HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 60
ptembe2',26th 19014
is the best shoe
in America for
men or women.
THrn 01,11%1'2'0r 1q7nW5-It111.0f111,1) 6
General SerVant Wanted. on the 1st of
• September. Apply to lfra. • John
tiodgena, Albert atreet.
August 42th. ,
• The undersigned offers for sale part
of Lot 41, Huron Road, Tuckersinith,
the first farm east of clinton, eon -
Ming atof $o acres, all cleared and in
a 'good state of cumsatiou, brio.
house bank barn g acre young. or -
chard, etc. For further partiCulars
JOBN PIONXTT, glinton Oz
Prices•ranpAugust tab.
$3.00• to $5.00
YouCan procure
46 is the best Shoe Polish 8
H Beware of imitations 11
‘.1 which are named to I
N sound like Shinola. N
• L
Shinola is the only
The Original. A
----Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get New Shoes.
U. T. JacKson,
41.tsurvvirorit .S4
Pears, Peaches, Honey
supplied at right prices.
Largest plum orchard in
the country. Plums ripe
from Sept 5th to 15th.
ia,nos, Organs, etc., also
at right prices from
usic ern poriurn.
at Farm and Music Sto
The undersigned offers for sale part*
'iota 71 and 72 on the 6th con. a Mat-
erial township, consisting of 96 acres,
I46 acres eleared, balance hardwood bush, 6 acres orchard and sinall
fruits. Frame house and bank barn,
2 wells. 6 miles from Clinton and 3
miles from Bayfield. For further par -
Oculars apply •on the premises or to
Itlitis C. Gordon has returned from a Mr. and Mrs, Anus McPhail lelt •The Most Successful Merchants
Are The 6reatest Advertisers.
pleasant trip to Muskoka. kr the Northwest last week. Mr.
Mr. William Farrier is on the sick Milian took several horses.
list at preserit, We hope soon to hear • Messrs. T. and T. Elliott 4tende4
IVIr. James Gannet spent Sunday at telle party held. at Dr. Freeman's of
of his recovery.
St. Hue
elens. Gss there must be on on a rec ent
ttraction there. Mr. Charles Martin has returne.d to.
Some a
Mrs. Robinson Woods has returned.
Pia field
home after a pleasant visit to friends Miss Florence Macdonald left a week
n ey.
i St 1 ago for Detroit, accompanied by her
• - MRS, WILLIAM PARSONS, • The anniversary of Calvin church, brother, Mr. Prank Macdonald.
• Dayfield. St. Helens, is to be beld the ictk o
September x9th. • October. Rev. Mr. Henderson of Hen-
.... sail is •to occupy the pulpit morning ' PORT ALBERT.
— anti. evening and a tea -meeting will be
lawiErr COURT or imvxmolsr.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the " Ontar-
io Voters' List Mt," by His Honor
the Judge of the County Cottrt of the
'County of Huron, at Londesboro, on
the iith day.of October, 1902, at 30
o clock a. in, to hear and det
erin ne
The undersigned offers for sale Lot the several complaints of errors and
42, Coin 13, Township of Hullett, con- omissions in the Voters' List of the
sisting of *so acres, 10 acres cleared Municipality of Hullett for. x902. All
and in a good state of cultivation, 10
acres stump land and balance good
hardwood bush, never culled, • The lot
is well watered and fenced and is
mile from a chureh, 2 miles froni Au-
burn and 9 miles from Clinton., A
Public school is located on the corner
of the lot. Theft is a good two-stor-
ey brick house, 2 bank barns and out-
buildings and a good bearing orchard. •
For further particulars apply to
. BALI4, Auburn F.
August 8th.
The undersigned offers for sale a
IX storey cottage with five bedrooms,
large dining room, parlor, etc. Situ-
ated on William street, convenient to
the Collegiate Institute. For further
particulars apply to James Scott,
Clinton, June 23rd.
$9,0oo will buy a choice farm of
about 120 acres, situated a half mile
from Clinton. Good brick house, 20x
28 and 20X20 barns 40x40 and 40x60,
with stone stables underneath, silo,
windmill, etc. Will be sold on easy
terms. For further particulars apply
' • ?
April 21st.
Lot 67, Maitland concession, God-
erich township, is offered 'for sale, The•
lot consists of 75 .acres, well fenced
and well watered, good bailaing and
first class orchard; neatly, all tinder
grass. 6o per cent. of. the purchase
money may remain on mortgage at 5
per cent. per annum. 'For further par-
ticulars apply to
T. BD'RNS catlow•
• •
June 23rd.
• • . .
As I wish to retire from farming I
offer to sell for $5,000 my splendid roo
acre farm situated on the Front Road,
'A mile east of Var130.. 90 acres clear-
) ed, TO acres hard and soft Wood bath.
Good frame hoose with 'cellar, haat
and shed. Good bearing orchard, good.. ch
water, hard and soft. A rare ance
to get a film farm cheap. Possession
re• given early in the fall.
persons having business at the Court
are required to attend at the same
time and place,
Dated the 22nd day of Sept., x90*.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
of Revision for .the township of Stan-
ley will be held by the County Tudge
in the township hall, Varna, on Fri-
day, October 24th, to hear and deter-
,znine complaints of errors or omiasi-
oils in the Voters' List of the minim -
polity for 1902. All persons interest-
ed are requested to attend on the said
held the following Monday evening. leIrs. Jas. Hayden and Miss Lottie
There was a largo crowd out to hear Bennett leave Friday to visit theirfr.
Nfr. Hunter last abbath. He gave a brothers Roliert and Arthur of Chico.-
very fine discdurse. • go.
Mr, John Macdonald, wife and tem- Mr, George XeCreatli anel,Miss Eth-
ily of Brandon have feturned home af- el IfeLong of Goderich spent Sunday
ter visiting Mrs. Macdonald'a broth- in the v i 1age.
fertiendl.r. W. Z. Gordon, and other me. and .Mrs. 'Robert Durnin and
Miss Rebecca Buchanan is home
tihe has been aayed with the lady's parents.
spending the summer.
spit of the 4t1 con. of Ashfield Sun..
from Ebenezer where
Rev. E. A, Hall of• Gorrie preached -
in. the English church here last Sab-
Rev, Mr, Owen of Lucknow will of-
ficiate in the English church here
next Sunday at 3 p. in.
Five and ten. cent pieces of th? new
Canadian coinage are in circulation in
town, ace of the King on the
'new coinage is turned to the right,
while that ,of queen Victoria on the
old coinage is turned to the left. The
reason for this is that for upwards of
2P0 ears whenever there is a fresh
coinage after the accession of a new weigh fourteen tons, it being Red
Britbh monarch, the head of the Mammoth and Alsike clover with tint -
monarch on the new coins faces in the othy. Come along, gentlemen; and let
opposite directibn to that of his or us hear who can beat this.
her hninediate predetessor.
Miss Lizzie Foster of Sheppardton
Siitidayecl with her sister, Mrs. Harry
Hawkins. ,
Here is a fact Mr. D, M. John-
ston of the and con. of Ashfield cut
from off three:acres of hay 15 loads
which at the lowest estimate Would
Mr. William Burkitt has bougnt the
Stanley, Sept. 24th. RIGHT-McELROY -- At the reg-
. mo-aere farm on the 9th concession
deuce of the bride's sister, Chicago, belonging to Mr, C. ROSS of Toronto,
BAYFIELD COURT Or REVISIDN. Ill., on September ist by Rev. J. There is a lot of timber on the place
Notice is hereby given that a Cowl
of Revision will be held by His Honor
the Judge of the County of Huron in
the town hall, Bayfield, at to •o'clock
a. m., on Thursday, October 23rd, to
hear and determine the several com-
plaints of errors and omissions in the.
Voters' List of the Municipality of
Bayfield.for 1902. All persons having
business at the Coust, are required to
attend at the said time and place.)
"--sH. W. ERWIN, Clerk.
Bayfield, Sept. 23rd, 1902. •
Burwash, John Henry Parish of
Mrs". H. Hutchins was visiting her
Molesworth to Miss Mary'A. Kle- parents, Mr. and 1VIrs C Robb for a
• • ,
• M. Duer, Mr, George A. Wright of which is very valuable.
Chieago to 1Vliss Mable E. McEl- Miss Emina Craig of the Godericli
Foy formerly of Blyth. • Collegiate spent Sunday under the
parental ro f
Mr. S. Nixon of near Blyth was.
Killop, on • September '17th, by
around here looking for a cow to buy
Rev, M. G. Jerrow of Walton, Mr.
which are very high this fall. He, of -
Sohn Shortreed, Jr., of Morris to
fered $50 for one.
Miss :Alice McMann of McKillop.
on , (at . 17 y •r,. ,
enee 0 . •
Mr. dM Wm. Burkittspent
MAR'r/N7-HASTINGS-Iii u nlibrry, one day last week in Goderich.. .
M. A., Mr. Thos. Martrn to Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. 1VIceabe's twin ba-
. Lizzie, Hastings, both of Turn- bies were buried on Sunday last.
Mrs. T. Wallace and daughter spent,
bleartirt, Sept. nth, "by Rev. N, S. and also took in the exposition.
PARISH-KEINSCITROTH-In Wing- a few days at' Toronto visiting friends
ENTER NOW IF POSSIBLE:: • instroat of Blyth.
t few days recently.
•-te/1/-te4,„ WERNER---EICKS—Athe residence
A school that oicupies first rank a -
*wag the business colleges on this
continent.: Many • leading commercial'.
schools employ our graduates as teach-
ers. We do our best to•place all our
graduates In good positions and We
have been More successful this year
than'previous• Those des-
iring the best in bilsiness education
should. attend our ;school. Write for
catalogue. •
of Mr, Simon Hicks of the 6th Mr. and Mrs, J, Mills called on the
cdn., on Wednesday, I7th Sept., 1tt er s parent d s one ay last
, Miss Twins. J. Hicks to Mr. C. .1. Mrs. T. Garton spent 'last week et's-
Werner of Dunnville by the Rev. itiog friends in Whitechurch.
'It. A. Hall. Rui or says -r i
McCLOy'-lderNTOSIt-..o Septeriiber aswe e rn ng -to lose.
Quite a' number went to
BriieefiTe Jung Mernioh tof
8th .hy Rev, E. .11, Sa.wers of r eper, Dungannon. •
on Sunday last to hear the evangelists
• Miss Mary 'Jane cCloy,' all o
Tuckerstnith, • . who intend leaving this week.
LUCAS-ALLA--fn Mitchell. on the Miss. E. FrTr of Goderich is visit -
There is nothing in business that re-
quires Mote science to do really well
than advertising. It is easy to ad-
vertise many things,hut.011 the wholc.
it must be studied as .= art. That
advertising pays is an axioin. The
most successful merchants of today
are imm
ense advertisers. But they
are original in method and use space
in the best newspapers. He who
would win the golden prize of success
in the mercantile world must rely up-
on his own clear intellect to put his
wares intelligently before the public
in plain, business -like statements. It
is a trite saying that " God helps
those who help themselves."
There * nothing. to be gained by att.
pealing to personal prestige. The
fact that ip the early days, when
there was little or ITO cometition,
you succeeded without ads/orating
will be of no avail now. Many a fine
old business has been ruined by an
insane prejudice against adopting
modern methods. You must advertise
or be shoved aside by your wide-
awake, hustling competitor.
Without -
honesty of purpose and integrity In
presenting to the public the various
articles you wish to dispose of, true
be impostele.
and permanent success would seem to
Fall Session of High Court of Justjce.
The fall session of the•High Court
of Justice was held in °Wench last
week before Chief Justice Sir W. R.
Meedith, IA addressing. the Grand
Jury His Lordship explained the jury
system and said the Grand Jury was
as much a part of the court as the
judge, and informed them that he had
personally visited the jail where he
found thrth men who had been cam-
mitted for lunacy and he spoke strong-
ly on the fact that one of the unfor-
tunates, who had committed no critne,
had been herding with men`who had
been guilty of breaking the laws of .
the land since April.
The following were the Grand Jury:
S. .1, Shannon, foreman, McKillop
George Campbell, Stanley ; Jas. Den-
man, Grey ; John Devereaux, McKil-.
lop ; Alex. Laird, Howlett ; Thomas
Livingstone, Hullett; W. a Rey-,
nolds, Email ; Jas. Ryait,. McKillop;
George Stewart, Goderich,.• John
Stewart, Howick ; Jacob (witzer,
Steplien.r William Sproul, Tiicker-
an action to set aside a gift in antic-.
, The first case, Rook et al vs, Trott,
ipatiott of death, lasted all afteenoon.
It was family. affair and was for the
purpose of hai mg divided =meg the
plaintiffs a sum of money that an
unele had given to defendant for ser-
vices rendered, as claimed by that
lady. Judgment was reserved. .
•Nroodrs vs: the Goderich Elevator
Co, an action to recover on •a. prom-
isary unto, was by eoeselit referred to
the Local Master, 'and Hallman vs.
Hallman, an action to compel a spec-
fic performance of a sale of land was
bY consent settled, judgment being en-
tered against defendant for immediate
possession of the land, . •
. &din vs. the G. T. .R. an. action
to recover compensation injuriei
sustained by steam escs.ping from
.property belonging to 'the defendant
company., Ficim evidence it appears
plaiotiff 'was about to .get on a car at
reth' Septa by the Rev •A. 31cAti- withMr. C. Moss for .a few days.. .
ley, Mrs. Allan M
fnee Miss Minnie- •
Mitchell when the ethane of steam
caused him. to miss his hold and fall
and in the fall injure himself so sev-
erely as to prevent him attending to
his "duties for some weeks. As is us.
nal, there was conflicting evidence but
the ethaping steam and the injury
were clearly proven. After an absence
of nearly two hours the jury gave a.
verdict for plaintiff and $25o.
Cools vs. Smith was a breach of
promise case in which the, plaintiff, a
man about 40, sued defendant, a wid-
pw aged 52. The plaintiff claimed
that he had suffered considerable dam-
age by defendant's refusal to carry
out a promise the made in May, 1901,
to marry him on Noveinber 6tii. of the
same year. The widow's evidence was
sensational and so spicy that this
great family journal' would not pull-'
lish it. A large bundle of letters was
produced, inany of which were read,
His Lordship called a part of the evi-
dence tilth and made a strong sum-
ming up against the plaintiff. When
the case was enteted the defendant
paid one that into court as sufficient
to cover all damage sustained by
Cook. But the jury returned a ver-
dict for defendant and reconunended
that plaintiff repav defendant the
cent she had paid i4to court.
Van Camp vs. Corley et al was an
action for the proper construction of a
will, the maker having described his
farm as the east half, whereas it was
the ' west half and the will was so
registered, The Matter was settled by
His Lordship,
Allen. vs. Andrews was on the jury
list but was tried without a jury. The
•Alien, seized, or caused to
ke seiied, at Toronto two carloads of
Cattle, claiming that they were the
property of -S. Andrews or a company.
in which he was interested. J. F. An-
drews claimed that he „owited the cat-
tle and that they were purelaased with
his money•and after' the Witnesses had
been examined. His Lordship gave
judgtnent for defendant with costs.
ToloPto oGODERICI1 TOWNSHIP. Toronto Live Stock Market.
REEKIEldcDOTTGALL-At the resi-
11 f I id' ith S Af d M CJIsfhitt
• • • . c 1 ce o t br. e s a er, ept. few ays - ago r. C. J. es
, . •
, • nth Rev. W Mary, daughter P 'Reekie to Miss of Mr. John Mc* retstetlrncd. from a visit to the old home-
ad.in South Ontario which is still '
0014311k 11
Dougall, Kincardine -township. in possession of his brother. It was
BROWN-STEVENSONAt the •rei- in 1863 now close upon forty years
deuce of the bride's parents, on agO, that Mr. Nesbitt settled in this
9th, by Re. P, M. MEch- 'twnship and his einooth and fertile -
ern, Mr. Jas; Brown. to Miss Min- acres give ample•evidence of his indus-
. .
me, • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. try, 1•Ie/1 one of our best off farmers
Stephen Stevenson of Kincardine and th(...iesbitt family is a much re-
townsliip. • spected one. '
Mr •D Gliddon leaves on Thurs-
HENRY MAKINS Vania•P 0 Sept, 2th, 26th, 27th, 102. . • BIRTHS • - ' • an' • •
June loth.
The undersigned tillers for sale that:
choice 150 acee farm on tlie Enron
Rod, Tuckersmith, one mile east' of
Clinton.- New frame hoese.'with sm.-ti-
mer kitchen, first class bank barn,
drive shed, hen house, pig pen, Oki,.
two wells, windmilL and Small or
chard. The Bayfield river runs across
back end of lot. Thirty acres of fiats,
the finest. of grass land. This is'. a
splendid farm, well situated, and
will be sold on easy terms. -
Come and see my
rubber' and solid
nickle driving har
ness before buying
. .
From Clinton to
Port Huron, Mich.
Detroit, Mich.
Saginaw, Mich.
Bay City," Mich.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Cincinati, Ohio
Chicago, Ill.
$ 3.45
, 1.65
., 8.75
• T1.25
St. Paul or IVlinfteapolis, Minn. .35:40
Valid to return until October t3th,
South of lot x5 and the north • .
of lot 14 on the 8th con. of the town- 4•••••••1110
ship of Stanley are offered for sale.
The farm contains rro acres, all. cleat-
ed, in a good state of cultiyation and
well watered. There are two barns
and stabling and a frame dwelling
house. Two good bearing orchards, 1,4,
mile from school and 2 MHOS from
church and postoffice. For further
particulars applyto
cKINNON & 00.
All kindsof
grain wanted and
the highest prices paid
in CASA for any
lEt OC EL quantity.
eaS Goods t ode this season has been a record bleaker.,
Vire seeirieil 1.0 in Ve.isist I lie goodsthe ladies were looking for.
This week we re eived our second shippaent. from the British • •
markett, which, tits our stock in splendid shitpe -again; We •
find a.deelland tor* hetter oats ofDress Goods and we are pro.
pared`to Meet the dertutrid.
. ,
Zebileirt DressGoods, which Are now in demand. 45 to Winches
witie, 411,11'11e newcolors. at Mc, 750, $1.83 and $1,75.
riatrire Oelebrattil.Rornespitter.:In black, brown and dark and
JIht greY.,tillWottl, is to 50 inehes,titicle, $1,toet $1.25.
CostmattiOloiliv pule Ilnith, hi Colors of tilitek"and no vy •
gaaranieed not 1.0Spot orthrink, 45 to 60 inches wide,, at $1
and $1;25'il.''
. Anntron priothelp hiock, navy, catainal and brown, 42 filcher;
wide, nit wool; ;special 50e. • •
Woritteir Dies Goltds, in black and navy, fine hard
eat, Weil .61`i 0110 00 inches wide, At 76e. $1, 01.60 and $2.
• ur Glatt. in dark atid light grey, brown and blue
IPIm14(1, mit 50c,
k mitt navy, fine gloisy finish, 48 to
and $1.
Goods, in dark colrs, for school •
e: •
• • - • day to visit his btother who lives in
SALTER -In Exeter, on Seta lettli,to
- Mi. and We. Martin Salter a son.
SIMPSON-In Hensel], on the x8th.
Sept., 'to Mr. and Mrs. T. Siinp-
•son a son.
IRVINE -In Morris *Mt Septeinber 12,
the wife of Mr. Saninel.Iivine of 0-
daughter. ' • •
MAN134-In Blythe on September feth,.
• • the wife of Mr. Albert' Hamm of a
Etillarto, on i7th,
Sept, Mrs. Robert:' Urquhart of
' a danghter. . '.• •
PULLER- In Logan, on 'Sept. 18th,
Mrs. Edward Fidler of a soli.
Seaforth, • on• •September
iStit, the wife of Mr.' James Nevin
• of a daughter'
IIINGSTONIn Wingliant, On Sept. 9;
to Mr- and Mrs, Ad.. Hingstoe a
daughter, • .•
ORD -In Goderich township on SeP-
tember 2tst., Mrs.-' John Ford, aged
9t yegs, 5 months and sx days.
PLIMIST EL -In Buffalo, N. Y., on
September x9tb, Mrs. Harmon
Pluinsteel, nitither of Mrs. . T
r O'Neil of Clinton, aged 67 years.
PULLMAN -In Hibbert, on the c7th
Sept., W111, Pullman aged 73
DICKSON-Di McKillop, on Sept: /60
Charles Dickson aged 8o years and
7 Months.
COLEMAN -In Stanley, on Sept. 18,
Elizabeth Jane Turner,wife of Mr.
tleorge Coleman, aged 27 years,
inonth and .27 days.
• MACMATIL-In Dungannon, on Sept.
r6th, Wen. 111actelath, aged 67 years
We still lead in Sugar by Selling
Itedpath's Granulated at $.8s per
Call at the Elevator and cwt, in blil. lots.
see uibefore selling. w. T. o'isTML.
B 'Urquhart.
The best class of work
, procurable has been
. man ufactur ed here for
many years past,
linton. •liarkot. Report.
Old Wheat 4,1 r * ... 0 05 to 0 05 WEwo your bereavement.
call on you Week after
New Wheat 0 05 to 05 WE, WON'T
00013e Wheat. . . 0 /5 to 0 75 rtitkAthe WOrk to Stilt
0 50 to 0 52 WE WILL make the price toenit
Kent county, Western Illinois, and
whoin he has -not seen for five years.
Mr. Gliddan, who has two brothersin •
Unele Sam's domains, expects to be
absent a Week ot two. With the -eic.-•
ception of his -Corn . he has his crop
pretty well- garnered and .considera he
has earned a trip- '
The annual harvest thanksgiving ser-'
vices of Middleton's church are to be
held on Suaday next. TheAnctimb-
exit, Rev. H, A. Wright, will eonduct
the: morning sermon arid the key. T.•
A. Wright M. A. of St. Jude's thureh,.
Brantford, will conduct the evening
service. The church is beautifully dec-
orated with grains and floweis • and
special inusie is being :prepared by
0 26 to 0 28
,. . . 015to 015
V 4. *dilltilrii • *4 41, 0 40 to (1 45
Potatoes per -0 25 to 0 80
Butter rolls and crock 0 18 to 0 14
Butter in 0 18 to. 0 M
0 14 to 0 16
Hay.........• 1.1t44114,4 41, 8 00 to 0 00
0 15 to 0 10
tolife BOP per cwt..... 1325to4340
Plour per cart.... 2 00 to 2 26
Bran per f,on 18 00 to lb 00
$11orte per ten.....* to. 40 00 to 00
the work.
ILL gi y • ou, e c
h ice of the
production of the World
in design and material
We are the ONLY pr a c.
Wel men in Clinton in
Onr litie4 Do not be
talked into placing your
order without first rail:
Ing us.
J6 B. HOOVER* Pomo.
let to 001111110019,1 gout
S S No 14 this township has
twice won a prize for its net and
well hoot schoolhouth mid grounds
which certainly present a, marked con-
trast to many a neglected -looking
country acadef The school is •
mounted by ( at staff from which
the national ensign floats on the an-
niversaries of great events or wlieu
important persons visit the school:
There art a nember di flower bede
Toronto, Tuesday, -There :Was a
good demand for nearly all classes of :
stock. at the Toronto Cattle: Market
today and the trading was lively.
The run was heavy and a groat many
poor cattle were offered. Everything
was sold, however, the only slowness
being: among the loyver grades. Prc-
es,- held steady in most lines and few
changes are to be noted. Exporters
were active aed a -shade easier. Fin'!
grades Of butcher's were in keen
niand and firm ; others were about
stea.tly. Feeders :and stockers sold well
and, there was a .good • incetiiry for.:
bulls. Milkers were firmer. Slicei
Were steady„ • lambs were lower and
and hogs were unchanged. The
'total run •wae 102 loads, including
rilyes and 8o2hogs. • •
680 cattle,: lep and Tainbs, 30e
Export.Cattle-Old' countrymarkets,
are; reported easier and there is. a
slightly easier tone. in the trading
here. • The volume of business was not
affected; howver,.mid all tlie cattle
Were sold. The top quotatin- is ,58o
and sortie. rather choice shipPhag steers
eold down as low aS•$5., Offerings
were . heavy and some of the cattle
were of inferior quality.: Medium
grades and nows were unchauged.
• Butcher's Cattle -Market was firrri
for all good lots and the choicest ship-
ments sold briskly. Prices were well
maintained And .there were no ehang-,
which are carefully attended to b'
the popils under the supervision of the
principal and the seeds of the different
flowers ate, as :they ripen, gathered,
bottled and stored aws,y fcr another
Season. In this Way the ehildrea's
love and knowledge of flowers is in-
creased, The trustees are a prores-
sive body and are test now consider-
ing whether or not to heat the school
with a furnace. Theteacher is Mr,
Tho. H. Brownlee, who is doing
splendid wotk and is, we understand,
quite likely to reinain for another
year. Mr. Brownlee is a successful
teacher and aching the profession, but
we would not be surprised if he yet
drifted ihto another professio.
Prof. $. L. Tanbe of Toronto was
its our village on Tuesday.
Mr, George Coat of Idaho is renew-
ing old aequaintances in our village
this week.
Miss Inez Coates invited A number
of her schoolmates to etbirtliday par-
ty on Sturday. •
Miss McClure Visited her friend,*
Mrs. Robt, Armstron, the past week,
Wedding hells will shortly ring 013
the North Roed.
Miss Clark of Exeter is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. George Stephenso.
Mitts Welt cf Wing am spent Sat-
urday with her brother Mr. B. Weir,.
Mr, John Parish anti bride vieited
her father last Wee.k.
We understand that Mr. Reliert
Clark has purchased the house anti
lot where his store is front Mr, W.
' Lindsay, Mr. zitulsay *ill give /ma-
session about the first week ii Octob-
er and Will MIMI into the ho sei now
occupied by Mrs. Shield. We under-
atad that Mr, Shields intett s mov.
g 10 Seaforth,
The prayer meeting and *ague Will
be held in future on Tuesday night at
eight o'clok instead of Sunday night
and Yriday night,
,• • '
, .
„ •
. •
es. 3/Tedium to low grades were plen-
tiful, but all were sold. The compet-:
.ition between the export buyers and
the wh61Z,sle butchers is responsible.
for -the hard inarket and all the sup-
plies coming forward find takers •• at
fairly gotal prices. . •
• Export Bulls. -Trade is rather quiet
011 account of a short supply, heavy
animals in fine condition are in de-
mand at $4.25 to $4-75 Per cwt., but
half -fat bulis, are inclined to drag. ,
Feedersant-'kers--Trade was ac-
tive and everything was sold at -steady •
price. The tnarket is in good condi-
tion and all the offerings are bought
up. The only difference- -is in -the com-:
mon, rough grades. "
•• • •
Cows --One fine milker.sold at •
53, and she was the pick of the'
market. Other cows sold at $32
350, There ie4) a steady inquiry for
fine milch cows.
, •
Sheep and Sheep are •
steady," said Mr. Wesley .Dunn, • "but
lambs are lowr. Trade is demoraliz-
ed and we cant sell thorn. Calves are
steady and good- ones are wated." •
Prices of lambs were isc lower at
$350 to $3.75 per cwt. Other quota-
tions are unchanged.
Hogs ---Run was light and prices
• Were steady at $7 per cwt, for seleeta
and 86.75 for lights and fats.'
T.,he News -Record willhe Sent to any address --
til the the end of1903 for $1.
When sea air is ordered to a nervous person, she usually
rushes down to thc eashor, spends all her time 011 the beach,
- ' frets more or less over the expense.
' *"•00"7---7-,-1011110 N and returns after two or three weeks
to make up by extra work for the
k„..,....,,, „,.:tt 7!.4,,....,-;_0%.,:-. .?„...
brief holiday. The result is an ex-
- -,Afit'il aggeratic n of nervous troubles. The
'flit tune given to the cure Was too short.
Sr. JAMES WAPAR$ are as good
Lor the nerves as the sea breeze ; but
in case of nervous weakness, like the
sea breeze, they require time.
• ST. JAMES WAVERS are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary results
are not to be expected; but perma-
nent iniprovement will follow their
patient use.
Livt STRN6017011through the bloo
EY 411801111EOLOOD it 5 II: . nutriment
d,. and this is the
honest way to get health and strength.
Sr. JAIVIES WAFERS help stomach.
digest food and send the
PIRHEEmittclicolIN:!TAL72,N411 '4-.- :' 1..'
z-... breeds the energy which acconia
the kind that las* develops and
111 .,-----::; plishes much. .
nitrous. ;seamd eparto.* r
ant Able to, appreciate the Viet
Mho or the at. ;ei Waffitkes
Dr. ClieruleAri.ef, =Lie.
0144 ealki4 . frtl
‘`.-r•-iviiRrteIN AMERk-e 1. ----•*:-I
'.."-•: ell Druqqii s 0 flea -1
.....; :,.,.....-1
.•..- -
,..! ...,.
*WM Canada 3 $1.001
Mit bOttiOti Or $5.00
Alone, Went are trot a itiret
remedy: to Me osetiferous iletittra.
towttreodkr Mem lo Mar Mimi.
OM *ea Motorola& oifioit tetioiL
Where dealers are not sellitatthe
Weleta,, they Ate *idled Upon re.
'rapt of trice at the Catiatlien
broods; st, hien, INsfons111.,
St. Cotbetior $S., Pristrish
. • •
, •