HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-09-25, Page 4Sep' tember, 25th. 190b
dud Percy's
Author of
'The Fatal
°The Unseen
Secret: j
ilehat 11114116111(61111101141411•0•1114 tegholl•111•111•111•1114011•11*(3•111
in A comma eltham-of hearing for it was a pleasant seeoe on which
A time the feeble cries of an infant, the light of the rose -shaded cbandel-
find seeing a baby hum, with the hr fell. The superbly funtished dress -
large, black, Lea,ntiful eyes. of lieght- Mg. room of Lady Maude PereY was
aid Oennaine. I thought, at the all ablaze 'With ninnberless little jete
tinae, a strange, unaecountable of flame, which the imnwnse mirrore
change had come over him; though I • megulffeci four -fold. Pekinese jewels
could not tell what. 1Vhen I was well lay carcle4sly stresvn About on the in -
again, I learned. Standing before ine; i leid drehsing tante, mingling with
one morning, he calinlY and quietly - rare bouquets,' laths, gloves, • and Tato the great dark gulf of the.
told no how he had deceived me - .1 tiny satin slippers that wooln scarce- rapt., nearly two Yttaref, like two
that. instead of beteg h French ly have fitted Cinderella hershif. Lady waves from an ever lioWlitg sea, had
went, he was the son of e strolling' Net° AlcGrator, pi•oud and etately, Vanished. freighted With their metal
gips: but that, having repented of in white satin endpoint lace, mai Modicum of miaow., joy, happiness
what he hod done, he was willing to pale, dolicate pearls, stood leaning und nespair. -
give me up. e • a ainst the marine mantel, her hand- And what changes had those two
'The very life seemed strickm 1 ut some eyes growing cold and scorn- years brought to the various person -
eta iny heart as I listened. Then my fill whenever they restal on Miss ages connected with our tele?
pride -the aroused pride of my race-. Clara hien neham. hhat frivolous Flint, Mr. 0. C. TooSypegs, in
arose; t al, th! weeds are weak to little lady, (mite bowilderieg in the whom I hope any fair readers feel en.
tell how I loathed myself and hint. eroue •snowy robes, was all encore- intereet, had closed the eyes of his
That I, a Percy -the daughter of a setae:: of those icy glances, as she etch uncle, pocketed two thousand
rahe that hts nutted with reyalty fluttered, like A butterfly over a rose, pound$,• attired himself in the :eery
hith rto-had fallen so iow as to wal around another lady standing befOre deepest weeds, and began to turn his
a gipsy! 1 .shr: nk M horror unspeak- a full-length mirror, while her inapt thoughts toward Dismal liellow, and
:dee, from the black, bottamlets err:In.:fed the mist -hike bridal -veil- on all "the heal nice people arouod
quagmire into which I had sunk, All her head, 1 nd set the orange wreath there,"
my 'eve in that instant turned to on her dark, shining curls. • . in his band the jugular bone of axed Mies Clara nernynghara had oh -
bitterest scorn, and I passi :witely It was Lade Maude Perche end this heteing half ' devoured.' Not any, ' taiiied the doh:: of hew heart at lest
1 ade him leave me, and never ,dare to was her bridal eve. Peerlesseheepvely thank your!' • ' • was "Her flrace of Be" said, blazing
come near me again, or breathe a she looked' as elm' sewed there, with Captain George stronetl his . mous- la "family diamonds," was toasted
word of the past. He obeyed; and the light of a hePpy •heart flushing • Lathe complecentfy, while Lord Vile as one of the reigeing beauties, end
front that day I never behhld hiut het. rot need chance,. welling. her Hos l„eheee. .
more. white !maim, and fluelying front her - , -A plea •
t that! Well, I
"After that, I met you, Lord Er- clerk, Syrian eyts. The bridal drese :shouldn't winder if it's what 'love
nest, end I loved you as 1 rever she wore was worth a duke's ran- in a cottage' Often •conies O.".
loved hint. For him, I cherished a sone It fell around her liken, summer . A. servant apPeottehed. at this mom -
bible, mad passion; for you. I felt cloud, three glistening folds of rich- ent, and whispered something- ' to
the strong, earnest love of wohian- est tare. so light, so gauzy, so brit- . Lord Vidiers. . •
hood. You loved me; but I sheank liant, that 4t looked like a flashing "The ladies are waiting, Janynge
from the eenetion my very soul was mist. Diamonds that blinded -the eyes ' ham," he said,. hastily. "Call' How-
crying out for, knoeing I dared not with that instifferable light roSO and ard, and come along."
ae Aron -would have ene believe," said ery -one aew to °here-1010st% ear -
Lord Villiers, laughing. "Young, Tants, end all. Each room wee
good looking, and adored by the ftearched-havery corner end Crevice
tt more woule you have?" was examined. But they searched in
."Well, thine: Is a vulgar prejudice vain. The owner of the xnyeterlotle
existing in favor of bread and but- hake: could not be dlecovered.
.er, and neither of the three Reins Looking at each Others' faces, whit
mentioned will exactly supply ate Looking et each others* faces,
with that useful. article. I, intend try• white hvith wonder, they gave up the
ing tho inetrinumial dodge' "me fruitless beardh, and returned t� the
:ley, it I can pick up anything under saloon.
fifty, with three or four thousand Like a flock of frightened birds, the
year, Nilo wonfs a nice youth to ladies, pale With Mortal apprehen-
Skin, Were huddled together -not da•r-
ing even to speak. In brief, awe.
struck whispers the result was told;
and then, chill with apprehension,
the guests began rOldly to disperse.
And, in less than an hour, the stately
house of hfaude Percy was wrapped in
sihnce. solitude And, aloonl. The
eurrounded by her attendants,
lay Still unconscious. While all over
London the news leas Spreading of
the appalling ternilneeion ot the wed-
spend it for her.
"Loire, of course, being out of the
guts t Jou?"
"Lover' said the guardslean, con-
temptuously, "I lost a,11 faith in that
Article. since I was fotarteen Yeare
old, when 1 fell in love -with our
cook, a. young lady of hix-and-thirty.
My father forbade the banns; she ran
off with a hemp -banked chimney-,
stdeP, and I awoke to the unpleas-
ant consciousneeti •that 'Love's young
dream' sees all bosh."
"And you have been heart -whole
ever sheer'
. "Well, I rather think so. I have
felt a peculiar sensation ender my
vest-pocket now and then, When
Nete McGregor's black eyes met
Mine. But whew! whote's t•he Ilse ot
talking? She's/ es poor as church -
:rouse, so am I; and mtless. we
should set up a chandler's shop,
team' would be a Peengrelli In 'The,
Times headed: 'Melancholy death by
starvetlim. Two bodies of on enter-
• Duette couple went found yestei day
bi the "attic. of a eickety, six -story
house, and the coroner's inquest re-
united a verdict of death for Want of
something to eat. The unforteinete
man was dressed in a pair of spurs
and a military shako -having pawn-
ed the rest of his clothing., and lield
love you withost guilt. Now you fell on her .e 'lite. bosom with every . hastened out to the lofty hall,
know the secret of my coldness and tuinutttious throb of .the heart' : be- and. at the loot of. the grand stair-:
neath. Like a Routing cleud, Sell over . case he. was joined by Jernynghatn.
mysterious metal', holy. •
-I heard often of (fermata:he and all the bridal veil; . and 'glittering and *Fit:hefted, the second geocensmitn,
his name was like a E.pear thrust to above it rose the orange wreath . of Lord De Coutmy, Efiel Percy, and a
my heart. When I was told of his ar- rertse jewels..Theee Was a etre:lining. few %other intiniate family .frienils;
reht. trial and condemnation • for '. light. in her Ma, nificent eyes, n, liv- s The .bride 'and. her attendants had
grand larceny, you pet haps may ima- ing, glowing flush on her cheek, all already left her "Maiden bower and
unusual there; an -I little•Miss Clara Lad,y Maude was met. at the -foot 'of
gine, but I can never tell exactly
what I felt His name was the theme stood tip And.clitsped her hands .as the 'steers by Loyd Villiers, who drew
of every tongue; end day after day I • she geed in •speechless admired -on. hee arm within his, and. whispered,
was forced to listen to the agoniziug it was ono Month' after the inter., in thrilling voice:.
Icnowing--4ow as he hacrfall- view recorded.in the last . chaptee. "My bridet my wife! my. queen!
Lord Villiers, with. a. lover's intnati- nay beautiful Maudet haver so bated -
en, guilty as he might be --he was
my husband still. Thank God! (nte, would consent to. wait no Icing- ...fel aa -now! M.itte. mine. foreeerr
er; ahtl -ah, Lady ,Thaude had not. ••de- "Yee,- yeuta foreverl.".. site . softly
through ail his ignominy,' he had
honor er.ohhh n.•ver to reveal our posed him, this day had beQn fixed, and earnestly said, looking up .ni
• dark secret. Then came the news of The Marriage was to • have taken 'his fece with a joy too bitenie -for
his etiatle and. Heaven forgive me, place at ,St, •Ceorge's, the mere, .annos, • • • • • . • ••
if my heart baended as 1 heard it?
"0 I old Ersest! Yon were • MY
111 St thouhht. I felt I could dare to
love you now as you deserved to • be
loved,. without shining. I determined ,
to tell you all, and to love you still,
even though you spurned me from
you forever. 0 Ernest! my noble-
' heat.tcd! may God forever bless you
for forgivihe me as you have , eerie,
and loving 1110 still!"
Her voicenceah«l, but the dark,
went eyes. were full of untold love.
ove thet could never dieter all
own! --my own! neyethmo. well
el d as now! My- Alaudet- tay'
brldel-my wife!! blot out from the
late -tit of your life that dark page -
that, year of eassion, of error, . of
sorrow .1 nel shame. We will never
epeak. cir think of it more, sweet
.Afaud.e Germaine has gone to an-
- • . swer for what he has done, if he has
sinned while living, so also he has
deeply suffered end sorrow -atoned for
ell. Fiery. passionate ,and impulsive,.
'if he has. wronged others, so also bite
he been deeply wronged. May God
foegieti him!"
Ainen,'' was the solemn response.
"And •nser, Maude, what • need ...of
. 'further deay? When shall .thie dear •
hen I be mine?" • .
:"Whenever, you claim it, dear. Er -
neat. I shall luxe no will . but yours:
now," she ',answered, with all a. wo-
man's devotion in her 'deep eyes. "I
am youre-yours through life, and
beyohd death,' if I inay."
"Oh positively, your ladyship is.
looking perfectly &tenting! I never,
110, never saw anybody hall so beau-
tiful in my life: 0 Lady Kate! isn't.
she thinning?" And little Mies Clain,
,T.ernyngham, in an outburst of en-
tin:shim, earnestly clapped her little'
white taeds, flashing with jeWels, to-
gether, and went off into a look of
• ecstasy wontlerfu I to liehold
Lady Nate ineGregor, the. proud
eark-eyed daughter of an impoverish-
. ed Scottish nobleman, smiled quietly
It Was the dreSsing rot= 01 Lady veined heaths grasped, evell in sleeln
Mande, into which we once. Were in- a pretty Preach 4011, holding it elOse
troduced the reader. Ono: again she to the soft, white bosom, and. the
stoed before the mirror While her long, golden lashes lay brightly ow
maid waisted at her toilet, told chat- thi) rosy Sleep flushed cheeks.
ted Ninth the . little dutheas of P., • "The lovely ewe of Lady lifaUde
win), *magnificent hi white velvet and • Meshed with pride, love and happi-
enzeralde, Sat (or rather lay) half i ness; and heading hioWn, softly as the
buried In the downy depths of A west wind kisses the sleeping 110W- •
lounge --having taken advantage of , ers, her Ups toliched the babe's.
her girlhood's intitteacy with Lady 1 Light as the threes was, it awoke
Mande to come early, and indulge in little Ermlnie. The golden lashes
what. she phrased.. the "ftWeetest of slowly !Med, end a pair Of sweet
Wire," before she should deecend to I blue eyes looked lawlessly up.
the drawing room, and begin her "Monate," she cried, (to joyfully,
nightly occupation of , breeking mas- i holding up her rosy little arum-
culine heart* 1. "mamma tato Minnie."
Very lair, very ;tweet, very lovely, • "0 the little darling 1" exclaimed
looked Lady Maude, as she stood the duchess, cetching her impulsively
there with 0. soft smile .cia her gentle up, and half-rmothering her with
lips, and a WM, deep joy welling Mesas "Oh, did You ever eee such eY, and Lady Maude, were standing
from the brooding depths of her soft a sweet little there') ? 011,- there
dark eyes. never was such a lovely little angell conversing. together, when, as if
Her dress .was white, even ae 1 It's just the sweetest dearest, blessed, teiturcuticekss ehxyciatusete: den thought, the
it jtad been that night -white tidsy ickle sing that ever Was, so it "Oh I by the way, Lady Maude,
blonde ever white satin with is le do you recollect the •strenge voice
her favorite jewels (Pale orien- Baby. who evidently was an adept that interrupted the ceremony the
tee pearls) wreathing her :Alining in broken English, and fully under- night you were married ? , Hone
ringlet§ of jet, and fluttering and stood that profoundly mysterious you ever discovered who that was?"
shimmering in sparks ,of subtitled fire language known as ebaby-talk ," ire- Both Lady Meude and the , earl.
on her %Olin) erms and beam. The inedietely as if In rewerti for those grew pale.
lovely young face looking out -from exclamatory sentences, emphasized. by "Never! The whole affair hke
those silhy curls was sweeter and. the strongest, italics,. held uP her been wrapped in mystery ever since,"
fairer now in her gentle maturity rosy little mouth to be kissed again, said -Lady Maude, with a slight
than it had ever been in the brilliant being evidently (like all of her sex), shudder.
beauty of her girlhood, Scarcely fond ,of thet operation, "Dear me, how frightened I was
twenty, her form had riot attained ."(th 1 .never, never Saw such a that night I" 'said the duchess, ar-
the roundness of Perfect womanhood, . perfectly lovely little duck 1" ex- winging her. bracelets. "It wv.s quite
but was slight and slender as a givi claimed the -duchess' Clare, in a dreadful; the most mysterious thing
of fourteen, Yet Perfect hi its elegant -seeond burst of enthusiasm. "Such -just Like a, ghost, or something in
sweet. hair and such splendid eyes ! a play."
contour. .
"Atal. the beby is well ?" the , Who does sho Wok like, Maude ? Not The iltichees broke off suddenly and
duchess was lauguidly sayingeas she you, I'm Sure." listened,' as the' great halh-clock tell -
played with a beautiful little water "She has her father's blue eyes ed the; hour of twelve.
spaniel. and fair hair," seed the happy young Aud just. as the last stroke died
the IoW, sweetivel 1 , . v oithankvoice
o f you,"Lady
Maude, which rendered every other word not had heardyearsehelpre, pealed through
replied Mother, smiling at Clera's emphasis, away, that. same terrific voice they
with her soft, musing smile..
"I need not ask for his tordshiln even into capitols, big of a death hell. • deep toll -
only in italics, but in some cases the spaceous room, like the
for I saw him last night at the hal •
Masque of Madam • la Gonmesse De tie. deck's 0' diamonds I over beheld ' murder was committed, and now the
'Oh, she is the most chat•ming lit- "Two ,years ago this night a legal
St Rimy !" said the duchess, with .
just like white etttin !" reiterated the sins' of the father eletell be visited up -
05 and the children's
in my life ! Such a beautiful skin, ho r of retribution is at hand. The
• some animation. "He was looking
geeerations. Woe to. all of the house
on the
children. even to Um third and fourth
face blanched, and every heart stood • '
of •De Courcy 1"
As if the angel of death had %sud-
denly descended in their' midet, every
stili With. nameless horror, • For one .
moment, the silence. of the .gra' e
reigeed. then a wild, piercing shriek,
was heard through, the house, .and
the nurse elartlife•with .terror -blanch-
ed face, and uplifted arms, rushed in-
to the midst of the assenibled guests.
serene:ling: .. • •
"0 Miss ' Minnie 1 Mies Minnie 1
Miss Minnie V! • '. - . •
"0 God I ins' :child V!
v.oiee that' those . who 'heard never
eanie front
the white lips of Lady Maude, in a
fore we cleat:ended • to the draWine
To • he 'continued.) -
conscience, to handsome Lady Kate e • "Clara wonted to See Erminie he-.
such a thing as a chandler's shop.. ed in silence at her questioner. Then
which be did without even hinting at • .
the selection of a husband, by ac- of foUghtent •
seeing Lady Ma,ude was quite 'serious, ,,
. ,. then she has with the TurkiM1 em- •
Lady Kithe showeh her .good taste hi she lay back among the velvet pil- ' room. deatwsi. Ihrneisnt,
In the • Interestingly -meleneholn .daele' '
i andeIh. ilen,inthfni;leenr% • Allvils. 111~111.,116.,1110,411.Mivillifr
lows, and burst into a silvery - peal • even mom dwpiy
' . .. aiS gr Mee t Oh, hhat..ish to0 :. bas.sfiden, the fortunate possessor - of.
. cepting him on the .spot;„ and two • Tr
weeks after, The Thnes.under • the• :
bride hail been stizecl With eo• seveis •speecle CaptaM Jernynehtem, e. had announced the metaacholy fact that gob(' 1 ' •Why, Lade- Maude, the last '
ing; but early. that eveetful• day, the .• There was no . time for further heading of "Marriage In Iligh Life,"
a headeche, that :she was unable to clnien the • willing hapd of .. proud -Colonel.. JernYrighain was .0., bathelor time. 1 sow ..the piaor, dear, old mart. . eyese, . . • .. . . ..• .. .
with eyes full of .love, on sweetslhe- ,. e .. .
he could 1 . Lord .Villiers *smiled,. ited looked, .
leave ler room, Therefore, the cere- Lady -Kate with n his nem, end. felt no longer. . .• to be carried about by that odious .
not stir either ,hand or foot, and had i
which is a. week or two ago,
minie,- who Wang' 1M crowieg glee- r • 500:bushels Timothy Seed.
Highest prices
. . . .
Common soaps destroy the
clothes and render i'',;tbe
hands liable to eczema.
Ark for the Octagon Bar
belles •of the London haut ton. As cmite kingly as 'Leicester. liy the duchess, punt:dieting her remarks by
to that "dear old thing," the duke.' way, Lady edeude, why were you not a,' holes of short, sharp, little kisses,
the pretty little ductless troubled her there ?" that. made sweet Etniinie open her
head vern little about hint; and he "Erminte seemed slightly indispos- large blue oyes in subdued. wonder.
was left at home to amuse himself , ' ed, I fancied, and I would not leave "Oh Maude., T don't wonder you are
With alternate tits of rthe palsy and her,". answered .the young mother. so saintly -with this beautiful little
gout, and the other diseases old h'Itt it possible! Well, I am very seraph ever with you 1 - S'weet little.
gentlemen are heir to. • ' fond of children; but 1 do not think angel Enninie 1 thou ehnost Nestled -
Captain' George Jeenynghoen 1 had -1---: •I could give up he brilliant an Affair eat me to be a ehrietitut 1" . .
rispii to . the rank: of colonel now, as last night's masquerade even for • Tbere wee a sett tee at the . door,
having be.en promoted,. for his bray- :tech a 'Sweet little angel as Ermine. and the nurse, who had,hhitherto re-
try- in. a certain action; aiid an old.• What do het: think, Maude, I. made a nutined in the background, aud list -
uncle, of whom he had hardly heard. ened with •profes,sional stoicism to
is all tbe rage now 1 1 had him all
at handspnie
frem the- East Indies • with an un- complete continest ot that
before, coming • at the same time melancholy Turkish embassador, who these raptures, went and opened it;
and Lord. Villiees -entered.
countable tot of money, and the live. to myself the whale evening 1" • • He started in sihnhe surprise, as he
er disease, was acconintodating • en- • "Was his grace Presetit ?". said . beheld bow the rooM was tenanted,
ough to 'die in ' the nick of Lady Maude, a little gravely. and then adveneed :with a smile.
time, leaving all his wealth to our The question took the little duchess Lady lifieude, With tnore. than • the
gay guardsman.• Tkiese two strokes so. much by surprise; that she raised adoring. love of. two years before,.
of good fortune enabled ?nester' herself on her elbow, opened her blue wont oyer, and,. laying her hand • en
George to' offer his heed, with a side eyes to their widest extent, and stet- his shoulder; said: - . e : -•.- ' '
e •
mony had been necessarily delayed
-until the evening, when the august
Bishop . of C--,--: 'hinnself, was to
come and. paiform nupt ial . rite
at the Percy mansion. • Some . were
inclined .to look upon this . intertup-
tion in the .light titan .evil onlen;
but Lady Mamie only smiled, and In-
wardly • thought that, as. his bride',
nothing on earth :could ever darken
her life more. Havelitele• . Old she:.
dreunt of the:hitter am Or sorrow
• she was destinedyee to drain to the .
<Wogs! . • . •
Tho old 'earl, :.her father, who, was
somewhat •old-fashioned he his '. to-.
tions, • and hiked liked- encione customs
kept up, had determined. his, • daugh-
ter's beidal should hec'elebratoll • by
the.grandest ball of the season. •
"1 don't like this new-fangled way
young people nowaditys have, of get -
his heart throb in is most unaccount- Of the gipsy Keeura, nothing. was Italian valet of his,: in.:a chair, atkork- ' 'fully, And oryine, 'Point 1"
abk nuttirier beneath •her light touch.. known. Now and then, at internals, • -Wait ope moment; till I 'see. Why, .r
For Salc .
Young Howard took potNegaiOn of Earl. -De . Conrcy . would - catch a. ever he wanted to Move- The dear, 1
k so
. she s Um ;very picture of .•your 'loan 0 ! ' .• , •
heert and soul Was .bent, on the coe- stimambig •hair, and'•hollovr, sunken' -helpless old ;Oleg he did loo
our gay Miss .elneei, eihoth whole glimpse of 'O. dark, wild: nine, with *ship I • Keep. still little -girl, tilh 1 )(Moire, .lionte-geoWn •
'%VI tdh itvtnhdt'tta6d4isb:;ade'alisillettkgrsyn-lbt over
eamperinyou with heour papa. '11 oro • • • , .• - • ' • •Timpthh .
• west she wag about to make of than eyes,. flitting after him like • a haunt- the sazne large, blue. Sexon oyes ; • •• "
t • g • that 1.col:ild not beireto -go into, his. .
ndef r old thing," the Duk of B- ing 'shadow • frorn the rave Where -
old nehette
• eand the bridal 'cortege passed into .ever he went, night or day, - that • i the. same ail nem ling bait.;
high, princely forehead; . the setne 1
the home
the' greed., hower-strewn saloon. dusky, ominous • :shadow .. followed,. •Teent. .since. ,• My inaid, •Fa,
hendsome ' mou th. (no hai.ra to coreh !
. The company parted on either side' dogging Ins steps like. a sleuth-het:1:d • .ways. finds out how he 1s,.. end tells
pliment a married netn-ch,..Vatide?)
terht of many •hundred eves they • ap-• horror unspeakable -the *ague mYe" me, *But the idea of his goiegtothe
masmierade !, 0 dear me !
And the affectionate wife went off . the ' sante lopg, aristocratic,. white 1
is thee'. advanced. and under the bat- entil the eread- of it gra* to be a.,
Into another loW; musical Peal, that . fitigners-emer eery image, any lotel e"
hpeottched the bishop. Book in hand. terious threat 'of his life.. •No Pre' • "1 tied rather :she looked ' nice
that reverend 'personage stood,' • 'Pa- '•
'emotions' could rid him of ie.' until It , • sott-eyed. weter
Maude," said elm young -husbantl, en -
Meetly awaiting theft ciening, and beefing). the very bane tit Ina exist e made - the .hrettY,
cit.clieg hie whe's small Waist .fonilly
looked approvingly 'over •his spec-. one°. .If he Walked, lookIng ever his spaniel sheke his,. necklace of tiny. .
sneer bells; from •nympathy tilt they
with his anti: . -1
taleee at •the. beautiful bride ' and • shoulher;he would see that tall, 'spec,- tinkled "ale' • ' • •• • • "Well. so she. ilnei when ehe smiles,
they stood ap before. him. • • his carriage, and' it chanced to stop Lady Mande .looked. as she felt -e. :
handl-9mm stet ely bridegroom ,. as Aral figttreecomieg aftee; ie he sat in ' -eit ' Don't yeti :perceive the •resembluece
.And. thene amid the proiciendest sl- for a '.anonient, a ' whith, wild' face, ity; o,nd medatne la duchesse, . perh
ceiving it, began: ' . • • :still ? . What- a. ' restless little .. erea-
little shockefireat this • heattless 1
nOti.? Miss Erminie,
•Ience,. the marriage ceremony was be- . withigreat Warning, eyes,- iitould gleam . will YOu . be
tine. :parried in the morning, conning You -might have heard a, pin drop deadly hate and zaenaee in oval; fea- "New. Mande, thetm is no use in
th.ne knell. indivieuale. holding • out
gun. . • • •• ' • ..• . - in upon 'him ' fpr • an. icultant with - Owe it .ie ?" • • •
i•l'alia, papa tete Alinnie,'' .ciMwed
home for e hesty ..breakfast , • end so deep. washthe • stillnefig that reign- tare, and then • vanish like a face your looking so profoendly icanden
her little arms, and looking pathetie
-then tearieg :oftepoethliaste, •• far' .ed -es; every one held theitehreath.to from. the - deah. Neither night nor Wei 'about it, hecause I• have. done.
From, or G.ermanY, or someithere, • catch each we'd of that Most 'inter- day. *as he safe • from his terrible • nothing so veryil'aughty. Yotn•don't ..
and' implering,t• • . .. •
FT ie pepe, take' the yonng lady,"
. . es, _. * g s
. exPeet '. me to go find shet myself
up, end. nurse itint-do you? Though . e e
said the- duthese, d l iti i •
as if -they wanted change of ecene' to °sting of eites--doubly• interesting. tit' P
hrsuen. until the•dr •d of tin ho t- . e tos ng her n
1 dare sity you, havhig the elements
f •
t • SOe ti! for •
h Choice Crawford Peachee,
Extra Fine Tomatoes
Plums, Pears •
Moore's Reply Graeae the
sweet kind
Pickling. Onions
Pute Spices '
Gem Bars, Rubhere, Etc.
reconcile. them to .whist :they • '' have litdies. (Mi. the throe •standing befoth 1Y-ghohl wore 'the 'very dish off • hie• martyr' in. you, eyoulO.. do .it tbe young- entona arMs, and shaking
dehe;" said the old gattlenlah, ine hire,. tine heart was beating with 'a bone* r•educed hiru to a mere livinh
' just cie semi .as not, V.... • • - .: '•• out .her.glitteeing..plentage;••s!iehtly
strict 'confelence,• toeLerd-de Courcsh • 163: ',too rdeep • and. too' intense ' for 11kt:it:toe, poise:led. every :joy of his' disComposed by' the fetintic exertiona .
waeret so tn. Tay time, .shhen, we.• %voids to tell. -Lady Kate's he.ndsome : existence, made ' death. end -life a: •., "I, would. not .fliet with that -Terka.
of the • i'youtig lade. .io • questiiin •.•
ish embessadote at 'all events V' said
' ladies, 1 perceive.... She .woultiint be
441 . all .011i, 11 lends and eyes htd1e ettick glanhee now and . Week 'and .a herein., 'until the birth' ' ' "She .1s:fonder': of gentlemen!•theet„
othoyed, ourselVes together •over a bete. then at the:gay young -guardsman, as Of hie little grandkimighter, And the Lady .hfaudeieht a. tone of .slight 'ye-
ti° or two of. Old wine .until Moen- she thought e With a thrilling heart, tily tender 'teeth* M his :ettany heart • Mike.: : "lien6 .t.-ou not beerd he .has
a true female, tholigh, if she washit."
Resenting, therefore, to •IteeP Mt the huniilietiOn of loving unsought thing .that ren.dered life desirable: •
Imp wives all ?' . . . .
'Perhape he thinks I'll make a fifth
light, imenedietely •buried her !hong,
. ing. 'Ahl those were the, cloys:" ..-- . h ver lot eh she ceuldlove him, .but for mitred :hi .her: 'alie• becercie the 05 3" . Miss• Ere:it-Men in a. paronysie. of de -
those halcyon days. at • all .hazerds,, . Little .-Afiss Clara, with'her . heed Hie love for the child: amounted . to '' some day 1". said the heelless,. laugh-
aristocrehic..Witite firigere'e 'in papa!s•
the great. Baleen:4 91 the stately -hall hoisee 011• One side, .and bet lunger on idolattha' hi its infant hinocerlde and • Ing'
he Is hand,sorae enough Mr anYthing• thick;
"Well, 1.' Wouldn't .inind 'meth;
ished locks, with vittioe
were thrown epee, and now • thee her Up, was building a catitle in 'beatity, it seemed like! a „protecting burn
Werg .filled with Alio elite of. the CRY,* npein, where she saw herself blazing Riegel 'stenciling lietWeen him and his There -1 e kneer I would shock YOU .
tions of puilieg.- •tes "whiskers . mid
mousattehe and• then tendet •Iy. hissing
waitin,g • impatiently. for the. coming with "hotels: cliamondseh• and ad. terribhe pufeeer, lighting the gloom of • •agitin. How saintly youhavegrown
• the .. ebeve hireute • appal ageg to
of thebride. • • • . . • . - dressed as ."Duchess---61-Bee-e."-- .• As thet :awful haunting shadow with the ' oi .late llaude.!!' •. . .
"0. clam te-Olare i what a mad Make. them well again.. And panit,
Lord . Hugh be Courey., swine, • for the gentlemen, I hetet intend de- brightness of uageen wingt. • . •
little flirt . you are !" add Lady like tat othtir yeting t•Mpag,' looted as
stately, courteous, and blend; • iVa.§ scribing their sensation -never haying • Vie beet collegial= of yellow seri--
if he thought hes the most•wentlerful •
thee,• coneerging with the father • of ;bah a. gentleman itlYielf Onoree4 the slti*t teded fidiin the:dull -Mauch sky.: ' Maude, half' sutiling-ehelf sorrowful.
belie. thet ever lived, mid , tittered her
• the bride and two or three• of -• the PitY) . but is leaere it to the • intag- gheht, with bloat', starless; moonless '' nWell, you See . it's my nature.'
up and don't,- etail slm forget • 'ali.
most distingthished politieiene of the • ination of my readers. • • ,-. Nem- with cold, piercing wind • anh. What a love of :a little dog this isi•
sense of etiquette .ansl :propriety and:
tlay-his •ehes now ad then ,waoder- • * The last el will". had been uttered; sleet, ' was falling over Leaden. • -.• - 1-.niihde ti Marriage de eonvenance; and
ing froin the faces. of his friends, to and amid that hreathlees silerice Erh • The gorgeous roonts; .the glitterihg . whet other insult- could yo,u entire.- faiely screamed with delight. .- • .. •
rest. Keithly on. the hatelSolne forne ..r; •st Seytoii Viscouht• Villiets. ' end :talons, the ° epatious •halis of •the De • pate? I :married the Duke of 13, for '`NOW, hurse, take 500 • 111 !time,"
9f hip ant, Who, in the •abeence of MetideP.ercy .,were pronounced Man Courey mitatsion. - were. one blaie of hM , coronet; he married Me tiCcause he said, rising .10, laSt , and latiehing-n
tVe keep the hest only
. end our prices oe low as ' •
Are* ettheeeeeeeonniaheollitella .
. .
Successor to Ogle Goofier.
, , • • •
Lady Maude, was the cynoeure ot all .and .ivife. - . • ' • . • to Mine 'him, ly sheiteng hack ' his thick, fall- hair,
ali she. SO.Id: ,. . '.. . *` . .. .. • .". 1 ileke was an instant's pause, and
• ' light and magnincence: Just as they. . lie Wanted- smite one
were that very. might - two years . be- and peultice up his cortstitutiou, and "Come, •hfilinie,. be good . now; pe.pli
"Lady *Maude is always lovelySlm v
, and hi and,..high-ealeried 00 s w
gueseere' aboUt to press foie fore -that awful . nighb. of darkest ..• sit at the; head of his table, and must go.': . . ... . ...
make. hereelf useful fomerally.h I got Still crowing et if she conSidered
lihe al) brides, looks doubly so !low. bishop, attaided by several °thee . ward to offer thhir eongretulations, gloom:, By all but • one, that night •
. a. How ninny of the gentlemen will envy "jotteney soul sttvers,"• as . Captain w1u.n pealing through the il • was. foegotten new; _for a gay family- • whatat aimed at; and 11 he ha's pot, she had elone something hither ehtra-
y 01(111. otherielhe, Miss Minnie
Lord Villiers, to-niehtl" . ' George Jernynghani•irrevereotly Calle Came an withal voice; it Clear, Party Were to tzu:et to eelebrete the • At'ehows I am the hotter peUthian oretnare
, , s enco. . .
"Yes, indeed!" exclaimed Miss ed theirs ivas theim, tcio, in full pon- bell -like tones that thrilled through. ill st hihttenight of Lord De CourcY's legs, Prince 1 And therefore, 0 wise nurse; and , saw papit, and mama,
of the twe. Stand upoin your • hind allowed' herself to be 'taken by the
Clare, carnestly• "I am quite sure if Mika's, ell ready, and wetting to de • evtiry heart, with the %toads; ! ' .. !grannchild. ''Steange, ' that on the and the litele.ledy ,in- velvet And dila' •
I was e, nein (which, thank the gotist the Gordian knot. • . - • • . • An eye •for eii eye, a tooth for a veey anniversary of that dreadful . and discreet !Lady Villiers.' 1 model
monds, sinile a, egood-bhii, and turn
•A ant not), I would he tempted to ;Standing by them:elves...ma when 'tooth, and a life for a Wet illy curse; • night, 'ancither scion should he born
expect eMe Itlice is. neither, to do to leave the roam. , •
wife and happy methereyou must not
hoot him, or do something else .we fitest ativ them, were •Lord .. Er- :Ithd the .turse of Heaven rept Ott ' all •to the h.oese of pe, Courcy: . • Y elheolish, little wife," said 1 ord
egnally dreadful. for carrying "off the nest Villiers and hie friend, Captalee; ei thehouse of DesCourey!" . The gutits had tot yet beglin to ° • i, e
therwise halt a she does If tn
reit ning belle! I really 500 1. see now Jernynglutim. of the Guatds, . • Blanched With wOnder. liornir and agoeha " tam standing by elizaself, sole earthly heppiness. consists in a yellers, lakeereee as le, saw hhiey
eoitch and m
four, euperb diamonds,, an Maude caa, st "longing,. lingering
clay man in his proper tenses could Handsome, etately and noble, Lord consterhatiOn, oval/ face Ives turned wrapped in gloomy thought, the earl
look behind" at her hearre
t'e tnsere,
• help falling in love with Maude. And Villiers elwahte Molted; hut more . so in the direction Whence the . ' voice gated darkly at-"'intth the deepening unlitnited number . of lovers.. and a
hox at the of ere, why, / rather think 0 eae, y 0„ not eventen.r 'yourself
het thereig brother George, now, he :icily then evet..What nein does not came; hut hot:bine. 'was tobe, seen night.' Yee Would scareely have
I eh -multi be permitted to eteoy them, . . •
takes it as egAllY ae-as-I • dotht look well when' happy, . fatiltless . in So sudden, so... unlookedfor was tie; knonein him, so ehartged had 110 grown •
since 1 •am .thelly mit a had giil af- aivay .from youe (Whiling for a , few
know what "The usual fate of Miss costume, end about to he married to angel interruptione so terrific was by the blighting . influence of that •
:a. ' v .
( letra's similes. thwin
e oen ho loves?' . • „ . . .. that dee,
Pe hollow voice, that • the horrible inculais. Thin and haggaid, ter. all; • rid• Ile aL na34ft to he. And hours. without- straining houti gin
now. as •your toilet is Completed,' to cate:h a last glimpse ?"
"So Captain Jernyngliam does not Caltnitis hernylightm, fleet geomns- ehrleks they woitld have 'uttered were with sunken eyes, :Projecting -becriVit,
and lobe:ye made quite a !Ong .sreeein - "1 ktiow h. is roolikh,". said Lad',
care?" said Lady Kate, in a voiceman, etc,; ..vit,,e,niso looking • remark- friatit tM the lipe Of the terrified 'w now -white hair; and care -worn look,
o- e ivill- your ladyship be good enitigh•to Maude. half apologeti(ally', ye 1")
t s 1.
• riot quite steady. ably well -a, tact of which the young men. And while they 81)11 St d
oo lee stood the very shadow of lee
lead the way' to •the nutsery e I keeping her yearning eyes fixed on
If • t .I. k b d
"'No," thewered Miss Clara, no . gentleman himself was well aware; speechless, hoennestru`ch, gazing le tonna se -ft s t c en, owe • want to see this little Stray angel of little :inettinie; but 1. feel so au ange
which is ahhorehl proof of his insane.. ett d lottinging In his email.). listless at. deeP silence, the deep. (11refitl voice gloottlY old ream.'
hhdlY adluired his aristoeratieal- anartment like the knell of :clown, That very night, two years before;
a face, white *with •.Woznan's utinost . sinnere below."
young before I descend among the ly about leaviug het tonight. 'You
- . •
' '
still ity, Thgefee hifeeeaeorge fleece. nntitiele ftgainst a marble column, he pealed again throueh the silent
' nriehe iii life, and...hover .Wilehhleiteii
will he sure to take geed •care of her -
be, as far asv spe.• wiliv.•••,:krilniall foot in his shining beet.' • "As the rich man eh° stole the woe, had gleamed Upon hiM en! • that
around the slender. 'waist tit the '1.31trtin, iny. lady," responded Mar -
Smiling, and 'paesing her artn 'Martha ?"
mos% likely, (11: en Ohl bahdttial; hem are. some men born to good one Owe lamb was accursed, so also Very light, as he stood in that self- thoughtless little , duchess, ,Lady tha, rather offended at deli* want of
on him, ilia hhith, andeffan his: ' hanged" -he was sttying, with thd cY• May their bridal tiibes turn to with' a
IMMO spot. • thoUght e now
coitru isive shudder; and the Mende passed . with her front the trust lit her care,
some nth heiress doee totattilhoelhity hist abet% are bone to he all Who bear the nanie of De Cour..
. • •
room, and the two young girls en. "Now, Maude," said 1.0rd Vi tiers,
debte, be . ee I •n,,?1:lirl„. you !We the • air of D. than delivering an -oration funeral' palist :nay their home? of re. flieketing light seemed like 13., 0 11 g 0 r • (unused at her still appareet anxi-
Dela: of 1t-----thin-evening; thouph, : -"horn with a silver spoon In their jolting .end • in blacicest misery! Of 1)100d -red flame Pointing hiP to 1 tered 1110 nursery.
It was a beautiful room, all draped ety.
Lady Itatn/_„'What: a :dear old eros- mouths, to use a common, hut rath. 311iLh ed be their livest 400510(1 be all heaven, and invoking int wrath upen
Down In the sliacious (Waiving 10051ha i
ture it ldoing'• thbeed, Slutking so, er incredible figure ef speech, You. they love --hated b
y earth, tend the, hiea. 'With an Alward ptesehif 'peaceful Ile a glimpse of heaven: And Lady 'Maude soot} found herself fatly
tfraent In White and Pale When, Pure and
like a lot of b;htee. itheilge. I'M going , mi lee Villiers, are one of them; you cm :sod by I -leaven!" . he tooked throtigh the darkness as .
in the thatre of the room stood * oecupied 111 receiving the gneStn, 55110tu marry hint lo thty, for the fain- Were borne above the power of For- The voice coated, A wild shriek -re- expect ng that Same dark, unettethly
the earth, little rosewood crib, with snowy begatt to arrive thick anh fast. Slut •
ily diantolinge i'414....1while, eb?" tune--coesequently, the toadying jade . d d th • I I th -a t e race to appear; and lot While he gaz-
beet judde i ;11 :den' toIdly replied gineg .the Cold shoulder to poOr dee- in at instant, ali Was einuusion.
"Miss Joi•tit itill,: :'fid hersolt the :Stowe you e. face all smiles, and ' bride fell fainting to tit° grounl. ed, as if she had Itprtirtg. up throne- Nitwit*, wee ele lay e young et. this did not remove he strange anx-
iety concernint hirmittie; end about •
Ladypte, iSh 048onte face grott7- iliA like me, Who really Stand itt need • I,attia4 shacked, and screamed; ser- emerged from the darkrtese, Mid thet tee etch ,h hi' 1 t -es c 11- ait flout atter, she stole away for a
a tank ShadOW$' figtire . fent. g•th. sure tssinalh loittly that IIIE MAKING
to •AL188 Cie 14 peec a ollt her um ugl 1 eons pov y, i
Our Rimless
Glasses Please
the Particular.
They are fitted be. '
coming', to the feat.
• tares of each patron.
The finish of our
specteelewarit Is fault.
leis, the fit perfect.
Scientific Jeweler Need
ing p cold el h *Aio, as she listened of her good graces. This world'e a, •Vants came rushing in, gentlemen awful spectral face he dreaded More este:1h aeng.eal,lelt I e moment to pay o. hurried Visit to the
h b h Vi ert illt strafe pale o.n'd horror-struck, hurried hitt:- than thet of the aeth fiend hiMsf
te, Little Erminie-sWeet Erininiee-the
titer, ; ed the Ihergon of Captain George et and thither,. in wildest contusion. gtorrtitie.d tawite Mid ate— _
fit through the
,ady' traude, Its my ditty J'erityngharn le snubbed and sent to 1.otd Villiers, with his senSeleSS bride child of noble, heincely Lord
ti ere -look g erfectly CoVentry, while potent, riCh, and de.. in, his arms, was steuggling to force g
beheld hint tihelre int ofihle
s teal A, e
ifere and bettutiftII Maude I ercy-how . ,
lit her ci 0.11(
Littl PI 1 1 1 -
0 1.111 & ft 10 eep one more
Mita Wag ridged toed that ilickeritio
hnger pointed up t g Y - her rocking chair. ashnnted of
groundless fears, Lady Mamie
.brides Prayed, youths like you, are bore° Wo.Y trent the room; and then • • . young babies are pretty eot
d nov- rtiong'on hells of resat. Yen, re- high above theair reeounded the he lowerin ing grandlnaininas And militia: to the het
• All was calm and peneeful therm
tO 0, he peat it, the WOrlir e. Ittimbugl • so- clear, commanding NO.00 of Earl Ile hhove in darkest, voicele:30 menetee. lightly' kissed her sleoPing infant and
• h ff k twittery notwithetandingf but tine
flute e ety A a nu settee r em sh p A a ord . .
1 Of tWo shIllibles found In dietionare "Let, all be quiet! 'There 15 110 datt. to which pile seemed to belong, the ,
10, nowheim else, and agars, , kid gerl Seettre the doors, and look for ghastly viffion was gone, and Earl Weston, with the softest pink tinge •
how many ;years wotild come and go
, ' De Courcy 'Stood &peen With hewer on the routided cheekS and lips, as
beftum they two should, meet again.
thine* Worth living for. There'd tea MAIM eVinitainded person to troate a to the spot, una e tO ellen faint aed delicate tts the .heart el a -
hT 0 night in inieth and music was
1 s d I I the 111 the intruder. This is the trick of
opiefon fte ie an opiniohn " sensation," sea -Shell; a, profusion of !West gold. tingeing on and the hour Of midnight
At t•he Mane hear, a tar plea:tante en heir filling in slight, rippling
"Oh, come now, Jerllynglieent , HIS word& broke the spel of supsv ' 1110"'
• jrnbill eboVe Pt (Ile teat , 1 0 11 tie.. apProached,
When ere by lei Wang ite dehherete stylous teiTer that hotyld hem hl.he Beene $1,118 going on in One or tit. rotild i f i i. fe e ti ei The thielleeele on D.,„, ran xv Cour-
raVeled silk, on the White, •
teat es, lik'e
htIlVied away. Little Ohl she dream •
- en, Ittliet away in t WM, °Ile really Wale A staniawl ite coin- • would else and Inithe•
Virst, an interested subject I see.
ond, good light, baekgrottnd, ac-
cessories ; third, a Skillful artist,.
to repose and others to retouch,
paitit otit or in ; and fourth, ex-
We tan command all these ad-
vantages, and that's why Wt 'are So
very successful in the Waiting of a
HENRY'S 1410TO 8111111