HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 2TR tilos hoi ••••• THEjkozinnow rEws-RacoRrt 1 I 11111 1 1 1,1,11, 1 11 1 III I 111 . „th44 Stockiiaio camp tcr•morrow, and will 4004)40 to attack the enemy.I COI.INTY CONVENTION. silently urged upon /1101111mi-ship "Wben repreeentativee of national The vice acasel also telegraph& the the Mineral Ice need of respecting the . - • 'W. C. T IIIIRON • The %neer-tome-a roistreetes.- Ootober 281.4,1902 Itching Skin laW •hat 'every man who commits a an .41' 70 4• bSttixtte of a later ftes etch from Distress by day and nnehtee. mediate they reetinWe sett 'meddle.- , the Unroll County W. Le. T. 7.7.11eld _ u_s It of the fighting at Erego, Oct. 6, exercises, coedueted hy etre, A. Ross, arTeh:Ott4nnthf:rteuTatePlaainsttriateb°17117tedh: au p . Col. Swayne, who eays that as a re- (meted at 1.30 p. en. with devot anal tied of violen. e is an enemy to our . eititse,' bas Men our watchwoole pe.. sonic politicians.' But, Omit a to wi h all o• r 'n *um ie,. there have been 8' it • these ' ',dm( Mtions, supported eoarlinln tin. itnieviinclennt., andtyto ithttii powes b • ' hu. 0face levis are considerable' Sbaken• Tlut Blyth, Zurtch, Dungannon, • teoderIch, ward appheatione do - not cure. which was very eevere, the Somali their fifth aunual conVention in Wing- with Eczema or Salt Rheum -and out- s, to fenw renrim:ns end nalenuittibeit.iont °wifely- igeObugthitletThtuettee•uate4::•1141°1‘lvet.areeor the , Mullah, who is said to be in coat- lowing unions were • repregented : Thee cora mooteaajon with Kell and Inger in ham on the eth and doth inst. 'The tole ' e a te t40 Tire source of the trouble42, Azt President Mitehell'a Able Reply to President FlOosevelt, A Masterpiece of Sarcasm, Hat With en Inner Kindly Spirit Onkel to the epai Operattiet-easertiteis the Victory. yet AeleltratIon to tee.oetsme and Minors, Representative Thauks Nverybody Woo Coutributed to the Result. Washington. Oct. 18. - The latest corres: •on lenee between 1 resident ItooseyeAt anti John Mitchell, Of the United Mine Werkers, watt nuede pube iic ta • ',bete 'dome yesterday. It. consists first of the fol.on n; tele. grunt front Ptesid.n Roosevelt to (41.. Mit hell. dated Wathington, October 15: iteesaveit Urges Acceptance. "i 1 avo aepoieted as (:orzenisslon- ere Briettlieatleueral John M. Wit - tees; 1dr. E. W. 1 ar'..er, ;ludo George limy, Mr. E. P. Clerk, Mr. Thomas 11. Vat ins, and Bishop! .101 n L. Sa,ldiu, with lion. Cart cid • D. Wright no recorder. The' mimes ere ecceptod by the operators, and 1 now most ea n etly ask told urae that the min rs 11 :twisty accept thy commis - ,;ion. It is a matter of vital Con- cern to all our teople, and especial- ly to those in our groat cities, wild are least well off, that the Mining Of coal Ehould I e resumed • without e day's utnycersaey delay."' Mr. Mitchell answered this from Wit:tee-Barra Pa., under 'date of Oct. 16. Attie act nowledging the Prosi, dt.nt's communication h) said: -mitctien Replies. 'I beg to inform you that your re- cant:allele ions were submitted to the mestibers of the Executive Board of d'stricts one, se:on, and one, I nited •Ftateri Mine Worls..trs of Ant- i:rite, : h e ave 1 nanimotiety • eg et d to call a, dclegate .convention to be held next Monduy, and .will -re- Law end Order erurderene . cannot lay enece -bringing up reinforcements from all Mecham, atter •which the .eco°o.livveennttiot tile direction of tbe Webb River, is. Seaforth and Wingheau• sti Ike. • Awmithel ii(l'iatlint npiel7le But, Mr.- PreeitIcnt, we make the ; yo.:PYletteheenantlnediliel•iot•tithriabvuellttIonilsdviellitelet fsicies• was called to orthyr by• Miss K. M. unquali led deet 'ration 113 it th a iin- I Out justice will be done our people. Col. Swayne is much hampered QW- risher, Vice -President. Rtports from rorted guareleus Of late and Order. IVO see giaa to Ilave a (thence to to,o.,. ing to the neeeseity of transporting the treasurer, Mrs. Slater, Myth, . the wounded and water, He is retir- showed the balance to be on the right tit: cotneardes coal and iron i olice, pear hetorestall it court, empowered te/ i o mutt . 1 cl more wipe. ve oiced fog on Mohetle. Ile. asks that 600 side. The eoreSecretary reported that ha to consider • told dispose of all the martin's th ring this striae than ran mine workete have struggled fort in- further reliable troops be 'despatched there were sevett active unions in the frcounty, two having been organized be thaegyel to tht great army of men i ereased wages and a recluotiert in the om 13erbera forthwith. The serious revertie in Somaliland during the past year who have been .in hilt woo for the i bouts of labor. Also the relations . Places' the mad British forces there Miss K. N. dasher, Co. Vice -Pres., , past live un ntbs. We been repeated- i• which ought to exist between the . of about 8,00 ly, and in language. not susceptible eitiPloYors and the Orgatddation whet: 0. raen of doubtful re-,. then gave the annual addtess,reterring liability, in an exceedingly perilous to the death Of the late President,Mrs. w of heel: tructitn, conclwened trties- , the men lia-ve formed, and which eltuation. Since the .beginning of Elford ; to the progrees made I - ' there . Col. . gee sit ns of the IOW on the part of they authorize to speek for them. those on strike,. and we thalleng.e the "Front the arbitration wo hope air•Swayne's secondcampaign is every reason to "thank Ood and l against the Mullah. last May, little. tale courage." e C08,1 10'n .0.011ta to rota to 0813 pal,- believe trill come complete, feats - 3. lie rioerance ( n their Tart in which faetorY and perntatant solution of/ 13" been heard of the expedition. The i P.EPORTS OP DEPARTMENTS viOhnle committed by their hired 'anthracite neld front time immemori- be WaS retreating from the Italian Work among sailors, by Mrs. Cream - present despatches seem to show that th y o Ce en deprecated ems of tee troubles wbl h have vexed the guar dsaiIrontier, northward, when. the Mule hell, Goclerich ; .Work et Sunday . d! Unfair and Unmanly. • • . lith attacaed him at Erego. Last. Schools, by Mrs. B. Gunne'Sealorth-; December the Mellah was reported to Fair" Work, by Miss K. M. Fisher (not • 'fire declare that ft. was unfair and THE ELECTION TRIALS. have about 12000 men, mostly term- ' so fully taxen up as it shout(' be) ; meanly for the coal road operators ed, a large pe, rcentage of Whom were Radroaa Work, by Airs: Crich, Clin- to insult us while we were your Dr. liontleolge Denies. Having Treatpol at armed with rifles. it is possible that ton ; -Work among Lumbermen, by gcests, andcharge our organizaeion the ratv-An Interesting Day at the he now eornmoads 8.eoutelo,000 MOIL Mrs. Buldlecomb, alinton. • e ea ort i • with re •pon ibility for arts of law- - Woodstock Trial. .With this large force harrassing hien, eent 750 the, of literature, also money lesstiess d eying the .stelke.. It would COL Swayne has to retreat to Mo- towards missionary's salary. •i Waist as Memel to charge the Am- London, Oct. 18. -At the Middlesex hothe 150 mlles, and probably still The W. C.. T. U. regard Scientific' , . eri am army • in t he Philippines With. ele -t I. n trial yeeterdaer 'Mau ncein . 100 Miles further to Burao, tit.) Temperance in Schools as the most : being an army of murderers,. to tor- James. Judee, farmer, se- eee thee prinCipal British frontier post, This important branch' of the work and the turers and robbers, becalm() a feW John Bell .paid him $2 1.ri behalf . of Mareh must be made under a scorch- tchot authorities also regard it as . crimes. e ere committed by soldiers Dritoutiedge, e • In rebut tal Bell •ing sue and over an arid mid road- important as they 'have made it a sub- • ' there. Until the millennium there claimed he only °Mimi to ask Judge less desert, evendt the retreat is stet- ject of eemnination. The W. C. T, U. 1 widhe crimes in every community. .10 'vote for Routledgea Decision M cessful.. The gravest anxiety will be onsidersetoweveathat a mistake has the 'human nateire is the eeene, no the case, was 10 01 ' • felt until further news is received. been made in not beginning in the c : he'ter and no wotse, among the half , •A• :charge thot intelneil a supper The entire expedition will have to be lower forms for many have school be - 10111100 people detentlent upon us in -served at a committee meeting at II- repeated on a much larger scale, • . fore coming into the Entratiee classa • the coal field a!, it is everywhere in. (Tortola was gone into. e It aPPeared Col. Swarm is nceetnintnied by ov- and tonsespently. go out hit° the our cot ntry. , that alrpresent had paid . for their er 20 white officers, and has with World' • lacking this .education and Force Breipless• . own suppers.. . ' • .him sozne Maxim gunsaand some -7.- • • . knowledge of the effects ot alcohol on ,"rho pretence of (he opeeetors that A chat•ge et e treating at Ilderton Pounders. ditto Mullah's success will the body • and mind:- The Society is tlye,y were unable to Produce Coal he -fair by . nn agnnt, - with respondent's set •the whole Ogaden and Dolahante,• • endeavoriug to secure the eye:apathy . cause intimidetiOn lopt from work 'knowledge , was taken up. - 'William country. agorae, Trade relations at and co-operation of -teacbers in drder " • Berbera. and • Bulliar have shewn: an,. • to succeed •in this iniporeant work . . . Weet swore he had been asked • hy. PRESIDENT MITCHELL. commend to the comention that all melt pow on strike return to the nosttioes and working. places fokeneie ly occupied by theiii. • • "In their t•efusal 'lo accept your ar- bit: ament at our. suggestien •on Oct eaard the operators sought to hold in part a, eol ntable for tile very .eon - dittoes h you .were trying ' tO remedy, and • to instruct yeti 1.e.e to your duties concerning them. Eight days later they atineared before' yon - 11188 '0110 •W0V0 Wll11fl 10 been troven false by the fact thee riftVO • EdWited VOttglas to have a drink on ,cnormous decrease since the opere,-• winch, •to he ellective, rnust be done . the Doc." (evidently weenie -4 Dr, tions of the•Mullah Cut. Oft across to during the child's Most impressionable protection, which theyedemanded, bas • . iloutledgeo Dotiglams denied 'hitving. the rich 'markets of Ogaden and Dole years. •• • • decreased • rat her than increased , the hundrc d the meted : 'troops could ' not numl or of non mining coal. A used the wards alleged. Geoi.ge Lang sybarite.. It was announced by Lord` said the respondent .particinated .-in Lansdowne, • Poreign • Secretary, iti exeellent paper soft by Mrs'. Green of. Clinton. - .1 uvenile work' was reported by' • an the treat. . . • • Parlientent, last sueniner, that the ' ... • ' ha e enabled the operatora to start • The respondent • positively denied ' Italians were co-operating with Col. Mrs. Bryan of retteknow gave a Om, . their inine.s for . the simple' reason : having treated Robson or anyone - on. Swayrie, but 0.8 despatches Made pub-. Prehensiva paper on orgemze.tion and that th - Men. Who work them are "the day of the fair. • ' • . • lie to -day do • not Mention Italian methede. • Members nf tlie.United Mine Workers' . . 1 ewer at Lc plot), •Filginfield, prefer- 1V1ift ,5Proule,: missionary to lumber of Anterica, men who Were determin- IA - The . . charge ed• treating a -hotel-- help, it is supposed thatesome local 'difficulty was found in arranging' per • e.o.rups, gave an addrass. .ed • to stanleto tha teat for their . . • . red agairist the respondent, was de-, the co-oPeration. . . The officers elect are : Pres:, Mrs. tights to organ ?A an rough theii nicd by the respondent, and John . organtro.t ion to demand better wages . Preset., who a -conn tented him, No one i repro Ved conditions of em 0 loY-• (lecisitin was given•upon any: of the merit, Deprivatioti, misrepreeenime• , THE MARKETS. treating cherges, the court 'preferring . . . _Mrs. J. B Kennett:. AV ingliam. •. •• , . ti on and trooes tegether were not • - to hear one ergtenent on the point. . : • • - Mrs. Hope then se.ng vety aceeptaly- The . . -ro,trt at oerne e o c oc c Orb:sago ?Warners Firm -wheat and Co:orzt , ly "Gathering Sheaves lot .Tesus.." ' stelifeent to drive them to surrender. . l' d t 6 ' 1 I to Tbey stood Shoulder to shoulder to 6.80 thisi ruo. sting ' optima Advanced in Price On Saturday .. Dr. McKay redhiessed the union on -;-The Latest Quotations. . the "Three Don'ts and the Three Paulin, Dashwood ; Vice-l'resa iMiss K;. Fisher, Wieglime ;. Corafieca Miss Steinbach, .7.nrich :; Rec.-Sec.4 • PRocEEDINGO• INTEDE8TiNG.' .•. .8,tturday Wetting, Oct. • Do's and lie wilt followed by Rev, . . - . • Board Exultation. • . • , . "The 0: eratola • dee arcid that they ' . 1 enerpom wheat futures mosed %d to ted R. Hobbs; in a. few well worded min - 1 • - . - • Petitioners eo Par Pali to Prove Anything err to -day WO earn futures pertly eel tences. . would have no hing ' o do with the . .. . Up.teti Mine Woe', er "- or America, . . - In Woodstock Protest blood -make that pure and this cl- ing, burning, itching skin disease will disappear. "41 was taken with an itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable.. I concluded It was salt rheum and bought a bottle ot Hood'e SereaparIlla. In two daya atter X began taking It felt better and It Was not long before I was cured. Have never had any akin disease since," Mali. Ink WIAD, Cove Point, Md. Hood's Sarsaparilla AXIS the blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions! 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000O000000 For an up-to-date HAIR CUT CLEAN SHAVE try the leading barber. Negt DOOR TO IRWIN'S GROCORY. George D.Robertop, 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 " • 0 0 0 0 0000 0 AIN 4.11•1 co • ro GODERTOR. CAdEl2A.S Cameras 141 • CAMERAS 1.) CAMERAS rt, .CAME4A-S. ..11* WE HAVE A. LARGE RANGE OP CAMERAS BTJT TIIE BEST B'OR. A CHEAP CAMERA IS. . BROWNIE' NO 2 WHICH sur4r. AT $2. Persons in neighboring towns who are thinking of perches ing a camera will receive an Eastman catalogue by drop- ping us a eard. Other cameras besides the Eastman can he supplied. Pilme, developing powders and other light sup., plies can be sent by mail. Our cheap Exposure Metes at 350 gives the correct expos- ute under all conditions and pays for itself in a short time by saving over and under ex-' posure in tnecatives. H.B COMBE, The McKinney Bros. end troupe of minstrels, 18 in number, appeared here * on Tnesday evening to a crowded Chemist and Druggist. ••• hquse. The Geer Bros, have a for- . midable rival preceding them this sea- son. We are accustorned to the black fa.ced mitastrels dancing hoe clotyns and singing epee songs, but never be- fore did we \near them play masterly neee1to.s on euphonium, trombone or core • CLINTON COURT REVISION. Notice is hereby giVen that. a Court Will 4 held, pursuant to the " Ontar- io Voter's' List Act," by His Hoiter the. Judge of the County by of the ,COunty Huron. at Clinton,. on e. • • • .STOPS THE COUGH AND . • Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets the• 17th day. of Neve 1902, at To o'clock a. in. te hear and determine WORKS OFF THE COLD. cure a cold in one day, No cure, no the several complaints of errors and pay. Price 25, cents. mun 0...,misatous ti Voters' List df the imam ea lit of Clinton for 3902. 'All ' persons having business at the Court • are required to.attend at the same • • . time and place. . • W COATS, Clerk. Dated the nth dr.y c;f. 'October, 1902. . . • FOR SALE • • • but they nave found it necessary •to Woodstock, Oct, 18.e -The proceed.- thatint ettleago tied. wheat „closed lie higher EVENING. SESSION d • •IdaY. Dee. corn, 314e highet 1 eeogniee thee...Lower o tit; ;United .. ings in the -PeoteSt 7trjp,1 here yester- Dec. oats %e higher. -T • .. , • • In the --:even ng .a public ineet n.g Was mine 'WOricers'-ol • Afnerica through, 4.1.is: were' ' interesting; and thee: far .: .' LEADDYG WDEAT.111AILIK.E7fit... .. : .beld in the- 'town hall but the. attend - yet?, Mr. Presidi'et, and)to.seele. 'terms of peace 'Which will enable then' to -- .the 0:Mono's .have failed to Prove • 1, A, °attiring are 'die closing quot ations 'at- mice was . not large and did. not indil• ,. any, of the 'charges. Yestorduy 113 00 • important. wheat eeritres to (118' • • cate a yery active interest in the Selling coal, . 'The :re:went/on of our • Were. ebanioaed tend • Ili the case ' or• rea Yoorie:....a... .... • • •• 18 Cash: Oct.' Deice . May work. Mr. Cdeens acted• as chairman resume th-eir ImsindSs.of mining 'and the °there the:: jedge bas not yet , • /2g, ..4..iii :awl discharged the duties very credit- . strength. thus '.foreed • 0308 the . opera,- .gi% en ju.dgmeh 1.: .1.1ie,. ( h urges • tid-„, • troteag . :;,,• •C ..".: it:11x ...ia4, 3•3% .. 78 . -ably. ' After ' singing Rey. d: • .1:. Pat- ine:eh, eft,. ••i. . . - tors by a sun w.necessity,. we exult noel have re'erenee on thy whole •• • ter on led la prayer. ..- • • ...over,: not in, On? 'n-o,rrow Writ:, but. • . to the • aeyeeent of stuns V etwe.n $1.' 'Northern ... ,. 71%, 7134 , 70 , .72%. . Mayor • VanStone, in a few Well -the.; tecause we ' baleve it Marks a fore .and 0 -, for • 1 otes,: lila the reslion- . toacnero AT. ;LAWDENC.g 111.A.DKET... , sen wOrds extenclett on • behalf of ' the WaT (1 itop to a 'new era. Upon . the dent succeected remarkably, . well in Grain- . , . • .. . • . . . . down... e cordial welConte to the dele- • fot ndettiens laid through war- we axe 740 09 to -.$0 70 "gates, wiShing them. success in their •, disproving .the teetireone Of rho pe- rtiritt: 11:171(ifieb;litueli ' - ' • for better conditions 'end a long and Barrister Ilupcon of Norwitth swore : Wheat: •goese,' bush ..;-..... -0 .04 . o oli .. miss •Sproule, • a:missionary to the Wor..ers'• Of AnteriCa, sine° its ormen- - atioitte- Be euee • • • 1 20 '1 50 Peas,' bush ,..... -- , .. . • ... • 8 84 . • .. mining and lutriber camps in Algoma, ' was the firet epeaker. .. In .New On- • hiettee f cq-pe.. 'i le I nifed Vine that. Ifustard made' a d.eciai 1 ' leation in the cuithraeite. field,' .1 dub ••• clara,tion Wes no•;e1 with C. 11, -HMO; fore here and got -$10 fer it. ._ Tie: 4.47 . • Ye' busti ' ..... ..... 50 „sy; ... . , . .,..,...,....0 4 -23;4, .,j'ali tario;' she saido.thbeusaal conditions =. gariey,„ ty • titioners. • Weeat owing, hush. ....; 0 118 . . • ° AV°r• • yeady t o ,'..oin . with th3m in btiliding • • . dropping Inc coaution pleas Judges, conetantly sought to esteleith: of NorWieli. Succeed:tee th's the Oata . bush, e 4.154.t 0 35 prevailing in new countries were and proposing to •abicla by the , yen-. e. evhatehe •Want. • •• • 'charge of Mustard getCng from • -•••••nekwbeUt, bus. . , . • •• • found -men of all ndtionalitlea assent- . $7 10 to ST 40 home ties 'and settled conditions •and consomently. addicted. to drinking, to 'disregard the; Sabbath and. • to ' neglect of religious Miss:. Sproule con- e cluded..with a statistical stutiniary of (ego . 0•00 her work. Since November she had. travelled. 5,000 miles, visited.85o .houi7 • es and acid:a large .nundier. of !flea - logs.. • Seeds-, • . . . • - bled -away' from. Si. reetraints• of . st- a r wages and j t. co p •Avey. of -.Nor•mich swore diet of a tribunal appeinted by you, .-- ..F,i, -it, I iis I,,.. n. 0.. R. Bcattie oteNertvich was dismiss- -fixed and narrow Mules the charao teeth- operators and. miners. 'We I • v his cough', W. ita. Avey; agreed to ter and I. ocutjutt oe the men, you• • e , : la a .. give him: receipt for $1. on net:mint „ - never made eel iands Lep nd theabil.; a .. wero to . ` • ' " •• ity or ilia indusiry. 1e0 PaY On U. Lams, if he would aiate for "Sutherland. It as the 0, eroters made it, We .Wel'O. • of eateitable • dtviSion• of ' prelita • lee turned out that P. R. Avey had en - • ac.cettht, of ' $46 against. him in favor • hut attem; t ng to prescribe within ditions of. leiter, conditions jus:t ' to unalterably oeposed. • - • . • -------. or and capital. "But now that you have yoUreat • of C. G. Hulet; ehIch was cancelled oecond-Aina able .•relations be- • removed these objective's by broaden- ttretn• emeloyers rid emploYes; the • 'as a•reward for signing a ficelaratIon ing and strengthening. the cOmmaii• f tt • ' i th • h i o e e ee go . . zation, and their orgaeization aiding , in rebuttal and denied all facts core have ail questions , between employ- line adjustin all difficulties by eon- , • • a et speae ng toug their 7 1 W. W, Avey. Inc latter -vas sion feel confident that mfr. con - • vention will duelers ita willingness -to • the Companies in ma.ntaining discfp-1 cerning• th'. bribe. • dirtignumt •reserv- . . fog companies and mee determined eit'atery tee It de, a,verting loval by the board chosen by della •strikea ana loelcouts, and -.securing' Sympathy Offered. . stable and SatisfactbrY to "We feel gra.teful to you• Mr: yre,. chi, industry, . 1. : William Collins deelared that Ste - then 1CITIllf, n Ingersoll •Conserva- the, paid him $2.- for his vote and, eldent, for the patriotic .efforts winch "Our . organizatienk by. the scone had premieed hen . ing . 0 - 'AlsIke,-- choice, :Ne: s e be o Clover', per 'ton: . ... 0 00 . 9,00 Straw, loose, per. ton , n-00 Straw, shear •... • • 12 00 • .... *riots Vegetables Apples, per bbi • $0 65 to $1 25 Potatoes, per bag ' . Onions, per bush 00.71 Cabbage, -per dos .Tottrrnitifiposiv, epre,rpbera.gdozen0.50 100 0 de 040 :Chickens, per pair .,....$0 50 to SO a0 aeArrlasd.uevekts., iter pair Dr. IVIrKay, President of the Do- minion Alliance, was the next speak - 1 On • er. He referred to the evil& ,of the traffic. • ?Lit 0-13 Geese, per lb 008 00*) Dairy *reduce.- Butter,lir. rolls ..:S0 18 to SO 22 GODERICH. pegs, tiew-Iatd; doze'n -al 20 0 22 • Fro_ • tiled it and several witnesses were •Titei itsgiving holidaYS°with her daugli- ay, per ton • S125005to $150 20b you have Inade to bring about an methods welch we have cloVer, ... . ... . 7 5 just ,thaaldledr,epaultiatolonahfoctirn‘Fearaveeita;r:ilinjsuaga_ wholesale. tei, M e's Idarris.on of Norwich. • Mr. Duncan Cameron now resides in honorable settlement. of the Mei ri. uoied h re has sefut•ed TODON;r0 FA.R11,1 PRODUCE. • We were In a position to sympithi.e such relietions and .• Just . • • ' sucli Butter, dm . lately owned by Mrs. Adam- sult and false witness from the s.anie 'Aden!, must stand u ) ' -11 . . i on a Itt• it has. $5 from John ' Cut hhert and that W. . Butter • tu s, a , • . '. stitcl,l'atiatt?,:c.. the property of Mr. George • . . '.. . . with you, inasmuch es we had long reStilts In the coal Bolds .of. the ""„d • I._ ' : r e. .. . . sfliaryaw, ,bablidede;d' .,eaerarloiotst,s,ttoonn.„$59 0000, oft Sa.i-i' ,„,„ or 4 OUntolle . Organizations 111, e ' nia ind I- -AIM charges that ',red...Service. got . . Potatoes, Cur. lots .. , ... .. 0 00 , _II, . AlleO been forced to endure arrogant e, in- • . e . • . source. Oer gratittide is d e to • you • dime and the lih it has lived. We in. Green received 85 from 'I'. C. Waller erY; Te ra ';•"•',1:1111. Nit. Itcdart Berle, who •'earried'on a• • and to the American people; and the' Press, who have supported yen and 'vitas. scrutiny and inveeti • cation . f .• , 0 Were not 1 roven. • -nutter bakers, tub . Butter, &cautery, bores .* 0 18 -0 10 • 'Seveed.1 , years, . has given •up business deiry far' • on the 1.-leren Road lot • • • • Butter; creamery., lb.-. rolls. 0 10 0 21 our record and eharacter. . In the' ' 1 h) last - charge hetu.d Yesterday "If our proffer of arbitration or ences with the operatore, • ittid e•ith 'woe that etohn'Ta nclerson, :vas paid Ego ,0 t2 • for his 1 otp by Ed.. Johnston,. lion4y, per: /b • 0 08 () 09 .at Toronto or Montreal. . . • here :del: will locate with „his tandly us in this long struggle. - . • soft coal fields we hav e jeitit Coefere ' evr•lald; • doz • .... .7 8.11 . 3 it . impartial investigation had been ac- them we adiust ilifferencee.' 'We •-ei --ti a)lored, • Judgment' was reserved. ' Renee (sectleise, each 0 12d, 0 15 ' Mee •Mitlere.:wife of Engineer Millerei cepted six months ago, instead ofe Joint "agreements, ..set tle 'disputes and: Suicide of a Pursuer. , Bides, No. 1 steers, inspected $0 09 clilalces• eY g Y. now. there -need beve been ese strike. - maintain harmony and stability' In-: . • • . Tolecizero, lithos ANn WOOL. preaented ne with some lovely; ripe • We have been so eager Mr Presi .ent, • • . Elora, Oct. • 18. -This. community Hides, No. 2 steers, Juspe‘tted . 0 .08 - .Professor • Nicholls, prohibition -ore- to respond to the people's. 'deniand the trade. 'VIlide of the Or . • • • - was • shocked .yesterday morning by 'tide"' N0•• 1'. 1"8"et:d " . 10.s No •) 1118 Oct d • 0 es .thr will speak .at the temperance cote: "IVO have asked ,the Antnreeite -op-., • 3•31% v. en'tion on .Friday evening at the tip- toe coal that, during the. Progress Of ,. ... , • -the netvs that George Weiler, a well- . Hideo, NO x' cured, selling beacons olairlem, 'eeta . . 0 oil.' brcacni.1°.usescet.trel- oofdorlo11 taelveenntinhgas Ivo. the strike, we have more than on..e . • resident of Piltington, had celtilailinilt ..K,,.,i).. k. :24=i.: -0 3.0 erators to enquit e of the toctr•opente ,. Lan.ra;a: offered arbibra,tion, but.we 'ha a in ' himself. .N-0 cause for the t ' variably been met With •the reply, • ' that busin ss • lations 'Nei . • t4 O.R. W1 e• I • . '. ' ' deed is Unbent . . . . . , rots, each . , - • so 50 to '$00 '61 charge. for achnission will he Made but ' tot% hew well they are pteaSed with • 'We will not permit °Molders to Mc- 9 le Lambskins, eaeh. ..... a silver collection will he: taken. up: tate to us in the management ot Mir • thee. p •ag s en 1 .1 or not• we kee 'omen' • • • • • ' ' • . DAsr novo.s.1.0 CA.wrx.k .31AUKET. A 'meeting will also he held at 240 p, Paid tO otir Menefee:. • Ono business 11,[ f 11.11E1- .111 S . 13ast Buffalo; • Oct. • 1/3.-Cattle-Iteaelpt. tn. in temperance hall-. affairs. We have nothing to cuti• tender satisfactory sertive foe watice . man:might thus 1 n of another D If LON, • tO at; eon -mom thy structitre will only ba•two stories Operators Compelled. • to good, $5.50 to ST.50. . ' what Is the character of oar orgattl . • • • high, so some of them say. •• • .. "Now that the managers ots :the adore many. sow eotir oreratorS have Mr. L.1 od Cainpaign, who, has • • tfogs-hecelpts 6800 head; Pigo luo -125 head• Steady.' eatisaeteceseee ea It the organ factory owners re -build trate.' • • • er; heavy and' 'Mixed,. 5c to lde h-glier; SWO companies have .been compelled by publicly declared tbatethey wonld rot AAad Mullah Hit Hardin the Bush °Mere steady; limey $7.e0 to .$7.(Z; few been enniloyed in. Chicago -or• vidOitY you and a. ihoroughby aronsed 1jniLedmeese with 'our co-operati. mei • conscienee to recede .frona this •posi- would deem it a disester if 'compelled North of Mudug tion, we aro 1 mud that the iimniteie; toga back t� the chaotic cmiditione • • and tho heroic enditrance of our nu•n whieh existed when their labor was • • and women In euppost of their tights unorganized. Upon Our Pee t we are ahlie.: netts ,That coo Adeitfonal 1 am agent in this dis- trict for Ole 0%;ien Sonnd Portland Cement. Com- pany and am prepared to ' supply either large. or• small quantities. Contrac- tors and others who in- tend buildingwalks, walls or silos of cement will do . . • well to communicate with me. The Sarnron brand • , of eement manufaetnted by the Owen Sound Port- land Cement Company is STANLEY COURT OF REVISION.. • • Notice is hereby given that a Court - Of Revision for the -township of Stan. - ley will be tteld -by the County Judge in the township hell, •Varna, on. Fri- day, October 24313, to hear and deter- mine complaints of errors or : • ons in the Votersil List of the municie polity for rgos. All perecns interest- ed are requested to attend en the said • date, , • • J. Clerk. Stanley, Sept. 24th. • • • . , • BAYFIELD COURT OF REVISION. -Notice is hereby -glven that a Court of Revision will be held by His Honor the Judge of the County Of Huron in the town hall, Beyfield, at do o'clock on Thursdey, October 23rd, to hear Ltd • determine the several tom - o plaints of errors and 01111SSiOnS in thio the best 'cement on the .tharket. • Voters' Liet• of the Municipality of Bayfield for 1902_, 'All persoes haying business at the Const•are required 11 attend •at the said time and place. •• • rhos A .-.VValker. • • . H. w. ERWINe • .Bayfield; S..ept.. _ CLINTON Reduction in Prices Here is a good. , ehantle to secure &first class buggy. at a big reduction. . 'Note these prices.: $80 Buggies .for $68 $75 Buggiee for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 • . Remember these are All our, own make which places us m dposition;to guarantee ,'them as We do not buy anything but, first-class material. . • Repairing promptly attended to by experienced pee. RUMBALL and. MATH: Huron St., Clinton. $7.70. inixed, $7.35 to $7.50; Yorkers, $7.24 fer Ike past year. is now on the gaff , •1.1.0 to .$7.151 rented% .$0,i5 to $7.10: stags, '•`• aeon, tee . wimp memo • a S OO • ii.10 to $6.2e grasafro, ak1.50 ur • $7.2.5; . tstrers,' Toronto. s7 to $7.40. M•s,. • C. Ilarrisert spent`athe • fILR011111 MN ilia STE11)11811IP LINE. Tormno-s.A.urir STE. MARIE titsb• ISION. FREIGHT & •rAssEN-GER. ." .• Weather permitting steam- • ersavill depart per sthedule shown below. •• • STR. tiMINXIE AL". Will leave Goderich, North. Bound, ix o'clock p, Wednesdays, for Sa.ult Ste. Marie and intermediate Ports ; returning will leaveeoGoderich for Windsor, Detroit end Toledo at 3, o'clocksTpit..mt, xonnINfoonEDdaywsA. p.Do • / tax s Goderich north bound, every Saturday at p. m. for ,Sault Ste. IVIarie. Leaves Goderich south bound every Thursday, at 12.30 p, in. for Windsor, Detroit and Toledo, 'calling at intermediate.portsi • Por rates and further infOrntation address Wm. Lee, Goderielt, or W. B. ROSEVEAR, •- General Traffic lVfatiager, Sault Ste. Marie,•Ont. e v000400004000004400000000000000000,04000000,4004,4 5 • COALANDWOOD -1 • • • • • • • ' • 5 . • aiad Stnafl • • • Sheep and Lambeeltecelpts, '5700 bead; , and of a eital Awaken •prineiple Mrs. Neville and, Mrs. Tutt were de- • .eatePt:(Mint 'good, '$4 '1o' $5.101. lighted with Admire:11011day visit to • willing to stanct or fail,' We "'have, Troops De From Berbera Vor have won the victory. The ..p•oor, un- : timetand time twain,- invi'ed t"e an. oampaisn•in someinand-one etc. oys»rItufrs mut wetherse $4, to 8425: .exes, Detroit, • der -paid mine workers 01 those coal . regions, who toil hard from early. • h uthrmite operators to it( opt. thetel dewin Ifeatureof the klght lis That morning until late at night for a mness ' methods and to deal with us the Enemy Lost Heavily -Col. Phillips livelihood, nobly supported by Or- dm this MUM respite rercatcn re, • Among the Kilted: ganived labor in this and other lands, b Os We persisted, but they 1 etentoo' . • '• have taught these corporation Diana- any attehipt to on our' pa. i to o. p,ttn- London. Oct. 20. --The Foreign 01- ..4..1duty. We exult 01.04this tri- overtutes for 'ainicu,ble 1 Vet 8441013 and , front Col.' cobbe, commanding one gore a useful lesson in cis le and se- lee their tenploe•ee they ,61.1..siti any lice has Issued an • undated despatch bute to the dignity of labor because possible satisfactoty adn.etatit nt of 01 1110 columns of the British ferces it is the triumph of right arid of wage difficulties in jor (wiue. in operating against the Mad Mullah in good public policy. .• • They refused to Moe any Melange , Somaliland. The despatch Was for. "We do not, however, knit over with 'their emxi employes eeat as irell- Ii i eyded thou-gh the British Vice Con - our Opponents, we appealto them viduals; they refused conaSsicti and , sul at Pietc.era, Somaliland. ' 'The now, ea we have from the first, to refused arbitration; they pt. t, ' their 1 Ili itii h tierces engaged were composed turn, their eyes to the ft tare and to . backs against the wall of 1 reNdice • entirelytef native troops and leVies, co-operate with re in an aloft to 08- and their faces arbitrarily' tureittA •' Col, Celebes save tablish better relationbettreen Mu- progveSs; they thought tit met. lees "My forces reached Erego . thia player and employes for the adven- stronger thatt the geeat Union prill-e morning. .Whett about one day's tage of both. ' atilt whielt is niaing such strides March, north of Mudug It was: at - "Wo forgive them their arrogant through° t the world; that • while tacked in the thieg buth. The ad - ranee, to deal with us, oil in tide combining theiri corporate( ni and vanees were made, 'arid the enemy hove wiart, thoy am rood to 0, poo)ihg their Interests in !raid arid • was tattttn •httcli in the motriing. hn,.,.wledgo thew mo3,1111ei to .000.1at fast allian-e they could deny the men Their losses were heavy, and we cap - their inines without our conscatt and who worked for them the right to tweet tho rises. Our force then pro - e co o meet ionwe bold out the right' organize and speak, through that' or- ceedal to tollect animals for trans - hand of friendship and alk then gani "Ian' . . pertation„purpowe, and' to Join the to join with us ht. seturing 'amicable "WI"' the inevitable cool •t canto detathinent at the stockade. ,,Irt the relations and wholesome conditions on they atientlitecl to lintifv thent- \atom a a_ reconn disance . was In this regien. We forgive them Pelves upon the false Plea Out " ours • made, and, after '.harp fighting, the even the false accusatiolm which is an irresponsible Pixatil ..alion: enemy were again driven off. they lime mite agann '1t, as. o y when Wci dessionetrated ona „ate/roust- ' 01 charily iediet to rerort the tote charged us With heln4 critn•rvals I l'ity end reliability, they 11 (It AS- lowing casualties; 'Col. I hillips sad rioters and An tr hists, and our or: itertth ed et we were en oegat I- ation Cajtain Anges 11)4 fifty men killed'. gonl 0- inn fhOY odenee need ncj .40%,,, • Which wag dominated ire t iolense. aide abofit, (he huhdrod :nth woe/M- I(8s and irresponsible."). ltuy Inow. When soeretv attempted tn bitei fere ,ed, The latter in ludo Captain How - and d d I now thdt their that gee mere' .16 Settle the WI' e thin' declared ard end. Lietitenan" tv(yett, but t ntrue end without Unit fallen, in their divinely Itelailitted right tO he both are doing uo.l. There were ROO- hitt; thOy UMW lite eVery ofileef of , let alone . era/ kiaileft Clothe; the transport and the I lilted 'Mine At orlters' of A uteri:: , 1 riding raolcis• '1133 force wiii i.4,00t. * .1 • • m 0AM111611.1.4....- /3eo to $3.75, sheep,- op m at , $3.50 tc $2.75; culls to good, $1-76 to sa.so. • NOW irODIC LtVli StOCK.' New York, oet. 18,;-dlecves-licrielpts, 59. No sales reported. Drosed beef; stesly; city dresSed native sides, ettrento range, 7V..e to 12Yac per lb.; Texas beat, 51/2C to 7c. It:courts to.day beef, partly estimated, 500 beeves; 2000 quarters of beef. Calves-: Receipts, 140 head all niatket; . quoted steady; some late arrivals unsold; vealt• sold at $8 to $8.60 per cwt.; stnne calve, $5.75 to $4; elty• dressed yeah, 10e to lat pop pound. • . elteep and Lambs -Receipts, 2350 head; 0 cars on sale. Both sh..tep lind lambs steady; 21,4 cars of stock Ithisild". 813 isp sold at $8 to $4 per .ewt.;. lames, at $3.24 to :$5.75; Cand.las at $5.70; .13e1sed mut. tons. 514e ta Te per lb.; dressed !ambit; 8( to 10e per lb. llogs-Iteeelpts, 1579 head; all consign. ed ihrect. CHICAGO LIVESTOCIC. Chicago, Oct, 18.-•Cattle-413eeelpt11. 100• including no Texans nor W03011411 steadr: .eoed to prime steers nominal. $7.25 to, $8.50; poor to module, $175 to sena; eteek• era and feeders, $2.25 to ;M: (awl:, $1.40 to $4,75; heifers, $2.25 to $5; eminent, *1.40 to $2.50; belle, e2.25 to $4.50; calvee, $4 to $7.50; Textesefed steers,' ea to $ri; west. ern otters, $4 to S7..„ Bees-neeeipts to.tute, 12.114)e; stonily to Sc• . lower: mixed and butetters' Wei: to ' Ff•fird'good to choice, henv.y4 $71:3 to SIM: troliierel,ihttaelalikedoef,LasSaneirbils_. $tieteoetetilvet yra,141-60..:;0.00,dioteer kind Iambi; steady; good to choice wethers, $3.50 to $4; fair to eholze, mixed, $2,50 to $3,50; native lamb.% $3.50 tO 11111T181i 51.9.111tET, London, Oot. 180-Pritici Steady, Anted. can _steers,- 12e to 1.3tee pee lb., deemed legughp tatelgetater beef, 11* to 121 pci p „caL-1/ 5 . • 5 AUCTION SALE hold feria:tie, Washed Hocking Valley or farm stock, ittiplements and house- • The undersigned has insiruttd Thos. BroWn to sell by public auction at Lot ex, Tuckeramith, tet lot east Of Clinton on the Huron Road, on Sat. urday, November Pt, 'the following ; Horses -T mare nine years old suppoe- cd to be in foal,r tiara three years old supposed to be in foal, year old colt. (fettle -3 .cows with calves by their side, r cow in. cal(, x heifer coin- ing two years old in calf; X milking x steer two years 01(14 steer oho tne" j r .told.lseImplements-I double Wag - bob sleighs; T phaeton, x mower/ x horse rake, i single plow, gang plow, Isculiler, 1 sot iron har- rows, r spring'tooth cultivator, X hay rack, x stone boat, 2 tannin. g nidis, 2 grale crtullee, t sugar kettke, forks, eliailtS,shovels, ole., also a set double hatatesS and r set single harness. quantity of household furniture in- cluding a nappy Thought range near- ly new and onagood wood heater. 'here will he no reserve as the pro- prietor has sold his fatin. Sale at o'clock sharp. TERMS -All stuns of Sia and under, cash : on over that an -IOWA If inolithS Credit Will be given on furnishing approved pint notes. per out. disemint for cash in lieu of n0tes.-.10101 rxeitsvr, proprietor ; THOS. MOWN, auctioneer. 5 5 a 5 • • • 0• • 0 Select Lump Minglewood.Waspilon • • • • • • suitable for Grates and • Cook- ing • • • • Staves, • • a, • • • • • • )- • • • • , • • • ' Chestnut 'Coal suitable for Ranges Coal Burners. Soft Coal, • : A limited quat tity of Semi Anthracite suitable for it Self Feeders and Furnaces the best substi•- •, tute now to be bad for hard coal, • • . O --- ...........--- . . . . HARLAND BROS., ft . : i 01441Elkix - tiikitOinfikRIE - STORE. i •••••• ow �$$,i��.$� 404141144•401100. IWO 00.000010;4 o . . t