HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 9ILLINERY
Thursday, .Friday and Saturday of this week and
all of next we make our formal opening display for
fall 1902. We make no extravagant claims or state.
ments about the excellence, style and beauty of the
millinery that will then' be shown. Our reputation
forshowing what is new, novel and correct and that
of our milliners for turning out stylish and artistic
headwear is the best guarantee we can give that
every style shown is a reflection of those of Paris
and New York. The distinctive, liecoming and wear-
able styles together with the reasonable prices are
the best recomendation that we cawkive
The millinery is ready. It is here for °your in-
spection andyou are welcome to come whenever and
as often as you wish.
New Outing Hats, styles that are fresh from New York,
the great Americam Millinery centre. Nobby, stylish, natty
shapes,' all the popular colors, reasonable prices and only one
oi two of a kind.
The Prices $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. .
Our order for Fall.and Winter Jackets was not placed
until the very last minute that we dare delay and be sure of
getting delivery in time for the fall trade. We ordered after
the styles were set and there was no guess work or chances
taken in selecting our stock. You can buy your fall coat here
feeling confident that the style you select is absolutely correct
in every particular. We are reluzly now with • a stock of Fail
Jackets you will not easily duplicate or equal. Garments from
the best German and Canadian makers have a place in it and
thanks to our double buying power .values are better than
ever before
Ladies' Cloth Jackets, well made from good quality cheviots, •
• blacks and colors, double breasted, coat collar,,pearl buttons,
each 5 00
Ladies' Beaver and Cheeiot Jackets, 27 and 36 inches long, new
est styles, double blreasted, coat collar, Pearl buttons, well 7 n
made, lined or unlined, very special value at each. ...$7 & 'MU
Ladies' Handsome Cloth Jackets made from good quality. bea
ver and cheviots. newest styles , double breasted, iaearl but- Q
tons, lined throughout, greys, blacks and fawns, at eachU.S
_ •
Ladies' Jackets, made from fine kerseys, 86 and 42 inches,double
breasted, pearl buttons, velvet or plain collars,fined through-
out, very handsome garments, in fawns, blacks and greys, '
extra good values at each 1(1.00
Many different styles in Ladies' Jackets, fine geocts, ex ra qual-
exclusive styles, just about two, not more th two or
three of any one kind and of iorno 'only one, _mad, •from
8 00
best kerseys, in fawns and blacks, at each. -. , 1
. _ _.
THVOLDITON N131W8..1135C0/11) September 25th,
enespepointeeneentmetegeeetemeneweigieemameemeapoissmint iii
is the name of a new series of Lead
Pencils. They are a high grade pencil
and sell at N each. They are Yellow
in color and hexagon n shape, with-
out a rubber. The lead is guaranteed
the finest graphite. They are hard- to
distinguish from the famous Koiiinoor
which sells at roe, both in appearance
and in use. We have them also in
, copying. They are round in shape,
yellow finish and all at the same
price. They are the best 52 pencil we
ever offered you. Ifin doubt berme in
anal try one.
Oo 50 are goodandour
So are some. st rourur i
arec special value;T4jmpr
imprint, arefree roa‘,
most profitable and practical line for
school use,
for a good, •clean notepaper, ruled.
Iato'ast,Tes goo4
theprafces°. 21113%vver
ehamvealcloalgd fora
prfit in it, 71%1e:tato are 24 t°at ,5c per po.a.ck:ie
sheets in a quire and e5 envelopes in
a package:
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The 11 Fair Co,
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
About o
• We Know
1VIarasiz.(Dr) is vis
.,3 Graham iting at Hen-
Dr. Lowery Seaforthwas in Clinton
MisS Minnie Oliver of Goderieh spent.
Sunday in town. •
Miss R. Wright visited her sister in
Benmiller on Sunday. •
Messrs. R, Graharn and G, Steep at-
-, tended the Exeter Fair on Tnesday•
Mr. B. A. Higgins, the irrepressible
Varna agent, . was in town on Won -
'Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knight have re-
turned from a visit in the northern
Mr. John Biggins of the London Road
was on of the judges at. the Exet-
• er Pair on Tuesday,
-Mrs. Mitt* Sr., Of. Auburn has bit.
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Waiter
King, for a few days.
Miss Carrie 'Butt of the Base Line has
returned home - after a week's visit
with. Toronto relatives.
1 Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of Exeter vvere
guests of Mr, . and Mrs. J. P.
daIl Ssturday and Sunday:: ;
Mrsg J Crawford of near Londes-
• , •
boro has been the -guest of Mrs, G.
• D: Roberton for the past week.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Philip Gravelle of Strat-
ford attended °th e Brennati-Giavelle
wedding in St Joseph's church j•es-.
terday. • •
. •
Mr: James Twitchell is visiting the
principal points in Western Ontario
this weele to ptiSh the sale of B. C.
• • • , Miss MeBrien and her little niece Mar-
. ' • • the were guests of her sister, Mrs.
" " Frank Mcilveen of the Base Line,
RAIN COATS last week, '
If you have to be out in the rain at all a in coat will
save its cost twice over in a season. Some new .ones that came
in this week are worthy of your attention and if you want a'.
garment of this kind you will not find better values anywhere:
Ladies' Rain Coats made of all wool ebower-proof cloth, in dark
fawns or greys, single or double breasted, very latest style •
serviceable garments, will not tear like the ordinary coat 9 00
in which the rubber is used, each-. , . ... • • • • Se- 5 0• it' a
Lower priced garments $3.50 and $5.00 .
Two lines in Flannelette that are extraordinary value .
and some stores would call them bargains but they are
$ just samples of the good values you can get here every
day. New goods just here last week : ' .
strong and serviceabje, a nice assortment of patterns,
fast, colors, per yard
Heavy English Flannelettes, import ed by ourselves soft' • r
will excellent wcar, big range Of good patterns, 12'
Fancy striped Flannelette, gond weight. closely woven. •
fini b, colors guaranteed fast,. a splendid cloth that . .
• in pinks, blues, greys, tt'f, per yard .. . . ,..... .. ..... . • 2
eta/ ••I b•••1 en bee II. Al b weir 411. rear 414, "ere 411,/lee. '
. •
lop .e.
o g
Before you buy your Fall Suit or
Overcoat 3.ou•ought to see inir magnifi-
cent stock of ready-to-wear • garmeuts.
To see them worn..you could °not tell
them from fine custom. made. To exam-
ine them in the hand the material, the
cut, the workmanship, you'd call them
the equal at least of ordered work.
There is one difference,that is the price.
You will find you can save from $3 to
$5 on a suit or overcoat if you buy one
of ofine ready-to-wear garments.
Come and see if this is not comet
uits.$5.00, $7.50, $10 and $13
Overeoats-$5.00, $7.00 and $10
, • ,
„ . •
Mr. Peter Mathewson, who was the
star player in the Durham ' lacrosse
• team ifurtng the past slimmer, has
returned to town. •
Inspector Paisley was in Auburn yet-
terday acting as valuator for Mr.
Hairy Mel3nen, who has bought the
hetel in that village and entered in-
to possession, •
Mr. Harry McBrien of Aulitirn was in
town on Monday on his way to the
county town on business in conn
with the Govier estate of Win
he is one of the executors,
Mr. Duncan Macdonald, who had been
visiting At his brother-m-law•s, Mr.
W. Colwell's of Stanl$
ey for some
time, Aft last week to • return to
•Neihart, Montana., where he is inter-
ested in the silver mines.
Rev. W. H. Butt, whe4has neeti visit-
ing his brother, Mr. U. Butt, had
just returned from an eastern tour
during which he visited Toronto,
Teterboro, Port Hope, Belleville,
Tweed, Ottawa, Montreal and Que-
bec. He is an expert photographer
and took a number of views on the
line of the .q. R. which he will
use in .an illustrated lecture on his
tour. The reverend gentleman's il-
lustrated lectures are said to be very
Mr. C. H. 13roadfoOt of Seaforth is
in town • this •.week. • Be held
• a lucrative position in•
cago for some time •but his health
failing he took a trip. through the
Western States and British Colum-
• bia., from which he retureed* • last
• week, He 'derived much benefit front
• the trip and is now 1m:tieing like his
old eelf. He has not yet decided up-
on his future movements, but may
go to Colorado for the winter.. Re
is one of the partners HI the Broad -
foot, Box & Co. who are carrying on
the furititure .busitiess in this place.
Rev. Messrs. Gunrie of town and Craig
of Petrolca attended a thanksgiving
service in Trinity church, Myth, on
Monday evening told report having
had interesting and pleasant
tient. There was a large congrega-
tion and besides Messrs. Craig and
Ginnie there were present the Revs.
Lowe of Winghon, 'Webb of Brussels
and the rector of Blyth. The decor-
ations of the church, the brightness
of the service, the gifts of the peop-
le, indeed everything connected with
their harvest services reflects the
greatest credit upon the good people
of 13lyth.
, eph's church, Clinton, by Rev.
Father McMenamin, out Sep. '4th,
veg. ' of Goderich township, to
Ei Mary daughter of Mr, Chas, Gra-
m Richard Brennan of aullett.
II SHAW-41101—At the residetwe of the
bride's mother, on Sept. 24th, hy
, 4111"-• ; ' CLINTON. Dunlop,tkrvo.nini.rtgitices Erb, to Chas.
Gertrude, daugh-
0hAw of Now Ito**,
Formal Re-opening.a.11/1111nery
and Ottr Enlarged Store
• Thursday, .Frlday. :and Saturday :of 'This:: Week*
This List Of BargainsIs For •
Store Re -Opening Sale of This Week
•we sell only the.most trustworthy.merchandise.not only cheaper goods but „very highest grades
as well -n -all at prices that means for our customers savings well 'worth considering and not to be
matched in town. You will find our store from one end to the other teeming with everything :that
is nevvest and best and most wanted for Fall and Winter Wear.
The following list will give you some idea of the many advantages you have in trading here:
Mill Ends of Flannelette at One -Third Less Than Regular Prices
• $1 Flannelette Blankets act 80c
150 pairs 11-4 Flannelette Blankets go on sale
Thursday, the regular value is $1, at... ... SOc
75c Dress Goods at 40c
200 yards of 38 to 44 inch wide Dress Goods in plain, red and cheek -
ed, all wool grunts, very heavy quality, that will make up nice-
ly for skirts or children's dresses, regular price was 75c, epeeist'
for store re -opening sale
/5c to 85c Dress Goods at 50c •
400 yards of the .season's choicest plain colored Dress Goode in
shades of navy, royal, purple and red. In the lot are 'included
heavy serges and zehelines, regular 75c to 85c, re -opening Sale
Price • •
. ..
$1.25 •Dress Goods at 75c
47 inch Wide Erress Goods, the new snowfkke effects: This is the
special for re-opentng sale '
• very latest novelty. for the fall trade,,regnlar valtie is $1.25, ••75
90Cjable:Linen. at 60c
70 inch wide, Atli bleached Table Linen, very
fine qunlity,elegant floral designstaal put e
linen, regular value 90e, re -opening sale
price, ... ... ...„ .. . ... .
95c Table Linen at 70c •
27 inch wide Table Linen, very fine finish, all
pure linen that will -give good vvear reg.
ular value 95c, re-openingsale price,
per yard.. .
40 8c Toweling at 5c
300 yards of all linen Crash Toweling, 13 to 15 inches wide, extra
heavy quality that will stand lots of wear, regular value8ci re, rig
. I.
• opening sale price
•• Not more tban five yards will be sold to one custenner.
-.50 tiNc Prints at 5c•
• 3 00 yards e126 inch wide American Prints, in light and dark col,- fl
• ors, all warranted fast, regular price is Eiie, stile clays to go at. Al AO
Wool Hose, worth 40c for.25c
$1 Black Silk at 85c
20 inch wide •peau.dsoie, very floe quality that will give good
wear, regular $1 value to go at •=
Best 10c Flannelette at 8c •
500 yards of 32 inch wide Flannelette, in assorted stripe., very
heavy quality, regular 10e value, re -opening sale pt•iee
360 paiis„of boys' heavy ribbed Hose , made of the best •imported •
yarei, corne in all sizes from 6 to 10. This Lose is regularly1
-worth 40c, re opening sale price will be, per pelt ' .
' Z
.85 Heavy Vests at 35c . • ' . . , 4
• •
120 heavy wool Vests; nicely merle and finished, as good as' most 0 c
stores sell at 50e, very special for re-epening Sale at..... . UJ
••08 75c Scotch Fingering 'Yeln at 60c • • 0
$i.35 Table Linen at 90c -,
• - 50 lbs of the hest Black Scotch Fingering y arn, regular price of ,
60 t '
whieh iel5c, for re.opening sale days to go at per lb.., . .. . .... i
72 inch wide double. damask Table Linen, all warranted pure flax, ' • •
some haying plain centre with Herat border, others with all
floral desigias, regular $1 $5 Amlue, re -opening sale pride... . .90
13 t 50c F ctory Yarn at 40c - '
Counneneing Thursday morning we will place on sale the best '
• grey and black Factory 'Tarn at per lb.
. .
. .
larva. increnerr NACU
. • • IN, TOU WANT IT ,
. . . .
• • . .
t••• ********•••••••••••••••••••••••••••14.***
. .
. .
,titiritiiiintnritrnflinOrritrOOrmillnimmtrritStntrrriir firtm*ttrttritriffprOrtitttritiiimiitt***nttivrii0.
sr 4
eady for You h a
Bright, new and complete stock of Fall and Witter Clothing,,,Furnishings, Hats and Caps.
▪ • .
•It is with.a, pleasure and with that confidence that he only possesses who has plantte,c1: and •worked.
longcarefully and conscientiously, that we now invite you to inspect this, the finest stock of Fall
and Winter Goods Nye ever had under our roo It is the supreme effort the store is '.tpable of—the
effort that people of Clinton and vicinity will measure us by and by which we are perfectly willing .
E: to be judged. It is go secret that every store will have its special fall display and to excel them all
• ▪ has been our aim. We trust we shall succeed„ .
, .
with prices that we conscientiously believe to be without a rival.
•E- Now We. Are Ready in imposing style with assortments that aye practically limitless and
IE We are receiving this week ,11. lot of the latest New York Neckwear. We will be pleased to
examine them. • You will receive the same courteous treatment whether you buy or not.
Clothing Department
We are shevving a splendid range of Boys
Brownie Vestie Suits, which we believe to be
the finest assortment ever shown, to the
people in this vicinity, comprising all the lat.
est styles in serges, imported and domestic
tweeds, at prices from $2.O to $5.50.
They are really vrorthy of your careful in-
13 only Men's Single Breasted &terve
Suite, in fine Canadian Tweed. nice •
rlark.heather mixture, beau ti ful ly
. LT burned and tailored, worth regul-
ar $7.50, our special price 5.00
18 only Men's Short Waterproof
'Coats, heavy American duck, good
strong fancy lining. With one of
thee° you will be both warm and
dry through the cold Wet weather
this fail, regular price $3,500 our
epeeist! price,aot...4.. ..... ••...4.4012.50
I Furnishing Department
50 Men's Hats, all colors pintoes and sizes,
worth • regular from $1'.50 to $3,00, while
• they Net our special price. . .....
We are selling real, genuine Woot Fleeced Un-
dershirts or Drawers, nicely trimmed and
. made, worth easily 75c each, our special
• price... or e.•••• • •••.• 4•••• . • ..... 4,8,14.6 . .. 60
5 dozen of Men's Heavy Xnit Top Shirts, win-
ter weights, worth 75, our special price
ye' Underwear, in wool, union and fleece
lined, all sizes, price according to size, rang
from .1.6•60 •••••• 411•4 .. . •VIt ••••.v.. 25e t005c
Tailoring Departtnent
This is the department that has Made
Jackson Bros. famous, "and the wisdom of
1.00 buying goods right is strikingly manifested
in those beautiful Tweed Suits that we are
making in arse class style and full guaratt-
teed at 400.00, $1200 and 514.00
505 Just received this week a lot of beau-
tiful English and French Worsted A
Panting, in all the latest patterns
50c and colorings.. If you waist some-
thing swell in the pa ,-..'sUre • a.
td see these, prices r n froni.'....-'.-.24
MO to $7.5411a....„
A big lot of Men's and,Boys' regular 50c Cepa,
• all colors and Ritee, will, be cleared out at
• Our special price...61.'01"e., so• .... Yob* 'riot Yr 25c
Men's Black Shirts, with white stripe, double
backs and fronts, all seams double sewn"
worth easily $1, our special price...,
• •
What about your new Fall COAL WC
all the latest coating trona the leading '
makers,in all the neweat colors, and if you
want your coat made and cut Stricily up•tn.
78c date call and talk it over with our nutter.
I CLINTOlsi -.Jackson iBros., CLIN
have you call 'and