HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-09, Page 22 '1 ..PjIj jil PjI. 011.4001101111 +44114+4+1447*4444***4.114 GODERICH caaaESPONDENT * ELOISE E, SKIXING$ kel+14•K÷ialailialalatrtafaH'1•444.4"/-1"1+1"I'sial4++44siadohsh+ THE, OLMON ISTZW-S-RECORD October 9th.,1902 Mr. Buxton has purchased the Rum/. Mr. W. O. Laker,. who had the Yu. I ta-catie at halt tiro. Mr. buxtOn wad Ion eallibit at the CI. N. W. here, was keep rip its prestige for beer ana,4111.4. a lormer resident of /3timaller. • - Mr. Istiattat has purchastal a heralsotae . . Dlr. W. T. Ti1,. has bougitt out the , pair of iron greya for his business. business of the itrunswics cigar and Miss Jcssat macdonald lett last tobacco Aare which was conducted for Wl0 . t 0 SPLUil a month in Detroit some time . by las brother, Mr. Bert. : %I:thing her wands there. Tilt, new a residiatt of the IL S. Miss Adams of 'tumult) is the guest Miss Adams of Tarmacs, who was • ot Mrs. Alta. Saunders., the guest of Mrs- Alex-. tiaanuler.h, was i Miss &ay Dualop and 111,is.e •Cla'ao calltri assay to iter home on: hriday Colborne heat gone ta the LativersIty • last. . at Toronto to pursue their studies. . At a meeting. of ON (loth:rich town- - Mr. Voting has remo ed to the lto la: ship Rifle Association it was arranged • ou Stanley street lately oecapied by .• to have their annual. two days' shoot _ Mr. Austia Church, now of Detroit. .! in the lath and. lath of -October cora- Mrs. Hurd of ahieago lave Birdie ' mowing at i o'clock. All the rifles are Hillier) has quite teem ered irons a ordered. in by the it th of Octoaer to serious tteas of tyahoid linerand is. be inspected. Every member having a : at present . the guest of her parents, rifle 'Will- leave it at Mr. Oeo. 'Leith - Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier. Mrs. Hillier waite'S. rcturned with hit. . Miss Lott Maseon left this wee' to laptain J. a oble Is veneering'. his become a trained nurse in..a New York rtaidence with white brie. It will hospital, . . took • quite handsome when finished. Miss Emily. Shehard left last week The weeding of Miss Anna Graham- . to attewl St. Hilda'a college, Toron- aud Mr. a lank J. Hastings, Loth of Chiciao, teok place vcry quietly at , aelse G. altraug left also last week the home of the bride s parents, -liir• to attend Toronto Cuiversity. . and Mrs.. DonaldGraham, Goderiela . Mr. stud lairs. R. - W. Maekenzie have at 6 a. In. on ahursday c1 last week. - returned from tifitir trip to Rianitoba. a he ceremony was performed by the Stuart - Lane left for Toronto last . iv ... • . J awes A. Anderson. -The bridal- Nyack to study at Osgoode Hall. party stood under a handsome liora:•. ', Mrs. Campbell nialie..a clean sweep arch of roses, myrtle and ferns. - The of rriacs. at 0 e Zurich show, taking bride loo .ed lo.ely in a itancleoine- over 40 prizes in all. trimmed costutne of dove colored silk. At Saginaw, Mich., by the Rev, IL crepe de ehene, the trimmings beina' oi -Frank Taaer, Miss Ea.sie Wade,. (laugh - white sila aPpliaue and altiuon with ter of• the late Mr. Wade 'of Gederith, ah te roses in corsage and in hair. to Mr. William Craigie Oa thesteam- She also carried a shower aoquet . rat er Cadillac, son of the late Alex: to . ely shite t cises. a he bridesmaid alai., ja, of a; aaaai 0., , , . . was Miss Tina Graham, sister .of the At the Pair grounds ''Mr. George br.de, who sore a beautifully trim- Grant,- the nbted bLycle rider, went mid costume of white moupse.line tle'• through all his clever manoeuvers. We soie with pink roses in corsage and . feinarc.ed. to a gentleman. near as ..on shower Loqutt of satne. The grooms-. hia first .perfotinanca that we thotight man was Mr. Jett( Greaten' of Detroit, . -he could do almost any triel; save -and . brother of the bride. Atter the eetta exeept -turn ea somersault, audit> otta inotry was performed and- the congrat- astonishment the first thing: he did- af:. Mations often:it the bride and groom, ter a as • to stand cu. his. head on his the gueste, who were the relatives of aaiaaa s -. . . . • the bride, tollowed the. bridal party The- 'exhibition- clased with . a mct! into the breat fast room 'where a •loVee between the horses of Dr. Whitely and ly dejenuer wee ser. eti. 'the rooms. Fred, lderney. .The horses ran necla were beautifully decorated ,.ivith. float- at 4, neek to treat the finish. when the. ers. The bride's gong astray gown Da s •Lorse bre e and :Fred s won the was of 1 oyal 1. lue hi oadcloth with. rice, . Altogether people • • en,,oyed handsome chapeau to mach.. 'the themselves. Those who came. with.. bride s trousseau was madelto trader. out anything.' to cabbit- felt. eatisiled in Chicago. The bridal party lett skis that the), did so. - . ... • .. .. mid a shower of flowers for the r The -Collegial*. Institute • stuck? , • home in Chicago by the 7 a. In. tram. gate 'a etoit.enade clay:eat on Friday Our tongrattliat ons are. °tiered.- the ,;vcning..last:' .A great number di ex- . , . happy couple. • • • •.. . . aurils Were •present. . Those who • gavc- . . a be weather for the G. T.,. W. Exile ,.iano • selections. were ..: . • .M issee. . Dye, • bitien a as tacit tntavoraale• tor the. alio. played.the .."•1;a arm"••saaltres , openitig and Wednesdaa, was not. muc... vales . ye, who plated ln the shade bstter, he went through the ram ca. a f the .: ' palias,'", -\ lien laaghtlitnid 1.1 e e . ening of the o, eat g clay . ice wast in nower" .ited 'several Other Jove-. a e clid aot li, e to lose the tattaa .y.., etiltetioaa ; - allar. a - Lewitt a arid. pronasea by the Mantle band. On en- aleastsa • •Day•attd ..Ciaos-. ' The .' topic.... tering the exhibition we. saw_ a nu* stig-gasted.• for this term - were. the. av- (team Lure at our lett which proved to 1 e a, coltection of valuable airs., ete., NEWS TOPICS Of A. WE important Events in Few Word* For Busy Fleecier% The:Busy World's Happenings carcrallY cora/died mid rut Into moray arid Attraetive shape Nor the Readera of Our raPer-A $0114 ROWS tatioyment In Peraerapits, DIV MA S311(110% Thursday, Oct. 16, beta beta form- ally 1'1'04144MA a public holiday try tit Pro vineial• Seereta,ey. the Duchees of Manchester gave birth to a son altursday morning at anderagee Castle, County Armagh, Ireland. accot•ding to The St. ,lauma Ga- zette, a Cardiff firm Thursday book- er! a single. United States order for 15.000 tous of steam coal, After a weets of.trenrinilitir La Son - Mears showed regns of 'disturbance agein lonedity. There was 0, eruption at 6 o'clock at night. J. Plerpont laorgan -has arranged for the purchase in England of 50,- 000 tons of .cortl to be used in New York for the relief of . the poor and public institat ions. ' Mrs. Leys, wife of Col. J. 13. Lora ex-M.P.P., London, was stricken, with paralysis on Friday, and her conditain slow is critical. Oas, been struck on the farm of 'Mimes 'Thompson, about one mile south of Waterford. Thea, have been drilling about two months, and had gone down aboUt 980 feet. • At the Mutual street rink, Toren. - to, on Friday night Bobby Thomp- son of Toronto, was karieked out as (leen as a, whistle by lout McCune of Detroit in the second round. . The British transport Auk/mien,. Captain King, which Is corning to Bermuda to cpavey Hoer prisoners te - South 'Africa, •aan • ashore while en- tering' the harbor at Hamilton, Beta Muria,. • ahrail shooting in -York County will Le arehibited for three years, . com- 'Mincing Nov. 1 next, An order -in- -to. this effect was passed, based on a petition. from Voris. Coup- ty Co nett. • . • • Francis John Reitz,' former Seem,- ta,ry of State of the -Transvaal and • now leader .Of the anreconeiled• Boers, arrived at New York with his 'Wife Saturday on the Staatendam front Holland. He Will lecture in the 1.Tnit- ell States. • • .132 spite of ehutdownh and lack . of .cars, one mine at. Prank, Alberta, dering.September, 'sent out. over 12,a • 00(1 tons- ot the best steam 'and' cok-• aog caal mined anywhere in America,. Shataltrens have been cameo(' .by want • of .• cars. • This -• one mines expects , loan' to ship. is5,000. tonsa and bide • ?air to rank as one of the biggest wet prorerties in- the Domini( ' ents ot the past and present seasons., . cAanaLrilea, air. illerritt ' of Meridian -a: •the nos. At. Lynra:Mass., two Persons were' IrOtn the naon, brought by Mr. NS 'mathematical teacher, seems' to -en-. :killed and eleven Injured an acci- • J Luker and Ms ion to exhibit ii. •oy• himself vsry mach. We enjoyed cn. o a passenger elevator at the Canada.. The potatoes and turnii$ the e-,Mting very 3320e13 as it was shoo 'factory; (1 A. Little & CO,, were as good as those at the G. N. .Atitn a novelty tO called upon . to • on Friday. . 11. from our. own fields Hurcin. discus It put qiteation. One gent- ' hi rope ot as ear- ascending the a he furs ranged in value {tont $8 to Leman ‘• said '-the a Summer • Rotel" • shaft of a .eoat mine . at • Pontypc ol ; ;30. On the ground floor Fto,well aura should have imen •enti..oclied in the top- Wales,. broke, .and the eight Men in it ; Mackenzie had a fine display 91 thin' tcs for the evening: •• • • . • • . fell 800 yards to the bottom. All . , paints hardware, etc. 'iltompa.on am. The .Wornens Institute. Was held at ...were b.11led inatantly. • • luta deposited her Jewelry at the the fitneral. Spanish Legation at Caracas. DUNI/Se:Ss WOItail. A contraet to the value of 000, has beta awarded to a. cOntiasnY tor the equipmeat of twe generating staticns in the Clyde Valley. Scot- ian% intended to supply electrical Power for industrial latellosies ovee litt area of 755 eminre 031115. aatlaraotaiatai A ftravenatirst bylaw for lisa sent of $1,700, to authorize the Town taouncil to buy tha property known 05 the park there front a syndicate of owners, was carried Thuraday by a majority of four. itur„golocs Wortr.D. Hey. 11; J. Petry, well-known to educational circles all over the laa- minion as headmaster of Bishops' College School, Lennoxville, Que., has announced his intention. of re- signing. AGItIMINVEAT... WoRau. The attendance at the Coterie Agricultural College, Guelph, at the opening of the fall session is: First yew', 93; second year, 78; third Year, 26; fourth year 17; total 2.09. EraPE1111IOS. Tiler° Were 254 fresh caw% of chol- era reported in Egypt Wed today and !Sal deaths . front that disease. The , total since the outbrerea,. July 15, are • .86,658 cases, and 80,088 deaths. TUE MAIO. • Frances Amelia, Tupper, daughter of W. J. Tie per Of Winnipeg, :and gaanddatighter of Sir Charles Tula, per, died at Vancouver, 11. Ca an Sunday, aged 13 .aears. I DREyCliq lagillA)sfuN[Dai , luoni LUL nal, 1 minated by anxiety for sincerity end ' • I truth. AL FIermant and Anatole Long before 1 o'clock yesterday af- ternoon, the hour fixed for the start of the cortege, an immense concourse 'Neffan • ffallterinar a'^",.." 3.1Se Short route leading to the entrance of the I Mont mews Cemetery. Fa.eing the house WAS drAWA UP a double line of I iufantry. A hearse with two horses attached to it stood before, the door. ' la front of the' hearse were three other cars', almoSt hidden .berwitth masses of nalgnifIcent floral offerings front Zola's adruirers in all parts of the world. Mme. Zola wished to folldw her husband's body to the grave, but her doctors forbade her to do ocia and She bade her Met farewelt in the mortuary chamber. Her grief was most poignant when the coffin was renaoved to the entrance hall of the ' house. As the bier was carried to the , street the mounted officer of infantry saluted and the soldiers presented arms. TIM crowd of mourners in front of the house uncovered, and, emid a deep silence, broken only by the melancholy rolling of muffled drums, the COMA WAS laid in the hearse. Beautiful wreaths of violets, Zola's favorite flower, were arranged about it and the pall -bearers took their pla.ces beside the coffin, witih tasseled cords in their hands, and the procession started lor the cemetery. .Among the. masses of spectatora. which lined the route there were probably many who were riot .admir- ers of Zola, but tho deep.respect for the dead which is inherent in French- men prevented a discordant. note, And everybody uncovered. as the hearse Passed. At the cemetery, M. Cluturnie de- clared worlc had been do- , Victim of Devil's sland March7.4:1 All Unnoticeci. .1 Thousands or Workingmen, Many Accom- panied by Their Wises,. Sorrowhilly* • . Marched Behind the Cofito.743iilitory Honors Rendered by a, company of Infautry--whtew rteraanied at Home, Monster Proeeesion of Soehdiete. Paris, Ogt. 6.—The funeral of Emile Zola was ,a simple, but, impressive • ceremony, such as Zola himself would have • wished, without porn. 'Thou- sands- of workingmen, • acConiPanied• Prance also spoke. Zola's part in the 'Dreyfus affair was gondsover. He was eulogized for his efforts to right a great Wrong. • . At the cenclusion• of the orations the relatives of the deceased novelist grouped bnentselves beside thd 'coffin And a monster procession, eoraposed mainly of members of labor organiza- tions was allowed tb enter the ceme- tery and file past the body. A Major- ity 01.those• who marched wore a red flower, the Socialist emblem in 'their 'buttonholes, others • wore Violets. .Eaeh delegation- brought .a wreath aand deposited it beside. the ecitlina After the march past the coffin was placed In a temporary vault. GODERICIT, • by their wives, sorrowfully. marched -- behind the collin. Municipal guards, 1 mounted and •on foot, . lined the to e, , excep Ol a company Of . infantry which•yea(1ered military tum- ors as the badY• was carried front the house to the--heat's-e, they 'were there as guardians of order and riot 'ets participants in the -ceremony:' • . , Former, Captain Dreyfus anarchea 10 the amoral, cottege, according to- the ,atithority of. the Prefect of -Police, hut he • passed , completely unnoticed byitie'crotvcda.m'e.A. Dchrsetyanfue:.. be- hind hiiu saompanied by her fat -her: Dreyfus sent a, handsome wreath, which was • phteed beside •the coffin,. The' Tamps says - Dreyfue went to ' tae 'Zola. house yesterday 'evening and watched beside the corpse- •with the family. asaahile• there he induced Mums Zola •ta' give hint. bitch. hispromise not to attend aon had some good sounding . pianos 'the' residence of Mrs, llilador). Peck tit At Salmon. River, $t. John Comte •, emit .organs on hand. 'the la N. lt isa.tford. Institute ia having tar, satarday, Ernest Gilchrist,. • • • • • • • Saltford IOo' ed unecmtmonly well last Week when We • wetit over.to at- tend the Women's histitatre The :old: ldaitlanaville hotel has been converted 'into a. Posta office and. stc.re and looks 'ex:eeding cheerful. lac eaar orator is booning and things "coned loolairg up. .• • .• . •MiT,:. Aitken of Toronto is the giteet ' of her *gear, Mr, James Aitken. One seedling Crawford peach. grown by Mr, Charles Wella ineaeured 9.insh- • es in 'circumference. . • • ' Mr, Tilt of the -11eitish Exchangiaia building an .abattietin. or near Welts' livery. • • ' D'ahtherlo. aud scarlet fever cannot spread where Vanceeresolene is used, solabY 0.1.1 friteirists. a •• will be a thing of the past it we. can 'more. members:added at eyery "meet- aged 12, shot and killed his brother.. . . not get the exhibitors and director ang Mrs eaage litasett presided in aged 4.1: years, They ,miere playing, ' • an a netter footing. The prizes, i. attest satisfactory :manner. Tht With a gun and did not -kriistv it was „to • • • -- • • seems, are tao bniall and exhinitoes ii.;liers. read were One by Mrs. Gtindry loa.ded. • • , ,40 haee to pay too much for teeping titl,d. a Observation . oa aroma; ' A yiolent earthquake was fejt Our Whole Stock of their .stoes durrng the Fair. a caking' " How to choose beef"... for her Thursday night tit • Tema about • tip mat and flowers were up to the sitbject which 'We 'give to .our readers : miles. from Rome. The inhabitants . . standard. Mr. Cargon had ten taliel Trt1:6,- iseil-fed. -beef allay .he !mowo. were panic-stricken, Mid fled to open ent varieties of outdoor roses, so.- •••11, by the ' texture and Odor ; the lean aPricesa Aanuinber ef . houses . • were . • was ahead of the florists3-le took will exhibit . an open grain of 'deep demolished. • • SLI eral prizes. Mt, 33 ells'. cabbage'. coral red and. the fat veal appear of a At *.Winnipeg,' an .tinknoWn mana weighed 22 pounds. He had 15 plates a healthy, • •ody .sinootliness, rather . while trying.to board .an Outgoing' of truit. lie had also: the finest em- atclining to whife. thin aiellew --------- •ght train on the C.P.A..' Friday... lection daLlias, being,. six in ammo- suet firm and Lis a 'afternoon,. fell underneath theavhcels tr. The finest .Loral uesign. was a: test of meat ,of an inferior ,qtrality, -and was' instantly 'killed. The man closs (if white asters vita wreath 0. In roasting meat where a small quasi- ' was evidently tta eastern farm la - Left vain and under right, wi.h lita. ia. 1 esuired it .is better •tor the . borer,:and about :is year:4 of age.• sprigs ot 'maiden hair tern fastened. Pa bones. to be cut!out 'and the meat rol- ' '1 he Camden, • at. .1„ city reservoir lt was quite a. large affair. Thedo- led.. This should : be done ,by . - the ' near .. Ors a Teleware River, •broke 'nestle arts wereapparentlya.eurprise eutchea, Who' will not only cut cleaa- 'I hursday morning, end about 8,000,- 10' ee eryane, being a)Parently on.y. ...r but .• skewer the' parts into a fillet , 000 . galletar oi7 water escaped and , represented by mie person, sae • the with more firmness and rteatneia thati•, linseed clown 2'71h• street, flOckiing.the • bread ...illicit bad eight entries.. Onlytire c00% . who is not expected to be aellara..of. !antra •Toases. tt will coat one plate of pull tarts, one of biscatts, • as expert with the knife and •The aketia , . . ea , .,„ .. . , '--thi. City aa5 000 000 to repair•. the 4 pies, etc., etc. The preserves • :anti ' ur as the hatcher. The tole pi thr. . ciarnage. • • . • • . • • • . . .. picelts saerned up to the standard. ribs , are alrequently cat off into piecea• -• • . OgIliTE ANA> CRIMINALS. • : Four pumpsins and one . punipaita of stlitet or 'four pounds, this pieee . judge. , Itroblcs Ihm•sday• 'sentenced ' squash would seem to show thet We ‚.hough occasioarilly, roasted should be ataStaptrintenthat• of •tailice Frederick ' mill have a poor chance: to nava salted, it then approaelies in flavor to W. Ames '. of • Milinersaol is, . •• ta Six many piunpk in pies for 'thanksgiving.- •the brisaet." Mrs. Iaaac 821.01(1 then ;veers and a half in . the ' peniteritiarY The vegetabies were. large ana data read • .a tlelightfur raper on -' What • aa. accepting a bribe. .. .. .. •• fine. We saw some fine large strisai• books - are we to Triad." Her PaPer. •Utt Duncan, .. it. negro, ' was taken beets. The fancy work and pantin)a was •, of too great a tenth for these from 'the' • comae' jail .at Columbus. • were very much admired. The 'actor eoluthass though excellent, but we will afisa., Sunday afternoonby a; mob . of St. tleorge's took six ist paizea give a few 'extracts a "A lady friend, Of several' hundred men and hanged ' and two ands. The church (St.. Mrs, Salkeld said, at whose.house she . to a nearby telephone pole. • • George s) was beautifully executed itt took ter- recently. said 1 thin': the two Capt. Titus of New York reeeiced a water colors and a fine landscape •an ' best boo a:for housekeepers ord would lengthy cablegatun from the police of the Maitland. A hare and pheasant be Onee are thaBible and, the Cookery 'awls sundo, infoyming -him that a. were beautifully painted hi oil and BOok.aMrs. Sataeld agreed with tier big bank •rebbery, had .been commit- t took first prize. Miss Bella aroserie about • the necessary and ola*gatoty • . cad in that city, and asking- the cap - was the youngest amateur artist thia seed of reading the Bible tut. readila tain , tfro Werth for .. $150,000 • in season. rier roses Were • lo. ely •ead agrt..ed . with her • friend that • boti : French Clovernment :bonds, , . to,ik first prize, Miss Andrews :of the boo s were necessary for the study at ' At. la iithapolie. lad., detectives Bayfield Road Lad a fine large paint-. :mil 'and Lody. After arvell'aig . an,:Sunday discovered' the remain's of• ten ing en exhibition, Mrs. Howrie lard aoine length upon -the utility •of ila . L•cerliera beneath ihe flow.. of the Medi-. some handsome paintings and a tormi. Cookery •Btaia. Mrs. Sal' eld (menu:rat- rel Colleao of larifitria; They are bta. tity of fancy work. Mrs. Foestee took id a tunnter of I, oo' s whic.h should te lieved to have been 'stolen by it gang ten ist prizes for, painting- andtwo studied, among whiela were the tvor s • • of, g foie robbers tioW Un 'er tweet, ands, also 1St Prize for prettiest ar- of Shiariat ewe, Die ties, 'the, Man and secreted by the Officials to avoid rangement of hand boauet, which slie .From Glengarry and se oral late po• detectian. a • • . • graciously presented to your -corms- pular writers and the poetry of Long-. • : FOR mats OF IVAO.. • pondent. Mr. Fowler and arts. eaten- fellow, Railing, Jen • IlleWett sand . The iosurreetionary •moaement ' in bell were well represented. lite asencil several ...Alters, ea ing to each authot . Macedonia does not • appear to haVe sketches and pen ,paint•ings vvere• •quits, the.praise she Ouargla dee them, . Tlit spread to any set•iou.s extent, . above the average exhibits, 'at. forinet Abiects for discusslon' nextme. tin,:, . Toronto regiments Will in all preb- rairs. Mrs. Gledhill's paper hat :was .ist•Thursday in November, at the re- ability taae :part in, a sham fight .on laid upon the table for a novelty. , • aidellee of itrs. Manaus Saatnsoni will.....-"'hanksgiving Day.. The commanding On Monday. afternoon all was ex;.- be ' IC; tehen Costumes" by alb s Al- e • officers • of the several, battalions met . rectancy. 'Ike Hon. Israel and his , Andrews of the • Bayfiehl.• Road end ott Thuistday tight in. the . afilitaay • Mae were coming in by 1.1m, r ..3c. " u hat to do whoa. utte*Peated COM' Institute and talked the, matter .over.. train and were met at :the sta- PUIl) C0l1l5 by Miss' tort.r of tht The Birmingham Post says the Gov - tion by all the school childten, each Bavaeld Road." We must not ottat --ernment has resolved. to lay Moor - bearing a Lag or a limit& of •inerele, Miss Porter's parer cm "What too a fags for no fewer than thirty ware to wave when the mini:aerial party to read" • buggc,sted by the followinr oat% at Gibraltar. The vessels will appeared. The procession from the popular Wesleyan preacher, . Rev. Dt. be taken from the Mediterranean and station was headed by the Marine W. le Watkinson, in the: Pebruary Cherw a' Squadrons to be held in re - band, followed by the G. C. I,. Cadets issue of the ''Lanka Voting Man,"Seetre, • and they followed by a, Inittiber of Car. After the basin:its part of the Tot- : T . HE WIDATIsrest, riages. On reading the exhibitioli. lig was oi er prize bread and laater • snow feil Thursday et Itanos•ee, ' ground Mr. Tarte was presented with iticludittg brown ard currant lattteree Itildriehelat Wernietrode, and hi the an address after Which the childree bread, with lovely hot tea were pessed - rtitrz 11 f°,1 nt ',ins, toe mann nied by sang The Maple Leaf Fotorer, and .ronaul to the great pl.:asure of the y windat orms. The temperature laliss Tiny Macdonald presented the members, A vote of 111,112s wee -ann. - at lfatiover fell to 28 degrees fahrene minister with a handsome Loquet and nannuely given to Mrs. Baca for tat h it was rewarded with a kiss. Mr. Tarte '`il,"11"s-,, - Sunday's stotati seemed to be at its made a short address on getferal top, lite ffllit club Mica cclicluued ou Woret in Toroate about 8 o'clock, ics, but there was no display of en- Thursday last, 'the tro Ity was wor hen lightning struck' the northeast thusiasin on the part of the crowd 173' 13,t-. ltd. Watson 1Y 'a ,core of Tit ridge of tae City I-Iall tower, tearing though it Hatched attentively to what out of 20.• Ctriton Sent up five shots, he had to say. Your correspondent u• greater number than any other the metallic roofing off and twistincs had the pleastire of a salutation from place. •a 10 -foot lawn. the Ilon. Mr. Tarte and IVIr. Marcell . Miss Constance I.eTottzcl left for TliE, rillis: 11.14Wititi). • M. P., both of Whom have read my llatilittou last week to attend the Tolstol'a 1144(80 at Yastatitt; Pollida, notee in La 'Tribune. After visithig Normal Collegein the Uoveinnant of Totals., narrow.. the agricultural bail and grounds the Mrs. ( )tev.) Hamilton Wigle and _ ly escaped being totally daetroyed by cvitetre_lagrie drove to the wharf, as we 4:111011t1:leitecictoit 111;eutet drtii,lyhYir40,Paolvourigicel Cox, ifil010..sfaldeiwittu.42t8le.strloir edupper part of the ,,,r soon Mien/ by the waterworks whistle. Neatly all tlics flags in town Mrs. Wigle's 'mother, left for Whim- A great fire has hen raging in were unfurled. peg after spending a deli old hit season, AraoY, Caine,. A large section of the • We were sorry to learn of • IVIr: at • Fairview,h1rs. Cox's residence. torel„n settlement, with the inerestn., ,.. , 'Wilhelm Naftel's adeident while Sitik 1.11t. and Aire, reseiltoli Mrtrtih Of lial tatablialtarente . Or aterories for s aottratot, wa beina tah Winnipeg have returned to Catacrich to for,ign 'trade, . has been tlesta oyed. tl . :itnt-, 5. en uP take up their residence. PoLericsaaamtaaras, . J. )5n. s thigh was- bro eta in two plates, Many fears for his recovery were eittertaine4 at the time but he is prosressing favorably 1101V: .1•1••••••••••••••is Monkey Ilratt4 Soap cleans kitchen 'Oen- 114, 2:401, iron end tinware, knives- and aril all i.inas of ouiloy. As proof that Presidtat Catitto is la a Critical Situation In Venezuela, a high •official of the GoVernmenf, who lute are, landed at Willemated, tes• poste that Presideat Motto's, Wile Al Stuffed Up 1' That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- „ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and bearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom. ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment roust be constitutional—alterative and tonic. 0.1 was 111 for fcam menthe with catarrh In the head aud throat. Had a bad cough and tattled blood. I had become die- vouraged when my husband bought a bottle Trooa's slareaparilla and perseadedme g -Cr y it. 1 atvise all to take It. It hart cured rind built me up.” Mao. noon Re - Dolma, West alsicomb, Z. fa Hood's Sarsaparilla Quires catarrh—it soothes and strength- ens the raucous membrane and builds up the whole system. *4<xxx>o<> For an up-to-date HAIR CUT — AND — CLEAN SHAVE try the leading barber. NM DOOR TO 111VaN'S OaKeRY. George %Roberto% so <> 0 0 00 0 I CAMERAS Ca eras tl CAMERAS CANER A S WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE ()P CAMERAS BUT THE BEST FOR. A CHEAP CAZERA. PROWNIE NO 2 wwcxx WE suLT, AT $2. Persons in neighboring towns who are thinking of purchas ing a camera will receive an Eastman catalogue by drop- ping us a card. Other cameras besides the Eastman can be supplied. developing powders and other light sup- pliei can be sent by mail. Our cheap Exposure Meter at 35c gives the correct expos- ure. under all conditions and pays for itself in a slicirt time by saving over and under ex- , posure M negatives. •.•••••••,..r..• Q4333'"a B 0 0 111 B E Messrs. T. Reynolds, T. Wheatley, E. Cassels and Harvey Doherty visit- Chemist and Druggist. .ed the G. N. W. last week. • Mrs. C. Andrews returned to her evesenerearao..........,,14.:;., _selosesaceraraisereaeata_ ltome last: -week after a • pleasant visit T . at. tbe •residtnee •of ber -parents, Mr. ane Mrs. Daher. • . • Misa Gogh' of Lindsaa; teach uer of the Ilulaett Separate. school, spent Satin -day and Sunday kit the residence of Mrs, • Jahn Macdonald. • sTors THE COUGH AND . • WORKS OPP THE COLD. . Laxative .Bronto Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day...No cure, no pay. Priee 25 cents. 71i • . HULLETT COTIR.T 'Or REVISION. 'Notice is 'hereby gem that a Court will be held, pursuant to the. " Ontar- io.- Voters' bait Act," •by Hts Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Londesboto, on the tith day of actober, 1902, at 30 o chick A. in, to hear aud determine the sevexal: complaints of • errors aud omissions. in the Votera' 'List of • the MunicipalityOf Hallett for 1902. All • persons having bustle:seat the Cott are 'leg:and to attend at the same titne and place. 00111011 Dated the ?and day of Sept„ 19o2. •• • , . . or and JAIVIL'S CAMPBELL, 'Clerk. FORSATJE. . • pi .• am agent in this . trict for the Owen Sound, Portland Cetnent Com - and am re ared tg supply : either large .or •small.quantities. Contrac- tors and others who in- tend buildiagwalks, walls •STANTLEY •COURT OF. REVISION, . . • • • Notice is. -herby given th-at :0, Court of Revision for' the -township of Stan- . ley will be lield by the County Judge: in.. the' township hall, .Vartia,.•on Fri- • daY Cetober 24th to hear and deters Mine coMPlainta• ot errors or canissie• • .• ons in the Voters' .List .ofthe tannic. , ,pality for • 1902., All:persons ,intereste ed -are requested t� attend on the said or silos Of Cenaent will' 40 well to communicate with.. • •I me. The Sampson brand. of cement manufactured by the Owen Sound 'Port- : land Cement Company is the •best cement on the Th os. A; Walker tqarketi . :To -13E, $0LJ1 • Having decidod te:discontinue the Beot, ,4D Shoe Business our eutire stock is on the market and until a customer 'Can be found to:purchase all of it we will ' continue to sell our immense stock ot Boots and Shoes at greittly reduced iirices. • , Siune introducing.this sale our business has bef'.n. increasing monthly, ,which is Strong 'evidence that w.e are givingthe people genuine bargains. . The following; list wil1 give you some idea of our bai,gains • • Men's Pongola Kitt Boots, all sizes,worth $2.50, sale price.... .. . .. •• • $2 Men's Enamel Calf Boots, all sizes, worth $4.50, sale $3.50 Men's Patent Leather Boots, American make, worth $3.50, sale price ' $d Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Boots all sizes worth $2.50 to $3.50, sale... $1.25 Misses' Don„,o•ola Kid Button Boots, all ' sizesoAorth $1.25 to $1.75, s Ile price 750 AND BEST -" The Victoria Shoe The Victoria is n neat looks 'well and wears well. agency tor Clinton. . is made frotn the latest lasts, frotn the hest makers in tbe United States and Can- ada. - The Victoria Shoe ; is solid and warranted • up,to.date in Ovety pap doubt'', (- and comfortable shoe: It We have the exclusive Twitoka • • • CIAN.T.ON. • • eduction in rices da.te. 4 • .1 • • • • • • • J.• E. HARN'WELL, Clerk. Stanley, *Sept.. 24th. • ••-. •;••••••••a.*•••".•••••••• • ' • . BARFIELD COURT OF R.E.visioN. ' • ,Notice is hereby given that a • Courts": .,. Of Revision willspe held by Ilis•Honor. •• UM Judge of t1i County of Heron in. • . .the town hall, Bayfield, :at so -o'clock . a. en., son Thursday, October 23rd, to hear: and detain -tate the' several com- plaints ()Terrors andomissions in the • Voters'aList of the 11/unietpa1ity .ot Payfield 'for 1902. -All persons having ••businesa'at 010 Colistare required to• attend al the. said tarie .and place. • •: . 11. ERWINT., Hayfield, Sept. 23rd, --i9oz. • .; 'Here is a good chatted to -secuiyi a first class buggy at a big reduction. Note these prices : • $80 Buggies for $68. $75 Buggies for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 • Remember these are all' Our own make which places us in a position t� guarantee • thena as we do not buy anything but first-class material. Repairing promptly attended to by experienced mese RUMBALL and MeMATH • Huron St., Clinton. ' fILROrail - GEN flIfIL ,18TECIIIISIIIP LINE. TOLEDO--SAULT STE. MARIE DIV- ISION. FREIGHT & PASSENGER; Weathea permitting steam- ers will depart per schedule . shown below. ' STR. " ossirRAGE,,, . . Will leave Goderich, North 'Bound, at o'clock p. m. Wednesdays, for Sault Ste. Marie and intermediate Ports ; returning will leave Goderich for Windsor, Detroit and Toledo at x o'clock p. tn. on. Mondays. STR. " RING EDWARD" . Leaves Goclerich; north bound, every Saturday at 9 p. m. for Party Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. %Leaves Goder- ich, south bound, every Thursday at 12.30 p. ni. for Windsor, Detroit and Toledo, calling at intermediate ports. .. For rates andfurther information address Wm. Lee, Goderich, or W. B. ROSEVEAR, General Traffic Manager, Sattlt Ste. Marie, Om, olio. fieflo••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ‘ eo•••••••••••• - 1 COAL ANP WOOD' ; * ...,......,............ . 6 go • • 6 • : Washed Hoeking Valley o . • • e • : . Chestnut Coal, . • . suitable for Ranges and Small 0 . • /.. • - • , - • ' Coal Burners. : e •• : i Sel.ect Lump Minglei,vood Wassilon : a • . Soft Coal, . , • . . • saitable for Grates and Cook- : •• • ing Stoves. a• • A limited guar tity of Semi Authracite suitable for • Self Feeders and Furntwes the best substi- : • • • i • • tute now to be had for hard coal. :• • • 4...4./. 0 I HARLAND BROSi, * 1 CHEAP - HARDWARE - STORE* dit * ".0*;.,4 ....."4"..""110.64.0i ,40.414000000.40.•00411.0000: