HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-17, Page 5H, A. MciNTYRE, L. D. S., D, D. S naNTM? Office hours -9 to 12 1 to 6 BLYTH—Tuesdays and Wednesdays Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 130. Dr. W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CORONER COUNTY OF HURON. Office—Queen Street Residence—Dinsley Street. BLYTH, ONTARIO J. H. R. ELLIOTT, NOTARY PUBT,10 & CONVEYANCER Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer's Liability, Plate Class, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, ('Phone 104) ONTARIO. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, SOLI CITOR,NOTARI? PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER. MONEY 70 LOAN, Office— Queen Street BLYTH, ONT SUN I,IFN ASSURANCE CO. OE CANOE, PIt.OSPEROUS & Pit .OGRESSIVP It leads the field among Canadian Companies. 11. R. LONG, District Manager, G oderich THOMAS GU N UItY, AUCTIONEER, CODERICH, - ONTARIO Farm Stook Sales a epcolalty. Order I rot atit ly attended to, Tel o eth t pd honewill be ( me dates et my expense. Dr. J. C. Ross, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office hours -10.30 to 12 2 to 4 7 to 8.30 Except Wednesday evening, Phone No.—Office 51; Residence 69 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN WfltteCitg Drug Store UR. W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH TEE WINGEhM MUMMA !MI has the largest and most complete stock, the most beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD. iAN GRANITES. We make a specialty of Family Mon• uments and invite your inspection. Inscriptions neatly, carefully and promptly done. Electric toots for carving and letter. ing• Call and see us bofore placing your order. Itobt. A. Spotton, IINGHAM. • • ONTARIO The lndultriel Mortgage and lacings to, SARNIA. ONTARIO Money advanced on first mortgagee on lands. Parttea desiring money on farm mortgages wilt please apply to the under- signed, J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Agent, BLYTH, • ONTARIO. C. E. TOLL, L.D.S. D. D, S DENTIST Hours 8.30-12 1.30-6 Wednesdays at Monkton. 'hones 124,•4212 James Taylor License A tioneer for the County of Huron. s attended to in all parts of the co Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay . .. ,dere left at The Standard promptly attended to. Belgrave Post Office. PHONES: Brussels, 15.13. North Huron. 15-623 The Standard Club bing List: PAGE 5—TAE BLYTH STANDARD—May 17, 1930 eet Ers*p Keep FIRE at Bay with GYPROC FIRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire -safe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, Gyproc Wallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontario IT PAYS TO USE MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCTS FOR EVERY "'RPM- FOR EVERY SURFACE Brush Neu-Glos on that faded interior wall, wood- work or that dulled, wear -marked furniture. it will dry to the touch in Two hours. Four hours more and the newly finished surface, glowing with captivating color, is ready for use. q What need to tolerate a shabby home interior? This wonderful medium gloss enamel is so easy to use. It dries so quickly. It transforms dull, shabby things with color beauty to delight the eye. q Not a bit of objectionable odor in Neu- Glos. A wide range of exquisite colors, Martin laveur products for every PrInse. Ayr e'er/ Reface, ye ad by %NEW MEM 261 For Salo by BLYTH PLANING MILLS, Blyth, Ont. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF GOODS FOR 0Z7day Gia tS CONSISTING OF UP-TO-DATE Footwear, Men's Furnishings, Garters, Arm Bands, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Braces. A FINE DISPLAY OF Towels, Handkerchiefs Ladies' Scarfs. G. A. MACHAN, Phone 88 BLYTH, ONT. Standard and Daily Globe $6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire6.75 Standard and London Advertiser 6.75 Standard and Free Pree6.75 Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6.75 Standard and Family Herald 3.00 Standard and Farmer's Sun 3.50 Standard and Can. Countryman 3.40 Standard and Farmer's Advocate 3.00 Standard and Weekly Witness 3.85 Standard and World Wide 3.90 Standard and Presbyterian 4.50 Standard and Poultry Journal 2.90 Standard and Youth's Companion 4.50 Standard and Northern Messenger 2.55 Standard and Can. Pictoral 3.95 Standard and Rural Canada 2.701 Standard and Farm & Dairy3.00 Standard and Saturday Night 5.50 Standard andl4cL ean's Magazine 4,75 f'11,0 Bigt2t Startaara, • Li* Vui..441100-fit,2• t fl e4 .-cul f , •.tfd-f-ea " -- 444 Ay -tf a to t4ca41"0, XJ .0 d �,(Igf �"Cc, �ityd!•...ifhte1 `•1to- -WA 19.4,Ci. 4,4,)�(` J ai A hokriYtQ'/K-®' .-4,7(4 412,41 trio dd4 all ,12,,4,eze1�.! .44), 444444441v J 4- ..tizegh .041, 44A4444.4.ti '"te *4 4WtA mYh''__4--Q '( Standard Book & Stationery Store, BENMILLER NURSERIES We have a larger stock than ever of Bed- ding Plants, Trailers, Annuals and Vege- table Plants from which t ; make a selec- tion. To make sure of getting the varieties you want, it is advisable to select or send in your orders early, and if necessary we will hold the stock for you till planting time. The Wonderful New Cabbage "Golden Acre" if set out now will br ready for use early in J fly. STEWART BRQS. R. R. 4, Goderich, Ont. 'Phone Carlow 235. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of the McNichol Drain and the Phelan Drain. Plans, estimates, pro- files may be seen at the clerk's residence. The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship Hall on Monday, May 26. 1930, at 2 p. m, and a good -faith bond will be requir ed if ybu get the contract. A. MacEWEN, Clerk FOR SALE -10 acres of land on which is situate a good brick dwelling and stable The property will be sold at sacrifice on immediate sale. Apply at The Standard Real Estate Agency, The Standard Real Estate Agency The following very desirable properties have been listed with us at very low pric- es. We also have a number of farms and village lots which we are offering for sale Get in touch with us when you are in the market to buy either village or farm pro- perty:- 11 storey brick dwelling on the corner of King and Wilson Streets. Three. eights of an acre of land. This property is in excellent state of repair and can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 11 storey frame dwelling on Morris St. Three-fifths of an acre of land. This is a desirable property for anyone requiring a comfortable home at small price. 11 storey frame dwelling on Dineley St. In good state of repair and most de• sfrably located. This property can be purchased on excellent terms. 1} storey frame on Dineley St. (known as the Graham property). This can be purchased at a very low price to close up the estate. 11 storey brick, modern equipped dwel- ling on Dineley Street. Desirably situat- ed aid can be purchased at little more than half the present cost of construction A real anap for anyone desiring an up-to- date home. 111 storey frame dwelling on Morrie St. Half acre of land with small stable. This property can be purchased with only a small payment down. 2 storey brick dwelting on Dinafey St. Modern in every particular. quarter of an acre of ground on which there is a good stable and garage. 1 storey frame dwelling on Queen St. North. Quarter acre of land wtah stable. Get our price on this property. 1 storey frame, ashpalt clad dwelling on Morrie St. In splendid repair. A. good buy for small money. 11 storey brick dwelling on Morrie St, In splendid repair. Three -eights on an acre of land on which is situate a good stable and garage. The property known as the old fire hall on the eaet aide of Queen Street. This building is now used as a garage. It can be purchased at a very reasonable figure 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. Ten acres of land. Good brick stable. A most desirable property for anyone desir- ing a small acreage of land. A very desirable 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. One quarter acre of Land. Property in excellent condition. Moat desirable location. This property can be purchased for little more than half the coat of construction today. 1'x storey frame with cement kitchen. atable on premises, 11 acres of land, A good buy. 10 acres of land on which Is situate a good comfortable frame cottage, barn. driving shed and the land in a nest -class state of cultivation. The Standard Real Estate Agency BLYTH, ONTARIO FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire boat, also a num- ber of sucking pigs, Apply Alf. Haggitt. lot 13, con. 9, Morris. WARNING NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS Re CORN BORERS ACT. All Corn Stubble and Stalks must eith- er be ploughed under or picked up and burned before the 20th day of May next. OSWALD GINN, Inspector. Goderich, Oat. CLEAN UP NOTICE. Blyth Council Board hi provided a dumping ground for all garbage and refuse and our Sanitary Inspector will be on his rounds in a few days to see that there is a general cleanup of premises and out- houses. Consult Sanitary Inspector Ferguson as to dumping grounds and garbage disposal as parties will be prosecuted for dumping garbage, etc. on streets. By order of Council Board, Jas. Moody, John Ferguson, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, being North '/x Lot 40, con.3 hast Wawanosh, On the prem lees is situate a good if storey frame dwelling; barn 50x60 and 49x60 with stone stabling. Hen house 20x30, driving shed 30x30, all in good repair. One and a half acres good bearing orchard. The farm is in splendid state of cultivation. well fenceddrained and watered. For particulars apply to Walter McCill, R. R No. 5, Goderich. COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision will be held for the Village of Blyth in Memorial Hall on Monday, May 26th. at 8 p. m., to hear and deal with complaints against the As- sessment Roll for the year 1930. Also take notice that complaints against ass esment roll must be in writing, duly signed. and be in the hands of the clerk not later than the 14th day of May 1930. JAS. D. MOODY, Clerk Blyth, May 6, 1910 FOR SERVICE The pure bred Gramandyke Yorkshire boar "Parkdale Emporer No. 140922." This animal nae bred by A. Dynes, Ot- tawa. and was sired by "Valley Farm Rul er 4" the prize winning boar at Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, in 1929. Edward Haggitt, Blyth, Ont. DOUGLAS D. MAJOR, L. V. C. M. Organist, Choirmaster Knox Church, Goderich Supervisor Music Public Schools, (Certified.) Teacher of Piano, Voice, Organ and Theory. A few vacancies for pupils Apply STUDIO, Mrs. Peplestone, Phone 80, Dinsley St.. Blyth FOR SALE—Pure bred Berkshire sows (breeding age). Apply to John Hislop, lot 3. con. 15, Grey Tp. 'Phone 27-9 Brussels. tatintlfiaL tweet**, ,41 I nadreda of Individual Lenses ustsit by Professor 111 C'alifornl a Four hundred individual lenses mounted on a wooden rack are being designed to provide a reflecting sur- face, of 100 square feet in an un- usual experiment In telescope con- struction by C. W. Woodworth, pro- fessor of entomology at. the Unlver- etty of California. If it is completed and proves successful, it will be the largest reflector in the world. At present the largest. is the 100 -inch reflector of Mt, Wilson Observatory in California, matte of one solid piece of glass, says Popular Balms Monthly, With the aid of his novel instru- ment, Prof. Woodworth expects to eee and phetcgraph the largest linage ever made of a Heavenly area. as has worked for two ,years on this telescope, grinding each of the 400 lenses with a special apparatus and fitting them together. The instrument is being bout in the professor's own backyard. On top of his barn, 60 feet away from the reflecting mirror, he has erected It scaffolding on which he will mount so eyepiece. Through this he will maize his observations, pinking up the Image reflected by the united lenses, NIGHTMARE PLANTS. Thousands of Them Have Never Been Identified. Plante that kill, plants that inspire strange dreams, and another that paralyzes fish but does not make them unfit for food, have been brow ;ht to Washington by soientieta under Dr. Killip, M the Smithsonian Itratitution, who have just returned from the headwaters of the Amason and the mountains of Peru. Nearly 30,000 plants from the Amazonian jungles and Peruvian mountain tope were collected; thou- sands of them have never been iden- Uded. One of these is the Ayahnaeoe vlue or Caapi, from which Indian medi- cine men obtain a drug that produces violent nervous reactions and la swal- lowed to evoke prophetic visions. Other plants In the collection yield barbaseo, a milky poison which, poured into a river, paralyses all the fish in a considerable area and an- ablea the Indians to catch Mara easily. A New Atmosphere. That a fuller knowledge of the atmosphere may assist in the control of disease is revealed by Dr. 3, Wil- lard Hershey, who has been studying the part rare gasses play to normal life. He claims to have made air dif- ferent from anything man breathes, which will support life in white rales more effectively, than normal atano- sphere. In one experiment helium was substituted for the 78 per cent. of nitrogen. As far as could be seen the white mice were In a brighter, more active, and healthier condition than in normal air. The mice were aleo tested In an atmosphere of twen- ty-five per cent. oxygen and seventy- five per cent. argon. Again It was found that the general conditions of respirations, appetite and rest were better than In normal air. When the argon was increased to seventy-eight per cent. the mice could not live.