HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 54
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Editor and Proprietor
"it is in2 Secret that certain melts: -
beta of the Ottawa ,governinent are be-
coming suddenly rich. Air. Siam,
the Minister of the Interior, was in
such finaticial straits that frieiels were
obliged . to• come to his assistance.
Since he became a,nieralier of Sir Wil-
frid Laurier'scabinet he has been
, :keeping up a. palatial establishinent al
Ottawa, living and entertaining. on a
great scale. Ile is not engaged in any
business,. ao far as known, :outside of
poLtics, and yet • lie is reputed to I,
hate a bank account that Wotild- be
useitil in an emergency. Sir Wilfrid
himself is credited with having reach,
ed a posithm of independence if not
ailluence, though the party organs de-
clared uot very long ago 'that' he laaa
his financial worries- and that his sal-
ary was not 'sufficient to maintain him
in the dignity of his position." -
Moncton Times. .
Since 1896 the Liberal party, by
blowing hot and cold iir their attitude
towards the lis,a1 policy- of Canada, -
have succeeded in keeping the public
in a state of generous tolerance. In
their own .ranks dissentation was rife
-and their quarrels as to the attitude
they should take in regard to the tar-
iff were bitter. Gradually the breach
has widened until they are lighting in
the open, and it is generallyadmitted
that there can be only one outcome -
the dismemberment of tlte .existing
cabinet -and a split in the party.. . • -.
Hon. J. Israel Tarte, who is the one
active man in the Laurier •adininistra-
tion, has ta..en •up the cudgel for the
manufacturers and hasreceived the
condemnation . of almost • the ent.iie
Libtral press. But it remained for -
the •• Toronto Globe, the chief 'Liberal
organ, to practically read Mr. Tarte
out of the party. With the utmost.
venom it held the Minister of rtiblic-
Works up the public . It de -
nu .
onced him as a- useless husybocly
Mr. J. Balfour, inerthant of Kip -
pen,. has gone to Manitoba to look af-
ter his landed interests there.
Miss Annie Wiebert of ,Detroita who
has •been spending a few Weeks • with
her • uncle, A. Mcidurtrie, here, has re-
turned lion,• • • •
Mr. and. Mrs, Long of Trenton, have
returned hoine after paying a visit to •-
their brother-in-law, Par, John 'Jones•
of this .
1. Mrs, Henry of •Komolta is visiting
friends in this neighborhood.
Mr. C, Russell of Exeter . was
visiting our teacher., Mr, 'John-
ston, this Week, • , .
Mrs. -William Ivison is Visiting her
daughter, Mrs, • (Rev.) . Barnhy, • in
Milverton, •
'A m
large nuber 'attended 'the West-
ern Fair last week and report having
spent a good time. ••
ROy layle;. third son of Mr: •William •
Kyle„ fell from . horse last week
that he was riding, in • from. the pas-
ture .and is now. suffering from . con-,
cussion of the, brain. Ra was uncon-
scious for two days and semiamconse-
lens - for'- ntuch longer period. . It
. .
was •a close- calL• • • • •
• The many friends of -Mr, Charles
Whiteman, who, left here for Chicago
Mat fall d where'• lie was oteupying
a„.••Incratite •position with very bright
'prospects ,ahead, • -Were .alnicited teat
week to' hear that -his parents had, re-
eeived word that he.'was_very• ill with
appeudicitis, in,faet that there -was 110
hope • for his -recovery. • On Monday ea -
ening a' telegram :Was received an- .
nciuucing . • his 'death. It is a .great
who is endeavoring to assutne cow-. bloW to. his family and- they have the
plete control. of the goyernment to •sympathy circle of
•a large.
gether -with • all , political patronage. • friends -.and- acquaintanee-s. Hp was. a
By use of tliis most -remarkable • lari7 young limn of exceptional • ability,
Kind genial and beloved by Ma • • -
guage it hopes to reduce -Mr. Tarte to- . • ' • •
anbjection : Next' Sunday the Rev. ,Malott will-
Miss .Atinie Dobie is ill with inflama
Mation of tho bowels.
Mr. Walter Turnbull has gone back
to eollege in Toronto alter spending
the holidays with his brother Frank.
Mr, M. Johnston fell out of an op -
pie tree "and received a bad bruise on
the face.
ldisa Lily Youngblut of Hensel), is
the guest of 3liss Pfeffer.
There was a large crowd at the
Presbyterian church, last Monday to
hear the evangelista and quite a num-
ber went over to Dungannon to the
last ineeting an Tuesday.
Miss Elliott or Porter's Hill was
the pest of Miss C, Ferguson last
Mr, J, Ladd has sola his house and
•lot to Mr. Thos.. Nicholson and has
moved into Mr, Young's liouse lately
occupied by Mr. Geo, Marshall.
Mr. Nicholson has moved into the
house which he purchased from, Mr.
Ladd. •
Mr. Alex. Robinson leaves this week
for Goderich where he has rented the
Colborne Rouse.
Mr. Henry Maiden has bought the
hotel from. Mr. Kuntz and has taken
• Mr. W, Farrow has rented Kr. Har-
rison's farm at Westfield.
Mr, R. McGee has bOught the old
Mr. and. Mrs. R. Johnson, Sia, left
for 'Sbelliourne this Week to attend
the wedding of' their grand -daughter,
Miss Jennie Armstrong lately of
Westfield, •
Crossley and Hanter, evangelists,
helda very successful afternoon meet-
ing'Itil.'ncix church on Monday at 3.
o'elock. '
E. Helwig, E. Mole, W. Moore and
C. Williard left for the -Niagara cainp
ground on Monday. .
The carpenters have completed their
part of Mr, Geo. Lenin's new. shop
and are now active In raising a iiew
smithy for Mr, Jas. Carter. Mr;
I,emp's structure bids fait • to be sa
considerable' credit to our village and
Mr. •Carter will also have an up-to-
date shop. Auburn is being .built to
last: • •
Some. of the rifle club took a shoot
onSaturday while others went to
Londesboro to try' their anarkinanship
with some 'of the crack riflemen of
the hog. -
'Our evaporator la running full blast.
Miss Ariaie Dobie is indisposed, at
'Preiant • ,
. 'Miss E. W. , Arthur .left on- Satritclay
1...r the Soo to.visit relatives .there.
Aligi• Riddell is again .visiting at hr
brother '4. '
Rev, *Sirall attended a wedding at
Arthur 'on: Wadaesclay last.
. Pearl laignson is visiting goderish
rel aaas • . • .
Rev. Hunter Of Belgrave tonclucted
cl;vine seriice in the Methodist -church
here last Sunday evening and attended
Dimwit:non, seta ices during the day.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Simons of
Goclerich were the guests of her bro-
ther, Mr. John Falconer, the past
Miss' Annie Elliott and Miss Mary
Vihiddon returned home last week at-
ingthe montht with
Mrs. Baker and family of Toronto,
who have been spending the past six
weeks with her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs,
Joh returned home on Fri-
Messrs, Wallace Irwin and Charley
Twitchell of Clinton and Russel Mc-
Lean and .Erne Twitchell of Detfoit
paid a flying visit to Bayfield on Mon-
day. • .
Mr. Geo, Pybus of Tuckersmith was
the guest of his friend, Mr. H. labera
hardt, principal of the Public school,
last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King drove to
vfactrlyierill.Mr. Thomas Vanstone, who is
IVIias Ada Rouatt returued home on
, Monday after spending a week at Lon-
Mr, V: B. Sinith, a member Of the
KittiesBand, Toronto who has beeu
spending a couple of 'Weeks with his
brother, Dr. Smith, returned hotne 011
Saturday last. •.
The 'dredge, J. Arnoldi arrived ou
1VIoncla.y from Ooderich and began
dredging out a bed for the- cribs, an
southextension is being added to the
Mr. Fritz Wild of the Sauble. Line
received the sad news hist week from
his son Petet in Dakota' that his dal -
est son, Tohnny Wild, aged 21 years,
had been killed while threshing -.on his
father's farm. He was running the
engine at the timeaand had occasion
to get up on the 'boiler and was walk.
Mg across when he trippea Cm the bell
rope, falling headlong into the large
drake wheel, •mutilating his head be-
yond reeognitiori and killing him in-
stautly, ,, - a .
Quite • it Mistake --Three young men
of this village, who are camping in a
bush near by taking mit timber, got
up last Sunday morning and, thinking
it was Saturday, began their work as
usual but when ohe of the trio had
occasion to ccmie to the village in the
forenoon on business he saw the child-.
ren -wending their way from the Sun-
day school, then the thought struck•
him that it was Sunday so he ipackly
went. back mid told his -comrades •who
were very glad to take a half day of
mat. . . .
Rev. E. C. Jennings. and. MisS Kath-
leen spent a tihy at the parental home
in Parkhill last week. • " . • •
A. 'considerable number froni this
viciiiit attended the London Fair-
• last weel... •
: Mr.:Andrew Stinson.•of Ripley was.
. •
the 'guest of kr. Thomas Stinson of
the Saallila Lille last, week. ' ''•
gisa. •Is.'err is -.visiting frienda. in
Messrs. : • George and :William King
have. the •contract to level 'clown soirie
hills. between. the Goshen and- the
.Broarnson Lines and 'will :begin work
in-• aa few days. . . . •
. . .
• Mrs. J.. Pollock has been ill with a
severe old. ' ' • • •
• preach. a sermon especially .for young
'Only unsympathetic and unrra people. • • •. ' • •
mantic people would seek to bind' Mr. ' Last' Tuesday . evening. a Very' pleas.:
Tarte by traditions and usages .. which ant tinie was spent in the Methodist
govern niinisters of the erowo in Brit- ahaesa at a speeial literary meetiog.
ish communities. If he -is not master held' ..liy' ' the ..Epworth, League. The
of the administration he is- an artien- . Rea, Illr.• Malcitt occupied :the chair.
late organ thereof. All the- King's Miss. Neelancla of • Hensall: recited, • Mr,
horses and all the King's men could Williant Stoneman and 'Misses StOne-
not restrain his eager enthusiasm. and Man and Wren Of HenSall • sang a
, •.
exuberant energy. His action is .easy number of. excellent pieces, while Mr.
and incessant. He. could run- for 365 - Alden Whiteman ot Toledo .delighted.
consecutive nights with a change.2.01. all. by • liis,: playing on a -guitar.. .A
bill at each performance. If he Were /amber Of • other numbers were given
ever unhappy it would be when the whieh . added td Die interest • Of the -
curtain was down, lights out and aucT7 _ meeting.. ' a ' •• • •
ience dispersed for sleep or refiesh- .
ments. He is his own advance .agenta :
his own bill Vaster, his own shifter,
his own miracle worker; he is always . . IIIILLETT TOVIINSELIP. .:
ready for the major Part and for hall•
a dozen nunor parts- if any cif the per- on: Sunday there passed iato . test
formers are ill or missing." one or the fear remaining pioneers of
• . • . • this townaliip in the, person of Mrs:
The Globe would hardly dare iroiet • 'John Ford of the and con. Mrs. Ford
such sentiments without the coesent was born in •County Ferinanaghalia-
Of the Liberal leaders and it is-• this Jand,- ninety :one years 'ago,. She Was
weight to its pronoumament of Mr.. •
lends- Married , in her .natit e county to Mr..
lohn Ford •and together they caine to .
feature of the situation that'
Tarte's opinions. Evidently Mr. Tarte. .Canada in . Ian. For lour years they
stands alone in his glory and cons-- iiyed .in- Godetichr for the: same per-,
quently his position in . the cabinet _ iod on the • Huron -Road, taoderich
must of necessity become untenable. township,: wheo• they settled •upoii lot
It is an utter impossibility tor a - e.,2, con. a, Hullett, Where they . •re -
minister of Mr. Tarte's energy . and
. ina.ined: while life lasted. Of the man -
progressive views to submit to the . 'Ifold teals., and hardships of pioneer:
dictatorial moods of 'his inferiors, 'arid ,,ng::they bOre • their share, . They were,
somebody must give ,wasr: if harmony a kindly. and..hospitable couple, ever
is to be maintained in theparty. That ready. to render assistance to those in
person is not likely to be Mr. Tarte ' .aeecl Oi it, their latch 'string- ever hung
nor can it be expected that the entire. • ant. Eleven children • were born • tp..
ministry will back down. To this dif- diem. of Whom, the 'following .suttrivea
'lenity there is one solution -and 'only -ilfr-: •.-John Lindsay of Marlette,
: Williani of Cliaton, Mrs. Pam'
one -a cabiuet crisis and the retire.: Mich, ;
inent of the Minister of Public •Worka.. aiel Archer of • Paisley, John. of Um-
article of- the Globe's . own making ;notwithstanding her. advanced, years,
and not as it really . is, an attack continued . in good .. health. until a year
made by the sanction of Mr. Tarte's ' ago 'since which she has , been ailing
rivals at Ottawa, The situation iii - .ansl' on Sunday afternoou she bade
most acute and time is not iniproving. airewell to her :fasniTyand p.acciutly
it. Jealous of Mr. Tarte's .pottrer . hi- closed --her eyes. to this -world.. _ The
the :government; his traducers will ainerel took .pliieecin, Tuesday after-
leaare no stone unturned to 'defeat Ilan noon when a large nuniber attended '1.6
and his departure from the -Laurier • pay their tribute of respect to ' one
cabinet would mean the handing over. whom they had knovai so Joilia-and
of the goaernment of Canada to a respeeted. The services were . eciaduct-
body' of Men who are ill -fitted to dis- ' ed by Rev. C.. R. Ginnie, the deceased..
charge the meagre duties now allotted aaving during her long life been a•
to Ulm by Mr. .1aarte. He is a poaret ,,onSistent Osernber of the Anglican
in parliament and with his following Church. The Pallbearers 'were the lot,
he will yet bring the Globe and • its lowitig of her nephews : Thos. Belie -
friends to a realization of his force in om, Clinton ;, ..Robert . Fitaairnmons,
the land. The next few montha 'proni- Clinton ; Henry. Beacom, Goderich
ise to be filled with exciting situa- •. township ; :Chris: Beacom, Goderich •
tions and Canada. should not be sat- township ; .Thog, ,13iggiii„ Hallett::
prised to wake up some morning and, . W. J. Miller,. Hallett.. . ..
find a broken •goverinnentt the result'. Mr, H. Cooper lost a• valuable. two ,
of six years of hypoerisy in the dis- year-old colt • last week for •Whielf hit.
charge of their duties. refused ,$125 a few creak ago. „ • ' .
• Mrs. II, rreeinan and afra. Joe
Freeman attended London Fair last
week mid report -a good show. .
Mr. Thos, Livingstone ' was in God-
erich for a few days last week acting
as juror, . .
Barney ldann is still 'may: threshing
and: has had a splendid season. liar--
ney and gang are hustlers. • 1 •
Mr. George Dale, lual to kill a fine
two-yeat-old colt the oth,er day which
broke. its leg. .
Mr. tawsoit also. lost • a eon. and
" These are the Mtn who were never 'Wedding bells are again ringing, .
heard of Whea the old-titne Liberals Miss Lizzie. Dale of the 2nd is learn-
wero fighting their Free Trade battles lug the dressmaking ia Seciforth. .
in the opposition." ' • " . Mr, William Morrison is going into
sheep raising and has purchased a
','-lt was predicted that these hu- nuntber froth, Mr. T. Livingstone, -
portations and tonVerted Tories' who Mr. Thos. .11Iellifichael has bought
were tam' into the Liberal cabinet Mr. William Acheson's roo-arc farm
Would tease trouble before many on the ard con.,' the price being 56, -
years." ott.. Mr. Acheson purposes taking fife
easica and, has bought a house just
west of Seaforth for $125o.
The News -Record will be sent to any
address until the end of 1903 for one
dollar, Fifteen months for one dollar
ought to add !Moly new subscribers to
the list of I -formes leading paper.
An entertainment will be lielci in
Ball's church on the evening of Tues-
day of neat week, commencing at
eight o'clock. The program will be
furiiished by local and outside talent,
Mr: Ward Gledhill will contribute sev.
era.l selections on the gramophone.
The ptiee of adiniSsion Will be 15c or
, • , Lola, Mrs,: Robert Coielough of. '.0od-
Mr. Tarte did not 'lose much time , township and Matt. and Robert
in replying to the Globe's attack and .on tbe' honiestea.cl. Eight years ago
endeavoied to make light of it. Ilut aara Ford crossed that bo.irrie ' from
in doing so he treated it Merely as. an whence 'none have returned; Mrs, Ford
" Boit. • Mr. Tarte says : 'We
Must have a highly protective tariff,"
gon, Mr; Silton says : " We
tuna graduallyredo& our protective
't.! Mu.. Mr. Fisher says tet
well enough alone,"
" The time is not far distant, from
present appearances, vvhen these pre-
dictions will be fotiad to have been
" Where is Sir Richard Cartwright,
Sir Oliver Iclowat, non. David Mills,
Hon. Edward Blake and other great
men hi Whom the Liberal party had
and still have confidertee P1'
" It seems it) be about time for
theta to trowd over on the *bench turd
push this imported stock to a lower
seat."-Valtkleek 1UIApview (tiber.
Mr. Collins, wife and child of Stan-
ley visited at Mt.. G. Hill's On Sun -
Mr. S. Lowery •has- been confined to
the house for a short time, but, we
are pleased t02 state, is recovering as
quickty .as can be expected.
• Mi. Geo. Hill deliaered a fine draft
horse to Mr.. Foster of Whitechurch
on Monday': Good horaes sell at any
The inapectOr visited our school last
ar A' nimiber from this diatriet attend-
ed the Loadeii Fair last week and en-
joyed the sights. ", . ,
Mr. Ca Tyner and his •sister visited
friends near Leadbury on Sunday:. .
Miss Pearl RentOin visited friends
near -lauckhoW Tot a' few days last
There being a double harvest this
year the People of Saannerhill are to
have a double harvest thanksgiving
seta ice next Sunday. ."There willbe
service. in St. Peters church at eleven'
q'cloek . at which the Rev. T. A.
WrightM. A; of $t. Jude's church,
Brantford, fathsr Of the :incumbent,
will priach ; and at: seven o'clock in
the .evening when Rev, H. ala Wright
will preach. The chat& is to he heaa-
tifully decorated and special. masic is
beirg prep.ared by the choir.
. Mrs, .Belfry . and her son, Mr. N. of
Montreal, formerly :of this town,.. are:
Visiting friends here -for a few days.. •
; Mr. -Elam Liviogstone is on• the siCk.
list these daaraa • ,
All Of our citizens. who had been . to
the exhibition in •Lonclon and stayed.
over Sunday returned to "their homes
'on Mcaday evening:a train.' , .
Sunday was a red letter day. for the
'Eeglish Church :people in this toWnlit
being their annual harvest thanksgiv-
ing _services: which were largely at --
ti iided ,at the morning service -Mid • in .
the evening the edifice was crowded to
the doors. The rector, Rev. 3. Ed-
•monds, preathed two excellent dis-
courses for the omasion. The church
was beautifully 'decorated with. fruit,
flowers and grain. 1VInch credit is due
to the ladies of this congregation for
their' excellent taste in beautifying,
God's 'house at :this season of this,
yiar. The offertory at Sunday's ser -
ices were beyond all expectations and
tianrg atohe,5a2d250f *a. ny .other year, amount:
.. On Monday evening another service
was ' held when the • church was very
Well filled. After a short liut heatiti-
lel service the rector 'made .a few op-
ening remarks when the Rev. Lowe of
W'inghania Webb of Brussels, Craig of
Petrolta gild Gagne of .Clinton were
-upon to give short addresses,
'which were eagerly listened to. The
offertory tat:en. up at' the service was
516.50, making a .grand total for th
harvest thanksgiving service of 5241.- •
Mr. Thos. Watson. bas disposed of
his barbering. business to Mr. MactIon-
ald of Goderich.
Mr. T. Watson left. here on Monday
for Lucknow to go hito husinesilitt
that town,
Out fall- millinery openings will be
held on •Vriday and Saturday evenings
of this 'week,
•Mr. It, Plunisteel has over seventy
heat ol cattle upoti his London Road
fatal in addition to hia other live
atcalt, Included In this are his thoro-
areds of which he has several fine
units:els Recently he bought three
cows for which he paid $400. Mr,
Plitinateel has ithother near
Uri:cr.:field so is quite a leaded pro-
Mr. S. C. Rethwell is in the village.
packing up his household' effects which
lie will teinoae to his new home -in
.GOirie this week, '•
Dr. John Foote of Michigan with
his wife and child are visiting at the
home cif his father this week..-
. Mr. A. Dunkin, the veteran • Sheep
mans. is at Exeter Fait with a load of
his . famous Shropshirea. No &MU
Andy will ,bring home a bag full. of
te,d tickets. • ' . -
Mrs Joseph Foster and Mrs.. Wrti.
Purdy visited at Mt. James Essler's
of the Goshen Liiie on Tuesday.
Mr. W. H. Johnstone octupied the
pulpits on the Varna circuit last San -
day and preachedWith much accept-
ance at each of the appointments,
:Mi. Ir. M. Diehl brought into the
village the Other evening quite a large
btanch of second growth rasplierries.
Mr. J; T. Reid area injured the oily:-
er day while.plowing and has:been un-'
able to do very much since: ,
The •evaporator is running:night and
Mr, 0. C. Blake is hotrie. Miss'
Lisle 'Blake has also retutned,
• • Rey.. T. .1t, 'Wright ld: A... of St.
jude's ,ehurch, Brantford, will conduct
thanksgiviag eri
vicea n St. 'John's
-thatch on, Sunday afternoon next.
. The ..imptovenients in the Methodist
church • have ,traitsfotmed the, interior
'of the 'builclitig; :The ceiling is inetat;,
nitie painiels forming The.
walls have been re -tinted. end. frescoed
• and the seats and .other woodwork.
.painted' mid varnished, • •
'The . re -opening. services on Sunday
were larg.ely attended, The preacher
was ReV. Mr.•Holoies of Blyth who
gave . two thoughtful aiid instructive
. sermons. In the afternoon Ite-eddress-
ed the Sunday school. Oit Monday ev-
ening an entertaininent Was given at
which • there was .. a good audience.
Rev. Hussar occupied the chair and
addresses were given by .Rev. Greene
of ClintonaRev, Roll -nes of- Blyth and
'Rev. Robinson of Goderich. ..The
choir tendered splendid service, They
•wgre 'assisted by the Misses Allan and
Mr. W. Allan' of Colborne who alsci
gave a trio. Mr. and Mrs. Hussar
• also .sang as also did their little
daughter Pearl yam, has , a sweet.
voice. The contributions, on Sunday
.and Monday amounted . to a goodly
,sum which will be devoted to defray-
ing the cost of improveineets. ,
Mr, and Mrs, R. II, Elliott attended
London Pair and had a pleasant time,
Mr. R.. H. Elliott deliv?red in God-
- erich oit • Monday a •Iciacl of fat hogs,
which brought him a goodly. sum.
.The eVaporatoa ia 'running full blast
now and employing eight hands.
Dr. McCallum is back again after a
two weeks' visit down east.
Dr. Whitely of towu is practising
ep near Sudbury. He says he „gods
-over some pretty rough roads up in
that country.
Two of our popular young people
of the loth concession having become
tired of living aim* have decided to
take unto themsehres• partners.
Quito a nititibee from 'our village
took itt the Westerit Pair last week.
Over fifty tickets were gold on Thurs-
day fes Loudon. '
Mr, D. Cantelon shippd
ed a carloa
of hogs from this place onMonday,
The best lot delivered was brought
ift by lqr, David Beacom whose nine
It PM'S TO ADVERTISE IN weighed lno pounds and netted WM
TZ nmitvicounA ovor 5115,
It is our painful duty this week to I
chronicle the death of Mrs. George I
Coleman who had been in the best of
health until about a week ago wben
she was suddenly taken ill. lie best
of medical aid was summoned, .but of
bo avail, ard as Mrs. Coleman grew
worse on Wednesday evening last Drs.
Guna and Artnstroug held a consalta-
tion and decided that the only hope
was an operation. But Mrs. Cole-
man's strength was not great • enough
and she never rallied and on Tburs-
day passed away. Mrs. Coleman was
it daughter of our pioneer, Mr, James
Turner. She was a member of the
Methodist church itt this place and a 1
devoted Christian woman. She bore
her illness with that patience and for-
titude which indicates a thin faithin
a greater hereafter., The funeral took
place on Saturday and was very latge-
ly attended. The sorrowing husband
and family have the 'deep sympathy
of the whole community in their ber-
Messrs. Thos. Farquhar and Thos.
Smith left last Tuesday for the West.
- Mr. Peter Hagan is visiting under
the pare.atal roof.
Quite a, number took in the Western
Fair last week.
dms. J
ames Hagan and
their six sons and five daughters:drove
to town one day last week and were
photographed. Mr, and Mrs, Hagan.
were Married -thirty nine years ago
and all of their eleven children sur-
vive. The boys are : Francis la and
Lawrence A, at ; John A., at-
tending a dental college at Toronto ;
Edward J., of Trinity Medical Col-
lege Toronto; Peter, of the fire de-
partment; Detrait ; and James, who
farms in this township. Two of the
daughters -live; at home.
church on Om Goshen Line and proved
a stiecess. • The . church was decorated
Lor the occasion -and ,the blessing of
the year considered in its proper rela-
tiou to the service. 'Me offerings of
the people were mach to their credit
and • far surpassed any previous offer-
ing .9f • the kind'. The exact .amoinit
we cannot state definitely, but it was
. over '.550 at the least. 7111.1.S is some-
thing for which this little congrega-
tion is. worthy Of full' praise and
shoWsthat the,. spirit of 'denial . and
the spirit of, Christian giving is . not
a dead letter With them. ..
Mr. H. Sharpe of the Babylon Line
Was visiting in Stephen .tpwitship .last
September 25t1'&, 1,900
will Eft 46,411*44,t .")",111110.11'1‘Alli 4111..1* -
0... Whole, Ground and Mixed spices
All kinds, fresh and full strength
By the oz., lbor package.
# •
$.12. P. Reekie, etiocessor to SYtineY oTenknon.
N. B.—Corks, Bottling Wax and Jar Rings.
Remnant Shoe Sale
Taylor's Big Shoe Store
• During this month we will interest+ all
Shrewd Shoe Buyers.
if We are constantly picking out of our
Regular Stock ODD sizes AND ODD LiNiEs
and placing them on our 8—aigaiii-7Co-u—n-
ters. •.
-- For Saturday's Trade --
They will be replenished again with the
best values ever offered in Clinton.
Bargains For Everybody. Come and See for Yourself'
It will Pay You.
I; dash and One Prioe
1 Butter and Eggs taken as Oash
!talk: about it.
Write about it.
Beautify the streets.
Elect good men to all offices
, Keep • your sidewalks in 'good re-
..13aIT you are ricli iiivest something,
Be courteous to strangers that come
anong. you, so that they 'will go away
with •good- irepressions. : . .
Always cheer on the' Men' who. g6 in . . ' • A Cordial invitation is extended to all, , .
be nothing but what is.' juSt. . • Miss Merrlion; Who is well and favorably known tb the ladies of
Don't kiek at any araiosed imProve- . Blyth and surrounding eottntry, again charge of the department, -
anent becciiiSe it is not cat down to
.fifty cents. : '' ' • ' •
. -
Our Grand Fall
Millinery Opening
• • - - SEPT. 26th AND 47th
for improvements. Yoat portion will .1
. . ,
• • . . • •
:Oppose improvemeat. _
.• Mistrust public men, ,
Run down strangi
ers.. „.
• In Furs we are showing the finest range that has ever
• • been shown in Blyth. consisting of Men's Fut Coats
* and Caps, Ladies! Fur Coats, -0aperines, Ruffs, IVIiiffs,
Gauntlets and Caps, Ohildtetes Caps and ItulPe,
I '
. Qom° early and get yotir choice. '.----., Our New tali poets for Ladies, IlYiwseg. and phildren
are selling well., , "-f ..
- ,..-
a .
• Refuse to advertise n the home in the Dress Gdods department larae'assorament of NeW under-
pe,Ipers. , we have some excellent ialues. • wearjust received.
. Do not inveat a cent ; lay yoar Mon- #
ey out soineWhere else. ,
Be pm
articular to discredit the ot- ;
ive Of public spirited men. •
Lengthen your face when a stranger
If a man wciiits to buy
speaks of locating in it: • Pretoria 13look.
yourproper- • 44e.
ty charge •hini two prices for it, 7777 777 a 77 777" ,••
• If he wants. to buy anybody elae'S
property interfere 'and discourage.
Refuse to see the merit in any .
keheine that .does not clireetly. beaefit
you.' • • •i • urn, Br
Paste this in ydur hat and offi•
and remce einber it often,
— .
• Saturday, Sept.. 2711, at 1 p. na, Otir large wa,rerooms are
at the G. T. R, stock yards; Sea- . •
forth, it nufnher . of stock steers heif-
ers,' iiewly calved cows and springers. fully stocked with 'furniture
a2Thos, Brown, auctioneer.
Monday, --Sept. 29111,at 1.0 nt.. at of all kinds .and if you are
Lot. r, coira.r2, Ilullett, clearing sale
of feria.' stock and' implements. -Alex-
ander Smith, :proprietor ; Thomas
-Brown, auctioneer, • .' . •
. Tuesday,' Sept, • 3oth, at p. in., at
Lot is, MeKillop,. 25 'miles east of.
Seaforth extensive sale. of horses- and
cattle. -1James • Carlin-, proprietor;
Thos. Brown, auctioneer.--
Thursday, Oct. at i p. -111,, at
'Lot- /3, cot, 7, H. R. S., Tucker: -
smith, a choice fifty . acre farna the
Property.:Of the 'late Jaines .Edwarils,'
-Charles Wilson, prOprietora Thos.
Brown, 'atictioneer. a a ••
Friday, • .Oct. 3rd, • p.
Little's hotel,•Brucefield, hotet togetla
at with furniture •and other fixtures,-.
Alex. Mustard 'assignee' Thos. Brown,
auctioueer.. •. • :
Saturday, Oct. atha itt 1.p. in., at
Devereux's carriage Wareroonis,
Seaforth, clearing sale of new and
secona hand wa:gons•and buggies -D,
Devereux,, proprietor ; Thos. Brown,
auctioneer. , . •
, Tuesday, Oct,7th, at .r p. m,, at.
'Lot 30, Con. 3a1Iibbert, cleariag sale
of farm steck.-Peter McCati, propri-
:etor ;• 11ios. Brown, auctioneer.
Tharsday,' Oct. 90, at 12 o'clock a,
zit, sharp, on Lot. 7, Con, 2, Stanley,'
eaterisive sale of rao Shropshire ewes,
general farm. stock and innilementa.-
taector Reid, proprietor • Thos.
Brown, auctioneer.
Moinlasa Oct. 13, at r p, in., on lot
a, cOn. r;- Stanley, clearing sale of
farm stock and implements.-Alcx. J.
Rose, proprietor ; Thos. Drown, auc-
Our perfect system for acctirate and
quick dispensiag has- met with the ap-
proval of all who have brought their
prescriptions to (Mr store, thir equip-
ment is modern and complete in ev-
ery department. Toilet goods, • per-
fumes, Sponges, Brushes, Combs, etc,
in endless variety.
rAwri,,s cEamv.comPonle.
This wonderful life-giving remedy 'is
recommended to all with confidence,
lt is a true uerve brewer clad aysteio
purifier and gives marvellous results
to the sick. Our supply is always
fresh and genuine. Our store for
Paitte's Celery Compound,
COMBE, Druggist, Clinton,
out, '• 5"-31
thinking of purchasing we
invite you to call, see our
display and learn our priceS. .
Minos GazusMs's Dititss1NO TA13LES EABLES:
FAset TABLES ColimEs
It will do you geod to see the beautiful line, fn9
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering.
We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our
warerooms even if you do not want to purchase.
• J.; W.. Chi dlettlatigerY:
Night and Sunday calls answered atfresidence:of our
Iruneral Director, J. W. Obidley, King street, opposite foundry.
Commencing' Septeinber, i end' con -
t inning uatil October 31, 1902, second-
class one-way colonist tickets will be
sold by. the Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Paul R'y from Chicago to - alt
points,in Montana, /dello, Tatala•Cal-
iforaia, -Washington,. Oregon, British
Columbia and intermediate ,points itt
greatly reduced rates, Choice of
routes via St. Paul or via Oinalia,
The Chicago, Milwantee & St. Paul
R.'y -is the route of the 'United States
Government fast mail trains between
Chieag.o, St. Paul and Minneapolis,
the fata-
All coupon ticket agents sell tickets
via, Chicago, Milwaukee aca St. Paul
Riy, dr address A. I, Taylor,Canad-
ian Passenger Ageet, Toronto, Ont. 2
Live Pigeons
Warted at Orioe
15 cents per pair will be
paid for live pig<ns deity
ed to J. E. Cantelon or
tall, Clinton.
..}T ar ve s
Will be In On
September 3oth
returning until November 301h, 1902.
Winnipeg, Waskada,i Estevan,. Eight,
Areola, Moosoinin, Wawatiesaa liliniot-
a, Ilinscarth, Grand 'View, Saran Rita
Regina, MoosejaW, ton.
Port Albert, Macleod,