HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 13C:9 CMINTON NEW�RQCRD 11 geed before our edlelncing cvUtza- on the tails of the adders of in - Ideation are •even more Multitndi- 011e DPW than ever hefOre. The SORROW Of intoxication have creased fee rapidly thethey Are w inlittraerable, We hear their his* almost every legislative ball. We their eyes gleaming out of els st every palace. We And tilehl under the orange blossoms of the %silage altar, as well as in the de. tion hospitals lor the Patients who ve their rooms filled with the cell- s' serpents of delirium tremens. We d many of our statesmen Paralned tha glance of an adderre eyea, as poor, little frightened 'sParrow ono and all 1ght the serpents of i ight tremble and crouch.imistil she lis into the open Mellth of the aetsnake which has <harmed her. e find that even a few p the minis - re who fill the pulpits of the gospel , Jesus Christ are 'terrorized by the ght of the serpent of intoxication, le:vise 1 h rich brewer may be the esident of the board of trustees or e Wealthy distiller's family may be .e largest contributors to the finan- xi support of the church. The curse sinful intoxicants is universal, erefore all Christian people — and at includes you and me — should preacher and temperance worker I std thmiseivee together for its ex- have personally tried to aid in the idiots We should deal with the rescue of many drunkards. I have pent of strong drink in the same helped send souse to the reformatory iv the travelers over the western institutions. I have taken them into siries deal with the rattlesnakes. my own home and bought them medi- ere it is a universally obeyed law eines from the drug -stores. I am it every man shall kill every rat- free to confess that all these human snake he may see. H. ought also agencies failed except when those vic- be a universally obeyed Christian time of strong drink. have thrown v that every Christian should themselves into the arms of God and Ile at the hideous head of the Sa- clung to Jesus Christ as their only 1:c adder of intoxication whenever Saviour. Divine re -enforcement can reveals itself or lifts its fatal pots- save you if you will live so close to elm fangs to strike. ".-. Christ that Christ can and will live here are four distinct reaselm„for close to you. Divine re -enforcement ,ing this serpentine evil of intOkisaskinne can save the drunkard who is its, four distinct reasons to wage heading toward a drunkard's grave. Cast it unsparing and relentless This nromise being true, that Jesus rfare. The first is because the ser- Christ'llone is the only sure a.nti- t of Intoxicants destroys a man's dote fOFthesuicidal thrist of strong in, dethronng his reason and ut- drink, the next step in our temper - y ruining his ineutal capacity for ance reformation should be to open Ser.kied,,ef important work. As a all the chUrefies In our Christian btr.iyill enter into wildcat land for great temperance meetings. ntil often his whole Every ministerceof the gospel should t away. As a physi- preach and ectiltylnue to preach the hi elf for the sick- gospel of .teetietalism. Every pulpit e will ruin his of every chilrelfAhould be a. broad, n no longer White :rietik.liefthe which the victims as he once of steongi,dilnk could bow at the here the cry throne.'ofltsace for mercy and then poor, drunk- arise and trembling hand sign ter in what the teMperang, pledge and blot it live: "Make then and ''•:theikl, with their falling ve him alone! tears of Tferiltelie4 The church of the Lord Jesus Clirgt must and shall lead in this sue0e4sAul temperance re- form.- The chttrelgdr theaLord Jesus Christ can 'clestrosr•the*Boon if she t drunkards obeli the kingdorn of God." There is AO need of read- ing further. That simple FaUline sentence covers the whole ground. it seems to harmonize With the Ice- lander's idea of hell, which is tie- he aIreat lea Palace, the walla at which are- covered with a, huge mass of waying, swinging serpents./ Their forked tongues and 'hissing. throats ifonverge'..tO, A conittion centre, where the Condemned of God crouch and treMble end weep. Shall we not fight this serpent of intoxication, which may aptly be compared to the leelander's Satanic serpents in the palace ef the Inferno? Shall we not, toxication, which can and do destroy happiness the other side of the grave as well as that of the lifo which is on this side? The sure antidote -for the pOison of the adder of intoxication must be found for Christians, first and last and all the time, in the blood of Jesus Christ. It is right to use hu- man agencies for the cure of inebri- ety, but I belive human agencies will always fail unless they aro blessed by the divine power—by the power of the Holy Ghost. As a pastor and THE SU) I.E$S01•11$ FOL)rt'TH RV NATIQNAL $ERIE sulationS1, tine lit swe 1 ho will un in As a •laWYWr` 'lice, because he I in the courtroo 1 plead. And evel bo raised about t ' ental wreck, no., o of life he may Make way! nks! Ile drink evil results of u. eakened by into fa.rreaching. 1,V07.)„r ent how a boa cciik,_ clown a ealf or kid 01" tty five times wider than the size of the serpent's throat. ✓ country boy has seen the enomenon upon a small scale. with a throat hardly larger ✓ little finzer will give chase 0, fat toad. It will than ether the two hind legs of nd hy suction slowly draw body down its throat and n's mind its are with Text of the isesiton. memoirs. verses, 8. 1 Josb. 1, 9-.Commelit hr law!. D, M.- Ste41 WM ICO.Pirigliti DM bir Amer, elation.1 1, 2. The Lord 'sialte ll sear of Nun, Moses' ininlat This Is to inc the hear verses and of the WhOl the whole 131ble—the ken. Note the thrilling 'I, p, 'Hear, 0 heirventl, each, for the Lord hat compare Deut. xxxii„ 1;1 1, 1, 2. In Ise. lXvi. 2, the man whom the Lord favor is the man with a ' trite spirit. who tremble8 not those who with the 4 devil dispute and &Mei wise His word. nelterati ance that Ile had giver Israel, Ile bids Joshua a to arise and cross over is their leader, Joshua 11 • 3, 4. Every place that thj Loot shall tread upon that unto you, es 1 said onto Mc And again He defines I as in Gen. xv, 18. They God are, like Himself, •counsel stands, and He pleasure (ph. iii, 11; 1, Isa. xlvi, 10). He who 1, nity saw just what He 1, when He would do it d women who will let HIM both to Will and to d plans, ambitions or aim be good clay in the lovin potter's hands, believin word or, in the languag sage, culling possession says is yours. 5. As 1 was with Moses s thee. I will not till thee n Joshua had seen as some of the Lord's dealt and he would doubtless gracious assurance cove possibly need or desire mei and to Joshua Id very similar words of (Dent. xxxl, 0=8), but self speaks to Ills ser He bad previously sp Moses, and the words we shall see'in these f does her full duty, es the prayer gotne say. "Oh, if I meetings of the country , meeting de- stied speak to mer' no ed the ,. politiettl -candidacy Ho eft G. Ingereell, for the (laver of ii!d".1,43.,,7gord He Is a norehip of Illinois. phr'"ttifegfance"° ,- them:as if they h movlsment will fir and surely fa 11, voice f Co heaven. if itAtcarried n purely as a. secularee.07,afilly be thou etre ; molt' ent. It wilLwin,,,,able'l ttliVST • w inll i it is crnied, nnoltri eV vine See - this command stro eelfir 1,,flint''Cvtlet dod .4licV the cal 1014N,svotild aceomplis44_ ent „he which is enliste tiCtlieSe '•ver.s4.-s7it r-eirM of a church ins ly. Spirit. lb is y 9 for e,,,,40•Sper te- tointich. Then, if the court - 111 pick up the snake by tsfs ,the gr must fiSettie nap him as he would .a 'ed• • . " the serpent's mouth -will Latitisssand most inlPer,tf, he toad will be ejected, with the .help of the .0141144; ell, as was Jonah when we should try to kill ilte'•eelde mouth of the big strong drink by making our n' voyaging for laws so stringent t ternal cavity, should find it a ent of serpentol- the ftifist,,•4•thers ')IM lute, :W4t19 the size of a big 1 snake ie able to ..,rinent ought to be ared to the utter as- th • which he sees the eh the serpentlof intox- allow after the brain has been wrecked by Wit bout any apparent allow down the mer - the minister's pulpit, co, the surgeon's op - e mechanic's bench, gine, the sea cap - cart through the er of intoxication a poisoned heart, heart of an inhu- order to drink a practically,to go e is ready to let starve. I have ds who were will- » flesh and blood order that they th which to satis- hirst. Th 0;,er,w mensihl .04,44 %Wok of m „e4Cp 34.80 *..rte„beller,,e e 4eig' -, .,,1D4»dte to liege to get at the wine cup .i eveztlf they the power of His would. It is easier to 'keep 100 Eph. vi, 10). There young men from acquiring the evil lu the assurance of habit of strong drink than it is to Lord will give stren reform no debauched drunkard. It is easier to prevent, than to reform pie, the Lord will' sin. I suppose the chronic drunkards with peace." who have been drinking for twenty 8. This hook of the:1 or thirty years will find their poison- out of thy moutNbut ous serpent of the wine cup no mat - therein day artd.:nigh.F. ter where they may be. But it is The firSt. two P511 possible by law to keep liquor away ! preface to W, hbfe from the young men and the young or, raper, to 1.14 women. It is possible to protect the 04:11Y;:tt1,1' "Blessed rising generation so that they mayg:;,itildfyith.oBitissed not be able to find this adder's lai,t1,,,k,:=44.4.102'teeSt in H and- to feel' rhis-foul breath or his ; tvsie h.•bAt l,d,.if 1 .1 asset poisonous fangs.. • ' And not trlyetrIngent laws Wuly ma shouldlshit%•OstrOYuleWine cup be 0FAtztrOth, the L keptIfeigif4t0404eiiuti the young and nits never fully ehellid'illtii,"die taught why the de- ether. Yet every bawling- Intiuence of strong drink Is should manifest that kept out of their reach. The evil re- es possible, The IIIS sults of indulgence in the wine cup be seen in us (II Cor should be taught in the public can only be as We 1 schools as well as in our Sabbath in tis richly and meth schools. They should, be taught up- on the public platforins as well as el,ly aud are able to in the privet% home. The evils ofMe • • 4 I law, it Is me strong drink -should be presented so der 0.'8- exit 211' talefirly and vehemently to the young if we love Illm We ;tiiqt.th.e rising generation should (John xiv, 234 and. ".by' 'he 'grate of God be keep it is In our hear , tpin their might and 9. !lave not I cora 7 , 1,04 hare' 11 that kr:s, :0. efi Tiwy shall be -able to Lem" thy trod is with'tha ail/pima •defOlareT-Ik4ikith our help aitilhehurch f hint gest • )iorrors of .eit.Of.,,,theit:Attior, tet,4100',bt4-':tteainitrA.4.;.•1111, ssSuranee tit ' can, 05k,;‘.nud"that 11r is w!th 'on.,,;jn Our in- ,.040131tfte,a;00110: ''thekVMA(,1 • '1' Iierbent ':^atilbtt0.!' It to ' v . logos. tinT n evil de- a!t...,:it-s,•'" 1t:te1ea• P IP t 'Id eOli a tul lfell as 04.1*sta cursed aleo11011.' • fttande ' tlit, Itt; vit1 uhriatinheiineh wen:tett, nOrth,"Ilt tits a Ise the 'gre. tICV,Ao; hirkiC,441'. :tong • -01;oisrit. tV ;14 tOixtpOr*Ine • ktiik.EIK ,':1010jghtttiiitt (,Ion v11 41.16*01,,,,,,,.0.1h... Let the minitOrk,eobsserate:the „tit'retiiraed to heaven tits , • way Pits to the' 1•110. teelneti l'ollOWtiri4: that iliV;ht :;;47,lhit, my consecrate the fieWS, May WO .dne..ecr0 vett rint on 1.10 to , thn • all be ready to die for ,.the temper- -t.ct .1 ' • 4:: If yiru ance cau8e, but'. never,' le surrender: 11' 't "16 1141 t eiiinlat- never to cease •fighthig :thektikyori :sxy411, 'If b elhOtts and its intrenched power until WO 1.04 441I1,'"Ithee be °ft Sty, you are summoned hetet° tile great white. ,o(Filorhio(Inieliged, , throne of heaven. Never, never. , \\101111 three (is •vou will er let up in the struggle against th1s 4"'11"" to 'so jag, 'It hinitiSpheric evih Until.*ha hoine anrl buNI vi01.4 l'c't.4 stlions: to the church" and the':/ingdont- 0,6d."1?"'4." .3eoti *in 11. shalt rervi)•or he Oen.; , 111014 ifirdlett t'OMtria di air or. tig one, 'no ,031 ? • • pst the .penpto.: far he y. no0i3o. tOr, .thil'Ysti.uge# thich Iii,Cliefers, WWI 141 betti ear- temperance canee-7•„4Yrilie.'"ehtirch'"'enti;;;•,0(eli4011,t4#0 -,,tiire-;„;'-linterica and orthas*Orld. ''"eli'prOpritite it. lords y erieS, must and shall strong and of a good from the' evils of af:ahl, neither be the meted slain by c adder? dile verse de. Shall n? What Corinthi- thor idols- ieves nor ▪ in • 'the' !tog of,es—' Buying` a Kan There are thr is the least importa when it saves in fu constantly adding t as Happ is the lightest fuel . Range constructed. Write ihs Mans THE Vtrivt. 113MA 'Vt.k Ir.