HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-10-09, Page 123rd Year CLINTON "q111,111k, ^RN. 11116Aillo lb.Alb.sili.iib,•11.411.-111116,111116,111.41begb1111r111.-111:411b..1116, aare're. 0 0 DO YOU NEED SPECTACLES CLINTON'S LEADING CHINA DEPARTMENT YOUR GOOD FORTUNE it will be if you Shiffild sa,ure SOMA of t he choice pieces ef ehina now on exhibition in our dainty china de- partment. Our new purchases for Chrktruits ere nearly ail in place and we invite you to ere what good taste we have in selecting what those who have seen call the nicest. line of goods shown in (his district. Our 10, isc and 28c Tables are FILLED WITH BARGAIN -S. Let Take Your Measure for a pair of glasses or spectacles %shah will fit y ur eyes, with frames operly adjusted to keep them in justthe right pObi Mon. NVe have good glasses from $1 to $10, pikes varient Wren ding to lenses and frnme. No charge for scientific examination hy fliadiatteOptician v he understends his bushiess and advises glasses only when needed. Ileadquarterp for School Supplies W. Cooper & CO., CLINTON. 0 Agents for C. P. It. Telegraph and Dominion Express 0 Money ()niers, also for 13ut1.erick Patterns. ifteger 411‘,1111441b. ..... 1.1b.-^06. SHOOTING MATCH. $The Clinton rifle association hold their annual shooting match on Thanksgiving Deaf at the ranges on Rans fords ' lawn . 'lhe Londesboro, Auburn and other clubs will be repre- sented. Members are furnished with rifles and ammunition free. Shooting begins at 9 o'clock and lasts all day. PAID Tini CLAIM. Mr. Andrew Taylor, who some months ago lost both feet by being run over Ily a. train, has received Mau the Independent Order of Foresters the surn of $5oo, the amount of his permanent disability claim. Mr. Tay- lor has also been paid Sum as a sick claim so it naturally follows that he thinks the I. 0. P. is recommends it highly. THE PECKITT FARM SOLD, Mr, John Peckitt of the Huron Road, just east of town, has sold his fifty acre farm for 54600. The pur- vhaser is Mr. John Torrance, county eaminissioner,who for the past year has been living in Egniondville. He gets possession on November 1st and pur- poses, we understand, adding to, the tuldings and otherwise improving the property. As is well known, Mr. Tor- rance is a thorough farmer. Mr. Peckitt will make his home with his eldest son, Mr. Fred. Peckitt. Mr. Lou Peckitt has not yet decided yhat ae will do, but the probability is that he will become a Western land owner. Ile is a strong and staunch young man and a good farmer. WILLIS CHURCH C. E. The regular business meeting of the C. E. of Willis church was held on Monday evening when the following officers were elected : President, W. Lindsay Vice, R. King Treasurer, Miss L. Chidley Cow -Secretary, Miss H. Mackentie Rec.-Secretary, Miss J. Carling Convenors of Committees, Mesic, Miss E. Manning ; Soctal, Mrs. Stewart ; Lookout, Miss- J. Wil- son i Prayer meeting, Miss II. Mackenzie. Organist, Miss Ida Ross Assistant, Miss Nellie Mackenzie Miss I,ettie Smith will take the Bible study for next month and Miss A. McEwen the catechism. NE CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,1902" Whole Number 1233 00.000000 ********0 0000 0 • 00.004100000 *0000000 0* 0* 0000 00*. . THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND $1,000,000 200,000 . . . Deposits . . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0440 •••• ••••00,0* Of $1 and upwards received. interest allowed from date of de- posit. to date of withdrawril and compounded hisif yearly. Spe- cial rates idlowed on large Amounts to he left stated periods for which Deposit Receipts win be iesued. Stivitigs Bank ac- counts are aubject to cheque. No delay in withdrawing funds. CLINTON BRANCH. L. P. SNYDER, Mgr. ++444+++++++++++++++++47444444411At1Mill++++.14+ - (-False Economy - '- Do not practice false economy in the purchase of spectacles and eyeglasses. If a prescription Is' taken to a di uggist to be filled it, is not hand- ed hi with the request that the cheapest drugs rimy he used, although, perhaps, the medicine required is for 8011w trivial itilnientonly. Why, then, should so light an estimate he placed up- on the most pr•ecunis of all the senses, that those who can and do afford extravagances in uselees or at least unnecessary luxuries should begrudge paying A fair price for an article at once so essential to comfort and welfare ? The complete t isfact ion and cnnifort given by our made-to-order glasses ion inn k ing our Optical Department daily more popular. %ale have bad 12 years' experience in fitting glassesand believe we can be of service to you. 11' CreWS9 iddiecombe's Old Stand all right and Jeweler and Expert. Watch Repairer, Refractionist and Diepeneary Optieian. 4444-444-14444+-1-4-44+4-1444-14++4444444-144444444 is4,44,••••••••ve•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 We are selling our stock of Tweeds at 25 per cent. discount off our usual prices. A. J HOLLOWAY, COMMUNION SUNDAY. On Friday evening last Rev. J. S. Henderson of Hensall conducted the preparatory service ID Willis church.• Rev. Dr. Stewart occupied his own pulpit on Sunday a. ni., when com- nninion was dispensed, and in the eve ening he made an exchange with Pas- tor Hamilton of Londesboro. WON MANY PRIZES. Mr. J. E. Cantelon met with his customary success at the Goderich gen club shoot last week, winning more firsts than any other competitor. R. Graham and G. E. Holmes were also successful and J. Ireland, though - a green shot, won a first place; The members of the Clinton gun club are not only thorough sportsmen but good shots. aIEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL. A petition which bore no signatures but began thus : " We the undersign- ed 'macs of the town of Clinton," was presented to the town eouncil on Monday eiening assing that steps be taken to prohibit the " filthy and offensive habit of spitting upon and otherwise disfiguring our sidewalks, thereby ceasing great inconvenience and even danger to the whole com- niunity." The fathers could not say nay to such a petition and the clerk was accordingly instructed to prepare a bylaw stating what. must not be done and the penalties for its viola- tion. It is expected, of course, that when such a bylaw is adopted it will be enforced and not become just so much useless timber. Mr. A. Wilken, who occupies as a shoe shop one of the apartments in the town hall, asked for a rebate in rent owing to the inconvenience he had been put to by the council's delay in repairing the premises. There being no doubt but that Mr. Wilken had suffered some loss, he was given a re- duction of two months' rent. The council instructed the Chief to buy forty cords of wood for use in the town hall and for sweet charity's sake. The following communication was received from the Clinton Knitting Company and it Was supplemented by a statement by Mr. W. P. Spaulding, a member of the firm, who was pres- ent. To the Mayor and Council of Clinton: The undersigned eon -many has been formed for the purpose of the manu- facture of hosiery in the town of Clin- ton and an arrangement has been a- bout completed for the purchase of the creamery building and fixtures, situated on the town property known as the Market Square, south of the Buffalo and Goderich railway, from Mr. John E. McGregor, provided sat- isfactory terms can be made with the corporation of Clinton. It is proposed to install machinery and plant at once and have the fac- tory in running order in a short time. We are putting in about TO machines besides other necessary machinery at an outlay of about $3000 and there will he employed at least to hands and the firm would undertaketo carry n the Raid business for at least five years. id------------------ e the 0004 000,00000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+••••••• . _ . . "•,...,••••••,•-•••••,...1•••••••••,%.11-1.^1•••••,1,••••••••41.• --111•110~101•4•W• 1 SUBTRACTION. t Take $10 from $14 and you have $4 left.. That is first what. you save if you buy one of our cheviot or Milton Overcoats at $10 instead of getting it made to order from the samd material. There's no other difference between coats bought the two ways. The fit, the finish, the material of our $10 coat is just as good as if you paid a tailor $14 for it. You might as well save that $4. HODOENS,BROS. aa.,,,,,,,,,,,,asesassawasaaavaaassawaselawleasea.41,wereeleareaswaesseswave n cons e firm asks that the council release Mr. McGregor froin his liability to the town and that the privileges granted to Mr. McGregor be extended to us and we be relieved from the payment of taxation for the current year and that the council renounce their right to demand payment of $6o which has become due under the terms of the Ev . greemetit with Mr. McGregor. We would further ask that the coun- cil grant us Ea fixed rate of assess- ment for a term of years. Yours respectfully Clinton Knitting Co. This new industry will be an im- portant addition to those already lo- cated in Clinton and with the view of encouraging it the council granted the Company's request. The property committee recommend- ed that the hand room in, the town hall he given rent free as an armoury for Company No. 4. The recommen- dation was adopted. The street' committee recommended at work on the church property alit' some oak rocking chair given the look, Mrs. Gordon Wright of London, the building of several culverts and the grounds now present a beautiltil groom by his fellow employes in the the cleaning out of watercourses. The appearance and are the subject of many waning rooni at the organ factory. showed that there are now roer sub- ccmonittec has not got as far ahead _ complimentary remarks by thoSe. who Mr. and Mrs. Ilezio have taken up scribers, an increase of 136 during the with its work as it would like owing have seen, them, . housekeeping in the groom's neat and year. Mrs, Wright also read the re - to the scarcity of men. The Misses Heywood have sold cosy Cottage at the south end of the port of the Palin Branch, whieh hae The sidewalk on Victoria street past their residence to Mr. Ed. Courtice town. They arc a much esteemed a • -subscription list of Own, an itt- the new postoffice was discussed at and rented the house on Huron. street young couple and numerous friends, crease of 266. But in the tendon considerable length and the cbuneil . oceupied by Mr. Jonathan Brown, including The News-RecOrd, Wish thent decrease of an, Conference Branch there has been a. ABI'Lg SUIPMENTS, Mr. G. R. Shepperd of Goderich township shipped a carload of apples from Kippen on Saturday and one each front Clinton and Brucefield on Monday. He is buying in Goder- kit, Stanley, Hay and Tuckersrnith townships and expects to ship at the very least 6000 barrels. This week finishes up his fall apple shipments and his gangs are now busy packing winter fruit. at NEW VIRIVI, The furniture stock of Broaclfoot, Box &Co. has been bought by Mr. R. X.. Rowe of Exeter and Mr. A. .1, Holloway of town, who will carry on the business under the firm name of Rowe & Holloway. The business will be under the management of Mr. DR. CASSIDAY DEAD. . ture man who has been in the employ DrCassiday of •Goderich, a well . John Atkinson, an experienced furni- of Mr. Rowe at Exeter for some known figure in West Huron, died on years. Saturday, aged fifty eignt years. The 'ORGAN. FACTORY BURNED. • funeral took place on Tuesday, the service being conducted by Rev. Path- Vire broke out in the Goderichorgan er West. Among those who witnessed factory about one o'clock yesterday the last sad rites were Mr. and Mrs. and in a couple of hours the building James Flynn of Clinton and Mr. and was completely destroyed. The lum- Mrs. James Reynolds and Mr. and lief Tiles also wentup in smoke and Mrs. P. Reynolds of Hullett. the brigade experienced great difficul- ty in saving the adjoining dwellings SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. owing- to the high wind, Tite fire or - At the Public school board meeting iginated in the varnishing room and held on Thursday evening last, Prine was caused by a boy carelessly throw- - a ' cipal Lough reported an attendance Mg down lightedmatch. for September of 378, boys 198, girls GETTING BETTER. i80. There are twenty six Model stud- . . ents and fifteen non-resident pupils Conductor Burneyia who has been who have paid fees amounting to confined to bed at the Waverley House. $145. Eighteen new books have ree- for the 'pant couple of Weeks,' is int- ently Leen received for the Model proving, and on Tuesday was taken -to school library, his home in Stratford. Mine host Miss Mary Robb wrote the board and hostess of the Waverlew gave asking that her salary be increased by .ann , the utmost attention and twenty five dollars, making it $300. was; also the recipient of kindness In view of the fact that Miss Robb from Other newly found friends: Dur - bus rendered good service during the Mg Conductor Burneyea 'illness his ann. year, the board granted her request. is in charge of, Conductor Gordon. • At a previous meeting- Miss Combe • . was given a month's leave of absence FINED FOR MISBEHAVIOUR. • owing t.o illness, but as she has not ' • yet sufficiently recovered to resume :A young Man from..Goderich tOwn- her duties' she asked for an extension ship imbibed. whiskey too freely . on alonday and .in the evening -insulted a of leave which was granted. couple • Of •, ladies- while on their way ,Mr. R. E. Manning was .appointed to the Public I,ihrary committee sin hotoe from the G. T. R. station. He place of Mr. W. E. Rand, who resign-. . ws.s not too dvuitk; however, not to ed. know. that he had 'acted improperly as - he . started for home at once. • But The hoard is not directly concerned as to the cluratiOn of the coal strike Chief Welsh •brOilght hint back next LS it has a supply of ten tons• leftov- day When. *the' mayor fined 'hint. four el from last season which will tide it clollara ,and costa... This is /list the pretty well on into next year. • first lime this' Y°Iing 'has •6°J1- tributed . to the town's reVentie, so. it The following accounts were ordered ought to occur :to him that it. would to be paid : be cheaper to select smite other town. as the :seene .of his drunks. , . 6 oo 20 GUN CLUB TOITRNA1VIENT: . . . . o oo l'oo The. tealfth, annual. touthanient of. • the Clinton gun club .began yesterday. and , is • in progress today. Shooters are preterit from . New York, •Hamil- ton; .Brantford, Thomas, •Fingall; Sarnia, Exeter and Ctediton. . The strong wind blowingsyesterday made high scoring. an • impossibility, . The scores •the three .principal. events so far shot ,are .15 Live Birds: $75 gaaranteed.. Han,- dicap '26. to 31. yards. Kerr (28) Creditona-a ' ;roues (30) St...Thomas—ix' Scott .(29) Haanilton—ao Upton .(29) Hamilton -13 Snell (28), Exeter -;-a • Grahrint..(27). Cliirton-s4 F. Mitchell (28) Sarnia -7 Brown (28) Sarnia-/ . • • Fanning .(31.) New York -13 Cantelon (30) .-Clinton--14 • Dollie , (28) 'Clinton—; ' McCall ,(28). Fingal -7 -Hovey (27) Clintori--7 C. J. Mitchell (30) Brantiord---io Cantelon,'''Clinton, won the fob purse, gr. Upton of Hamilton $22.30. Jones of Hamilton, and "Dols lie'!' of Clinton divided $7,,S., • ib, Live Birds. • $15. guaranteed. • Kerr (27). • 6,' Jones (30) 8, Verne (a8). 7, Graham (27) 6, Snell (27) 3, C. J. Mitchell. (Oo) 0, Brown. cla.) ao Upton (29) 6., Scott ,(29) ro F. Mitchell` (27) 8, Fanning ,(3z) 9: Can- telon (30) 7, 'Hovey (27) 7, McCall (28)' 5 Birds.. . John Cnill Jas . Ferguson A. J. Grigg W. Coorer & Co.. F. Evans PARAGRAPHS. A meeting of the rural deanery of Huron is being held in Seaforth to- day. Miss Mabel Harland, who has been quite ill lately, is, we are glad to hear, recovering. Rev. J. Green has been making not- iceable improvements to .his property. on Huron street. Mr. D. Cantelon has shipped this. past week 2500 barrels of apples and three carloads of hogs. . • The promotion examinations for the Public schools of Huron will be held' on October 23rd and 24th. Miss L. 14IcEwen, cashier at Jack-, son Bros' big store, has been on the sick list during the past week. ' Mr. George Cooper has opened. Out a barber shop in the- stand lately oc- cupied by Mr.. J. T. ,Emtnerton. • Rev. ' Mr. Melott of liensall • will. preach educational sermons in the *On- tario street church next Sunday. • . Mrs. Adam Cantelon will reside dur- ing the winter with her son, Mr. Han- ley Cantelon of Goderich township. Mr. R. Ra,nsford has improved, his property on Huron street by. removing the fence, putting in cement walks, etc., etc. Mr. Appleby has had a stone foun- dation placed under his house and is making his property look quite neat and snug. A Thanksgiving service will be held; in the Ontario street church next Thursday at 14 a, • in. The preacher will be the Rev. H. *Manning. Acting Judge Holt came to town yesterday to preside over a session: of the Division Court, but there were no: cases ready for trial. Mr. J. Copp has been .papering Atia painting in the Molsons Bank and al, - so in O'Neil's private bank at Exeter. Mr. Copp has no superior as a manip- ulator of the brush. Mr. Charles Wallis is having -Itis new house on Huron street completed. It will present a pretty appearance and is in every respect an up-to-date dwelling. The evaporator, though working to its utmost capacity, is almost over- stocked with apples. It made its first shipment this week, a carload to Germany. Mr. T. Somerville of Brantford win preach, at Mr. M. Clew's of .Hulletts at three o'clock p. in. on Sunday next and at seven p. in the brethern hall in the Searle block. Heavy shipments of apples having overstocked the Old Country markets, the prices have fallen and the local buyers will reduee the price hete • to seventy five cents per barrel. Owing to Thanksgiving Day falling on Thursday The News -Record will go to press a day earlier than usual next week, so we must ask our correspond- ents to forward their budgets a .day earlier than has been their custom. . The trustee board of Wesley ehurth have had expert landscape gardeners 1537 0° IVIcCall 3, Dollie 3, Kerr. 4, Jones a, Stone 4, Upton 4,F. Mitche115, Scott- o, Snell 3. • BEZZO—Ii/VER1VIORE NUPTIALS. The toWn hall was the scene of a Salvation Army wedding last evening when Major MelVfillars of London, as- sisted by Staff Captain Itawlirigs of the sazne city, nnited in Matrtmony's holy. bonds Miss Amelia Livermore, third daughter of Mr. Jos. Livermore, to Ralph Bezzo. The bridesmaid was Miss Susie Livermore and the grooms- man Mr, Malcolm Clement. The matrimonial knot having been made secure. short addresses were giv- en by oflicers from the Seaforth, Whighatti and Goderieh corps. The• Members of the bridal party also ad- ded their testimony. There was no attempt at deeora- Women's Missionary Society Convention, • The eight annual convention of the London .onference Branch of the Wo- men s 14ssions,ry Society opened in the Ontario street church, on Tuesday forenoon, and concluded its business at noon today. The sessions of yesterday and today were held in Wesley enurch. There were nearly one hundred dele- gates in attendance from all parts of the territory comprised in the London Conference. The discussions were well maintained and several of the dele- gates showed speaking ability of a high order. A deep interest was man- ifested in the proceedings and the•res- ult will be an increased missionary spirit throughout the bounds of the Conference. On Tuesday evening tha Methodist ladies of .town entertained the dele- gates in the S. S. room of the On- tario street church and in partaking' of the many good things provided del- egates and hostesses became the bet- ter acquainted. When Rev, IW. Gifford took the chair at eight o'clock every seat in the auditorium was filled. The address of the evening was giv- en by Miss Morgan, the Society's missionary amcmg the Chinese and 'Japanese of Britialt Columbia, • Miss Morgan's description of the people among whom she han labored on the Coast was exceedingly interest- ing. The dialcultiet the missionaries .encounter are very great and the re- sults are as yet small. but much is hoped for, The chiefent of the obstac- les whiah prevent the growth • of Christianity among the Orientals Of B. C. is their love of gold. A letter of greeting was read*froin Mrs, Ross, president of the General Board, and addresses given by Mrs; MeDlechlin of. London, the president •and the vice president, Mrs. Gordon Wright, also of , London, the latter ' giving 'a resume of the present condi- tion of the mission work. Several rriembeas oi the local auxil- iary took part in the address of wel- come which was replied to by' Mrs. Lawrence Of Settforth: • The report or the treasurer., Miss L. Acheson of •Godetith, contained glad tidings, inasmuch an it showed. that, not only. has the society been able to inaa e ends meet, but. that .it has. a balance, to 'ita- credit. . • • The teatinioniels of Mite Fox 'cif • • a candidate for the W, . M. Work, vvere read,: and after Con- sideration it was decided to accept her services.- Miss Fax objects to labor- ing in certain fields in regard to which the president and secretary will inters view 'her while tlieir WaV to the . • Board meeting.' • • .Mesdames Bisclon, Harrison and Ten- nant, nominatier tommittee, reported the membership of the different coni - Mittens, the con.vcnors of Which are as • follows : Mission Band, Mrs. 'Beal,. Landon ; Organizera, ' Mrs. Cunnixissa hogie. of Kincardine ; Courtesy, M.t. S. Smith of Arva. have a Lookout committee, visit the homes, call for careless persons, ask certain people to pray for the work, scatter literature,. pray for special persons. How can we increase our treasury funds ? Answer—Have a mite box, prayer meeting collections, a birthday box. Mesdames Hamilton and Bishop answered the nuMerous questions which were asked. Rev. Mr. Manning presided at Wed- nesday evening's meeting which was very largely attended. A unique feat- ure of the program was a flag drill • given by the children of the Method.. ist S. S's untler the supervidion of • Mr. S. Murch. The Mission Band report, read by Miss Dempsey of London, showed a total membership of 1102, incluoing • 36 life members. The number of Cir- cles and Bands is 23, a gain of 2.. Total ineorne $766.39. . The usual presentation. to the Cir- cle and Mission Band showing the largest percentage of membership a.nd •incorne was made by• Mrs. Gordon Wright and Mrs. Burns. Mrs. Heard replied on behalf of St., Thomas First church. Circle and Dirs. Robertson for the Goderich 1Vlission Band. As a slight token of the esteem of the convention and its appreciation of the deep interest taken in the sionary work -by the honorary presi- dent, lqrs. Burns, a life anembership certificate neatly framed was Present- ed to her • by Mrs. Cunningharne and Mrs MelVfechan in well chosen words voiced the sentiments of the delegates. On behalf of the ecturtesy committee . airs.• Fred: Smith of London -read a resolution eapressing thanks for all who had assodated in prepaxing . for the conVention or had in any way con- tributed/ towards its success and the comfort and pleasure of• the delegates. 'The ressulatioq was adapted by a standing Vote. .A lengthy discussion took Place ott the following resolution which Was finally, on motion of Mrs; Buret, re- ferred. io the Mission Board :. In ref-., erenat to the. 'young ladies num- bere of .any. Circle, who Wish to have connection witiv. an auxiliary •but 'who cannot .pay, the Si fee, that they be allowed. to .ray as and be recognized, as holding a'tertain•clairn, to Member- .• shin. in the Auxiliary. ' '• a • T•he,sfollowing .renehrtioit bearing on the • temperance question was . parried unauhnously : Believing '• that among the g,reatest hindrances to, the exten- sion of ..Christ's: kingdoin an .heathen - dont is the legalized liquor traffic, which seen -is to dernoralize the nature . . totally unfitting it for the reception of .the : truth c.i'v,thich makes us free," • . and believing that in the.; home. lama it . likewise' • forme one. of. the most' fora. at -ridable battlers and diverts funds in- • to. hnuroper • and Unlawful channels , :while the niiiSfonery cause is handl- capptd for, • lack of - funds. In recogni- • •tion of the .above • facts it is resolved : That we, the' mentbers .of the .London . Conference, Bran.cli in .emtvention as7.•.. ahe district organizers gave en - col laging reports front their varipuS sembled, place. on record our -uneoni- • ing ineome..and an increasing' interest fields' of labor, which showed n grow- Promising attitude to.warda Lite liquor treilic,' Further,resolved. That, We give • The' organizers' conference .was con- - Pre6tical ' eXpressisan to. the same by ' .sistent effort to • further the prohibit- . ford: doing all we can by prayer and pet- • &mail by •. Mts. Purist:Imre of Strat- ory.eause during the coining campaign 'Was Gillord and Manning addrens- ed the conventain on the growing re- which eithninates on Deeember 4th, apcusibility of women in. the evangel- • • 12ation' of the world. ' likeMeehan of ' ' Mrs. Bans, of St. Thomas, made ten- . The coal strike still contiriues: . and • . .. . The President, Itits, •Loneiiii, i uct ha honorary president, THE COAL' STRIKE.. • dew atelerende ..to•. the unavoidable tuts become it veey.eerious matter. If absence Of thU• vice' president, •IVIrs, it lasts mach 'longer many industries,'.'•, Dickson, who has' been severe- .botla in the U. S..and Canada, , will ly. allieted for the pant eiglat - have* to close down for want of fuel. , requeited that n. telegram.of •ayrnnatha win.be •in the event of cord Weather there Menthe. The• convention unanimously; And great suffering among the poor Greetings were received _from the Owing to the extraordinary demand sister societies of Clinton. Mrs. for soft coal it has advanced in price Irwin represented the Prdsbyteriast and byreason of a scarcity in cars church, . Mrs. Denlop the Baptist may yet beeorne somewhat difficult to church and Mrs. Perrin .the W. C. T. la Mra. Ferguson of Stratford re- obtain. To insta.nce the increased de- • mend for Soft carat,. Harland Bros. nay . sanded it a, very pleasant manner. that they will sell one hundred times • The -memorial service was led by as much of, it this season as arty prey- • Mrs. Harrison of London. Tender arid. ions one. . affectionate tributes svere paid to the For some 'time to come the people following- members of sthe society who have died lincp .the laat convention : will inducle in their daily prayers a Mrs, Coleman, Wyoming - suPPlication for mild weather. • Mrs, Nicholson, London Mrs, Wigle, Leamington Mrs. Baker, Lambeth Mrs, liaenbletori, Lucknow Mrs., Coed, Wingham • Mrs. Hantlyn, Dungannon • Mrs. A, Pentland, Dungannon Mrs.. Reid, Dungannon . Mrs. Gilbert, Gowrie . • Mrs. Bengough, Hensall Mrs, .T. Lloyd, Stratford Mrs, Cosford, • Coded& • Mrs. Elford, Rolmetville Mrs. M. Armstrong, Sarnia ,Mrs. R. Kane, St. Thornan On Wednescla.y forenoon it was de- cided to hold the next convention at Stratford. The queries in the question drawer were answered by a committee con- sisting of Mesdames Hamilton, Bishop • •. • PERSOXA:L... • • Miss ,Lily Hunt is visiting friends in Thorndale.• .• • • Mr, II. B. Hodgens was in Detroit on Saturday. bless thin unicna was prominently clis- ' and Burns. ' A notice of motion was 'given by Lions in the hall, but the' motto God After' the friends had thronged . a- Mrs. turns; That article 4 of the eon. stitution relating ato atixiliaries be .a- playea; gratulated and. wished them well the mended so as -to include a superintena bout the happy 'couple and had • con - whole party proceeded to the barracks dent of Systematic Giving. • • where a banquet awaited them. An A letter of sympathy was directed abundance of good things had been to be sent to Mrs, (Rev.) Greene of Clinton, who is seriously ill, provided and lot a -couple of hours the The Round Table Talk was. ocatiduct- The four storied wedding cake' was Mrs. Medd of Hensel' spoke upon ed by Mrs. Bishop of London. • Waiters were kept busy. Cut up by the brideamaid and distrib- the Mission 13aint and showed the need bariquetera. ' of it, how to promote its gionotli and . uted ' in generous pieces among the 'There wet a large array' of wedding the necessity of developing its devos presents, among thein being' a hand- t.i.otial side. The subject was dealt' with in a helpful way. The report of the editor of the Out- we.s unanimously of the opinion that who moves to the dwelling lately the prosper,onn and happy future. the contractor must make tbe walk home of Dr. rreetatn. The Dr. will Mrs. Tennant presented the report of wider and put it in `hater condition, take up his abode next the Cointrieres . PERSONAL, . the Department of Systematic Giving One of (Fe councillors having stated ial hotel, • and several inembers gave testimony that the contractor would he liable Mr. William. More, the hustling Mr' s joint Beacom returned to het -to the god they had derived •"t froth horne iti Birr islet Thursday, but Aids tit, e of cation. for any accident which might happen sa estna o e n.- ig from the defective walk, Clerk Coats machine, has rented tilt shop adjoi directed attention to a judgment rec- ing the one he has occupied for Some ently given in the High Court to the time and is having both Maw paint - effect that a municipal council cannot ed and improved in. other respetts. in ...1,case.s divest itself of responsi- has now a neat and comfortable plaets bilit bitslitess... ti AuxilhtfV Hz • Mr. Beacon; Will make a more ex- The sym. poS n tended stay. Ilia health has im- Was exceedingly interesting and must proved somewhat since he arrived prove helpful to all Nita heard it, and he has been cheered up by scores The topies discussed were : How cat of old-tinte friends from town arid We induce ladies to beano metnbers townships who have *ailed upon him, of the W. MI AnswerAdvertise, 1V1rs. A, J. Holloway is visiting in Blyth this week. • . Miss Emma. Stephenson has mini -tied to her school in Hensall. • Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Searle are visit- ing relatives. in the Forest City.. ' Mr. George Brickenden was a guest at the perefttal home, Mi. John . • Brickenden's, yesterday,. . Mt, Albert 1VIcarettie;• who was visit- . ing his mother last week,' has • re- turned to Stratford, Mr: Will. ,Keinp,s who . is employed in the Seaforth furniture. factory, • was home Sunday and Monday. . Mrs. John Murray, who spent the sununer with her motherrin-law,, .11Trs. Murray of Huron street, has • returned to her home in Brooklyn. Miss Mabel Howson, .dnughter of Rev. W. G. Howson ' of Askia street Methodist church, London, has, been a guest 'for a. week or more \of Miss Maggie Washington. 11r. Andrew Duncan. of Stanley was in town'pn Tuesday on his way to en- ter his famous Shropshire sheep at the. Myth Vain Mr, Duncan swept • the boards, so to speak, at the.ltay, Exeter' and Seafortit Pairs with his Shrops. Messrs. Hoover, Ford, Rer, 1, R. Archer and 12. Downs drove to Wingltain on Sunday to attend the unveiling of a monument to the memory of a deceased Woodman, but owing to the heavy downpour of rain the ceremdny was postponed Initit Thanksgiving Day. The fol'owing Ancient Foresters vis- ited the Seaforth Court on Friday evening last : C. Hale Prank Evans, W. C. Drown, Albert' Keittp, John. Derry, Prank Hernial, James Dunford, George Xemp, Jacob Slo- man and. Bert Hovey. During the evening a return game of carpet balls was played which ended with the honors even. The visiting A. O. F's say they enjoyed the evening very much.