence
on Princeaft St., dIreetly hack of Presbyter-
ian church.
Monday, Oct. a7th, at t p. on A. IVIoltown
lot at, eon. 12, East Wawanosh, farm
stock and implentents.--Robert Meseta •
proprietor ;' Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
Saturday,, Nov. tst, at t p,
lot 41, Enron Road, Tuckeramith, ad-
joining the town of Clinton, farm
atock arid implentents.—John Pickett,
proprietor- Thos, Brown, auctioneer.
Tuesday, IN'ov. 4th, at i p. itt., at
the village of Bornholm, 5 miles north
of Mitchell, farm stock and itriplein-
ents.-alohn Walsh, Proprietor Thos.
Brown; Auctioneer.
Thursday, Oct. 3oth, at r p.. trt., at
Thomas Jew?tt's farm on boundary
line, Turnberry, 2 miles west of Blue -
vale, exteusive sale of farm stock and
implements.—Thornas Jewett, proprie-
tor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
Tuesday, Oct. afith, at 1 p. nt,, lot
14, con. 31 McKiItop, farm stock and
impIeinents..--Peter O'StiLivati, pro. "'—
prietor. ; Thos., Brown, auctioneer.
Mr. w. Currie and wife of near
Porterli Rill visited et Mr. C. Rea -
colitis on Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Hill, Who has been visit-
ing Meads in Richmond, Mich., and
Forest, returned to her home on
Mr. Grealis and wife of Clinton
spent Sttnday at Mr. John johnSton's
Come and see my yd -
rubber and solid *.
niekle driving har.
nes a before buying .