HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-16, Page 80 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 .0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 • • VO0< 0000000 V0nntn Our -Policy • This store's business policy is to sell re. liable merchandise at as close prices as is con. sistent, with quality, No matter what the price inducement, quality is our first and pro.. most consideration. No price reduction . will tempt us to buy if qualities are not all they should be. You can depend absolutely on what you buy here and if at any time anything you buy does not turn out 'to your entire satisfac. tion let us know about it and we will gladly make it right Quality for quality we are sat. isfied to have you compare our values with any you will get anywhere, In every department of the store we are ready for fall business and whatever your Dry Goods wants may be you can supply them to your profit and advantage if you come here. BLACK SKIRTS $1- . Another lot of our great line of Black Sateen Skirts at $1 just arrived last week. This is the biggest skirt bargain we have given and they would be cheap at $1.25 or $1.50. . Ladies' black sateen Underskirts, made from good qual- ity fast black sateen, bright silky finish, hard or torb quality, full size, cut iu the newest styles, wide floun- ces with narrow ruffles, easily worth $1.25 and $1,50, I fl our special price each .. . . .. . . . .... ... NU • CASHMERE HOSIERY New lines in fancy silk embroidered cashmere hose came in this week. They are marked at popular prices and are the best values we have ever shown. Ladies' Oashmere•Hose, 'plain soft iluish, double heels, full fashioned,.haralsontely embroidered in silk, these an quail( les per pair • • ••• 315e, 50c and .UU • Two Good Lines, one 25c the other 50c Mg PUNT= 21ZW$-BatoonD • it is Time For .7: Wall Paper Again 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Both are good, you'll try along time before, you get any that are better values unless you pay more for -1. them than these are I:narked. • c' Ladies' Cashmere 116se; good Weight, soft finish, double heels, will wear well, ribbed or plainper pair.... Ladies' all wool Cashmere Hose, very fine quality, soft • finish, fall and winter weight, ribbed or plain, spliced 50 heels, real goed value at per pair. ..... 1.1 • .........„....44.....,...,.........a...../.......... -‘,.....................A.,......- BLANKETS AN $2.50. • $ Here is another Blanket bargain and it is a good $ one. You are not likely •to find another to equal $ it. Fine quality White Wool Blankets, heavy weight, soft lofty finishcolored borders, will give excellent wear, per pair, • ,..... $2:50.0 , ...446.4"--ft-ii.- -----4b,.......-.4,.....7................-,?......-..,.... . , CHILDREN'S REEFERS • - We have got the prettiest and nattiest children's Reefers that have ever been in the store, judging by the business we are.doing there are none to equal them in town for either.style or value. The best time to buy them is now for the assortment isbetter than there is any possibility of being later on, Natty Reefers, and three quarter Coats for children, made frau* frieze and rough cloths, cu& in the latesl. r nn style and nicely trimined,lined or unlined. $2.215 to in1 NU U A 20Tli CENTURY SUIT " . We sell this suit for $15. If he used as good material and linings there is no tailor . in the land could make as good for less than $18. Likely he would charge you more. Rien's fine t seed Suits, newest materials all wool, good hp- . itigs, welt made ley first class tii ors. to leave y. air order it bait like this a ould cost you $ 15 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ' $18 or $20, our special price., .A PANT BARGAIN . A bargain in Men's Pants that is easily one of the hest we have ever had, The chat- - res are that you Will not 'find anything as good at $2,00 or $2.25.- - • Men's Nam Made frOM heaVY Jiltconi Caned ion tiveeds, well.msde, :hist the thing for Working pante, Will give ex. reliant weal,, our special bite - gain at per pale 114 •• Idd 1,04. IIIUU liodgens Bros, 00000000 • 0440 00004'00 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000000000 if you are going to dec. orate your walls this fall we invite you to investigate our stock with its briglat, new at- tractive designs, and the pric- es at wrtichwe have, narked their). Our claims are that you can't get any better for the price asked and that few places an show you a larger or better assorted variety of designs and colorings from which to select. Will you see us about it ? Agents Parker' a Dye Works, The W. D. Fair GO, Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. AbOut WHERE THEY ARE People OR .WHERE THEY ARE GOJNG We Know Dr. Shaw was in Guelph on Tuesday. Dr. Woods of Bayfield .was in town on Monday. Potober 16 h, 19053 . yiiimiromosorspoompoommipoisimmowsp .......4044.44.4444444440.44+044440.040••••••••••• , I .1 You can Pin Your Faith_to Coats, Skirts aild Capes, Dwight .at Because they are better, Because they are cheaper. What makes them better ? Tailoring style, fit, quality of goods used in the making. What makes them cheaper ? Buying as we do in FIVE large store lots we are able to get price concessions from makers that one store cannot, get. These low prices, secured by taking large lots, we pass on to you at the same saving. This fall our stock of ready-to-wear garments is larger than ever. 350 to choose from. • Ladies'• and Children's Coats The. styles this season are prettier than ever, All the very latest novelties are. repre- Isented in our display. Our prices will be found lower than you'll flnd elsewhere : Ladies, Coats at $5 • Every store sells a coat at $5 hut few will give your coat as good as the one we have at that price. It s made of heady wool cheviot in dark grey, 27 . inches long,new coat collar with ronnded points, seams all bound, gond ivory hi -drone, usual price 5 00 6.50, .... , . s . Ladies' heavy wool frieze Coat, 42 inches long,reade i Coat at $6.75 . with pointed coat collar, seams all bound, come g an - in Oxford grey only': Al value, at each-- . .... • Usuu Major Beck of Saltford was in town Saturday evening. Mr. James Steep paid a visit to_ Brantford this week, 4 SS Florence Cunnfngliatne and Miss Lillie Miller were in Bayfield this .week. Mr. and Mrs. Curwin of Goderich 'visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Jones 011 Friday. • " Miss Barbara Smith of Teeswater was ' the guest of Mrs. David Steep be Monday. • Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Newcombe and baby girl are spendiug a few days in Petrolea.. Mr. Perry Plumsteel has returned from Southern Ma.nitoba. where he.• was helping in- the harvesting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kerr of .Wingliam were. the guests of -the Andrews and " Glazier families last 'week . • ' , Miss Gibbings returned last weeki from an extended visit with, her sister, Mrs. Kay of Attica, Michigan;' Mrs. S. Davis is spending Thanksgiv-: ing Day with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey...Callender of Woodstock. Mr. John ' Minchner, foreman" of the . furniture factory, Strathroy, was. a • guest :aver Seriday, of . Messrs.' Geo: and Hugh Rorke.. . • Miss Eva Glazier of ape. ,Croker was the guest •of Miss' Maude Andrews 011 Saturday" and Sunday and on. Mon' day. Went to Myth to visit her sis- ter, who is teaching school 'near . 'that 'place. • Mr, I,. P. Snyder, keel manager of the Sovereign Bank, was in St. Catharines Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Item of the Exeter brarich•look- . ed after the Sovereign's business here .in his absence., Mr. Peter "Srshec; his daughter' Mary and son Anthony returned Friday from a week's visit . in Petrolea where • on Wednesday 'they vvitnessed the wedding of his brother, Mr. Paul Irsbec, to Miss Lizzie Isboro of that town. Misses Ella : and Mary, Sacidltr 'ot I 18 CVIiiiicgligrta_2111..iblevcirtnehattegbeeullesItrlisirPlif s. J. A. King on oaturda3r2 formr • return cils.: home on Montlay, but the making a. more extend- ed stay. I. ' i Will be busy days . at-thiS store. ' We h , :special list of bargains;7 . ,• •' • Coats at $8, 10,1? to 16.75 but all the very newest melte. Every Coat we At these prices we can give you the best values ever offered. some are made of all wool frieze; others ot fine English kersey cloth, lengths are frorii 27 to 00 incbes,, some with yoke back, others plain, -guarantee to he a perfect fit.• Children's Coats •Children's 2 length coats made of ail wool frieze, in, navy, fawn. brown, red, ete„ with large sailor cellar, having several rows of cording.on Skirt and collar, trimmed with larg'e pearl }Manna,: these we think the hest values ever Offered in 3 50 tow», Prices. • - -.. • ., ...... ..... - .. $2.25 to a I Children's Coats mads, of fine quality eiderdown, in cream and red, all fined with good sateen, all . • • The best Values we have ever.s$1)3ow.In,esp,ri$ceiss 7 50 ./-;//1 . haye fancy cape effect. PrieCs __ 3 r (I 52.25 *2.50 52.65 to UU , , a r . .• Styles -With yoke back,coat eollar,double b;e0aOsteldo. I .. large cuffs, colors of grey, navy and fawn. ' It will pay you to buy here. WiDNESDAY,' FRIDAY ,AND 'SATURDAY •• • YOUR. MONEY .11A011. IP YOU WANT IT . -- Wonien's Tailor Made Skirts .; , Women are acquiring the' habit of buying skirts already made. No questioning of what the effect of goods will be- when made up. • There it is. The becomingfiess shown before one 'buys, the fit assured by trying them on, We have a fine range of styles, nearly ONE HUNDRED skirts from which you can choose. • Tailored Skirts at $2.95 Really the hest skirt for the money we have ever seen is the one we are selling at *2.90. One line is made of a vire wool homespun in navy, grey and black. All have heavy silk stitching hottoln, sestina are all over stitched and aro finished 'the sarne inside and out, come in all ,lengths, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,43 and 44, The other line is made of union homespun and z is very heavy quality, come in same colors knd sizes, 2,95 .. hest values in Canada, at Skirts at $3.50 and $4 Ladies' Skirts of serge and honieepuns, some lined, others unlined, all capital values at our prices 4 00 $3.5. and • • Ladies Tailor Made- Skirts AT $4.80, $5.00 and $5.50 At these prices we can give you a big range ofstyles. • They ere mostly made of all wool hoinespuns and frieze, in grey, navy and black, some are , trimmed with satin folds and buttons, others with box pleats going •from waist to bottom of ' skirt, which gives a very stylish :effect, others ' have cording around bottom of skirt -and over hips, all are strictly up • to the minute; 811 are - unlined, fit andfinish is perfect, prices. are low. • • you save the price and trouble ot getting them .50 mad.. ..54.50, $0.00 and • Golf Capes • • • Some time ago we cleared out from 41. well known maker his entire line of samples capes at a discount which enables us to offer them at'mak- Or's prices. These were all new fall. sarnples .so • are strictly up;to•date. Golf Capes in assorted colored plaids. regular $8.50, for ave prepared:: a -very. $10.Golf Capes for . . • • • 416.715 • • • • Golf capes .... . . • 58..0c) . • Slack Cloth Canes at.: .• • . ••• . • ' • : • $2.59 • • • • Black English. kersey Cloth Capes,trimmed With applique _ • • and braid, at' ' • 55 50 • Elegant Capons made of black matalasse with for .trimns- ' • t• • CLINT'ON • • ing, at .. • ... . ... . . .•... *10.50 • Beautiful Capons made of English cloth, fur lining, . at, • frifeh • i;.• • • • • .. ... • • .• ••• ..... • • .. • . :• • • • • A• 7 44••••••••t•••••••• ••••••••••“*•••••.. 4404••4•.......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ,• • . . • -, ittlt!Ittittlt?Ilfiltittitt11111tIttlItMlltittlff11,11f.ittittlIf!!!11111t1A • • ".'. • " * 9 . . PRN'S------------' The'attra.ctions of this' store are its low prices , CMN CLINTON'S TONS Mr. W. Campbell of Qoderich was in • , . town. on Saturday on'his way to at-- '"*"! GREATEST n-.11 "r% tend court of revision at I,ondes- bort,. He is a veteran in c. of r. GREATEST *I • J aexsoi). work and indefatilable in, placing .0 „ • the name of every e igible Conserva- . • IIIEN'S and BOYS' day. Mi. Jeffrey's duties have rec- pecial Sale.of I/ Formshin Mr, R. B. Jeffrey, G. T. R. agent at tree on the lis . • TAILORI G ° • • . N I,ondesboro was in town on Mon- V- .. l' scales receittly installed at the sta- .1:"-- ' . • witty been increased hy his appoint- ment as weighmaster of the stock iii- "-• ESTADLISHENT li . d° . NEW .HERRINGTON 'OVERCOATS . • --------. Establishment = tion and Which are being•freely ..... . • . . Avitro Ticir) made use of r..)bytlefarmers adjacent Sr-- • ' ' , 414144144••••••••••0411•4414. -Ai • ' ' ` - oreman of tie Gordon;, Mr.......•.............$1,......".......... " - Made to your measure in first class- . , ' • . ••••••••••••••••••••••416 rort. Dover itfaple Leaf, was in town ler-- . . style and fully guaranteed for ..... ........ on Tuesday ott Inc way home from Kincardine .where he had. been called .....-- • • . Twelve'. by a very sad circumstance, . ,.. . death of his brother, Captain Alex: ' '-'' . . . . • ... . Twelve , ... . = . which was: wrecked on TuesdaY night sat.7 of last week only a few feet front *-- .Ninety '8ight 1 6.9 Ninety tight . Gordon of the schooner Anti Maria, gt-_, . • IIII • ,...., the mouth• • of Kincardine harbor. „„„_,•-- , • . The schooner was earrying coal and ' r"`" - ' . SFJe °OUR NORTH WINDOW OF THESE CLOTHS.. , = • failed to answer the helm at a crit- = . . , • • ' Icel. title. Pont lives were lost, in- 00-- ' . • eluding the Captain., whose body You; can -have your choice of three distinctly New Novelty weavds of the very *newest Overcoatings made up . sailed in all quarters of the globe. or eighteen dollars.• „ was recovered next day. He was n d*. with first class trimmings and 'workmanship far, far Superior to any ready made at fifteen 5/ under forty years of age and had stylenayyyoun• desire vo. • He was to have bee reed few weeks to a young lady in Mit- "a".--- • Mera. rlizi Pollock, who has been: fish- r,-- • ally 31:tea.dy • ing on take Winnipeg sinee last May eh - arrived in town Monday night on WI1011 you can get. bargain like this. ' Here's how it happened. When we Were buying our tweeds for the factory, his way to his home in Bayfielcl. Mr. •.- Pollock has been engaged in fishing direct from the mill, no wholesale profits, they had six big rolls of overcoating ----------.1 roffered us at a Very f oin his yooth up and his long ex- 7= specialwe .price. We took them, That's how can offer you a bargain like this alld places us in the enviable pmade erience has his service demand by the big companiewhich position of offering you an $18 or a $20 Overcoat for ••••• s re operate on Lake Winnipeg, where he . -... . ...,, has been engaged during the season 4 for His brother, Captain Tom Polloek, '"" .$12.98 , .... the past twelve years, less two , sr -I = whose headquarters are at Selkirk, se- commands about the fittest boat on ANOTHER VICTORY IN iVIERCHA.NDISING FOR . .4 .... that lake. We regret to add that Mr, Pollock's eyesight has been poor us-'• . for the past eouple of moliths and V...........44.440.444*. Toronto specialist. 'We hope as the IP-, oit his way home het conaulted a .41•1"4"1"4".!......."4" • . , . It #4.644441trotitel******* .restilt of a course of treatment that • • c t . . a the genial John will SO011 be able to Jackson Bros. - . report a complete cure, ' it ac son. ros 7 A • Ill Jackson. Bros. . 4 .g. = 1 il lways. save a ir • • V E always save CONSTAge• 'E Mrs. iny of Michigan ie at present you money :: • . CLINTON • . visiting her sister, IVIrs. J . iluttnii. • :: lVfias A. J. Stephenson oflIolnies- --on- *. ville is this Week the guest of her sis. .....r.'• ** ter, Miss Alice Stanley. . V-••, attehded the abniversary serviees and 1*.,, tea -meeting at I.ondeshoro on Sunday and Thursday. Quite a number front ftfOlUtil here V , your clothes, lIf, at adistance send for samia IE les • Mail orders promptly attended to. ..- . I2:fg, you money 41Y your ci tilos