HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-16, Page 3Ootober 16t131190A THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD oar. - L., i. 1 *laity' Old eannibal I .4i.not then peer brother Illuite. I don't think Woe to the, unbaPPy Mani . Better "ldeh, you nerdri't be, then," amid to it • . steno tied retina his neck, and were ing gotd in store for a miserable Pure soap 1 You ve heard lade. •E :ergot her name. came 1 ever saw ti, prettier young man nor for the somebody elite had a mild. timely. sztapplehly, for it has noth- otreesed herself up in men's. clothes. he 10, in MY Wed' the words. In S uni Ight fluid got hiudethe fellow wee) . deo Why, you Nadel oje thing is plunged into the middle of frog -pond, seeped oat lite you. I won't tell it: te Vourting, yoU lettedeeiel Seellimbeidd buret out Pet, indignutitly; losing to) than that thou shouldst live to see but I will tell that little gal's." a p you have the fact4 Ob, it wa �plendtd 1 I'll lend yOu her elistornarespent for old agox in that day," pointing to Erminie, who all the time • the book soinetiene, lidLnate." these unflattering remarks. s'l am t "Good gracious!" ejadulated the had ).?en quietly lodking on, not „wile ,d mast bees been tee deed. • tawny; ado e am pretty -I Just aut 1 horror-stricken. Mr. Toosykegs, 'wild knowieg whether to laugh or de °hand dedeneed. yde dead, o old iiwy and I'm not going to believe any- ing the cold drops of perepiration off afraid, and wholly metzled by it. all. "though wee, e, jembled up account, body that sityS enything else, If his face, as the sybll dourlSited her "She gave me .R01110 breekratile und of as that, 1 It . ' OU (1 everybdy else thinks Pin enuff-box in the air, as if invoking go over fee the book todnorroer end ugly, its all your bad taste ! Ran- WOK] spirits to come to her aid. read it toMin, U She cares bout tY prettier than toe 1. Likely story!" • "tieblitne peroration!" exclaimed hearin it ,,said Vet, bwedt conteraPt And. lid' Redd laughing. one good turn deserves another, as the Bible says. Give me your hand." Afraid of offending the old lady, 1r- -.minie held it out. Before ErMinie could reply, a surd dignaLlon• Live to, see that day?" inquired "You'll be rather a Dice looking prised ejaculation from. Pet Made her "Well, loot what a mee white skin Pet, whose curiosity was aroused. young' Woman, if you don't grow up tutu quickly round. • dtay'e twee wan- he has 1" said the old woman, with "Ile day he gets married, maybe." 'Ugly," began the seeress, looking in- , dered in the same direetion, While WbOra Master Minty appeared to be- "Awful will be the results that will tensely at the little white palm that Mr. Toosypegs sprung from hie tteat, an humans° favorite. folloW that day," went on the seer- lay in hers like a lily leaf; "and will In terror, thereby badly scalding hint- "White Milli 1 bleaeded eaffron ess, scowling darkly at the irreverent have some sense, if not more, unless self with the hot Wiese at the sight more like '!" exclaimed Pet; ••if our Pet. •,!Tremendous clouds will flash you get Inside youtdelf, as Most elsroUgh the sky, the blinding young girls nowadays mostly do. IVO which met his astoniehed eyefi. Ranty's good looking, I guess he vividly t man I" interrupted Raymond. Toosypegs, and upset the holit ; and "Thorre I htive helped you out with • thee added Jesuit to injury by pull - it. And now look her, Pet, how do yoU on shore by the hair of your you expect to be raised to the dig- bead e Thet 'was an aeful trick, nity of my wife some day, If you Pet." t don't learn something ? Why, when "L haven't got it out of my bones we are married, you'll have to make yet," said Mr, Toosypegs, mournful - your mark 1" ly. "I never expected such treat", -I've a good mind to do that nove meet frOui dliss Pet, Vnt sure; and with my uhip 1" exclaimed Pet, 1 don't know what had ever done flourishing it in dangerotis proximity to deserve it." to his head. "Your wife, indeed ! I "Well, don't be mad, Orlando. I'll guess not. letu to be ts president's never do It again," said Pet, in a lady some day, Aunt Deb, says. deepleepenitent tone. "But .1 see. Catch MO marrying you !" Tiinitie, when ere we going to have ••Well, that will be your loss. .breaeleat d" • - Where is the Judge going to send "In it moment. hurre, Lucy," you ?" said Erntinie, as' she eotered the "Why, he says to the Sacred Heart room. but I ain't gone yet 1 I'd a heap "1 was lust steles bringing sooner go to Judestown, with Min- gi•andruother her breakfast'." nie, to that school where all the "Item ! how is the old lady 2" in - boys end girls go together. 0 Rey (mired Miss Pet. there are just the nicest boys over . "As well as usual. She, hardly was there -'specially one with the ever comes down stairs now, Do beautifulest red cheeks, and the lov- hurry, Lucy. Miss Lawless will soon • liest bright buttons on his coat ever be starved; 0 you keep on so slow, you st.‘en." de 1" "Who is ho?" said Raymond, who "Lord sakes 1 I is hurrylnd Mem did not looks by any amens so de- Minnie." said Lucy, as she bustled lighted as Pet fancied.. he should, • in, drew out a small, round table, "Ilis name's Robby 13i•own ; and laid the cloth, and prepared to ar- only he's all as yellow as the yolk range the breaefasteservice. "'Spect of an egg ever since he had the Jan- dee ar' little limb t'inks folks ought dors, he'd be real pretty. But I'm to git up de night afore; to have getting hungry, Ray. I'll race you. breakfast ready time fluff for her," to the cottage, and bet you anything mutteeed: Lucy •to herself, Reeking I'll beat you 1" daggers at Pet Lawless, who, swinge' "Done !" cried Ray, catching the ing her ridingehat in one hand .and excitement. now sparkling in the her , whip in the other, watched dark', le•illiant face of the little. fay • Llicy's Motions with a critical eye. beside ' him; and crushing his cep' Erminie, with her sUnny 'face and down over his thick curls, he bound- ready heeds,' tissieted in the arrange-, ed after her as she da.shed away. ments; and soon the whole party But Pet was better mounted, and ' were assembled round the table, clo- the best rider of the two; and a ing simple justice to .istaty's .morning ringing, triumphant laugh came borne. meal. •• tantaldingly to his ears as Ede Ale- And 'while they Were- thus. engaged, tanced hen by full twenty yards, and I shall claint your patience for a galloped up to the little white cot- moment, dear reader, while we cast tag° on the Burrens. &brief' retrospdetive glance • over -the -Fairly beaten 1" he said, laugh- various Changes., that -bade occurred ing. • during those ten years; •• Ahem ! And how do You expect Dy the. kind care of good-natured to be raieed to the dignity of my Mr. Toosypegs, 'and his friend, Ade husband some day, if you don't • miral • havenful, the gipsy Kettira' leery' to ride better? Why; when had been...amply provided for. •As we're married, have. to give you Raymond and Eiminie grew up, 'they lessons I" said Pet, demurely. . had • been sent eth Judestown • • to "Oh. I see !" said Ray gayly. "Po- school, .with the children of :ledge etical justice, eh ? Paying me in my Lawless, whose daughter, Miss Pet, own coin? Well, •if you can beet has Already been nitroduced to the me in riding, you can't in anything' reader. ,. 'The dark,' gloolnY -realised else !" • Kande was an object .of dread. and ••Catet T, though ?" said Pet, de- dislike to: the neighboi•hood :around. flantly. -Just you try target -shoot- She shunned and aveideci them, lived ing or pulling e stroke -oar with me, her own ittent'd hfe independent of and you'll see ! Scheele where they them all, and was therefore hated by teach you the Greek for bootjack thern. And where. about year pre - ain't the best pieces for learning. violas to the present- time, she -. re them sort of things, I reckon 't" ceived se severe paralytie.stroke, tram The thunder of horses' hoofs,. nad the effects of -which she never fuuly by this time brought another persons recoyered, very: little sorrow was felt nge to the stage. eapreesed.- Sweet, gentle • little it was Erininie-"sweet Embed" Erminio wad; however, fayorittt the little beauty, and 'heiress of a With 'ril),, and so •was the bold, bright princely foi•tune and estate. high-spirited Raymond, to wheel the The promise of Ertninie's childhood : semewhat ,eceentric Admiral haven - had been more than fulfilled. Won-.' ful took such a fancy that he ineist- dronsly lovely she was d How could ed On sendiug him to college with the child of Lord Erne, Villiers and his nepheiv Raney; Or Randolph Law, Lady :ea u de Percy be otherwise? less. To 'college, therefore, the boys She had still the same snowy skin of . went; and:Entente' reMa.ined at the her infency, softly and. brightly ting- Barrens,- and went every fine day'. to ed with the most delicate pink on the .Tudestown to the district 'echoed. rounded chicks; her lace was per-, . 'sometimes, but •very rarelyeeteeom- fectly oval, and almost transparent; panted •by 'Pet: Lawless; for that wild her eyes were of the deepest, darkest young lady voted schools a,nd school- s iolet hue. her long curls, that reach- e -teachers and "Corremitthe Men," un - ed nearly to her waist, were like enitigeted bores,' all,: and prefereed burnished gold, and suow-white fore-- her .own !'sweittwilV. • and her Pony head and tapering limbs were per. Starlight do suffering threugh "read- fect. in spite of the difference be- writind and .rehnetio." yain tween them, though one was derk her father, the judge, •Stormed • .and• and inipeteous, the other fair add threatened her With all • :sorts • el. gentle, yet diet e was a resemblance calainities. • 'Pet, emetaphysicelly between Raymond and Erminie, speaking, snapped her finger in the " 0 Pet din so glad you've fa.ce of ail atitlibrity; and the'enore come !" she joyfully exclaimed. they wanted her. to .go, the move! • 'Guess who's here ?" she wouldn't, though She did, offer t.o. "Who ? Runty ?" said Ped • do her ..best •to learn ff "they. would ••islo, indeed. Mr, Toosypegs. He let ,her go with Ray and Ratite:But heard Ray was come, and rode over gaiters Were things dorhiddite inside, this morning to see he." • the .college gates; and besides, Ranty "Oh, I must see Mr. Toosypegs. very ungallantly protested that 'ell exclaineel Ilay, laughing, as he girls in general, and • dour Pet". •- bounded past the t•wo girls, and particular, were nothing but "pests" sprang into the house. and that -he ,wetiuldn't have her near -Why, Toosypegs, how do you • him. at any price. Master Rarity. do? I hope you have been quite Lawless did not like the female per - well since I saw you last ?" cried suasion,. and once gruffly announded the spirited voice of Ray. as he that his idea, Of heaven was, &lilac° grasmel Mr. Toosypegs` handl, and where boys could do al; tho gave 1L it a cordial shake, and where there were no. girle. So • Thenk you, Master Raymond, I've been mete well, l'ni vet•y much oblig- ed to you," said' Mr. Tooaypegs, wriggling faintly in his grasp. "So is Toosypegs, so is Aunt Bob, and all the rest of the family-l'in very much obliged to you." "hoed and all, I hope," said Pet, as she entered. "Yes, Miss Pet, the dogs are (mite well, I'm oblig•ed to you. I hope you feel pretty well yourself ?" -No, I ain't. then. I'm not well at all. I've been in a state of mind all the week, and there's no telling how long it truly last." "dood gracious 1 you don't say so 1" said the alarmed dfr. Toosy- pegs "It's not anything dangerous, I hope ?" "Well, people generally think the stnallpox is dangerous t" began Pet, with a sort of gloomy sternness; when she was interrupted by Mr Toosypegs, who, seizing his hat, niehed to the door, shrie ing out: -The smallpox Oh my gracious Why, Miss Pet, bow could you go to come here, and give it to us all like t his ? Good gracious 1 for to think of being all full of holes like a po- tato -steamer," said Mr. Toosypegt, wiping the cold perspiration off his face. , "But the smallpox ain't no Mecum - :dance to my trouble," went on Pet, as if she hadn't heard him. "rm go- ing to be sent to school 1" "Conte back, litr. Toosypegs; she hasn't got the smallpee," said Rae, . keeps: his beauter in his pocked /or thunder will show- itself in ail the liked, you'll be married to somebody, CHAPTER XVI. . .nobody but you ever discovered it. colors of a dying dolphin, and a ses• VOIlle time; very likely the fast letter Humph I 'Little yeller god!' 1 vow vere rainstorm will proba.bly be the of his name will. be Minty Lawless, A little old deereidt wonatin, beat it's enough to proved° a saintId oX' result. On thyself, 0 tinhaPPiest of wide by that time, will be ene of the double With age, leaning on a staff, claimed Pet, in a higher key, at the mortals, teryille will be the efftscts it nicest young men you or anybody else and, shaking with palsy, stood as rendembrance 01 this insult. will produce! These beautiful snuff- wid e•i•ee see. Id he nuticee you his suddenly before them, as U she had "May we ask the name of the lady colored freckles will shake to their wife -which is a blessiug you might sprung up through the earth, Iler • whO has favored us with her coin- very centre; these magniticent whisk- to pray for every day -don't torget rose was the meet ' astonishing corn- Pany this morning ?" said Ray, at plication of rags that etrer hung to- this point, bowhadto•the old woman Other on a human heel( before. A with meet ceremonious politeness• long, old-fashioned cloak that, • a "Yes; vou may, young man," said . . ers, wiech, I perceive, in two er three to learn to make slap -jacks and places show symptonts of sprouting, Johnny cade, two things that good will wither *amity- in dread, like the youth is very feed of, as I am given grass which perisheth. This courage- to understraid. As he will probably huodred years before, had probably the old ledY, with auoschatilirepmaoSrp;01,•.litty,s, nom tf,0.13741it, rave as a lion, which has be away up there among tbe big been all the rage. swept bohind her; that seemed rather quailed before man or wigs in Congress every day, don't for- and isnegaintehde' un- tit'hantn"islemrotin.i. usegereastohlakuls°dettont'saanyd. mountain in a gale of wind; and an paper of sandwiches every morning ghost.. will be rent in twain 'like a. get tp give him ;roter blessing and a dortUnate old lady over her own I'm Goody -Two -Shoes; and head. every minute. A brown, sun- if you attack of influened, in yotir great too before Ile starts; and meet him at burnt face,' half hidden in masses of coarse .gray heirs peered wildly out; and from under a plat. of bushy, overhanging gray iloyebroWs, gleamed two keen,' needle-like eyes, RS sharp as two-edged stilettos. This singu- lar ledividual wore a man's oicl beaver hat on her head, which was forcibly retained cm that palsy -shak- ing -member by a scarlet bandanna handkerchief passed over. the, crown, and •tied under the chin. Altogether, the little, steeping, un- earthlyelooleing crone was one of the most singular slghts that mortal eyes ever beheld; So completely amazed were the whole assembly, that for some five minutes they stoo0 staring in silent wonder at: unexpected and most startling apparition, -• ',lion"! he Ahmed, pretty ladies and gentlemen," said the little old lady, In a shrill, sharp falsetto: "I 'won't don't like it, you may lunap tt. will mercifully put an end to all night, eh 0 he returns, with it smile "A mighty pretty ;lame," renutriced your earthly agonies and .troubles ttt on your lip, and it cup of tee in your• Pet. - (Mee i PrthaPPY alerted. go 1 • Thou. band. By following these directions, mesterious phrase of 'lumping it ?' , "And we like it, exceedingly," said as he turned rotind, no earthly. eye • 'stone, and your virtues: inscribed on hest heard thy doom." ! an '41101011(16.d future will be yours, Ray; "though, if we didn't, what • ,A more wretched and woebegone - and yell Will probably •bo translated, wed meaning hies hidden under, the face than Mr. Toosypegs diepleyed at last; in a. amid of fire end brim. - a, I confess, it passes my comPreiten- ever fell on before. Ray lia.ti turned a pewter plate, as an example Tor all sion. Perhaps, my dear' madam, Yell to tho wilicloW in convulsions of , lame generations." . - would be good erieugh to translate laughter, front the original Greed, to whicle "I -ain't well," 'said Mr. Toosy- exclaixned ltay. t "What an. enviable fate, Ern:MIMI" •• . • it tanguage I should Judge it • boil:ins, pegs, mournfulle, as he took up his • • “Seems to me, old lady, our 'Reil- and ,let es know its import in the hat. "I'vegot a pain somewhere, and ty's a great bother th you," said vulgar tongue, commtenly called plain r ••• guess I'll go home. Good morning; • Pet, suspiciously, . • . English." • Arm Two-bhoes, I'm very much Mt- 1 • ".1 always take an interest in nice sharply routed; "I dare • "And slowly and dejectedly Mr, 1 and grasping her Stick. preparatory exclaimed the bele liged to you, I•nt sere,'" , youths," said the phi woman, rising- stiaa.y1.1Yle;oliernaRrtflinuigintictli it:mighty amusing to. keep pokiog fun et me -which, showe eyes, mid turned his.- stops in the di- steying for dinner; I'll call some nth, . 'doosypegs crashed Ms 'bat over his to stat•ting. "1 geese I won't mind all the broughten up ever you rection of Mental hollow. I er day-, ..thankee." .. ' . had, .to go showing no respect to . people what's in their old ttges of. he isn't Scaead out of -his with, if he ' exclaimed Ray, coolly catehing the "'Poor Ifiorlantietd" said Pet; "If , • "Not • so fast, Goody -Two -Shoes." littfnee eBotnItiluieftty-oihi etriet intkhilauschharoonchlioeskted rose to the shrillest poisible • treble "Oome hither, scoffersaid the " ings." • .- • ever hed any. Say, Goody, won't old woman by the Collar. "I've dis- . . ;Covered You at • last 'Off ye lend - Yen tell my fortune, too?'' ' • • , . . hurt none 'o you, el you behave -...Wej g� onpt fleshed on 015 d trill. ,sybil, With solemn sternness. •"Ap- „Antleto the horror of Ermines he . .. And suitiug the action to the word, .• or in the airth to come, yeiese very tell yoe. that!. I have,power, though e '0 •Llninietl what a falling • off beldame, Then follciwed 'the hat, .and youreelves. • Z .guess I may .come Pea,r. und learn the dark doom. -Des- graspel the cloak' and: tore it 'off, in In?" • • ' much dot caved young man; let, ine 'tiny has in'store for thee." ; , ' spite Of .the vigorau.s•strugglea of the :the little owner of the 'extraordinary you mayn't think so, and could turn was there!' " minted Rae te,d handkerchief, and the venerable head -debits hobbled in, and comPidied- .you into a cracked. jug, :ores • mus- . "Peace, irreverent mortald` said gray locks: and Erminie stifled a ly dumped herself down into the teed pot, just as• easy as. not." • , Goody •Two -Shoes; ".peame, while. I. ecreain as she fancied head and - ell rocking chair . • der. Toosypegs had foretell the future. fate of this tawny was coming, The 'bushy gray eye - 'lately vacated. • . • ' '01 d C o Ay' Two Shoes! Ler 1 ,N% hat a "I tersh to mercy you would, then, • little mortal before mei" . brows gain°. off too, and.the bright, • "Now, what in the name of Idecate showy appearance you'd make,. Itae, • 'dell if you ain't the politest old ditindoonte, inischievous•face ofe Mas - arid Aldine' witches, does this. meen?": • excleinied Pet,. first :: recovering her as a mestatd pot I" said:Vet, .1dirste lady!" ejaculeted red But go ote; 1 ler Itanty. Lawless' stood re,vealed. - ing into et. lit of laughter. • . ' clondt mindebeing• dulled ugly, . pow, • • presencedat mind. ' ' ' • "Why, • my dear madani, I hadn't I'm geteing . used to it, and rather .' • . ChAl'TER X. : • "It means that. /IV take . some the Slightest idea of ePokinge fun' at „Wee it • ' '' . • . • . .• 1 • .1 , .. . . 'Why it's Realty!" said the sure novel d exclaimed Pet. • breakfaed. if youdl ebring it down, you, as you eegently expres:sed it • "You'll 'neder be 'drowned," began • *, , 'dell, miss," said. the little old wenme, eaid lead, -looeing :decide Persecuted. the .sybil, •lookine eiciwa prophetical- . ,• 4..,. . , . . jayieg. her formidable -looking, stick .nee pateedd "and .f.ttl • 1 0.being len ned • j e'• t •1),f is j it • 1 - • pno a. rstrinuie. .acrose her lap; and favoring the coin- emit' aecracIted• Jug, at mustard pot, Otsny; ono and all, with a prolonged • 3 think I would. rather •retain . my stare from -her keen,. height pees. • present .sluipe, if it's all the seme to ".."Well, 'now, that's • whit d call. , 3021 ,, cool," said 13et, tompietely taken ••rret e eare, thcn, hoW rei •• rouse abacksby the old wonian'e sang froid. niv wr 1th " 'said the ad -Nvoire II, W I t o emote tepees . deeesara, .anyway,,, ' "Yes," said: Minty, giving his hat said 'Pet,. • • • . ' • ' ., • • FO ' well- &Med • a kick that • it struck ' Because you ivere• born to .be the cat, and huritte that ' tinfoetunate leinged,d 'went on the old woman, un- neaelruped over me hex. back, - "and lumilin:e the intereuption. • • this .is a nice- way to treat a 'loud ' • "dhow 1 " w histIc•d Pet. ' • ' 'weinand as Mies . a s ., Priscill• ay's. - '!Perhaps youe. ladyship- will be con- • MY . 121a' 11, '• t it - tile old I e omen, "Ndmr 'days are numbered,-" * t it? Going • •and tearing :the. deecending enough, to . sit 'oVtie . 'heee clothes •off her 'back without any• ve- • with a .seoWl. I'm • iv tai tent women; . "Well, 1 never sew, a nuMber on arid help yourself ?" . • • ' • but I can't stele] everything, - I'm ene of dein yet," interrupted the 'in- gard for fleceticee or the slightest , Itleo,' thanked squeaked.her.ladr" used, to . be treated with eespeet, cerrieible Petronilia. • . • • venertttiort far gray hairs, Dye the ••• It Mild, ."I'd rather have - it here, if Where I canto trent, ne such •conduct d•P'ettce, Seoffer!" exclebned the Idel . way.,• I• must 'take coy° of that ivig. it"S all the stone go yott. X ain't as • It .belotige to Uncle harry; and I ' sidart as I' used to was; and dont v4tdvsear 'heerd tell on '. • ' • • . deem, fiercely: "'Phe fates disclose ae• warm. cliMate there e- "ain't Spredy change in the destiny." . . .. stole It last, night . when he wits • in •, „, . . "humph!: there'e some 'iliference in .101 going' to be • .sent •to • School. ' up,'• -Tlay? 1 laiel on the brown.' . and lice. 1, tat. o. you , think 0 my ge . , . . , .. , . I., epect thee :do. said Pet; "for it?" Insinuated.Pet 'Meekly "•• • " Q • . , '' th4t, • if • a. 'body, only could' anake" it soon." • ' black.. mesparingly,'" • ' • ' • oat, . grunted'. the old womane"any- i • "Some dark torture is 121 store for "Well, 'your- ccomplexion evoel•d be - .Roused out ot her trance of listen- ways,. I was alive:vs tre.tteed wieli rie •yrite an agony that nothing.can ado- itneroved by hAeing your fate • \web- ishment, not unteingled. with ;terror, ,, cd," replied. Atty. • "'however, it's' by claims :Of hespitatited Erminie speets. thei•e, : yOung- 'mean; • widt1,. elate, a nemelees secret misere- ereeheds It the colie.;" • stiggesied I'(1.. advise yoti to remember; fee, you •• *. creditehle, And shows how , usefully:. hastened to "coniply;' Mid' placind a ' you can 'employ yotir time when yeti peed- it • .. • . • . .. _, . . ' .. Vet. '91 it is, I ttiedt •afraide 'eateM , cup 01 • fragrant coffee and some bete "Now, 'who would think thet „, the ..gin end .weter. Wilt curteites. , ' • . Bee. Where,- in the mane of- mid the tered ' waffles on• gelighe waiter, pla.c-- ' witches 'thee ever - were ducked, .dield Mete derreonse would . treat the ' old - A•Silenee gild! and meek not ,dee- ed• it oil a chair .within :the old wed. ' ;maids reach,. • • • -.• •.• . • . • .. . : , cue with. tcsPect? said 1.eternusing- tine thee, At Seme future day, : you . . Yoe- gee . all. this. trumpery? Teumpary 1 •. Just listen, 'to ehats ' never_knew they. were so pod . . wildbe Ideel•fees - , • • .• ' ' . . ' • • • • lv . "I That :small :individual. immediately- • • '''Weil. there -ain•,t *anything . sdry -..poW," said Runty,. appealing to oo- ite doyen there, before.." . • ., . .fell to, .With an 'alacrity quite Aston.- clay in general.. dCalling this hat, "Young' ', Wotnitn,"• began Geode, WO 2(1(21211 in that., I'm sure; I. didn't dshing. eonsiderbig het •stze and age:. •• anti ciciak,.-end the Feet of my deep - with •.kindling eeee.: when Tedeieter- 014 (1 to be told tiled.- You didn't. ext- end goffee and wadies et •-a nenterk- • 'poet .d.'d be UV old mixid, did .you' d • et•y... trempery. •Well, most it•reverent eibly.shoit space of tirne Were demote; 207 tel her find'Plit-litir with' --•' • .. 'took lieee, . now, old -Goody. Tito- eadd Pet. . . • • • • • • •• .. youth, t ' •got it up in the -garret the - things • that , were, but -are no - • eed . •the•among' a; lot el and •s . ''• • ' of limb • ' d• tuff • longer."' : • . • • • . . . ehoss, 4 ain't a youtee wouinne 'and '•I behold here," contin • ' • ' T. -never interid to ,be;. end -rd thank • foul 1 coaded one of the houSenutide,. seeree.s. peerieg into: the 'little. Pfthil • dhankee, young oma, that 'wee :- . you not, to. keep cellieg xne .-out ' of _quite . heedless .of the interruption e'a 'to elresseme. 1. flatter Myself 1 road° ' like to be getting up much. Perhaps Vother young gal wouldn't mind bringing it here," she added, looking at the astoUnded MUM orwruprome. gro REDucEs 4,4* for the ectopmiter • ITAY TOWNSIUP. The following is the report of S. S. xo. 14, Hay, for the month of. Sep- tember, based on attendance, demeens or and general proficiency Class -r. Clegg, Clegg, 0. Fee, L. lYfulholland, 0. Chambers, Sr. 3rd-Etnily Pee, Jessie IVICAr- etyrheSsuitily,..2nd-ltdiza. • Thompeoll, George' Jr. 31'd -Nellie McArthur, Sarah Ao Petty, Eliza Mulholland, Grace An& Sr. 2nd-1aura .ree, Clarence Mc- Connell, Pt 2.ml, Sr. -Victoria Bathed Syd- uey McArthur, Elia Derry. Vt. mud Jr.- Clarened Deters. Vt. dst„ Sr. -George Mulholland, Grodta, Ivisou, Willie Petty: .• Pt. ist, Jr. -Maggie . Fee, Orville IVIeConnelL-T, H. Brownlee, Teacher, Councij. met on the eth of, October, all the nitenbers .present. Bylaw No. re "Logan Drain" was duly passed, • . • Tide following accounth were ordered to be paid :* Municipal World; aesese- ment roll, desdo •, Eli •Henitoeffer, cuts ting thistles C. R., 52 •, Jas. Stacey, timber of bridge, 53.50 ;. Rudy Seldvartentruber, eel. con. red 3, ; 1,3Jaciel(athernOtelsrealmin, re Waipor it$4•11.;r4.1,Vi5151in:310n; 'William, Mulholland, cul. cons. .3-41 54,50; • A. Thoinpeon, moving tile Moulds, dteo ; Wm. Pee, :eel. co». le - 11, .52. • • • . Council will Meet again on Monday, •the dee!. day. of •NoVember, at 2 o'clock p. In. • very nice," said the old woman, drawing Out a flaming yellovr cotton pocket -handkerchief, and wiping her noW, to think I never knew . "me adidetite ain't so good as it use PIO so• Therei" . de the midst of them, is -e" my name. Miss PetrOttilla Law- miserable,' little hut,. where- thirteen 0 Y aliPta •• lees,• and. if it's net' too mitch troulde red-halt•ed ehddren. are pleying, and eh Pcor, Orlando Toosypegs, tdo- mouth, aa a sign she hoe:tenni:Med,: I'd .feer. it to. eme 0. yatdcl call. It .1 ass IW woman., with, a dirty . face, • um,. - 1 s con u • • , , ."` .. ed' to be; X•rdclioe that'll' do or the ' •dlood, .gracious! •: Miss. pet, take . • "spanking them all round!" inter- Yota," mid Pet, as she olieded•d ''1 e•irred 'ehitmered . ldr. Toriopegs, rep:del:Pet, :eagerly, "11 she isidt, it thonght It. might be a trick,. but I presen.t. ' What your dinner -hour,' yeenc•dos ..e. • , • ... • whie, • gray with terror, had been all •aln't Inc ... . • " never • suspected such a stupid thing ' this time crouching, out of sight in a . "Will you. he silent!" .v•ociferated ' as you could have done it.".. . "Little :after' midnight," said Pat. ' "That's the way 1 Merit is never corner; -"hes Teal dangerotis to reitee the ancient .prophetesS, .with therms- < "I•Itimph 1 . r reckon yOU're . tryino. the roof down in elm:deices. •d'rerrible is the doom., apt mutated , in this woild," said. to polte.fun ad inc Miss Pet Lawless; • her; she might brieg. abottt :opt. heads, and' kill .us :all, If of those 'who 'scoff •at. fortune as thou. 1 la n t y, a S he Stepped. out of his rath- but. no good ever comes • of , telling dosti, Don't .withrintur your hand.' It •lies:. Iinee, you ever' heard. thile on 301 angered her.". • . • ' . cr delanidated garment., "I • e*peet. . Annanias •and Sapphira ?"••asked the Who is that young moor' : -, Said is here .Plainly . ret ealed that if yeti doidn1Y. will' find ou,t, • what. a- genius tims until it's too late, Darn the the old woman, in an 'appalling' teasel. much. you'll see a good deal.' I - old woman, turning ,sharply on Pet.' warlock) f. She• knowi; my name l'''. ger, and pointed it, like a ••plettil, • at ulously. .. • - .. .• • "Pa; i lire, Haney 1. patience, .and • • Mrs. Jane Cleghorn, aged 72 years, was struck. by a street car in Toroeto anh fatally injured, . , • .• tided ! d pan% get it off at all.": mither: i •gh°st13.- and. goblins, ahd .yoice, as she slowly raised . her lin- "Go 'ivay!' .aitteulated Pet, ill Tea'. whistle Bet,• In imboUnded astonish.; Tobsypegs. ' . • • . the trembling ... head, of Mr. 0, C. "And if you have a great deal • of' .i:111'dIsd.dour PiPe,".. said ilaY, afr he mot- • - • inciriey‘ you 11 de• edide . astItistt:(18.tioili)ipliten•ilvit tit...111115g. pilir.eoepse*,r :,,x;r.c1-1 . -"1-.-4-,--.1'nf Orlando . 0.. ToosynegS, "It ain't pos::ible.1" . once • . more .1( n . '41res; •r know more about eon than ' her and queened it over ' as .Pet had no mother to look! after , the servants ,sey il i ' ' ' . woman with D. SCOWL • . . a ' 'bet it ci Pet i VI 3 t I • • . -Ai•d • lf. yon don't 'die you'll,. live I -1 'M very tntich • obliged to you," broke. in tho unbelieving • lilise Law- • . , • . • ..., , 1 i I 1 - . • ' • • • . ' ole witch of a le* Moments before as. twee,- and, stood *there, tall, 'human, hanilsome, and as different neon the I want to know, said the ' Tiede old A s sem e n t. the only one lit 1 e• n e ( en a ann' at home, she grew up prettrmuch at It • we s .possible• to be.' sh 1 e ,. and was note far and near re ik d d • • tion," dilight, if that's any console- "Young man, comu.over herd"' WA- to he pretty' aides • • minty said, the beldame, keepitig. her "Now, Who'd. a thought it?" said ••0. Raley, wita.t a Wee.. !" • said as the wildest,' Maddest, skip -over- , , d (mid .Pet, carelessly. ., the -moon madeap that ever threw • a said Rax. • . * . * take airn, and never reinoving her "Leeye me, wretched unbeliever," to frighten • Poor. 11'111; . lreeSdPedlit dud And no good . either,. I'll be Toovnegs. 1 . "I,cave me; but ttewarel I.am not to g away. though." ."I'M won't . get intich ,syniptithy peaceable community into convul- ; dYes, I've heern tell Ma Vett,'" s id eleain lightning eyes 'from the pallid &lid the old •weentin, flingin . . . • a. . . This much tieing premised, it is . _ the old wonten, shortly. • TliYelogacillie of •the. unludilie Mr. • Pet's ' halla, wiih angry disodttin. Wens. bound 1". Geed Pet. • ' . from Miss Priscida, I guess," said Ramty had returned from' college tor a f . ' "Go liorlanderde said diet, giving .te' mocked with hnpunity." ._ Renty. "1 cle think In. believed ev- ly necessary to say that /Ray and a' few months' vacation, the .cley pre- d it edeithee .0,10 Ls. :safe • dee; ego rid' ' ern N,S'Orct of it 'dell, no; eerie youisay id weer him an • encouraging push. . dilate. . up • not going to. lit:Neve a word ,• .ahout • I o be sure he did," said Ray; id hear any good of him " said the like a man• which •ineans, hole weinen, toking out a huge snutf. yoUr head, and ' take your linger them thirteen reddutired children. :11.. 1. "and stich an expreesion of utter • vious. to the cononencement- of this ,,, • ' ` • ' ox, and composedly helping herself out of your mouth, like a good boy. eaker's detzen, too; tut if. twelve was- vreteltidureet os his face• Wore whorl • Chapter, and theo ' go on :with our IT" • stery. .. 'When is time Prised a comfit .. . ' c to ii, pineh. • ell stick to you to the last." n't enough! • Poll t I • ain't suck- • de .he Went out, I bevel. want, to see 'Do you •know • who I am too " • fen; finger pointed, as it about en Pet. •' ' • • - • • • . Itteghing. deli, was a 'shame Over, Ur, Toosypegs ?" said Urrainie mother ?'' said Ray', laughing as h; ii Wilth chattering, • teethe tremblieg geese, Goody' Two...Sham!' • • "What did you hear about rite ; as she filled for the third time hie • in os; • bristling hair, and terror- "Weil, ss alt You endelli•ected. sett - cup •with frogratit• golden coffee, s_ „shnied,h. id. cnely tslecfk. load ' . .• Stricken face; . .eir, `Poesy! egs • found buened, undo ten tie, tut tedelp-noned• . Morro :evening," ' replied Me. . ,,, nem(' Y?u was a noir, hitnaelf standing before the ancient • iniebeliever 1". exclaimed the old vide, sagreeable, fightin charac-ter• al US sybil, by dint of a, series et pushes go, 'shaking her fist at Pet, in . a Toosypegs, -speaking with histaouth d' a kicklid up a row with some)) d and forever a torm atdi` of tl t° from the .eneourtig•ng hind cif , Pet. rage. "Mal And when int: • worde full; "she's going to brieg you • a. her." Y g g oun entlemati), dideseed nark4 It:it:..t „Young nirds, wouldst thou Is reitie . come tine, remember they Welt fore - the future?" 'began .the old Worettn, told dy Goody Two-dhodi," parcel of muslin things to Work for lead who IS a rothed of thee tittle • "The eollar until:caps she was speak- yeller gal Over there, and worth a in a deep, stern, imp-ref:sive 'voice. •• "Wel, I dechire!" slid Pet. "If I frig of, I guess," Odd prminle, with dozen lihe her 1" sad the little old . "t -I -X -I'm very inech 'obliged to wasn't the path Meet, best tempered -her Ointment smile. • • • women, with 'asperity, • . . You, Mrs. .Two•-f-lboes," replied Mr. little girl in ' Marylitnd, X wouldn't "ITow in the world, Erminie," ex- "Well, upon. my word, 0 that ain't "1'. desYdeds. "We real kind .ot you put up with this abutio. Not even my work for everybody? I never saw said Pet, drawing a long breath. "Vein LW:fetal, spare thy surerdu.- er inijured you or anybody else in its ' ! nose is itilowed to escape; and it nee- elaimed Pet, "do you lied time to polite,. net to nay complimentary," df`d sure" arida." you a moment idle yet." . "Little yeller gal t Good gieselousl" °es thaides," interrupted the mystete life,' "Well, it's pleasanter to be doing "Well, yott ain't white, you know," - Ions one, with a wave of bets -hand, And Pet with tt. deeply wounded Icod something," geld Erininie; "and be- said the 'old WOntaerestvho, whatever "Mirk and terrific is the doom that ' ran Iv r finger rtic ng the Insulted Pre"' Sided Miss Priecilla can't do line her Other Infirtnities might be, was rate has in store for thee -a doom boscis, es if to soothe .its feelings.. Sowing, her eyes are se weak, you certainly not deaf. "You're reyther so dreadful that dogs will tenet to . "Will Yoe tell nty fortune, Mother hark, the stars in the drumlin:a hold Two -Shoes?" said • gay, tut nite • knoW. X cen't bear to sit still and of the tail/vilest, as everybody What'A •dci nothing; I like to seW, or Bernd. god eyets den get for themselves. It's their breath, and even the pottitry in round. "1 am partie.ularly „anxious Le thing." a pity you ain't good-looking, like the barn -Yard turit pale to hear it. knave the futute." rr "IT h mein 's the Most horrid thing," said' Pet, With a shrtig; " g g laughing. "There is not the slights don't tilled reading a, pretty store to est danger, I assure you. Pet was pass thne now arid then; bUt to sit only using an illustration that down and go stitchesstitche-Stitching time." for hours steedy-well, I know I'd "Good gracious I" exclaimed Mr, seen be in a etealt-jacket if Z tried kerchief. "If you dido't pretty Mae "What was it '?" asked Ito% " scare the ll( out of me i" should like to Nee the hook you "Well, you wouldn't be the drat f Would like to read." one I've seared the life out Of 1" said "Well, there ain't many 1 like, but Pet, twinging her riding whip. I'm oh 1 tide Otte vete ever so Wee. It apt to astonish people noW and was all about n. hateful Old +IOW Who then !" lent Money 10 a men that wanted to should think So," Said ditty, go- somewhere tdeotirting; and then "To you remember the night she this Jew wanted to eut-off a. poismt 000 vou out ettilint With her, Urg Of 1.,1s Toosypegs, dropping into tt chair, • it, thee's all 1 X Wes reading a, real and wipittg his fate with his hand- nice 'Wok the other night." egaine It will be .as good as a play 'to so- witculto tens Miss . . . • "1 'in • goiter th tee to- sin nt1.- the- ' dee, ". geld Pet. "Mies Priscilla: can' t bear me, lex I. -go there as often as van. be able.to tell youedi about it ellen I come beeke" "You. had , better not," said Ray. are- two or three runaWay nigeers In the woode, • and its duet- geroue for yeateto.go alone." "Now, you might have itutiwn that tvttild itit4 make that intensely thew. yr.:mete go," said Raney, rock- ing himself backward and forward in Erntiniedt chair. "Tell her there's d. n eid anywhere, and there she'll lie a to (IS% The other day, some one to (1 it.r the tythus fever was down nt the quarters,. and nothing would .)01.‘ e her but. she must i uStantlY tua.e. her Wilma:alma there, to SOO • To be continued.) .................................................4..............•................ S 0 8 5 doe. Men's Pine Scotch Wool Undef•-toys' Underwear in anion, all MI weer in natural -colors only, g K wo 17, fleece lined, each 2,5c to sUU • 4#•••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••• w"th $145 a 811t4 foreaell“ "Liu 11 vs' Wool Sweaters in colors of red. datiwitafteex,vvrjtemett cootatostuart 0 An blue Mid green, worth up to .........---- 50 in our Men's !Furnishing Department the tol. thU ti 75c each, for Saturday at.... • lowing bargains will be placed on sale for one we will $ell them at Pair for 86co Atinth" 1(44)f ikteltl Selc4llet reeelVell' The above goods will be on the right day. only : , reedier pelee,ie gge a pale-, hand side :lost as you enter the store, 2 doz,Men's Union Shifts and Drawers 1 200 Alon's Union all woolflacce lined . • Inedluin Weight for early fall Ott Underwear, in all weights t ft • a * .}.............................,. Wesr, regular 40e, for...-. *AU worth up to 15e, for. .... liu u J W NEVVCOMBE. ••••••#••••••••••40.44+44+.4.4................,........44.0444444,........,4,•••••*•••••••++.., . -11P1111111 telicont 1 4 -1 Our Rimless Glasses. Please the Particular. They are fitted be. cominaly to the feat. 'ores of each patron. The finish of out- spectacleware Is fault. less, the tit perfect, 1144111E. ded•• r A. -j. , Scies;itificjestreleir*aisd CLIEN°1'13tOiCitlirk*ONT. ree.eleeei;Aed-oedemesewlia,4aeoele. • ., . :. $ ; $ t See. as for f . Choice Crawford Peachetio Plums, Pears • ' . 0 • Extra IPsi .wriepeTto :inn dtoes .L:ff, Moore's Early Grapes, the APickling- ()mons / . Pure Spices . , $ tiern Ours, Robbers, Etc, 1 We keep the best only $ and our prices 111 lew 150e anYt .4SIMI • = -'"4:‘1,. . I" $ . : P. illAITLAND, stiecessor to Qgle. Qeopf.sr. , Wanted 500 bushels Timothy Seed. Elighest prices • • • • For Sale ; Choice, bome-grown Timothy ' STRAIGHT TO THE MARK ....delsoWswom Cupid's darts are swift in flight and sere in effect, TIM resUlts of this work, if reflected bt the • earn - era, are interesting. With perfect photographs a fond heart is Souchl ed. Ours are the pleasing kind -- perfect fa finish, excellent in pos- ing and satisfactory always. HWY'S PHOTO STUDIN .4.... i i I i • iti-.-;itist"*"+"+"÷-.-""i"" 0 „s Author of Mdu percy °T.i. Fottal Wedding' 0 "The Unseen Secret . • Bridegroom," ot "A Tatio BY MAY AGNES FLEMING Secret.' to•ao, ' THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD oar. - L., i. 1 *laity' Old eannibal I .4i.not then peer brother Illuite. I don't think Woe to the, unbaPPy Mani . Better "ldeh, you nerdri't be, then," amid to it • . steno tied retina his neck, and were ing gotd in store for a miserable Pure soap 1 You ve heard lade. •E :ergot her name. came 1 ever saw ti, prettier young man nor for the somebody elite had a mild. timely. sztapplehly, for it has noth- otreesed herself up in men's. clothes. he 10, in MY Wed' the words. In S uni Ight fluid got hiudethe fellow wee) . deo Why, you Nadel oje thing is plunged into the middle of frog -pond, seeped oat lite you. I won't tell it: te Vourting, yoU lettedeeiel Seellimbeidd buret out Pet, indignutitly; losing to) than that thou shouldst live to see but I will tell that little gal's." a p you have the fact4 Ob, it wa �plendtd 1 I'll lend yOu her elistornarespent for old agox in that day," pointing to Erminie, who all the time • the book soinetiene, lidLnate." these unflattering remarks. s'l am t "Good gracious!" ejadulated the had ).?en quietly lodking on, not „wile ,d mast bees been tee deed. • tawny; ado e am pretty -I Just aut 1 horror-stricken. Mr. Toosykegs, 'wild knowieg whether to laugh or de °hand dedeneed. yde dead, o old iiwy and I'm not going to believe any- ing the cold drops of perepiration off afraid, and wholly metzled by it. all. "though wee, e, jembled up account, body that sityS enything else, If his face, as the sybll dourlSited her "She gave me .R01110 breekratile und of as that, 1 It . ' OU (1 everybdy else thinks Pin enuff-box in the air, as if invoking go over fee the book todnorroer end ugly, its all your bad taste ! Ran- WOK] spirits to come to her aid. read it toMin, U She cares bout tY prettier than toe 1. Likely story!" • "tieblitne peroration!" exclaimed hearin it ,,said Vet, bwedt conteraPt And. lid' Redd laughing. one good turn deserves another, as the Bible says. Give me your hand." Afraid of offending the old lady, 1r- -.minie held it out. Before ErMinie could reply, a surd dignaLlon• Live to, see that day?" inquired "You'll be rather a Dice looking prised ejaculation from. Pet Made her "Well, loot what a mee white skin Pet, whose curiosity was aroused. young' Woman, if you don't grow up tutu quickly round. • dtay'e twee wan- he has 1" said the old woman, with "Ile day he gets married, maybe." 'Ugly," began the seeress, looking in- , dered in the same direetion, While WbOra Master Minty appeared to be- "Awful will be the results that will tensely at the little white palm that Mr. Toosypegs sprung from hie tteat, an humans° favorite. folloW that day," went on the seer- lay in hers like a lily leaf; "and will In terror, thereby badly scalding hint- "White Milli 1 bleaeded eaffron ess, scowling darkly at the irreverent have some sense, if not more, unless self with the hot Wiese at the sight more like '!" exclaimed Pet; ••if our Pet. •,!Tremendous clouds will flash you get Inside youtdelf, as Most elsroUgh the sky, the blinding young girls nowadays mostly do. IVO which met his astoniehed eyefi. Ranty's good looking, I guess he vividly t man I" interrupted Raymond. Toosypegs, and upset the holit ; and "Thorre I htive helped you out with • thee added Jesuit to injury by pull - it. And now look her, Pet, how do yoU on shore by the hair of your you expect to be raised to the dig- bead e Thet 'was an aeful trick, nity of my wife some day, If you Pet." t don't learn something ? Why, when "L haven't got it out of my bones we are married, you'll have to make yet," said Mr, Toosypegs, mournful - your mark 1" ly. "I never expected such treat", -I've a good mind to do that nove meet frOui dliss Pet, Vnt sure; and with my uhip 1" exclaimed Pet, 1 don't know what had ever done flourishing it in dangerotis proximity to deserve it." to his head. "Your wife, indeed ! I "Well, don't be mad, Orlando. I'll guess not. letu to be ts president's never do It again," said Pet, in a lady some day, Aunt Deb, says. deepleepenitent tone. "But .1 see. Catch MO marrying you !" Tiinitie, when ere we going to have ••Well, that will be your loss. .breaeleat d" • - Where is the Judge going to send "In it moment. hurre, Lucy," you ?" said Erntinie, as' she eotered the "Why, he says to the Sacred Heart room. but I ain't gone yet 1 I'd a heap "1 was lust steles bringing sooner go to Judestown, with Min- gi•andruother her breakfast'." nie, to that school where all the "Item ! how is the old lady 2" in - boys end girls go together. 0 Rey (mired Miss Pet. there are just the nicest boys over . "As well as usual. She, hardly was there -'specially one with the ever comes down stairs now, Do beautifulest red cheeks, and the lov- hurry, Lucy. Miss Lawless will soon • liest bright buttons on his coat ever be starved; 0 you keep on so slow, you st.‘en." de 1" "Who is ho?" said Raymond, who "Lord sakes 1 I is hurrylnd Mem did not looks by any amens so de- Minnie." said Lucy, as she bustled lighted as Pet fancied.. he should, • in, drew out a small, round table, "Ilis name's Robby 13i•own ; and laid the cloth, and prepared to ar- only he's all as yellow as the yolk range the breaefasteservice. "'Spect of an egg ever since he had the Jan- dee ar' little limb t'inks folks ought dors, he'd be real pretty. But I'm to git up de night afore; to have getting hungry, Ray. I'll race you. breakfast ready time fluff for her," to the cottage, and bet you anything mutteeed: Lucy •to herself, Reeking I'll beat you 1" daggers at Pet Lawless, who, swinge' "Done !" cried Ray, catching the ing her ridingehat in one hand .and excitement. now sparkling in the her , whip in the other, watched dark', le•illiant face of the little. fay • Llicy's Motions with a critical eye. beside ' him; and crushing his cep' Erminie, with her sUnny 'face and down over his thick curls, he bound- ready heeds,' tissieted in the arrange-, ed after her as she da.shed away. ments; and soon the whole party But Pet was better mounted, and ' were assembled round the table, clo- the best rider of the two; and a ing simple justice to .istaty's .morning ringing, triumphant laugh came borne. meal. •• tantaldingly to his ears as Ede Ale- And 'while they Were- thus. engaged, tanced hen by full twenty yards, and I shall claint your patience for a galloped up to the little white cot- moment, dear reader, while we cast tag° on the Burrens. &brief' retrospdetive glance • over -the -Fairly beaten 1" he said, laugh- various Changes., that -bade occurred ing. • during those ten years; •• Ahem ! And how do You expect Dy the. kind care of good-natured to be raieed to the dignity of my Mr. Toosypegs, 'and his friend, Ade husband some day, if you don't • miral • havenful, the gipsy Kettira' leery' to ride better? Why; when had been...amply provided for. •As we're married, have. to give you Raymond and Eiminie grew up, 'they lessons I" said Pet, demurely. . had • been sent eth Judestown • • to "Oh. I see !" said Ray gayly. "Po- school, .with the children of :ledge etical justice, eh ? Paying me in my Lawless, whose daughter, Miss Pet, own coin? Well, •if you can beet has Already been nitroduced to the me in riding, you can't in anything' reader. ,. 'The dark,' gloolnY -realised else !" • Kande was an object .of dread. and ••Catet T, though ?" said Pet, de- dislike to: the neighboi•hood :around. flantly. -Just you try target -shoot- She shunned and aveideci them, lived ing or pulling e stroke -oar with me, her own ittent'd hfe independent of and you'll see ! Scheele where they them all, and was therefore hated by teach you the Greek for bootjack thern. And where. about year pre - ain't the best pieces for learning. violas to the present- time, she -. re them sort of things, I reckon 't" ceived se severe paralytie.stroke, tram The thunder of horses' hoofs,. nad the effects of -which she never fuuly by this time brought another persons recoyered, very: little sorrow was felt nge to the stage. eapreesed.- Sweet, gentle • little it was Erininie-"sweet Embed" Erminio wad; however, fayorittt the little beauty, and 'heiress of a With 'ril),, and so •was the bold, bright princely foi•tune and estate. high-spirited Raymond, to wheel the The promise of Ertninie's childhood : semewhat ,eceentric Admiral haven - had been more than fulfilled. Won-.' ful took such a fancy that he ineist- dronsly lovely she was d How could ed On sendiug him to college with the child of Lord Erne, Villiers and his nepheiv Raney; Or Randolph Law, Lady :ea u de Percy be otherwise? less. To 'college, therefore, the boys She had still the same snowy skin of . went; and:Entente' reMa.ined at the her infency, softly and. brightly ting- Barrens,- and went every fine day'. to ed with the most delicate pink on the .Tudestown to the district 'echoed. rounded chicks; her lace was per-, . 'sometimes, but •very rarelyeeteeom- fectly oval, and almost transparent; panted •by 'Pet: Lawless; for that wild her eyes were of the deepest, darkest young lady voted schools a,nd school- s iolet hue. her long curls, that reach- e -teachers and "Corremitthe Men," un - ed nearly to her waist, were like enitigeted bores,' all,: and prefereed burnished gold, and suow-white fore-- her .own !'sweittwilV. • and her Pony head and tapering limbs were per. Starlight do suffering threugh "read- fect. in spite of the difference be- writind and .rehnetio." yain tween them, though one was derk her father, the judge, •Stormed • .and• and inipeteous, the other fair add threatened her With all • :sorts • el. gentle, yet diet e was a resemblance calainities. • 'Pet, emetaphysicelly between Raymond and Erminie, speaking, snapped her finger in the " 0 Pet din so glad you've fa.ce of ail atitlibrity; and the'enore come !" she joyfully exclaimed. they wanted her. to .go, the move! • 'Guess who's here ?" she wouldn't, though She did, offer t.o. "Who ? Runty ?" said Ped • do her ..best •to learn ff "they. would ••islo, indeed. Mr, Toosypegs. He let ,her go with Ray and Ratite:But heard Ray was come, and rode over gaiters Were things dorhiddite inside, this morning to see he." • the .college gates; and besides, Ranty "Oh, I must see Mr. Toosypegs. very ungallantly protested that 'ell exclaineel Ilay, laughing, as he girls in general, and • dour Pet". •- bounded past the t•wo girls, and particular, were nothing but "pests" sprang into the house. and that -he ,wetiuldn't have her near -Why, Toosypegs, how do you • him. at any price. Master Rarity. do? I hope you have been quite Lawless did not like the female per - well since I saw you last ?" cried suasion,. and once gruffly announded the spirited voice of Ray. as he that his idea, Of heaven was, &lilac° grasmel Mr. Toosypegs` handl, and where boys could do al; tho gave 1L it a cordial shake, and where there were no. girle. So • Thenk you, Master Raymond, I've been mete well, l'ni vet•y much oblig- ed to you," said' Mr. Tooaypegs, wriggling faintly in his grasp. "So is Toosypegs, so is Aunt Bob, and all the rest of the family-l'in very much obliged to you." "hoed and all, I hope," said Pet, as she entered. "Yes, Miss Pet, the dogs are (mite well, I'm oblig•ed to you. I hope you feel pretty well yourself ?" -No, I ain't. then. I'm not well at all. I've been in a state of mind all the week, and there's no telling how long it truly last." "dood gracious 1 you don't say so 1" said the alarmed dfr. Toosy- pegs "It's not anything dangerous, I hope ?" "Well, people generally think the stnallpox is dangerous t" began Pet, with a sort of gloomy sternness; when she was interrupted by Mr Toosypegs, who, seizing his hat, niehed to the door, shrie ing out: -The smallpox Oh my gracious Why, Miss Pet, bow could you go to come here, and give it to us all like t his ? Good gracious 1 for to think of being all full of holes like a po- tato -steamer," said Mr. Toosypegt, wiping the cold perspiration off his face. , "But the smallpox ain't no Mecum - :dance to my trouble," went on Pet, as if she hadn't heard him. "rm go- ing to be sent to school 1" "Conte back, litr. Toosypegs; she hasn't got the smallpee," said Rae, . keeps: his beauter in his pocked /or thunder will show- itself in ail the liked, you'll be married to somebody, CHAPTER XVI. . .nobody but you ever discovered it. colors of a dying dolphin, and a ses• VOIlle time; very likely the fast letter Humph I 'Little yeller god!' 1 vow vere rainstorm will proba.bly be the of his name will. be Minty Lawless, A little old deereidt wonatin, beat it's enough to proved° a saintId oX' result. On thyself, 0 tinhaPPiest of wide by that time, will be ene of the double With age, leaning on a staff, claimed Pet, in a higher key, at the mortals, teryille will be the efftscts it nicest young men you or anybody else and, shaking with palsy, stood as rendembrance 01 this insult. will produce! These beautiful snuff- wid e•i•ee see. Id he nuticee you his suddenly before them, as U she had "May we ask the name of the lady colored freckles will shake to their wife -which is a blessiug you might sprung up through the earth, Iler • whO has favored us with her coin- very centre; these magniticent whisk- to pray for every day -don't torget rose was the meet ' astonishing corn- Pany this morning ?" said Ray, at plication of rags that etrer hung to- this point, bowhadto•the old woman Other on a human heel( before. A with meet ceremonious politeness• long, old-fashioned cloak that, • a "Yes; vou may, young man," said . . ers, wiech, I perceive, in two er three to learn to make slap -jacks and places show symptonts of sprouting, Johnny cade, two things that good will wither *amity- in dread, like the youth is very feed of, as I am given grass which perisheth. This courage- to understraid. As he will probably huodred years before, had probably the old ledY, with auoschatilirepmaoSrp;01,•.litty,s, nom tf,0.13741it, rave as a lion, which has be away up there among tbe big been all the rage. swept bohind her; that seemed rather quailed before man or wigs in Congress every day, don't for- and isnegaintehde' un- tit'hantn"islemrotin.i. usegereastohlakuls°dettont'saanyd. mountain in a gale of wind; and an paper of sandwiches every morning ghost.. will be rent in twain 'like a. get tp give him ;roter blessing and a dortUnate old lady over her own I'm Goody -Two -Shoes; and head. every minute. A brown, sun- if you attack of influened, in yotir great too before Ile starts; and meet him at burnt face,' half hidden in masses of coarse .gray heirs peered wildly out; and from under a plat. of bushy, overhanging gray iloyebroWs, gleamed two keen,' needle-like eyes, RS sharp as two-edged stilettos. This singu- lar ledividual wore a man's oicl beaver hat on her head, which was forcibly retained cm that palsy -shak- ing -member by a scarlet bandanna handkerchief passed over. the, crown, and •tied under the chin. Altogether, the little, steeping, un- earthlyelooleing crone was one of the most singular slghts that mortal eyes ever beheld; So completely amazed were the whole assembly, that for some five minutes they stoo0 staring in silent wonder at: unexpected and most startling apparition, -• ',lion"! he Ahmed, pretty ladies and gentlemen," said the little old lady, In a shrill, sharp falsetto: "I 'won't don't like it, you may lunap tt. will mercifully put an end to all night, eh 0 he returns, with it smile "A mighty pretty ;lame," renutriced your earthly agonies and .troubles ttt on your lip, and it cup of tee in your• Pet. - (Mee i PrthaPPY alerted. go 1 • Thou. band. By following these directions, mesterious phrase of 'lumping it ?' , "And we like it, exceedingly," said as he turned rotind, no earthly. eye • 'stone, and your virtues: inscribed on hest heard thy doom." ! an '41101011(16.d future will be yours, Ray; "though, if we didn't, what • ,A more wretched and woebegone - and yell Will probably •bo translated, wed meaning hies hidden under, the face than Mr. Toosypegs diepleyed at last; in a. amid of fire end brim. - a, I confess, it passes my comPreiten- ever fell on before. Ray lia.ti turned a pewter plate, as an example Tor all sion. Perhaps, my dear' madam, Yell to tho wilicloW in convulsions of , lame generations." . - would be good erieugh to translate laughter, front the original Greed, to whicle "I -ain't well," 'said Mr. Toosy- exclaixned ltay. t "What an. enviable fate, Ern:MIMI" •• . • it tanguage I should Judge it • boil:ins, pegs, mournfulle, as he took up his • • “Seems to me, old lady, our 'Reil- and ,let es know its import in the hat. "I'vegot a pain somewhere, and ty's a great bother th you," said vulgar tongue, commtenly called plain r ••• guess I'll go home. Good morning; • Pet, suspiciously, . • . English." • Arm Two-bhoes, I'm very much Mt- 1 • ".1 always take an interest in nice sharply routed; "I dare • "And slowly and dejectedly Mr, 1 and grasping her Stick. preparatory exclaimed the bele liged to you, I•nt sere,'" , youths," said the phi woman, rising- stiaa.y1.1Yle;oliernaRrtflinuigintictli it:mighty amusing to. keep pokiog fun et me -which, showe eyes, mid turned his.- stops in the di- steying for dinner; I'll call some nth, . 'doosypegs crashed Ms 'bat over his to stat•ting. "1 geese I won't mind all the broughten up ever you rection of Mental hollow. I er day-, ..thankee." .. ' . had, .to go showing no respect to . people what's in their old ttges of. he isn't Scaead out of -his with, if he ' exclaimed Ray, coolly catehing the "'Poor Ifiorlantietd" said Pet; "If , • "Not • so fast, Goody -Two -Shoes." littfnee eBotnItiluieftty-oihi etriet intkhilauschharoonchlioeskted rose to the shrillest poisible • treble "Oome hither, scoffersaid the " ings." • .- • ever hed any. Say, Goody, won't old woman by the Collar. "I've dis- . . ;Covered You at • last 'Off ye lend - Yen tell my fortune, too?'' ' • • , . . hurt none 'o you, el you behave -...Wej g� onpt fleshed on 015 d trill. ,sybil, With solemn sternness. •"Ap- „Antleto the horror of Ermines he . .. And suitiug the action to the word, .• or in the airth to come, yeiese very tell yoe. that!. I have,power, though e '0 •Llninietl what a falling • off beldame, Then follciwed 'the hat, .and youreelves. • Z .guess I may .come Pea,r. und learn the dark doom. -Des- graspel the cloak' and: tore it 'off, in In?" • • ' much dot caved young man; let, ine 'tiny has in'store for thee." ; , ' spite Of .the vigorau.s•strugglea of the :the little owner of the 'extraordinary you mayn't think so, and could turn was there!' " minted Rae te,d handkerchief, and the venerable head -debits hobbled in, and comPidied- .you into a cracked. jug, :ores • mus- . "Peace, irreverent mortald` said gray locks: and Erminie stifled a ly dumped herself down into the teed pot, just as• easy as. not." • , Goody •Two -Shoes; ".peame, while. I. ecreain as she fancied head and - ell rocking chair . • der. Toosypegs had foretell the future. fate of this tawny was coming, The 'bushy gray eye - 'lately vacated. • . • ' '01 d C o Ay' Two Shoes! Ler 1 ,N% hat a "I tersh to mercy you would, then, • little mortal before mei" . brows gain°. off too, and.the bright, • "Now, what in the name of Idecate showy appearance you'd make,. Itae, • 'dell if you ain't the politest old ditindoonte, inischievous•face ofe Mas - arid Aldine' witches, does this. meen?": • excleinied Pet,. first :: recovering her as a mestatd pot I" said:Vet, .1dirste lady!" ejaculeted red But go ote; 1 ler Itanty. Lawless' stood re,vealed. - ing into et. lit of laughter. • . ' clondt mindebeing• dulled ugly, . pow, • • presencedat mind. ' ' ' • "Why, • my dear madani, I hadn't I'm geteing . used to it, and rather .' • . ChAl'TER X. : • "It means that. /IV take . some the Slightest idea of ePokinge fun' at „Wee it • ' '' . • . • . .• 1 • .1 , .. . . 'Why it's Realty!" said the sure novel d exclaimed Pet. • breakfaed. if youdl ebring it down, you, as you eegently expres:sed it • "You'll 'neder be 'drowned," began • *, , 'dell, miss," said. the little old wenme, eaid lead, -looeing :decide Persecuted. the .sybil, •lookine eiciwa prophetical- . ,• 4..,. . , . . jayieg. her formidable -looking, stick .nee pateedd "and .f.ttl • 1 0.being len ned • j e'• t •1),f is j it • 1 - • pno a. rstrinuie. .acrose her lap; and favoring the coin- emit' aecracIted• Jug, at mustard pot, Otsny; ono and all, with a prolonged • 3 think I would. rather •retain . my stare from -her keen,. height pees. • present .sluipe, if it's all the seme to ".."Well, 'now, that's • whit d call. , 3021 ,, cool," said 13et, tompietely taken ••rret e eare, thcn, hoW rei •• rouse abacksby the old wonian'e sang froid. niv wr 1th " 'said the ad -Nvoire II, W I t o emote tepees . deeesara, .anyway,,, ' "Yes," said: Minty, giving his hat said 'Pet,. • • • . ' • ' ., • • FO ' well- &Med • a kick that • it struck ' Because you ivere• born to .be the cat, and huritte that ' tinfoetunate leinged,d 'went on the old woman, un- neaelruped over me hex. back, - "and lumilin:e the intereuption. • • this .is a nice- way to treat a 'loud ' • "dhow 1 " w histIc•d Pet. ' • ' 'weinand as Mies . a s ., Priscill• ay's. - '!Perhaps youe. ladyship- will be con- • MY . 121a' 11, '• t it - tile old I e omen, "Ndmr 'days are numbered,-" * t it? Going • •and tearing :the. deecending enough, to . sit 'oVtie . 'heee clothes •off her 'back without any• ve- • with a .seoWl. I'm • iv tai tent women; . "Well, 1 never sew, a nuMber on arid help yourself ?" . • • ' • but I can't stele] everything, - I'm ene of dein yet," interrupted the 'in- gard for fleceticee or the slightest , Itleo,' thanked squeaked.her.ladr" used, to . be treated with eespeet, cerrieible Petronilia. • . • • venertttiort far gray hairs, Dye the ••• It Mild, ."I'd rather have - it here, if Where I canto trent, ne such •conduct d•P'ettce, Seoffer!" exclebned the Idel . way.,• I• must 'take coy° of that ivig. it"S all the stone go yott. X ain't as • It .belotige to Uncle harry; and I ' sidart as I' used to was; and dont v4tdvsear 'heerd tell on '. • ' • • . deem, fiercely: "'Phe fates disclose ae• warm. cliMate there e- "ain't Spredy change in the destiny." . . .. stole It last, night . when he wits • in •, „, . . "humph!: there'e some 'iliference in .101 going' to be • .sent •to • School. ' up,'• -Tlay? 1 laiel on the brown.' . and lice. 1, tat. o. you , think 0 my ge . , . . , .. , . I., epect thee :do. said Pet; "for it?" Insinuated.Pet 'Meekly "•• • " Q • . , '' th4t, • if • a. 'body, only could' anake" it soon." • ' black.. mesparingly,'" • ' • ' • oat, . grunted'. the old womane"any- i • "Some dark torture is 121 store for "Well, 'your- ccomplexion evoel•d be - .Roused out ot her trance of listen- ways,. I was alive:vs tre.tteed wieli rie •yrite an agony that nothing.can ado- itneroved by hAeing your fate • \web- ishment, not unteingled. with ;terror, ,, cd," replied. Atty. • "'however, it's' by claims :Of hespitatited Erminie speets. thei•e, : yOung- 'mean; • widt1,. elate, a nemelees secret misere- ereeheds It the colie.;" • stiggesied I'(1.. advise yoti to remember; fee, you •• *. creditehle, And shows how , usefully:. hastened to "coniply;' Mid' placind a ' you can 'employ yotir time when yeti peed- it • .. • . • . .. _, . . ' .. Vet. '91 it is, I ttiedt •afraide 'eateM , cup 01 • fragrant coffee and some bete "Now, 'who would think thet „, the ..gin end .weter. Wilt curteites. , ' • . Bee. Where,- in the mane of- mid the tered ' waffles on• gelighe waiter, pla.c-- ' witches 'thee ever - were ducked, .dield Mete derreonse would . treat the ' old - A•Silenee gild! and meek not ,dee- ed• it oil a chair .within :the old wed. ' ;maids reach,. • • • -.• •.• . • . • .. . : , cue with. tcsPect? said 1.eternusing- tine thee, At Seme future day, : you . . Yoe- gee . all. this. trumpery? Teumpary 1 •. Just listen, 'to ehats ' never_knew they. were so pod . . wildbe Ideel•fees - , • • .• ' ' . . ' • • • • lv . "I That :small :individual. immediately- • • '''Weil. there -ain•,t *anything . sdry -..poW," said Runty,. appealing to oo- ite doyen there, before.." . • ., . .fell to, .With an 'alacrity quite Aston.- clay in general.. dCalling this hat, "Young' ', Wotnitn,"• began Geode, WO 2(1(21211 in that., I'm sure; I. didn't dshing. eonsiderbig het •stze and age:. •• anti ciciak,.-end the Feet of my deep - with •.kindling eeee.: when Tedeieter- 014 (1 to be told tiled.- You didn't. ext- end goffee and wadies et •-a nenterk- • 'poet .d.'d be UV old mixid, did .you' d • et•y... trempery. •Well, most it•reverent eibly.shoit space of tirne Were demote; 207 tel her find'Plit-litir with' --•' • .. 'took lieee, . now, old -Goody. Tito- eadd Pet. . . • • • • • • •• .. youth, t ' •got it up in the -garret the - things • that , were, but -are no - • eed . •the•among' a; lot el and •s . ''• • ' of limb • ' d• tuff • longer."' : • . • • • . . . ehoss, 4 ain't a youtee wouinne 'and '•I behold here," contin • ' • ' T. -never interid to ,be;. end -rd thank • foul 1 coaded one of the houSenutide,. seeree.s. peerieg into: the 'little. Pfthil • dhankee, young oma, that 'wee :- . you not, to. keep cellieg xne .-out ' of _quite . heedless .of the interruption e'a 'to elresseme. 1. flatter Myself 1 road° ' like to be getting up much. Perhaps Vother young gal wouldn't mind bringing it here," she added, looking at the astoUnded MUM orwruprome. gro REDucEs 4,4* for the ectopmiter • ITAY TOWNSIUP. The following is the report of S. S. xo. 14, Hay, for the month of. Sep- tember, based on attendance, demeens or and general proficiency Class -r. Clegg, Clegg, 0. Fee, L. lYfulholland, 0. Chambers, Sr. 3rd-Etnily Pee, Jessie IVICAr- etyrheSsuitily,..2nd-ltdiza. • Thompeoll, George' Jr. 31'd -Nellie McArthur, Sarah Ao Petty, Eliza Mulholland, Grace An& Sr. 2nd-1aura .ree, Clarence Mc- Connell, Pt 2.ml, Sr. -Victoria Bathed Syd- uey McArthur, Elia Derry. Vt. mud Jr.- Clarened Deters. Vt. dst„ Sr. -George Mulholland, Grodta, Ivisou, Willie Petty: .• Pt. ist, Jr. -Maggie . Fee, Orville IVIeConnelL-T, H. Brownlee, Teacher, Councij. met on the eth of, October, all the nitenbers .present. Bylaw No. re "Logan Drain" was duly passed, • . • Tide following accounth were ordered to be paid :* Municipal World; aesese- ment roll, desdo •, Eli •Henitoeffer, cuts ting thistles C. R., 52 •, Jas. Stacey, timber of bridge, 53.50 ;. Rudy Seldvartentruber, eel. con. red 3, ; 1,3Jaciel(athernOtelsrealmin, re Waipor it$4•11.;r4.1,Vi5151in:310n; 'William, Mulholland, cul. cons. .3-41 54,50; • A. Thoinpeon, moving tile Moulds, dteo ; Wm. Pee, :eel. co». le - 11, .52. • • • . Council will Meet again on Monday, •the dee!. day. of •NoVember, at 2 o'clock p. In. • very nice," said the old woman, drawing Out a flaming yellovr cotton pocket -handkerchief, and wiping her noW, to think I never knew . "me adidetite ain't so good as it use PIO so• Therei" . de the midst of them, is -e" my name. Miss PetrOttilla Law- miserable,' little hut,. where- thirteen 0 Y aliPta •• lees,• and. if it's net' too mitch troulde red-halt•ed ehddren. are pleying, and eh Pcor, Orlando Toosypegs, tdo- mouth, aa a sign she hoe:tenni:Med,: I'd .feer. it to. eme 0. yatdcl call. It .1 ass IW woman., with, a dirty . face, • um,. - 1 s con u • • , , ."` .. ed' to be; X•rdclioe that'll' do or the ' •dlood, .gracious! •: Miss. pet, take . • "spanking them all round!" inter- Yota," mid Pet, as she olieded•d ''1 e•irred 'ehitmered . ldr. Toriopegs, rep:del:Pet, :eagerly, "11 she isidt, it thonght It. might be a trick,. but I presen.t. ' What your dinner -hour,' yeenc•dos ..e. • , • ... • whie, • gray with terror, had been all •aln't Inc ... . • " never • suspected such a stupid thing ' this time crouching, out of sight in a . "Will you. he silent!" .v•ociferated ' as you could have done it.".. . "Little :after' midnight," said Pat. ' "That's the way 1 Merit is never corner; -"hes Teal dangerotis to reitee the ancient .prophetesS, .with therms- < "I•Itimph 1 . r reckon yOU're . tryino. the roof down in elm:deices. •d'rerrible is the doom., apt mutated , in this woild," said. to polte.fun ad inc Miss Pet Lawless; • her; she might brieg. abottt :opt. heads, and' kill .us :all, If of those 'who 'scoff •at. fortune as thou. 1 la n t y, a S he Stepped. out of his rath- but. no good ever comes • of , telling dosti, Don't .withrintur your hand.' It •lies:. Iinee, you ever' heard. thile on 301 angered her.". • . • ' . cr delanidated garment., "I • e*peet. . Annanias •and Sapphira ?"••asked the Who is that young moor' : -, Said is here .Plainly . ret ealed that if yeti doidn1Y. will' find ou,t, • what. a- genius tims until it's too late, Darn the the old woman, in an 'appalling' teasel. much. you'll see a good deal.' I - old woman, turning ,sharply on Pet.' warlock) f. She• knowi; my name l'''. ger, and pointed it, like a ••plettil, • at ulously. .. • - .. .• • "Pa; i lire, Haney 1. patience, .and • • Mrs. Jane Cleghorn, aged 72 years, was struck. by a street car in Toroeto anh fatally injured, . , • .• tided ! d pan% get it off at all.": mither: i •gh°st13.- and. goblins, ahd .yoice, as she slowly raised . her lin- "Go 'ivay!' .aitteulated Pet, ill Tea'. whistle Bet,• In imboUnded astonish.; Tobsypegs. ' . • • . the trembling ... head, of Mr. 0, C. "And if you have a great deal • of' .i:111'dIsd.dour PiPe,".. said ilaY, afr he mot- • - • inciriey‘ you 11 de• edide . astItistt:(18.tioili)ipliten•ilvit tit...111115g. pilir.eoepse*,r :,,x;r.c1-1 . -"1-.-4-,--.1'nf Orlando . 0.. ToosynegS, "It ain't pos::ible.1" . once • . more .1( n . '41res; •r know more about eon than ' her and queened it over ' as .Pet had no mother to look! after , the servants ,sey il i ' ' ' . woman with D. SCOWL • . . a ' 'bet it ci Pet i VI 3 t I • • . -Ai•d • lf. yon don't 'die you'll,. live I -1 'M very tntich • obliged to you," broke. in tho unbelieving • lilise Law- • . , • . • ..., , 1 i I 1 - . • ' • • • . ' ole witch of a le* Moments before as. twee,- and, stood *there, tall, 'human, hanilsome, and as different neon the I want to know, said the ' Tiede old A s sem e n t. the only one lit 1 e• n e ( en a ann' at home, she grew up prettrmuch at It • we s .possible• to be.' sh 1 e ,. and was note far and near re ik d d • • tion," dilight, if that's any console- "Young man, comu.over herd"' WA- to he pretty' aides • • minty said, the beldame, keepitig. her "Now, Who'd. a thought it?" said ••0. Raley, wita.t a Wee.. !" • said as the wildest,' Maddest, skip -over- , , d (mid .Pet, carelessly. ., the -moon madeap that ever threw • a said Rax. • . * . * take airn, and never reinoving her "Leeye me, wretched unbeliever," to frighten • Poor. 11'111; . lreeSdPedlit dud And no good . either,. I'll be Toovnegs. 1 . "I,cave me; but ttewarel I.am not to g away. though." ."I'M won't . get intich ,syniptithy peaceable community into convul- ; dYes, I've heern tell Ma Vett,'" s id eleain lightning eyes 'from the pallid &lid the old •weentin, flingin . . . • a. . . This much tieing premised, it is . _ the old wonten, shortly. • TliYelogacillie of •the. unludilie Mr. • Pet's ' halla, wiih angry disodttin. Wens. bound 1". Geed Pet. • ' . from Miss Priscida, I guess," said Ramty had returned from' college tor a f . ' "Go liorlanderde said diet, giving .te' mocked with hnpunity." ._ Renty. "1 cle think In. believed ev- ly necessary to say that /Ray and a' few months' vacation, the .cley pre- d it edeithee .0,10 Ls. :safe • dee; ego rid' ' ern N,S'Orct of it 'dell, no; eerie youisay id weer him an • encouraging push. . dilate. . up • not going to. lit:Neve a word ,• .ahout • I o be sure he did," said Ray; id hear any good of him " said the like a man• which •ineans, hole weinen, toking out a huge snutf. yoUr head, and ' take your linger them thirteen reddutired children. :11.. 1. "and stich an expreesion of utter • vious. to the cononencement- of this ,,, • ' ` • ' ox, and composedly helping herself out of your mouth, like a good boy. eaker's detzen, too; tut if. twelve was- vreteltidureet os his face• Wore whorl • Chapter, and theo ' go on :with our IT" • stery. .. 'When is time Prised a comfit .. . ' c to ii, pineh. • ell stick to you to the last." n't enough! • Poll t I • ain't suck- • de .he Went out, I bevel. want, to see 'Do you •know • who I am too " • fen; finger pointed, as it about en Pet. •' ' • • - • • • . Itteghing. deli, was a 'shame Over, Ur, Toosypegs ?" said Urrainie mother ?'' said Ray', laughing as h; ii Wilth chattering, • teethe tremblieg geese, Goody' Two...Sham!' • • "What did you hear about rite ; as she filled for the third time hie • in os; • bristling hair, and terror- "Weil, ss alt You endelli•ected. sett - cup •with frogratit• golden coffee, s_ „shnied,h. id. cnely tslecfk. load ' . .• Stricken face; . .eir, `Poesy! egs • found buened, undo ten tie, tut tedelp-noned• . Morro :evening," ' replied Me. . ,,, nem(' Y?u was a noir, hitnaelf standing before the ancient • iniebeliever 1". exclaimed the old vide, sagreeable, fightin charac-ter• al US sybil, by dint of a, series et pushes go, 'shaking her fist at Pet, in . a Toosypegs, -speaking with histaouth d' a kicklid up a row with some)) d and forever a torm atdi` of tl t° from the .eneourtig•ng hind cif , Pet. rage. "Mal And when int: • worde full; "she's going to brieg you • a. her." Y g g oun entlemati), dideseed nark4 It:it:..t „Young nirds, wouldst thou Is reitie . come tine, remember they Welt fore - the future?" 'began .the old Worettn, told dy Goody Two-dhodi," parcel of muslin things to Work for lead who IS a rothed of thee tittle • "The eollar until:caps she was speak- yeller gal Over there, and worth a in a deep, stern, imp-ref:sive 'voice. •• "Wel, I dechire!" slid Pet. "If I frig of, I guess," Odd prminle, with dozen lihe her 1" sad the little old . "t -I -X -I'm very inech 'obliged to wasn't the path Meet, best tempered -her Ointment smile. • • • women, with 'asperity, • . . You, Mrs. .Two•-f-lboes," replied Mr. little girl in ' Marylitnd, X wouldn't "ITow in the world, Erminie," ex- "Well, upon. my word, 0 that ain't "1'. desYdeds. "We real kind .ot you put up with this abutio. Not even my work for everybody? I never saw said Pet, drawing a long breath. "Vein LW:fetal, spare thy surerdu.- er inijured you or anybody else in its ' ! nose is itilowed to escape; and it nee- elaimed Pet, "do you lied time to polite,. net to nay complimentary," df`d sure" arida." you a moment idle yet." . "Little yeller gal t Good gieselousl" °es thaides," interrupted the mystete life,' "Well, it's pleasanter to be doing "Well, yott ain't white, you know," - Ions one, with a wave of bets -hand, And Pet with tt. deeply wounded Icod something," geld Erininie; "and be- said the 'old WOntaerestvho, whatever "Mirk and terrific is the doom that ' ran Iv r finger rtic ng the Insulted Pre"' Sided Miss Priecilla can't do line her Other Infirtnities might be, was rate has in store for thee -a doom boscis, es if to soothe .its feelings.. Sowing, her eyes are se weak, you certainly not deaf. "You're reyther so dreadful that dogs will tenet to . "Will Yoe tell nty fortune, Mother hark, the stars in the drumlin:a hold Two -Shoes?" said • gay, tut nite • knoW. X cen't bear to sit still and of the tail/vilest, as everybody What'A •dci nothing; I like to seW, or Bernd. god eyets den get for themselves. It's their breath, and even the pottitry in round. "1 am partie.ularly „anxious Le thing." a pity you ain't good-looking, like the barn -Yard turit pale to hear it. knave the futute." rr "IT h mein 's the Most horrid thing," said' Pet, With a shrtig; " g g laughing. "There is not the slights don't tilled reading a, pretty store to est danger, I assure you. Pet was pass thne now arid then; bUt to sit only using an illustration that down and go stitchesstitche-Stitching time." for hours steedy-well, I know I'd "Good gracious I" exclaimed Mr, seen be in a etealt-jacket if Z tried kerchief. "If you dido't pretty Mae "What was it '?" asked Ito% " scare the ll( out of me i" should like to Nee the hook you "Well, you wouldn't be the drat f Would like to read." one I've seared the life out Of 1" said "Well, there ain't many 1 like, but Pet, twinging her riding whip. I'm oh 1 tide Otte vete ever so Wee. It apt to astonish people noW and was all about n. hateful Old +IOW Who then !" lent Money 10 a men that wanted to should think So," Said ditty, go- somewhere tdeotirting; and then "To you remember the night she this Jew wanted to eut-off a. poismt 000 vou out ettilint With her, Urg Of 1.,1s Toosypegs, dropping into tt chair, • it, thee's all 1 X Wes reading a, real and wipittg his fate with his hand- nice 'Wok the other night." egaine It will be .as good as a play 'to so- witculto tens Miss . . . • "1 'in • goiter th tee to- sin nt1.- the- ' dee, ". geld Pet. "Mies Priscilla: can' t bear me, lex I. -go there as often as van. be able.to tell youedi about it ellen I come beeke" "You. had , better not," said Ray. are- two or three runaWay nigeers In the woode, • and its duet- geroue for yeateto.go alone." "Now, you might have itutiwn that tvttild itit4 make that intensely thew. yr.:mete go," said Raney, rock- ing himself backward and forward in Erntiniedt chair. "Tell her there's d. n eid anywhere, and there she'll lie a to (IS% The other day, some one to (1 it.r the tythus fever was down nt the quarters,. and nothing would .)01.‘ e her but. she must i uStantlY tua.e. her Wilma:alma there, to SOO • To be continued.) .................................................4..............•................ S 0 8 5 doe. Men's Pine Scotch Wool Undef•-toys' Underwear in anion, all MI weer in natural -colors only, g K wo 17, fleece lined, each 2,5c to sUU • 4#•••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••• w"th $145 a 811t4 foreaell“ "Liu 11 vs' Wool Sweaters in colors of red. datiwitafteex,vvrjtemett cootatostuart 0 An blue Mid green, worth up to .........---- 50 in our Men's !Furnishing Department the tol. thU ti 75c each, for Saturday at.... • lowing bargains will be placed on sale for one we will $ell them at Pair for 86co Atinth" 1(44)f ikteltl Selc4llet reeelVell' The above goods will be on the right day. only : , reedier pelee,ie gge a pale-, hand side :lost as you enter the store, 2 doz,Men's Union Shifts and Drawers 1 200 Alon's Union all woolflacce lined . • Inedluin Weight for early fall Ott Underwear, in all weights t ft • a * .}.............................,. Wesr, regular 40e, for...-. *AU worth up to 15e, for. .... liu u J W NEVVCOMBE. ••••••#••••••••••40.44+44+.4.4................,........44.0444444,........,4,•••••*•••••••++.., . -11P1111111 telicont 1 4 -1 Our Rimless Glasses. Please the Particular. They are fitted be. cominaly to the feat. 'ores of each patron. The finish of out- spectacleware Is fault. less, the tit perfect, 1144111E. ded•• r A. -j. , Scies;itificjestreleir*aisd CLIEN°1'13tOiCitlirk*ONT. ree.eleeei;Aed-oedemesewlia,4aeoele. • ., . :. $ ; $ t See. as for f . Choice Crawford Peachetio Plums, Pears • ' . 0 • Extra IPsi .wriepeTto :inn dtoes .L:ff, Moore's Early Grapes, the APickling- ()mons / . Pure Spices . , $ tiern Ours, Robbers, Etc, 1 We keep the best only $ and our prices 111 lew 150e anYt .4SIMI • = -'"4:‘1,. . I" $ . : P. illAITLAND, stiecessor to Qgle. Qeopf.sr. , Wanted 500 bushels Timothy Seed. Elighest prices • • • • For Sale ; Choice, bome-grown Timothy ' STRAIGHT TO THE MARK ....delsoWswom Cupid's darts are swift in flight and sere in effect, TIM resUlts of this work, if reflected bt the • earn - era, are interesting. With perfect photographs a fond heart is Souchl ed. Ours are the pleasing kind -- perfect fa finish, excellent in pos- ing and satisfactory always. HWY'S PHOTO STUDIN