HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-09, Page 44
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Editor and Proprietor
Hon. J. Israel Tarte, who has had
" his coat off .for the past couple of
ineinths, has now rolled up his sleeves
end is dealing out sledge hammer.
blows right and left at his opponents
of Free Trade proclivities. Instead ef
relenting Mr. Tarte is growing neore
vigorous each day and' is comintitcling
the alliance of Premier Ross of On-
tario Senator McMullen and other
erstwhile followers of Cobden. He is
proving the claim that the Conserva-
tive policy of "Canada for Canads
inns" is the only one that will be;
tolerated on this gide of the line and
in the columns of his paper, •1,a Pat-
tie, he scores his maligners in unmette-
ured terms. Every issue gives to the
world in general, and one of Mr;
Tarte's confreres in *particular, a
sharp lecture as to what should •be
dc,ne to conserve our industrial wel-
fare. As the heart to heart talks are
not to the liking: of those at whom
they are directed, and bitter retorts
Lre hurled back at the, unluckylleael o.
the Minister of PUblie Works, the
ministerial breach is widening and the,
difficulties of the Literal party are
At the present time the thoughts of
Free Trade Ministers turn towards
Europe and Laurier, and the hasty ac-
tion of the premier in winding up his
eflairs on the other side is without
doubt the result of an urgent appeal
for his return to the scene of trouble.
Just what Sir Wilfrid will be able to
accomplish time alone can decide.
Liberals vow that Mr. Tarte hes tak-
en advantage of his leader's abeence
to opens a campaign which has
wrought no end of -eiril to their party
cause, and they are denouncing the
" Master . of the Achninistre.tion" in
the press and in private as a danger-
ous political anarchist. Mr. Tarte's
only crime, however, seems to be that
. he will no longer consent .to remain
on the fence while the country is look-
ing for some evidence of advancement
on the part of the government and
in getting down on one 'side of it be
has forced his colleagues to drop, of.
on the other.
• •
That Liberals have reason to fear the
ill effects of Mr. Tarte's leap is be-
yond dispute. No matter. how • negot-
iations for a settlement are conilumed
nothing that can be done will restore
- cc nfidence in the ability of the. Leer-
ier government to deal with the fiseel
policy of the country in a fitting
manner. A government to be effective
must at Ieest be united in the open,.
In council and caucus irtdividual meni-•
bees may air their individual opin-
ions, but if the country is .to :have
confidence in their ability to discharge
their duties in a proper spirit alit.
mate unanimity is an essential' ele•
'neut. In a country like -Canada we:
cannot endure Free Trade -Protection
rule. Industry can survive just ao.
much of that form of government and
no more, and Mr. Tarte realties that
six years of hypocrisy in dealing, With
the tariff is ample.
Under Liberal rule imports from
the United States have grown . from
561,649,041 in 1897 to 5120,809,956 in
1902. Lur markets are flooded and
our manufacturers ana their employ- .
ees are being robbed of a home mar-
ket to which they have an inherent
right. Mr. Tarte has pronouticed for
a discontinuance of this evil. .He
must servile: and carry with him ;the
support of associates or must. retire'.
There can be no one half measure ;as.
dopted to tide over the dillicalty..
That would mean even greeter distrust
In Canada's future. So long as 'the•
government is unsettled .in its pro-
gram so long will business suffer.
How is the crisis to be overcome ? Xt
really looks as if the days of •the
government are numbered. •
Mr. Justice McLennan and Mr. Jus -
sire McMahon sat at Osgoode Hall on
Friday last to arrange the slate for
election trials,
Mr. R. A. Grant appeared for the
Liberal's and Mr. Edmund trietol for
the Conservatives. Counsel agreed
that the following cases should be
heard at Osgoode nail three weeks
from Friday at io.e6 o'clock which
meansthat they will- likely be ills
missed :
East Hamilton-eneury Carscelleil
West Hatnilton-Maj. J. S; nendrie
Manitoulin -41 M. Fraser
Sonth Norfolk --Wm, A. Charlton
South Wentworth -John Dickenson
South Huron-Ifenry Either
South Bruce -R. E. Clapp
West Huron -M, G. Cameron
• Algoma -D, M. Brodie •
C. Simcoe-A. fl. Thompsoli,
In all but South Wentworth atict
West Huron there ate crose petitione,
J I 1011101 1, 11111
The sen, formerly organ of the it -
10115 of huh stry, says :
41 The breech between Mr. Tarte and
the mase of the Libetals- is May wide
and it, is difficult to see how a „goy-
ertertent of which he is ti" member ..eari
vontinautt the •eonfidence of the Lana,
-als Ontario and the West."'
If anything 'ehould happen to Laur-
ier the Premiership - would go .a.beg-
gieg so tar as Ontario is concerned.
Quebec late Tarte, Nova Scotia has
Fielding, New Brunswick has Blab',
the• Northwest has Silton, but Ontario
'tee nobody.-Goderich Siguat.. '
Mr. .and Mrs: John Newcombe - of
Goclerich were in the village on Mon-
'Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman of Eg
luiriodioulyv.ille were in the Village on •Sa
Mr. Iferiey. Sperling .left on Montle.
to visit his parents in Georgetown.
Mre. Yellend is. spending a couple o
weeks with. friends at London.
: Miss Ray McGee .of Toronto arrive
home on Monday evening to. spend he
Mrs. Jaineg • reegnson gave a: part
on Monday -evening to a, few .of he
. • • - -
The following trent Bayfield, attend
ed the .sale 01 ponies at Clinton o
Monday : Dr,• female, Thos, Stinson
Robert Rouatt, and - fhornas Stephens
The two latter purchased Otte each.
Wilt, White, the great comedian of
Toronto, is billed to appear -here ou
show night, Oct.- r5th.
Miss Nellie Card of •Toronto is .honie
on .• - • • .
Mr. •Frank Edwards returned- last
seer& after spending a couple of weeks
.visiting -Mends in Londou and Strath-
roY. • .
Stnith is • .Visiting friends.
in Goderich at present. ',
• Mrs,. Frank Edwands left • on Wed-
neeclay tO visit friends et.Beetin.
*We • have the Sed dety ef: recordieg
the - • death on Sunday.. of. Mrs. Mary
Westlake, aged 92 • years.. • Mrs. . ..West-
lake was Ore .of the old settlers on the
Sa,uble . Line' and hes - b.eCst in ,feeble.
health for some time,. Of -late years
and • until the day. of her cleatli she
had lived with Mrs.. • Suowden. HO
dea,th .was not unexpected as she ,has
been bedtase for some. time, Her see -
mates' were followed to their last rest -
ng place in D.ayfield: cemetery by her
many friends. • The •sereice was .• e011 -
ducted by Rev, CS-jenningse • • .
'Mr. S. -P. 'Boyd- Of Toronto .visited
friends in town last 'week. '
Dlr. John McKinley -a the Goshen
Line, accompanied by his daughter,
Miss Nebel, spent a feve days last
wee e Barrie as guest$ of the f.ir-
Imes brother, Rev. George McKinley.
On Wednesday ol last week Rev.
C. Jennings of B43/field visited at the
home of 111r. John Sharp.
lUr.George Mitchell of the Babylon
Line u mg a silo.
011 Monday last Mrs. Alex. lt.'ilson
of Boeton was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs, W. geys of the Babylon Line
on her way to attend •the W. M. S.
convoution in Clinton, •
Mr. end Mrs. limy • Erratt, ,of the
Parr Line were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Joltustou oue day recently.
Mr. Ed. Centelon of Clinton spent
a few days last week visiting her
iritnd, Mrs. John Sharp of the Baby-
lon Line.
Mrs. 1'. Stineon lett on Thursday on
a visit to her brother, Mr. James
Dewar of Kincardine.
Messrs. R. J. Greet and Robert
lemma brought a pair of bronehos at
Clinton on Monday.
Mrs. Charles .lonuston, accompan-
ied by Miss Georgina Johnston, were
itt Seaforth the forepart of the week
on e •.
Mr, W. J. Stinson brought home
his iietv Steel King windmill on
-Airs, Westlake, Sr., died on Sunday
- at the residence of her daughter, Mrs,
t- Snowden, at the ripe old age of ninety
y two years.
Ur. George King had rather an un-
. pleasant experience on-SundaY night,
f. While going along. the road with e
pail of milk for his calf he was run.
d into by a young couple with a horse
✓ and buggy. The wheel of the buggy
t>truck the nail, scattering its con-
y tents over the occupants, George says
✓ he would not care only :the wrong
calves got the 'milk. .
- Miss Janie Johnston was the guest
11 Of Miss Eva Wallis of Goderich town-
ship last :Week. ••
.A • meeting' of. the congregation of
Luke's church was held laet weeic to
eOneicler the repairing of the • founda-
tient of the elated'.
• 'Mrs. C. Waeman of .the Ieondon
Road is on a three weeks.' vieiteto
friends in Melting 'and .Saginaw,
• Rev.. Mr. Steadman of Point Ed-
ward Was in the neighborhood several
days during the past week 'visiting
old -friends. He was on. his Way to
Stalin where' he preached lanniversaty
sermens on Sunday -----------
• . • ' .
Miss. Mary •Nott, is ',visiting Detroit
friends: . •
Mr. Will.•,Stanbury left on Saturday
lest for .a• two weeSs' visit with his
sister, Mrs. Robert Hunter of. St. Jos-
eph Island.. • • . • - . • • '
Mrs.. Grant has returned. front her
'visit. to the Western. States where she
was the guest .of her son, Dr.. Grant.
Mrs. Jos, Townsend spent the 'pa.st
Week with •her. brothers, aecsiirs. 'Geo,
and Wire Stanbury of the London
Road. •' . • •
Miss R... Waldron of the London
kciad. arid Mr. R. -Fair of Kington
were. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sat -n-
iter- Chowan Cleneleboye on Friday
leista :
Mr. .and . Mrs. Will. Townsend took
in • the . fall' excureion •to. Saginaw,
Mich. ••1111ile 'there. they "were • the
guests of Mr. and: mrs. Newton elicit.
Corn cattingds• the order of the day,
1101.41LESVILLE: .
Rev. :Shoat/ of lientniller called on
.Rev. J, Hussar on Menday. '
Misses A. Steplienscm and B. atans
ley visited :friends in Tuckeismith
Saturday and Sunday.'
Mr. 0. C. Willson of Seaforth Spent
several days in our village this week.
Quite a few from here attended the
W .111. S. 'con ention in Clinton tide
week, Lite delegates were Mrs. .7.
linssar and 'Mrs. Leech, the dietrict
organizer. • • .
Mrs. D. Holmes and' children and
Mrs. Wm.. 1-folmes Of ,Goderich Visited
Mrs. Holmes op Saturday,
• •
Mr. Alms. Jenkins is • con,fincd to his
tOorn through illness, bitt we hope for
his: epeedy recovery,. , •.
Mr, and' Mrs. George.'llanley.'of
Clinton- are the • gtteSts of Mr, and
Mrs. Milleie-Harristori• Tribune.
Mr. it. • G: priecipal of the
•Siiiretnerltill school, has again item re-
engeged • and. ,ae token of appreeins
:Hatt his salary has been inereased to
'the extent Of twenty flee dollars..Mr.
Reid is not only • ait efileient teacher
but he is as well. popular throtieliout
the Seetiott. , • •
Miss • Teesie .Ten'tina. of this -town
ship 'and Mise Leithwaite of Goderieb
heve. been an a trip to Chicago.
Mr. • Daa. Glieldou has tanned froth.
a. visit. 16 hie brother in We.stern
arid 78 More .than ever • of .the
opinion sthat Harem is: .the. fittest:re"
.oaradise, • Me says .that if:oilseeds, of
acres Illinois -and aeldoitilitg Matte
are under wet and Om the cern is
naperfeetly., olentl, • The larinere 112
those states will not 'fare. any too
tvell tide fall. Mr. Gliettlon's brothel
lives :owe sixty ntilee froin Chicago
aitd every :itiornieg ships to the.' city
the milk from his Iva my five' cotes:
he milk retails at 8 cents per quail.
Municipal tnattere are, being dise•uss-
somewhat and there tvill prabab4
•several new canclidetees in the field.
mong the •names mentioned thee...
Mr, John rotd,' a capable, all..
end man.. Ile would malte 'dies:,
nt member of the council. • '
The. News-Retord will. be, sell to
any address until the •crid 14oefar
one •fifteen months for onevtlek
ler. •
Mr. R. sWappecl ,itis
roan iiri.tvr with Mr, W.. .uason or
Illyth. The roan TS a beauty and Mr. •
Mason may well lie proud of it. lVfr.
Jenkins,' prestut driver is a good one,
but not quite as spirited as the roan,
Master Edward Jenkins, who has. -
been .coillined to Ilia for the 'past .
tife; •Weeke, ie again able tO be ••ont,,
• A
It is rumored that Addington and , je
Stormont, the date of trial for which
Is the gist, will be tratisferred to
Toronto and dismissed, also. This
leaves but eaven cases Of a Est of _49
petitions and 17 cross petitions to be
The es.rnings of the '0, T, fat the
last week in September were nearly
$r 000peo, the largest in the history
pt roaciA,
AniOng the R. Straughear
'of Colboine' is at death's door.,
R., T. Erratt is- little better, but An-
nie Jeobie is geitting, etrength, • •
' Anniversary services Will hall
at Weetfield • next- Sabbath, followed
by. the, custorna.ry tea-tneetieg the
Monday evening following, Sidi's
church, Base, Line, holds an entertain-
ment 1VI•ouda.y of this week-.
Rev.: Small preached on the " Coue.
ies" of ' the Bible last Sabbath.. .
The Presbyterian' miel-steick 'prayer'
meeting- has been changed, to e.30 in-.
stead of .8 ot.cloCk c/11. Wednesdey • ev-
.ening, Ihey are studying the. gospel,
"A: lame, Matt, • Rev. Galloway, : eccus
pies the pulpit of Knelt church next
Siindey, niornieg stud iney. take •En-
'deaver in the :evening. • . ..• :
The •• Trustees of U. S. S. No. 5,..
.Hullett, bald a sneeting lest Friday
night, Miss W. Thouipsen of- the june
ior' • d,epattersent ..purposea Norrnalling
at London with the New' Year,
Min Cora Is erguson, . teacher of • the
village, goes to.Ottawa -on, a siniilar
..quest.••.: . .
Norman: Beaver of. Crecheoit is -with
IIS•again, teking his' old' post 'in .eur
flour • .
• ,111r: Sleep: • Nicholson ' ha a reterned
from •the ',West and reports harvest
Plenteous and labOrera few. •
, PotatoeS considerable rot ,•a-
snonget them in these Parts: . •
s Prost is now :no new. thing altlidugh
not very biting as ets • •
Francis' R.... 'Mut 11 returned to re-
sume her studies at• . Toronto' Met
week,' •
-• Rev. kr. is 'the preath in the
Stethcaliat ehurch next Sunday main -
Mg. , • - • • • :
:Miss 'Carrie :Mills was. visiting. .ciet
at Blyth •a few days eeceittly, •
Miss E. A. Arthur took a trip to
the Soo to visit her relatives • there,.
Miss Lettie• Whitney retarned to
Toronto after spending is few Weeks at
her inother's. . • • •
• Dr. F. Turiabull and his sister, Mrs.,
NelSon, and •ehthlre"n took in' the: wecls
di -ng of' their brother, Dr. Jas. 14::
Vont/till of .Goderich. • • • • •
Me. R. Medd has botight out Mr,
Williane Davidson and Mr. Davidson
has bought out Mr. George Whitney.
. Miss Carrie,, Youngblut -return..ed
front Goderich last week.. . •
'• The volunteers returned Irina Niag-
ara last Saturday, load report having
had 'a good time.
The financial tepOrt of the Witigham
Methodist thiirch .foe the year ending
3leay.,3est has been priuted: -.From the
report we ,gather - the • following :
Total membership �f church 450. • 17
• members were, .teceiv,ed during the
yeer arid there were 57, retiovals,
.The total ieceipts up to July'. isth,
2;02, to the new church buildiug fund
was /b8,525,29. ene egivsorth Lea.gue
" •
has. a membership 'of lis 'and the Jun-
ior League 86. Six members of the
church were called away by death dur-
ing the year. .1 its total inoniee raised
for all purpOses up to . July, est weie
as follows : Quarterly. (Metal 'maid
$1,,o56,3o, Trustee hoard 5656.54„new
church beibling fund for • last ,confer.
'ence year $4,229, Epweith Lengues
f 434.56, Sueday school, $204./6, Lad
its' Aid Society $726.87, Miseumary
lend r:358.41 ; for other •funds $/76.29.
Our esteemed young lowest -nail, Ur.
Alex. Ritchie, left for a 'trip to
1 errysburg, Ohio, on a. Very pleasant
missiois, and on October 1St Was hap-
pily wedded to Anse Francis .Webber
MeKell, only daughter of the late A-.
The tua,rriage cereinelly • was
erformed- Ly the Rev. 0, A, • Adams
at the resiitence of, Captain J.' A.
Rogers. in the town above .inentioned.
A. Marini/1 but quiet weddingsgrae-
ed the home of Mr, geld Airs,- JetineS
Duffield on•Wednesdey week when. their
daughttr, Mitts Jelnlin Clair, Was. u11 -
De& in marriage to Mr. Gee. Roe,
the populer host of Queen's, hotel.
Promptly at 12.30, as the wedding
march was heing elayed by Mies
elottekton, the contracting partics
rLsented themseiVeS before Rev, W
Low, 'who with the impressive rituai,.
of the English Church, tied the nup-
tial lelot.. 1 he 1 rule was prettily
gowned aka was attended only by her
little niece, Dorothy Heath, as flower
Mr. P. n. Kerney,. who has been en-
gaged in the bath ring business in
ttinglisan for some tine ye in, 'sold
his business last 'week to Mr. Itat•rett,
of Brussels. The 0 w roprietor is
now in sea:Mon. 111r. Kerney
recently pin•chesed a farm ift Morris
and see en 'eretand that 1 e will coin-
tiettee feinting' neat epritig.
School conimeueed again on Monday
14bsitiss Alice Tisdale returtad last
week from North Dal otu where she
Las hen sPentliug ,the eurunier.
/firs. Albeit Stem is slowly 'tactic -
ming 'from her long sickness, we are
glad to say.
aSgaiminon—Dow is .able to be a-
Corn cutting and filling silos is the
"order of the nay.
A mother front here intend to take
. Oct Blyth :glow on Wednesday.
The trustees of Pounybroole school
itila:eyeasre.cered bliss Sarah E. Reid of
Stanley to teach for the balance of
Mr. David Tisdale visited at Mr.
Jsenes Robieson's on Sunday.
Mr.. a.. Thompson was with the vole
uuteers in camp at Niagara -on -the.
The emsons are busily engaged put-
ting up a • Stone foundation for Mr,
George Tisdale's new barn..
Mr, Edward Plowman spent Sunday
at Mi.. K.
Mr, and Iffes. "James Robinson visit-
ed at Mr John111"11 ' one
:.week. • • 1 'last
.. Read the News -Record. for home
in the midst of relatives and a few
intimate .friends a quiet but pleasant
event took place the evcning of Sept.
-24th, at the Cape Croker parsonage
- when .the Rev. Glazier %tinted in
marriage his fourth daughter, Anne.
Louise teacher at Purple Valley, with.
David 'Alian .of Alma. • -
- • The wedding march. was played. by
. Miss Edna Inonard :pi Wierten e and
as the' clock etruele eight the- bridat
party' took their places.
• The bride tool•ed hancleonie, attired
in white cashmere ttlnerned with white
and epplieue, end Caeried aboquet
of cream roses.
The laridesineist -was Zee ,Era
.sister of the bricle, who wes dress-
sci catried
biOnqtwiethitoesilk f g4rIly(114tlitledri
•The grocim was assisted by. his:
friend, Mr. Will, Jermyri• of Cape
Croker. . . . .
. . .
After the cerenecinY and the .equgrate
Mations the -.tasteful .supper Was en-
joyed b - all. The- --The' avenin was dea
•antly • sYpent . in • eonvergsagtioh, - miusi:',.
Me, '. . • . . -
The many beautifni and aseltil- pres-
ents •.show the high, esteem .in which •
the. young couple .are .held by their -
Meny friend's.
The treat clay Mr. and Mrs. Allan ,
left for their 'future home at Rat j
;Portage, going from ()Won Sound by
steamer Athabasca. The good wish-
es of their numerous- friencle follow
them. •
-A quiet ;but 'pretty wedding •took
place at • Endyne," 'the residence. of
-Alexaltrleisfair of CranbroCik, on :Tues-
day, .Sept, 36th, when his daughter,
Miss •Jean, was, married •to Dr. J.. L:'
Turnbull . of Gealerich... 'The ceremony
te-as perfoyined in front of •:e bat* of
asters and ferns by 'Rev.. D. .H: Me-.
Rae, in the .presence of the relatives
;and a few 'Militate. frieuds of the: con-
tracting parties. • The bride ..loOked
pharoting in a gown of White dtichesse
satene en erein, over taffeta-, trimmed
.with exquisite Brussels lace . and :fluted
chiffon. She we're the cestonsary brid-
al veil with 'oraege blossonis,• caught -
with a butterfly tel BrusselS .ancl
earried • creatn roses. The bridemaid,
Miss Aggie •McNair, sister . cf thee
bride, • *ore cream.. Crepe de chene, •
trimmed with: ecru • cniipu:re and' green•
velvet ribbcine:and carried. pink roses.'
Little. :Jessie Neilson, niece ,of the
groom, acted as .flower: girl •and . was
'dressed in a pretty little gown .of
white Silk trimmed with valeuciennes
lace •and ca.rried besket of pink :cars
hations. The. grootn was ateencle,d .by
Jiis•brother, Dr:• Frank , Turnbull of.
Anberti. .After the. eeremony .0. dejen-
uer wee served, after. which the hapPy...
couple. left son. . the 3.30. train .frotte
Bruseele for • News Yoek and 'Beetenie
The: bride's going' asva-y ,gown was a
heavy blue tailor inede opening •over a '
blouse • of white silk, with hat to
match, . Many good wishes: wnr:f9tIov
Dr, and Mrs. Turnbell for a. happy •
and prosperous life,. • .. • • '
, The • Grand- „Ivry at the namilton
Asitzes.. found -two Itue bills ,against
'Contractor G. .8. Brest/tea for at-'
tempted • bribery- 'of civic officials -in
comtecticin with Itis' coat contract,.
Right Hen. Joseph Chamberlain:has
• asked. Lord . Minto , to convey to his
'Ministers 'the thatiks • of his 1VIajeety'S
government lor .arrenging • a military -
contingent to. take part in the Coron-
ation ceremonies. . _ . •
Mrs. O. Hill has been visiting her
friend, Mrs. Nelson Bingham of Rich-
mond, •Mich., for many years a resi-
dent of this sc•ction.
Mr. Jelin Hill has been a little un-
der the weather for a few days.
Mr. John Smith of the 161.11 con.
visited, friends iu Bay City, bliela
We are glad to see that Mr. S.'Low-
ery. has much improved in health and
we hope lie .will shortly be as well as
usual again.
Miss Jennie Sprung of Goderielt was
the guest of Miss Mattie Malian on
e Treble of Goderich is
spending a feet/ days with, her brother
Charles of Cedar Valley.
'We are sorry .to say that Mrs. Rob-
ert Straughan is in a critical state at
present. filie received. another Para-
cl:ttlirecits,Tnelte on Friday last and the
Mr. Slaw will start revival services
doctors have slight hopes of her re-
. .
Good is getting around again after
We are glad to say that Mr. Edward
no Tuesday evening tieStt in Bethel
• 11,1r. John Walters of Saltford lost a
will ring in Saltiord in the near futs
4 Dame Rumor says the veedding bells
fine horse the past week. It was
having been laid up for a couple of
suite a
boss to 'Vit. Walters.
Death • has • visited. this locality
. once more. Mrs. Gardiner of the 4th
cote passed into the gee'at beyond at
, the age of 68 years. She leaves
is bereaved' husband, three daughters
and one son to mourn their Joss. The
funeral took place. on Wednesday afters
noon et one •o'clock to Dungannon
cemetery where the remains were laid
in their last resting places The ber-
eaved husbaud and tainily have. the
sympathy of the whole comreunity in
this their tittle of sorrow,. .
Mr. Folfand of Clevelaud paid a fly-
. Mg visit to friends in the village. His
mother, Mrs. CooPer, returned with
him to spend' the winter. .
•• Que of those pleasant events took
Dlace:at the residence of Mr. Richard
Anderson when elclest daughter,
Miss -J. Nettie, was alarried to a
Vomiter young • oftener, Mr. Jos.:
Brown. The ceremony was performed'
by 'Rev. Mr. Mfisgrose. The. bride wits
assisted by ,Miss Marquis, While -the
grotern was stipported by his brother.
'Both • contracting parties .are
thought Of, which • was shOwii by. the
. valuable presents that 'wee r•eceived.
'• Mr. Hugh' Mecilonald of Staffa vis-
ited his sister one day last week.: • .
Mies Edna. Staples' of Seafortle vis-
ited- friend's ire the village last week.
. bite :Edwin Britton., left. on Tuesday
for a ittonth'S •visit to Idaho. 'He
goe.s with •141r.. George Coats, • who is
letting theee carloads of sheep' with
He -was :formerly a resident, of
this place. •, • •• •
Mr. and Mrs. w.. Cole. are visiting
their 'scins •at Ethel. • ' '
Next Sundey 11Tt. W. G. Webb ' of
Lontleshoro ival take s the 'service in.
-the afternoon. Rev'. Mt. Kennedy
takes tile' Clinton appointment to al-
low Rev, Mr.• llfartning to preach .au-
nieereary sermens ,Londesbato. •
. • . . .
' Liziie took, Who' has . beeti
, visiting friends • in. Manitoba for •the'
past two inonths, has returned .htnite.
' Ineknow Fair cause. Off- last ',ffiturss.
•clay and was :feerly good. .. • •
Rev. P. Deteit conducting revival.
servicesat Hope church, *
The. S. S.. conlention in conneetion
with the Ashfield circuit Was held In
Hope . charehtlast • Tuesday :and was
largely • iitteeded -althbugh the weath-
er .was• anythinginit nice. .
• Mr. S. W. Cook; who has been' in
the.: West:tor' the ..past year, • returned'
1,1.me,.ae,t; Thursday. ' • •
Mies. L. Cooke ad MrG.carter
have• been visitiii• in 'Clinton and vic-
, n, •
. .
" McKinney Br, played • t� a packs
tat house last night at the Grand. -•
They are the lieSt Minstrel Coinpany
that has visited • Kingston for 'years
and- some of their acts the best ever
seen alt a local stage.. Their Cprona-
• tion Pleat Part is a revelation and is
really something new and original
minetrelsy. They will repeat their
production.tonight. and will no doubt
have tne 5, R. 9. sign hung out." -
Kingston Whig. , • '
The McKinney Bros. wills appear 'in
thestonet hall, Clinton-, on Thursday,
•04. loth.. • .
Title trophy, which ie" valued at $25, has been presented to the Gun
Club by the Sovereign Bank, The highest aggregate Wino it and when
wen Ave ones it becomes the property of the competitOti
October 9th 1902
lay.ea.,wwts, gab dinilikolr. -i#111AbilkoW "to- 4s.Allselboltlo
Whole, Ground and Mixed spices
All kinds, fresh and full strength
By the oz., lb, or package.
RPpnascatavioN Ef STORE 0
. . Reekie, litTso...to Sydney .1nokson.
IT, B, Corks, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings.
# aseeee-asaisselasesieaftesaSilielliellee'll&els-Issellle lassiteeinialseeseeeseaseeesaetealia
i New Fall Goods at
WM. Taylor and Son's
A dall Solicited
We sell everything in
"Modern Footwear"
Our sock is equalled by
few and. excelled by natio
Special values in long boots
I,Ve shall be pleased to show
you our stock and give
you our prices. It might
be money In your pocket,
Our :stock for the Fall
Trade is now complete, 'We
• ha've all the tritest styles
. Which we now (der et very
close prices for CASH,
We are sole agents in Clin-
ton for the KANT 'MACK
Robbers, Every pair guar-
Also Sole .Agents in Olin,
ton for the celebrated Gran-
by Robbers whieh haVe
stood the test. They are the
best in the market. Try a
pair end be convinced.
Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
•6••••:•••4••.***41144••••••••••4:44,4***0*.0.4.444 9.44
Witpw. You Vi -sit
Where you will see unsurpassed values in 'Millinery; Dread Goods,,Mant lea
1 .. and Mantle Cloths) Writ ppers 'and 'Writ ppetettes, BIOnsea, . Corsets, Bo, .
.siery, (Tnderwear, Blankets and Vornforters, • ' •
. • • BOOTS, • SHOES' ANI.) RfiBI3EHS ' .
: In the -Clothing Depart Ment we have'is large .a.sscirtinent of
• • • MeiesaYout hateind Boys' Ready -Made Sititietod Overcoats :
See our Witid and Rainproof 'Pea Jackets for Mao and , Hoye.. •.
In .otirKur Department you Will find it large'assort Ment of '• - '
' Ladies' Coate, Capes, Caperines, Mtiffe, KLAN, Gauntlets and Caps.. •
- • ••
. leletes: Fin, Coats in Coon; Martin, Wombat, Dog and Kangaroo .' •
Also a.leige range of Cape. •
•: • • Pretoria telook. I.
- !
1111R.011111011: Fuititurp. Bn UndOrtakitig flo
Rowe .& -Holloway
announee that they have
bought the Furniture and
Undertaking business of
Broadfoot & Box "and will
continue the same in the old stand.
Mr, j. Atkinson, who' has a
thorough knowledge of the lataii-
ness, will have charge of this
store and will also do all kinds
of repairing, upholstering, etc.,
at Very moderate peices.
A first class hearse in connection.
J. ATKIN'SON, IVIanager.
A. IVIcKown
Which is the desire of one and all.
Take the trouble of visiting Prof,
Dorenwend's private short/ rooms at
the Rattelibury House, Clinton,' on
Tuesday, Oetober Lithe and see the
many beautiful inventions in Styles
of Human. Hair Coverings, Wigs,
13atigs, Switches, Etc., and inspect his
new patent structure.
McKinney • Bros.
Advance sale of seats
at W. D. Pair
•••••••4•4 .
Prieto 35o, ne,
Come and see tny
rubber and solid
nieltie driving har-
ness before buying