HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-23, Page 1•
23rd Year
it will be r. you shonld secure some
f the choice pieces of china now on
exhibition in our dainty china de.
I partment.
Our new purchases for Christmas
are nearly all in place and we invite
you to see what good taste we have co./RIGA,*
in selecting what those who have
seen call the nicest line of goods shown in this district.
Our 10c, Ie5c and 28e Tables are PILLED WITH DARGAINS.
iLet Us Take Your, Measure $
for a pair of glasses or speetaeles
which will fit your eyes, with frames.
pfoperly adjusted. to keep them in'
just the right positioh. We have
good glasses front $1 to $10, prices
variant (according to lenses and
frame. No charge for scientific
examination by a Or•aduateOptietan
who understands his 'business and
advises glasses only when needed.
'Headquarters for
School SupOies
W. Cooper or.„
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
$$ Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.
treserssenereses-seaste-sw-weseseete--ser-sws sr-
. $1,000,000. ' *:
• . . . Deposits-. .
Of $1 and upwards received. Interest allowed frorn date of de-
posit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yeatly. Spe-
cial rates allowed on large amounts to be left stated periods .
for which Deposit Receipts will he issued: Savings Bank ex- •
counts are subject to cheque. No delay in withdrawitig funds. , 1
1 CLINTON BRANCH. ) L. .P. ,SNYETR,..14gr. :1
++++++1.1A tt!ill 4•44447+444-1447++;$ 1:1111e. 14444e1'
(False Economy
There were tivo Initietions at the
last meeting of the Royal Tempters,
and after the initiatory woi k and the
tegular business of the Council had
been transacted the following program
was rendered
Solo, Miss Annie Irving
Violin Solo, Mrs. Watts
Reading, F. W. Watts
• Solo, Mrs. Seals
A social hour followed and refresh-
ments were served.
A Hullett farmer .said to The News -
Record, the other day that while his
neighbors were growing corn some-
what extensively he was eonfining
himeelf to mangolds and turnips; not
that he doubted the valae of ensilage
but it was a question .of labor. Corn
t btting and silo filling have becoete
as important ft part of the work on
many farms as threshing and consider-
able difficnity has been experienced in
securing a sufficient nember of men'
so that the work might be carried on
expeditionsly. At the filling' of the
°average silo the services of from tfix•
teen to twenty men are required. The
labor difficulty will, of course right it,
self in time, but as a means of easing
the situation some farruere aye saying
that the silo Nee should have a gang
taege enough to do the hulk of the
work, soniewhat after the manner of
*•threshing Puente on the prairies.
As the threshing goes on itis be-
coming more. evident that there is
considerable damp grain. :The News -
Record has been told of barns where
the grain was "Piping hot,” so warm,
indeed, that when the hand was thrust
down among the theeves it was quick-
ly witlierawn and the men perspired
freely as they fotked out the sheevees
to the machine. Some Of thein thought
that when the contents.of.' the mew
was uncovered and:exposed'to the air
there would be a; flame; and. that there
was•not hes &timed thein to lose faith
in the theory of epontaneme combos-.
tion. They will be Doubting Thomases
in futut e when told of barns burned in
Chat way, ' ; . .
A Huilett farmer who had about 8(10
bushels of oats hadly spoiled by heat-
ing could not understand why it was
his grain tvas. in such conditien while
his neighbors', taken in at the same
was, all :right. He pondered
Over thematter the whole afternoon
and finally came to the conclusion that'
he had 'cut the grain when it was
damp: He won't do it
Do not practice false economy in the purchase
of spectacles and eye -glasses. If a prescription
be taken to a druggist to he filled it is not hand- •
ed in with tbe request that the cheapest drug!!
may be used, although, .p.erhens,• the meilitene
required is for some trivialeultnentonly. Why,
then, should sO light an estimate be placed up.
on .the most precious of all the senses, 'that
those who can and do afford extrevagancetein _
useless or at least unnecessary luxuries should
begrudge paying a fair price itir an 'article at
once so essential to comfort ande welfare- ?
The cemplete satisfaction and comfort given by our notcle•to-order
glassed are making our Optical Depart ment daily more pupular.
We have had 12 years' experience in fitting glassesand • •
believe we can be of service to you. •• .
P. It Cr. ews,
Biddlecornbe's Old Stand
Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer,
Refractienist and Dispensary Optician.
"MOW lAW'r-w/,w- w f-'a'n vt,n,r rimagfir fframmasser
• • .
We are selling our stock
of Tweeds at 25 per
r cent. discount off our usual
1i/bole Number 1205
()song to a mishap with one To A young Mari arraigned before
of our machines The News -Record him Judge Phelan of Detroit said:
is a few hours late in getting to "Perhaps it is natal your fault -those
press this week. Sueb accidents eherged with your origin may have
will Bernet; rpee happen, no Walter something to answer for. Parents will
bo W much care is exercised. allow their sons to run the streets
PARA.ORAPHS, until all hours of the night, iu ecu
• compute', knowing that a young man
At Monday evening's meeting of the out until the hours of the morning
Willis church Endeavor the topic was cannot be engaged in any good. The
• taken by Miss Ida Ross and the cate- mother May know 11 it and conceal
chisin by Miss A. leicEwen. Miss A. the truth from the father endewben
Irving rendez ed a temperance song in finally she does tell bine it is too late,
a pleasing manner. • The son is in g. felon's cell, charged
Mr. D. Dickensian, who met with so With crime," •
serious an accident last week, has HAS ri.APPLIOAT1ON
somewhat improved.
The following from an exchange
THANKSGIVING DAY • might, perhaps, apply to Clinton as
The superiority of an October Than- well
Mn EDITOR -Many people use the
ksgiving day over November was in
evidence on Thursday last when a comfortable sheds, pumps, etc., at the
various hotels who do not patronize
bright sky overhend • and dry earth
the dining room or bar nor yet pay
nnder feet invited holiday makers out
the best tonics • and as the lug up sheds and I would think it holiday -
e. ;PI nTs he einhi iott
of doors. Crisp air and sunshine are trmthh4eivire gcoonivezetnoihenr
makers returned home in the evening
nothing but right if every person us -
they rejoiced in a good appetite, Row
ing therm would present a bag of pota-
different would have been a November -
toes or a bag of oats to the proprietor.
Thanksgiving when out-of-door • en- It would not amount to much to the
joyment is, as a rule, almost impos- individual but would ruean consider'
sible. able to the hotel proprietor and would
be eothing but square. -A FARMER. OTA BAD COUNTRY TO LIVE IN.
St fdiehtters chureb, Blythe was. on
Monday forenoon, the scene of the
wedding of Miss Margaret McCaughey,
daughter of Mi. Francis McCaughey.
abd Mr. P. C. echuier of Brussels, The
altar was beautifully decorated with
Rowers for the occasion andthe church
was thronged with friends of:the con-
tracting parties.
The bride Wore a very handsome
gown of dark blue broadcloth, with a,
bide satin Waist teicurned with white
allk lace awe with hat to match . She
was assisted by kiss karriett Mc-
Caughey of Cliuton who was attired•
try •to live in." * Rev. sk. tkown of ,Belgra.ve will
Mr. Arther Cann:eon of town,. who • eeieBult,Ne, • •
has been in the Northwest. for a cow,- •
As number of the young peopteeat-
pie of months 'is much .pleased with
• tended the party given ' by Mr. Renry
that • country. In a • letter to •The aoseer Theaegieing, night lee
News-Recore he eaid in part i • new hetes on the Base Line and also
to lleiss Patterson's echool entertains
"This is e healthy climate- and a ment Friday evening, which was much
great country :ler land speculation. enjoyed.
The Americans ere living up large • •Miss Ruby Young is sanding .a few
tracts and from; present indications days in Buffalo, '
there will be a very large emigration nire‘lerrat.ciEtlii ftorLsiawsehoonrtisvialticit1.7e froM.Pal-
nOct year. , • • • •
• • ; • . Mr. A. Knox and wife of .13rucefield
It is an interesting sight to see the 'spent Sunday in Auburn.
inimeese. fields scif wheat and • the . Mips Weser' of Breeefield is in .the
prairie dotted with teteshing outfits,. village for a couple of weeks.
Tee eOntario farmer estimates his Mr. j: Knox rettet be doing a.',rusla-
crop by the hundred bushels net here iegsbesiness 'VVeizie the Petit th. cite
they reckon it by the' theneand and it of apples being in preparation'. •
is not unusual for a single. fernier to The Misses Erratt *of London Were
have between six tend seven tbonsetel up last Week to see Mr. It. T. Wrath
Wile continues in a „critical conditiou.
bethels of wheat 'alone. eersonaely
MraJones and son Of Walkerton.
gnow three brothers Who hive 26;opo
are visiting at the hem pf her daegli-
bt stir& id etheet to say no biog of ter, me. sceet. s
their other grains. • • •
. Mr. Rd, Rowed of Clinton Sundayed
like the appearance of Assinaboia Auburn; s • ' • .
better than effeititoba.. The land is • Kr. and Mrs. Shep. Nicholson Sun
more telling and, I believe, better for cloyed Dungannon.•
Miss Jennie Reeking has gone to
grain. The fin esttract of count; I have
Clinternehaping secured a situation in
seen iseriorth of Indian plead It is. teSekson Bros', clothing store. • •
•cleiraed • that • mote wheat .has •been •
shesped from the Read time froM wise• A anionorganization
of the:ehilOdrbtliiii1011 for the• benefit
14. Clark.
few days this week with her son, Mr.
itirs. Wm. Clark, Sr., is spending a
the deaths of two residents of our
We have the sad duty of recording
Mr. J. Rayter had. a, very successful „e,
village . the past week, in the persons
moonlight bee cutting corn on. Priday
of mess Marion Martin aged. 46 years
night last and the boys report baying and Mrs. Agnes Rouatt, rehet of the
had a good time. late John Rouatt, aged 82 years.
Mrs. J. Rethwell returned to Sea- Miss Martin departed this life on
if ectwrthdaoyns •TwItititiarsdhaeyr abfrtoett4esr nwidtin.g W.
a Wedinsday morning of last week.
She has been suffertng for over a year
''isaMYillr.A. Davidson spent her thanks.- ontp hospital last year to undergo en
with throat trouble and went to Tor -
giving holidays at her home near operation but was too weals at the
aanah Penhale has gone to
Seaforth to learn the deesszna.eing.
Quite a number from this neighbor-
hood attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. John Rouatt on Sunday last.
Miss Sara E. Reid, who at present
is teaching school at Donnybrook,
spent Thanksgiving at her home.
Miss Emma, Peck was the retest of
• Mdaiyes IaLs.t.Horner of Drysdale. On Suns
Mre. G. W. Anderson of Wyoming
visited at the home of her father, Mr.
Jos. Richardson, last week,
Miss Rachel Beatty of 'Varna visited
her sister, Mrs. Woods of 14istowel,
other, single etition in the whole worki4 eta: eieetiUeg +,.1
'West; Land in this districe is worth- every .Sabbath afternoon :et •2'.3o :in
front thirty to thirty Ave dollars per
. alternately., :We are sure it will prove.
Methodist' and Presbyterian elturchei
. . .
good, . ,•-• • .,
. . There ha's •been a great demand for . ,
Mr. Charlie Askwitli * had an. aece
harvestersand threshing bands. n
-ne dent. which niight have. been -serious.
gineers are receiving as high as 84.59 lee was driving two girls to Clinton.
per eay, Carpeeters, masons . arid on Thaeksgiving evening' with Mr. H.,
. .
itleBrien s horse when it ran a
bricklayers are. also receiving big pay. hill and threw the occupants ont of
This is else ..eoinewhat. of a sports- the lig which upset. The lines got
mares. paraAise. Wild geese, turkeys, eaught on the dashboard and turned
• ducks seul prairie chieleene abound,: tie. lAneleie.. ii3nX21,11.feeltueggeeyeneated %ere
Wliile liareridgee and jacit rebbits Eire nese Nvpere broken but. Charlie and the
plentiful. There are also gophers :end :gide escaped ihjure. •
Imegees and some prairie, wolves. Mr. Nereid Sprung •had a runeway
• On the whole this is not a•ba4-coun- one dti last week
in dark greet.. with . &eon silk waist .
• preach anniversary eerinont in • the
• Methodist church next Sunday at so. -
was Mr. Thee. Kelly of Blythe ) ,
ited hat to match. The grooinsinan DEATH OF MPS. BB141.4.
3p, 2.30 and 7 o'clock:ons
.• Collecti
iss Ritirriffon presided at the o gan On Thanksgiving .1*.ley there Passed
and rendered eeveral selections, ine into rest, at. the residehee. of ler son,
will btaken at all the services.
Monday- night at eight. o'clock a sten-
eluding the wedding marches, .
Mr. William 13ell of Blyth, another of eptican lime-liglif entertainment . of
After the ceremony, which was per; the pioneers of this county in the per- still and moving pictures will be give
' .
en by ' the . pastor. Admission, 2oe ;
formes' by Rev. Father McMenamin, son of Mrs. Hugh Bell who had chereach-
the bridal. nsreii, roc. Music ' on both ma-
ehe home of the bride's parents ed the adveined age of eighty yeare.
pat ty and guests respired to Melts furnished by the choir.
Where Mrs. Bell was bent in Sligo, Ire- Sales are all the rage, ' That of the
a sumptuous wedding dinner awaited land, and in z848 carneto Canada. late Wm. Symington's farm and oleo
lit the afternoon Mr. and Mrs, Seim-
. • On board the ship' on which they took the tietY;e: farm. in West Wawanosh
takeplacein the village Ob the efune-
ler accompanied by the hridesnmid end pessage ehe met Mr. Hugh Bell for
ay, Oct. 23rd, while several others
the first • time and shortly aftee Ian&
Mr, E. O. Reid of Sultrmerhill spent
Stiuday under the parental roof.
Miss Tenter of Clinton is at -present
visiting friends in this vicinity.
. Mr. Samuel H. Voltz:xis, forinerly.'of
this townthip 'hut who for some years
has been farming in Southern Maui-
toba, spent the past season prospect-
ing.- in the •territories and thinks
soinewhat of -locating out there.
Mr. and Mrs. Same Deem of Toron-
to eave been speitding the past week
with their 'cousins, Mr, and. Mrs,:
George. • Bates. Mr. Deem has . been
taking advantage of. the shooting seas
son in the woods- around.
Mr. Willitun •who has a. num-
ber of fine Leceister . sheep, has still
further improved his flock by the pur-
chase• of a .'.thaeobred ram arom Whites.
law Bros. of Guelph. It is. a very
• promising 'animal and is' full. brother
of •the rase whielt wenthe sweepstakes
at the Pan-Aineritan-Exposition.
- Were. E. Laird of Clinton •visited the
homesteed on • the Babylon Line oe
Priday. . • .
• On • Thanksgiving Day Mrs. James
Armstrong. elle het 'daughters, -Misses
Minitie'and Bertha, inee with. an -acci-
dent • which, though- salons enough,
, • ,
might have been mile/averse.. They
were returningleme from attending a
'elittriksgiving seryiee at. Bayfield when
one of the-lieee beasene detached and
'their horse .started to tete. away. It•.
is e. frisky. animal an aftee galloping
at its top . speed down read it
threw all the occupanteeof the buggy
Out at the first corner. • Mrs. 'Atm-,
strong. was -badly shaken up and bruis-
ed ane eo was Miss -Bertha, but Misi
Minnie fared .stile worse, having, her
right arm broken se the elbow. As
it loiterettely • so happened Dr. Arm-
strorig. was a•t the homestead so that
• the injuree ones receivee prompt et-
tention. •
The. News -Record will be. sent to
..any aderese until- the endofsem for
•ten cents or until. Jan . type for one
groomsman drove. to Brussels where in mos were
. they have taken up housekeeping.. . m.arried„ : Per . three
years' they lived at Brooklyn) . this
They • ate it much esteemed young province, . and then settled upon r...; let
couple to Which the ninny wedding
presents attested. The News Record on. the' 7th con.. of Huliett where they
. ,
. .
err,• Chas. •McKinnon. of Lucknow
• luaetset. wtheeo,guest of Mr. Chas, Johnston
- , •
Mr. and Mrs. • John Ward of Varna
visited. friends on the Sauble Line on
Sunday.. • • .
Mr.Will. Srnithers of Seaforth was
the guest of Mr. Rob. l'enhale last
wee/Deka.* .P. Wilds left on Saturday for
'rliessalon. • ' '
time lp operate on. She came house
after which she gat pretty well, being
a,ble to attend to her duties in the
shop and house, but a few mouths ago
she began. to grow worse wain. Rer
heart became effected from the trouble
and it caused her death in the end.
She leaves one brother seal ceie sister,
Thomas of Toronto and Lottie ef Bay-
field. • Hezefuneral took place from her
late residence to the Bayheld cemetery
on Saturday last. Mrs. Rouset,whose
husband preceeded her about three
years, has resieed with her deughtees
Mrs. Peck of this village, eVer since.
She was a strong and healthy woman
until a short time ago when she be-
gan. to suffer from kidney trouble but
not confined to her best until, a short •
time ago. •Her case becoming more
serious, turning to dropsy and external. '
hetnorrage and she passed away on
Saturday about noon. • She leaves one -
daughter, Mrs. Peck of this village,
The funeral took place on Sunday to
• Bayfield cemetery, the services being
held in St. Andrew's church.
Mr. W. -R. Howard Of Toronto left'
for home on Tuesday afteleepending
few days with bie mother:. '
• A very . pretty haute wedding was
eceettniized at the home of Mr: and
Mrs. *Jas. Moore, Brockway,Mich,
,re :Tuesday; Oct. 12i h. when theh
only deughter Miss Nellie became the
wood, Midi. Immediately at tne • ate- Mee. Rola: Arntstrong of Stephen •
beide of Mr. Alfred Keys of Green- •
woode Mich. Immedietely at the
appointed lante,while the wedding . • •
• inarch was being. played by Mrs. GODEItICH TOWNSHIP. •
Staley, the bridal party took their - _ _ • .
places in the front parlor beneath ... a • HaYing in October is something war
canopy . of white draped With smilax usuel in this county but we • are in
end. pink' egrnatione, where the eolenni formed that Mr R Thompson of tke • •
words were 'said by Elder Durr that e6th wse ettsy at it on Monday, The "
bound them together for life, The crop was clover from spring seeding
near are to iconic oft • ',bride was beaetifuLy 'dressed in fawn ..on fall wheat and was a good average •
On Monday the occupants cif the '
Queen's hotel were moving out. Hav-
ing taken one load away that day •
they returned at night s for another
tett word was sent to the collector who
quickey came anclehad a warrant issu-
ed for the distraining of the goods
enct had the last load locked up until
next morning. Word was sent to the
owner who came up and had them ye- •• '
leased,ay paying the taxes,
1VIiss Lena Iewie who has been visit-
ing friends at Marine City, Mich., for
the past month, returned on Monday.
Mrs. Murray and her mother, Mrs.
Pletcher, of the Queen's hotel left for •
Loudon on Monday, havingsolci out,
Mt. Thorned Martin and ids niece,
Miss Lily 'Martin, of Toronto came up
on Friday last to attend the fiuterel
of Miss Martin, the former's. sister.. . •
He returned on Monday. Miss 141y
will remain forsa few weeks.
, Prank Edwards rethrned . on
'Nestles, after spending a tve?k at
ine her cousin, Miss Ada Rouatt last
' •
Miss Eagleson of Stephen was visit- '
week. '
Miss .Nellie ' Card, who • rattrned
hotne a couple of weeks ago, has been
confined to the house ever since
eirseigh ' •
Messrs. Henry Turner 'and Charles ,.
Qupce, Who have beenworking at the •
Soo during the summer, have returned '
home. • •
Mr. James D0naldson1who has been
away for the past month visiting his
• sons, Charles of Thessalon and James
al 13ruce Mims, has 'retureed home.. •
Miss Dolly Parsons returned home .
last week after spending a month with •
frieuds at Chatham. • • •
Murdock Ro• ss and John Tonis left •
last week for Port Frank to commence
fell fleeing.
• Mt;• G. Boice.of St. Paul's, Minn.,
les son Bernie, Miss A. Rodgers of
Mitchell end Mr. E. Jennings of Park
ilillnre geeite at the rectotY this
•There were a •few unfortuuatee cows ,
in pound this week. , •
Rev. E. 0. Jeepings Was itt Clinton
on Tun -day. •
Among the Fair visitors we noticed
Additiens-Methes: 'Geo. Tonle and brocaded silk trimmed with white silk crop. • .
Jas. Raithby are all smiles awing to and phillon, carrying White cachations Everybody is busy at apple pulling
thesarrival, of a miniature miller mid • and ferns, while the Maid of honer, and the sample is much better than
small larrn hand last week, Miss Bennie. Keys, wore castor color, „Aresfr t et td A f
carrysii ink, carnatioes .f ns "
- lived for thirty five years. Fifteen Per. Edgar Leeveon home frotn the The groom, • w we a 'red ruvr.t.h.
g P
fit: • s tt: • .
buyer ihvs.ded, this totenship on, Mon. •
mine the Millirem:a friends in wishit g • .
ears ago sthey rhire rom atenin • c •
f f e W St . • . • .. • customary ..black„ was ably supported larrel for number one apples. • •
day and put the .ptice up to • Ste per
them many . years -of matrimoniel .y. • ' '
. . and moved to Seaforth where Mr.33ell C, O. IT. Court Bulletin No. 46 held by his cousin; Mr. Grant Stanley of • .
• died a decade since. Lail: July Mrs.' a speeiel initiation.: meeting Iasi' Pie Beowe cite. ence the .. beide and Mr. ' Jahn $ mith spent a feee days .
0 " , • room bad. received he . c n ' "tin friends '
Q g , t o gratulate - v;et g in. West Branch, Mich.-.
end Mr. Alfree Roy took place in St.
he Wedding of Miss Agnes CrOtritt ..B.ell- disPOsed of her
• ith her son . 1VIr Seihn
eroperty and • doi& ..v.6.flifrig• .• • • .. ..
seutled enterteetuneht et No.
•any o our Villagers attended the one and well wishes of the aesembled ct.Wiehiolempulling apples last Week Mr •
3 eel. I poets :teey Ied the way. to stile dining peon lad the misfortune t,;)
.S. jesephis church undet. the most -Bell of . Clinton. A . month :ago she •borne the same evening and pronoun- room .where the tables were :abundant- fall a distance. of several feet by Ide .
atispicious cieeuinstances on Tuesday.' Weitt ' 4..4, 'visit another son, Mr. ced the program excellent and anbe - .)..7 epread with all the delicacies of ladder slipping. He was consitierably
The &lbw had beet) prettily *
ev?hing was, fine therc.. was a good the season, thence t&. theebacke parlor . shaken no but is at the job again
* - and Williain Bell of Blyth and hile there
pro. w
to behold the bridal gifts which wen apparently as ,smart as ever!.
fusedly decorated with flowers and betame ill and on Thursday her spirit
Miss Zell:). Macdonald spent Thanks- both wetly and numerous, speaking Rev , me Lam) of thilytoil vialted
Lights and the altar railing banked passed. to its maker. She was a mem.- giviug at the hemesteadmarc loudly twitritall,vouti-edsytolutang ecsotuepere in our township this week. He is a
her of the Roman Catholic churth and . 1 1 ia,
with flowers of many hues. • genial man whom everybody is pleas -
Jams Blanche Mc lveen anc :es are held. The friends from a: distatice
There was a large gatheting of frt. on Saturday the funetal cortege wen-
ends to witness the eereniony whieh ded its way to the Cetkohe cemetery '
host, H. Metirien, pert of last week. were Mr. arid Mrs. W. L. Keys of ed to meet,
' •
nude Sturdy. were guests of mine •
Varna, Ont., Mr. and kis. rergusou rittrire.gweidMrsthe
Mrs John Mr
and! o
was performed by Hui Rev. Father in Mullett where the interment took ,. Revs. Couple:rid and Small attended ot Detroit, Mr. Mid Mrs. 1Vroore of Goi
Mcletesminin. Mrs. Charles CoOk on Sunday. ...
place. Mass was said and the 'last as delegates the 37th annual Porto ilikalnithitlynt,ah iArt...
Miss Minnie Reynolds played the sad rites performed at the graveside tial Convention of the. Ontario S. S. .4 li ' titlftridsnitFti.10±1 and
Mrs. Sohn Richards is visiting her
ea whereiAllt:tyl toPoalrctY;th(crevveenint; Oliver Grigg for a, COuple of WeekS.
'wedding march and accompanied Mitat by Rev.Pather McMenamin. The pail- Asseciation at St. Thomas this week, lelole' 1 e sister, Mrs. Charles Cook,. aticl Mrs.
Maggie ' Brown, Miss Plessie Cronin beaters were : /antes Reynolds, John ears Sas; Carter's slut? now tom- train for es .eliort wedding tour . in
and Miss Shannahan its render -
Latham, .l'ohn, Medd, ()weft plynn, nleted and the anvil rill away again. Ontario. On returning they will seitle :tilhseincitdZieart'stalrly'rvs.er:.0:s "cla:witi
ornter partor of Zion church, preach -
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#•••••••••••••414.**** .ing choice -solos appeal:white te the 00- Daniel 'telly and Items Morrisbn. ivt r h IC t
. r. aru ant o ons once Was down to the stern realities of life in
• • their beautiful farm residence one
,. . ,, • .
• casibe..0 . .. To Mr. arid Mrs. Bell - were born in tee village on lidonday.
.the school 'house
The•brido, who sCOM very ban . , , eeyeral children of whom the follOw- The annual two-daysc prlietiCe Of 1115 Brockway, , May their jouriley down
dsome. ,, mile east and one utile north of Monday a fowl slipper was given sup-
per being setved Hi
, . .
1$' da in lavender'sk, was assitto ing sittVilte : Sobel of Clinton, Thomas Gun (nub was held on Thursday and life's. pathway be as clotidlese as were from 6 to 8 after which a lengthy
• program was given in, the church of
ed h Mies of Seafortb while i N th, Deitet Richard Friday sot I st eek but s a number their bridal. deettins.-
Saving M.oney
An easy way to save$4 this Winter is to buy one of
our $10 ready to wear overcoats, instead of getting it
made to order. This eoat is a good one in every way fit,
material and wornaanship equal to any coat you ean get
made for:$18 $141dark Oxford grey with velvet collar'
fit and finish guaranteed. "
to4.40‘01,84401‘AV‘iWiiiArWV41.. No4~10~464AbiotiA0,410640‘414414,
3? sKeegan0 and Samuelit or a wa which the etettizig capacity was taxed
het brother, Mr, Thomas Orouin, Was in Winnipeg, William in Blyth ad were unable to be present the posses- Mrs. Nathan Peek and her eon Bert to tire ntinost. ne.v. 3, W. Robinson
After the Ceremony the bridal party Mrs. Sohn Pewter of Seaforth.
Mrs Bell was a w
t tui of many , clot, is stilt undecided and anoth.e.r
,sion of the silver cop presented by the wertteeritiwaTsorutoergloasintzwitieetkitiweallierteretaitte.
rtiatent. We hope lie may soon be re. .odretisistless,te ebeye,thAe ehrocieritareticoitnaebiyons,mait:
groomsmnn. wfas cheirman. The program colIsfsted
and guests drove to tite bride's parents, ' "I . practice will he held ors Sleeted& 0
Brydges of Goclerielt was lintElly p
virtues and during all her loug lik .2,.. . - -- ---- -Yi "``. stored to Iris usual health.
hobse, Ma P. Orotrin's of Goderich
township, where the Wedding feast she retained the esteem of till with pleted their score nye e uest ti to, I
An, at which all who have not 0m -
A . r q e a, 2Irs'.' rtiuncli, Mrs.__Alted. F_eweysdoafysl3roiacksi $
eillesturie;.d, The proceeds amonntinla-tow
Waatierved. Itt the afternoon Mr, and wirom she came in contact. 4
. present. meeting of the chth will ;fe'tft" as4""giltue.s‘ttovientteafornier's br tit I
5 iss WWII% \Vinson, a student in
Mrs. Roy teterrieden- Olinton to take he held in the ape hett on Wednestitti Mr, W. L. Iteya of the Babyinn°Linere Goderich, visited under the ptieetital
train for Detroit where they Will make PRRSONAL. of next week at Sotit.,.M;It,t) clioniooseeresidevorf tinit
also visiting otire.r bleeds itt this vi- roof hist week. '
their home, Many Mende accompany. Rev MeVerrninga of 13aytield was in for it inateh on'5T 5 I 0 r i f Y. .
etre Thos. Rutrowe the popular
Ing them to the station. Good withers town an Tuesday, having come over- pay for it supper. Only those who are
galore tire extended to Mr. and Mrs, 1,0 meet a nephew, Matttat noYee preterit at the meeting or give notiln. Miss Maisie Goveblock, tettefier of s:reodnsdins:: of :camitteyriewhe,Laise tiiireogyufea;ts
Roy who wove the eocipieets oe nand. from Bt. Pant, Minn., Who arrived that they with to take part in th.e ifongttkunder the parental roof in Sea -
the Babylon sehool, spent Thanksgiv- 14 Abe Wee will -eel nu Sunday end
, octerided to the genial Thomaa,
sortie preeente. by the 12.55 train. match mu be &owl,
• ,
1 1111 II 1111111 Hill li 1 11 111 mill m 11