HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 10e
a Sketvft of
Hay Towship Fall Fair Prize List.
• Oototer
iiiimoomil 1 a 111011011011111011111110101.
Hicks' October Forecast.
•Huron County It The thirtreiglith annual; fair of the Cuithiou '.foilet, C. Ceempln
iell, H. Well; ()caber en wit
be • - h
gen re-entionary
Hey Brain: • Agrieeltural SoeiatY was Lamp Mete C. Campbell, S. Wise storm
a of rain, and ponibly snow to
4,1r*Itittoo441414, 4.14,044.4001.001.0444.04res.t4044.400.0.00.0* lettlyd, oint olltier1weltvuotitelvliumrlts; wteroort e7orekava, ;Canpcuemleeileel piton!. the nortit, pavsing eastwurcuy over the
by Win. Doenlas and be iti 1874 by
afeeninSIIIP. OP ,T1.112.14BURRY,
geographical:100a of this
ebiP is nearlY that Of fi, eight-aligled
ti: angle with the base -resting against
the WW1:s1ip* of -Gee,y% Morris and
Ea* :Wawa/mesh on the enutlawest, the
cast side. being 'Winded, by the town-
slOP of Howie% gad theeno,rth by the
toadesliin of Cairns, itt the Cieenty 'of
Drage. rite general tharenteriStice• of
its 1,011 May be stated tue,of. fair to
annerier qnalitv., while its stiefece is
bee the omia undulating, inclining to
A:night/ass an thine. parts 'bordering the
itorth Inienth of the 'IVIaltland rarer,
whielt traverses it in ait extrealelY ir-
regular. course trom the tentern bouti-
elary to the neirthweet -ante, beiug
leined withinathe corpeeratien .Of. "the
:.,town'ot Winglierit. (veinal is Within the
nelegraPhical limits of Turitl)erry) by
• the .ritiddie •bneetelt, whielte latter
etreent diverges front 111orrie aqd tray-
' erses for several miles, tbit teouthwese
edge el the 'township, '
So 'far as we eati ascertain the first .
SattleMeate within the present limits
Vas .1411d where the village of Blue-
, vale : Dow tea Jaeob. Cantelon (lots 31
itiltiea.),' Alexander peneen, (lots ee
leta"30)•...a.„*1 James McCullough (1�te
r.gia, 34) were the first Settlers
time previous to the "land sale"
September, 1854, Mr. McCune -
h h 'Ong located the previous Meech
d the others some time previous to
t age.* In the eastern seetion of
teems' •p James Henning and ROla
eleDuff It. d settled some time prior
the " lat sale" and about that
John Gal eller, Alex. Thompson
ndrew 'Mitchell, John McTavish, W.
-1Viorris, Sr. and Jea, and Vin. Bennett
came in and Secknied land. John
Igesser, for mauy years Reeve of the
township, was One of die earliest sett-
lers within its limits, haying located
hrin 3*.) and 40, concession a in Oct..
.aelee, and settled there Putnam/Ain
&inking the following summer, and
e"Sa tuel Black, the first reeve, settled
e'llot I35 and 36 early in '853 Itt ,the7
'e110 e 'western corner of the township
eecleitt had settled previous to
irid sale and had erected a eaw-
t the place afterwards known as
•, el; on lot 21, con. B. In the
'eastern portion the Hyslops
among the very first, if not act-
tlie first settlers. Alexander oc-
g" lots 9 and 6o, con. 1,- and
'Moffatt settling on lots 54 and.
t, about the same time. W. Ir -
Ito subsequently laid out ana
lie village of Behnore, was the
ir in the northeata _ Pot.;
soateshipaseenot" 07eaofirc. ;
-•-ereeeverting to'the municipal ergainza- I
tea Of the township we find that pre-
vious to its separate and independent
existence Turnberry was united for
some years for purposes of inatiitipal
goeerninent* to Wawanosh'then Man -
prising hoth ;Seat and West InawatioSh'
and that . the „first year of its ,aeparate-
organization was 1857 end the first '
council and sat of township officials
was composed "asefollows : Reeve, '
Sarni. Illack Countillerie, . John For -
tine, David Haugh; Ates,a, ter Sloan,
, Wine Elliott ; Thos. ittt1te ;
Treasurer, Santee Andeasoa ; Aeseaeeir,
Andrew lVfitchell ; Collector, leeetit.
-DWI. • Front the year, of -organiza-'
„thin the township' aasebeen"eepreeeet-
ed in the County Cotnteil as follows e.
0, a alio first Was eve c 611
There is but one villdge of any pre.
then whatever in the township, vi'..,
the village Of Bitteyale, situated where
the Middle branch of the Maitland
crosses the southeastern Innutdar
partly• 111 the township of Morris lint
chiefly in Turnherry. As Milted above
ehe neighborhood was first settled by
aletob Ca.ntel(in and Alex. Duncan.
The foenclera of the village were, how-
. ever, the Leech brothers, a par-
tial 'etecoent of vthose operations and
enterprises in bending up this part of
the country was given under the boil
of Howicia The beginning of Bleevale
wee the purchase from' 3aeob Caatelon
abeve tnentione4 of the property where
the greater part of the village now
statute by the above gentlemen who,
cOmmenced building their mills there
when the only habitations 'anywhere
itt the neighborhood Were the log shan-
ties of Mr, caatelon. and Mr. Duncan:
Their grist mill was completed at the
sanie tinie as that of Gerrie—the ant-
-mem of 1856. Williain Renry Leeen
was the on in eliargeof the build-
ing of the Bluevale Mill and it is
said he struck the first and laea blow
upon it. It detracts nothing from his
reputation . to say that the dam be
erected across the river at this point
is the only one ever built ofi the whole
course of the river which thore
°needy stood the 1;e41; of time and
• e
The Leiches did, not stop Work when
they got their mill completed. They
bacl the greatest 'faith in the 'future of
this part of the coentry, thoggii we.
confess it must have required an- eYe
of faith to see any great flame'. iieeet,
at .that early day. Titne, howevee,
has proved them correct, and though'.
they were - obligedto haul all the
machinery and .material., (except tim-
ber) by horse ot ox-teanis all the way
from Paris and- Guelph to use in the
construction of the mills and this'oyer
a road lying for a greeter part of the
way through intetninegled forest and
swamp of the densest and rent tiff&
oul description, they have lived to see
a thriving town grow •up from, the
nucleus which their efforts and enter-
prise planted there and today they en-
joy :most of the "advantages of the
more populous and ansient icier= and
cities near the sea -board --having in
, their initnediate proximity ,a railway
' station. ,
• ranter nitpleasent so the attenaance Johnstma, S. I ise ; Darned "Work, D. eeuritry. New Moan on the int will ,
:and exhibits were not ap to the avez. et,eeeehaeh, e enapneeisea Degas eaura higher teinperature with sin -
age. The inclooe exhibit, especially in shirt, ee. Wise, R. R. Jolanstou ; Tat- trieal storms, bigh tides and probably
fruit and mots, was larger thau usual "ting, C. Campbell, a'. Johnson ; seismic disturbanees trn wed touching
and the hOreese and cattle were cer- br, in Silk, C. Campbell, T. Johnson; that atete, but cold galea from the
• tainly line. alw gate receipt* snow a Enibr. itt Muslin, C. Campbell, • northwest with rieiug barometer will
slight fallbeg. OS but this Was Inetfai- Johnson ; Woel Stockings, S. Wise, 'follow quickly. ]luring the Vulcan
pitte4 as with each members' ticket .11. Well ; Cotton Stockings, Wise, storm period etlt to eth the weather
att extra admission was men.
Following, is a list of prize winners,
Potatoes —Rose, Geo. Schroeder%
Hy. Roeder ; Fe hant, C. ClosIty,
W. Roeder, Johe ocher ; Colorado
Red, Geo, Sehroedere I', Hartman,
will grow decidedly warmer, beginning
in westetn parte and moving, east-
ward. The barometer will fall at the
SWIM time and eleudiness ana rain
will follow, touching 'most parts of
the imuntryein their eastward progress.
about Sunday the 5th to 'Servant/0V
the 8th. Storms of this period prole. -
J, Reciter ; Blue George
Sehrpeder, Ilaberer, Snowden Bros;
any variety, W. B. Battler, George
Schroeder, Alex. Reunite ; Wit Joint,
George Schroeder, W. 13. Battler ;
Empire, George Schroedet, Geoege
Schoellig, W. B. Battlea; Catmint,
Jaeob Roeder ; John Hay.
13, bite Bea.ns, le, Battler, ..1, Decit-
er ; Beans, any variety, A. Raercher,
John Geiger ; Yellow Corn, Snowdon
Bros.e_ Jacob Render ; Sweet Corn,
A. ' Kaercher, Coris. Schoch ; Red
°Miens, C. Roehrig, Simon Sararas ;
Yellow Onions, J. Coehrane, e Chris.
fecoch ; Dutch Setts, Faust,
Ben. ; Field Carrot, P. Koelta
ler, B. S. Phillion ; Garden Carrots,
Wendel Smith,. Dete.4"Surertis ; Sivecel.
ish Turnips, la • Hartman, Jacob
Brown ; White, Turnips, Jacob Serer -
as, Ernest Gies ; Yellow Globe •Man-
golde, Snowden Bros., H. Well ; Long egeeeeae, n. E. lase •leTette-
Red lYfangolds, Snowden Broe, A. Old A. Foster ; xeYeareOhle B. Smile aorth declination on the, ieth and
leaercher ; ,Oxford cabbage, P. Roma "
lie A Geiger ; Spat, R. Nortlicott, loth. Without the. least desire to be
wen, ` W. B. Battler ; Blade Spanish
ler, H. Well ; Plat Deitch Cabbage, H. J 'P r on ° Gies, :Lennaseedioauna;,rowtise enaL telttoarmt ssevaeurde
it4cBslies) " B• B. PhilliPs1-1). narfe JeAllogrinctuhirtnotan1,4R1IxBon. ellilLenarnn); ZfOtti, .3, tides are, very.Probable at This period,
•"• man ; White BAtli4', Javt4I"Bater6r ; Bonthron E. Gies, R. 13. McLean ; Storms over the great lakaregion and
'Cauliflower, Coebraue ; Pumpkins, e.yeanenia, • ,T, D, Rauch, ,e, along the Merin Atletntie promise to
"-any yaeiety, W, ea -tattler, Snownelt Ilana; x -Year -Old, E, Gies, A, IVIur- Olden er 'shipping end life. 1' itt the
Beeta. ; Meminoth PuniPkine, Snowden' "fay ; Span, .1. Becher, A. Gies, gulf .z• gifitis will not be ,exempt froin.
Brothers ; Celery, J, Cochrane,' General Purpose• --Brood blare; Wen- not e pertarbatioes. Rain, snow
Th J I i I '
T. Johnson ; Wool Mitts, S. Rennie,
Jacob Broom • Wool Sox, S. Wise, II.
Neon Paper' Basket' S. Wise, J.
Slnith; Aresene Work, C. Campbell,
Creayeinork, C. Campbell, F. Witwer ;
Silk Patchwork, T. Johnson, D. S.
Feetst ; Pillow Sleetne, H. Neeb ; Out.
line Apron, an Forrest, S. Wise*, Batt
Wreath, J. C. gelbileinhe CrOchet
Petticoat, T. Johnson, A. S. Patin •
Craze* J. Coelirene, C.
Ralbileisch ; Chair Tidy, C. Campbell,
Jan Geiger,
50 lbs, Butter, $. RAMO, W. Roe-
der, Snowden Bros. ; 5 ,lbs. Butter, W.
B. Battler, Dan. Sureres, R. R. John-
son ; HeMada Cheese,- a. wise, John
Geiger, Snowden. Bros ; Honey in
Comb, „J. Inaberer ; H -Made Bretal,fR.
It, Johnston, Ben. Pfile ; Baker's,
Bread, C. Eilber In -Made Bans, G.
Seheallige Boa, Pfile; 5 lbs, ' Honey,
Wendel Senith, • J. I -laborer ; • Maple
Syrup, G. Schoellig, Wendel Smith ;
Col, Honey, Haberer.
Drenght—Brood Mare, le. Smillie, R
13. Mclean, Etnest Gies . Vaal, R. 33.
in to be s (1. • le
great robabift f • t p
all northerly directions. gnow with
heavy •sleet are entirely probable, 1°1 -
hewed ' by high barometer and cold.
The Mercury period is ceutral on the
Toth and continues to the Jetta and
this. fact, blended with others, will
cane- unsettled stormy weather, per -
baps ontsiae of the regular periods.
Much nloudinese with drizzle and sleet
are reetrits to be expected during mueh
of the mercury period. A rise in
temperate/re and ram foul snow atorms
cial,na/73rtzs.eci extent and eitiergy will
le ;Altura' on tuid touching the lath
The Vulcan storm period, central .tin
'the 1.7th and covering the 15th. to 2otie
is wallet/ the . Venus * period, with
moon ant the die:Alai equator on, the
15th, at a total eclipse notle on the
e6th, and at perigree and greatest,
•....eliaflenee Samna Bleak; e .186 .no
. f •
, .
The first store, in the place (as also.
ia ehe towaship) was kept by a Mr,
Bennett arid the first poetntaeter wee
John Messega"iyho bought (rut Bennett
and cereneele tie a -mercatitile business
for mann` years. The poetedlice , Was
established 22nd September, /gee.
. • . .
, Theefiret selniol in the township wan
'built' at Bluevalea It was a small
frenie building, afterwards tiSett 'as A
dwelling.. silie first who taughjai;,thete-,
'in was Thienues. Farrow, age -Mei- resi-
dent of the township, of,eCheirlte;• Who
was One of the earliaaaeettlers in
that prirt of,IVIoirie net'. to 13eueyale.
The building he . tat lot: in . as •above '
was 'ease) designed ' : a ;P'reebytetian
,inuetinOlousei l atItlition to:a schpol
li t ,:elittieli • en iere, in the.' vicleity
and as such'w -141s0 'Used, being the.
of. . eeeale..'•afid, ,it :is ,e1a4tiied, the.
first .in 4. nherrYeneaUlloakil some - say
4;, N
Entlie "1 '18are, Sanal,apitkek Ii362 "to ihodist meetin Imo ere
eltesine; :-Jahri;e1ifesSet, e ./872-Jesaine,nee."------
e ;len. * e a .,e. aee. •eeonn Messere. !This Ayes alo
4 :i, 4......,.., . .........., .), as eo.re
,"atiela.Biasitaa In, ,l86a the tonna i ,erected ,for th
yee ,t.,,. Taitagl,etatt efillinge the, poea a:enion .are
:melee 'eeettitled .. :10 . a 1),epittyl used . lee all e
.1br, that ena.• theefolloiying *ear-, .1 Mr. Bowler, b.
ijg f011neVed.iii ...,17,i;.1,..iy• Wm • egrIlYn ' I. we. •nfWaYs
t� wen' in„ tarn .-eueceeeed . in:. /872-73 hottse.
oft Coal a Used To
V Pt
The Scientific Afit eau in discussing
tlistitutee ',for meth cite coal during
e contintiation lie shortage of
hat fuel says 4 ." aanfritais there
Lay . quelity in 'soft coal ivhielarendera
„, it unfit :for domestic ifsd. rno.een,`, a-
feriatter. of- fact,: practically ' nb,•other
Mgt is need, ,or has .beea used; for "ele.,
'Aurpo$e$ itt Great Beitalit, arid
the -caOlcing ,'renges ebinea
a design -.front. tiene need in
t, Mithreeite coal it
for the louse-
lginent, to
in ihe
toyea The
enibet • is
f a.
fitst .ig-
to supply
itc• bed
1,:f sloe
ea 41,1,
o feed
°nuts o oistone Sq tas Skonetlen (la smith, S.. Pnttersen, R. B. Mc- *
Bros ; Blood I3eets, W. ' 13attleere U. Lean ; W. Sanaa J. Patte
Well ; Rooted Beets, W. *Battle , B Pfile. 2 -Tear -Ohl J . Deche
fe a , . ; . a
Phillips • . Waterrrielons,. C. Ceetonay ; :and and, .1, .V%-inkenweder , .Nut
Muskmelons, . C. .Celoelty, ' He •Well; Reeder, J. Weber. -
'n.e.d Tomatoes, Thos. Johnston, Snow- Carriage—Brood Mare, C
den. Bros ; Yellow Tomatoes Saoteden 'hale_ . W. Witzel, "A.
Bros., W. 13. Battler,. '' : .. '....., :A.,Rainiie.,, C, . He Car
.. c.m.1,111..,A1,11Li..EE-It), „...„..; .21, -.Olel; Weevatnitioeli,c1III
.. , ,
•:White Fall Wlieate John McBride Witzel, 0,, Schroeder ;
jaeob ,Weber ; Red Fall wheat, B. sel, W. Melee ; Bu
Battler Jacob Webber ; Sprenralihent, Kinsman, T. Bissett, J
S • 1 • "6 a n Road t r 'Br d. M r
Webee • Black Oats, Alex. li' reEweet Irieillistere Peal, R.
nider Bros. , -Rowed 13 tlel Jrieob s e e•-• 00 a e,
White bate,: A. Geiget1...lacole Weber, , Witzel; J•.90ige
W. B. Battler ; SpeltiMeefiler. Bros:: ; nocker,
R.ed Clover, al Reeedet Old, W. :Wetzel
J. Weber, ne Tiamtley Semi, Alex. , Me- eona; Sean,
,Eivenae, SnenMen.e. 'Bees.; •B, S, 1V1., rearclin
r . ,
•-eneppleses-CollectiOn, William RIcipp,
•.:-.clits,.$t J., ; Plate Fall, E.
Giese Snewdea Bros. ;
PlateeeVintere, Snider Bros., E. Gies,
George Seeteoeder ; 'aompletrisa Ca Ell-
ber, • Williamalelopp.; Suomi, Je C.
lealefleiseh, 13.. Pale ; Spies, W.
Rlopp,, Dane '1-1 ache; ,
HloPP. "aloha De ; Greamilega, J.
Weber, Dan. Heath ; _Sepetzenlyerg, Al-
ex. McEwen, W. p , Canada Red,
Wendel Smith, ., Sai-aras ; Pip
S.e-eeeVateneeneer-Dart Surerns ; 'Russ ,
:Ctris, Schoch, S. -Sararase Bee Dave
is nra Road
ese Wants too young to take inedielne may be
5. Cured of croup, whooping cough, and colds by,
.0=g Vaeo.Cresolene—they breathe it
; .2-Tear-
lper, end and Of our ' business is proof that our
Carnohaa,, W. goods give satisfaction, that our prie-
ane Ruaa es are light and that our systeni oI
. Horse, W. quick dispensing is approved -of. If
• Goetz, you have. doubts regarding our : state-
• geiger,11.. enents• we will be. delighted to have a
eAllister, W. visit of inspection. We are head -
ear -Old, na, quarters for the best and purest drugs:
eiger ; 1 -Year- ‘‘ F " '
ilbe J M• AA '$' SICK P .0P14B ME14-14."
liggy ,, ale Bea's 'S.ne.. G°Igeeiel: grPeantinheOnmeeninieerdYieineentinifnennandadais. . ' tIbt:
Sclioellig ; addles Driver, disease -banishing ponter is wonderful. .
:Roeaer, Miss a. feeick, • Mi„?s wen_ Ifyou are weak, pruanin-edoswnc oeriers;ffeeroimng_
CATTLE. potted •will speedily banish ,all your
troubles. Test. its virtues today, it
and (sleet will veldt most iaterior see -
tions an4 a big Oettber veld weve and
a very high beroineter will wind up
the period. Sueli are the probabilit-
its, not the absolute certainties. AU
concerned should be on tilt lookout for
iedicatioas as un other violent atinos-
aheric or other disturbances eome as
a rule without plain mid timely warn-
ings. If an excess of storms and
rough weather fail t%.3 materialize at
this time look out for unseasonably
warm weather with many seismic
phenolnene, Ana unusual perturbation
of the otean tides. The feet to be
emphasized is: that normalcy will not
be the rule the astronomic condition
indicatts outt extreme or alte lher.
Our belief is ilia very heavy atitune-
nal storms will result, followed by
sufficiently cold weather to daniage
and destroy exposed, perishable com-
merce. There is no poseibility and no
necessity for any attempt at localiz-
ing in these forecasts. '
Iteaetion to much warmer, with fat -
lin barometer and more, rails, turning
to snow northward, win be natural
results on and touehing the 23rd and
24th. Ail these October periods will
end in more or len storminess, with
still, cola gales over, tile great lakes
and the northwest generally. By the
middle of the ,month the boreal waves
and frosts will reach qidte to the gulf
regions. ,
The Ian five days of the Month are
covered by a regular stoma period,
blended with the Verrus, disturbance at
its centre, with Moon on the Celestial
pcptaaar on the ",2 7t11 mid new agate ofl.
the aist. The indications are that
storms, tropical in kina, with thunder
and rata southward, will come during,
the first developments of this period.
But as the rising berometrie atea from
the ,northwest inminges on the low
barometer to the southward rains will
euickly merge into sleet atid now
and boreal blasts will spread south -
weed and eastward quite o'ver the
Durham—Milch Cow,- J. Roeder, rst Inekes ick people well,
d. 2nd, J. Chantbere ; .2 -Tear -Old J. E. HOVEY, Druggiat,. Clintou,
'-e—Mileh Cow, J, Ptah, Mainiaininn good 'health is to the
Ont. • 5-32
„alters 11. Roeder, $, Miller, nee.
4 • Yearling Heifer, J . Roeder, S. •
embers ; Bull Calf, J. Roeder, H. • .
oeder ; Heifer Calf, J. Roeder,• W. GOOD 1,11.',ALTH FOR CAPITAL.
eder, J. Clive bers. • '
. .
eanan; elenee eau, majority of people tne most vital
Heifer, j, question hi tbe world and 'nature aff-
earling ords no MOre:efficient strengthener for
a J. the, eye:tete' and restorative for the
st. and mid,le,
. Roeder ; 2-Year-
Plafe, Itoeder, J, Plaff ;
Heifer, Fe Willett, 'rat; and ,2
urSa.ratreamsoitte:le aear-old Steer, J. Ifatie nerYes ;than Dr, Chases Nerve Food.
er Maneon • Fat in 'Naturally, gradually mid' certainly it
Wend ,aleifer • J. i. Roecler, S. beaker feriae red corpuscle* in the blood
anii,' H, •Roeeler, Jacob- Howald ;, mac. 'Yearling Sieex" Wille ,nuwe ,Ith_ 0 11 d
a y n rye cc s an
1,01; %nem Webber. St,
cliThalni cane etneesaa'
tate, troubled p�ma 4th
stiffereele great h•
and in cation.
hee t
After bjavbag
to heel
trouble m
vigorous and nein
regular." "
Dyspepeia and heart
go band in baud. \Vh tbs
thin and watery and Nue /serves
sued exhausted, away wen in t
liable to get slow Raul uncertain in
Dr. Chases Neon Food is the Most po
erful blood -builder and nerve reatorati
that tneclical ;deuce has ever devised.
cures thoroughly and pen/Meetly
restoring the whole imam to health a a
vigor, 50 cents a box, at all dealer:a/Or
Bdmanton% Batee lt Co., Toronto, '
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food
• Dungannoa, Oct. e-eo.
Myth, Oct. 7-8.
Brussels, Oct. 2-3. `
Fordwieh, Oct.
.Tiv,eeton, Oct. 7.
Rirkton, Oet, 2-3.
Bayfield, Oct. 13.4.
Take Laxative' Brom° Quinine Ta.
lets. All dreggiste'refund the inel
if it fails to, cure, E.. leee Grove's sig-,
nature is on each:
Our Rimless,
Glasseajolease •
the -Particular.
They sr. fitted hes
etenIngly to the fest.
ores or each patron. •
The finish of our
spectaelevrare Is fault.
less. the Ilt perfect.
A. J. ceRIGG
Scientific Jeweler sand
. CLINT01%, 0 -NT.
,3 Wavers, Snider Bros., W. Rlopp ; ..peadi mid: and 3rd -Fat Stowe 'ar' puts "aYetein the seep, energy ' • : • •
aaanith ; PipPen, George Sehoellig, J . Hartman F Willert•'-P Haetnian. ' t Q4 powder) witleier-ibund very •
enenering of •
nig:whieli, ot d
C. methonigti, was
'nations. The firet
in it was ay Rev.
esleYen. The place
s Morels aueetiage
Veal/len s Blush, B. Pfile, Welldel Lamont, 1st anci '2nd ; Steer Cali,- P. and vita tee t 'defies tesease. eta
• •
. • • , a
In eztesle4;,..nrillitris mid:flannel lave
,the Ordin
JT „eel ewaueee, ,ies, Hv. special by P. I,amont , for best. • . ' satisfactory. ,
Roeder ; John' Deeher, Geo. • steers, wee by Jahn /nag. - BiussELs.
Schroeder ; Glori Mundi, eeeorge •
Schroeder 'Col. Russett; Jaebie Reed
er, feaerelier ; Col, Fall Pears; - Long Wool—Aged Ram, G. Peraale ; weigaman at the station has decided
e" `5114Ec'll. • : . John , Currie,. for some yearsgrain
Jacob Brown, Dan, .Surerus - Col. Yearling ''...Reatt, Penhele a•Pair ' of to sell ,Out his village property itt
Winter. l'eaes, Jacob Roeder, ...Jacob Rwee G. Penhaltaaela, McAllister ; ).1.3ruseels. and 'remove to Brendon,
Beeiwite COL. Fail- and Vinter' Pears, ,VearliegEWes; G, PealialeaeRe. avian. 'He has aecureda situation. in
; Jacob •Haberet, W. la Battler.; Bart. 1liter Ewe 14aixtbs, .0: Peenale, R. -alit of. tbe:arse/a-elevators, there at a '
let Pears, J. 3aeifkitii;:,3"0:06"b -Roeder; ,Ram Lamb, G. Pealrele, good salary. a' : • : '
Vletnish •Bea-iityj',Ge6r60- Seliroeder, J zot n 494=-4, - License. InspeetOr • 1W -tiler hac. secured.
rit „Jton. Fine -dtarr; A. ptIncall
o, youths . under 21
Oeder late "redeeRa. A. n &en; -dnd frequenting lietele and has watnecl the
y Stoves.: Vete p*tt aTeanilhg A. .nenetzea,- lat 1,st and years of 'age who are in the habit of '
swept • ota at , Stated imereale, will
actin:matte and beiag. inflammable
weitla te liable to ignite and 'produce
a..... fieree fire itt the eltinmey, With a
; toneeeeeteat ,risk , to the 'dwelling'. at
'aioniatemes, liappeneetbat the , ends of
atafters or benns are; by careless or
jeet , into .. ..." :chin -Utak, fines. 'Mese
-, ignorant "coo; ttetion; alloeyed to pro -
might beeMrilieigaited ,und, 'carry 'fire
into. the' iiitera!fite•of the • honk; ,There:
is .further ileiger :that the slitnnet of
-sparks from qa.burainje ,:eliiiiintee eveuld
egniteathe 'hgle ,roof of a ,stlibiltban
cottage. ' : ""re, 'rig' S'iraSt. he obV.ii.tcd -
by sweep! : the:chimney,- say once in
two. mon . ..: The . " chirnhen oweep"
' a 'too' lee'Personage in the old
, eotintriee and; keetintelel be a ceriotts in -
:Mantel develeipnient of "the strike'. if
- lie should inane ,hia•-• nee; 'even.
temporarily, in this 00 411 , ..
•• ; •' 4
pttA gr.% .
ili .v nialiy.eermes family quarrels,
inarriagee ()tit of spite, and "alterations
of will§ might hare been arevented bv
' • gentle doec of pills,'" With the liver
end kidneys olugginit'arid torpid diges-
tion itt ittipaired Mud temPer ruletied.
But Dr. 'Chase's Kidney -Liver PilIts by
invigorating the action ofithAa organs
ettsere geed digestion noel itound
health. Otte pill tie, 43 cents a
t box,
Orals itpi
tier ; l'Iate
lectioa Pit
Jobtiston ;
Heavy Harnees, C. Inartlei
aral end e Buggy Ilainesa
rst coal 2na Cattia
Hatt late
1. ,Witwer ;
Renele ; Brie:re .,
Flax Geot
Dlartketo,' Sara-
Red 11
• ; E
R. 4, ef
da Ye/4th) g Ewes, A. Duneeen, • ist hotelkeepers of Brussels as' to -the Jew
w1a,,-.1at Sheep. R• Peithale; Pair in reference to them., alere is what
4,Vatin, iAt and 211d, the statute says itt canneetein and We
Berkshire -Aged BOara ' HmIrY Buck'
• •, HOGS.
' • of offenders it will not be for want give it so diet if altaroplos are made
a Aged' Pow, .fibeeveeten 13t•ote, zet ikitenewsientittinPearsitolg. tah•leione, 'nwilintsh:out". Any
d _ proper .cause, suffers or permits any
TariewOrthe-Agted. Boar, Snowdee Person of either sex" apparently, or to
tos,..' „dr 8.15:274...$Aogweh SsunowwdieL„Bwrclx. the knowledge of seen 'licensed p,erson,
eithaer the age of 21 years,
, pained by- his.or ber parent or guerd.
eaeeeeeer .11'1'1LP—a eegeau, '„nownen i"ext and not being a resident on; the
"WIFVV3 MCAVIle0 MOS.. -4 preInNeg of sueh listened person or a
ng Sre4j0WW',7, S8tin, ;tall; '150vC"11044t ,:;,etleatellgitenrt °ire asboniaaratnor f linger or
oiter or about any bar-rporn or
other roc/mama such premises in which:
-1equor is- diveased, for every
-each her liable to a penalty of
it Ss and 110t: to exceed $ro
ts; and any such person so
or loitering as aforesaid
d aud sufficient cause, And
iesideat on the premien
„fide' lodger or boarder, or
tompanied ny his or her
eardialt, shall also be liab-
pf notalests than $2 and
Pe 'besides eoet. 6o
r Xrob, 0E01'014,
Z. Weeeloli; Carla
ru ; „Open Bbggy, F. Hes.
'Jail.' Miller ; Coveted Bug
.340 %In, W. S. MiLier;
Hess 8t, Son "
Iratinmegs,' C.
d ; Plymouth It
Deicleert Wy
I, Snider Be
wilt, 1st att&
win, 1st
W. Erwih,
atunas, G. W,
Pi iteaewo
Measured 134
rx.det, R, 211
hia , R. R. Jribriston, r•
eienagiven by L. Er
eet Gies. The stalk Er
niches, G.'
•dk 0. ,,
nish, 0. We,
ght Brahman;
end Dark ,
mitt auel-r-
Dorkins, C. Cautpbel lot aud e114 ; 'Whitlow's Soothing Syrup ,has.
ick Minoreas, C; Campbell, G. Wa.abessit- ailed by miIlioes of mothers for
eviii; White . Minoreas, G. W. ...their children while teething. if dis- I
• Prietralt Oil Painting., C. Camp- le
bell, Saidet Pandecalre, Snider aa
1St 2tiel • Red Caps, , tarbed of Inght and broken of your
ott, John ba
Ohre Par- 1/1„,
l's* and
or -
Water Color, C. eha
/eat George caalesies, walla Leg. rest by a sick child stOlffering and
rns, C. lesetternell, est and end ; crying 'With pain of cutting teeth eend
own Legliorns, C. Campbell, 1st mid at once and get a, bottle of ” Mrs.
, Coehins, 13. Ranch, Geo. Seltael- Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for ehild-
• *mantas, CI Campbell, G. W. lent teething. It will relieve the poor
little ;sufferer inimediatelea DePend
Zeller for the beet tipori it, tnothees, there is no mistake
W. B. Batt- ' about it. It tures Diarrhoea, regd.
latee the, Stomach and Dowels, curs
G tr. Wind Cone, softetis the Quin, reelnees
' tuilaintnation and givest ..ttortetAlmil
g ist ,pleasant to the taste
is '16 prescription of one of the
est and beet female phyeicians end
nuroes in the United States. Price
2,e cents a bottle. Sold by all drug.
gists throughout the world. Be sure
erry to the whole system. " Mts.
Walsh:wet Soothing Syrup', ,for child.
and ask for " Mrs. Winslow's South.
ne, _COlitteCtiecrtiat perthagoi
• Kelly" machine reently f
ceminit WOO, s, sa
4 uns
ein two
knot of I•31_
18 tante
ly and
he- pateet. It
contrivance and
eterday 11 vouple of
contractor were en -
out the blocks. Mr.
armed tto that the thing itt
ch in the shape of au experie
tis lei. If everything pans int
t he will Morose the Milli end
putt up a building especially for
ininitilacturieg the tentent biock,
Ile There is considerable ground for the
r'11 belief ell ressed that eement, in the
future;: will tate the plate of binek
very largely. At present dement itt
very high, higher titan it was three
yore ago, bet with al1 average price
hOuSe Cali be hltilt theri,,er W th tem-
ent • A number of hole as were built
Inst year with the " 111e.Val1y" tint.
th thin. It, however, has beee consider.
• ably improved oince..
IT PAYS TO AnvEtetisa
'tau Ngivs.u.ticoup.
T,Apigs, Ntr. ()nk,
cr000t woe., .T. Meter% ‘alr'
Crewel Work, C. Campbell ; TuW
fted .
Quilt, W. II, &Miler, S. Wittier ; ,R(';
Wool :Wreath, T. Johesori [Log Cabin den
Roeder, John Decline ; Patch 120
do, S. Wise, C. Campbell ; Quilt on t.r
Groeitel Wotn, .t. Becher ; OutlineGeo
ilty P. Hartman,. A. Haul -cher ; • If -
IV -Coverlet, V, Hartman ; n
'elan *tette,
; Rouen Due
Erwin ; Due
Erwin, G. tl
;der, McBride ;
Ilroea, Snider Br
wls, A. Itaereher ; Ra
Witt, II. Roeder ; Ton
rge Clausius, Snowden
e1t,11orsee—jettnes Bell a
S, 139 e, rcerest ; Rag Carpet, T.
Johnson, S. Wise ; rtg. an Velve.te C.
'Campbell, D., Steitiatich ; 13 -Wool
Work,. C. Campbell ; 11-13oo1 ensitiori,
C. "Campbell, 41. Sararite. ; Crochet
Work, S, Wise, C. Catuphell. ; Album
Ilasitet, 3, j, Smith, S. Wise • raft
Wreath, /1. Weis, W, Roeder retailer
We alit; T. Jolineoti Ilead ott Silk, C.
Campbell ; Cord 'Work, '1'. jell/mon *
Sofa Cuabion. 0, Campbell, 13. 8:
Vomit ; Chenille "%Wiz, C. Catembell
Ifoniton I act, C. Ceenper,H, T. Sohn.
son ; Late Curtain, 11. bleb, 8. Wise;
13-W1)re1 Motto, A. -Murray Straw
&aka, 3 C. Hallnlelsch, R. R. John-
ston .; Loather work C, Campbell i
Monteith. •
Light Horses—William BIXOtt.
Cattle—Sohn Shepherd. and
Sheep and Pigs -ale Arinstroligeottd
French rind P. lIessn'Sr,
W. Rivers..
rottitry....T. C. St011entali 'and Geo.
Implements -4. U. Hoffman andE.
Larli,,s' Work—NH:4o ' C. V. Smith
and Mrs, William tieeker.
Ogden Vegetables -and Dairy I'tott-
1Utle And :VA Lamont,
.(51; , , „•. . in Oa 111!
le medicine
of to our* alt
tarns lie tewies_all eneete of abie
or et Worry, Neon:dye ago of
be et atfaiplanti. Nailed on reeeipt
Kit atm vaninutts free Mee OW r
Of 1) PAOkaal ;le Rix, 85. Vaatartitts, I
Wood's Phoophodine is sold ,itt Min -
=MI Weati VOIIIINItty, W Utti. 1
telt by. II, A, Combe, R. P, Raikie,
.3.1Iovey and Watts & CO.—drugtiete
Rattenbury Street Works
Direct imp Ort (1 1. V ot km au
ehip and alaterial guartioteed,
J. 0. sEALE 'and CO,;,-
. •A'sFAMIL* LIBRARt,r7..
'The, Best in Current. Literatufe,
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