HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-16, Page 66
1 . Historical Sketcli of
thiron County
neglected hy reamen of the difficulty of
mecalis ; and that " mar-
riage Va.).1 eonsummetel" all right was
aeon evideuced by the great number of
Ittle •ocett. in the Devon settlement ;
and one of the greatest days the liet-
Gement ever had was when Rev. Mr.
rc nyn of latedo..„ afterwaras the
first Anglican Bishop of the 'Diocese of
Huron, et me out seecially to the
house of Hugh Bal will to perform the
battistual eeremc ay on twelve /Bab
bae.woods pets belonging to the good
1 eel le of the neighborhocd. •
The first' churelt and school in Vs-
• Lorne were on the ',melon Road,north
_hewer, the, knitter being the -Pres-
byterian church ett a odgertille„ • and
the hitter the old log :whoa erected
et Francietoan .11 1838. In this tat -
The early settlement of Vsborne, or
ter Thos. Taylor etas the• first teach -
what. was origmally %nom), may Le ne.
r This gentleman was a " charae-
more clearly understood by reletenee
cc) the sisetch of Exeter which,. till waist) setenatoflorthtios
bcorporatioa, ts as part .of '
school. He was an old bachelor anti -
tory. Outside Goa part, which alter- not so very strange for old bachelors
wads Leceme Exeter, Wm. May,' stow -very et:centric- His residence was
!icing eu the London koad a short
, the _ old log schoelhouse wheire he
distance south of Exeter, as prolate- o, taught the young Ma"' during the
ly the fiest settler in the townshie- day !led attended to domestic- dutiee
although some 1,84 c the claim to
at. all other times. He was one of the
1 hos. Lame, who settled same two or .
, townehip clerks and the. early
three miles north of Exeter, • The date records bear evidence o: his. attain -
of Mr. May's settlement was June .21,
Inente and love of system. He. subee-
1:132 ; Ault of Mr. Lamb's' isaot eta quently Miraculously disa.ppeared and
theetica.ted, bet it is quite certain a was nevermore heard a; leaving .no
child beau m the letter's fiunily was living relative in the world, so fax as
the first in the whole section of'. the the people of Itsborns 'ever • knew, and
liuron tract betwecn London and. God; his . mutants among _the mysteries
Balewins`a numi•er a'. whi 1 will sleep the resurrection.
erieh. 11
S I •
Tlw too n .hip of Cnho• rne le situated
t southeestent extremity of the
eoutity. If, in layiug it oat, it • wits
the Wiest, of the Canada, Company
etighes ts to o tee a f gate %those
:nape perteelly imettesibte of math-
ematical deeetietion, they pi oseel
themselves evict to the emergency, es
a glance at the plan will demonstrate.
Its Lowals extend northward to the
townehip of Tuceersinith ; northeast,
cast and southeast to Hile•ert, Fuller-
ton end Blanch ..rd; in the county of
Perth ; southward to Bichlulph, in. the
county of Middlesex ; and westward to
the 1.0nd. n Read, . king frota
Stephen and Hay.
brothers -•and George in. I ctune very
soon after Mr. May, Soell settling. in Next to Lamb above • mentioned,and
1. sLorne and the Bal .wills an ooth Williaete Elder, the earliest settlers to -
the Ilsborne and Stephen sides of the Wards the north or the township were
London Awed. It • should 1)0 mention- Thos. 1. ase and his ten tons • from
ed that although Mr. May Was this County t ic slow, lrelaink .ternente they
first actual settler with the possi .le cease to the Huron Trace •aud .settled
exception of Mr. Lamb) there had been about three miles isorth Of Exeter in
a clearing of about lout Ores made the string .of 1836. thur of • the sons,
• about i9 miles south of Exeter in the John, Lad conic aut. in 1834, worked
spring of 1831 by John Balewill, Mr. that' summer for -McConuell, the Can -
May s brother-in-law, who Was so tele Company.'s contractor on the Lon -
pleased with the country that he re- den Road, aud took up the land where
turned to England especially to Mauce they afterwards located, • setbsegeentty
a number of his friends to come out evisititig Ireland s aed inducing the
and settle in it. In this he succeeded whole- family to return with hint; On
and of those so induced to come • ,more than one eeeaaioto: the Case
May u as the. lirst in and erected the 'brothers were.aroused from. their beds
first shanty, a large number of others to e. their oxen and pull the
lollowing soon after.. These were .h oses and . rig . of • .the Loudon:and
Devonshire iseople and their influence • Godericle Mail -coach out .ot sthe al -
1)1) other friends at home subsequently Most latamless mud .holes teshielt o0 -
prevail( d to such an extent that thet • .eurred between the long .strittehes • of
whole section of the township was set-. corduroy. Tlie first of the .ceaches •ev-
tled up by natives of the old .Eoglisb •er Pesstrg over-.•tn
he road was • drive
Shire. ihe BalkWill settlement Was hy . Geer' y and the way,he
relied 'Devon'' and a little - village .luoctica. • the ribbons or • his lemon -
at the place still tears the name,- itana 'was. raid to 1.e a Wonder, even
11 hen they came throughLondon it- to the •..Tetru. profession, • '
consisted of but a few log. ehauties.
1 The- first • waggon in the settletruitit
and 0, log taVern, •
. wee Ho great . a curiosity as to be a
• For many years after •the .early set- . " SeVdn dstyswonder."wee' aimed
tiement the hardship; .of the settlers by. the Case batily, who also oivned
were such as those. ot all new parts a Sthe) lirst Pair of horses in :the town -
the country are lamilier with, thoegh ship e oxen . and ".juitmere". being lite.
more so trotn the fact. that dewlap-- only means of - litcontotiou. and traftic.
ment was slow and consequently . the •for mole; year • . '
deprivatien of the usual . ••
',Thmunicipel .-history of the. testers.
ments of civilieationha
• d tenger. 1.0 be'
boine. It is related of one ._ of :the se hip. begine with the - year ..1842,at
Which' . time Stethen .• and. Flay w' ere
pioneers, who afterwatds. became :eon&
oth united . to . tiebornee The record -
of the leading and most: wealthy Men
'o1. the firse '" town meeeing" has been
without even the proverbial and of the community,. that 011 his -arrival
.41es(royeao but• we. fled in the clerk's
-: , ,"
table British•thilliug in .1dg pocket,- not•118. the folloWing entry 1840,
went to Goderich and borrowed-- �r..January •,22nd. Deeleratieme ...to pee -
•form sautia of :their set:oral . Mikes
mere properly_ begged -a half bushel of
we; :sig. red by .the folle.Wing persons
wheat from the agent of the. Canada
or_ elected 'tit :hold township• offices Jas.
lone) ny, . half of which- he sewed
Richardellissett, 'Commis -
scratched in with a self inede
among the stumps of the little clearssionere ; . Rev. II, C. Cooper, Mr..
Thos. •Case'•end Mr: dos- Baran .the he succeeded in •reaking-subsieting
.otber. three CommiseionerS, did• not
meanwhile en. the °thee half, bolted:10'
consieee _it neeeesary to sign , does.
a pulp tor each •meal. .By 'the time he
sheration ; • Wtro. • Richard Balk-.
• got the.one. half planted the sother half
james • a illis, Town .Warderk.
was eaten up and hes'went Work ••
1 hos. Routlifie, Aseeesor • Robert' Biss
the Canada ompany s mill. in Tuck-.
sett; Collector ; mita and
eremith, krovin as- the "Big " to
eay for his half beshel of wheat . aed • ens1-91:sWillia,"-POundleteperse James
. Stanla' e, 1110a. Lamb „ L. Moulds,
enn some more tee.. eat while he. wog
John..:••Westcott and William Balewill„
hart esting his - crop and making. flair
_ erseiTs Of. Rotate: 'es* George
.. .
. .
• . , nCh1, 'o1vnship Cleric:" •
It was net. fpr many years .after 'the Sattders,. William
tine we first speak of that the settlers
Wi son• ttild •Jaa.: • Balkwili wtre Wers
were provided with such :bleasingas'dens and Hugh. _Ralkwill Clerk:
schools or chinches, though- teas ening "I.ayatt -Was elected Clerk .115 844, re-
clergymet used . oecasiimally • to 'call earning -:the .position tilt hP disape
and hold religious seevicee while peas-. -earance -abeve mentiotted• From the
ing Leeween Goderich and 4buck'ne. initmtes of • the "toWe. meeting of that
Rev. Mr. Cc -toper., .elsewhere••fregliently. year ". itehL 'January. ret • in the -Steph7:
mentioned in these sketehea, is. aaid • reho011ious(." We extract _the. fol-
' to have been the firstwho ever preach-.
towline .": Moved , talk-
ed a sermon in this locality or- 111 the . will, seconded by Hugh BalkWill; That
township. For years Marriage est:a...no ,dogs do come to divine service,. nee
monies :what few occurred)• were per- 'der a Tine. of 215. fel - for. the first •offence
formed either at London or Ooderiel, •• and the second offence ss• cy, .Caeriol
the nearest points' where there... were nem. eon." We could see ito record of
either clergymeu or magistratessathe any' .dogs having ben .Subsequently
balance of opinion in those: days beings1111 d 111 der 'the operation. 'el • this 'by,
in favor of the c,vil dignitaries• exero whielt ehows Met the dogs tu
cising their .legitithate. right t0 per- te
.. t,
ose, days 'Mitchel their -P's and. Q'e:
forma rite legitimate' as well .as in- _ • •
teresting. But this ceremony was• noe -Jo • 1845 'Stephen seceded frotn the
municipal union and in 1846 Iiay aid
lit cwise 1 but under the. first year's
operation of the Municipal Aet,
'Stephen was re -united to Vsborite and
the first set of olie:els for both town-
ships ander the new system was coin-
poetel ol : James- *Scott, Reeve ;
Messrs. Balkwill, Bissett, Lamb and
!emelt, Councillors 1 Thomas Taylor,
Litt Robert Bissett, Treasurer ;
Sohn Essery, janws lialkwill and
Matthew Rogers, -Assessors William
.Seott, Collector.
Since the withdrawal of Perth front
the union of counties (143) the Reeves
of teborne (Stephen withdrew again
in 1852) were, for 1854, David Kirk ;
185!' John. Strang ; 1856, Thos.
i.auih•, 1851-58, Alex. Smith 1 1859,
Elam Butt ; Ifitot Rol ert Kyclel ; 1861,
J °see h Case e 102, Dr, hay ; 1863
to 1874 inelueive,' Arch, Bishop. In
1864 .Vsborne became. entitled to a me-
ond lepraeatetive in the County
Counel and Robert Craig wax tlte
first to till .the positioe of Deputy
Reeve, • which lie held for six years,
being succeeded in r_Sleo by George
. who retained the position four
years, when he gave way in 1874 to
Leonard Hunter, two years, who was
in turn - followed by David Miller,
four years, ending With 18;8:
Paine's Celery
The Homes of the Pioneers of Toronto.
The foilsman.; iron the Mail and
Empire oil! be If tett:rest to veaders 1
cf N ews-Itecosil. Vat Alcssr5.
end J. Ricked, Miss kulout and Mrs,
tog:: co Clinton are grandchildren of
the Mr. Samuel Iticlout made mention
ca :
" Moss. - Park, the residence of the
late Senator Alien, is one of the few
remaining 'memorials of the pioneers..
It was bait in. the estrly: part of the
lest century, and, before the great (W-
O:chrome:1a of loronto set' in, stood cm
an eetate extending trout luau street
on the south to t-arlton ou the north,
with Sherbourne street as its eastern
and George street as its western boun-
dary. The -demand for residential and
business sites -has resulted in the cov-
ering of all this property with bricks
and mortar save a small area which
surrounds the historie mansion.
Of the homes of the pioneers few are
telt. In the eoutheastern Part 0( the
. . .
Thousands .of • men and w.outen., who
loose neglected the Work of physical re-
cuperation. in the smemee months are
now 'carrying' a burden' of 'disease.' In
thenotiorieyof s easca -.impure and
I:also:led blood. and eluggish eircula-
ts it are the direct causesof sully:tin
and misery. ,Are -you, . raider; one of
the • victims ? If so de not hesitate a
Moment •regerding what von should do.
The fife stream meet • be ..inaelepure,
the Itealtlawreci• ing -laxity of the blood
t,essele must be corrected, the nerves
and tissues must he nourished.. Paine's
Celery Cotnpotind is the medicine that
physicians recommend- for . the: increase
of pure blood. in the .arteries and for
arousing the. purifying organs - to. cast
off the one:malesthet glee rise to
'disease* Mr. V. E.-. 1V1iteltell, New
Hamburg, Ont., -writes as foll.ows
" My -mother siiffered forefive years
with a soreeleg. and her systene was
•so hat run down that acietots- could
not help her. • She coa(i. hardly. Walk
about the - house, Sfie tried almost.
everything' to I reseure a euro but no
good results •eatite. until Paine's Celery..
Ccistitunind: was need, which garc her
betant relief. 1he is 'now- using the
tiara bottle: tend, ableto. do her eterit
work'," • .
Are many times an indication or symptom of functional
They are in most cases clue to functional wrongs, to wl ith
women only are subject. ,
are tile nightmare of doctors.
• "CRANKS" is often the dt.signation
of those patients by physicians tumble
to understand the cause of their
sz.......,„ irritable condition.
•,,.. ST. JattitS WAVERS have rendered
-,.. great service to such physicians in
Great Britain, who prescribe them to
nervous women.
k."..'` ST. JAMEA 'WAVERS afford great
::,._•••••• ., i . k,.., I . relief, simply by strengthening every
,.. '1 V)., J" orgait affected by the functional
.,, • .: v.i'wrongs in women, such as. weak
stomach — weak back—anm
d ' ai!:
:4, -'nerves. •
ST,4.4tuos WAtmas Inlip stomach,
dige:It foOd and send the nutriment
,....1*,4ityc3uttRotiVtot SaiiRmEatNoTiiTOWtvreirt4; through tite
hottest \V ty to get healt 11 and strength,
blood,' and this is the
4 tiirglegtfirrsigg 1 1. the kind that lasts, develops and
-- 'ME CONSTI PON • breeds the energy which accom.
0! plishes much.
11/0/44 -
"nave used St. James Watere
0 il1 with each success at1 tO Name
theut ea toy Oat arellables. 1
Dr. elms, Ir, Springer,
ii,rondott, England,
monteca Naos
Zee REAT f3R1TAIN fifilCh
thogis 6,chattis,
Ptie 11040841a t 00 t
big hottiCS toe $$.00
Si jaws 1ntA14, are. nOt a Perot
rood, iv; loiheNtanItOustio tiro ,3
edm Wending* thr‘a 15 Wit, Mil Ot$
nr,11 the formula utoa rows,
Mittote eaiersore trateettlegMe
Waers. the v are vettfitd upert re.
alp( of miceet tee Conant
hooseit )Ss Jima Wane C 118
St,Otherine et, Mahal.
an church. The spare was known for
years as McGill Square atul there is a
.eross- street to Noting elesignated Mc-
Gill street, after the first proprietor. .
Just west of Yotige street was the
park lot of Sir eanwe Itteeaulay,
thief Justice of the Court of , Come
mon Teraulay street preserves
the last half 4)1 the Chief Justice's
iroalenas Macaulay Matettay
riet. itwashong
suburb - cf the Original city. Next to
tl'e Macaulay property. witsthat of
Fir Jlint P.everley Robinson. It ex-
tended lo the Perk Avenue. Osgoode
Hall is built upon A site that was
presented to the Lew bociety by the
celebrated baronet. But Sir John did
not live on this property. His house
was 13eve: ley House at the _corner of
Luton and John streets, now -occupied
by .111r. .Chriatoelter Robinson_ K. C.
Aeross the avenue was the estate of
lion. William Dreamier Powell. Wil -
Pam street, formerly known as Drum -
days, but these are principally shops • alter Chia Justice Powe)l. The POW-
•Ptreet, was named 1511(1 renamed.
city Nome old etructuree •tell of ether . leer
or - cottages- occupied by transients. eli• property was called the Cam: How -
moderately well oft built their homes ' ea from Wales. ..Tims we get the C.:air
or Castle Howell, a name import -
The perbanent residonts who tvere . ell,
" lax hem the madding erowd."- Howell of today. The Grange, °rig-
lbus we Ind olte of the eEcrly judges inally. the Boulton estate, now the
locating beyond -the city limits on residence of Prof. Goldwin Stnith, was
Stott street to which oustie lane he on the park • lot west of that of
gave hie name- But the more ventur- Ch ef Justice ' Powell and extended
cies strayed to Queen street, the north Isom :Queen street. north. Its gabs
street, stow Spa:dine. Avenue, was tliV- crpSsea' - Queen. That laanSion 81431115
the joint. where John street
side of tehith front the •Don to. Brock ' were at
it ed into park lots and •oecupieet by in grounds. that are .still spacious. It
the magnates of that pe,riod. The first is a •quiet English eountry tatise in
lark lot at the east end. of the town the hart a bs.busy city. Nothing is
Executi e Council. ad grandfather of and Holland 'Ilonse on Wellington.
left of the. .old property ' but Moss
was that of John Stuall, clerk of Gm
the present Collector . if CustoiuS. arca. Other samples; of the early ee-
1 hat lot is oo w divided ...Into strata clatecture haVeel i aappeaar rin recent
end, is completely built ovao . Next ....years. Onof the last to 'fall into de -
to'. John Smell's lot was the property eay was Bishop Straehan's 'palace PP -
of. Mr. Samuel Ridoute• . The •road, int- posite..the :Union Station. • An impos-
es:as named' .Sherbourne after . Sher- descended to the rank, of a loarcling
ing residence in the pioneer . days, it
inediately 'west . of the Ridout estate
bourne in Dersetahire, from:which the house and •ultiinately because a place
Riclout • family • maw. • Then followed a'storage for cirein pipes. Its neigh-
die- Allaa estate -Moss Park- the • ooe,. a • black villa at thecorner of
residence. belonging to which retnaina. a.`ork. aita• Front • streets', .has gone. '
Sabha Peter 'Jarvis lad tint next lot. • There 'at one- time Chief Juatiee Pow- -
His• tineient mansion: of the early col- ' ell thouelit •out his decisions. • ' .
°Mal - style, built . of red brick and
I lack .. walnut,. stoad. in the centre of - The first comers Ilea no idea what
what is now 'Jarvis street It •nad to we would be like a hundred years- lat-
he c'entolished sin order that the fashe ee. They built their homes far• out of
ioneble thoroughfare. might be carried the city, little decanting that so soon
Onotiale .Mo-. Mg west,. another ...int- the sites. WOuld be regarded by their
portant properey: was thatsof Colonel . emeessoes • as • " downtown" proper -
McGill, whet served with .Sitetcoe iti the ties, Time end circumstances have
War of Indepet dettee. This . inducted worked their changes and- the resident -
the sauare occupied by the litetropalit-' a of the pioneers are all but..gone," ,
• . - •
Octob6tb9 1902'
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers for
their ehildren while teething. If dis-
turbed of night and broken Of Year
rest by a sick child suitflerin and
crying with pain of catkin teeth send
at once and get a bottle of " Mrs.
Whislow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer inmtediately. Depend
U1)011 it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach a,ncl Bowass cures
Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces
Inflammation and gives tone and ea-
ten teething is pleasant to the taste
ana is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best feinele physicians 'and
nurses in the Unitede`States, Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists throughout the world. Be sure
ergy to the whole system. " Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child -
and ask for "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup."
alt HBreakfast Food.. pr°emitrnij •
sub'ects vastly atmeirior tb
picture ever .0 erec vet
- ff 1 'th
. . aoy uewspaper.: They ore each 2)428'
. .
SUSTAINS HARD 'MANUAL. LABOR: inches Mal together Mat e. a beautiful
.. e..--....• • S tear of pictures. ' • - '
IT CONTAINS AS AN ABUNDANT The Family Herald and Weekly Star
• ' CONS'i LTUENT AN ELEMENT is acknowledged bY all to lte the .big-
. MEATS. : . • .
gest, best and cheapeet fainily , paper
printed, and The Clinton News -Record
• without- a superior as a local . weekly.
' •IVIAlt. Breakiest Food furnishes the W.r,te for somple copies. . ' • '
, . .
Ienergy tweessary to vigorque.eitge.stien • •- THE FAMILY. Illik.ALD
. andthe vital itenctieins .in a more 'un- AND WEEKLY STAR,.
iform and more liberal' mariner than . .. • Montreal, Can.
any other breakfast grain food on the
. .
St.. James church was tl:e &gene of
a 'quiet but pretty wedilinson Weelnes-
da.y morning of last wag, Miss Win-
nifred Killoran, fourth .daughter of the..
late John Killorau, and Mr.Edward
11. Brown of North Toronto -Were the,
contreet 4g...payties... The popularity
cif • the bide was eVichateed by the
ierge• number ofe friends who. gathered
'•at the churchto see the nuptial Inot
-tied. , 'the he eatifel. and impressive
Marriage •eereitiony ' .of . tlie Catholie
Church. IA as performed by 'the pastor,
Rev. Father le. Corcoran'assisted by
the key, Father. G. R. Northgraves,
..The 'party •entered the eliareh te
.the straits of Mencleissahn's wedding
march lelayed by Miss •Minnie-DorseY,
accompanied by M iss Coonor of Tor-
onto on• the violiu. During.the •ser-
vice •• Mrs, ' P. .hlt :Rally and. Mr. Ps
• leanots. renleeed.. soles . end the 'choir
furnished se eral. chorusee. The 'bride
was atte tube' by her sister, • Miss':Nan'
and. given . •away by her
-brother, .Taines L, Killeran, The dut-
ies. of geocnastnan. were fulfilled by
1VIaafiong poherty of Guelph...
Mr. . J. .11...• Wright, . who -hae •.for.
it env years s twee a resident of Sea-
fert fo, left here last -week for Stratford
• where 'he haft secured a good position
sin the Gloke-Werniche'S new' factory.
'the .Seaforth Electric,: Light Com-
. Lily la e elaced a, new. dynast° iti
tkeir plam, greatly intperwing their
• Mr. W.'.Ds 'eTchnson, Tilecgoberg,Ont,
Writes that his father was entirely
cured of a long standeig• and Obstinate
ett•S ..of eetema by the euse of Dr
Chase's' 'Ointainitt, • His lege Mid fon
were a nets.s of -egret; that refusal 1.6
• heal mai he suffered terribly .1tom" th
itching mai stinging: Though he ase -
-a great* enanY medicines .atia .• wa
treated .by a,1 first elass doctors 110
ertnattent• relief was obtained anti'. k
1Sr. Citaise'e Ointineat.• •
e 011E 1-11131 5 TO WOMEN •
• • •
Front • the . moment in
eugage 11
business, saYs a writer In the 'Desiree
tor: ior Noemutoe, you must realise
yintr ressoneibi ity. lbrin 'busing'
hours your time belongs to pint .0111
1.loyer. .Every girl 'who enters Itusi
nese .tetay as well Understand •that the
ran' $ are crowded, the stspply
greater titan the demand, and that in
competent, inisflieleut,' negligent wme,.
ars are riot. %vented, .13e. interested' if
y °or Work. •• As oi cl ..compleining Lo
yourself or to others. about yoar
work, or tal ing as ifsit, were a griev-
ance. e pride in doing pair work
e e 1 wheat :ex it mitY Rentetiber
that adyancentent eOnles to the pail*:
irg, deal y.aing wo:utto.
la ea int :merest in' the beeinees. Cul
ti ate a cheerful alacrity inateact -of
I ored,. tenni(' r possibly an .
Irk nistie itimitter. A neat .persotial
epia tame.- -and en appropriate style
of area are illewise inieortaitt. •
Is the first indication .of Xidney
Disease and s'llotild be taken as a sig-
nel of clanger -a warning to use Pr.
Chase a Kidney-) iver Nile while yet
there • is thne • to avoid the dreadful
11:na and certain fatality of this
terrible disease, 'there is no guess
woes, ro experi.metaing witch you use
Ilia prescription. It trine relief ina
renter Ably aliort tittte turd because of
its tointined .actiott r.tf kidneys and
liv,r, etres complicated cam; width
ceituot be reached Ly atly ordinary
it at:tient.
Tor twenty -tour years vaoo.Orasotane ba
been extensively used for ell forms of throat end
brenchial t, oubles. All Druggets.
market, 'and is. ,.specially . suited to • .• .•
Sustain hard • Inatome. ..10.:bor.. • Malt (.01 OR IS ONE OF' THE' MOST ,IM-
Breakfast FOods contains 'as. en abut:tea'
eat conseitnent an .elenteitt. of' boa al -s ... e-. ••• . •
most absent in ineats ; it is car.boiiy; • . .. - M. -A...M. e.e.„..e.e. 13.UTTElt.•
,piements, gives Melt.* Breaklase Food of the fact thitt ". color." is cote of the:
' Too .enany. baiter enalkera lose eight.
clrates'. . :This ' Coustituene, together
WAIL the proper proportion of mineral.
firse rang as a builaers of flesh, ' bone niost important ancl .ellective points in
and' thuscle," Eva)! worein 'man cal- good butter. The .eweetest and richest'
. upott' to perfoon daily manual. lab- .butter ie hilt helf prepared for . this
led'should lave. Malt Break Met • stood critieal eyes of eamainers, if tlie eel -
or •,.. Ihe or be lenity or obje.c.tionableo.
regularly for breakfast t ie t .- , • •
most co
enotitical . and, ‘iiig . of Wells, Richardson & Co's 'reproved..
oods. 411 grocers. . • Butter COlOr. givee the ;natural golden'
. tint to butter in the autumn. and
.. •. color in . the , government creameries
winter ' seasons, •It • is the favorite
" ppeeteyoo....-.:, Aooespoi.- ••eind es used' exclusively: by thelargest
. • • . , s makers et butter for expert and home
. TWo..beatitifill pictures Which are .to consumptiert. Wells, • Richardson. ' &
be Preaented to all sathscribers , to Co's Improved Butter Color never
that goat Wilily 1 aero " Ilte rant- -fades . from the. butter ; .it .des not
ily Herald aud \teeely Star" of Mont- 'turn a !tricky ehade sitch as the, oth-
real. . . . • • • • . • . .: - .. . ' er cc) Ire • produee ; it eei8. pure. end.
.. '' pVirtt: J., •• ' hart/ilea ;
its keeping. gaaltties are
(By. Anton Asti, size :22,428 incites.). • . perfect.; it is the. strongest, therefore
" seuritv". shows- the. sistinbas feat- 1 the cheapest to use. *Ask ;your drug
tires akar chaste •bust ,of a young girls i gist or . dealer '.for, ito,take..no °thee •
ear a waxen haceground of brown deep, melte. • '
Cueing into eed... Theotight is colleen. .
er.ated neon the evlifee.' lace; and form.
.of the maiden witli. 'an approach "to
Itehtbrandtnagite. effect ; 'while the sole • •: Lifebuoy Soap-disinfeetanta-ia strcingly
browns in ler. hawing hair and the ..._ , . • . . .
recOmmended ler the •Modical profession as
twee diseases
warm, reds • int the' elregetry which ,Itas.. a aueguatil agalat ogee
fallen from her rounded slimilders, are , .. " •"'" . • •• s
seene-when the. eye turns to theolosto ' • • ... . .weereteowneole, •
be full of •ininor .1ights arid shadows., - . • , • • .
it is .a., " Jive" piastre for all its. met-. . 'Union thanksgivings eerviees will be
fat first effects' when One sees' 'only:the held , • by the .congregatione of White-
caltn purity ela face which thus far chursh.• Presbyterian anti .Metliadist
life s softest 'airs alone have onuelteds churches .on Thursday .evening of, this.
and the .sittoother shadows that . en- week* Revs. Dunn and Kahlc-. will
frame it. Blueseyed, toseslipped,
silo eoncluct thservice
look a out to life withota: the •riiille of :The., anniversary !teevices in cameo..
. e . .• • - ..
an anxiety life." ' . - • ' • . don with It hitechuech Presbyterian
IT rAys TO ADvsR.Tis$ IN.
Bql°re• 111?3.' NVOOrn P1i081110ain91
Tie arcat .English Tammy,
Sold and recommended by an
druggiets iii oansda. 0111y reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms o aextud Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excesS, Dental Worry. Excessive use of To.
bacco, Opium or Stinuilants. Mailed on receipt
of Price, one paolcase al, six, $5. One tottl.please,
ea wile cure. -Pamphlets free to any address.
This Wood' company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's PhoSphodine is sold in Clin-
ton by H. B. Combe, R. Reekie,
E. Hovey and Watts -& Co. --druggists
Peep and still; • that gliding stream
Beautifultie thee must sante : • '
As the river of -.a dream. • e .
It is such a pfettit 0 as one-Snight
likc to hong 'in a remit .given to rever-
ie. Beatity-the, beauty of the curved
line and the_ sweet maiden face and
building: wortitinhood-is the dominant
note, it is a pleasant resting place
.lor tired eyes. Than, when One goes
nearer, - it is a spleodid• example of
modern :art, showing .a.most perfect
and aelicate mastery •of, the. uses Of
light and shadow.
ALONE." . •
(By Frank Steruleergi 51,0 22x.28 . in.)
o Alone" 'is - a study .in pathos.
Two children -although the eldest girl
bens 'already • the eorrowful, effort itt
firm:less which grief cab • give to the
e•Oung-ekit in desolate 'companionship,
having lost all other. The younger
one, heftily underetandiug low . it. is
that .everything is so sad, lies in her
'sister's .14 and toe's: oat of the pies
thee with eyes • of sweet pensiveness at
whoever will pity her. lotielittess.. The
etiltr„ with protecting arms around
the. ' baby sister" site has so often in
Ital P1' -tittles commissioned to take
care or, look:: upward with mournful,
.41uesti:ming °yea toward that. tinseen
Willa a here. Mother" has gone and
whence site has boot taught. to 'expect
help fax the motherless. Fuch a pies
Lute inaitt keep flowing the steeanis of.
charity mid pity for the distressed in
e-ery home. 'where it beep upon'. the
wall ; and eatinot fail, too, to preach
a powerfulsermon in the sheptieel .age
on the sore needthere is in this
V. odd of A father for the fatherlas
and ia. very present help in tune of
trotnie. •
Yet the picture is not intolerably
sad. The younger thild, who isin
white atid stands out distiitetly from
the dark t•crtie of the rest of tlie coin-
eositiott, has May it laity's emete of
'o- s on her rottitd fate ; and her liq-
uid eyes seetn already to I e :forgetting
that, in their dawa'ne turiositer about
ea t wit() are lookitig at her .atitl your
intentioes. THOR& ere the short
griefs of 'chit lama, you think, . and
turn away with a new Content ift.
'Vette heart at your owe hatspia 10t.
14- Purity'and " Alone" form a
;church Will be held •on October.. Petit..
Rev. W. J...Clark of First Presbyter-
. fan . church,'" Loudon, will be the
preacher. There will also be service •
in the afternoon at 2.30. Spedial free-
will efferings will be taken up at etteh.
service he behalf of the .debt
.ro curp... A COLD IN °NU DAY.
Take laxative Branto Quinine Tab-
lets, All druggists refund the mosey
if it faits to cure, E. W4 Grove's sig-
natttre is on each box. 250.
There are ferns of indigestion and dys-
pepsia which can never be reached by
ordinary stomach medicines and so.ealled
digestants. The kidneys and liver are
involved, and though the stomach may ke
all right, it is the part of digestion which
takes place in the intestines that is
All over (he country are people who are
angering from just ehts kind of Indigestion.
They don't get well, because they
don't use the tight medicine, Dr.
Chaa'S XidneseLiver Pills are admirably
stilted for this very trouble. They act
directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels,
remove the tease, and make it !Sentiment
Care of intestinal indigett ion, backache, and
diseases- of the filtering and excretory
Dr. Chase's Xidney.Liver Pills are veg.
Webb in composition, and remarkably
prOMpt and effective in eaten. They aret
kept in thou:Sands of homeas a stahderd
Medicine, and have proved by years 61
trial t� be withont a rival. One pill a
dose, as cents A hot At all dealers, or
Edmansod, Bates It Co., Toronto,
Dr. Chase's
Kidneyliver Pills
Rattenbury Street works
Direct i gnome ers. Woo k man-
ehip and Material guaranteed.
J. 6, SEALE and CO .
1211•11110101.101.1•Calia7 ...t.pg..22'au.Lswrarrar.r.-ZwxalaZl.
1LiP[1r COTT'ci
\„ • -
1. moNTHor .r.maAvra.".-
The Bad b CmcDt .1..Riatro
, 1 2. cora Puzyn .U.Ov eta eeeney • . •
MANY SHOR1' GTOril Jeri)
7' $2.50 eca smell; 26 01.43. A COPT • t.
NO. CONTINUED 1,3T0131113
SVCRYriUMUCR coT4P5.a1'1 ierseLre.
• • •-•-• 000sseesteresoe'essete.....-_, .
1 Or 10 cents
t 'the News -Record will be sent to
'I any address in. Canada or th.e United
States for the remainder of 1902 for ,.
10 cents. Newsubscribers will re-
ceive the remainder 6f this year free
--that isfrom the present until jan.
1.964 for $1.00. • '
; This is a very low ofter—it is t
cheaper than letter postage. Have , *
1. The News -Record sent to triends at t
.1g a .distance —it' will.be.as welcome as
a weekly letteras it gives all the
; news of the district as Well as the
I general news, justas interestingly
4' written as you could do yourae and
of far leas trouble to you. •
.1 The News -Record is in the front • ;
rank of Can.adiam local weeklies and
was .never • •moreinteresting: than. it ' t
is today.' Show- this announcemen.t.
tO your neighbor and advise him to . .
. become a subscriber. • . •
i In addition to giving the news of
.,; the district and .county The News-,
' Record has complete market reports,
The Talm.age Sermon and Sunday
School Lesson and a fascinating Con-
; tinued Story.
f 10 Cents pays a subscription
* to Jan. ist, 1903, or .$1 to Jan.
4, , TIIE. liEWS.BECORD, .
t •
5t ,*
In every home lei this distrait
Wilt supply yob with the latest and most interesting Local
Home and Foreign News, and
Its special features are- Market Reports that aro un-
equaled for PULN ESS and RELI ASI LI 1 St.
Regular contributions by "Bystander" on ctirrent events
Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in-
terest and value to all farmers,dairymen and stockmen
Practical talks each week on 1 has Stock, Dairying, Farm
Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit! and .other subjects.
8UE1500113E NOW for
irtio NEWS -RECORD oNtx
and TfiEt WEISISLOt SUN J.. I C."
And 'we Wi.0 *end The Sart IMO for the balance of SOO.