HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-09, Page 5October 9th, 1,9ft
1 Shoes..
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women.
Prices range Ram
$3.00 to $5.00
You Can procure
them from
S is the best Shoe Polish S
H Beware of imitations ti
which are named to
N sound like Shinola. N
0 0
L Shinola is the only L
A The Original. A
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes.
Freq. T. Jackson,
A school that occupies first rank 'a-
mong the business colleges on this
continent. 1Vlany leading commercial
schools employ our graduates as teach-
ers. We do our best to place all our
graduates in good positions end we
have been more successful this year
than in any previous year. Those des-
iring the best in business education
should attend our school. Write for
poWW., loVaivys
up,, lee 1,1 11.4,..11 I I I 4., I, ,
, .1.1 Hu 11 1 1.t, .1 1 1111101111.11
The undersigned offers for sale part
of Lot 41, linrou Road, Tuckersmith,
the first farm east of Clinton, con.
sisting of $0 acres, all cleared and in
a good state .01 cultivation, briek
house, bank barn, g acre young or-
chard, etc. For further particulars
apply to
JOHN PiciaTz. Clinton P. O.
August xth at*
The undersigned offers for sale that
choice ty acre farm on the Huron
Road, Tuckers/filth, one mild east of
Clinton, New frame house with sum-
mer kitchen, first class bank barn,
drive shed, hen house, pig pen, silo.,
two wells, windmill, and small or-
chard.The Bayfield river runs across
back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats,
the finest of grass land. This is a
splendid farni, well situated, and
will be solcl on easy terms.
Awriimt. cauca, Clinton
June 9th.
The undersigned offers for sale a
IX storey cottage with five bedrooms,
large dining room, parlor, ete. Situ-
ated on William street, convenient to
the Collegiate Institute. For further
partieulars apply to James Scott,
Clinton) June 23rd,
$9,000 will buy a choice farm of
about 120 acres, situated a half mile
from Clinton, Good brick house, 20x
28 and 20x20; barns 40x40 and 40x60,
with •stone stables underneath, silo,
windmill, etc. Will be sold on easy
terms. For further particulars apply
• • Clinton P, 0.
• OR .1'0 RENT,
The underaigned offers for sale parts
lots 71 and 72 on the 6th con. of God-
erich township,.consisting of 96 acres,
46 acres cleared, balance hardwood
bush, part of it is • culled,
8 acres of orchard and entail
fruits. Frame house and •bank bent.
2 wells. 6 miles from. Clinton and, 3
miles from Bayfield. For further par-
ticulars apply on the preiffises or to. •
. Bayfield.
September 'Ieth.
As I wish to retire froin farming I
offer. to Sell /for $,poia my splendid 106
acre farm situated on the Front Road,
X mile east of Verne. 90 Acres
ed, to acres hard and soft wiped bush.
Good frame house with • cellar'
and shed. Good hearing. orchard, good
water, hard and soft. A rare chance
to get a fine fatin cheap. Possession
'given early in the fall.
HENRY •MAKINS; ,Varna P. 0:
June loth.
13 1_1"Y ri71:-.1:
Those chilly winds remind 'people thittoold Weather is approaching
and they begin to think id warm underclothing and. %vitae& they can get
t he best assortment to choose from, As a rule our Marin -oath .0iteti•Store
is uppermost in everyone's mind as they knOvv we kee0. the hestrange of
underwear in the county. The Staiifield goods are guaranteed all .Wool•,
and unshrinkahie.. Wash them.as you like.and If They shrink'-hringthem.
back and get your money. Bemire of imitations, none p.re genuine exeept
they are stamped -Stanfield's Unshrinklible." ' . . •
We carry 11 full range of another kinds of iniderwear which we buy
in large quantities direct from (he inanufactirrers for spot 'rash vwhieli
gives us a ko eat sulrantage over people buying in s ninIt q uan ti ties.
Men's Union Shirts and Drawers, plain or ribbed, each 251
Mon's Fancy Steiped Shirts end -Drawer's, heavy weight, soft
in all sizes, verb 30e and 40e.
Mee's Wool Fleetest :Milts and Drawers, extra heavy. weight;
(Toler price 00e. our Special price 45e
Men's Fine Laink's Wool Shirts and DraVvera, 75e, $1 and
Boys' Shirts and Drawera, in fleece lined; plain -.and ribbed, in
all sizes, at 25e, 30c, 3;!t and 40e • : •
Stanfield's Unshrinkahle Shirts and Drawers, $1 and $1 2i'
Two cases of Ladies' Wool Underclothing opened• Ode week. '
Thin Hair.
Discolored Hair, etc.
Prof. Dorenwend
TUESDAY, odronER 14th..
With Hair Goods, Ladi•Les.' and Gent's Wigs, Tolipetis,
Wavy. rind Plain Front, Switches of every description, etc.
He can improve ynur personal appenrinee.
Plain features and diallgured hearls caused through the Toss of
hair made perfect.
Thousands °Wei their fine looks to
the skifla Prof, Doren wend.
Human hair adorns and protects
the head,
Don't, fail te see his new Patent
Hale Structure, patented all over
the world.
Private Apartments at Hotel 'te
Remember for only One day
Rattenbury House, Tuesday, October 14th
Pireteelass ent hitir, especially grey end White heir,- taken in eXeltange,
An exciting game was played upon
the bowling green-bix Tuesday betweet
rinks skipped by J. Paylor awl W. R
Lough. The latter's rink was com-
posed of teachers, but they did not
manage to get near the jack as often
as their competitors.
J. 4oIntstone W. Tier
J. 7, Irwin R. F. Stoddart
E. Howard E. M. McLean
J. Taylor sk 13 W. R. Lotigh sk TO
zualcu. NABEXAGEs.
Father 'Valeatine left last week for
I a* short vacation owing to ill health.
The reverend gentleman has been a
very earnest worker, never stopping to
consult his own person when called
by any of his church 1nel:utters and it
is no doubt owing to his unceasing
labor that the brealc-down occurred to
his health. It is hoped that with a
few months rest he will be restored to
his usual health.
Mrs, (Rev.) McGear spent last week
the guest of friends at Seafortlf.
Mrs. Henderson of Goderich town-
ship underweet a successful operation
last week at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Kirkpatrick. •
Mr. Pinner, late of Germany, now of
Nordheimer's Piano Co., gave several
piano recitals in their rooms every
evening last Week.
Mr. Bert. Breckenridge has accepted
positionin the Arms Co,,
Connecticut. He is the son of Mr.
John Breckenridge. •
Mr. Grunnnet is the proud possessor
The Lutheran Synod was in session
• liere last week. Special services were
held in the church Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. ,
Mr. J. A. Williams is putting a
new dynamo in his electric light
. _
James Snell's Dispersion
Sale of Shorthorns, Cly-
desdales and Leicesters.
of four hundred potato seeds This is
the second year for planting seed.
Last year lie planted the seeds of one
eotato • apple, the only one he saw
for years. Be will have to wait for
three years in order to obtain full
sized potatoes from that apple potato
seed. Each hill produced too little
potatoes about the size of Mickshot,
Mr. Jardine and family *of Ashfield
have taken possession of their new re-
sidence on Cambridge street. . •
Miss Tena, Reynolds of Clinton while
in town was the guest .of the Misses
I offer first class mange's at 83 Per
ton, delivered in town. Order by
mail or telephone.
Clinton, October xst.
As we are closing our books We
must ask all accounts to be paid on
or before October r5th. Amounts out-
standing after this date will ,be placed
in court for collection.
BROADlisOOT, BOX & co. . •
C. H. Broadfoot, Mgr,
Clinton, October 1st,
The .undersigned offers for sale Let
42, Con. 13, Township of Hallett, 'con-
sisting 01 150 acres, Ito acres cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, to
acres stump land arid balance good
hardwood busk, never 'culled. The lot
is well watered; and fenced and; is %
inile front a church,. 2 miles from Aai-
burn Mid 9 miles from Clinton. A
Public. School is located on the cornet
Of the lot, There is a• gdod two -store..
-eY brick. house, 2 bank barns and: out--
huildings..and a goad bearing orchard.
For further particulars apply to •
EPIL• BALL, Auburn P. O..
South X 9f lot 15 and the north x4
of lot 14 on the 8th eon, of the town-
ship of Stanley are offered., for sale.•
The feria contains no acres, all clear-.
ed, in a good state of cultivation and
well watered. There are two barns
and stabling and a frame dwelling
house. Two good bearing. orchards. X
nine front school and 2 rniles frOnt
church and. posted:4ft. For further
particulars apply to
'June 2nd.
We still lead in Sugar by Selling
Redpath's Granulated at $3.85 per
cwt. in bbl, lots. •
The annottneement by Mr. James
Snell of Thillett, Ont,, of the disper
- sion sale 011 Oct. 22nd, of his emir
" Bayne Barton" herd of Shorthorn
and flock of Leicester sheep should re
' ceive the attention of all interested i
the improvement of live stock in thes
lines. The sale fs imperative and wil
be unreserved; owing to the destruc
awl of all the barns and stables b
The' Shorthorn herd has been estab
•lished over, 30 years, the foundatio
stock lia•ving been of excellent • meter
MI and its quality maintained a.ncl.
improved by the continuous uSe o
ROE-DUFFIELD-On October at, b
Rev. Wm. Lowe, 11Ir. Geo. Rowe
to Miss Jennie Duffield, both Q
Rrrol-uF,--mexEr.a.—On. Oct. ist, by
Rev. G. Adams't Perrysburg
Ohio, Mr. A. Ritchieehof Wingtant
to Vfiss Francis Webber McKell.
at the residence of the bride's par-
ents, NkTa.wanosh, Mr, Thos. Mire
house to MiSs Susan, daughter
Mr. Thos. Taylor.
DULMAGE,- MAY -On Sept. 23rd, by
J. S. Ross D. D., at the residence
of the bride's father, Xr. William
F. Dultua.ge of Gorrie to Miss
Amy P. May of Walkerton.
TrJRNBULL MeNAM-At Cranbrook.,
on Sept. 3oth, at the residence of
the bride's father, by Rev, D. B.
McRae, Dr, J. L. Turnbull of
Goderich, to Kits Jean Alexandra,
second eldest daughter of Mr. Al-
der IVIeNair, merchant of Cran-
residence of the bride's father,
Melancthon, on Sept. 24111„ by
Rev. T, G. McAteer B. D. Mr.
Thomas Wallace of Mclancthon to
Y I The Grand Trunk Traffic earnings
f show an increase of 106,5.0.3 over the
same period last year, which is a. re-
markable large Sure and points with
emphasis to the complete rejuvenation
, which has taken place in less than,
rea,igihlwta.3Y.eaorn% tahnadt hcaasnantlainn4es trnidasyugre•Atl
be proud of. Millions of dollars have
for the period September 22nd to 3oth
Loud. n, Oct. 7.--(Special)eeCanad-
ian cattle are unchanged at Ile to ie
Fer lb. (dressed weight) ; refrigerat-
or beef is 1t,; to 12c per lb.
been spent by its progressive manage-
, ment,in construction of double tracics,
I lengthening sidings, cutting /Iowa
grades, purchasing new steel rails,
building stations, elevators, engines,
roodern coaches, parlor, cafe and din-
ing cars and advertising the resorts
at Canada. The traffic in this time
• has nearly doubled, dividends .re be-
ing paid on most of the preference
stocks, which have increased in value
many millions of pounds. The aim uf
the Grand Trunk evidently is to be !
" second to none, ' and today the !
handsome, wide vestibule electric -
lighted coaches, cafe parlor and dont%
cars are. not surpassed by any line in
- Margaret Jane, daughter of Mr,
e Charles .Armstroirg, formerly of
s East Wawanosh,
- DODDS-SOMERVILLE-At the resi-•
n denee of William Somerville, Sea -
1 forth, brother of the bride, on Oe -
1 tober zst, by Rev. F. H. Larkin,
Mr. Robert T. Dodds to hliss
• Annie Somerville, both of McKil-
- BROWN -ANDERSON -At the resi-
n dence of the bride's parents, on
- Oct. 1st, by Rev. P. Musgrave,
M. Joseph H. Brown to Miss El-
f eanor M. Anderson, both of Hul-
• high elites bulls of the most approved
breeding.' Both cattle and -sheep from
• herd •alid- flock have i•ria.ile a right good
record formany years in the •priz
lists at leading Fairs in. Ontario
while - theLeicesters shown from • th
flock at the World's Fair in Chicago
were very snecessful• in their winnings
- The. Majority of •the cattle are des
coded froht the cow -Strawberry, the
-.first •pure bred eciw purchased by
H umphrey Snell & Sons from 'John
Snell & Sons of Snellgrove.' She was
a successful show cow,_ low set and
thick fleshed, '• sired by Imp. 'Cobden,
who was . of the seine - type, a son o
Imp.... Jenny . Lind; who was a, first
prive . winner at provincial •,exhibi
thine.: • Stray/Vary . herself. wasthe
second ..reinove from the imported:cow
Lady ..Jane, by Sir Walter, a cOw of
fine. cleanly -and character and • a. very
:deep ',milker, . 'a propensity • that.has
been well maintained in. her ,•ileecend-
ante. through all. the generations, .:anc
it is a. very noticeable' feature in the
herd. today, -the females of-aireeding
age '.carrying- large and ey,eitlY balance
cd udders and all the 'indications o
first class Milrers, • some of the towS
having records Of; 50 to 6o• pounds of
milk. daily. This .family hni produced
prc,bably. as • • ',many •Prizewinners at
leading PrOt.ineial fairs as any other
in Canada', andmenibors 01, it have
.. sold • at high. prices. Ar Canr- of ,this
fainily • fed by Mr, .Jaines Snell.. sold
at auction.1 Iowa last year' for. $7oo.
The sireseUsed in recent.yeark and in -
.deed for the last • twenty years, have
been -.typical Scotch .bred •bulls . of the
low . set, ..thick fleshed •sort and the' en-
tire herd has •aSsumed- that -type -of
• epusuai-unifortnity, A' bull which had
much itifluence•-•in fixing this type: in
the herd was Vice Consul, .bred by the
.Isaaes; a son o1 the deep ribbed, mel-
low •fleshed Neptune (imp.) a Kinel-
lar-fired: Nonpareil.. bull. .Vice - Con -
Oct. 1st, by Rev. Dr.' Towel, Mr.
• William Thompson of Logan to
Lulu, daughter of the late. Squire
e • Owrey of London.
eat, at the -home of ' the bride's
- • parents; Grey township,' by Rev:
Mr. .Abery. of Monkton, 'Maude
• "Eloise, daughter of Mr. and. .Mrs.
John McNaught, to, IVIr. john
ALAN -GLAZIER -At the residence
of the bride's parents in Cape
f Croker, on Sept; 24th, by the fath-
er of the • bride, Alma Louise,
- :fourth daughter • .of Rev. A. Glaz-
cuyiel.rx, Rto_riDRowviit1N-AAllatii
thoef rAeellnidCLence
the bride's Omit, on 24th of Sept.,•
by the Rev. J. L. Murray 0. D„
Mr...Prank Cifyler to Miss Jessie
; McCormick Irwin, daughter of the
: late James Ir.wi, all of the town
of Kincerdine.. •
u Ps dela was • Ruby. ;Hill,: by the
:Cruickshank. Brawith Bud Mill' ;Polder).
Crown.. He Was ,followedi by :New
Near, • e Watt -bred bull,. •by. Village
Hero,'•of the. grand .614 iSittyten •Bud
family. arid out of: an . Uppermill Eng-
listr .1,ady „cow, ' by. the . noted, _Brarnp4
- ton Hero,' whose blood bred prize win-
riera • wherever it iloWed.• .The .preserrt
*Oak intlf, Star. of the .Morning, now
in his • 4-year-b1d form, is a first prize
Winner .at London and reserve for the
. championship, is . 'also Watt -bred
bull,. of the Igarr-bedEnglieh ,•Lady
trite,. his. Sire, a Toronto first . prize
,wien,r, being a Scotch bred bull ..of
the. excellent prize Winning Bracelet
-family, arid his 'dant -by. the. great
.Brasupton . , whose- •clain,
Mileulus,- was 4- cleughter • of the.
trious Cluimpien- of. -England, •••• .,Who
mnoro than any other bull made the
Cruickshank, • herd fornous the "world
• •. . over. • Star of the Morning has olso 111
J.1B. Rumba114C1inton
rail! Grai
•••••••••i• •••••••••••
*km *••••••••••#.*
All kinds of
grain wanted and
the highest prices paid.
in CASH for anyi
Call at the Elevator and
see us before selling.
hie breeding the benefit of the prepot-
ent , blood of Heir • of Englishmen,
whose influence- in the evolutiou of the
lf.ppermill 'herd of lyfr. Marc was
and.equal to that of Champion of
Englishmen, in the . Sittyton herd,
Another family in -the. Hayne Barton
Herd' -which has had the beneflt of the
services of -these well bred bens is a
direct branzIr of the Reaick Rose of
1- heron tribe, sosuccessfully bred by
Abratn • Renick of Ketitucky, the
Cruickshank of this continent, whose
herd w.on the admiration of Shorthorn
breeders the world over, s'elections
.from it being. sold at prices ranging
from $2000 to. $4000 eachfor export-
ation to England and Scotland. An.
aetractiNe in the catalogue
is •the '• red 5-year-0ld' cow, Lovely
Mary, . of the favorite Cruieltelianlc
Lovely family, sired by • Ring
21304, by Imp, Ring James, who was
by • Royal ',Tames, 0e:tad Maid of
Promise stli- by Gravesehd. 'flare
ate 29 head of Shorthorns of different.
ages, , ,
Red Rose, ,a handseine red 2 -year-
old heifer of the La,vinia family, is a
daughter of xoth Prince of nide
22172, by Salt ,Marier, by Conqueror,
bred. by • Hon, ,Tohn Dryden and sired
the Cruickshank bull Imp Ven-
rgarth: , ' •
The stock bull, Star of Morning,
goes in the sale mid hi these days of
scarcity of first C!aS� b II • bit is wcll
worth kinking after'for it is'doubtful
wither there is a better bull of the
breed in Canada today, While his
breeding is unexcelled, and he' is
vigorous, gentle and a super-
. 11 ar
.• younger bulls in the sale,
ior sire as his progeey ainply at-
several of whom are sons of Star of
rquh t
Clinton Market Report
New D 05 to 6 05
Old Wheat . I , • * 006 to 005
(loose Wheat,.. ....... 015 too 15
Ilarley.• irloolY*411e.4:6 • 035 to 035
, • 027 to 029
r•..e.r.*.sato 0 05 to 0 05
R$.e 0 40 to C 45
POtatoeti pee 'bushel..., 025 to 080
nutter rolland crock ,0 18 to 0 14
Hotter in tub.. .. 0 18 to 014
14 10 0 15
.. • 800 to 000
0 15 to 0 113
Live Hogs per cwt.... fl 40 tO 0 40
Flonr per 215 to 215
Deart per ton.... 14 00 10 14 00
Shorta per IS 00 t� 18 00
Morning, and a strong; straight,
smooth lot, in good condition and
stich as ate heeded in every part of
the country for the improvetnear of
tlie character of the cattle raised.
The Clydesdale stallion, Brave Boy;
to be sold, is a horse of capital qual-
ity and has made it Iarge se/twit this
year in it district where limey im-
ported horses are gentling. The two-
year-old filly of the satne family .is
also an exceedingly good one.
The do& of Leieester sheep ranks as
One of the very best in :America and
the sale affords ait exceptional oppor-
tunity to secure rains for servide or
a foundation for a flock, There are
fifty Leicester sheep in the 'dock,
The .eata,logue now ready for dis-
tributioe. and will be malted on
itation to IVir. ;Nines Shen, Chntolf,
Ont. Captain r. E. Robson, as /me.
tioheer, will conduct the sale and con-
fidently expects o, large attefidanee of
farmers and brefders itt ilaytte Ilarten
on October sand,
• ' BIRTHS. .
THIEL -In Zurich, on September 23
to Mr, and . Mrs.' Andrew Thiel, a
daugliter." •
SWEITZER-In• Stephen, on Septette-
. ber 27th, tb Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Switzer, a sow, ' •
GALLAHER-On Sept.. 27th, • the wife
of W. R. Gallaher of a son.
SCOTT -In Hallett, on September 28,
to Mr. 'and Mrs. John Scott, a
• SOD. -
CLARK- In Morris, on October x, to
Mr, and Mrs. Tilos. Clark, a
SMAI,I,DON-Iii Grey, on Sept. 29th, :
to Mr. and Mrs:4•Villicon Simon-
' son,. a. daughter: •
MACKENZIE-In Loan, on Septem-
• `
be 280, Mre. W. J.. Mackenzie of
a eon.
WATSON-Ia•Nbert, On Sept. aeth,
Mrs. Josiah atson of a son.
STEWART-In Kincardine, on "Sept.
q4th, to IVIr. and Mrs. W. J. Stew-
' art; a daughter, •
CIfYLER-On Sunday, Sept. 28th, in
• Kinca.rdine, to Mr. and Mrs. CM,
Cuyler, a son. ... •
.FRALICK-At London, on Sept. 29th,
Mary E. Crawford, wife of Allen
Franck. of Turnterry, aged 35
years. .
WARREN -In -Brussels, on. Sept. 27th,
. Kate Warren, aged 20 years and
to months,
JEWELL-In ,on Sept. 26th,
Caroline, relict of the late Wrn.
Jewell, aged. 77 years, 8 months
and xt days. •
SCOTT—In • Morrie, .• on Sept. 25th,
Mr. M. Scott, aged74
' years 3 months and 3 days, • •
PA,TMORIE-At Lueknow *,on Sept.
26th, Julia Marton, wife Of Chas.
Patinore, aged 44 years.
The best class of work
produraide •has been
menufactured here for
many years past. • .• •
WE WON'T call on yon a week after
work 10
WE WON'T wake
to Boit
e price.
WE WILL wake the price to suit
the work.
WILL give You the choice of the
prOclaction of the world
in design and material
We are the ONLY prac-
deal men in Clinton in
our tine, Do not, he
t 'liked into placing your
order without brat call-,
ing on us.
B. HOOVER, P110.12
Nett to Commercial Hotel
• Thursday, Oetober Ifitli,
Round trip tickets will be sold between
all stations in Canada., and to De-
troit, Port Huroil, Michigan ; Buffalo,
Meek Rock- ,Niagara Falls mid Sits -
pension) Bridge, N. V, at single first
doss fare, good going October 15th
and r6th, valid to return until Moe -
day,. Oct. 2otlt, 1902.
During the tnontlf of October low
rates are in effect to points iu Color-
ado, IVfontatia, Ptah, Oreplf, Califor-
nia Mal British Colanibia.,
Rates and, information on appliea-
tion , to agents.
Open. season Nov, Itit to 15th inst.
Splendid limiting end fishing grounds
throughout the " Highlands oI Outer -
Copies of boteilet et/titled
" Haunts of Visit atid Game" sent on,
application to Z. 11, Maedonald, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Toronto,
The unfortuvate ' anthracite coal
strike has lasted for some five months
as these pages were closed for the
press fate in September with the al-
most complete deadlock unbrolt-
err, The group of associated. railroads
which had, formed A monopoly in an-
thraCite coal mining and had estab-
lished an artificial control over out.
put,. price and niarvet, were squarely
Met on the other hand by the combin-
ation of. men who had taken advan-
tage of the Pennsylvania, laws relat-
ing to the qualifications of miners to
establish an -almost equelTy firm mon-
opoly control over the supply of lab-
The really aggrieved and d.efranded
party in all this situation has been
the public which has been Shamefully
inconvenienced. The oderators, who
had made a 'tight monopoly out••cif
mining and selling coal, are ..immed-
lately responsible. It is not satisfae-
tory, therefore, that these operators
should come before the public with
arguments and complaints about the
unreasonableness of their laborers.
Men who have assumed to acquire
control of an article essential, to
common use and •welfare ought to be
.wise and skillful eumigh to keep on
good terms with their workmen. They
are, rather absurd' when they 'affect an
injured air because' coal miners assoc-
iate themselves in trade anions for
.the purpose Of making the best Con-
tract they possibly can in thb sale. of
their labor. • Private ownership in
coal mines is Subject •to the public
policy and well-being ; it is not at all
an indefeasible right. The right . of
working men,. ,on the other hand, to
etaod out for the best terms possible
and to associate themselves .for the
better accomplishment of their tair.
PONCS, is too fundamental to he .ques-
.tioned. , The minere have been perfect-
ly . willing from the outset to stibm-it
their 'claims t� any sort 'of impartial
arbitration/kali& operators, on the
other • hand, . have never- for a moment.
dared to arbitrate anything. -The 'on-
ly reasonable answer. from the: stand-
point of the aggrieved 'public to the
stubborn operators : is simply this :
Men who 'refuse to arbitrate ought to
bit. men. skillful enough in the, conduct.
of• their. businesi to be able .to carry
it on without 'break or interrimtion
and without aiinciying: the. public with
the 'friction- • of their inteenal,•proli-
lems,--Froin " The Progress . of the
World' t in the 'American Monthly Re -
'view of Reviews for October. •
• • ' • •
• •
The•:--Illastrated: Btiffalo Express
nounces a, new • art supplement to be
given free- with each 'copy next Sun-
• It is •a fonecl -gravure reproduction
from the, great painting . by D.
James entitled The Wave. -The very
breadth and life of the sea are in it.
-A superh marine,.- sure to please, . a.ad-
absolutely :the bust pro uction obtain-
able,.-• '• .
In. its art supplementse as in all
else, the Expressoffers only the.- hest.,
• •
. . • . .
Or.have :thin hair should call on Prof.
Dorenwend at the Rattenbury House,
Clinton, on Tuesday; October 24th,
and See his wonderful devices in Toup-
ees and Wigs, wcirn on over 65,000
heads: Explanation and dernonstre.
:Hon free, Private apartments' at hot-
el. Don't fail to see this new inven-
tion, patented all over the world.
Frida,V, 'October loth, at x p, in., on
Lot. 18, Con.' 9, McKillop, farm stock
and impleineats.-Mrs:- Thos. Walsh,
prOprietress,;;Thosr Brown, auctioneer
Monday, Oet. 13, at. 1 •p. in., on tot
9, con. f, Stanley, Clearing sale of
farm stock and Impleinents.Alex. J.
Rose, proprietor ;• Thos. Brown, •auc-
Wednesday,. October Isth, at x p.
in., at I.ot r, Con. 14, Hullett, farm
etock • and impletnents.-Robert
Dool, proprietor; 'rhos, Brown, auc-
Thursday, Oct; teth, at x p. in., • at
Dr Arinstrong's residence in Bruce -
field, clearing sale of household furni-
ture, -Dr, Armstrong, proprietor ;
Thom, Brown,- auctioneer,
Friday, Oct. /70, at, 1 p. in., at
Charles Wilson's stock yards, Brace -
field, 40 stock steers and heifers. -Hill
& Wheatley, proprietors Thos,
Proof , auctii'fleer,
Saturday, Oct, t81.11, at 1 p, rn.; at
Dr. Illackall's hotel stock. yards, Hen-
son, clearing min of western ranch
horses, colts and ponies. -C. J. Wal-
lis, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, auction-
eer.. - : . • ,
Seturday, Oct. trtlo, at 1 p. tn., at
the 0, T. R. stoek yards, •Seafortli,
20 road atul general purpose horses,
without reserve. -Robert McLean, pro-
prietor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
Tuesday, Oct, rittli, at 1 p. at
Mason's hotel yards, Myth, 2$ west-
ern ranch horses, coils and saddle
poiths.-C. S. Wallis, proprietor ;
Thos. Brown, ,auctioneer.
Tuesday, Oct. /ist, at t p,
tot x8, eta/. 14, lifert'illop, farm kook
and implements. -Mrs, Wiltsie, pro-
prietress ; ThosBrown, auctioueer.
It is offitially announced that Presi-
dent Roosevelt has urged the miners
to return to work, promising the rep -
ointment of a commission to inves-
tigate the nfleationa itt isstie and att
effort to secure a settlement consist-
efit with the report.
New York, Oct. 7.-(Special)-Eg-
ports today 810 beeves x,016 sheep
and 2•,88o quarters of beef.
Toronto, .Oct. 7. -At the western
cattle yards t,calay the receipts were
to carloads of live stock, comprising
eco cattle, 1,471 sheep and Iambs, 700
hogs, 30 valves and 30 each cows.
While the prices for cattle were
scarcely quotably changed they were
much firmer than last week and trade
was more brisk,
There w as a better export dematal.
today and good to choice cattle sold
front 4,s4c to $# per ib., and for a few
picked lots, 15c to 20C more per cwt.
was occasionally paid.
Light shippers sold at from 4%c to
4,4e Per lb,
Good to choice cattle were firmer
and prices were a shade higher for
anything very superior ; medium and
common cattle are unchanged. From
4%,ie to gic Per lb. was the range for
good stuff, with 5e for choice,
There is a, steady demand for good
feeders and stockers, but the common
grades are not wanted. Prices are un-
changed, but steady,
. For export bulls the range of price
is from 31/, to AC per lb, Not much
Milch cows sold at from 525 to l;f5o
each ; few good cows were here, tho'
they are wanted.
Some good veal calves are also
wanted. Prices unchangeelf.
Lambs were a trifle higher today,
but are likely to. be down e.gain by
The quotations for ewes are front
$3•25 to $3.46 per cwt.
Labs are worth front 153.50 to $3--
90 per cwt.
Culled sheep are selling from $2 to
$3 each,
Bucks fetch from $2.5o to $2,75 pen.
Calves are worth from $2 to $to
Oct. 7th.-eThe receipts of eggs are
. fair, there' is a good demand and the •
market is steady at 17c for strictly
choice fresh gathered. Chips are quot-
ed .a.t rte to lac and setonds tze to -•
13c per dozen.
offerings are not large
but there is a better demand .and, the
• market ie firmer.. 'Cars on the track •
here are- quoted at 7oe to 72Xe. Po-
' tatoes out of store are held t
' Poultry-eThe offerings are fair, the
- deinaed is good and the market is
eteady 65e to ;on for dressed "
chickens and ducks at sbe to 70c for
live ducks,' soc to 6oc for live chickens
and 45c mid ;5oc. for live hens. Youtig
turkeys. are quoted at tic to lac Mid
•old at 90. • • .
Hops -Arc quiet Canada 19oe crop
axe, quoted at tic to t3e'end yearlings
• at 5c to ec. • , .
-' Thu Ca,opeestowd Freeman's Journal
of: October 2 says of hops : " The
• Price, offered here, 30c for thebest,,
does not at present cause any trans-
- actiens between;•groWers and dealers,„ •
In other parts of the country a few.
transactions at.3oc ha,Ve taken place."
Honey --Is steady. at Sc. to 84C • foe
'bulk and :frames are quoted at $1,50
to 5L75 per dozen. • • • '
Dried Apples -The offerings are light
and the market for job lots here has
not • opened yet. • Evaporates are
steady at 6Xe to .7c:. •
Beariseire dearer, owing to the .ser -
ions damage of the new crop; muCh •
of • whicle.has . not beep secured, the -
beans still lying. im the:ground' in the
'Acids. The market here fpr job 'loth
is higher at 5/.75 for handpicked and
1'1.65 ;for unpjekcd. . • • ' :
Nanrork, Oct, 7. -The demand is •
bettor and the market firth, Pea.
heanS, . arc now •quoted -at $2,r5 • for
choice and $1,6o $2.o5 for common
. -
to geed. - •
Baled. Hay -The offerings are Air
and there...Is a.good 'demand, but there
is • a clillicelty in • sectieing cars. The
inarked is steady...a.t.$9 for No:: t
othy ear n- s 'othe trite here.
Paled Straw -The demand is fair '
and the market is steady. Cars on •
the:ire* here are quoted, at $5 to
. McKinney -Bus's! 1V1instrels will. be
• the • attraction on Thursday evening,
"Oct.' x6th, in the town hall, Clinton.
McKinney Bros, have one of the best,
cleanest and reoSt up-to-date Min-
strel Productiotis in'the business. They• •
liayd their own orighial First Part .
production with:led The Coronation of
King Edward VIL introducing embas- •
•sadors of all nations, beautifully stag-
ed and Magnificently cost:tuned, a-
lone worth the price of admission.
Reserved seats for sale. at )1,f, D.• Pair
Co'S book store.
Col. lVforin, -registrar of Welland, is
dead. •
INIc;ah Hale, the Sault Ste. Marie
murderer, was sten at Echo Bay.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier opened the neW
Produce Exchange at Liverpool.
Thos. Daley, a farmer of Maidstone,
wee killed. on the railwoy.
'Sit Wilfrid and Lady Laurier . and
Mr. Fielding eailed from Liverpool on
the Lafve Erie for Canada.
Hamilton and Londou have appoint-
ed timnicipal comluittees to look after
a supply of fuel for the citizens. -
At St, John, N. B., Frank Higgins
was fiCirtCaCed to be hanged on Decem-
ber /8 for the murder of William Do-
The population of Ottawa is 61,137,
according to the iteseesment just com-
pleted, the increase oYer last year be-
ing 448
fe:evttal officers of the rst Imperial
Guard Regiment, Russia, have been
arrested for alleged conspiracy to kill .
the Czar, '
Thomas Kilroy, Wilidsor, agent.tot
the People's Life Insurance Cotnpatty
of Toronto, has been arrestect on a
charge of embezzlement. .
The investigation of the murder of
the boy, 'James W; Freeman, by Wm.
Chas. Ring began at kodftey. .King's
confession was admitted.
The Miners' Federation of 13ritain
has voted $5000 from the central tuna
for the striking American miners and
the districts of the organization W11);
also send colitributfOna,