HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-17, Page 4PAG 4—TIE BLYTH STANDARD--1Nay 17, 19<O Be proud to stay: "This is where I live! TOUR home is where you spend the greater pari of your time. It deserves your most careful attention! Sonte houses ate bright, charming, worthy of the pride their owners show in them, Others just miss attractiveness , , . through lack of tasteful and suf. ficiently frequent pain..__ 4 Decide now that this spring you will smarten up your home and re -beautify it with the help of A -H English" Paint and other Brandram-Henderson pro- ducts. You have, we know, often imagined gay and pleasing colour schemes. This is your opportunity to put some of them into effect in your own home. Visit our store today and ask for a card showing the full range of shades of 13-11 "English" Paint available. ' Bri_TENGLISH" PAINT BRANQRAM-MENDERS9N .rmlw.renLYmMxx,roeox,l,14.,N4xco,nn14x1. uam.sow„!,!trans. FOR SALE BY C. T. DOBBYN, BLYTH, ONTARIO "TONS OF MONEY” A modern English farce in three acts will be presented by the Arthur Circle, of Goder- ich, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Old St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, in MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH, TUES., MAY 20TH, 1930 at 8.15,`; Sharp CHARACTERS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE SPRULES, A Butler ,..Me. James Thomson SIMPSON, A Parlormaid ... Miss Gertrude Heist MISS BENITA MULLETT Mrs, H. C, Dunlop LOUISE ALLINGTON Mrs. W. F. Saunders AUBREY HENRY MAITLAND ALLINGTON...................Mr. Frank Darrow GILES, A Gardener JAMES CHESTERMAN, A Solic,tor.. JEAN EVER ARD HENRY GEORGE MAITLAND ,.Mr. Andrew Porter Mr. Fred, Weir Mise Margaret Wilson Mr. 1301 Ross Mr, Ebb Ross SCENES Act I SCENE—Aubrey Henry Maitland Allington's house at Marlow, 'three weeks elapse between Acts I and II Act lI ' SCENE—The same (afternoon.) One day elapses between Acts II and I1I. Act I11 SCENE—The same. (Late afternoon.) Blyth Citizens' Band Orchestra. Admission 50c. Children 25c This play is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Blyth Citizens' Band will give an open air concert in Brussels this (Wednesday) evening. Mrs. Atcheson. of Wallaceburg, visited her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Gibson, over the week end. Fire wiped out the main business block in Fordwich early on Sunday morning last entailing a loss of $33,000. Mr. and Mrs. 1V, Stackhouse and El wood, of l3rucefield, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs S. Sibthorpe Blyth responded quite generously to assist the Lions' Club, of Gode ich, in fin - arcing a clinic in an endeavor to help the 200 crippled children of the county by pur chasing 820 worth of tickets for tie main moth Matchless Minstrel performance being held under the auspicesot the club in the Model Theatre, Goderich, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Arthur Circle, of Goderich, will present the three act farce entitled 'Tons of Mon ey" under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Old St. Andrew's Church in Memorial Hall, Blyth, on the evening of Tuesr ay, May 20th. The play is exc ptionaily good and the fact that Arthur Circle comprise the artists is a sure guarantee that those attending will enjoy the perfor ance, Cast of characters appear elsewhere in this issue. The Young People's Society met in the basement of Queen Street chur 11, on Monday evening. Mrs. E. Cartwright presided, after the re ding of the scripture {,sson and minutes Rev. E. Anderson led in prayer. The missionary topic for the evening was on the Italians and was given under the foil>wing headings—"13uilde's from Italy" by Earl Caldwell, "Difficul- ties and Problems facing the Italian Int. migrant," Ella Caldwell, "Immigration Policy," Mrs. G. D. Leith, "Canada's Field of Immigration and the kind of Im- migrants we need, MrO. Cartwright. The m eting closed with all repeating the "I Am's' of Christ. A band tattoo will be held on the Deis - ing Park Grounds, Blyth, on Wednesday, June 25th. Fuller particulars later. Mr. Chas Potter purchased, last week, 51rs. A. Reynold's dwelling on Morris St., now occupied by Mr. Statton and family. Mr. Potter and family will take possession later in the year. Mr, H. Brooks was in town on Tuesday soliciting subscriptions for "The Legion- ary" the official national publication of The Canadian Legion of the British Em- pire Service. He secured several new sub scriptions while here. Mr. Joseph John,ton, who for the past number of months has been suffering from gangrene, had his toe amputated, at the Winglram hospital on Sunday. We trust that the operation will mean much im- prover,ent in health. Blyth Band gave a short program on Sunday near the home of Mr Ben. Mason, who has been an invalid for many Years. We are sure that he enjoyed the music and appreciates the thoughtfulness of the band in rem mbering him, SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have now in stock a complete line of Public and High School supplies: Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books, Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c The Standard Book & Stationery Store. Londeaborax Mr A. Wells motored to London on Tuesday. Mr, Thos. Lyon, of the gravel road is in very poor health. Mr. and Mrs, B. Tyerman, of Seaforlh. Sundayed with Mrs. J. Tamblyn, Why does Joe Lyon wear such a broad smile? It's a boy, born on May 10. Mr. Nelson, of the Nile, who visited ftietds here last week has returned home. Mrs Mains and daughter who spent the winter months in Chicago, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. Taman motored to Goderich on Sunday in their new car, Mother's Day was observed at both churches last Sabbath, with splendid con- gregations at all services, Mrs. McNah who was a guest at the home of Mrs. Frank Little, Hullett, has retu.ned to her home at Thornhill, Man. Mr. Melville, of Windsor, who spent several days last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Melville, has re- turned to his home, The W M. S. of the United Church will hold their annual "At Home" in the base- ment of the church at 8 p. m., on May 22 Rev Dr. Mortimer, of Auburn, will give an illustrated lecture. Other program will also be provided, An interesting time is expected. Lunch will be served at the close. Everyone is invited. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in Community Hall, onThur sday, May 22, The summer speak er, Miss Powell, of Whitby. will address the meeting which, no doubt, will be of interest A good program is expected. Lunch will be served at the close by the members. Mr. Elisha McVittie, an old resident of the llth con. of Hullett, died at his home in that township on May 12th. He had b en in failing health far a number of years. He leaves to mourn his loss two daughters and one son, Miss Ruby at home, Mrs. J. S. Carter, of Hulled, Geo., with whom he lived on the old homestead Funeral was held on Wednesday, 14th, to Lon desbero Cemetery. Trinity Church Ladies' Guild will hold a 25c Tea at the home of Miss Josephine Woodcock, on Thursday aftermoon from 4 to 7 o'clock MENU BIww'N & WnnTE BREAD, JELLS, JELLIED !ANA., SALAD, CAKE, PIE. - TEA. Wa Fou 114is1, Ideal n's Pen 1e ular Set era Self -Filling Types SIMPLE RELIABLE DURABLE iNEXPENS/VE GUARANTEED 2.50Urards THE Standard, Books, Stntiorkely .0 School Supp les BLYTH, - ONT. H. A. LOFFREE successor to J. FERCUSON & CO. Brussels IN THE McMURCHIE BLOCK, BLYTH. These are a few of the many specials we have to offer. Ladies' Silk Hosiery, Circle Bar. Service Weight Just received a new shipment in all colors and Sizes. Special Price $L35 Also Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose, all sizes and Colors 98c Ladies' Silk Vests 8c Bloomers --To Clear Prints, 36 inches wide, Fast Colors Voiles, Light and Dark Shades, Fancy Colors Try our Men's Fancy Sox, 15c, or 7 pairs for Men's Work Sox, in all wool or Cotton 35c. or 3 Pairs for $1,00. 98c 35c 39c $1,00 SEE OUR MflTTE SAMPLES FOR SUITS OR TOPCOATS, ONE PRICE $27.50 WE AiM TO PLEASE Phone 71 ALEX. SPARLING, M'gr. DOMINION ROYAL MASTERS Dominion Royal Master is the greatest tire the world has ever known. A tire smartly styled to add distinction to the most luxurious car. A tire for years and years of wear ... a tire that has compiled the most amazing mileage records known to mod- ern motoring. DOMINI NOT ONE IN A THOU SAND WILL iv r- •1 PUNCTURE NOT ON£ IN FIVE THOUSAND WILL BLOW OUT UNDER TWO - - YEARS OF SERVICE -4 Wherever you drive, Royal Masters are sold and serviced by Can- ada's greatest tire or- ganization , , . the Do- minion Tire Depot Sys- tem ... each indepen- dent unit distinguished by its blue and orange color scheme. DEPOTS 1 {Myth •Citizens' Band will repeat the play "A Pair of Sixes" whioh was present- ed in Memorial Hall late in March. The play stet with such unprecedented success both at home and other'places that they have been urged to give citizens of the lcommunity another opportunity to see it. Bear the date in mind, Wednesday, June 25th. Mrs. (Rey) Weir went to Toronto on Tuesday to be at the bedside of her son, Stewart, who is in the hospital, having undergone an operation for hernia. A play entitled ''The Colonel's Maid" will be presented in the Forest r; Ball, Aul urn, on the evening cf May 23rd, un- der the auspices of S. S. No. 9 Hullett Reunion. . Blyth Orange Lodge is making prepar- ations for an extension to their lodge building by adding ten feet to the face of it. Mr. Geo. Snell, Sr„ of East Wawanosh, was operated on in Clinton Hospital on Tuesday for bowel trouble. At the time of Going to press his condition seemed slightly improved.