HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-09, Page 309t bey 9tht 1,90k, 1•111112NPIWCWIHNII*0.0•9111.0.4 .**41P-'÷-00,-4t-'410-11--.."4-e4r,..*-4e10-4--41 1 Maud Percy7 s AtititOr a Hz:iv" , ll i Secret .f . „The UnSeen 4 Bridcer00121," 40 it+ BY MAY AGNES FLEMING 44A. Terrible ISecret," 1 4-410---•---•--41 •-•••-•-•-•-• 440. -4 -0 -40 -•-*-0-4--4-•- isa 44 du.amista4baseses•seaimhed24.0.M3411111•11)411114g0Affie11404,a4 thaws hendy. Aunt Prisciller will be ttat's not pleasant for a hunprotect- delighted to make your acquaintance, ed female to be. havin s a lot hot ds - 1 know." agreeable sailors. sutelline• of akuin -1 here will lie two childrento raid t Ar ttna Sit h• h8•9 .ir he couldret bring," said the gipsy, hurriedly; "I wait to be sea -sick hotter we'd lend. inest go for them. 1:ghi" And Miss Priscilla I or•ritea "Half price," muttered Mr. Tema Toosyeegs-for she it wknit up pegs, sotto voce, "what will „ Aunt her face in it bristle of the sourest Prisciller say?" tants. and punctuated her rather -I wit' meet you here by daybreak.. roe:terms ste ah by sundry pewee of the day after to -morrow," said the . tho 'nest intensely acid character. gipsy, stopping suddenly. "Will ' To deacriltethat. voyage is not MY you come?" e intentien; suftee it to say that it Was -Why certainly," responded Mr. an unustiallysepeedy one. On the fol- Toosyjegs, "I'll be In this precise lowing mooting the gipsy laid 4P - spot by daybreak the day after to- .peared on deck, with little lioninie, morrow, though I don't approve of Whose gentle. Leauty• ettritctecl uni- early rising as a general thing; it versal attention; as her nurse's dark, ain't nice at all." stern, moody face did fear and dread. "Very weil, I will be here - you Many hands Were held out for her, need come with nie no farther," said and Natura willingly gave her. 'up, Kettu.a, dismissing him with a wave . end ;consented to, pie request of a of her hund; and ore he could expos-, pleasant -faced young girl who .ofTercd ttilate tit this summary dismissal,' to take charge 'of her until they she tut nad a corner anti elisappe-ar.edshould land. Master Raymond . had 'Slott nit hi a trusty messenger was already betome mean° favorite with dispatched by Ketura to the gipsy all on board, more particularly with camp for little Raymond, wao ari•iv- the sailors„' and could soon run like ed the following night. His•free gipsy a, monicey np the shrouds into the life scented to agree wonderfully well rigging. At, first he condescended to with that young gentleman. Five patronize Enuinie occasionally; . but years old now he was tall and well on discovering. ehe 'could not climb grown for his age, could climb the --in fact, ceuld not even, stand . on • terror; little Erminie, terrificel.by the enotigh of. this singular address to noiSeS began to cry; Master R mond . know Miss Toosypege wished tor a highest trees like a squirrel, set bird her feet properly -he began to look- • yelled to the. dogs at the topethis nre, her dinner, and her ' nephew. An traps and rabbit snat•es, and was us down on her with a eon, of 'Ioity . - ' • • lungs' and plunged headforemost in old woman, therefere, In a guady 1 it he, stipple, and active as a young contempt...On the fifth day, Mr. To6- Madra,s turban, acheaneed, . and led deer. The eyes of Ketura lit up with sypegs •reade his appeas•arice on deck, the way up a, rickety flight of. steirs pride as she gazed upon him; and a walking skeleton. for the first time the idea occurred • As every ; one •but Miss Priscilla • into. • a tomfortless looking room,. • to her that he might live to avenge laug•hea at him, and she scolded hint• his father's wrongs when. she was unmercifully, the unhaPpy•young Man dead. She tiould. bring• him up • to. • was 'forced to.fly tor r•elief to Kama, hate all the house of De Courcy; whose. silent grinuiess was quite - de - that hate should grow wIl•h his lightful compared With either. of :the growth until it should become the Others.. Feeling that she • owed • him one ruling passion and aim of hie • something kir his kindness, she- lis - life, swamping, by its very intensitY, tenet] in . siltrice to. all- his aoleful every other feeling. . 'ecimplaints, and. this so SvPri . upon , Master Raymond, who seemed quite the • •easeeptible heart of that tinfor- as chary of cat•esses as his grand- tantate -youth,. that' he ..contracted mother herself, met her with a. good quite an•affeetionfor her -just • as a deal of indifference; but no sooner lap -dog has been known to. - mEike did he see little Erminie, than, a rash friends. with a tiger before now. •• - and violent attachment was the i•es • "What do you intend to do, . when . . . THE MINTON ZIF.417M-REICORD became *molten into a foaming tor- rent, Mire the aim MAW penetrated; no living ereatUre wee te be eeen.' and a more gloonaY and dieneal siPtet Could, hardly have heen found in the Wide world. Even the g•ipsy queen looked round • with a Sort of etill amaze that any one could be found to Wee here, %dents MISS Priecilia, elevated both hands in horror, and in the die- inaY oi the mornent was surprised into the profanity of exelairning: "Great Jeraimil" "It's the uglieet old place ever was, and I won't go there!" reiterat- ed Master ReYniond. is rather dull looking now," said Mr. Toosypeg0, apologetically "but Wait till we get it fixed up a little, after a spell. The niggers have let thi,ligs go to waste Since I went disgust ininteaSusa Y eg ee, e o use ess negroes an same Rely blue eyes au r; Mise Priecilla. gathered up her own eating them out of house and home, there all resentblance ceased., The away. "IlusnIshi Should think they had," I muddy skirts and marched, like she game a sharp assent, at iast, to look of saucy drollery on her face Said Miss Priscilla, with a disdainful loaded rifle all ready to go off, into her nephew's arrangement, • was replaced on his by a cartein Early next morning, Ur. Toosy- fierce pridc-an expression at once sniff. "Nothing but treeses, and a long, bleak, chill, littered hall. rockses, and mountainses split hin MU a dozen frightened darkeys pegs. Ketura, Raymond, Erminie and • haughty and diving. He was hand - two; bane what your blessed father, were crouching in the farther corner, the negress, Lucy, entered the wa- some exceedingly, with regular, class- whieh Iles ..now a hangel in some and eel these Miss Priscilla, turned, gon, and turned their backs upon - ical features, a perfect form, and had nasty, stvampy graveYaxd, Could j the muzzle. of tho rine, and St sharp Dismel Hollow. that mark of high birth, the small have been thinking habout, . with volley of oddly -jumbled up sentences Halt an hour's drive through a for.; and exquisitely -shaped ear, and thin est -road, all aglow with the leafy . curvirig nostril. Erect he set in hie that 'maid little river before the went off in tones of keenest irony. splendor of early July, brought them saddle, like a young prince of the to the seashore. Far removed front blood. any other habitation, stood a pretty "Bon matin, Monsieur Ilaynatmd1" little whitewashed cottage, a. little shouted the girl, as he gallantly fairy bandbox of a place, on a bank above the sees nestling like a Pear' breeze lift,his, dark locks. "I thought raised his cap and let the morning set in emeralds as it gleamed through the sun Would not find you in bed blueberry anckreanberry vines speead the first morning after your return wide, dry, arid expanse, overrun with hnceisinseli..ndHyoowit.rdsoolefsrrur serene high - a. wilderness of vines and shrubs. A before the door toward the north, as "In excellent .health. and spirits. far as the eye could reach. Far in I'm very much obliged to you -as the distance, they could see a Mtge our ft•iend Mr. Toosypegs would house, of • a dazzling whiteness, un- .say," answered Master Itaymon•d, for in the full glare of• the hot sun, daze'. he it is, as he laughingly rode up be- . shaded by tree or Vine,' as it stood side her. "Where's.Ranty ?" zling the eye of the••gazer. This, "In bed. That fellow's as lazy as• Mr. TesosYpege •gave them to under- sin, and would rather lie there, . stand; was the "White Squall," the sleeping like some grampus, than residence °et Admiral Hevenful; and enjoy a ride over the hills tho finest the dry plains. spreading into the disittorning - tance were very „appropriately known as the ''Barrens." South and . east,. a dense forest shut in the view; and • • "How do you know grampuses are .dtho1. at ever was." • ' • fond of sleeping'?" said Raymond-. know'?" said the girl, to the west spread out the boundless In a high key, getting somewhat in - that Might have startled a Shawnee raft" front the first, was equally alt-, along over the Moor, holding the Wien, Seized Mr. Toosypego, Who ;rioter to be rid 01 thein. Miele lightly in one heed, and had shut his 0Yes and composed hina- Late that evieringasalr. Toosypegs eelf for death again, •seve an ocette returned, with the statisfectery newt; sional splutter as the mud went down that he had obtained the cottage, inth his throat, and swinging him which, heloug•ed, he informed them, to over his sheulder as tf he had been a certnin Adintrul Ilavenful, who, denly that he nearly reared upright, a limp towel, rushed with him ire not haviug any particular use for It and then, lifting her little silver triumph into the hoUSe, himself, said they might have it rent bugle again to her lips, she blew a "Ire won't dead, then, halter free. The cottage was furnished, blast that echoed in notes of clearest. said miss priscine, sharply, just as it had been left by its last melody fer over the heath. in a voice that Seemed. made of steel- tenant; and Mrs. Ketura might pitch This time her signal was answered springs. "Well, I never I Going and her tent there, with a safe elellecience --a loud shout iron]. a spirited voice irightning respectable parties bout as fast as she liked. Met her eser, and in another instant their wits with 'orrid black nigger's; "You had better take one of the another aeter appeared upon the firing hon bog pistols. hand cannonS; servants with you, too," said Mr. scene. lying there in the mud making be- 'Toosypegs, good-naturedly. I think He. too, was mounted, and rode Amalgam., jauntily, a safer -mounted ricling-whip in Lite other. • As she reached the centre Of the Moor, she reined in her horse so.sud- "1 111111100.8001110amilmillell Breathing Disease. !MUM diseases are breathed into he system from Ouse affeeted with d ase or from bad smelIC yet how man women b eathe daily the offeneive a • = re. •• eoremen 008•Pa Made trona ra 4 s, and keep their hands for hou • ouch. solut10110, and the clothing from such soap suds is Worn next the tender skarn No wonder disesse and eczema are preValent Users of Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar -know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell front the vegetable (ale and pure edible fats in Sunlight Soap, 208 8 neve dead; halal shooting me some- Lucy will de as well as any." his horse well. Iitt was a telt, slot- . • where -for I eels feel the balls hinside Miss Toosypegs frowned at nrst : der stripling. of about fifteen, and in - as._ . but remembering, upon. second SUMP ways; not unlike the girl. Ile "Afnzdae.W'ith •her usual look of sour thought, that there was alreadY a had the stone dark complexion, the • hi It 1 ht n d .1.b f 1 d dogs,. . Is d 1 i but deter, to bUita 'ouse in sich a, spot, which must hoverflow }Avery time hit rains, his more than can tell - drowning hue hie our beds as :it will be sure to do, some fine morn.. Jag or bother. Wahl wall!" And with this final expression of disgust, given in a tone' of scorn no words can express; the ancient virgin • suf- fered herself to be hafided from the Wagon by her dutiful nephew. The noise of wheels--:•ittsiery unusual noise -brought some half score of lean, hungry looking curs from some. unseen region, who in- stantly began a furious yelping and barking Miss Priscilla. set Up a; series of short, itharp little sereame and jumPed upon a roek in mortal "Yes; you may stand there, you Inigly black leeches, hatter shooting us bevery one-tholigh looks .4in't hof no consequence in this 'great place; hand hif you don't get 'ung for it scene day, my. name hain't Priscilla, Toosypegs 1 Perhaps you'll show me where my nevvy his, which you've ehote so nicely, hand make a fire, barter keeping bus rolling hin the mud, getting our death. hof cold in this 'orrid cold house, which, being a respectable female, .handsnot a pig, hain't used. to; hand Ilasuorica, mnd hain't the uicest thing I ever saw for to eat; so maybe you'll get bus some dinner. and show • me to 'where my nevvy is, hif you please." The terrified servants understood among thorn; Mr. Toosypege went through all the phases of the poten- tial moode-"exhorting, entreating. sea. . said. Mr at dignant. I know Net y we ley with a damp unwed odor, where op_ Toosypeg•s,• in a mysterious whisper, - sire's talking- about Hollander 'sleep- - ''•Now, atz•s. Nettit'a," commanding". -and s, generel uproar . , . • are 1 • Doesn't Miss Toosyhegs, When. ensued that ,weuld liave shamed Be- . a bed, ley the mortal: remains. cif • 0.• J.1 • The .hubbub and din roused :the in- mates, at last, as it might very easily have done the Seven •Sleepers C. Toosypegs, . with •the darkey- "you•ean t live upon green vines and ' whoa • name •I tna,y as well say at im a most • bluelserries, nor yet you can't •stay tri once was Cupid --giving h this cottage from morning till night, 'Vigorous rubbtrigs which extorted you know, though I dare say Aunt_ themselves.. A sluffiling of feet was frein the dead matt sundry groans Priscilla, thieks you can. Therefore boatel within, and then a trembling. and grimaces, and encouraged Cupid you must take this Purse-ehalf of voice demanded; - . to still further exertions. , WWII the admiral gave me for you Who dux ?" , The loaded rifle advanced ' to the 1. last night, and the other' half --.well "It's me. Open the door, for good- hetiaide, and a second volley went I no matter. ' Then, as you'll want to ness' sake !". exclaimed Mr. Toosy- Off. . ' • 'go to .Tudestosen to market, and to " We's got yarms, and dar ain't hue hotit o'' that, lying there in thie , "Come, 'Horlander Tooeypegs, get . • pony and the did buggy; but don't: Pegs, inert agony of supplication. church, . sometimes 1'11 send over ,the netting. in the house fel. you to rob,. musty hold room, ' face and hall you say a Word about it to Aunt , a ,, . 1 terecl hover with mud, which his priacillaa•-wotnan don't need. to know so yoti d better .go way, said a P M • , „ „: : . enough' to give you tho. rheumattsm anything, you knew, at they don't stilt. Accustomed to the dirty, dusky, Yoe gat to • Amor ica, lift Es. •Ces ur as. .. 4 . g. . . gipsy babies, who rolled all day tin- he (caked one day as theyoSat 1.0gnuAr.. , !.Witi always v•iew things iri -their proper ' .. . you °Pen the,:door ? I tell•':' the longest day you live, .without the is 1" tight; and. Aunt •Priaciate's. queer, heeded in t grass, this little- snowy-• er on the deck. , .... „S. skinned, go den -haired, blue-eyed in- "I have riotstbought about it." She. , ., • • • you it's only me !" shouted the deep- -"first spark. het a fires -so it ly..exasperated Mr. sToosypegs, eel- ' "I'm. dying, Aunt Priscilla.;. stay • senywity. It there's any thing else . 1 fant secure ' Sc wondrously lovely • answered indifferently. ; .. . , trig the handle of the .door and giv- • with me to the last•I"' in the faintea. you want, Jut you send Lucy .for it that he had to give her sentir'y pokes' You 11 hash) to do .seinething, yea Mg: it. a furiOns: shake. .. .• ' est .Whisper, : responded Mr. Toe'sYs. .to DiSmal . Holiew, : and you ' shall OPened, a. terrified voice' was • heard . • • have it, Mrs .' Ketemit,' for I like you . she was real, and not an illusion. ."PeoPle always 'do something its Am- ''' Cautionsly the door • Wad partly . ,iptieri,srtgtui•nidklytiloepur aligigt.Litth.is eyes, arid with his finger to convince himself knear," • insinuated Mr • TooeSTegki• c°e--. frowning- muzzles of two bilge horse- . shoulder and shaking tarns:with .np 1 real issaie„ .. . . ... . . . titre; .; "arid I • hope you will ,atesays 'Miss Frinittie did not seem at all dis..• erice. •They're Teat sethrt . ..people . •te sehitmen "•"You. hit dem wid de , "Dying ?.. Wah, ' wah V' s granted You are veiss kind," • said ..the . pleased by these attentions, but fay, there. . rm an .Anierickw.: Mrs, Ne- - .pokee actor X tire," and then '. the. Mise Peisttilla., catching hitn by the ....glow', again touched by•his good 'nee • ored him with a coquettish smile, tura," added Mastreosypegs, .. m and with her finger in her vosy placentlY., - . • .• . „ , • • . pietas met their dismayed eyes.. ' gentle, hand. ' "Pretty corpse y�&1 11 regard ;yourself' as Oita of• the fain - month, gave him every encourage- . 'Idling fortuees pity.s.pretty Well, . .'"DOn't.shoot--it's inc !" yelled the enakeS hall }lever. Pith •• mud, hand: •iiye, , • , , • . . . , . so short an acquitintance. Being kat to make a living; and besides, • :that., his terror-stricken ' Mr. Toesypegs s but looks 'hos IntiCh• like' dying has 1 do:""' . atTark yon,S., . ales. Neter-es" "said vicirde were lost .. in 'the bang 1 • "pc brunderingbuss an, de pissels ..afe, .mooeypegs, in a tone of delight. , meet he could reasenably expect en ['gimes; lents then. it isn't, a nice way alone together,. Master Raymond, little baby wo•uld be real- ineonyeni- . Ming l• et the 'Pistols as the:- went •• writ; only loaded wid•powder-no Shot * "I. certainly. Will; since you wish .it: ' who did not altogether approve 41f , ent to biz round With Yous not to off, • •. : . • . In 'ein at *ail.: 'Deed, old miSsus, he I'll .drop in *very often. I'in very her wasting her time, lying blinking •eneals of .that dreadful iittle boy whO see) Lora, have. snerea •on ane 1 tale ain't hurted•the Instest Mite, only he much obliged to yell.", .. • at hire in her cructle, began to think . climbs:Up that niaintopgallant 'bow-. shot.1" Shrieked. the unhappy Mr. tieks im." • .... • • . . ..I., And,. wasting .his. hand briskly,' air: . it was only a common act of polite- spritae-or whatever the nasty steep I Teo.sYpege :resumed. his seat ati ' the ness she owed him, to get up, • and . thing's. . name is, No; I tron't think ToosYliege, aehe. dropped ,like a Steno.. •'."Frold V.'. shrieked Mise Priscilla, in the fiend, and lay motheeless:• • • turning, ilercely •upon Cupid.' , "You' : , wagon, and drove off to .Dismal Itol- setin s no symptoms of any: such in- telling •fortunes would be eXactly :the • "Hand ..ine.... •de • blinideritigbaSSL• i mid dont 'black nigger, . you 1: to callleiv; tent on on the young lady's part, he thing.", • . s • . quick, Ponipsf• Dar's. more•O' dent," me Meld 1 . Leave. the room this 'very effect.. Catthing h r. therefore, by one hother. nib about it," stud the g,iPsY, twain whispored•the .chattering voicee' • minute; 'hand never let me see .your •• , . reset t ed 10 give her a hint to that . ' 'I 'shali manage *some' wa.a; don't • little plump leg aad arm, he gave impatie.ntly.• • , wit hin blared away while Mise Pits- • "Come -you are not hurt -get . • end 'once more' the• Warlike individual'. Intgly black face hugitin I • • ... . . . . CHAPTER • XV. het• a jerk that sWling her completely "What dei you say to corning with • cilia lay kicking an the strongest Ity- And 'ten years passed. awaY. , • .. out, and then. grasping her by the " U$ to Dismal .Hollow? There's plenty : snot -less and eile, Toosypege, fiat on side, AS ...Poor Cupid.• . efoo'callel), ,. spirtin:.a.s:P.ilreltlueilAtiihde lpili6nr:i•st.is-566idns.'ece.taire said Notera, going, oVer to the be ' wahit. he dumped her down on the of rocnn around there for. you and X . his face•in the Muds lay sta•rigid and slunk, away: ."Titiiies Is not it floer beside him, epee which she mi- should bp real. glad to hayo you hems- •still as a Melancholy 'corpie, • ' of your head iejneee. , Up With Yost!"; l'afr.• • the soft twittering . of itinunierable neeliately eielite d another finger in • so that 1." could drop in :to Nee Yon.. ' So Completely; tonaze'd with the gip- " •"Ant I not shot?' demanded . Mr:. Lirds, filling the air with melody her i» oil t le v n.I there they sat, - sit- now and then," . . , . • . s. while the,:soft, •fragt.ant odor 61 the. otitis/ staring al eit eh other, until Mr,..Teosypegs• was' sincei.e. iii. say„. .:, queen by this that.she stood Toosypegs, bewildered. . " Did the Motionless, '. 'with .Ertninie ' in ;her bullet not. enter iny brairs;-"-- 7.7. tall swinging pine came .floating on , both were despatched to bed. Ing he Svpitld•Iike it this time; ftir arms. Now the • door was slowly ,"You. never had, any •for •it to • ea-, . every passing In eeze. . The sun rose • Early in the morning Master Ray- her stern ,• gore° sharactee • had; a opened, and 'a- negro's face, gray with ter s" said" the :.ginsY, • enceuragingly... in uneSeedect. splendor -above ',the. - mond and Miss Erminie found them; strange sort•.of fascination 'tor him,. terror, •was• protruded. .Ilis' roundi.. "I.Ook • yourself ; there is -neither . dark. tree tops,. and the bright waves , selves awakened from tin exceedingly and he real/Y.-was' beginning to feel • goggle eyes; starting .froms his head wOund. nee blood. . of tho Chesapeake danced end flashed soiled '1 111111)11 a lid undeegoing 1 he . it Annus attachinent., to hets • •• . .with fear, fell on, the prostrate fiesuts "Nos but it'ss bleeding ' inwardly,' • • in ' the. golden • rays, • No sound hielce unpleasant• operation of dressing "rhe : • ..T110 real biadlia•mts et..his tone; his of 'Vise priseilla and her infoetunate :it) id • Mr. Toortypegs, with a ;hollow the' deep, - prefound still:nese ' of the wide, dry moor; no living till of no use he gave up the Strug- queen's, - - • • , • . . thing,eave • young gentleman kicked and plunged- simple generosity, toucht .e.ven . the., manfully for it while, but finding • it granite heart -of: the hard ' gipsy• • ing in tho. niormng, always sayhe s 'snoring. • like a grampus ?' and 11 Miss Priscilla. doesn't know, thatls been . to England, . and every place else, would like to keows who does !." • • , . : "Well, I've• been to England, too," Said Raymond. .• • • "Yes, and a great deal. of geed it's dong wt.!". said the 's yoen,g lady, contemptuously., -"But that's the way always. Ever *since Ranty and eon wont ta. college, you've got .so .stuck .up, and full • of Latin, and , , Greek 'and .Stuff,. there's no stehding either of yota.• Last night Ranty had to go and uslesAunt Deb for the boot- jack in Latin,. and when sheeouldn't - understand hint,. ,wont round kick- ing the .eitt • *and • My nine beautiful ,leittena, •itt the' most 'await .marinea that over was; and swearing at her in Greek -the hateful wretch 1" • • And MiSs Petromilla •Litwless scowf- ed Daymend, who laughed tint - right.. . • . "Oh conSe now,. 'Pet,. d.On't he angry, he said; "Where's the ese of. quart•eling the Very first morning we groan. "(111; I. know I'm a dead new and then. scene solitary:bird Lord !" Piourely ejaculated. Cuffee. "Chet 1 I have no .patience with was to be seen. . • .1'Wo �b dem- gene, bress. de;matt 1" • • ' • , " that skimnied • along" over the fere ; • gee and yielded to fate in "a sectititi YoU and. accept. your Offer. "It •takes for t.5 do the bisirtessa yeti Get ageMan I •yeu are as well, e3ucIdenly the • sylvan silenceef the nap. lerminie. aftet• owing it little, and. inot'C for their sakes however, Well, bress Maree 1 if ain't had . as ever I". impatiently eseclaimed Nes a snot was breketi by the clears sweet followed his example, and then the " than.nly•oWn''.-poirstirig to the ehile fight for"eat Then catching sight elf t80u1, • • . • . ' . 1 - 'notes of a hunting horn, that startle • gipsy, taking her in her at•ins, and lirOt. ""Iscould nimbi ,iny svity,through the giPsYs •he .ptiused seddenly., and 'falowTy.- •Mr. Toossipegss Who had • d the echoes far and near, and the followod by one of the tribe. bowing the 'W' '"fl' easily :enough,. but they are.. 'itineped.. back, and raised the die- immense faith in Netnra, 'lifted first next anoment the 'forms of ..a horse t rysting place. I will go with you." '. • could outke it go off a second time. either wore powerless. Satisfied on , moor, : . •. .. - and rider •• came - deshing• over llie t • ' the sleeping Itasetiond, hurriial to the young • and tender, and nood , care.' charged .blunderbuss, but no effort one arinsand then 'another, :to ate if 'There tle.y found Mr. Toosypegs, "IV& real geed for rou to say SO,. , • "Areyou Mad, felloW ?" exclaimed this point, he next lifted each leg s s The horse • Wits a, splendid'•cinimal looking green and eons -sick already, Mrs. Netura, and 1 in vet y . niuth the (leap; . 'conimanding• voice of Ka- and findings to his great aston,zeh- • 6. small, • jet-black • Arahlan, with from anticipation. In u, faw words' obliged to.you," said afr. Toosypegs, tura. "Would you murder your rims- • went,' that Ida limbs were all mind, " grarefal:tapesiug limbs, arching neck,: the gutsy gave him to understatie • with a• brightening up of Ids pallid ter ?: . • . he carentily 'began to raise himself up. • • th•tt she wished to go on board Ma • .feattu'es. "We Will land at New York, SYPting xintre'r hab gone; an' ef.• le bed. ' No torreat of blood Jolletv- meet." • • ' ' . .- • • "Querreling !". •repeated Mies Pet, ishoi.tlyS "I'M sure I don't want • to {mania, Mit yeteter so aggravating. Boys '43,1witys are just the hatefulest .things -a" ' , ' . , • • ' a • • . "Wiest heteful..• Miss Lawless," amended Rayniond, gra+ ely. "There's a: great detal , of ,good sense • but bad gra-Maier iri That +Sentence, "/ don't like boys Myself 'half so welt as I 'do • girle•-for •Instance,„ -you're worth • a doecin ot..Ilanty,”' * • i'l'es, you .say so now, when.Ratity. ain't lietening; but if 'You : wanted to: , go. off on sine raii;ehlef -or ether, X guess yeti . Wouldn't think of. 'nip. But that's the Way I'm always treat- ed', pitthed round like an • ole shoe, a. without even daring t� say a 'weed • • . for teyself•.''..' • . . . ' This reelaneholy.. trleW, . of things, - . Mare iito•tieularly the idea of Mies Pet's not having.a, "Word to so?,' . herself," atria* Raymond are. so ins . eXpressibly, luclierous;. that he .gave • ••''..1V,..::122..!,:..:222t.'±..!1 vent to a ehont sof latighter, . , • ' • • 'illwrilik.• "Yes, Von . May Ringh 1" said Feta:. lie,'.4•4:'4411'..11b- g!it'..'‘'.4.11' . • . indignantlie .-"bUt it's true, and. you • ' . ,„'' • ougbt to he itshainee of yourself, . . Making fon of people thie wok- a T • • • • . • . ern 'not going to stand being 'styes-, ed upon much .longer, 6ither l'' • . !'WhY-.,•Pet,. what's the matter With • vou this anorning ?" exclaimed. Ray- mond.: "li never anew you so cross:- • • •• • , $ :has the judge 'scolded yen, or have • . EitenTELPSI PROTESTS DROPPED, No ievidentie Pound to Proceed Against auction candidates, Toronto, Oct. O. -Eighteen election petitious were dropped at Osgoode Hall on Saturday tor Want of suffi- eient evidence against the respell, cross -petitions left to be fought out in the courts.. These Conservative monaltere, whose.sents were disputed, are safe: East iiarailton,. Cars. callers; West Hamilton, Mayor lien - dire; Algoma, W It.. Smyth; South aturon, Henry. Eilbere, and Manitou- lin, R. 11. Gamey, The cross-petitione are: ' S. F. dents. There are 24 potitiohe and 17' Washington in West Hantiltdm Dr. dGitel,fliAni,goEittsrmt; 3HttlyzniltmoonLeDan. Ilurcria and J. IV. Fraser in Manitou- lin. • These petitions against Liberals • were dropped: Centro Sixticoe, D. Davidson; West Huron, AL G. Cisme min; South aVentwortb, John Dick-, ensen; • South Norfolk, W. A. Choate bon, and South Bruce, R. E. Truax. The cross -petitions In these are, against A. 13. • Thempsets, ' Centre Sinicoe; J. L. Buck, in South Nor. folk,: and Dr. Clapp in South Bruce. . • ' Cures Leprosy New. • Victoria.; P.C.,. Oct. 6. -Dr. Razley, it ITnited States army physician, wbo • Consul • McWeele, who arrived here si,woaendtutoir:fdriieriymt: toa 1Ceapnrotosyn cure; has been • successful, according to a report brought United States ' • Histtene church Fans. . Vienna, Oct.• hiStorle .church Pedrengo, near Trieste, collapsed. ,at early mese yesterday,. .killing foer priests and four •worshiP- • uers. The church was 1,000 years old. --- ;.s Our Rimles$ • Glasses Please • :the Particular. -.They ere ntted be. comingly to the feat. tires preach patron. . The finish of our spectecleware is fault- less.. the fit perfect. ".Q ets •Iitt Soierielfic Jeweler and 45 . Ossticessza • clANTON,'ONT. 4 . ilisdinteasea. propositien which retie- and after that, gci to Dismal •HollOw • .you don't Oar. right •out,' tiara' he ed •thie deeperete attempt, as he:ea,.. , flowing mane, and sine , met arid brightaitere eyes. His ride!. Was. a voting girl of some twelve yeats r pleased Mr. Toosypeg,s, stho was Viaillaltinunea whiali means,. Mrs. • more aloOd elsed i" exclaimed the limited theta: would be; • and the next who eat her horse like. an Arab hunt - inwardly afraid she titieht clesire Netaire,44 sEt.id ToosYnegft, inter- tear°, keeping hie formidable ,tninute, *eta, 'firIando Tiiiistpegs or,' and whoela dark, •unique stYlo of he 0444 le ought to MS house, e here • She ruining. himself, to throw in A; Wolq weapon . cocked: . • - • stood. .afe and sound' on • the • floor, beauty. Merits wider description. waled be con, netted by al ise Toosye of exainnationS 'by way of,' It's • "1 telt you sthiSe•is your master 1" loo isg eland as sheepish a young . • she was yeeY slight'and.rather.tall, pegs. of whom he stood in whole- Latin, or Greek, I gueits, though 1 impatientiy erselaimed lat•tuett. "He gentionrio a as' Yeu nnd, from. per her Lige; iwt with a -finely-pet:Sepia some awe. - never learned Caller. Ilhtin't Lata serrived• to -day; and 'now yeti Masai 'Maine to Florida. . • tioned figure, displayed .now o tilO Half an hoer brought them to: the hi nice, though!" added the okvner of shot . • , • thought. you. was: ,gone--dide best 'advantage' by her Well -fitting signing little 'Raymond to the care ace ,of •intensest clisestist. "I tried it d e...', ini if the COliViCtiOn • • that She '11101Id. • •• l''' V." darl--green , cloth • and a eiclinig habit -'.t contisted of a Pier Where the WE4S(.1 lay; end eon- the eiekly complexion,. with a grim:. .. Slowly the blunderbtiss ti lower- n't yen?" said The little" Witch, Ally - sought. her birth wit.h Fritilnita 1711- .antathecarys: and then ' hs .it, began • slowly •ecnning. honie lo the tined of hersief with'•• a look of lefty con- . fet e was • thin and dark ••and some- . smooth *vis .Statin, and deep,Clling' di' ad il detection: an.1 teerefot.e, she it up. Net' any More. I'm vel'i Mitch post, of (longer and approached his and then rustled out to rouse Up in s to catch the last glimpse of •tlie Three .days after that, the vestiel •frons hie apparent lifelessness, he at tit Enedend wits out of sight /4110 still 'to throw Me into a 'cleeline, I gave her 'hearer. Cautiously he loft. hie tempt 'Ettore. • withering than words; tight haeipte Of black. velvet. Iler What. elfish, but the olive skins was of on of the female paseengers, elle for •eix weeksa one .with an .inight be slitakitig the truth wait Mies Tocisypegie merely contented ••a.t. with ((wet ish Impatience, long- 0...liged to you • • • • • Prostrate foe. • Gathering courage: the ."hugly black leeeltes" on the sub- • • with deepest "crlinson in the thin. land where Ale WWI born. . touched the. Mier, at New•York. And last:ventined AO *Urn hint "irVer and of Mit. Toosypeg.,, , viet int 10 "growl TOOS7pegS required to get his land the pallid features of •Mr. Toosypegs end yellow melee holy" in its masts' 'legs' •on,. they Stet off for .13altintore. were unturned to the light. •IIis aggrasatitl f, rim us he walkcsi •to- In the couree of tinies that .goodly teens were stretched stiffly out by his ward his bort h in en exceedingly :city was reashetl, and• one 'Week af- side. as much like a •cerprie as pas - lime st ite of mind and shirt • collar. ' tt"'' the • whole party sarrived at ' sible; • his eyes were tightly . closet; ; "Mr. Toosypegit i.tiew what son -sick- ' Jedestown-a, thriving country town ditto. his lips, ell covered svith• Flat ness WIES from c•xperience; ite had • a soil the sea -coast, called then after mutt... ' • . - '. distinct end slid t•ecollection of what . the first settler, Mit known by - • an- There Was no 'Mistaking 't,hitt fa,ce.. he en:lured the last time he 'croseesi Other name, now, • S - , With a • loud 'howl of distress, 'the • theough the tewn, 'they negro threw himself upon the lifeless the Atlantic; and .wlth many an can.: ' .DriVing i•ious fo re] )od i ng he ensconc ed him- ' !tacked the sUburhs, and entered a forni 'of poor Mr, Toosyliegs, •• ,' self in an armchair he the cabin, • Moresthinly settled part of the conne • "Ah I You've got your elbow in while the VeSSPI rose and fell as she try' • the pit of My stomach 1" exclaimed danced over the waves. Silently he Tattling an abrupt angle in the the corpse, with a Sharp yen of sat, as ttun• sit who await the how- rea•cl, they drove down along, steep, pain. "Can't you get out of that, best blow Fate has in store for them. '°,.1'sg,g7' path, •.toward a, gloonlY, and let me die in peace ?" 1-4uticlotly it stentorthe voice froni the • i"dotaill gOrge, at sight of which Por the first time in two yeast; idr. Toosypogs so tar forgot hiinself the gipsy, Hetura,. laughed. In fact, deck rose high above the creaking and straining of ropes, and trampl,‘ as to take off his hat and wave it they would have been more than I o r4, of reef, with the thrilling no•rds, ever his head 'with. a feeble "Hooray for Dismal ITellowl" which so foam. ••Ireas..e ahead!" Mr. '1'00Rn:togs gave dalized that strict Christian, his . a convididve start, an expressien of • aunt, thet she gave him a look be - Intense anguish passed over his face, teeth Which he wilted down, and and stulderdy clapping his hemmer,. Was heard no mere, chief to his mouth, he bird to the el- • lent depths of the state rootn, where, . •'What ito tigly. Old place! / won't hidd. n from human view, What pass- go. there," exclaimed 'little Rayettond, With a strong expression' of con. ed was never known. "We'l, I never!" ejaculated a; 'tall, tempt. • - • thin, sharp female, with a sour face. And truly it /lid not .look very in - and a. cantankerous expression of 'Wing. The Mountain, which by some • 11 • 1 ith cenvulsion of nature, seemed to have once she caught a passing .glitimse aftee two days' delaY, which • Mr..• smeared and clotted with, muci, countenance gentra y, w sat pher hands folded over Et shiny hroWa been violently rent In twain, Wag ly holland gosvn, upright as a Church Cady passable by tt riarroW, danger - steeple and about tea grim, "Well, ous bridle -path. Down in the very I never, going hniut being sen,elek bottom of thin deep, gloomy gorge, hafore he's ten minutes hon heard, stood an old, time -worn building of which is something none of the lame that had once been red brick, With ily hover 'ad bel'ore, hand rye been dismal', black, broken. window shut. hover to Ilireland without hover tera, OM, at some far distant time thinking of such a thIng;' lying there Might ba,ve been green. A range of on the broad of his back, leaving me dilapidated betels and outhouses it Poor lone woman, and gronnire spread away behind, and, in front, battery time this dratted hold ship some hundred yards .distant, ran a giVeti a plunge, Whielt SOriletilifig tiniats, Whichaey$1, spring , of the •kitcheo, had' got up in •sub - would never Survive a day tin -this , especially in the dinner deptu.tinent, '• Having succeeded iti both objets, slime style, Miss Priecilla Was in some, •thorough reformation bath outdoors ed by tong, letty, tilkall litshefj, 'rut I Ject of dinner and fires. • . • what batten humor; and an - min& . withiaut so mtleli Ise a word to . e-'37,-i•-i-nll--nli • taiiiti;1.11;rgoita Vt.eteedrole:,1)easee whieh. Aunt Beib, the prodding deity nouncediter intention Of beginning a you . earl dO is, to go Itimiediately for ' many.. a day. Iler 'hair, "wo- hand see habOut getting :a '01100 for Who sat ie a, very. dejected state of „i„„„th at d •,, ., say for hie -welt, and exclaimed t• . Mrs. Haunt hand the children which and, in, turned briskly to her nephew, • deity hold :baert.1* "Now, Itorlander, the in..%t thing .111„,,Ini•TintlAshse cinatertirtitift7YO7 ttlitleatbell'°141(11: . tshhoo8ret; elms low, broad and 'polished; her saucy • feet • Perfeet. And. then .het• • eyes such • great,. black, lustrous, gloriects eyes, . through with h at t In checks and lips.. •Ilet fort a . teeth like peens, and her hands and arched little nese decidedly retreussee, her light shotte--such splendid etas, Vail - man's crowning glory," was of in - tensest blackness, and cluseered in by • glossy .islack eyebrows; Mr. Toobypege, who felt he would • ' bright, sparkling face. In the shade dancing• marts round her dark, own, meekly put on his hat, and said of fire shone thiough like t ny eh awe of• midnight dark - never more dare to Call his soul. his ness, ,but in the sunshine, red rings Unspeakablyeludiereous scene Without he knew of which would Snit Mrs. Week velyet hat, whose tong sable bets of flame, She wore a. small .mortal who could have beheld that • he would go and See about a. Cottage /Satire. to a !I% • The fact was, he plume ,iuet touched her 'warm, °rim- . doing so. . Miss Priscilla stopped her bysterft- was glad to 'escape from his aunt ; gon cheek,. al 'kicking and plunging, and raised and that lady, Who had classed Mrs. Such, wasf the, huntress Who, -with it Heture, and the children under the ' pistol stuck inher belt, a. little rifle hergeli Ott her elbow to look, . The negro. With a whoop Of jets tioingieltat indefinite, title of "riff- !mune across her ohoulder, dashed . / • 1 having i es Et, red Wanted ellestbe 590 bushels Tirnothy Seed. . Highest prices ' you begged 310 game, er has yenir pony reef a shoes or-" "IsTo vone or them things Iwo bap- . For Sale • ,,. _Choice, home-grown •• •petted !" brolte..in Pet, crossivs• se' Timothy • suproee. you'd Asap on or, or, br-10t3 • . telt dooms:clay, if I •Iet you 1 It's See. tti• for • worse etill,- and• I wouldn't mite' . . Mech. if you shot me on the spot !" Choice -Crawford Peaches, • "Why. 'Pet, whist hini • hapiemed. ?" • ' Mime, Peeve he inquired, anxiously.• • • "Nothing • ' T !envy • serious, 1 hope." • . , • • . Moores 'Early Grapee, the ' "Yes. • it is roe liV seethes. , "I ni. go- • • P" kl. sv9.0Ptnt riksir"!1 % . • ing to 'be sent to sthosile-thore now!". 'Pete Spices . e said Tet, as netir crying as a,n elf Gem Gars, Rubbers,•Etp. immeasurnbly relieved. "Wc11, 'I ci.:'.1,',I(iticil:hlottnit!)::,s.. .t1Mtall ?" said Raymond, don't see anything so very .dreadful .•• a and our prices as love as We keep the besb only . . • • yeti, •..indeed I" exclalrited " Pet, with flashing eye•i. "Welt,' if • there's .anythIng /Mire (heedful, I'd . auccessor to •Ogle Ceepei. • P. MAITLAND $ like to. know what. it is.! To • be • • 'cooped up in a great dismal dungeon of a seiteiillustise from one yeer's end to 'tother, and never ,get a chance to sneeze •without asking leave first. I Won't go, -either, if I die for it 1" "And .80 you'll grow 'tip and not know It' from a cow's horn," • said- Ilayrnoncl; ant sure you need to •• go bad .enough." • . "I don'tneed it either I" angrily, retorted Pet. "I caw read fit•st-rate now, without spelliiig more than half the words; and write -I wish you - Could see hew beautifully / ean Ice sorno of the letters I" "Olt 1 I saw a 'specimen yesterday -.Minnie showed it to me-lookedas if a hen had dipped her foot In an Silk -bottle and clawed it over tho fierier." "Why you harried, hateful, sasey-" "Abandoned, intpertinent young To be continued.) A RECORD D . . Last Saturday was a busy day in our Men's Furnishing Department, in fact was the biggest day's business we ever had. We are looking for soniething still better next Saturday. Here are some interesting terns:i 41.11.1.•••• Men's WeteeprOof Coats, suit- Afen's black Fedora, hats told in Able for fall or Winter wear • never solkt for less than $3,15 al fin other stores at $1,our special for Saturd.tty 4 doz. men's Shirts made of • flannelette, shirting etc., medium color A, wot•th 50c to 75e each, Saturday only...;. 6 doz. men's heavy wool sox regular prIee 38c and 20r, foe Saturday.... ,. —2 pr for 220 Men's Shirts and Drawers in Main and stripe enters, , fleece cotton, fleece wool, um ion, all wool etc., worth up to 75e, Saturday New Arrivals This Week POSING 40 Snspenders In great variety go • 26e, 36c and . Neck wear of all descriptions .26 215e and .50 Colored Shirts, it magnificent assortment of colorings I 26 15c, $1 and U en V See Men's Iournishing Window This Week. • Xs perhaps the most important • • point in securing a good picture, end it's • a point to which we gtve much care. Ilring lit your baby Bring in yourself Dring in your family ott Thanks., • giving clay. Open all day; .79 J. W. NEWCO.MBE !.141RY'S PHOTO STLIOR •